Save the Genie Realm

Johaar and Shantae are riding into the air with Wrench being directed by Sky. Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"We need to go back to Mimic. Do we have a map to Risky's hideout?"

Shantae's eyes widened, and Sky's eyes also widened, as both spoken out.

"Oh. Oops."

Johaar shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Great. We need to go back go Mimic to get the map."

Sky then smacked herself in the head, along with Johaar and Shantae, as Sky turns wrench around back into Scuttle Town, so that they can go and get the map that Mimic my hand in his possession.

"Great, I'm making a dumb mistake."


Johaar has the map in his hand, as he narrows his eyes in irritation, and Shantae had a bit of an embarrassed look on her face, as Mimic had also made something that can counter the power and function of the Dynamo, that will hopefully save the Genie Realm. He called it, a Magical Polarizer.

"Okay, we just wasted this time, because of how I wanted to get my new spear. Sorry, guys."

Johaar said, as Shantae spoke out.

"It's okay. We all can make mistakes."

Johaar then spoke out.

"Except that I don't want to make mistakes, spastically since the Genie Realm is in danger. There should not be room for error."

Sky then spoke out to Johaar.

"Well...we're in luck, due to the fact that we are going to her much more sooner then later. In all honesty, it would have been worse, such having to get you out of that corrupted state for hours."

Johaar looks down and nodded his head, as he knows that Sky has a point. Johaar, as he held onto Shantae, he then clenched his right hand, as his golden spear manifested into his right hand, the corn waved wit the wind, as Johaar then spoke out to them.

"Risky is going too far with what she is doing, and she needs to be stopped, no matter what."

Shantae nodded her head, as Sky spoke out.

"Agreed. After all, the Genie Realm."

Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he puts away the golden spear, as he then looks to see that that they are getting close to the factory that Risky is at. Shantae then spoke out to them both.

"There!! This is it!!!"

Johaar looked and his eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Are you a volcano? That is so a Risky thing right there."

Wrench kept flying there, until they reached the ground. Both Johaar and Shantae then leapt off of Wrench, who flies away from the area, as they then look to see what is before their very own eyes. Shantae spoke out as she sees the place before her eyes.

"Risky Boots is hiding the Dynamo somewhere close by!"

Johaar then spoke out.

"That, or she has the Dynamo near her. Either way, we need to destroy it before it can corrupt the Genie Realm."

Shantae nodded. But as Johaar said that, before that they can go on the move, a female voice spoke out.

"One final word of warning."

A voice spoke out. And this made Shantae stop, and Johaar stopped as well, as he heard it. It is unfamiliar to him, but Shantae...she heard it before, in a dream she had before all of this started.

"It's you..."

The voice spoke out to the both of them again.

"If the enemy succeeds in turning the Genie
Realm to evil...You must Destroy Us and our magic with Us. Hesitate and your world will fall
forever into darkness."

Shantae nodded her head, as Johaar sighed.

"We understand."

Shantae said, as Johaar spoke out.

"Well, let's not waste time, and stop the Genie Realm from getting corrupted. We will not let that happen."

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"Right. We believe in what our friends feel for us. I can't think of myself as half good enough anymore. WE...cannot think as half good enough. All the people we care about, all the people of Scuttle Town... Sequin Land...The entire Genie Realm is counting on us!"

Johaar nodded, as he points his spear at what is beyond them, and spoke out.

"That's right. Now...let's stop Risky Boots and save the Genies!!"

Shantae nodded, as she then danced, and turned into her Mermaid Form, before she went into the water. Johaar followed suit, and luckily for Johaar, he still has the transformation of the Mermaid. Seems like his Dark self did not get it. This means that he can still breath underwater. Johaar and Shantae both went into the water, as the cold liquid covered around them. Johaar and Shantae looked and see the entrance that is in the form of a pipe. Then went inside, and this is when they have obstacles put in the way.

There are a bunch of spikey entities and walls that are blocking their path, and Shantae, in mermaid form, used bubbles to attack not just the enemies, but also the walls that are blocking their path. Johaar also used the spears to his uses, as he throws them in the water, in the same speed as one would throw in the surface, as the spears are embedded into the breakable walls, and Johaar, with a clap of his hands, made the spears detonate, making the wall collapse and fall down.

"Wow, that is amazing, Johaar!"

Shantae said, as Johaar spoke out.

"Seems like I can use my spears even in this form. Well, at least that is a plus for me."

Shantae smiled, as bout Johaar and Shantae continue forward, and they continue getting rid of the obstacles. But unfortunately, as they continued to swim, they see more enemies. They are one-eyed fish, and Tinkerbats underwater, holding spears. Luckily for Johaar, however, he had a spear in his hand, and it is far outclassing the spears that the Tinkerbats have. So this is bad news for the Tinkerbats, as Johaar swung, bashed, and sliced the spears in half, as the Tinkerbats began to float up, while Shantae shoots at the one-eyed fish. They have each other's back, as Johaar attacked the Tinkerbats, and Shantae the fish and spikey entities. And needless to say, it is a harrowing experience for them, as the enemies are distracting them from the walls that are blocking their path. But even so, they still manage to get through the walls in the way.

The cycle of attack continues, as both Shantae and Johaar did all that they can to avoid getting hit, as well as breaks down the walls that are blocking their paths. The tinkerbats, spikes, and fish kept on attacking, and both Johaar and Shantae kept doing all that they can to try and bring them down.

"Okay, seriously, how much does it take for these things to finally leave us be?!"

Johaar shouted underwater, very frustrated what what is happening now. Johaar clearly just wants it all over. Shantae blasts through the walls, and she then saw something.

"There, I see an exit!!!"

Johaar looks and see a pipe. Johaar nods at this, but he and Shantae went inside of it.

Once they got out of the pipe, they changed back to normal, now in a place filled with magma. Johaar spoke out.

"Well, it seems that Risky decided to make it a little bit more dangerous for us both."

Shantae nodder, as she spoke out.

"Yep. It is so like her. Do you think your new spear will help us in this?"

Johaar nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, it will. And even though my sword and knife cannot use their slash projectiles, it can still be used as normal weapons. And this means that it will be used against the Tinkerbats."

Shantae nodded, as she looks to the direction that they need to go to, as she spoke out.

"Well, then there is no time to waste. We need to go, and fast!"

Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae then ran for it. Tinkerbats appeared before them, but Johaar used his sword and knife against them, as he easily takes them down, the same goes to Shantae, who used her hair whip to whip away at the Tinkerbats that are attacking her. They leapt over an open drop that has magma below it, as Shantae and Johaar for and went to another area that has a section touched by the spikes. But Shantae fixes this problem by turning into her elephant form, and jump up, before slamming her entire heavy body down, forcing the area to be pushed down, and Johaar had to use his spear to hold his ground against the force of each of the jumps.

As she changed back, Shantae and Johaar moved forward, only to see a Boulder coming towards them. Johaar summoned his spear and sliced it with a whip attack. Only to see that a large lizard-like creature is here, and is spitting out the rocks. Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he sliced the rocks to bits, before he than began to throw the spears at the lizard creature, before he snapped his fingers at the 5th throw, and the spears exploded, causing the lizard monster to explode as well.

They moved forward, but then then see that there is a large gap that has spikes on the right side, on the ceiling, and there is a Tinkerbat above waiting for them.

Johaar narrowed his eyes, before he then stabbed a spear that is on the gap's wall at the side that he and Shantae are on, before he then jumped on it, and leaped off, as he want to the other side without getting hurt. Shantae turned into a bat and flies to the other side, as Johaar threw his spears at the flying Tinkerbat, sending it down into the magma. Johaar and Shantae kept on running. They looked and saw that there is an area with spikes on it, and needless to say, Johaar is not too happy, as he then spoke out.

"Great. Now I need to find a way to get to the other side. Do I even still have mg fairy form?"

Johaar looks at himself, before he then did a pose and spoke out.


Johaar than flashed and changed into his fairy, which is surprisingly still here, as he spoke out.

"Huh, I was sure that it was gone. Guess my dark self did not have enough time to get rid of it."

Shantae smiled, as she then danced, and turned into her Harpy form, and both she and Johaar began to fly away, and go over the spikes. Shantae then goes to a section that needs the elephant form again, as Shantae stomped the platform down. Then, they go back to their flying forms, and went up, before going back down, as Johaar and Shantae encounter more and more Tinkerbats. Not wanting to waste time, Johaar summoned his Spear, and swung it fast, as wind pushed away the flying and the normal Tinkerbats.

"Wow, the spear really packs a lot of power!"

Shantae said, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, especially since this is my first time using it."

Johaar and Shantae kept on moving, encountering more and more of the Tinkerbats, And, as they kept on moving, they met with a flying Tinkerbat. But Johaar made a spear and fired it at the blades that spun and kept it afloat, as it fell into the magma. Johaar and Shantae then changed into their Fairy and Harpy forms as they flied away, even ignoring another flying Tinkerbat along the way. Then, they met another lizard creature, and Johaar made short work of it, by changing back to normal and used his Spear to whip a Boulder apart, before he then threw his spear, as a few spears became imbedded inside of the lizard, before he snapped his fingers, and the spears detonated, causing the lizard to explode as well.

"Thank, Johaar."

Shantae said, as Johaar nodded, before they kept on moving forward. They encountered some more Tinkerbats along the way, but nothing to threatening, as they both are able to make it to the other side of the area.

As they went to the next area, Johaar and Shantae brought down a little bit more of the Tinkerbats, and they then saw that they are gonna need to fly a lot more then before, due to the fact that there are spikes on floating blocks, and some of the spikes are moving up and down. Johaar rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at this, as Shantae spoke out.

"Well, I guess we will need to fly a little bit more. You ready, Johaar?"

Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae changed into their flying forms again. Shantae and Johaar went up, as they began to try and avoid the spikes, and even had to avoid getting crushed by 2 of them from above and below. They then went onto another platform, as they dealt with the Tinkerbats again, before they then changed back into their flying forms to continue getting away from being pierced by spikes. And it is a little bit more harder then before, but after they got through, they are able to go to the small platform, as Johaar spoke out.

"I'm gonna need to go first. Hang on."

Johaar then summoned a spear and pierced beneath him, so he can stand onto it, he than throws another spear, which lands at the other side, and he jumped to it and balanced himself. He then fired a spear up, from the opposite side, as he than jumped again, before he than jumped through the spike gap. Shantae, as a monkey, followed suit, as she dashed and jumped, and she herself went through the spike gap Johaar leapt through.

As Shantae went through, Johaar is spoke to be taking care of the Tinkerbats coming his way. Johaar swung his spear, as 3 miniature tornados appeared and picked up the Tinkerbats, as they began to float and spin in the air, and they go over to the lakes, which they fell in. And Shantae, she herself tooo care of the Tinkerbats by whipping at them with her hair. Johaar and Shantae looked at each other, as Shantae smiled, clearly glad to see that Johaar is alive. Johaar then spoke out.

"Okay, we must be near Risky Boots' location. Let's fly one more time."

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yeah!!! Let's go stop her."

Johaar and Shantae changed back to their fairy and harpy form, as they then began to fly and avoid the spikes. Now there is one trying to crush them at the beginning, a couple going up and down, and a few in a row trying to crush them. But luckily, boot Johaar and Shantae are able to avoid the attack, as they then landed onto the ground, back in normal forms. A couple of the tinkerbats were there, and they tried to fight against them, but both Johaar and Shantae made short work of the both of them, as they went to the entrance before them.

As they went to the other side, Shantae then spoke out.

"Looks like this is the end of the line. We must be getting close now."

Johaar nodded his head, as he then looks and sees a chest that is in front of him. He looks at Shantae, who nods at him to take it, as Johaar goes up to the chest and opened it. He takes out what it is that is inside of it.

"You have gotten the Dash ability. You can now move at a quick burst of speed that propels and closes the distance quickly."

Johaar sighed, as he then spoke out.

"Let's go."

Shantae nodded, as they then ran to the other side of the area, but not before Shantae smashed the 3 vases inside of the room, and gain some hearts, which she was dismayed by. Johaar then spoke out.

"Risky Boots, we are coming."

Born Shantae and Johaar then ran to the other side, and they saw that their nemesis is truly here.

As Johaar and Shantae entered the final area, Risky Boots is there, waiting for them, and needless to say, Johaar is not happy with her, as Shantae shouted out.

"Hold it right there Risky!"

Risky looks amused at what she is seeing, as she then spoke out.

"So you managed to find my Tinkerfactory, did you? Not surprising...but I am more surprised that you returned to normal, lovely~."

Risky said with a seductive gaze, which freaked Johaar out. But Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Enough, where's the Dynamo that you have?"

Risky chuckled, as she spoke out.

"Ho ho ho! You'll see soon enough. It's in the tender-loving care of my Tinkerbats. My men have been working tirelessly to unlock the Dynamo's Full Potential. It will be beyond anything Shantae's short-sighted uncle could ever even dream of!"

Risky than took out her weapons, as she spoke out.

"But until their work is complete... I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO INTERFERE!! AND YOU...JOHAAR...YOU WILL BE MINE!!!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Risky Boots: Queen of the Seven Seas

Risky Boots then attacks both Johaar and Shantae, as the 2 Half-Genies then began to fight back. Risky jumped into the air, and she swung her sword at Shantae, only for Shantae to counter with her hair whip.

Both hair and sword clashed, as Risky then jumped into the air and, when she gained some distance, fired her gun. But Shantae countered with her Fireball, which caused the both of them to explode. Risky did it again, this time with 3 shots at the same time, and Shantae again countered, this time with a triple fireball. Shantae then respond by zapping Risky Boots with her electricity. But then, as Shantae stopped, Risky takes out her cutlass, and gets ready to charge, as Johaar appeared in front of Shantae, as he takes his Sword and Knife out. As soon as Risky charges at the duo, Johaar dashes, and clashed his blade against the Cutlass. The 2 weapons clashed, as Shantae moved out of the way, by jumping into the air, and turning into her harpy form, as both Johaar and Risky clashed blades by dashing, before they locked blades on the third turn, as Risky smiled.

"I always love to see your frustration, Johaar~. It makes me want to go for you more."

This made Johaar flinched and look weirded out, as Johaar then stepped back, and Shantae landed back down, before changing back to normal. Then, Risky began to use her gun again, and Johaar, this time, launched his spear against the bullet, in order to stop it from hitting Shantae. Shantae then launched her triple fireball again, as Risky used the 3 bullets this time. And then, Risky began to use her cannon as she fired at the ground. Shantae activated her invincibility shield, and she was safe. But Johaar was not as lucky, as he got hit. Luckily the damage is reduced, thanks to his armor. But Risky was not done yet. She then went into the air and grabbed onto an anchor of sorts, as she began to the and crush Johaar and Shantae. Shantae got hit a little bit, and Johaar is doing all that he can to avoid getting hit himself.

Then, Tinkerbats came out of nowhere, and began to get into the ring, as fire began to spew out from the ground. Shantae and Johaar got burned a little bit from the attack, as Johaar and Shantae are a little hit damaged. But Johaar and Shantae kept on fighting, with Johaar even using the spears to deal with the Tinkerbats, by sending them into the magma. Shantae, on the other hand, used her hair whip multiple times in order to take care of the Tinkerbats as much as she can. But Johaar, he then jumps up and began to clash blades with Risky Boots, before he then used his spear to try and attack, not by stabbing her, but by hitting her with the handle. Risky did get hit a little bit, but she is still able to block and defend against it. Johaar then went back down to the ground, as Risky did the same, and she then began to jump and try to slash at Johaar. But Johaar dashed out of the way, as Riskg missed. Shantae hits Risky with her hair whip, which sends her back a little bit, but Risky slashed at her, hurting Shantae a little bit. This made Johaar very unhappy, but he kept his cool, and attacks with his blades. Johaar got hit with a bullet in the chest, which exploded onto him, but he kept himself in the game, as Shantae then launched the finishing blow, as Risky is now too weak to keep on fighting. Risky is on her knees, as Shantae spoke out.

"This is the end, Risky Boots! Give up!!"

But Risky smiled, as she was not done yet.

"Ha! You're too late!"

The top gears above then extended, as Risky spoke out.

"Now I introduce you both to the Final Phase of my plan! Behold!"

Then, the gears turned, as Johaar and Shantae looked up to see that there is a platform above them. Johaar and Shantae, along with Risky, then leapt up to the air, and landed onto the platforms, and that is there they see something very unnerving next to them.

There is a machine in the circular platform, one that resembles a head, with 2 black dots resembling the eyes, and the magnet pointing upwards, like a happy face, but more evil. Shantae was shocked, as she spoke out.

"Wh-What is it?"

Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"This must be your improved Dynamo!"

Risky smiled, as she spoke out.

"You are so correct, my lovely male half-genie~. The New and Improved Dynamo!!"

The Dynamo then opened its eyes, and Shantae was stunned and horrified at the sight, as she spoke out.

"What have you done to it?!"

Risky smiled, as she spoke out.

"My Tinkerbats have increased its
Potential in every way! My moment of victory has arrived!! Watch, as I turn your precious Genie Realm...inside out!!! Ho Ho Ho!!!"

Risky leapt away, as Shantae ran to try and chase after her, as Shantae spoke out.

"She's going to open the gateway to the
Genie Realm!"

Johaar spoke out.

"Risky always claimed victory before she actually won. So...let's go and destroy the scrap heap, befor she succeeds."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tinkerbrain! Dynamo of Destruction!

Johaar and Shantae began to run, as Johaar then began to throw spears at the the Dynamo, the large screw on the right side of its head glowing, as 4 pillars began to rise up from the platform. Johaar and Shantae then looked at them and nodded, as they both then went to the pillars on opposite directions, as they hit them, Shantae with her hair, and Johaar with his spears, as he stabs it fast and quickly. Johaar then jumped and dashed into the air, as he and Shantae go to their second pillars, and they attacked it as well. But as they went to go and hit the last pillar, the 5th pillar, it sunk down, as they then began to run, just in case the Dynamo plans to fire something at them. A gear bounces onto the platform, and Johaar dodged it, while Shantae used her invincibility bubble, as the pillars began to rise again. But Shantae is more closer to the pillar. And so, she ran straight for it, as Johaar does all he can to attack the Dynamo with his spears, as Shantae hits the last pillar. The 5 pillars sunk down, and the Dyamo gained an overflow of energy, as it then exploded the right side and eye of the Dynamo.

But the Dynamo was not done yet. Then, 3 more gears began to bounce towards them, as Johaar then began to run the opposite way, and launched 3 spears at the gears to make them go away, while Shantae ran through the gears with her invincibility bubble, and a 4th gear, going the opposite way, almost hit Shantae. But Johaar used his spear by making a tornado to move it out of the way. The pillars went up, as Johaar and Shantae began to strik and attack the pillars. They attacked 2 of each at a time, before the pillars went back down, with the 5th, just like last time, unharmed again. Both Johaar and Shantae run once more, as 3 more Gears came out and began to try and hit Shantae and Johaar, and Shantae used her invincibility shield to be unharmed from them, and Johaar used his Spear to bat them away, as the pillars went back up once again. But this time, Johaar was closer, and so, not hesitant in the chance, he ran as fast as he can, as he then began to stab on the pillar, which then began to glow, showing it is ready. And then, the spears went down, and the Dynamo is forced to take the brunt of the attack, as energy went up into the dynamo, overfilling it, and then, it stopped working.

"Phew...that was close."

Shantae was happy, as she hugged and kissed Johaar.

"We did it!! We stopped the Dynamo just in time!!!"

Then...voices began to fill the area, as Johaar and Shantae spoke out.


"That voice..."

Then, a gathering of white light appeared, as the genie that had appeared before Shantae and Johaar came back again.

"You've both battled valiantly and accomplished so much...daughter and son of the genies."

Shantae was surprised, as she spoke out.

"It's you."

Johaar was confused, and then...he realized something.

"Wait...something's not right. Why would the genie appear to us this fast?"

He whispered to himself, as the genie spoke out.

"You both risked your life time and again to fight for Justice in service to others. And we are forever Grateful for your kindness and your loyalty."

But then...Shantae and Johaar began to glow, and before they knew it...they saw that something had happened.

The entire area has changed, and now...both Shantae and Johaar are inside of another realm, one that is filled with familiar entities that are floating in the air.


Johaar said, as the entity spoke out.

"On behalf of the entire Genie Realm... We thank you both from the bottom of our Hearts."

Shantae spoke out.

"No way. Is this...the Genie Realm."

And then...that is when the Genie spoke out.


And then...that is when it finally caught on to Shantae and Johaar, as he realized what this means.

" can't be!!!"

The Genie confirmed it.

The corruption of our has begun. Do what you must to ensure peace."

Then, Risky came out of nowhere, as she then spoke out.

"Ho Ho Ho!!! Ive finally done it! The very heart of the realm of magic!! THE POWER OF THE GENIES WILL BE MINE!!"

She than looks at the Dynamo, as she then shouts out.


The Dynamo, before the 2 Half-Genies knew it, began to activate.

The Magnet then turned upside down, now resembling a frown, as the entire realm began to become corrupted with dark magic, and the Genies are also turning into their new forms, the corruption is affecting them to.


Johaar shouted, as he looks and sees the Genies being inverted, as Shantae spoke out.

"What's happening?! NO!!!!"

Risky smiled in triumph, as she spoke out.

"IT WORKED!!!! The power of the Genies is mine!!! And the WORLD...WILL BOW BEFORE ME!! HA-HAAA-HAAA-HAAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Risky Boots then leapt away, as Johaar narrowed his eyes. Shantae looked sad, as she spoke out.

"We don't have a choice. Before Risky can claim their power...we have to do it!! We have to destroy the Genie Realm at any cost!!"

Johaar looks down...but then...he noticed his weapons...they are beginning to glow, his Sword and Knife...they are glowing light blue and purple of Genie Magic, the magic that is still pure. This made Johaar stunned, as he summoned his spear, and the spear had is swirling of Genie Magic, with the head of the spear now becoming similar to a drill, the cloth on the spear also glowing, as Johaar realized something. He than remembered the invention that Mimic has, the one that can counter the power of the Dynamo, and it is also glowing, and he then spoke out.

"Maybe there is another way."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The fight begins, as a shield than began to surround the Dynamo, so that it does not get attacked by both Johaar and Shantae. However, there is a large opening in the shield, as Johaar and Shantae began to target the other Genies, as well as Johaar throwing his spears at the Dynamo when he is near the opening. The corrupted genies then began to attack them, as shooed are around most of them, escape for one. Shantae attacked them, as Johaar launched his spears at the opening, as Shantae turned the Genie into a sphere of purified genie Magic, and when the opening came, Shantae struck the sphere into the opening and at the Dynamo, which did a of damage to it.

But the Dynamo does not give up a single bit, as it then continued its assault, and then, some of the Dark Genies go to Johaar and began to confront him directly. Johaar steps back, as he used his spear to whack them away, as Johaar used his Sword and Knife against them. He slashed at their shields, which did nothing to stop them, before Johaar is able to make them into 2 balls of purified Genie Magic, as Johaar narrowed his eyes, as he then takes out his Spear. The 2 Spheres went inside of the spear, becoming a part of the magic drill it has become, as it's power increased. When an opening came, Johaar launched the spear at the Dynamo. This made the Dynamo explode a little bit, but it did not stop it a single bit.

Shantae used her hair whip on a few of the corrupted genies, and each time she used the hair whip, she made the genies turn into spheres of white and blue energy, before sending them to the dynamo when the opening was present. However, she was not completely successful, as the Dynamo is also beginning to learn from this as well. It will change direction and block the spheres from coming to it, and it made Shantae a little bit frustrated, as the Dynamo is trying to protect itself by any means.

Then, black smoke began to crawl onto the ground, as Johaar and Shantae leapt up into the air, and Johaar looked enraged, as he can feel the Genie's Fury coursing through his veins, his arms sparking a little, as it prepares to ignite. But Johaar kept his calm, as does all he can not to do it, so that he can make stopping the Dynamo easier.

"Shantae, are you doing well on your side?"

Johaar said, as he jumped backwards, and Shantae spoke out.

"I'm trying, but the Dynamo is trying to prevent itself from being hit by me!!"

Johaar nodded, as he then sees more and more of the Genies try and stop him. Johaar then spoke out.

"And the Genies, they are not stopping! They are going for me for some reason!!"

Shantae looks, and sees that Johaar is getting overwhelmed, and every time he tries to prince the genie into spheres and launch then at the Dynamo, more and more will come, and he is gettin overwhelmed.


Shantae cried out, as she than as fast as she can to him, but as she did that, some of the Dark Genies decided to stop being still, and move to the and stop Shantae.


Shantae's cried out, as Risky, watching her plan seemingly about to complete, spoke out.

"Yes!! Now with Shantae out of the way, I shall take over the world, with Johaar as my king!!! Ho Ho Ho!!!"

As Johaar is getting overwhelmed, Johaar closed his eye, as he feels the Genies doing all that they can to stop him. He can feel himself being pinned and held in place, as he can hear Shantae cry out to him.

"Johaar!!! JOHAAR!!!!! JOHAAR!!!!!!!!!"

As Johaar looked he then remembered something...all the people that he had lost, the father he had lost, the home...that was lost from a battle. Johaar...he felt his fist clenched, as fire began to cover his fists, his veins began to bulge out, as he roared.


He spreads his arms out, and got the Genies off of him, and Risky can only watch in shock at what she is seeing.


Johaar roared, as he than jumped into the air, and slammed his fists to the ground, causing it to shake and causing the Dark Genies coming for Shantae to scatter. And the instant he did that, when he used Genie's Fury, it began to turn the entire Genie Realm blue in color, as Johaar, seeing that the opening is a hint to come to his location, ran up to it as fast as he can, before he then grabbed onto the Magical Polarizer that Shantae had, the one that Mimic had given to her, leapt up into the air, and began to tear it apart with his bare hands, roaring and shouting all the way. He even summoned his spear and pierced a whole into the Dynamo, before he inserted the Magical Polarizer inside of it, which began to weaken the Dynamo.

Johaar than summoned a spear, and he roared out.

"Shantae!! Use this!!!"

He throws a spear to Shantae, who used her hair to catch it, before she grabs it on with her bear hands. And Johaar, he leapt off from the opening, just as Shantae threw the spear, and struck the Dynamo at the core. And the moment that has happened, the Dynamo began to explode, and Johaar could feel the corruption inside of the Genie Realm reversing, although Shantae can't, thinking she had destroyed the Genie Realm.

After the explosion was gone, Risky reappeared, and she was fusions and shocked at what happened, the Dynamo now destroyed and broken.


Johaar spoke out.

"You should have realized this, Risky...that we would do anything to stop you from letting this happen. Just as you should have know to claim victory, before it actually won."

Risky frowned...but she then lied, as she spoke out.

"Perhaps...but now...I'll have the satisfaction...of making sure you burn to in your graves!!"

She then pressed a button, as she spoke out.

"Ta-Ta, Shantae."

She than turned to Johaar, and a lustful smile appeared on her face, her finger on her lips.

"Farewell, my beloved king~! HO HO HA HA HAAAAA!!!

Risky then leapt away, as Shantae spoke out.

"We've got to get out of here, now!!!"

Johaar nods, as he spoke out.

"Hold it!!"

He than goes to the machine, and fishes out the Zombie Hamster, as he then spoke out.

"Now we can go!"

Shantae nodded, as she grabs Johaar, who puts the hamster in his pocket, and Shanter spoke out.

"Hang on tight! We're getting out of here!!"

Johaar nods, as Shantae and Johaar ran and go to a wooden slide, as they began to go down to try and escape the burning fires that is about to make the volcano explode. They leapt and jump, as gears began to drop down and bounce onto the sodden slide. But luckily, Johaar threw his spears at the gears, bouncing them away, as Johaar and Shantae  to slide as fast as then can, as the flames behind them began to come more and more closer to them.  Gears even began to roll down, and Johaar and Shantae, they both noticed the rings above them, which are similar to the ones in Mermaid Falls. Johaar and Shantae jumped, as they grabbed onto the rings, and are moved by it, and then, both Johaar and Shantae went back down, with Shantae in the back. Her hair and Johaar's coat whipped in the wine, as the flames got closer and closer. Johaar looked worried, and Shantae, she then noticed something, or someone, and it made her smile at who it is.


Johaar turned, and he sees that Sky is coming to them on Wrench. Thinking quickly, Johaar jumped behind Shantae, his back close to the fire, as he quickly picks up Shantae and using his feet while briefly using Genie's Fury, jumped, as Sky positioned wrench, and Johaar landed safely, after he turned back while in the air.

"Are you both okay?!"

Sky said, as Shantae and Johaar nodded.


"We're good."

Shantae said, as she did a thumbs up. Shantae smiled, as she kissed Johaar underneath the chin, much to his embarrassment, as Sky spoke out.

"Come on. Who says you get to be the only one to kiss him?"

She goes to Johaar and kissed him on the cheek, as the Tinkerfactory exploded.


Shantae, Johaar, and Sky are back in front of the lighthouse, and both of them no worse for wear.

"Phew, we made it!"

Shantae said, as Johaar nodded. Sky nodded, as she then spoke out.

"That was a close call. Too close."

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"Thanks for the lift, Sky."

Johaar nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, we would have been toast if you didn't show up."

Sky smiled, as she spoke out.

"Someone's gotta keep an eye on you! Especially you, pretty boy."

Sky winked, and Johaar looked down and shook his head, clearly embarrassed, as Rottytops and Bolo appeared, and Bolo spoke out.

"Looks like Sequin Land is safe from evil once again!"

Rottytops nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yep! Thanks to our Half Genie Heroes!"

Johaar smiled, as Shantae spoke out with a smile of her own.

"Heh. couldn't have done it without you guys!"

Johaar smiled, as he felt relieved that this is all over, and then, a voice spoke out.

"Hold it there!"

Then, everyone turned around and sees that Mayor Scuttlebutt has arrived, and Johaar glared calmly at the fat man, as Shantae spoke out.


Mayor Scuttlebutt then seemed a little bit panicked, as he then spoke out.

"So uh...Scuttle Town is more or less repaired, and...the position of Guardian Genie is still open."

Sky looks at the Mayor, along with everyone else, as Shantae and Johaar realizes what is abojt to happen next.

"Are you asking Shante for something, Mayor?"

Sky said, as the Mayor then decided to get straight to the point, with a defeated sigh.

"Oh, ok. I can't think of anyone more qualified than you. Will you come back? Pretty please?"

Johaar looked annoyed, seeing how much of a bumbling idiot the mayor is, not to mention childish. But Shantae, she simply smiled and she then spoke out.

"I never even left!"

Mayor Scuttlebutt seemed relived, as he then spoke out.

"Phew! Thought I was gonna have to put on that little red outfit and start dancing around, you know?"

Johaar smacked himself in the head, as Shantae laughed a little bit.

"Ha ha hal Oh Mayor."

Johaar whisper to himself, imagining Mayor Scuttlebutt in Shantae's clothes, and how horrifying it is to him.

"Now he is being a perverted idiot."

Mayor Scuttlebutt then spoke out.

"Guess I won't be doing that then."

Shantae then spoke out.

"Actually, Mayor Scuttlebutt...there is some thing you can do? Hire Johaar along with me."

This made Johaar widen his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Wha-Shantae -are you serious?"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"Come on, Johaar! It's not that bad."

Johaar then spoke out.

"Uhhh...Shantae...I may be a lot of things, but...being a guardian...I've...I've never done this before."

Shantae grabbed onto his head, and spoke out.

"Of course you can do it. I've seen you do such good, and even aided me. You can...okay? Please, work with me?"

She gave him some puppy dog eyes, and Johaar, unable to resist, as Mayor Scuttlebutt then spoke out.

"I don't see the problem with that! I think it will be beneficial for Scuttle Town to have 2 Half-Genies guarding it."

Johaar sighed, as he spoke out to Mayor Scuttlebutt.

"Fine, I'll work, but only because Shantae says so. But if you decide to fire me, you are not getting me back again, okay?"

Mayor Scuttlebutt, sweat dropping at the thought that a Half-Genie will permanently leave, nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yes, whatever you say."

Mayor Scuttlebutt then turned around and Sky spoke out.

"I think he made an excellent choice."

Johaar then spoke back in a snarky tone.

"That, or he is now becoming way to desperate."


A voice shouted out, as everyone turned to see Mimic coming to them. Mimic seemed to be relieved, as he spoke out.

"Thank goodness you made it out in one piece! We I saw the eruption, I feared I'd lost you!"

Shantae smiled, as she then spoke out to everyone.

"I'm fine, and Sequin Land is safe, thanks to you guys."

Bolo nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I helped out a lot this time."

Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, such as when you helped me escape from the corruption, along with everyone else. Thank you, Bolo."

Bolo smiled, seeing how Johaar is kind to him, especially since he really did something good. Bolo did a thumbs up, as he spoke out.

"Feelin' pretty heroic, ya know?"

Johaar nodded, as he too did a thumbs up, before Bolo spoke out.

"Think I'll start a dojo. Start training up the next round of heroes. Gotta dream big!!"

Bolo than ran away back to his place, as Rottytops then spoke out.

"I'm going to take off too. My brothers, Abner and Poe...they're thinking of renovating that old mansion up north. I'm going to help them out, but after that...Well, I think I'm going to find the Zombie Cavern and travel a bit. I miss my wagon and I want to see more of the world. both should come with me!"

Shantae and Johaar looked surprised, as Shantae spoke out.

"Zombie Road Trip?"

Johaar, smiling a little bit, spoke out.

"Heh, why not?"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"Heh, let me chew on it a little bit."

Johaar rolled his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"Okay...and I almost forgot..."

He then fished his hand inside of his pocket, and took out Poe's Hamster, as he spoke out.

"I think this should be brought back to Poe. He might be missing the little guy."

Rottytops shook her head, as she spoke out.

"No, you should take care of Dookie. That's his name. And also..."

Rottytops went to Johaar and kissed him in the lips briefly, before she winked and ran off. Sky then spoke out.

"l'd better get going too. I need to feed wrench and get him cleaned up."

Shantae, realizing something, then spoke our.

"You never did tell me how he managed to grow so huge! What's your secret?"

Sky smirked, as she spoke out.

"It's a special diet. Salted Caramel for birds! Wrench goes nuts on 'em."

Shantae chuckled, as she spoke out.

"Ha ha, I see!"

Johaar felt weirded out, as Johaar spoke out.

"Though it was just some magic. Guess she hid it."

Sky looked at Shantae and Johaar and smiled.

"I think l'm going to set him free for a while, so he can spend some time with his family."

Shantae, smiling a little bit, spoke out.

"Knowing Wrench, he won't be long gone. He's crazy about you!"

Sky smiled wider, as she spoke out.

"And I'm crazy about him right back! By, pretty boy!"

Sky said, as she kissed him, and she ran, as Johaar shook his head again.

"Where did my life suddenly go to?"

Then, Mimic walked forward, as he spoke out.

"My my! What an adventure that you both had!"

Johaar nodded his head, as Shantae spoke out.

"I'm sorry about the dynamo, Uncle."

But Mimic shook his head, as he spoke out.

"No no, that's alright. How about you? Are you both okay? What really happened back there?

Johaar was silent for a little bit, as Shantae spoke out.

"Risky was trying to change the Genie Realm from good to evil. For a short while, I was actually there, in the Genie Realm with them. It's something I've always dreamed of!"

Shantae sounds excited...but she then frowned, as she spoke sadly.

"But to stop Risky...I had to...well...They're all gone now."

Mimic, nodding sadly, spoke out.

"...I'm sorry. I know you only did what was required. What you had to do, understand? I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you.

Johaar, feeling that he needs to tell the truth, was about to speak out, but then...a voice spoke out.

"We're all proud of her."

This made Shantae and Mimic look shocked, but Johaar wasn't, as Shantae spoke out.


Mimic loooed confused, as he spoke out.


Then, a familiar gathering of light appeared, as the 3 of them see that a Genie is present. Shantae was shocked and disbelief, as the Genie spoke out.

"Johaar and Shantae, they both acted selflessly to put the needs of others before her own."

Shantae, realizing what this means, spoke out

"Then...that means..."

Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.

"I knew it. The Genie Realm, it's now safe."

The Genie confirmed it, as she spoke out.

"Yes, by purifying our magic, and turning against the machine, it is now safe."

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"Wow! I guess your polarizer really did the trick, Uncle!"

Mimic smiled, as he then spoke out.

"Ha ha! So it did."

Johaar then spoke out.

"Wait...that means...mine and Shantae's mothers...are they alive, safe?"

The Genie then spoke out.

"Yes, both your and the daughter's mothers are safe. They both has devoted themselves to the protection of your world. She and the other Genies must remain here, where their combined powers can ward off the greater evils that would seek to enter your world. This is why she had to leave so long ago, along with the other Genies."

Johaar was surprised, as Shantae spoke out.

"It was to protect us?"

The Genie confirmed this, as she spoke out.

"Yes. So you could grow up under the safety and care of your Uncle. She wanted you to know this, but only when you were old enough to understand the meaning of her sacrifice."

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"I understand."

The Genie spoke out.

"She wanted to let you know, that you are never alone. There is a Special Magic, a Gift that she has placed upon your heart."

Shantae spoke out.

"For real?"

The Genie spoke back.

"Your family is never as far away as you might think. Take comfort in knowing that she is with you, always...and as for you...Son of the Genie..."

Johaar then runes to the Genie, as she spoke out.

"Your mother...even when she had been corrupted, she had witnessed what you had done, and is very proud of you, especially after how you had utilized your own rage...a rage that only she, compared to the rest of us, have possessed. And your mother...she is very proud of you, for using your own heart to save the Genie Realm, even with a power that you had feared the most. "

Johaar was surprised, but he felt warm, as he touched his heart. The Genie continued to speak.

"Your mother was one of the best that exist, as well as one of the strongest. Filled of fury she may be in her mind, but her heart and soul to the love that she has in all living beings made her a very righteous and  kind protector, even at her darkest time. It is also this very rage that allowed her to stay in the mortal realm, so she can continue to protect her world, until it was time for her to come back with us. And the fact that you had saved her with the same rage you inherited from her...the same rage that gave her the power to save the lives of the innocence, the same rage that is now able to save the Genie Realm in your hands, it had made very proud to call you her son, now that you have embraced it."

Johaar was even more surprised, but he smiled, as he closed his eyes, tears silently leaked down, and he clenched onto his locket.

"Mother...thank you..."

Then, the Genie spoke out.

"Now...I must return to the Genie Realm!"

Shantae then spoke out.

"If you see our and Johaar's mothers...Tell her that we understand what she's done for us..."

Johaar then finished what Shantae will say next.

"And tell them...that we love them...just as much as they loved us."

The Genie smiled, as she spoke out.

"I will tell her. Good luck in the trials that await for you both."

The Genie floats up, and goes away, as Johaar spoke out.

"Mother...I will never forget this."

He looks down and smiled.

Shantae smiled, relived that the Genie Realm is still safe, as Johaar sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness. The Genies are safe! And hopefully, we'll get to see them again. And Johaar..."

She then leans in front of Johaar, and kisses him on the lips, as she grabs his hands. She smiled, before she then spoke out.

"You still owe me a date."

Johaar's eyes widened, as he spoke out.


Shantae giggled, as she runs, dragging Johaar with her, as Johaar and Shantae ran, and Mimic, wishing her luck, spoke out.

"Good luck, lovebirds!"

Shantae giggled, as Johaar looked embarrassed, but he then smiled happily, as he looks down at his locket, and he then thought to himself.

'Mother...I hope that I get to see you again. And thanks to you...I have a well as people that I care about...people I love. And dad...if you can hear me...thank you...and I love you...for raising me."

Johaar shook his head, his hair waved by the wind, as Shantae and Johaar runs into Scuttle Town. A bright future opens for the Male Half-Genie.

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