The Power Within
Shantae and Johaar are beginning to move around in the entirety of Scuttke Town, all in an effort to try and find an Iron Slab. And needless to say, this is proving difficult for them. And not even the scrap metal that Johaar got from Ammo Baron will be of much help either. But they looked everywhere, and then cannot find it.
Shantae looks at Johaar, as she then spoke out.
"Okay, so there is no Iron Slab around here. So where would we find one?!"
Johaar puts his hands onto his chin, as he spoke out.
"Well...if we cannot find an Iron Slab here, let's go and find one in the other areas. Let's start with Tassel Town. Maybe it is hidden around here somewhere."
Shantae nodded, as she than used her Warp Dance, and takes Johaar for the ride, as they go to Tassel Town, all in an effort to find it. They fly through the air in Harpy and Fairy form, as they try to find a spot where they can find a large body of water for them to go to. And after what must have been a little while, they were able to find a large body of water.
"Okay. Mermaid?"
Johaar spoke out, and Shantae nodded.
Shantae and Johaar transformed, as then then changed into their mermaid forms, and they went down into the ocean, in an effort to try and make sure that they are able to find it. And luckily, Shantae is able to fire bubbles as an attack, which she got from the Blobfish grandmother. And there is a rocky stone block present down beneath them. They destroyed if, and they see that there is a metal pipe there. Shantae, however, goes up and takes a Sunken Soul, before she and Johaar went into the pipe, and they then went up to the surface after they both got out, as they saw a chest. They go to unit, opened it up, as they then see what they were looking for, or at of them.
"There is it, the Iron Slab!"
Shantae said, as she picked it up from her chest and took it.
Okay, that's good. Not we should go to the other place, Hypno Baron's castle, in order to find where the other zombie is at, and that is if he is still there."
Shantae nodded...but she then realized something.
"Actually...before we do you mind if we can look around the entire area first, and find some stuff that might help us?"
Johaar looks around...before he spoke out.
"Yeah, sure."
Shantae smiled, as she grabs Johaar by the shoulders and kissed him in the forehead, making Johaar embarrassed. Then, Shantae's and Johaar turned back into the mermaid forms, as they then began to look around for more of Tassel Town. They searched and found some heart holders, which increased their heart, although Shantae admittedly has more compared to Johaar. And after what must have been 10 minutes...they reached the whole thing, and are done. Then, Shantae teleports to Hypno Baron's Castle next.
They looked everywhere to try and find the person that they are looking for, but do get some new upgrades along the way, such as the Harpy Talon and the Fairy Burst, in which Johaar can fire star projectiles at the opponent. But turns out finding him is going to be difficult.
"Jeez. How long does it take to find a single zombie?"
Johaar said, as Shantae looks at Johaar, and spoke out.
" know, I think I might know where he might be at."
Johaar looks at Shantae, as he spoke out.
"Really? Where?"
Shantae winked at Johaar, while in her Harpy form, as she spoke out.
"Follow my lead."
She then began to flap her wings into the air, as Johaar then flapped his wings to try and follow her. Both Johaar and Shantae moved for as long as heh can, tried to search for as long as they can...until they finally found someone, as Johaar and Shantae changed back to normal.
Johaar looks and sees a zombie with small bat wings on his back.
"This must be Poe, right?"
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
"Yep, it sure is."
Shantae goes to Poe, as she spoke out.
"Poe. Long time no see."
Poe, looking at Shantae, smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Hello M'lady! I can't get enough of this castle! Incredible, right?"
Shantae looked uneasy, as she spoke out.
"Well, it's a little bit on the scary side for me."
Poe shrugged, as he then spoke out.
"And who might you be, if you'd introduce yourself to me?"
Johaar sighed, clearly glad that at least he is polite.
"I'm Johaar. A friend of Shantae, or rather, new friend."
Poe smiled, as he spoke out.
"Anyone that is a friend of Shantae is a friend to me."
Shantae smiled, as Johaar also smiled, seeing that he is the most kind zombie present, as Poe the sighed, and Shantae spoke out.
"You seem a little down, Poe."
Poe looks at Shantae, before he then spoke out.
"Yeah. It's just my pet... he doesn't get along with this place at all. He likes to Run and Run. But around here...I dunno. He could wander off and get hurt, you know? O really want him to have a Good Home where he can be happy and really get his
Wiggles out."
Shantae smiled, her hands on her hips, as she spoke out.
"Well, I know just a place for him to be safe!"
Poe looks hopeful at Shantae, as he then spoke out.
"You... do? Really?"
He then opens his hands, revealing a zombie hamster, as he spoke out.
"In that case, here!"
Shantae smiled, as she took the zombie hamster from Poe, as Shantae danced a little bit, and grabbed Johaar, in order to go back into Scuttle Town. They both than ran into the workshop, all of the items set for the Dynamo, as Bolo and Rottytops are waiting inside as well. Shantae then spoke out to Mimic.
"Uncle! We've found the Iron Slab for you!
And a Zombie Hamster too!"
Mimic smiled happily, as he spoke out.
"Perfect! Here, let me take those from you!"
Shantae held her hands out, and Mimic took both the slab and hamster, as he then spoke out.
"He's perfect for my machine! Now we just mash the ugly IRON SLAB into my hamster wheel mold...carefully placing our fuzzy friend inside...and attach the wheel in place..."
After placing the hamster and wheel on the side of the Dynamo carefully, it fits and is attached to it, as he spoke out.
"Like that! And viola! The Dynamo is complete!"
He pumped his fist, with Shantae and the others smiling in happiness and pride. But Johaar wasn't excited. He can feel that there is something wrong with this, as Sky entered, and she then spoke out.
"Did I miss anything?"
Mimic shook his head, as he spoke out.
"Nope! You're just in time. Gather' round, everyone! Let's fire it up and see what happens!"
Bolo spoke out.
Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.
"We're ready uncle!"
Rottytops smiled, as she spoke out.
"I hope it explodes."
Johaar held his hair down in front of his face, as he shook his head.
"This better end good for all of us."
Mimic smiled, seeing that everyone is ready to see the show begin, as he then spoke out to everyone.
"Where we go!"
The machine activated, and the hamster began to start moving.
As soon as the hamster began to run, the shards began to glow, and the others are watching with interest, as Mimic spoke out.
"So far so good!"
Everyone smiled, and then thought that it was about to end good for them as well. But then, as that was happening, so did something else, and it is not good at all, and not what Mimic had expected.
Dark smoke made of black energy began to emerge, as the others got back in worry a little bit. Even Mimic realizes that something is wrong.
"Eh? I don't like the looks of that!"
Shantae then notices that it looks like it is about to do something, as she then spoke out with panic in her voice.
"Maybe you'd better shut it down, uncle!"
Mimic tries to get close, but a spark nearly shocked him, as Mimic shouted back.
"Too dangerous! Look out!!"
Then, the black smoke enlarged and grown, as black electricity shot up in the air, before it then goes down, about to hit Shantae. Johaar notices he than ran forward in order to make sure that she does not get hit.
Johaar shouted, as he pushes Shantae as fast as he can, before getting shocked himself by the black electricity.
Johaar cried out, as he felt himself losing control of his body, as dark magic courses into his body. Shantae tries to get close, but she cannot, as she got zapped, although only for a few seconds, before she backed away.
Shantae cries out, as she looked frightened for Johaar, as Sky shouted out.
"Oh no!! He's trapped!!"
Bolo looked nervous himself, as he spoke out.
"What'll we do?!"
Shantae then shouted out.
"Uncle!' Turn it off! Do something!! Johaar, he..."
Mimic tried to, but it wasn't working, as he then shouted out.
"I can't switch it off!!"
And just then, a familiar laugh was heard.
"Ho Ho Ho...hohohoho...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
Then, out of nowhere, Risky Boots appeared, with a superior smile present on her face,
and the others looked at the pirate queen, who then spoke out.
"Just look at you poor, confused simpletons."
Shantae looked enraged, as she shouted out.
"Risky!! What have you done?!!"
Risky Boots smiled, as she spoke out.
"Oh, you foolish girl, did you think that I would hand over the blueprints willingly?, I had something else in store for my plans!"
Mimic then realized what happened.
"You...You swapped blueprints!"
Risky Boots smiled, as she spoke out.
"That's right! You've been building the machine to my specifications! Your design was flawed from the start. It's true that your Dynamo is capable of generating great quantities of electricity. Butas a also produces a significant
counterflow of negative energy with each rotation! So...I simply altered the plans to turn that negative energy...into Dark Magic!"
Shantae's eyes widened in fear of what is about to happen next, which she realizes.
"But that means, Johaar..."
Risky smiled, as she spoke out.
"That's right...just like what happened to your magic years ago...but instead of being is together with its host! Johaar, will become corrupted, Josh as your magic once was!!
Then, Johaar's skin began to turn into a pale-purplish color, as his hair turned white, his eyes turning purple, with no iris or pupil, his jacket and pants turns white, his shirt turns blood red, and his boots turn black, as he went onto his knees, and Shantae screamed out to her beloved Half-Genie.
Risky smiled and spoke out.
"Finally...after so long...Johaar...he will be mine for the takkng, and together, he will be with me in conquering the seven seas!!"
Sky snarled.
"You monster!!"
Bolo narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"You are not getting away with this!!"
But Risky smiled, as she spoke out.
"On the contrary, I just did get away with it."
Suddenly, chains from above wrapped around the Dynamo, as it is then lifted into the air, and Risky spoke out.
"Next Un going to modify the Dynamo to generate Dark Magic on a Major Scale! You see... The power to corrupt a single Half-Genie is fine, I suppose, especially one as cute as he is. But why stop there? When I can use this machine to reverse the
Magical Polarity... of the entire Genie Realm?!!"
This made the other widen in horror, as they realize what Risky is about to do next. Then, Risky spoke out to the others, as she then did a mock salute to them.
"Have fun with Johaar...for he will soon be the ones to end your lives! Ta-Ta!!!"
Risky jumped onto the Dynamo, as she then escaped and got away with it. Shantae to Johaar, as she shakes his body.
"Johaar!! Please, don't lose yourself!! This is not you!!!"
But Johaar, consumed by the darkness, spoke out.
"Tear apart...kill...destroy all..."
Shantae and the others looked in horror, and all of a sudden...the entirety of Scuttke Town's sky began to be covered by dark magic, as Bolo spoke out.
"What...what is happening!!!"
Mimic looks, and he realizes what is about to happen.
"It's Johaar's magic!! It''s a lot stronger then expected!! He's going to try and corrupt Scuttle Town!"
Everyone looks panicked, as she spoke out.
", not Johaar!! Anyone but him!!!"
Shantae began to tear up, seeing the one Half-Genie who caught her heart being corrupted by what it is that is happening to him. Never once she felt this way before...and she has no idea how to help him. But as she weeper...suddenly...a vortex appeared around Johaar, and Shantae and the others looked down, as they see the vortex becoming bigger and bigger.
Sky said, as she began to step back. Bolo spoke out.
"What...what is happening to Johaar's body now!"
Rottytops looks, as she then spoke out.
"Ummm...everyone!! I think that he's going-"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The sound of a powerful explosion occurred, as Shantae, Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops are consumed by it. Mimic also closed his eyes, as he does not know what is happening...but he also knows that it is not good.
In an unknown location...Johaar is lying somewhere on the ground, as he felt a lot of pain all over his body. He feels lien he had been burned all over the place. But he does not know why he is experiencing such a feeling. But then...he began to move...the index finger of his right hand began to twitch, before he then clenched into a fist, and he then began to stand up.
"Ghhhh...what just happened?"
Johaar then began to look around, and he the. Began to stand up, as he does not see what it is that is happening. The last thing he remembers is pushing Shantae out of the way...and he got zapped by something. And when that happened...he felt himself getting dragged down into the depths of his mind, as though chains are pulling onto him. He then looked, and saw that he is in a dark area, with no walls and ceiling, only a floor. Then...he saw it...a white doorway. Johaar, although a little unsure, decides to take the chance, and he goes to it. He walks carefully up the stairs...and after a minute...he goes through to the other asks. But this is when Johaar felt panicked.
Outside...Johaar is now inside of a town...almost like Scuttle Town, except much larger and with more advanced tools and technology, although only at the extent of Mimic's prowess. But the buildings everywhere are on fire, as Johaar walked around, a little nervous of what he is seeing, as he spoke out.
"Oh old home...Ganzir...why am I back here again?!"
As Johaar walked around...a voice spoke out to him, sound like himself, but the tone is sinister.
"My good friend...we are inside of your mind."
This made Johaar turn around to see who spoke...only to see that it is none other then an entity that resembles his outside appearance, white hair, purple eyes, purplish skin, and he has a soft smile on his face, that looked creepy. Johaar stepped back, as he spoke out.
"Who...who are you?"
The entity spoke out.
"Me...I am the darkness that formed within you...the inner evil that you now have, my dear man. Call me Dark Johaar. But too bad for will be the only one that makes it out here alive. When I get rid of you...I will take over your physical form...and I will use it with plans of my own."
Johaar stepped back, as Dark Johaar smiled, before he spoke out.
"So try and best me...if you can."
A dark purple flash occurred, as in the middle of the town, Shantae and the other appeared inside of the mind of Johaar, and Shantae spoke out.
"What...where are we?!"
Sky looks around, as Bolo spoke out.
"Geez...we look like we are in some type of town of some sort! And it is on fire!!"
And then, as they looked around, Rottytops spoke out.
"That says...Ganzir."
This made Sky look, as she then goes to the sign, as she then spoke out.
"Ganzir...I...I've heard of that town years ago. It is said to have been burned down in an attack of some sort! But...but why are we here?"
Then, Mimic spoke out.
"Hello!! Can all of you hear me?!"
Shantae looks up, and spoke out.
"Uncle Mimic! Where are you?!"
Mimic spoke back to his niece.
"I'm back at my workshop!! It seems that you both entered a vortex of some sort, the one that is forming around Johaar!"
Bolo looks around, as he then spoke out.
"So what?! Does that mean we're inside of Johaar's mind or something?!"
Mimic spoke out.
"It appears to be the case. Which means that Johaar is inside somewhere! If he is alive, then find him, and hurry!!!"
Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.
"Then we have no time to lose. Everyone, let's go!!!"
Bolo ran, as he spoke out.
"I can't believe we're doing this!!"
Sky then spoke out.
"Don't complain!! Just run!!!!!"
Rottytops also ran, as she spoke out.
"We're coming, pretty elf!!!"
Shantae and the others went through the burning landscape that is before them, as they are looking around to try and find Johaar before it is too late. Shantae looks forward, as a worried look is in her eyes, that is also filled with determination to try and save him.
"Johaar, don't worry!! We're coming!!!"
Shantae and the others ran as fast as they can, all in an effort to find them. But the burning fire and smoke made it a little bit hard to try and locate him. But the moved...
The sound of an explosion occurred, as Shantae and the others turned to notice it happening. As that occurred, Shantae spoke out.
"Johaar...he must be somewhere around here! Come on!!!"
Shantae moved to the direction where she had heard the sound, as then, a purple spear appeared and nearly struck at Shantae and the others, as Sky spoke out.
"Woah!! Where did that come from?!"
As she said that, Rottytops then points to a direction, as she shouted out.
Shantae and the others turned to see Johaar, and he is fighting against his dark self, as Shantae's euss widened in relief and shock, seeing that Johaar is okay. But he is facing in a hard fight, as Johaar tried to change...only to see that it did not work.
" forms...they're..."
Dark Johaar chuckled, as he then spoke out, his voice kind and pleasant, but with a sickening sadism beneath the pleasant tone.
"Sorry, Johaar. But they are mine now. They forms that you have are under my command. Your spears...they are now limited, before you lose them permanently, your fireballs...they are now no longer there, for they are now mine to command, as are the lighting and shadows you once have. Your sword and knife, they work no like a normal weapon, with the only exception being that it is sharper and indestructible. You still keep the Joe and arrow, which is lucky for you, as well as everything else...but even luck won't save you."
Johaar looks nervous, as he stepped back, and Dark Johaar changed at him, as he then launched a purple fireball at Johaar, who jumped into the air, only for Johaar to nearly got hit by a spear, and Johaar barely was able to dodge it. But then, Dark Johaar appeared, and grabbed Johaar himself, before throwing him dow to the ground, as he crashed down. He then rolled out of the way, as Dark Johaar tried to stab him with his weapon. But Johaar jumped into the air, did a double jump, before he then fired his Arrow at Dark Johaar, which shocked him badly with an electric arrow. But as Johaar went down, Dark Johaar suddenly emerged from Johaar's shadow, and tried to grab him, only for Johasr to barley avoid the attack, as Johasr then swung his Bow at Dark Johaar, whacking him in the head, or at least, tried to, when Dark Johaar zapped away, and Dark Johasr spoke out.
" does it fight in the burning memory of what was once your home?"
This made Johaar grunt in anger for a little bit, but he keeps himself under control, as he then punched Dark Johaar in the face.
What Dark Johaar said made Shantae and the other stop, as Sky spoke out.
"Johaar...lived in Ganzir?! That explains why we are here all of a sudden, and why it is burning in the first place!!"
Shantae's eyes also widened, as she then spoke out.
"I...I can't believe it. Johaar...he...he lost his home...all from an attack."
Then, Bolo spoke out.
"Hello? Johaar is haunt trouble, and we need to help him!!"
Rottytops nodded, as much as she hates that she has to agree with Bolo, and spoke out.
"Yeah, seriously. It's not like he is waiting for us!"
Shntae nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"Okay, let's go and save him!!!"
The other nodded, as they then ran as fast as they can to go to Johaar...only for something big to come down, and land right in front of them. This made the entire ground shake, and everyone in the group jumped. It is larger then a normal elephant, it then, it began to shrink down in size, asShangae and the others look to see who it is that has arrived in the battlefield. And then...when the full view of the entity is revealed, Shantae is shocked at what she is seeing before her very eyes, as it is something that she thought she had been able to destroy from a very long time ago.
Appearing before the quartet is another Shantae, but she also looks just as corrupted as the entity that Johaar is against, except with the hair and pants color swapping positions, silver instead of gold, and worn yellow eyes. Shantae recognized it, as she spoke out.
"You!! I thought you were gone for good!!!"
Nega-Shantae, the entity that is before her, smiled, as she spoke out.
"I was...but the zap of Dark Magic you gained from Johaar when he was is enough to bring me back! And now...I am going to make sure...none of you come back alive!!!
And Johaar's negativity, will aid me in your doom!! Die while you beg for your lives!!!"
Shantae narrowed her eyes, before Sky spoke out.
"We'll deal with it."
Shantae looks and turns to see that Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops go forward.
"No, guys! You shouldn't!! This other me, she-"
But Bolo spoke out to Shantae.
"Don't argue for this one, Shantae, we'll take it from here!"
Rottytops nodded, as she spoke out.
"Besides, Pretty Elf probably needs your help right there!"
Shantae was hesitant, as she then spoke out.
"Okay...just...stay alive for me, okay?"
Shantae ran, snd Nega-Shantae tried to stop her, only for Bolo to appear and swung his flail, hitting Nega-Shantae, as he spoke out.
"Oh no you don't! Your deal's with us!!!"
Nega-Shantae narrowed her eyes, as Sky and Rottytops stepped toward, their weapons in hand, as they got ready to fight. Nega-Shantae hissed in anger, as she spoke out.
"I know what you can do... You can suffer! You can squirm like the pathetic maggots you are! Wallow in torment and pain forever in oblivion! Now beg! Beg for your very lives!"
Sky spoke out.
"You can try!!!"
Rottytips then spoke out.
"Time to bring you down!"
As Shantae ran, with Johaar and Dark Johaar fighting against each other, Shantae launched her hand forward, as a fireball then goes in fast towards Dark Johaar, and hits him badly, sending him back a little bit. This made Johaar surprised, and he then spoke out.
"Shantae!! You're here!! How did you..."
Then, Shantae spoke out.
"It is not just me. Bolo, Sky, and Rottytops are also here, and they are dealing with another problem. And...I'm so glad to see you are alive."
Johaar sighed, as he smiled, before he then spoke out.
"Yeah, I'm glad as well."
Then, Dark Johaar stepped forward, and he spoke out.
"So...your beloved lady has come to aid you, I see. No matter. You will fall before me soon."
Shantae stepped back, as Dark Johaar launched spears at Shantae, only for Shantae to unleash her invincibility bubble, which negated the damage she would have taken, as it also surrounded Johaar, who she hugged. Dark Johaar looked unamused, as he than ran forward and reeled his fist, as he then tries to punch Shantae. But Johaar and Shantar avoided the attack, as Johaar then swung his Bow at Dark Johaar...only for Dark Johaar to grab it, and he then spoke out.
"Oh no. Not when you are using that."
Then, he snapped the bow into 2 halves, only attached by the string, which snapped, as Dark Johaar then spoke out.
"And now...your bow's magic is destroyed."
This made Johaar a little more scared, relaxing that he is getting put into more and more of a bad disadvantage. So he then decides to go and use his Sword and Knife, which are now his only ways of fighting back. Dark Johaar then summoned a tentacle made of shadows to try and piece Johaar. But Johaar made a Sigil to block the Ahh suck, as he jumped into the air, and he then swung his sword, in order to try and decapitate Dark Johaar. But Dark Johaar then grabbed Johaar by the neck, and unleashed a powerful electric shock to him.
Johaar cried in agony, as Shantae then leapt up into the air, and used her hair whip multiple times,
as he is then hurt enough to let go. Dark Johaar then jumps back, as he turns into a Bear, and charges at Shantae, only for Shantae to turn into an Elephant, and born Bear and Elephant collided. But the Elephant won, and the Bear is sent flying backwards. Dark Johaar then launched fireballs at Shantae, just so that he can try and burn her.
Shantae, however, flips it around, but using her one fireballs against Dark Johaar's, cancelling each other out. Dark Johaar then tried to go and stab her, but Shantae decides that he needs him out of the picture for a little bit.
She wraps her hair around Dark Johaar's neck, and before Dark Johaar realizes it, he is then sent far away while inside of the city, as Shantae runs to check up on Johaar.
"Johaar, are you okay?"
Johaar looks at Shantae, who kneeled next to him, as Johaar spoke out.
"I'm fine...but my magic...nothing I have is working on him! All of the magic that I had used, the ones I used to combat him, he always found a way around it, and changed the rules. And I am going to die for it! I...I don't know what to do! I used every single trick that I have!!!"
As Johaar said unknown voice suddenly spoke out to him.
"Not all of them, you naive idiot."
This made Shantae and Johaar turn to see that there is another entity present inside of the mind of Johaar. It is a black humanoid, with a ghost tail in the place of legs, white cuffs, a white choker around his neck, and his entire body is covered in shadows, with the coat and shirt gone, leaving his torso bear. He also has a scarf wrapped around his back, with his eyes and the inside of his mouth being white, the mouth also having sharp teeth. But despite this, the face is all to familiar, as Shantae spoke out.
"Who...who are you?"
The entity flies beside Johaar, as he spoke out.
"I am known as Soul Johaar. I am basically the one that tries to keep him going, and the fact that I've been living inside of him for a very long time. And I am here to get his hide up and running again. And it is about time you start to do it, you idiot."
Johaar then looks at Soul Johaar, a look of irritation out.
"How do you expect me to do that?! I threw every attack that I have done, I did all that he coins to fight smarter, and yet, even after all of tjat, it did nothing to stop my Dark self!!"
This made Soul Johaar narrow his pure white eyes, as he then spine out to him.
"Not all of them. There is still one more. The power you subconsciously refused and did not want to use in a long time."
This made Johaar confused, until his eyes widened, before he then spoke out.
" don't mean..."
Soul Johaar nodded his head, as Johaar then spoke back to Soul Johaar in a panic, as he shorted out.
"You have lost it!! I am not using power pier ever again!!! Did you forget that I promised myself in forbidding myself to use it?!"
Soul Johaar then spoke out to him in a rude and blunt way.
"Well, you can't always keep a cow for so long now can you?! Besides, it is the only option that you have left, that the Dark You cannot counter against!"
Johaar then shouted back.
"And then use it to get everyone killed?! No!!"
This made Shantae confused while Soul Johaar spoke out.
"You're so cowardly. You cannot embrace and use the one power that might save all of you and your buddies."
Shantae takes the turn to speak out.
"Power? What power are you talking about?"
Soul Johaar sighed, and Johaar looks down, not wanting to explain it, as Soul Johaar spoke out.
"Well...about that, Shantae. You see...Johaar...he is very powerful, as you have seen him do with all the weapons and transformations, the magic he has within him, all of that sorta stuff. But the thing is...all of these...they pale in comparison to a power that Johaar had gained when he was born, a power that he had inherited from his Genie mother."
This made Shantae interested, as she then spoke out.
"What kind of power is that?"
Soul Johaar paused, before he then spoke out.
" see...father...he talks about what our mother genie is capable of. Father claimed that unlike other half-genies, the mother made herself stronger through her own feeling. To her, emotions give one power, especially one that involves negativity. And in this case, rage became the one emotion that fuels and increases her power, which Johaar inherited."
Souk Johaar takes a deep breath, as he explained further.
"When using her rage, mother can make herself far more stronger then before, both physically and magically, but mainly, their strength increases the most, as is their durability. This made Johaar's mother as one of the more powerful Genies to ever exist, which even gave her the reputation as 'The Genie of Rage.'"
This made Shantae shocked, as she then spoke out.
"But...but if that is the case, why did Johaar decide not to use it?"
Johaar then spoke out.
This made Shantae and Soul Johaar look at Johaar, as he then spoke out.
"It's simple why. It is because...I got someone killed with it."
This made Shantae look stunned, as Johaar spoke out.
"During one of my travels...a year ago, I met someone before I met Risky and the Barons. A girl that I met, at the same age as me. And...she...she was my first beloved at the time. And she was very important in my eyes. But attack came...and I tried to fight it off...only to use my rage power for the first time. But the rage that I was uncontrollable. And I got a lot of power killed as a result...even that girl I used to love."
This made Shantae gaps, as she puts her hand over her mouth, as Johaar spoke out.
"When I realized what I had done...I made a vow to never let this happen again, and to never use this power for the rest of my life, lest I want to get all the people that I care about killed."
He held his shoulder, looking down in shame, as he felt his sadness return to him once again. The sadness that he felt when the girl he loved died. But then, Soul Johaar spoke out.
"Perhaps that power you used may have messed you up, but it is also the only power that your dark self does not have access to!! That is why you need to use it!!!"
But then, Johaar spoke out.
"You're making it sound like that I need to get other people killed as a result in order to defeat him!!! Is that what you want?!"
Soul Johaar then spoke out.
"That is the problem with you, Johaar. You are a coward of the magic that you have. You embrace more of your side as a human, and yet, you never truly embraced the genie within your soul!! The genie that gifted you into being who you are! Sure, you want to protect your friends from yourself, but refusing to control what is within you, even though there are ways to control it, that is the cowardice of you cannot do that!!"
Johaar doesn't speak, as he still stubbornly believes that he should not use it. He turns away, not wanting to listen to Soul Johaar, thinking that what he wants him to do will get the people he cared about killed. But then, Shantae goes to Johaar, takes him by the hands, as he puts both of her hands around them.
" can do this."
This made Johaar freeze, as she then spoke out.
"I had seen you use your magic in ways I had not seen anyone else do, and I had seen you remain as yourself, even when you got mad. You always remained yourself, even at the worst that I have seen."
Johaar looks down, as he then spoke out.
"But...this is me at my absolute worst, the one that I uncontrollable, I can't just-"
But then, Shantae grabs him by the sides of his head, as she spoke out.
"You can do it. You can control this power within you, Johaar.! I believe in you. And all of our friends...they would say the same thing as well."
Shantae smiled, as she pulls Johaar to her and kissed him on the lips, which made Johaar...feel a fluttering inside of him. She believes in what he can do, ever after learning of his accidentally terrible deed? Johaar...he has no idea what to think. After a little while, Shantae pulls back, as Johaar then looks down, before he then spoke out.
"I...okay...I'll try."
Shantae smiled, as he then stood up, and then, Dark Johaar came back. And at the same time, Bolo, Rottytops, and Sky were launched towards the group, as they fell down, hurt by their fight against Nega Shantae.
"Holy-she's very strong!"
Sky said, as Bolo spoke out, while he stands up.
"I...I can still fight!"
Rottytops then grabbed her head, which detached from her neck, as she then spoke out.
"Not giving up yet on this!"
Then, Nega-Shantae smirked, as she spoke out to the group.
"You cannot win!! We are far more stronger then you!!!"
Dark Johaar smiled, as he then spoke out.
"And now..."
He teleported beside Nega Shantae, with Johaar himself getting in front of them, as Dark Johaar spoke out.
"It is time for the end of your lives to come."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dark Johaar then transformed into his Bear form, he than rushes at the group. Johaar clenched his fist, not wanting anyone to get hurt, as he then rushes forward and grabbed him by the top and bottom part of his mouth. He struggled, as he then switched to grabbing the arms of Dark Johaar's bear limbs, as Johaar tries to prevent Dark Johaar from getting close. Nega Shantae rushes to the group, but the normal Shantae comes in and whips her back, as the 2 Shantae's fight. Dark Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.
"Pathetic, Johaar. You think you can stop me in your normal form? No? I am far stronger in this form, and will die by my hands. And your body...will be mine to command, to control for my uses."
Johaar's looks at the black bear in front of him, more larger then his normal Bear form. Johaar felt his limbs it is on fire. He feels like they will be ripped by the strength of the bear, his bones cracking and breaking. But then...Johaar closed his he then thought of the people he cared about. He thought of his father, who had been the one to care about his life since the beginning, since he has grown up. He then thought of Shantae, a fellow half-genie, and one of the few kind people that cared deeply for him. He then though of Sky, Bolo, Rottytops, as well as Mimic, the people that he cares and cherished about, his friends, all of his loved ones. Johaar...he feels something within him, a burning that he does not know how to explain. But he can feel it's power. Johaar felt his face scrunch at the his bush began to strain, but not in a sore and painful way. And then...he remembered what Shantae said to him she believes in him, and that he is able to do this. Johaar tightened his grip, and he then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as he felt something swell inside of him. A glowing, a fire that has been growing inside of him for so long. And then, Soul Johaar takes the time to speak out.
"It is time...use it."
Johaar was silent at first, but then, he snapped open his eyes and roared.
A shockwave was felt, as light blue flames covered his fists, and his irises also turned light blue. The veins on his head and hands bulge out, as well as the veins in his arms and torso, hidden underneath his clothes, as Johaar then pushed with immense, increased strength.
Dark Johaar said, as Johaar then began to move, overpowering the black bear's strength, before he then pushed him off of him, and then punched him away, sending him back! This made Dark Johaar shocked, as he then turned into his wolf form to try and bite him, but Johaar moved out of the way, as he grabs the wolf by the tail, and he began to slam him down to the ground in a very painful way. Then, he turned into a fairy, and began to fire star projectiles at him, only for the stars to not hurt him, before he then tries to ram into him with his falcon form. But simply swatted the Falcon out of the way, as Dark Johaar changed back to normal.
All of Johaar's friends watched in shock at what Johaar is doing, as Johaar then leapt at Dark Johaar, and Johaar tries to use his fire magic as a flamethrower. But Johaar moves one of his arms in didn't of his face, as the flames proved ineffective against Johaar, and he then punched him once he got close enough. Dark Johaar slammed into Nega Shantae, as Johaar roared in a rage.
Shantae looks at Johaar, her eyes widened in awe at what she is seeing, before Nega Shantae stood up, and snarled out.
"You little worm!! How dare you?!"
She then turned into her harpie form, as she then tries to fire feathers and slash at him. But Johaar powered through of them, as Johaar then slammed his fist into the ground, pulls out a chunk of rock, before throwing it at the Harpie, sending her down to the ground. Then she changes into her mermaid form, as she fires bubbles at him, only for Johaar to prove impervious to them. Then, Nega Shantae tries to use her crab form, waterfalls appeared, as she dashed to hit Johaar, only for Johaar to get merely annoyed, and he then struck her away. Nega Shantae turns into her spider form, as she rains down venom on top of Johaar, who gets out of the way. Then, she turned into her elephant form, as Johaar moved away from her. Nega Shantae than charged in at him in order to try and overpower Johaar...but Johaar, although he is struggling immensely at Nega Shantae's strength as an elephant, even more so then with the Bear form, Johaar refuses to give in, as Johaar then used all of his might to push, and punch the elephant backwards. The elephant fell down with a crash, as Nega Shantae changed back to normal. Johaar then calmed down, as Dark Johaar tries to charge at Johaar in his snake form, as he tries to use his venom on him. But Johaar grabbed Dark Johasr by the neck, as he slammed him down to the ground. Dark Johaar then fired spears, but Johaar clashes and struck them away with his sword, as Johaar then grabbed Dark Johaar, and began to punch him repeatedly, before he then spoke out.
He punched Dark Johaar, just as Shantae used her lighting power on Nega Shantae...and a powerful flash of light occurred...and then...darkness. Souk Johaar smiled, as he then spoke out.
"That's it. I knew that yoh can finally get passed idiot."
You've re-unlocked Genie's Fury. May your rage lay devastation to those that dare offend you by the fists that are covered in the fires of hate.
Johaar felt feeling return to his he then began to stand up, and hold onto his head, before he then spoke out.
"Aghhh...what happened?"
A voice shouted out, as she then hugged Johaar, so relieved to see him okay.
Johaar was surprised, but he smiled and hugged Shantae back, as he felt whole again, for the first time in so long. Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops felt relived, as Mimic spoke out.
"Johaar...are you okay? How do you feel?"
Johaar spoke out.
"I'm fine. What just happened?"
Sky snarled.
"Risky happened. She tricked Mimic into making a machine by her specifications in order to try and corrupt you!!!"
Bolo nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, you turned evil and we worried that you would be gone forever."
Rottytops then spoke out.
"Luckily, we were able to make sure that you're alive, by getting inside of your mind! Took us an hour to help you with this!"
Shantae then grabbed his face, as he spoke out.
"Johaar...I...I thought the worst for you!! I think that we would lose you forever! But...I'm so glad we were able to bring them down."
Johaar nodded with a smile, as a blush forked onto his face, and he held his heart.
'No more rejecting my genie side completely. is time to use it, for my own ways. I can do this. I can control it now!'
Johaar sighed, as he then held his hand to his heart, as he then spoke out.
"And magic has been scrambled. My sword and knife act mostly like normal weapons, the bow has lost its magic, and my spears...they are now limited. I can't even shoot fireballs and use lighting. I can still merge in shadows, but that is it. The rest is still fine, though."
Sky spoke out.
"That's not good! Now that you have been weakened...Risky...she is going to use the Dynamo on the Genie Realm and corrupt it!"
Johaar then looks down...and he then looked at his large he then spoke out.
"Well...then let's use the time to make one last thing for myself to stop her."
He then looks at Sky, as he then spoke out.
"Sky, I need you to get Wrench. There's a place that can help me with this problem."
Sky nodded, as she ran out. He than took o his backpack, and spoke out.
"Here, Rottytops, Bolo, take these."
He held out the Magic Carpet Uniforms, as he spoke out.
"You're coming with me on this."
Bolo looks at the Uniforms and nods, as Rottytops smiled and spoke out.
"Yeah!! Now we get to fly in this!!!"
Shantae and Johaar ran outside, as Mimic spoke out.
"Good luck!!!"
Johaar and Shantae ran outside, as they then went to Sky's hatchery, as Sky then spoke out.
"Okay, Johaar. What place do you want me to take you?"
Johaar then spoke out.
"There's an island that has a mermaid with powerful magic herself. She's able to make weapons, and I have something that can make the one that I want."
Sky nodded, as Shantae and Johaar went onto Wrench, as they fly into the air, and go up, with Bolo and Rottytops following behind.
"Woah!! How do you get used to this?!"
Bolo said, as Rottytops shouted.
"Hahahahaha!! This is so amazing!!!"
Johaar smiled, as he looked forward, and he then noticed something.
Sky and the others looked to see an island next to Mermaid Falls, despite being very far away from it, and it looked like a lush green island with plants and grass all over it. Johaar spoke out.
"The mermaid is hidden inside of this island. May not look like much, but trust me...what you will see in there, it is a very special place to be in."
Sky looks at Johaar, and sees the serious look on his face, meaning that he is being truthful. Sky nodded, as she flies down to the ground with Wrench, and both Bolo and Rottytops, they are also going down as well.
On the ground...
Johaar and the others began to walk around, as they landed on this unknown island that they have never seen before. Shantae and the others looked around confused, as she then spoke out.
"So...where is this forge?"
Johaar looks around, and saw a cave. Johaar clenched his fist and nodded, seeing that this is the place to be in.
"There. Follow me."
Johaar runs in, and the others went after him. They went inside of the cave, and sees crystals glowing, as then go downward underneath the earth's skin. Johaar then began to move downwards, as Shantae spoke out.
" said that a mermaid is down there that made your weapons, and with the magic to make them. Have you seen her?"
Johaar nodded.
"Once. I was with an acquaintance of mine, and I saw her make a weapon, a sword that can extend line a whip. The weapons she make are magical, and she can even tell what type of weapon that the person wants."
Bolo, interested, spoke out to Johaar.
"What was it like when she made the weapon?"
Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.
"Amazing. She didn't even need a hammer to make it. The lady acts as though she herself is a living forge. And'll get to witness it yourself."
Sky and Rottytops also seemed interested, as Johaar and the others went down into the end of the stairs, and it is shown to be made of gold and silver, as well as some other precious and beautiful metals, and there are beautiful patterns and designs that everyone can't explain. Water is shown to be in front of a few openings, but there is no glass. So it is a miracle and a curiosity in how the water isn't Josh roaring inside of the openings, especially since there is no windows.
Shantae spoke out, as she looked around, and Sky spoke out.
"This looks so...beautiful."
Bolo spoke out, as he too looked around the place.
"Yeah, this place is amazing! But...where's that mermaid?"
Rottytops also looked around, and even she is confused.
"The big lug's right? Where is she? You said that she would be here."
But then...
Johaar hushes, as he then spoke out.
"I hear her coming."
Then, the sound of water moving was heard, as all 4 of them looked at one of the openings, where they see a figure, covered in shadows. It is very difficult to see, but after a little while, she appeared, and she looked different from the other mermaids.
The mermaid is slightly larger then the mermaids that Shantae had seen many times. She has dark red hair, golden eyes, and as purple tail, instead of the green and blue colors that they are used to see on a mermaid. Her skin is even a pink color, with claws on her hands.
Everyone looked in shock, as the mermaid sees them. But her attention is mostly directed towards Johaar, as he then stepped forward and Shantae spoke out.
" this, the mermaid you spoke about?"
Johaar nodded, as he took out his sack, which is weighed by something, as he gave it to the mermaid, while also giving her one of his red spears, who stuck her hands out and took them both. The mermaid swam back, as she held the sack in her hand, and the others looked, as they see what she is about to do next. And then...the magic happened. As she opened the pouch, the component occurred, as a spearhead appeared out, when a whip made of golden light, bubbles from the inside of the sack appeared, almost like wind, as the mermaid held her hand out, and the injects began to spin around the red spear, which is in the center. Johaar could feel the spears inside of his body began to leave him, as they went and combined with the red spear, yet can still feel his connection to it, even as it emptied out. Everyone looked in awe, as the objects spun into a blur, and before they knew it, the objects rammed into the red spear, and it then made a spear that is made of gold. Ancient Genie symbols are carved all over, and are clearly seen on the flat side of the spearhead.
"Wow, this is awesome!!"
Bolo said, as Rottytops nodded, and Sky also looked intrigued by this. Then, the mermaid looks at Johaar, and extended her hand out, as if she wants something. This made Shantae confused, as she spoke out.
"Why is she holding her hand like that?"
Johaar then looks down and spoke out.
Johaar stepped forward, as he goes to the opening, and then, he stuck his right hand out. The water feels cold, almost to the point that Johaar thinks he will get frostbite. And then, the Genie, seeing her gets the message, swam to his hand, his fingers already stretched out and facing upwards, as he carefully grips onto his wrist, and she then poked her hand into his palm. White Essence in a blue outline appeared, similar in the first of mist or smoke, as the mermaid, sensing the genie magic within his soul, takes a little bit out of it from his hand, and swam back up with the Genie Magic, and she then grabs onto the golden spear, and she waved her hand, as the essence wrapped around the spear, almost half a foot underneath the spear head, as a light blue cloth came in its form, white straps on white dots are also shown at the 2 points of the cloth, genie symbols present on the side of the cloth, a light blue gem is present underneath the spearhead, that shades into a light purple at the center, as Johaaar's hand also glowed light blue.
After it is done, the mermaid swam to Johaar, and Johaar, his hand still into the ocean, grabs onto the spear, as it glowed. She then speaks out something, a blessing, as Johaar feels his magic of the spears return in a new form. Johaar smiled, as the spear disappears, before he takes his hand out, and nods his head, before the mermaid leaves. Sky looks shocked, as she spoke out.
"Wow...that amazing."
Shantae nodded, as she also looked shocked.
" really is. So...Johaar...what does this spear do?"
Johaar looks down at it, and he then spoke out.
"Well...time to find out, once we go outside."
Everyone goes up the stairs, as Johaar took the lead, the spear now gone in golden specks, as Johaar and the others went out of the cave...before Johaar takes the Spear, and he then swung it, as a head of the spear splits and extends, similar to a whip, as a golden light kept the shape parts in place. It extended a good enough range, as Johaar brings it back. Johaar then swung again, as wind slashes appeared. Johaar then throws a spear, which stuck to the ground, and he then summoned another one. Johaar spoke out.
"Yeah, that will work for now. Don't know the extent...but...I like it already."
Shantae and others smiled, as Shantae grabbed Johaar by the hands, and spoke out.
"Then there is no time to waste. It is time to stop Risky Boots, and save the Genie Realm!"
Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae go onto wrench, and Sky goes onto Wrench as well, and they both ride up to go to Risky, as Rottytops and Bolo fly as well, possibly to aid them both in taking down the Pirate Queen.
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