Hypno Baron's Castle
Johaar and Shantae have went around the streets, as they used the money to buy some new abilities. For Shantae, she got used Mega Shampoo, Mega Silky Cream, Magic Bracelet, Metronome, Backdash, Warp Dance, Super Mega Puff, and Invincibility. Basically, she has got a lot of power on her hands because of what she has now gained. Now she will have a much more easier time with the traps that she will have to encounter in the later trips that she will have when she goes out to go for more missions.
For Johaar, he also gained some new techniques of his own. He has gained Evasive Shot, where he dodged the attack by leaping backwards and fired his arrow, Archer Return, where he uses a Sigil to parry an attack and he then swings his Bow at the target, Stinging Shot, where he displaces an enemy further from him using his Arrow, Archer's Stare, where he shoots 3 times, each shot faster then the last one, Balancer, where he rights himself back up after he gets hit, Mustang, where he can use his enemies as platforms, and Raining Spears, where he makes a lot of spears in the air and they then rain down on top of an opponent, skewering them and freezing them in place, until they explode and do slight damage them.
The Magic Carpet Uniforms that Johaar had sold to one of the merchants that make and sell clothes gave him a lot of money, and splitting it with Shantae( they are able to get as much as they did. Of course, both Shantae and Johaar have no idea what has happened to Ammo Baron and his cronies, as well as Twitch and Vinegar, but they seem to have gone off somewhere where they will be on their own to recover. And the Magic Carpet Uniforms, they are used by by people from far away. Luckily, it is of people that wanted to use it for entertainment, and nothing more. Johaar checked to see if it is legitimate, and it indeed is. So he allowed them to have it, in order for them to try and make more of them, and he still kept a few of the Magic Carpet Uniforms for to others to have.
Right now, Johaar is walking around all over Scuttle Town, his Bow strapped to his back, as he has his hands in his pocket. He sighed, as he has one of the Magic Carpwt Uniforms in a backpack of his. This is simply a spare one for himself in case he loses it, not that he ever loses stuff. But even so, he's going to take it just in case he needs it. But as he walks around, a voice spoke out.
"Umm...excuse me, mister?"
This made Johaar look down and he sees 2 people before him. One of which is a young boy, holding a lollipop in his hand, and another is a teenager, most likely the boy's older brother, as the older boy spoke out.
"Hey, aren't you one of the 2 that won the race back there?"
Johaar nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, I am. Why?"
The young boy goes forward and spoke out.
"Well...if yon don't mind...do you have...one of those flying coats with you? I can give you my Lollipop in return."
This made Johaar confused, as why would a young boy want it. But he than looks at the older boy, and he realizes that there is an urgent look on his face. It must be very important to him. He signed, as he then puts down his backpack, unzips it; and takes one the purple Magical Uniform, as he spoke out.
"Well...based on that expression. You seem desperate about something. Okay, here. You can have it."
The Young Boy smiled, as the older spoke out.
"Thank you. I need this."
He took it, and the young boy smiled, as he gave Johaar his lollipop, which he had not eaten yet.
"Sweet. Hopefully, we can get to mother on time, make sure she's okay and all of that."
The young boy nodded, as the older boy wore the coat, held onto the younger boy, and flies off as fast as he can, as Johaar sighed, before he grips the Lollipop in his hand tightly, being careful not to drop it. He then tucks it away and then, he head's Shantae spoke out.
"Johaar, there you are!!"
Johaar looks and sees that Shntae is running towards him.
She seemed happy, as Johaar spoke out.
"Oh, hey Shantae. You doing good?"
Shantae nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"I am. But what just happened?! Why was there a guy using one of the Magical Uniforms?"
Johaar spoke out.
"He was needing it because it is something very important. The younger brother he had convinced me to give it to him. So I did. He gave me his Lollipop in return."
This made Shantae surprised, but she then realized something.
"Wait...Lollipop...Johaar, I need you to come with me to Mermaid Falls, and I want you to use that Lollipop."
This made Johaar confused, but he does jot argue, as he spoke out.
Johaar than goes next to Shantae, as Shantae then began to do her Warp Dance, as she activated it, before she grabbed onto Johaar's right shoulder, and both he and Shantae teleported.
Johaar and Shantae began to leap and jump around, as they are going all over the place in order to try and find what Shantae is looking for. They then want on top of 2 separate platforms, one small enough for a mouse to get in, and another for a snake. Johaar spoke out.
"Okay...so you want the both of us to go in opposite directions, until we reach this part?"
Johaar said, as he points at a section, too which Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.
"Yep, that's right!"
Johaar nodded, as he spoke out.
"Okay then, well...see you on the other side!"
Johaar and Shantae turned into their mouse and snake form, as they then began to move inside of the right spaces in order to go down and reach the area that they need to go to. Johaar goes through the spaces, while he also hisses in order to scare off the enemies that are inside of the mazes, and Shantae simply tries to avoid them, but also bites on them in order to force them to flee. And the moving platforms made things a little bit harder for Johaar and Shantae. But they did not stop them. And after what must have been a few minutes, they are able to reach to the inside of one of the areas, and they all went down, as they went in front of a person, who looks very weird. They changed back, which caught the person's attention, as he spoke out.
"Ahhh...Oh my gosh, a Wizard, right?"
Johaar and Shantae looked at each other, before Johaar spoke out.
"Something like that."
The person then spoke out.
"Well, don't worry. I'm a good wizard. Got any candy? I'm a sucker for candy. in fact, ld RAZE A TOWN TO THE GROUND JUST TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME SUGARY SWEET..."
Johaar and Shantae looked freaked and weirded out, before the person spoke out.
"Heh...ignore that. Inside voice! Heh! But I could use some candy!"
Then, the person sniffed something, and they realized what they are smelling.
"Wait a tick...I thought you didn't have candy, but now you do?!"
Shantae nodded, as she turns to Johaar, before she then spoke out.
"Johaar, give them the sweet treat you have."
Johaar nodded, as he then went forward, took out the Lollipop, and gave it to the person, who takes it.
"Wow, I mean, WOW!! Candy out of nowhere! You, my friends, are real wizards!! Here, for you!!"
He then held something, and Shantae took it, and held out a crystal similar to the dark shard, but is white in color. This made Johaar realize what this is.
"That's a light shard made out of crystal. Wizard's gotta have a crystal, right? AM I RIGHT??!!! ANSWER ME!!!!"
This made Johaar and Shantae feel very scared and weirded out, but then the person spoke out.
"Heh, just kidding. You can have it."
Shantae and Johaar blinked, as Shantae does a quick dance, grasp Johaar, and they both teleport back to Scuttle Town.
"Okay, I do not want to meet that strange person again."
Shantae nodded, as she smiled.
"Yeah, but now we got the Light Shard! Let's bring this to uncle!!!l
Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae ran to the workshop in order to meet with Mimic, who is working on the Dynamo.
"Uncle!!! We got the next piece!!!"
Mimic looks, and sees Shantae with a Light Shard in hand, as Mimic spoke out.
"Great job, Shantae!! You got the light shard!! Here, give it to me, please!!"
Shantae nodded, as Mimic takes it and spoke out.
"It attaches right next to the Dark Shard. Right up..."
Mimic was able to put the Light Shard next to the dark shard, fitting perfectly in place, as Shantae spoke out.
Johaar nodded, as he spoke out.
"Just one more piece to out together with his thing, right?"
Mimic nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yep, that's right! We're almost at the end."
Rottytops, who is here, spoke out.
"Oh gosh! Speaking of which, I need to split. After all! Gotta enjoy life while we still can!"
This made Shantae and Johaar confused, as Shantae spoke out.
"What do you mean by that? Why do you keep saying that?@
This made Rottytops act weird, as she spoke out.
"Oh, haven't you heard? The end of the world. The Hypno Baron is summoning a Creature of Unspeakable Horror. I want to squeeze in as much fun as possible before the beast begins its world-ending rampage."
Shantae looked panicked, as she shouted out.
"Say what?!"
Rottytops then spoke out.
"Actually, I could use a lift. I'm going to ask featherhead to bring be to Hypno Baron's castle. Maybe I can get a front-row seat. Here's a map of yon want to come."
She gives Shantae a map to Hypno Baron's castle, as Rottytops spoke out.
"See ya."
She then ran outside, as Shantae spoke out.
"There's no way I can stand by and let the Hypno Baron summon some giant beast that will end everything!"
Than, Johaar spoke out.
"Okay, that does not make any sense that Hypno Baron would do that."
This made Shantae turn to Johaar, and she spoke out.
"What do you mean by that?"
Johaar then spoke out.
"Hypno may be sinister, but he is very careful, and even I know that he would not do something as insane as this. No, something is wrong. And unfortunately, we need to catch up to Rottytops for this. So let's go."
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
Shantae and Johaar ran outside as fast as they can, in order to catch up to Rottytops, who is going to go to Hypno Baron's castle. Today is gonna be a long day for Johaar and Shantae.
Shantae and Johaar, after getting a lift from Wrench, are now with Rottytops, who is now in front of the castle.
"Rottytops, wait up!!"
Rottytops looks at the duo, as she looked agitated.
"That lousy Sky! No good bird -brain, made me walk all the way here! And I just changed legs last week!"
Johaar then spoke out.
"Okay, it's weird when you say stuff like that."
Shantae then spoke out, deciding to get things on track.
"So, Rottytops, mind telling the both of us about this Creature of Unspeakable Horror?"
Rottytops then spoke out
"Okay, sure. I'll talk about that. I heard my brothers talking about it. I guess the Hypno Baron came to them for advice. He said he needed a creature evil enough to"rip open the fabric of space-time and wash away human kind in a sea of eternal woe," or something along these lines."
Rottytops then spoke out with a cheerful look on her face.
"My brothers told him how to summon the Horror, and in exchange we got a whole sack of Sequin Land Select Dark Almond Roast!"
This made Johaar's eyes widened, as if to say 'Okay, what kind of idiots do that,' as Shantae spoke out.
"You guys are making a disaster all for a bag of coffee!"
Rottytops then spoke out.
"Well, it WAS before 9:00 A.M, so..."
But Johaar, very mad about this, spoke out.
"Rotty, that is not a good excuse! Even if it was before 9:00, at least don't speak about anything, especially to a Baron of all people!! What were you thinking?!"
Rottytops held her hands up, seeing how angry he is, before Johaar took a deep breath, and spoke out in a calmer, restrained, yet very cold tone.
"Rottytops...me and Shantae will clean this mess up that Hypno is about to unleash...but just so you know, after we're both done, you and your brothers are double dead after this, okay?"
The fact that Johaar said his threat so casually and plainly made Rottytops sweat with fear a little bit, especially since she does not know what will happen if Johaar makes her double dead. And she would rather not find out.
"Ummm...yeah, sure! Ah, see you later!!"
Rottytops ran away, as Johaar's eye twitched, as he spoke out.
"I swear, I'll never understand zombies."
Shantae sighed, clearly being just as mad about the situation. Rottytops is lucky that Shantae does not threaten mine Johaar does.
"Well, let's go in and clean this mess up, shall we?"
Johaar looks and Shantar and nodded his head.
"Yeah, we shall. It better be worth anything, and hopefully Rottytops is simply just wrong and exaggerating, as I know very well Hypno Baron would not do something such as this in a careless way."
Johaar and Shantae ran inside of the door that leads into the castle, as Rottytops look at the pair enter, as she spoke out.
"Haaa...how does Shantae even get such a cute Half-Genie boy like him. Bet his lips taste more better then the brains that I eat."
Rottytops than took out a brain and munched on it like no tomorrow, as Rottytops then looks at the entrance, a blush present.
"He is also more cute when he gets so angry the way he is."
Shantae and Johaar are both inside of Hypno Baron's castle, as they then look and see that the entire area is illuminated by a circle of light around the pair.
"Hello? A-Anyone home? It's creepy here."
Shantae said, as Johaar looks and spoke out.
"Hang on, I'll make this brighter."
Johaar then opened his hand and made red fire appear, brightening the area that Shantae and Johaar are in, as Johaar then spoke out.
"Okay, not we can see better. Come on, let's go and stop Hypno Baron...even though I wish that I did not have to clean up a zombie's mess."
Shantae and Johaar ran as fast as they can, and they jumped onto a higher platform, able to successfully dodge a chandler from above, which ignited a part of the floor.
And coming towards them, in the darkness, is a skeletal monster, running towards them with a sword. Johaar, seeing this, takes out his own sword, and clashed blades with the skeleton, before bashing his sword away, and cutting its head off, destroying it. Johaar and Shantae continues to move, going onto and jumping onto the higher platforms, as then then went to the doorway, going to the top floor of the building that they are on.
As they went to the top floor, a pink slime appeared, and nearly tried to grab him. But Johaar got out of the way using his Evasive Shot, before firing an electric arrow, shocking the slime, as Shantae ducked down and used her hair whip, it's striking damage enhanced, as she made good work on it. Johaar and Shantae continues to run, as they nearly got attacked by a bat, only for Johaar and Shantae to avoid getting hit, thankfully for them. And after avoiding some chandlers, they are able to get to the other side, and they see that there is a zombie at the other side.
Shantae whispered, as Johaar spoke out.
"I assume that's one of Rory's brothers."
Shantae nodded, as she and Johaar go to Abner, as he spoke out.
"This place needs a poster, like an awesome poster!"
Shantae then spoke out to the zombie before her.
Abner looks and sees Shantae.
"Eh? Oh, it's the brain on legs. You got something for me? Brains? Coffee? Coffee with brains on it?"
Shantae shrugged her shoulders, as she spoke out.
"Not really."
Abner snorts, as he spoke rudely to her.
"Then get lost."
Shantae, a little insulted, spoke back.
"You're a butt."
But Abner, annoyed with her, spoke back.
"You're a butt!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Abner shouted, as Johaar used his Bow to whack Abner in the head. This made Abner rub, as he then noticed Johaar's presence.
"Ow! What was that for?! And who are you supposed to be?"
Johaar made not comment, as he has an annoyed glare on his face. Shantae then spoke out.
"Abner...this is Johaar, a friend of mine, who I met recently."
Abner looks at Johaar, and Johaar spoke out.
"You must be one of Rottytops' brother."
This made Abner spoken out.
"So, you know of my sister."
Johaar nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, and the mess you made with Hypno Baron. Which is what I'm ipset about."
Abner looked at Johaar, and spoke out.
"Oh give me a break! It was before 9:00. We weren't in our right minds at the time!"
Johaar spoke sternly.
"That's not an excuse. You and your brother and sister are going to be stuffed into coffins when I'm finished cleaning up your mess."
Abner froze, seeing the look on Johaar's face, and realizes that he's really meaning it, making him sweat drop. Shantae then deciddd to defuse the situation before it got out of hand.
"So, Abner. Mind telling us why you want a poster to this place?"
Abner then spoke out.
"Me and Poe are gonna take over this old castle. But I'm concerned about this wall right here. it's screamin for a poster. Some totally awesome black light poster. Yeah.. I can picture it right there on that wall. A sweet n' sassy poster.
Johaar looked unamused, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, well good luck with taking over this place, especially with Hypno guarding it, you rotten imp. But for now, time to leave. Come on, Shantae."
Johaar runs back out, as Shantae runs out as well, as Abner spoke out.
"Okay, maybe he can be a role model for scary."
Johaar and Shantae began to explore and go around the castle a little bit more. But the entire place is like a labyrinth, they are going up and down, with no sense of direction they they are going, they have no idea what is happening. He even used some of his powers, such as Archer's Stare, as he shot 3 bats in quick succession, Archer Return, due to a bunch of skeletons swinging their swords at Johaar, he used a Sigil to stop it, as he then used his Sword on them instead of his Bow. And when confronted with a large group of enemies, he would use Raining Spears to pierce their bodies and made them explode.
After a little bit of wondering around, Johaar and Shantae made it to the exit, as Johaar and Shantae went to the other side. They are now outside, which is raining, as Johaar looks to see that there are blocks with eyeballs that are changing direction. Johaar realized what this is.
"Oh, I see."
As he said that, a creature, almost resembling a bat, is seen coming out of a gap, as if waiting for Johaar and Shantae to jump. But Shantae, not wanting to deal with it, goes to the bat, and used her hair whip on it and destroyed it. Johaar nods his head, as he then spoke out.
"Let's go and use the platforms when the eyes turned to the direction we're going."
Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded his head, as Johaar and Shantae held hands, and then go onto the blocks, going to the left on top of the blocks. The blocks moved them to the direction they want when the eye points forward, but then, they soon start to disappear, as they need to go to the next one by jumping to the next eye block. They encountered bats along the way, but luckily, Shantae is able to make short work of them, using her new lighting powers, and Johaar is able to aid her in evading the other obstacles, such as spikes blocks.
Then, as they went to a large area for then to walk on, then encountered an enemy that resembles a cross between a spider and a woman, with a skull on the abdomen. Johaar and Shantae fight against it, but it seems like this spider lady knows how to defend.
"Okay, that is new."
Johaar said, as he summoned his Knife and Sword, as he then slashed at the spider lady, but she spider lady blocked the attack. Johaar and Shantae looked frustrated, as Johaar began to think, before he snapped his fingers and he spoke out.
"I got it. Shantae, try and get behind the spider lady. I'm going to have its attention locked to me."
Shantae nodded, as Johaar used fireballs to hit the spider lady, who blocked it, as usual. Johaar launched spears at the Spider Lady, and even summoned them from above, as Johaar does all he can to keep her attention busy. Meanwhile, Shantae is able to get behind the spider lady, after using the eye blocks for her to turn into a bat, as Shantae then used her flamethrower onto the attacker. But as she felt the damage, the Spider Lady turned around and tries to attack Shantae, as Shantae dodged the attack, and Johaar used his Sword and Knife to slice and strike at the abdomen, as well as shoot fireballs and Spears at it. After a little round of going back and forth, Shantae and Johaar are able to defeat the spider lady, as it exploded into bones.
Johaar wiped his hand across his forehead, as he spoke out.
"Phew. That was tough. Seems like not all enemies are dumb."
Shantae nodded, before she then goes to Johaar and spoke out to him.
"You know, Johaar, I figured out a way to save time and got to Hypno Baron faster. We can use the platforms to go up, and then we transform into our flying forms in order to fly through the rest of the area, so that we can get to Hypno Baron's lair."
Johaar's eyes widened, as he spoke out.
"Wow...okay...that is a good plan. But you know we will need to clean up the enemies that are still here once we're done, right?l
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
"I know. But anyway...let's go."
Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae then go to a block, that is looking up, and as then went onto it, they began to rise but Johaar and Shantae transformed into their Falcon and Bat Forms, as soon as they reached a good enough height, and they began to move in the air as fast as they can. Doing this, they are able to go through the area, as they go over enemies and spikes blocks that are also in the air, narrowly, and after a few minutes of flying, they are able to reach to the other side. Johaar and Shantae changed back to normal, before Johaar spoke out.
"Well, where we are. Now we go and see what Hypno's up to. And hopefully, it's simply normal."
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
"Well, no time to talk about that! Let's go inside and stop him!"
Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae went inside of the entrance. And when they went inside, they see a large a pool of magic on the side inside of a huge pit, as well as the owner of the place.
Inside of the lair is a tall man in purple robes with gold on some parts of it, as well as a skull underneath the shadows of his hood. Shantae spoke out to the one inside of the lair.
"Hypno Baron!! You're chanting days are over!!"
Hypno Baron, seeing Shantae, spoke out.
"BLAAAAARRGGGHH!!! It's you...and Johaar! How nice to see you, old friend."
Johaar narrows his eyes, clearly not happy, as he spoken out.
"What are you doing this time, Hypno Baron?"
Hypno Baron smiled, as he spoke out.
"Let's just say...it is a fine masterpiece that is at work with what I shall bring out. Come on out, my finest work!!! The Creature of Unspeakable Horror
Hypno Baron raises his hand, and green flames erupt from the pit, as Shantae dreads out of what is about to happen. But when it is done...something came out of the pit...but it is not unspeakable horror.
Appearing is a large red squid with purple dots, yellow sclera and green eyes. And needless to say, Johaar is not happy to see him. But he spoke with a humored tone.
"Squid Baron. You bring out Squid Baron, you idiot? Did you get the incantation wrong?"
He spoke out. Hypno Baron was shocked, as he spoke out.
"What...no! This was what it is supposed to happen!!! That's supposed to be it!!!"
Johaar shrugged, as he spoke out.
"Guess these zombies are so stupid that they have given you the wrong one, this weak idiot."
Shantae giggled, clearly finding this situation funny. This made Squid Baron angry, as he spoke out.
"What did you just call me?!"
Johaar froze, as Shantae spoke out.
"Oh no."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Squid Baron: Creature of Unspeakable Horror (Johaar: Creature of Unspeakable Horror? More like Creature of an Unintentional Idiot's Mistake.)
Squid Baron began to fight and go against Johaar and Shantae, but his attacks were too simple. All that he did was rise in the air, float and spin around, while firing blasts of energy from underneath him, that are also too easy to dodge. Johaar and Shantae made good work of him, as he is able to be brought down effortlessly. Or at least...they thought that it was gonna be simple. Thing is...Squid Baron is not done. Now Hypno Baron is gonna be the one that aid his brother.
Dual Barons: Dastardly Duo (Johaar: Now the real fight begins.)
Hypno Baron began to use his magic on Squid Baron in order to slam them down on top of Johaar and Shantae. But Johaar and Shantae are able to avoid the attacks. But then, Hypno Baron began to unleash green fireballs onto Shantae and Johaar, as they avoided the attacks coming towards them. But Johaar and Shantae dodged them, as they attacked Squid Baron. But Squid Baron then began to rise up and began to rise up and slam down onto the ground, feasting shockwaves, as Johaar jumped into the air and turned into his Falcon Form, while Shantae turned into her monkey form and began to climb onto the walls, as Squid Baron began to make shockwaves with his body, whenever he lands onto the ground. But overall, the right was very simple, as Johaar and Shantae made good work of Squid Baron, and defeated him.
Johaar and Shantae then turned their attention to Hypno Baron, and that is when he decides to go all out on them. He uses lighting attacks, fireballs, dark blasts of energy, and he flies onto the air. And Johaar has gotten hit from the attacks. Thankfully, Johaar is able to flip himself back onto his feet, thanks to his new technique. He tried to unleash Raining Spears, but Hypno Baron avoid them. But Shantae then used her own Lightning attack and zapped Hypno Baron with it, although she herself did her hit a little bit by Hypno Baron. Johaar then double jumper, and hits Hypno Baron in the head with his Bow, disorientating him a little bit, before Shantae used her hair whip to land the finishing blow.
After the fight, as he spoke out.
"Okay...this is just confusing, and I know that the info we got on this is wrong. Hypno, what were you doing with Squid Baron? That did not look scary at all, as for what I've heard, it was said to be a catastrophic creature."
Hypno Baron then spoke out.
"Well, whoever told you that really must have got it wrong!! Truth is, Squid Baron...You see, I summoned him here to option his Merchandising Rights!"
This made Shantae freeze, as she spoke out one word.
Hypno Baron began to explain himself a little bit more.
"Squid Baron hats and mugs and T-shirts! Crew necks and raglans!"
Johaar's eye twitched, before he facepalmed, and he then spoke out.
"Okay, these zombies gave us the wrong information. That's it, I'm gonna really make them double dead later."
A portal than appeared, as he spoke out to him.
"Let's bush pretend that this never happened, okay?"
Shantae and Hypno Baron nodded, agreeing with this, as Hypno Baron disappeared, with a cackle. Johaar sighed, as he jumped into the portal, before Shantae does the same.
Shantae is now in the realm again, but with the above platform that is also above the chest, and it is too high for Shantae to reach, and her Moneky form, even if she uses a dash move, she cannot reach it. As for Johaar, he has the same thing. A chest that is under a platform with a portal on top of it, and even his falcon power won't let him reach it. So both Shantae and Johaar go onto the chest, and took out. A new transformation.
You for the Harpy Dance/Fairy Form! Use it to fly through the air.
Shantae then used her dance, as Johaar did a pose, and they both transformed.
Shantar turns into her new Harpy form, and she began to flap her wings. And lucky, as Shantae remembers when she uses this form, she is able to control how high she can go, in contrast to the Bat form, where she cannot rise or lower herself, and simply stays in one place.
As for Johaar, he is now shrunk into the size 3 inches, having butterfly-like wings on his back that are rainbow colored, has long red hair, his ears are more longer and pointier, is wearing a red dress, pointy yellow horns, and his skin has also turned green. He and Shantae fly into the air, before landing onto the portal, and transforming back, before they teleported back to the human world.
Johaar and Shantae are back in Mimic's workshop, as well as Bolo and Rottytops, who has painful lumps on her head, due to Johaar beating her with his bow for leading them astray. And it is not just Rottytops he beat, he also beat Abner when he decides to return from the castle. X-shaped bandages are on her head, as Johaar spoke out.
"I swear, Rottytops, I will never understand you for this."
Rottytops smiled, as she rubbed the swelling.
"It takes one to know one."
Johaar shook his head, as Shantae then spoke out.
"So what's the final component, uncle?"
Mimic then spoke out.
"Okay, so...According to this...oh dear...hmmm...The blueprint shows a hand crank mechanism. But that's no good. Thankfully, that's where your uncle gets to shine!"
Shantae groaned a little, as Mimic spoke out.
"That's right! We're going to Improvise! Why turn the wheel at all when we can rig up a Hamster Wheel to do the work for us?"
Shantae looked unsure, as she spoke out.
"I don't know...that would sound like bad news for the hamster!"
Rottytops, however, spoke out.
"Hey, I know! I regular hamster would get tied and stop running on the wheel, right? But a Zombie Hanster will happily run all day long!"
Mimic, liking that idea, spoke out.
"Brilliant! It's settled then. The Zombie Hamster will be our perpetual energy source. And I'll forge the Hamster Wheel out of Iron, to reduce the heat on his little monster toes!"
Shantae felt a little bit uneasy, as she spoke out.
"Are we seriously going with this plan? Haaaa...Ok.. Rottytops, this sounds like this is your department. Where can we find a zombie hamster?"
Rottytops smiled, as she spoke out.
"Dunno. How bout I just get a regular one and bite it? I think that how Poe got his?"
This made Johaar spoke out.
"Your brother has it? Why didn't you say that before saying you biting it?"
Rottytops made a mischievous grin, as Shantae spoke out.
"And what about the Iron Slab?"
Mimic then spoke out.
"For that, you'll need to ask Around Town."
Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.
"Got it. One iron slab and zombie hamster coming up!!"
Johaar puts his hands onto his face, as he spoke out.
"This is gonna be a disaster."
Shantae than grabs Johaar by the hand, as Shantae spoke out.
"Well...nothing that we can do here to change their minds. And besides..."
Shantar looks at Johaar, and a blush is present, as she smiled.
"...I like hanging out with you."
This made Johaar blush, before he lowers his head, and looked embarrassed, as Shantae leans in and kissed Johaar in the cheek. Johaar bashfully smiled. Perhaps this won't be a bad thing after all.
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