Johaar and Shantae are back in Scuttle Town, as Johaar and Shantae walked inside of it for a little while. Shantae is looking at Johaar, and she blushes a little bit with him beside her, as Johaar turns away, his face also red, but has a bit of a frown on his face, mainly because of the fact that he is a little bit embarrassed at what had just happened from before in the past. He basically has no way to describe how he is feeling right now. And this is mainly due to the fact that Shantae decided to kiss his cheek again, after they went and got the Mermaid Transformation for each other to have.
And most importantly, Shantae is acting a bit more different when she is around Johaar. She is no longer simply just close to him. She is now acting somewhat...possessive, over him. She would always hold his arm by wrapping her arms around one of his arms, she would pout when he talks to other girls, except for those that have not much interest in Johaar, and only see him as a friend, and most importantly, whenever she slept, she would always be on top of Johaar. This made Johaar embarrassed, as she is being attracted to her more and more, and no words can explain how he is feeling in this.
Of course, that was 3 days ago. Johaar and Shantae, 2 nights back, manage to drink the Potion and get rid of Holly from their minds. Although they are aware that there was supposed to be someone inside of their minds, as they had erased her from their memories, they cannot put their finger onto it. Sky, Minic, and Bolo do the same, and are able to get rid of her, so that she does not come back. As for everyone else, they somehow lost memories of her, and even Mayor Scuttlebutt, who he hates a lot, due to unfairly blaming Shantae, can't remember her. So it is a very good thing that this is the case.
But right now, Johaar has something in his hand, which are silver wires in order for Mimic to use the Dynamo. Of course, they do not have the shards yet, but they'll get them soon. But for now, Johaar and Shantae are going to Mimic's Workshop, and they seem Mimic, working on the machine, and is doing all that he can in making some improvements in the Machine itself. As they entered, Mimic sees them, and saw Johaar with the silver wires in his hands, as he spoke out.
"Heya, Mimic, I got the Silver Wires, just as you wanted."
Mimic smiled, as he spoke out.
"Perfect, Johaar. Thank you. Please hand them over."
Johaar nodded, as he extended his hands to Mimic, who than grabs them, and began to attached them to various parts of the machine. Johaar looks a little uncertain about this, as he sees the Dynamo that is being worked on by Mimic.
Johaar stares at the Dynamo, as he does not know what will happen if he dares to see it activate, but all that he knows is that if the Dynamo activated, it could be a very dangerous thing to witness. As he looks, Shantae looks at Johaar, seeing the uneasy expression on his face, while looking at the machine, and Shantae whispers to him.
"Johaar, you seem worried. Is something wrong?"
Johaar blinks, as he then looks at Shantae, as he then spoke out.
"Oh. Uhh...nothing's wrong. Just....thinking of something. It's not that important though."
Shantae, however, can tell that he is not wanting to tell him of what he is thinking, but she decides not to press on. As she looks down a little bit, she than thinks of Johaar, and of how he is like. The kind, humble person he is, as well as the way he fights, the way he defends Shantae, and more importantly, the way that she was held by him back when they fought against Wilbur. She could never forget that feeling. It is one of the most pleasant feelings that she has ever felt, being picked up like that. Shantae looks down, thinking about what to say for a little bit, before she then spoke out.
Johaar looks at Shantae, and sees that she is a little bit red in the face, as Johaar then spoke out.
"Yeah? Is there something you want to say to me, Shantae?"
Shantae looks down for a little bit, as she then spoke out.
"If...if it isn't much of a problem for you...can..."
Shantae then looks at Johaar in the eyes directly, as she then spoke out to him.
"Can we...hang out together, just the 2 of us?"
Johaar then looks at Shantae, as a blush appeared on his face, and he realizes what she meant by this.
"You mean a date?"
Shantae looks down a little bit, before she then looks up at Johaar and she nodded her head. Johaar looks down, as he then spoke out.
"Well, if we have the time, and we are not doing the parts where we stop the bad guys and all of that..."
Johaar looks at Shantae, his face also is red, as he then spoke out to her.
"Yeah, we can. Besides, it's not like I have anything better to do anyway."
Shantae felt happy, hearing that Johaar said yes, as she then spoke out.
"Really? Yes!"
Shantae said, sounding happy, although at least she controlled her voice to the point that Mimic didn't hear her. Johaar smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Besides, it's a first time for me to do it anyway. So it's a plus for me."
Mimic is able to put the finishing touches on the Dynamo, as he then spoke out.
"Alright. The Silver Wires, used to safely channel the power of the Shards of Dark and Light Magic. Now I just need to check and see if it works."
Mimic then looks at Johaar and Shantae, and spoke out.
" both. If you mind, can you Lovebirds leave for a little bit, so that I can see if the Dynamo functions properly?"
This made Shantae and Johaar blush, as Johaar spoke out.
Johaar was so embarrassed that is is literally red in the face, as Shantar grabbed Johaar by the hand and dragged him out, and they began to walk together inside of the streets of Scuttle Town, as both Shantae and Johaar look down, with Johaar thought to himself.
'Lovebirds, really? Mimic, what is going on inside of your mind?!'
Shantae, on the other hand, looks down, a small smile on her face, as she thought of what Mimic had said to her, on what he has described both Johaar and Shantar together as. She smiled a little bit, imagining both herself and Johaar together, holding hands, and kissing and hugging all day and all night and all of that.
'Well...I don't mind having him with me. In fact, having him with me would be the best thing to ever happen, especially with another Half-Genie, one that is a male.'
As Johaar looks at Shantae, who is steaming, he turns away and looks to the left side, he frowned a little bit in embarrassment, as he thought to himself yet again.
'What is going on with Mimic, saying that we are lovebirds. I'll admit...I am interested in her, but I can't be that much in such a I?'
Johaar touched his heart, and he felt thumping quickly, as he felt his cheeks growing more red by the second. Shantae looked, and although she cannot see his face completely, she can see that his face is becoming more and more red by the second. Shantae, deciding to make a bit of a move on him, than hugged one of his arms, his arm are touching her chest, and Johaar felt the soft feeling on it. Johaar looks to the side, and sees Shantae hugging his arm close to her. This made Johaar embarrassed, as he looks down, and he spoke out.
'Okay, now Shantae really wants to have me. Well, hopefully it does not turn out that bad.'
As Johaar and Shantae walked together, a voice then spoke out.
"Hey, Shantae!!"
Shantae immediately let's go of Johaar's arm, as she and Johaar turned to see where the voice had came from, only to see that someone is running up to her.
Coming to them was a female zombie, wearing a sleeveless purple shirt and shirt jeans, both of which are torn, stitches on her left leg and right arm, skull earrings, with brown shoes and purple socks. The zombie, surprisingly, looks very beautiful, with green hair and red eyes.
"Oh, Rotty!! How are you doing?"
Shantae said, as Rotty then spoke out.
"I'm doing great! I just wanted to see you for swim thing!!"
She then looks and turns to Johaar, and she looks interested, and she then spoke out.
"Oh, who's this guy? He's a very cute little man~."
Johaar blushed, as Rotty went in front of him, as Johaar spoke out.
"Do you mind to...keep your distance from me please?"
Rotty looks at Johaar in the face, and she herself blushed. As she is comparable to Shantae and Sky's height in a way, he is half-an-inch shorter then her, as Rotty tops spoke out.
'He's such a handsome stud. How did Shantae get her hands on him?'
Shantae looks at Rotty, as she then smiled.
"Oh, Rotty? Do you want to have Johaar as well?"
Rotty looks at Shantae, and she began to stumble on her words, as she then began spoke out to her.
"W-What?! I don't! I mean I do! I mean-"
Johaar shook his head, as he shook his head, and he feels a little embarrassed at this, and he then spoke out to her.
"She'a a friend of yours, Shantae?"
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded her head, before she then spoke out to him.
"Yes, she is. Johaar, this is my friend, Rottytops. Rottytops, this is Johaar. He's a male Half-Genie."
This made Rotty surprised, as she looks at Johaar, and she then spoke out.
"Are you serious? A real male Half-Genie?!"
She steps in front of him, and she grabs him by the side of his face, and looks at his ears, and she spoke out.
Wow! He really is a male Half-Genie! This is so cool!!!"
Johaar blushed a little bit, as he spoke out.
"'s nice to meet you, Rottytops, I guess."
Rotty looks at him and giggled, amused to see the blushing part of his face. She then hugs him, as he looks embarrassed at this, before he then spoke out.
"Woah, what are you doing?"
Rottytops didn't answer, as she sniffs him, and spoke out.
"Smells nice."
Johaar looked weirded out, as Shantae spoke out.
"Well, that is definitely a Rotty thing for you, Johaar."
Johaar rolled his eyes, and then, 2 more voices spoke out.
"Oh, so the Male Half-Genie is here as well."
"Heya, cutie."
This made Rotty let go of Johaar, and made Shantae, along with the other 2, to see that 2 other females are here.
Behind then are 2 females, and both of whom have hats on their heads that Johaar recognizes.
"Oh great. You both again. I thought you would stop chasing me, Twitch, Vinegar."
Twitch shrugged, as Vinegar then spoke out.
"What can we say. We could never stop chasing you, even if we wanted to stop."
Johaar narrowed his eyes, as Shantae then spoke out.
"Johaar, you know of them as well?"
Johaar nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, because whenever I evade and escape from Ammo Baron's army, I would often find these 2 chasing me down to take me to him. Had to avoid them countless times in order to prevent myself from getting caught and dragged back to Ammo."
Shantae looks at the duo and glared, clearly unhappy that they would do this, even though it should not be anything new. Johaar then looks at Rottytops, and spoke to her.
"So, Rotty? If you don't mind asking, why'd you call for Shantae and me? Do you need some help with something from the both of us?"
Rotty turns to Johaar, and she nodded her head.
"Yeah, I do."
Shantae turns to Rotty, as she then spoke out.
"So, what is it that you want my help in, or Johaar and my help for?"
Rotty then looks at Shantae and spoke out.
"Well, I need your help in getting 2 tickets for the race at Cape Crustacean. If you do that, I'll give you both something nice. Especially to you, pretty boy~."
Rotty said, as she gives Johaar bedroom eyes, and he then looks away, looking quite embarrassed at this sort of action that Rotty is doing. Then, Vinegar spoke out.
"The funny thing is, we have 1 extra ticket. We can give it to you-"
Twitch then took the turn to speak out.
"-If you can get us 2 cooked gator steaks."
The 3 of them turn to Twitch and Vinegar, who are looking eager to take the gator steaks, that they might have. And the thing is...
"Actually, I do have some cooked Gator Steaks. Hang on a second."
Johaar took out a bag, and pulled out 2 Cooked Gator Steaks, as he spoke out.
"Was cooking these for lunch. But, what are you gonna do about it. Here."
Johaar extended it to them, and both Twitch and Vinegar took a bite on it. Surprisingly, it is very good.
"Mmmmm~. It takes so good."
Vinegar said, as Twitch nodded, before she then spoke out.
"Here, you can take the ticket."
She handed it to Johaar, who takes it, and smiled. Now they had gotten the ticket, or at least, one of them. This made Rotty happy, due to the fact that she had one of what she wanted. And now, now they are going to need to find another one. Shantae and Johaar looked at each other, as Twitch and Vinegar went away, chowing down onto the Gator Steak like no tommorow, as he then spoke out to her.
"Ready to go and find another one?"
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded her head, smiling due to the fact that it means she gets to hang out with Johaar much more then ever before.
"Yep. Let's go. And I think I know a place for us to go to."
Johaar and Shantae are in mermaid falls, as they then began to look around.
"So...what are we looking for?"
Shantae looks at Johaar and spoke out.
"Well, I talked to a type of a fish in an area that is somewhere underneath the factory, a Blobfish, and she said that she has lost her grandkid, and if we go and find the kid...she'll give us a ticket. And if I were to believe, it is the racing ticket that we need for Rottytops."
Johaar looks at Shantae and nodded, as he then spoke out.
" about we do this, while underwater...perhaps on our mermaid forms?"
Shantae looks at Johaar with a huge eager grin on her face, as she spoke out.
"Well, you don't need to say it twice! Let's go!"
Johaar and Shantae then did a dance together, before they both shouted out.
Both Johaar and Shantar glowed, as they then turned into Mermaids, as Johaar moved his hands, and spoke out.
"Let's go."
Johaar went inside, as Shantae followed suit, and both Johaar and Shantae went into the water of the Factory, in an effort to try and find the Blobfish's grandkids, and return them to her. Of course, it is very weird that he is doing this, considering the Blobfish looks very weird, simply due to how they look, especially when they are on the surface. But nonetheless, Johaar and Shantae got to work, as they look everywhere to try and find the kids.
They stuck together, and only separated then they have to, they swam underwater, all over the place, all in an effort to find them. And luckily, they did, and sometimes, the kids are found in trouble. In one case, an enemy Underwater tried to eat a Blobfish, but Johaar scared it away by clawing at it, forcing them to flee. And in another instance, Shantae fired bubbles at an enemy that tried to smash it. Luckily, it fled before it can do that. They went on and continued to collect more and more of the Blobfish kids, reaching 5, in which Johaar got 2, and Shantae got 3.
They both went to the see the Blobfish grandmother, and yep, she really looks very weird. She looks at Shantae, and Johaar, and not questioning him, she instead questions this.
"Did you both find my grandkids?"
Johaar and Shantae held them out, as they are put down before her, and the grandkids, they squeaked happily around her, as she spoke out.
"Oh, both of you, thank you! And as a reward, I'll give you something inside of this purse of mine."
She them began to reach down and pulled out something from her purse, before she hops to them and hands them something with one of her fins. It is a ticket, one for the racing, and Johaar smiled, as Shantae took it. Shantae then spoke out.
"Thank you, ma'am."
The Blobfish grandmother smiled, as Johaar and Shantae then left the area, as Johaar and Shantae then ran for a little bit, before Johaar then spoke out.
"Well, that was fun. After we give these to Rottytops, well, let's do what we promised to do."
Shantae smiled, as she nodded her head.
"Yeah. But after we do that race, okay?"
Johaar nodded his head, as he smiled a little cheekily on the face, as they went band to Scuttle Town.
"Hey, Rottytops!"
Johaar said, as Rottytops looks to see Johaar and Shantae run up to her, as he spoke out.
"Look what we got for you."
Shantae held the 2 tickets in her hand, and Rottytops squealed happily, as she spoke out.
"Wow!! You got them!! 2 tickets!!! Yes!!!"
Rottytops went and grabbed them, and she spoke out.
"Thank you so much, guys!! I needed it this!!"
Shantae smiled, as she then spoke out.
"For a friend, I'd do anything to help you."
Rottytops nodded happily, as she then goes up to Johaar, before she grabbed him by the shoulders and spoke out.
"And for's a little something I want to give you."
She leans in and kissed his cheek, before then spoke out.
"And Shantae, I got this for ya!"
Rottytops then held out her hand to Shantae, and she is shown to have...a dark shard. Shantar was surprised, as she grabbed onto it, and she then spoke out.
"A dark shard! Where did you get that?!"
Rottytops smiled, as she spoke out.
"Don't ask.
She then spoke out to the both of them, and she waved her hand.
"See ya later!!!"
She disappeared into the background, as Johaar pressed his hand onto his cheek, the one that Rottytops had kissed. He blushed, as he looks down at the ground, clearly embarrassed by what it is that Rotty had done. Shantae pouted, but she then took Johaar by the hand, as she spoke out.
"Come on. Let's go and bring this to Uncle. And then we go back to my home! We have a very big day tomorrow!"
She drags Johaar away, as Johaar looked down embarrassed, but he walked with her back to the workshop, due to the fact that he is so embarrassed right now.
Johaar looks down at his feet, as he walked with Shantae to wherever it is that they are going. But after a little bit, Johaar then looked down at his locket, as he then clenched it. He is very embarrassed, and is trying to keep himself calm, and Shantae has something thoughts in her mind.
'Okay, Rotty. You may want him, and you can, but I am the one that will be his number-one!'
They went into the Workshop, and they see that Mimic is here, as he spoke out.
"Oh Shantae, you're back so soon...and worn a Dark Shard nonetheless!!!"
Shantae smiled, as she held out her hand, and gave it to Mimic, before he puts it on the right slot. He then spoke of.
"Just 2 more components."
Johaar nodded, as he then turned around and he spoke out.
"Huh? What's this."
Shntae and Mimic look and see that there is someone coming, an elderly person flat has scales like a snake. Shantae looks and whispered to herself.
"Who's this guy?"
The man went forward to both Johaar and Shantae, and spoke out.
"Can you both keep a secret?"
Shantae looks at the man, as she spoke out.
Johaar, on the other hand, spoke back.
The man then whispered something to the both of them, a type of heist, and Shantae was about to shout out something, but quickly, Johaar clasped his hand over her mouth, as the man, relieved by this, whispered to them.
"I was working under a vehicle so they never saw me! But I heard the whole thing! It's going to happen at Cape Crustacean, during tomorrow's big race! If they find out who squealed, I'm a dead man!"
Johaar, understanding what he means by that, nodded his head. The man then leaves, as he then spoke out.
"I was never here."
He left, as Shantae and Johaar turned to each other, as Mimic spoke out, having heard what the old man said.
"Cape Crustacean? That's where the annual
Magic Carpet Races are held! An act of foul play could put hundreds of innocent spectators at risk! Here's a map to Cape Crustacean."
He gave out a map to Shantae, who takes it, and she spoke out.
"Thanks uncle! Good luck with your machine. Me and Johaar are off to the races tomorrow!"
Johaar and Shantae then went out of the workshop, as Johaar held onto his right arm, before Shantae takes Johaar by the right hand, and it made Johaar surprised. But Johaar returns the squeeze that Shantae is giving him, as Shantae spoke out.
"Guess we're having a big day tomorrow. Wanna race together to catch the people involved in the heist?"
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded with a smile.
"But of course, it will be the most amazing day together with you."
Johaar looks down and blushed, but he smiled, as Johaar nodded his head, clearly excited about this too."
Both Kohaar and Shankar then began to walk to the lighthouse for a little bit, before they eventually reached it, and Johaar and Shantae enter it.
"Well, that was fun, while it lasted, going underwater and finding the kids."
Johaar said, as Shantae nodded.
"Yep, it is. But it is more fun when you are in it."
Johaar nodded with a smile. And luckily, he did not have his bow with me, as he left it back upstairs. He didn't need to use it this time. Johaar then goes up to the rope, as he did his double jump, before he grabbed onto it and climbed up. The rope dangled, but Johaar went up and made it to Shantae's room. Johaar sighed, as he went into the Hammock, and he sat down. Then, Shantae followed suit, as she went down next to him, and leaned against him, as it made Johaar blush.
But Shntae can't help it. Being next to him, it is one of the greatest things ever.
Shantae then looked down...and she sees his locket, and she then spoke out
"Hey, Johaar. I just noticed...what is that locket you have?"
Johaar looks at it, and he gripped it, as he then spoke out.
"Oh, that? Well...that is...haaaa...that was given to my mother...before she disappeared from my life."
This caught Shantae's attention, as she stood up and spoke out.
"Your Genie mother...gave it to you?"
Johaar nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"I...don't temper her completely. In fact...I remember almost nothing of her. All I remember was her eyes, and...her voice...but that is all I can remember. It's only been me and my dad, before he...before he was gone from my life."
This made Shantae saddened, realizing that like herself, Johaar never knew of his mother. He does remember a little bit about her, but only in 2 things.
"I...I'm so sorry to hear that."
She then hugged Johaar, her entire body pressing against him, awaking Johaar embarrassed, as she spoke out to him.
"To be honest...I never knew my parents either. They disappeared from my life. I've only been raised by my Uncle Mimic for as long as I can remember."
Johaar look down at Shantae's back...and he spoke out.
"'s like we were fated to find each other."
Shantae then looks at Johaar, and smiled, before she leans it and kissed him, her most overlapping his, and it made Johaar blush, as Shantar pulls back after 3 seconds. Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.
"Does that being included in Fate?"
Johaar couldn't answer, as Shantae giggled, before Shantae pushed him onto his back, and hugged him, Johaar's face is under Shantae's chin, but he hugs back, and Shantae spoke out.
"And this now have a joke to live in. Especially with me."
Johaar nodded a little bit, as he closed his eyes, and smiled, before he then spoke out.
"Yeah...I do."
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