The Beach

Johaar sighed, as he feels himself laying down on the hammock on his back, and he felt something on his face. Johaar smiled, as he knows what it is that is laying down on top of Johaar. He then opens his eyes, this time not being aided by the sun hitting his face, and he now looks up to see that a familiar mass is now on top of him, and a familiar purple long amount of hair present. Johaar smiled a little bit more at this, knowing who it is that is sleeping with him.

It had been half a month since he had decided to live in Scuttle Town. And needless to say, it seems as though it had become such a very great gift for Johaar to have, because now he gets to be with a fellow Half-Genie inside of Scuttle Town itself. Being with Shantae, it made him smile, as well as being able to be with her friends, with Sky and Bolo also having an interest in him. And now, Johaar has become another protector of Scuttle Town, at Shantae's request, but does promise the mayor that if he is fired, he won't come back to the job.

Johaar won't deny it, he never thought that something such as this would happen to him. He kind of expected that he would forever be alone, never to be with anyone else that will stay by his side. But now, now that this is different, and he has been proven wrong. Needless to say, it made him a little bit happy, that he gets to finally have a home that he can live in. And surprisingly, he had already attracted a few ladies, mainly, the Half-Genie, Shantae herself. And Shantae, man, she is a real handful on the date that Johaar and she had together. This was the first time that Johaar went out on a date together with a female, which he had never done before in his life, and he felt like he was going to mess up on it. But luckily, Johaar is able to pull through, remain calm, and eventually, he was able to successfully complete the date, without anything bad happening to them. And Shantae, she is very happy that the date finished on a very bright note. There was nothing that interrupted them in the fun times that they had, and they are able to solidify their relationship, and thus became much more closer to each other then ever before. And Shantae will even make their affection noticable and out in the open, to show how much she loves Johaar with every fiber of her soul. Sky and Rottytops do the same thing, as they would also show their affection to Johaar, and needless to say, Johaar is embarassed at the fact that all 3 of them have this much affection to him. Well, at least it is better then Risky Boots, for she is obsessive over him.

And now that they are living together, Shantae is very affectionate, constantly holding hands with him and clinging onto him, and even has a tendency to glomp onto him whenever the opportunity occurs. Johaar smiled, as he then hugs Shantae a bit closer to him, almost as though he does not want to let go of Shantae from his arms, and needless to say, it is a very great feeling to hug someone as close as she is. But the moment that Johaar began to hug Shantae a bit more tighter then before, Shantae began to stir from her sleep, as Shantae then began to awaken. She then opens her eyes, before she then began to raise up a little bit, and the moment that she did, she looks down to see Johaar, his arms wrapped around her waist, and Shantae smiled rather happily at the fact that Johaar had stayed with her.

"Morning, Johaar. Did you sleep well?"

Johaar nodded his head, a smile is present on his cute face, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I did. And based on how you feel, you seem to have enjoyed your sleep just as well."

Shantae giggled a little bit, as she then rose Johaar up a little bit from the Hammock, her arms and hands behind his back, as she kissed him on the lips. Johaar does not resist, as he allows himself to be won by Shantae, who continues to hold onto him, with Shantae clearly enjoying the fact that she gets to be in the presence of the Male Half-Genie. She then lowers Johaar, needing air along with him, as Shantae and Johaar got up from the Hammock, before she then spoke out.

"Well, let's go outside."

Johaar nodded his head, as he then got up from the Hammock, and began to walk with Shantae, as the both of them went outside of the Lighthouse, before the both of them then went out of the lighthouse. And when they did, the sunlight shown onto the both of them, and they both look the same as ever, well...for Johaar, there is one change. His hair has now suddenly changed into a bit of a light blue color instead of black. The reason why his hair is now a light blue is due to the fact that he is able to re-unlock the power of the Genie's Fury, which allows his Genie Magic to affect his hair, which is actually the true color of his hair itself. Now that he has done so, he now looks much more naturally like a Half-Genie like Shantae, who has purple hair. In fact, it is thanks to the hair color that he now has that he and Shantae are able to be recognized by the people of Scuttle Town, seeing them is both guardians and a couple. Although Johaar is kind of bothered by the attention that he is given, Shantae always reassured him that he is okay still, and that she is there with him.

Shantae and Johaar walk side by side together, as Shantae has a huge smile now present on her beautiful face. They look to see Scuttle Town in the bright sunlight of this sunny day, and needless to say, the sun made Scuttle Town much more beautiful than ever before. Everyone is even going around to bathe in it to show that they are embraced by the warmth of the sun. Johaar and Shantae have their hands together, as Shantae then spoke out.

"Wow, such a very beautiful day for the entire town, and for us, isn't it, Johaar?"

Shantae said, and Johaar nodded, as he also then spoke out to Shantae, sounding mutual with what Shantae said to him.

"Yeah, it sure is, as well as the sounds of birds singing."

Shantae smiled and nodded, as she looked around with Johaar in Scuttle Town, before looking at the water, and it made her eyes widen, as an idea on how that they can spend the day together apeared inside of her mind. she smiled, as Shantae then spoke out to him.

"Hey, Johaar, I think I know how we can spend most the day together."

This made Johaar turn around to look at Shantae, and he then spoke out.

"Really, you do? What is it?"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out to her boyfriend."

"We can spend the rest of the day together having fun on the beach!"

This made Johaar surprised, as he then spoke out.

"Wait, you really want to do that, hang out at the beach? But I don't have any swimming trunks or anything like that. Never even done that before."

Shantae smiled, as she then grabs Johaar by the hand, and spoke out.

"Well, then let's go to a clothing shop of sorts and buy you some. Come on, let's go!!"

Shantae and Johaar then ran very fast towards a shock that Shantae seems to know of, and Johaar felt a little embarrassed, but happy all the same. After all, he never went out on a beach with a girlfriend before, so, perhaps this first time will not go so badly. He just hopes that he is not going to jinx it, though, especially since some stuff can go wrong without any sort of warning. Well, only one way to find out, huh?


Johaar sighed, as he is shown to be sitting on top of a bench of sorts, in front of the beach, which has a lot of sand present all over the place, which it is meant to have. Johaar smiled, as he is shown to be wearing black swimming trunks, the leggings have lines that are going down diagonal, as well as a single line going horizontal across the waist. Apparently, Shantae is able to give him a pair of swimming trunks that she believes is able to fit him, and sure enough, it is able to fit him very perfectly. He can feel the sun touching his whole body, as his pointy elf-like ears twitched a little bit in the relaxation of his body, the sun heating his buddy, yet the wind blows onto him, cooling his body, a perfect balance of sorts. As Johaar hugged his body, he then hears a voice call out to him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Johaar then turns around and spoke out.

"Nah, it's fine."

He then looks at Shantae, and he froze, as he looks to see that Shantae has changed into her own swimsuit.

Shantae has now appeared in her swimming outfit. She is wearing a red bathing suit with white stripes at the part on the hood, a blue jacket, and some sunglasses. And needless to say, she looked very beautiful in Johaar's eyes, as he cannot help but look at her. But as that happened, Johaar, realizing that he is going to stare, immediately shakes his head, and looks at Shantae again, hoping that Shantae did not notice that he was accidentally staring at her and made very a little uncomfortable.

Shantae smiled, as her arms are behind her head, before she then spoke out to Johaar.

"Well, seems like you are happy about something, huh?"

Johaar blushed a little bit, as he puts his hand over his mouth, his cheeks red in embarrassment, as Shantae giggled. Clearly, Shantae is making a very good effort in making him as embarrassed as possible, due to the fact that Shantae is able to make Johaar seduced in a way. Shantae then walks up to him, and touched his cheeks, as Johaar looks a little bit up at his girlfriend. She spoke out.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's have some fun!"

Johaar nodded his head, as he is then grabbed at the hand by Shantae, and she ran, as Johaar ran as well, their feet hitting the hot sand on the bottom of their feet, with no sandals on. Normally, they would feel pain from this if they are fully human, but as Johaar and Shantae are half-genie, they seem to only feel slight discomfort, but it did not bother them in the slightest, almost as if the heat of the sand is not there to feel.

They then ran to the ocean, and Shantae spoke out.

"Wanna use our Mermaid forms to venture into the ocean?"

Johaar nodded his head, as he then spoke out to her.

"Sure, why not?"

Shantae made a bright smile present, as she did a small dance, and Johaar did some small movements, before they both spoke out.


Then, a bright flash of light, and both Shantae and Johaar transformed into their Mermaid forms, while they are halfway submerged into the ocean. The moment that they did, they then swam into the depths of the water.

And needless to say, the area underwater is very beautiful. It is filled with so many beautiful coral and other underwater creatures that appear to swim in different places. Their hair waving around a little bit by the movement of the water itself, as Shantae spoke out.

"Wow...I never got to pay much attention in our adventure, but this...this looks so beautiful. All of this life underwater!"

Johaar nodded his head, as he held onto Shantae's hand, which felt a little cold. Then, they see that a school of fish are swimming around them both, almost like a twister, before they swam away, as they see various sea creature that are so pretty and cute. Even Shantae cannot help but admire how cute that they are.

"Yikes, I never knew the sea could be as pretty as this. Whenever type of deity made the sea creature, they must have a very great idea to show how cute that they all are."

Shantae nodded her head, before she then grips onto Johaar's hand a little bit more tighter then before, and then, the both of them swam up to the top as fast as they can, until they crashed into the surface, and they both sat on rocks.

Shantae smiled a little bit, as both she and Johaar smiled at the sight before them, as Shantae spoke out.

"Well...seeing all of that was beautiful...but they are not as cute as you are, Johaar~."

Johaar blushed, as she spoke out.

"Oh cut it out! You are far more beautiful then the ocean itself. I'm not that cute compared to you."

Shantae smiled with a blush present onto her very own face. Then, she leans against Johaar's neck, and Johaar gasped a little bit, before he looks down, his face burning a little in embarrassment, before turning to look at Shantae in the face for a little bit, and he does not deny that, even as a mermaid, she looked just as beautiful and as cute as ever. How in the world did he got such a lucky Half-Genie like her? Shantae nuzzled into his neck a little bit more, wanting to touch a bit more of him on the face, as she then began thinking to herself about her boyfriend.

'He's just so...intoxicating in my eyes. I can never get enough of him. He is just so perfect for me to be with. I don't think I'll ever let him out of my sight, nor leave him be again.'

Shantae then felt a hand snack around her waist, a slight scratch, but no actual pain, as Shantae looks down to see Johaar's hand wrapped around her waist, as Johaar then held her a little bit more closer to him. Today is alright.

A while later, Johaar and Shantae are back on the beach, now in their normal forms again, and they are having somewhat of a tasty snack along the way.

Shantae now has a popsicle inside of her mouth, and is clearing enjoying her sweet cold treat. Johaar smiled, as he also had a sweet treat in his mouth, he a red popsicles, and needless to say, he really likes the taste of it. As Johaar takes it out of his mouth, Shantae suddenly puts her popsicle into his mouth, catching him by surprise, but he accepts this without care, before gently giving it to her with his popsicle, and Shantae accepts this without problem, as she gets to at least tastes what Johaar has been tasting. Johaar smiled, clearly liking that Shantae loves the popsicle that he is eating.

And then, a little while later, as Johaar and Shantae are walking side-by-side onto the beach, Shantae suddenly slipped and fell into the water next to her, and Johaar cannot help by giggle a little bit. However, Shantae did not appreciate this gesture.

Shantae pouts a little bit at Johaar, as she walks over to him, and before Johaar could realize what is about to happen, Shantae then grabs him by the arms and pulls him with all of her might, as he is sent crashing down to the water below as well.

He rose up, his face blushing, as Shantae giggled a little bit at this. Johaar felt embarrassed, but did not say anymore, as he spoke out.

"Welp, you got me."

Shantae looks down at Johaar, and smiled a little bit, as she then hears 2 other voices call out to the both of them.

"Shantae, Johaar!! Nice to see you both at the beach as well!!!"

Both Shantae and Johaar, who then stood up, looked to one direction, only to see that there are 2 other people that are coming to meet up with the Half-Genie Couple.

Sky and Rottytops are also shown that they are at the beach, and they are wearing swimsuits of their own. This made Johaar surprised, as he spoke out to them.

"Woah,Sky, Rottytops! I didn't know you were gonna appear at the beach as well!!!"

Rottytops smiled, as she spoke out.

"Well, cutie, we both wanted to go to the beach, and originally, we were gonna do it separately so we would have our own fun."

Sky then took over.

"But then we saw you both, and we thought, why not join in?"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"Great, that will make today more fun then before!!!!"

Shantae jumped into the air for a little bit, and is somewhat excited at the fact that she now will get to be with more of her friends in having fun at the beach more.

"And I think that I have something they will make our fun more worthwhile then ever before!!!"

Shantae then extended out her hands, which held something in then both, and all 3 of them look to see what it is that Shantae is holding.

Shantae now shows that she has a ball in her hand, seemingly brought it along so that she can use it to play with Johaar. But now that Sky and Rottytops are at the beach,

"Wow, you brought a ball with you. How did I not notice that?"

Sky then spoke out.

"Well, it doesn't matter, since it would make out time at the beach more fun then before!!"

Rottytops pumped her fist up, as she spoke out.

"Yeah, now we get to play ball!!!"

Shantae smiled, seeing that all of them are going to play with her.

"Wait a minute...aren't we supposed to have something besides the ball? Because I feel like if we are gonna play ball, we need an important something to allow us to play."

Shantae puts a finger underneath her chin, as she began to think about something, as if there is something that she missed. And then, after a bit, she realized.

"Oh shoot! I realize, we need a net for this!!!"

Johaar and the others looked, as Johaar spoke out.

"Oh, so that's what we need. Of course. Well..."

Johaar then looks around, and saw seaweee and 2 thick and long logs on the ground, and it made Johaar smile, as he spoke out.

"I got an idea."

Johaar rushed to the seaweed and logs, and the other 3 girls got confused at what it is that Johaar is planning, until Johaar revealed what he had done, after he has finished using them, before he then spoke out.

"There we go...what do you think?"

All 3 of the girls looked, and they saw that Johaar, he used both the seaweed and the thick logs to make a net!! Everyone was stunned, as Sky spoke out.

"Woah, now that is insane!! Johaar, you can do that?!"

Johaar nodded his head, as he looked at the other 3 girls that are behind him.

"Yep. I learned to be creative with limited materials. Helps in stuff such as this."

Rottytops then spoke out.

"Wow, our little guy ain't just good at fighting, he's a smarty brain as well!!!"

Johaar felt a little bit weirded out at what Rottytops had said. And at the same time, he almost feels embarrassed about it. But he decides to not pay attention to that, before he then spoke out.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Shall we use it?"

All 3 of the girls pumped their fists into the air, as all of them shouted out happily.



Both Shantae and Johaar took one side, while Sky and Rottytops took the other side, as Shantae spoke out.

"I'll go first!!"

Shantae then hits the ball underneath, as Sky then spoke out.

"Oh no you don't!!"

Sky then hits the ball, and throws it back to the Half-Genie's side, before Johaar then spoke out.

"Now Wait a just a moment!!!"

He then hits the ball, sending it back to the opposing side, as Rottytops then spoke out.

"Oh I don't think so, handsome!!!"

She then is able to hit the ball before it can be sent down, before her wide would lose, before Shantae then hits it, preventing it from having Sky and Rottytops win the fight against this game. But as Sky launched the ball into the air, Johaar, on instinct, jumped forward, and hit the ball hard enough to send it down to the ground of the opponent's side, winning a point, as Sky then spoke out.

"Hah...not bad!"

Sky looks at Johaar, who smiled, and Shantae kissed Johaar's cheek, as Rottytops takes the ball, and spoke out.

"Well, don't feel proud of yourself yet, Handsome!! We are just getting started here!!!"

Johaar smiled, as Shantae then spoke out.

"Well, bring it on, then!!"

Rottytops smiled, as she and all of the others began to go into their little friendly challenge against one another to try winning. And no matter what happens, neither side is gonna back down from the challenge, as the both sides all began to hit the ball back and forth, in order to try and win against one another. And needless to say, this is the sort of run that Johaar always wanted to have in such a very long time, and now, he has gotten this fun. No words can describe how happy he is. He now got what he had wanted, what he had desired for so long, all because he finally is able to go into a town that he is finally able to consider as his very new home.

But then, during one of the turns, where both of the sides have tied in scores, the ball is suddenly pushed back by a gust of wind, as Johaar spoke out.

"What in the-"

The hall suddenly went firing into another direction, and then, before they knew it, it went inside of a small opening.

Shantae looked a little bit unhappy, due to the fact that the ball went inside of the small tunnel.

"Oh no!"

Shantae said, as Johaar spoke out.

"Are you serious?!"

Johaar smacked his head, as Sky then spoke out.

"That is not good."

Rottytops then spoke out.

"How are we supposed to play when the ball is now gone?!"

Johaar and Shantae then went to the small opening, and it seems to be enough to fit one of them, as Johaar then spoke out.

"Do you want me to go in and retrieve the ball?"

Johaar said, only for Shantae to shake her head, as she then spoke out.

"No, it's fine. I'll do it. After all, it is my ball that I had gotten, and I do not want to have it lost."

Shantae then crouched down, before she began to crawl inside of the cave. Johaar, Sky, and Rottytops looked at each other, a little bit uneasy about this, and they waited for about 4 minutes, until a voice spoke out.

"Hey what the, don't grab onto it, that's mine!!!"

This made all 3 of them look to see Shantae coming out, or at least, he loved half, stopping at the waist, and Johaar, without wasting time, grabbed onto her and pulled her, as Sky and Rottytops pulled onto Johaar as well...and after a little bit, Shantae popped right off, along with the ball...which is grabbed on by a tentacle. Johaar, seeing that it is about to pull the ball back in, grabs onto the ball, and pulls it with all of his might, while Shantae grabs onto Johaar, and pulls him...until Johaar stomped his foot onto the tentacle, finally forcing it to let go. The tentacle retreated, as Johaar and Shantae looked at what just happened

Shantae looked indignant at the sight before her very eyes, as she then spoke out.

"How rude, what that thing did!! That ball is not even food!!"

Shantae and the others looked at each other, before Johaar spoke out.

"Think we should stop playing so we don't lose the ball?"

The others agreed, as Johaar nodded. But it didn't stop Sky and Rottytops from kissing Johaar, embarrassing him a little bit.


Johaar and Shantae are now back in their normal clothes, as they are walking inside of Scuttle Town, with Shantae looking a little bit in a good mood, probably because of the fact that she get to spend a little bit more fun at the beach then expected, due to the fact that Sky and Rottytops decided to join in on the fun.

Shantae smiled very happily with Johaar, as the both of them began to walk away, and return back to the lighthouse, as Johaar then spoke out.

"You know, Shantae, even though the beach day did not go as planned, that was the best day ever."

Shantae looks at Johaar and smiled, as she then spoke out.

"Thank you, Johaar. It means a lot."

Shantae then hugs Johaar by the arm, and they walked back, as Shantae smiled, her head leaning against the crook of Johaar's neck. This is by far one of the most fun moments that Johaar ever had back then. And he doubts that he will ever forget this day of happiness that Shantae had given him.

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