Tassel Town
The morning rise of the sun appears, as the light from the bright ball in the sky began to cover one of the halves of the entire world once more. Normally, it would be a normal day, where everyone wakes up, the half-genie guardian beats the bad guys, and all is said and done.
However, today is going to be far more different them ever before. One that will make the feelings of 2 Half-Genies realizes.
The light of the sun itself, as it goes across the half of the world that it is meant to touch...then goes onto a single tower that is on top of an island near Scuttle Town. And inside of the tower, are the 2 Half-Genies, both of whom are sleeping on the Hammock in one of the Half-Genie's room.
Once the sun touches the side of the tower, however, the sun's light enters through the room and hits onto one of them, which is Shantae herself. When the sun hits her face, she then woke up, and looked around to see that she is inside of the tower. Shantae then looks down, and sees Johaar underneath her, still sleeping for a little bit, as it is apparent that even when sleeping, he did not get enough.
Shantae looks down at Johaar, she touched the side of her face and her cheeks flushed a little red, as she looks down at the Half-Genie underneath her. She than reaches her hand down and glided her fingers across Johaar's cheek, as she thought to herself.
'Heh, he is really cute, and is now much more cuter when he sleeps.'
Shantae's eyelids then halfway go down, as she looks at Johaar with a dreamy expression on her face, as she thought spoke to herself once more.
'I never really thought that...I would fall in love with anyone, especially another Half-Genie of all people. And yet, that person who caught my heart, it ended up being him, without even trying much.'
She then grabs onto his shoulders, and as the Hammock moved a little bit, Shantae waits until the Hammock stopped shaking, so that she can position herself in front of Johaar's face. She narrowed her eyes mischievously and lovingly, as she then leans forward, and pressed her lips onto Johaar, making him grunt a little bit, and he began to stir in his sleep. Shantae moves herself far a little bit, as Johaar then opened his eyes, as he wakes up from his sleep, and sees Shantae in front of him.
Johaar's face then flushed himself, as he frowned in embarrassment, but he still speaks out to her.
"Oh, good morning, Shantae."
Shantae giggled, which is a very cute and pleasant sound to hear from anyone, as she then spoke out.
"Morning to you too, sleepyhead. Had a nice sleep?"
Johaar looked down at his legs, which are blocked by Shantae's hips, as he nodded and spoke out.
"Y-Yeah, I had. Best sleep in a while, I don't usually get that much. Hopefully I wasn't uncomfortable in your sleep."
Shantae shook her head, as she then spoke out.
"No, you weren't. You were much more comfortable to be honest."
This made Shantae realized what she said, as she closed her mouth, while Johaar looks to the side, feeling embarrassed, as he puts his hand over his eyes, in an effort to stop his blush from being shown. Shantae, seeing this, smiled, due to Johaar now looks my even cuter then ever before.
"Uhhh...oh stars. What did I get myself into?"
Shantae laughed once more, this time behind her mouth, as Johaar felt even more embarrassed then ever before.
Johaar and Shantae then got out from the Hammock, as Johaar then went to grab his bow, and put it onto his back. He stretched his arms a little bit, and Shantae, seeing this, can't help but imagine what he would do to her in the Hammock. Her blush became even more pronounced.
Johaar and Shantae then went down to the lower floor, as Johaar and Shantae had breakfast, and Johaar, due to having very good manners when eating, and the fact that he eats appropriately and quietly, made Shantae feel the urge to kiss him. Yet, she fought it off, so that she does not create another embarrassing moment for the both of them.
After that, Johaar and Shantae then went outside. But as they walked to Scuttle Town, Johaar looks up, and his expression on his face seemed...confused. Shantae noticed this, as Shantae then spoke out.
"Johaar? What's wrong?"
Johaar then looks over to Shantae, as he then spoke out.
"I...I don't know what it is but...I...I have a very strange...feeling, coming from the air itself. It feels like something bad happened. But...I...I can't put my finger on it.
Shantae then Johaar, seeing that he is very serious, as she then spoke out.
"Well...whatever it is, and if there is a problem, we'll take care of it."
Johaar looks at Shantae, and nodded his head.
Johaar and Shantae then go inside of Scuttle Town. And when they did, Johaar took notice of the citizens inside of the town, and they seemed a little bit...off. Johaar does not know why...but...he knows that something is very wrong. Johaar shook his head, not wanting to think about that right now, as he and Shantae looked at Mimic's Workplace, before Shantae and Johaar went inside of it.
They see that the Dynamo is still incomplete, and Mimic is standing around, with Bolo next to him, but Johaar could tell that there is something wrong with the both of them. Shantae then goes up to Mimic and spoke out.
"Uncle, are you doing okay?"
Mimic was silent...before he then spoke out one huge bombshell at the duo.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Shantae, upon hearing this, became horrified, as she then spoke out.
"Oh my gosh! He has a case of the olds!"
Johaar then shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"No, no, that's can't be!! You're Mimic!! You can't simply say that out of nowhere!! Even Bolo would not forget his own name!!"
But he should not have said that, because when he did, Bolo then spoke out.
"Who's Bolo?"
Shantae and Johaar turned around and saw Bolo looking just as confused as Mimic, as Johaar shouted out.
"Huh?! What's going on?! Why are they suddenly having lost their memories of themselves and us?!l
Shantae was also stunned, as she shouted out.
Johaar looked panicked, as he then turned to Shantae, as he then spoke out.
"We need to find someone to help us, now!!!"
Johaar and Shantae went outside, as they then began to look at the citizens, and see if they are okay. But all of the citizens have lost their minds, they have no memories of who they are, and every one of them has forgotten their names. Johaar and Shantar are scared for the worst, before they then turned to Mayor Scuttlebutt, and he is the most unusual in the crowd. This made Johaar and Shantae look at each other, before they decide to go to him, due to the fact that he seems to be distressed.
"Mayor Scuttlebutt! What are you doing, wandering the streets?"
Shantae shouted, as Mayor Scuttlebutt then spoke out.
Shantae then shouted out.
"... And where's your new Guardian Genie?"
Mayor Scuttlebutt then spoke out.
"Ah, yes... Holly. She said she had to go...somewhere..."
Shantae was then in an even bigger panic, as she then shouted out to him.
"But we need her help! Half the people in Scuttle Town have amnesia! You really have no idea where she went?"
Mayor Scuttlebutt looks down, as he then spoke out.
Johaar then looks down at his hand, and spoke out.
"Wait...in his hand."
Johaar took and grabbed a rolled piece of paper in his hand, as he then unrolled it, and saw that it is a map of some sort, with the words, Tassel Town, written above the entire picture of the area. Shantae looks at the map, as she then spoke out.
"A map to Tassel Town? So that's where she's gone."
Johaar then looks down at the map, as he spoke out.
"I've actually heard of Tassel Town. It is a town that was once known as the Great City of the Sun, before it got destroyed centuries ago. Apparently, it was from a sandstorm that lasted for hundreds of years. And if I were to believe, Holly must have be there somewhere, perhaps even born from this town. I knew that there's something off about her."
Shantae looks at Johaar with confused expression on her face, as she then spoke out.
"Johaar, what do you mean that there was something off about her?"
Johaar looks at Shantae, as he then spoke out.
"Shantae, think for a minute. Don't you think it seems strange that the Mayer got a new Guardian Genie that fast? And when I looked at her, I sensed her magic, and it felt...wrong. It didn't feel like Genie Magic at all. In fact, it felt like...something else. And now, she is suddenly gone, and when she is gone, everyone has amnesia. Doesn't that sound so suspicious? She might have even lied about the fact that she is a half-genie."
Shantar looks down, and while she does want to think about it for a bit, as she now understands Johaar's point, she then shook her head, as she then spoke out to Johaar.
"Well, first things first, we need to show the map to Sky!"
Johaar then spoke out.
"We'll go to Sky...but I have a really bad feeling about what we'll see here."
Johaar and Shantae then ran as fast as they can to Sky's Hatchery, as they went inside, only to see Sky looking as confused as the other people outside, as Shantae spoke out to her best friend.
Sky looks at Shantae, and she then spoke out.
"Who...am I?"
Johaar shook his head, clearly not surprised at this, as Shantae then spoke out.
"Sky, snap out of it!!"
Then, Johaar decides to speak out to Shantae.
"Shantae, it's no use, there's nothing that we can do. Even Sky has no memories of herself."
Johaar then goes up to Wrench, still on his larger form, as he then spoke out.
"Wrench, Shantae and I need your help. We need you to take us to Tassel Town, and fast!"
Wrench looks at Sky, uncertain about it, leaving his owner by herself, before Johaar then spoke out.
"Wrench, please take us to Tassel Town. It's the only way to bring her back to normal and restore her memories!"
This made Wrench look at Johaar with wide eyes, before he then nodded his head at Johaar, and Shantae spoke out.
"Then let's go!!"
Johaar then felt Shntae grab him by the hand, and Johaar was dragged by Shantae, who than goes on top of Wrench, and Shantae has Johaar wrap his arms around Shantae's hopes, much to his embarrassment, as Johaar then shouted out.
"Gah! Shantae, what are you-"
But feeling the 2 people onto him, Wrench takes off to Tassel Town, as born Shantae and Johaar ride on Wrench, both flying up to the sky, as they then go to the town that had been destroyed centuries before in the distant past.
Shantae and Johaar made it, as they went to the Outskirts of Tassel Town, before they ran to it as fast as they could, bow on Johaar's hand, as Shantae and Johaar then stop and look in front of the place before them.
"Is this it? Is this Tassel Town?"
Johaar nodded, as he then spoke out to her.
"It has to be. The map and the information I got from some of the history books involving it as accurate, and since a Sandstorm destroyed it, this seems to be the place."
Shantae walked forward, as she then spoke out to Johaar.
"So this is the place where she was raised..."
Then, a familiar female voice spoke out.
"And the place where I had perished."
Both Half-Genies turn to see Holly present from behind them.
Holly has a mocking smirk on her face, as Shantae then spoke out.
"You again. What are you doing here, anyway?"
Holly scoffed, as she then shrugs her shoulders.
"Can't a girl visit the remains of her hometown? Besides, you heard from Johaar correctly. This is where I was born from."
Johaar gripped onto his Bow, as Holly then spoke out to him.
"I always knew that you would be very intelligent, Johaar. But I never consider the fact that you would notice that there is something off about me."
Holly then looks at the Half-Genie Duo, and she narrows her eyes sternly, yet sadistically, as she then spoke out.
"If you want everyone's memories back, you both will have to meet me at the top of the tower. If you can get there, Maybe, I will do just that."
With that, Holly walks away, and suddenly disappeared, as Shantae spoke out angrily about Holly.
"So she is the one that erased their memories! But why?!"
Johaar narrowed his eyes, he gripped onto his Bow, as he then spoke out.
"I do not know...but whatever it is...it is clearly not good..."
Shantae looks at Johaar, who has a stern glare on his face, as he then spoke out.
"Shantae...we have a tower to climb. You ready to be up for the challenge?"
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded her head, as Johaar then spoke out to her.
"Then let's go. No looking back on this."
Johaar and Shantae ran as fast as they can. They then encounter a bunch of enemies, some of which shook spikes out of their heads, some resemble purple centipedes that are out of the ground partly. Some of the enemies are some birds that are grabbing onto the ones that fire spikes from their heads, as they tried to drop them down on top of Shantae and Johaar. Thankfully, Johaar is able to get his act together and fire his arrows to send them down, so that is dealt with. That did not make anything less difficult, as Johaar and Shantae has to avoid some spikes and other sorts of attacks, as Shantae used her hair to whip then away. Johaar even launched his spears into the air, hitting a bunch of the birds, as Shantae and Johaar look around, and go in front of some of the purple centipede-like creature, as Johaar and Shantae attacked them. Shantae attacks with her hair whip, while Johaar used his Bow and swung it onto the Centipede-Like Creatures. Luckily, because he gained the Glyph Bash upgrade, he is able to cause more damage to the creature then ever before. and after a few more hits, they are able to make it fall into pieces.
"This is gonna take a long day for the tower, huh?"
Johaar said, as Shantae then spoke out.
"Less talking, more fighting!"
Johaar nodded, as he continued along with Shantae in getting through to the tower. The process repeats over and over, until both Shantae and Johaar reached a specific area, and Johaar then saw some areas that are underwater. Johaar then spoke out
"Shantae, I think we should go underwater and see if there is anything that can help us in there."
Shantae nodded, as she then did her Dance Transformation again, before she then turned into another form.
Now she is in the form of a Crab, as Johaar spoke out.
"Okay, now we sink."
Shantae nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Let's go!"
Shantae and Johaar go down into the ocean, and luckily, because he has received Rán's Blessing, he can breath underwater, although this does not stop his clothes from being wet. Both Shantae and Johaar went underwater, and both Johaar and Shantae are able to find a quick route to the other side, as they resurfaced, and they went out of the water, although Johaar is now wet.
"This is gonna take a very long time to clean all of this off of me."
Shantae giggled, seeing the annoyed expression on his face, as she then spoke out.
"Well, no time for that. C'mon, let's go!!"
Johaar and Shantae then ran as fast as they can, as they encounter more enemies, and they prepared themselves to go against them. But then, before they found even react, a powerful sandstorm than blew onto both Shantae and Johaar.
Shantae and Johaar are sent flying into a wall once they happened. After a little bit, the Sandstorm was gone, and Shantae looks down...to see Johaar's head in a spot that is both soft, her embarrassing. Johaar's eyes widened, reazling the soft sensation on his head, as he pushed himself off of Shantae, as he spoke out.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry!! Are you okay?"
Shantae nodded, as she hugged herself from what had just happened, as she then spoke out.
"Yup. I'm fine."
'Although it did feel a little good.'
She thought to herself, as a smile appeared onto her face, clearly feeling pleasured at what happened. Johaar looked back in front of him, as he then spoke out.
"Holy...I knew that the sandstorm was bad...but this...this sandstorm pushed us back!!!"
Johaar then looked down at his hands, and spoke out.
Shantae looks at Johaar, as she then spoke out to him.
"Johaar...do you have an idea?"
Johaar nodded, as he then spoke out.
"I do. I'm going to try and use my Glyphs to act as walls, so that we do not get pushed by the Sandstorm, until we can reach a tall wall of some sort that we can go behind."
Shantae then looks at Johaar, as she then spoke out.
"Will your Glyphs work?"
Johaar then spoke out.
"Only one way to find out."
Johaar then made the Glyph appear in his hand, as he then went behind Shantae, who then wraps her arms around his waist, which made him feel somewhat embarrassed. But he shook his head, as he then moves forward. And as soon as the Sandstorm arrives, Shantae held on, as Johaar holds the Glyph in front of him. Although the Glyph was able to stop most of the Wind's force...it did not totally stop it, as Johaar and Shantae are pushed back, but much more slower. After a little bit, Johaar then spoke out.
"Well, better then nothing."
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
"Then let's keep on moving."
Johaar and Shantae then ran forward, pushing through the sandstorm as much as they can, even when they are slightly pushed themselves, as well as go through as many of the enemies as they can. But with the Sandstorm, it is quite a difficult and very harrowing task, due to the fact that they need to switch positions, with Shantae being in front of Johaar when she attacks, with Johaar rarely attacking this time, and Johaar having to switch at being in front when the Sandstorm is about to hit, which Johaar can only sense when he feels the winds starting to become more faster then before.
They kept on repeating this process, until they then see what appears to be a portal of some sort, as Shantae and Johaar looked at it, before they both nodded. They went inside, and found themselves inside of a colorful dimension, with colorful blocks that act as the inner and outer structure of the dimension. And there seems to be a portal at the other side.
"Well...this should be simple enough."
Shantae then runs up to it, only for her to be caught by a powerful sandstorm, and she wound have crashed into the wall, if Johaar did not jump and catch her.
"Or not."
Johaar then looks at Shantae, who pouts at the sudden bad luck, as Johaar then spoke out.
"Here, let me help with this. But I'm also gonna need you to assist me."
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded his head, as Johaar then spoke out.
"When I use my Glyphs, this time, I want you to push me into going forward. We walk together."
Shantae then spoke out.
"You got it!"
Johaar nodded, as he then got the Sigil ready, before he then ran up, Shantae runs behind him, as he held it in front of him, and both Johaar and Shantae began to feel the push.
Johaar said, as Shantae and Johaar began to walk, with Shantae pushing Johaar's body, and trying to reach the other side of the portal. They both struggled and pushed a little bit, but after a little while, Rhee are able to reach the portal, and Shantae, along with Johaar, entered into it as fast as they can, before they are pushed out of range.
A bright shine was felt... and Johaar closed his eyes, feeling blinded by the light, as Johaar opened them...only to see that she is gone.
"Hello...Shantae. Where are you?"
Johaar then looks forward, and he sees a chest. He goes up to it, and he takes it...only to take a transformation that he now can use.
You got the Bear form. Now you can swipe and claw at your enemies! You can now also handle the powerful winds of Tassel Town.
Johaar was a little bit nervous, but he decides not to argue on this, as he then took a deep breath and calmed down, before he then transformed into a large bear, very big in size, brown in color, and used his claws to swipe at the blockade that is in the way of the exit. After a whole minute of clawing and ramming, the block was gone, as Johaar went to the other side, and exited out from it.
When he reappeared into the desert, he sees Shantae also here, as he spoke out.
"You got what you wanted?"
Shntae nodded, as she then spoke out.
"Yes! And I think you might have something that could be helpful as well!"
Then, another powerful sandstorm occurred, as Johaar then shouted out.
Then, he turned into the Bear Form again, as he goes in front of Shantae, and protects her from the Sandstorm. He didn't even get pushed at all. He is now strong enough to take on its winds. Shantae looks in awe, as Johaar smiled.
"Well...at least now I can take on the winds easier. Wanna climb on my back?"
Shantae nodded, an excited look is present onto her face, as she goes onto Johaar's back, and rests her entire front body onto it, as Johaar then moved quickly, as he barely through the enemies, and only changed back when they are at a place that Johaar can't jump over, due to being too heavy. They continued on...until they reached the tower, and they they then went inside.
"Phew, that was intense."
Johaar said, as Shantae smiled.
"Well, on the plus side, at least you are able to turn into a Bear to deal with the winds!"
Johaar nodded as he chuckled a little bit. As he then spoke out.
They went into the center of a room, as Johaar then spoke out.
"Okay...so what do we do now?"
As Johaar said that...suddenly, the entire tower began to shake, and Johaar looks down, along with Shantae, and they see something coming out of the sand.
"...You can't be serious..."
Johaar said, as Shantae then shouted out.
"No time for that, Johaar!! We need to jump!!!"
Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae began to jump and leap to the top of the tower, in order to get away from the monstrosity that is crawling up to them. Johaar and Shantae kept on jumping, and as then did, when they reached a part of the tower that then need to get up to, Shantar then did her dance...and changed into her new form.
She resembles a cross between a spider and a human, with pinchers on the arms and having cyan skin, with webs on her chest.
"Woah. That's the new one, huh?"
Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.
"Well, I'll use it for now."
She picks up Johaar, and used spider silk to reel her upwards, as Johaar and Shantae continued to try and go up as fast as they can. And luckily, Shantae's spider form made it easier...in a way...but there are some stuff that spewed out fire, and Johaar had to use some ice arrows to take them out.
As they get closer and closer to the top, Johaar and Shantae realize that the Spider form is not gonna help this time, and thus, Johaar and Shantae lightened the load.
"Shantae, turn onto your monkey form, fast."
Shantae nodded her head, as she dances and transforms, as Shantae turns into her monkey form again, and began to leapt up. Johaar sighed, as he then stumped up, the Sigil beneath him briefly appeared underneath him, as he then leapt up and climbed onto some chains, although Shantae was faster, due to her light weight as a monkey, and the fact that she can jump higher then him.
After a little bit more Shantae and Johaar reached the exit, as then ran through it before they could be eaten by the giant sand-worm.
Shantae and Johaar ran forward, as bout Half-Genies began to pant and gasp for breath, as Johaar spoke out.
"Okay, that was tiring. I feel like I'm gonna lose my senses after a little bit."
Shantae nodded her head, as she also feels exhausted from what happens, even if only a little bit.
"Phew. I thought we were going to never make it..."
Shantae then huggedJohaar very suddenly, as she then spoke out.
"And I thought that I was going to lose you."
Johaar was stunned at this, but he wraps his arms around Shantae's back, and pulled her closer, before he then spoke out.
"Well, you aren't gonna lose me this easily. It's gonna take a lot more then that."
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded her head, as he then spoke out.
"Now then, let's go."
Johaar and Shantae then continue forward, as they then continued onward, now encountering some new enemies, one of which resembles the head of the centipede entities, which leap into the air and try to bite them, while the other are female archers. Thankfully, Johaar was able to deal with the archers themselves, as he and Shantar continue forward, and then, platforms began to move up and down, as they avoided missing and falling, before they then reached the top...and it is there that Holly is present.
"Stop right there, Holly!!!"
Holly turns around and looks at Shantae, as she then looked unhappy to see her.
"Get lost, you! Can't you see I'm busy!?"
Johaar then spoke out.
"That's too bad...because we're your bigger problem here."
Shantae then stepped forward.
"Holly...how dare you take away the memories of Scuttle Town?!"
Holly scoffed at Shantae, as she then spoke out.
"Well, duh, of course you'd realize it is me. The last thing I'd want is your dumb Genie job!"
Johaar then stepped forward, with Shantae at his side, as he then spoke out.
"I sensed your power, you know. What even are you? You aren't a Half-Genie."
Holly smiled, as she spoke out.
"You're right, I'm not a Half-Genie! Truth is...I'm a memory! A memory of the most IMPORTANT PERSON OF ALL TIME!"
This made Shantae confused, as she then spoke out.
"What?! No way, memories can't be real people!!"
But Holly then spoke back to her.
"Oh please. When youre a true legend like I am, you can be anything you want! A long time ago I was Tassel Town's smartest, most beautiful, brightest star! I was Summa Cum Laude, Homecoming Queen, and Miss Tassel Town for three years running, I was adored and celebrated with tributes, paintings, statues, and books that is all about me!"
Holly then sighed, as she has a dreamy smile on her face.
"Sometimes, even I don't know how I got to be so amazing. But then the stupid town was destroyed by a stupid sandstorm that lasted for hundreds of years! So lame! The memory of me was almost lost!! Haaaa...fortunately, I ran into Wilbur!"
This made Johaar realize what is about to happen next, as Holly spoke our.
"Wilbur, here boy!! Num-Num Time!!"
Then, shaking was felt, as Johaar and Shantae turned to the large hole on the tower, as a giant one-eyed sand worm appeared.
"Great...the thing that was chasing us is back!!"
Holly smiled, as she spoke out.
Wilbur is a care species of titanic Chilopoda that feeds on Neurotransmitters! Pretty cool, huh?"
Johaar spoke out.
"Memories. You..."
Holly chuckled, as she then spoke out.
"Anyway, I realized that in order to remain the Strongest Memory, I simply needed to eliminate All Other memories by feeding them to him. Say so long to your friends! They're about to become worm food go on, eat!!"
Holly then pulls out the memories, and Wilbur eats them, as Shantae cried out.
Johaar snarled, looking at Holly.
"You're insane!!"
Holly didn't seem to regret it, as she then spoke out.
"Oh well. Since I can't seem to penetrate your dumb
Genie Brains, I'll have to resort to something a lot more messy."
She then turns to Wilbur, as she then shouts out.
"Wilbur...smash them both!!!"
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