Halfings Meet

As Risky was about to threaten the girl named Shantae, red spears suddenly fired and pierced the ship, as well as the slug-like creature on it, causing it to roar in pain, and Risky barley dodged it, as Risky spoke out?

"What is this?! Where did those spears come from?!"

As Shantae looked just as stunned, clearly not expecting for them to appear, a voice spoke out to the Pirate.

"We meet again, Risky, and it seems that you are not the only one giving me trouble."

Risky and Shantae looks to see Johaar walking up into view, his red sword out, and his hood now off, showing his elf ears, as Risky smiled, seeing that Johaar seems to her also arrived in Scuttle Town.

"Well, if it isn't Johaar, the Male Half-Genie. How nice to see you again."

This made Shantae gasp, as she looks at looks at Johaar and spoke out.

"Another Half-Genie?"

Johaar did not seem to hear Shantae, as he points his sword up at her, as he then spoke out.

"As if you botherin' me and chasing my tail was bad enough, now you destroyed my boat. You're gonna pay for that."

Risky smiled, thinking that he will be beaten by her, as she then spoke out.

"Ho Ho Ho! Oh, as if you can, Johaar. And since I have you in my sight, you'll be brought to me, just as I always wanted!!"

Johaar smirked, and it seems to be a very unpleasant one, as he then spoke out.

"Who said anything about you taking me?"

He than swung his hand, and all of a sudden, a few fireballs came out of nowhere and he is able to strike the creature, as well ad the wood on the ship, causing it to shake, and made Risky drop the Blueprints. Shantae than jumped and grabbed onto the Blueprints, and she held it in her hand.

"Thank goodness, you are not getting your hands on the Blueprints, Risky!!"

Johaar then went next to Shantae, as he spoke out.

"Hey, wanna burn the pirate's ship and flag with me?"

Shantae turns to Johaar and nodded, as she smiled.

"Sure, that will drive Risky away!"

Johaar nodded, before he then looks at her Tinerbats and shouted out at her minions.

"What are you waiting for?! Fire!!!"

The Tinkerbats then fired their cannons at Johaar, who sliced through them with his sword, while Shantae dodged the attacks as much as she can, avoided the Cannon projectiles. She then goes up to an explosive barrel, jumped for it as fast as she can.  A Tinkerbat from the ship leapt to try and stop her, and went in front of the barrel, in order to prevent her from grabbing onto it.

Then, out of nowhere, Shantae used her own hair whip to send the Tinkerbat away, as she then went behind the barrel, and she then whips it towards the Tinkerslug, as Johaar then pulls out a Bow, which is not made from his powers, but is magically enhanced, as he pulls onto the strings. When he did, an arrow is summoned, the tip of the arrow ignited in flames, thanks to Johaar's power, as he then used the ignited arrow and launched it at the explosive barrel, and it detonated, causing even more fire to burn onto the wood.

"No, no!!!"

Risky shouted, as she realizes that the Tinkerslug is now about to be burned to a crisp, as she then shouted out at the Tinkerbats that are still on board.

"Retreat, you fools!! Retreat and turn back!!! We are too damaged from the battle!! You may have won, you half-genie brats, but the next time will not be the same!! And you, Johaar, I shall have you in my grasp, one way or another!!!"

The Tinkerslug then began to go off into the horizon, as Johaar sighed, as he then puts the Bow on his back, and he then spoke out.

"Well, that is intense."

He then turns to Shantae, who was looking at him with awe, due to seeing what he had done.

"You alright?"

Shantae nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for helping me back there. And...what Risky said about you..."

Shantae goes forward, and Johaar looks, as Shantae is now close to Johaar. Surprisingly, he is half-an-inch shorter compared to Shantae, as she looks at his ears. And seeing the ears that are similar to hers, this made Shantae very excited to see that she is not the only one that is a Half-Genie.

"Wow, you really are a Half-Genie! I can't believe it, there is another Half-Genie like me!!"

Johaar rubbed the back of his head, Shantae is apparently excited to see that there is another one like herself, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah...though I'm not exactly...uhhhh..."

Shantae then has stars in her eyes, or at least, what sends to be stars in her eyes, as she then spoke out.

"What you did, it is so amazing! How did you do that?!"

Johaar then looks down at the ground for a little bit, before he then spoke out to her.

"I...well...let's say I was able to find and collect some pure magical weapons and integrated it into myself. Because of this, I became...well...where I am right now."

Shantae's smile widened, as she then spoke out.

"That is just so incredible, especially with the way that you summoned your weapons and used your bow the way you did it!!"

Johaar looked embarrassed, as he then spoke out.

"It...it's nothing to brag about. Just had a lot of practice with them, is all."

He looks at Shantae, as he thought to himself.

'Although I can't deny the fact that she looks way too pretty.'

Shantae smiled at Johaar, as she then spoke out to him.

"Even so, it is amazing! But...that reminds me. How do you know of Risky?"

Johaar sighed, as he then looks down and spoke out.

"Well...how do I put this..."

He then looks at the horizon, as he then spoke out.

"Admittedly, I met her...during one of my travels into a town, I had stumbled upon her attacking it. Because of this, I decided to attack Risky in order to defend the town against it. Admittedly, doing this was a very harrowing and very difficult task, due to the fact that I was a little bit weaker at the time. And the battle I had to go against Risky, it was one huge mess to clean up."


Risky and Johaar are seen clashing and grinding their swords against each other, as Johaar snarled and Risky grinned, both Risky and Johaar are bruised from their fight against each other, before she jumps into the air and fired her pistol at Johaar. But Johaar takes out his bow and fired an arrow, as it became tipped with ice, and the bullet is frozen solid. Johaar hissed in frustration, as he than launched fireballs at Risky, only for her to dodge the fireballs, as they burned through the sails. She then raised her sword above her head, as Johaar used his Bow to block the attack, holding the Bow on both ends, as he blocked her sword, both of their arms are struggling against the strength of one another.

"Impressive, you have lasted this long against me! I think I shall have you as a part of my crew!!"

Johaar, clearly unhappy with this, slammed his head into Risky's own head, causing her to back off and be filled with pain, as Johaar shouted out.

"I would rather die then to be with you."

His eyes glowed red a little bit again, as Risky smiled, as he takes his Sword out again, and back then, he did not have his Shield and Spear with him. So he only has his fireballs, Sword, and his Bow and Arrow. He swung his sword, and a red slash projectile goes to her, as Risky jumped out of the way, as she then spoke out.

"Well...if you can't come with me...then perhaps the Barons would like to have you as well.l

Johaar then goes to her fast and swung his sword at her, as he spoke out.

"Don't know who in the world that these people are, but whoever they are meant to be, I will not let them take me this easily!"

Flashback ends...

Johaar then walked in front of the end of the docks, as he spoke out.

"And after they fight I had with Risky, in which I was able to push her away from the village, I had an encounter with the Barons themselves, and just like Risky, they were determined to get me and force me to join them. And all of that, it had happened from a year ago, forcing me to run away from then ever since, so I am not used for whatever scheme that they her for me."

Shantae looked at Johaar with such a astonished expression on her face, as she then spoke out to him.

"For an entire year, you've been on the run from both the Barons and Risky Boots, all alone?"

Johaar nodded his head, as he sighed.

"Quite, and it is very stressful for a year. And yesterday, I was chased by one of the Baron's Soldiers, which forced me to come here."

This made Shantae confused, until it clicked into he head at who it is that Johaar is referring to.

"Wait, soldiers...are you talking about Ammo Baron?"

This made Johaar nodded his head.

"Yeah, and by the sound of it, you seem to have known him as well."

Shantae nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"I do. He once took over Scuttle Town, before I was able to liberate it from his control. He hasn't tried to retake control over it."

Johaar looked impressed at this fact and interested, as he then spoke out.

"Must have been quite the hassle to rip control for him, and he must have freaked when he saw his empire go down like nothing."

Shantae grinned, as she remembers the expression that Ammo Baron has made when she removed all the hard work that Ammo Baron had done so much for.

"Yeah, he did freak out when I removed all the many expensive uses of scrap metal, turning Scuttle Town back to the way it once was."

She then goes closer to Johaar and spoke out.

"By the way, I'm Shantae, I'm the one that guards Scuttle Town. I welcome you to it."

Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.

"Thanks, and I'm Johaar, though you may have heard from Risky as well."

Shantae smiled a little bit, as she then spoke out to him. 

"I did. And I think it's a nice name."

Johaar looked embarsssed, as he turns away.

"Not as much as yours, though. Your name's much more better sounding then mine."

This made Shantae blush, as she turns her head, but she smiled, as she then spoke out.


Shantae then hid her eyes in her hair, as Johaar then spoke out.

"You're welcome...although...seeing the destruction done to Scuttle Town..."

He looks at the entire town, seeing it still up in flames, as he spoke out.

"Looks like I'm gonna have a hard time trying to find a place for me to temporarily live in. And my boat's been destroyed thanks to Risky. I might even sleep outside."

Shantae then looks down at the ground, before she looks up at Johaar, as she then spoke out.

"Well...if you want...I can have you stay at my place, for as long as you want."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Johaar's eyes are widened, his mouth in a straight line, due to what Shantae had just said to him so suddenly as he quickly turns to Shantae, and spoke out to the other Half-Genie.

"Wait...me...at your...you must be joking. You don't...you don't need to...I can sleep outside."

But Shantae shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"No...I really mean it. And besides, I can't have you go sleep outside where it is cold and dark, especially out on the streets!"

Johaar felt a little bit more embarrassed, as he held and rubbed his shoulder for a little bit, as he then spoke out. 

"Are you...even okay with this? Bringing me, a random boy you just met, into your home?"

Shantae looks at Johaar like he said something that irritated her, as she then spoke out to him.

"Well, just so you know, mister, I have been living alone by myself, and I'm sure my uncle won't mind having you with me. Besides, I always wanted to see another half-genie."

This made Johaar look at Shantae and spoke out.


Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.

"Yep. He was the one that helped with home, and is a very nice person! So, I'm sure he won't mind you staying with me!"

Johaar looked a little bit unsure, but he then sighed, as he spoke out.

"Fine. And...well uhhh, based on that expression, you are clearly going to do whatever it takes to convince me to be with you, in your home."

Shantae grinned, as she spoke out.

"Well, you seem to guess correctly on me. Come on, let's go visit him. And maybe I'll show you around Scuttle Town!"

She then grabs him by the hand, which made him flinch a little bit, as he did not expect for her to do that, as she drags him and bring him to her uncle's place, as he is currently working on some new invention that he has. Johaar is a little bit uneasy from what Shantae is doing now, as well as a little bit embarrassed, as he has never held onto a girl's hand before in his life.

As they walked throughout Scuttle Town, suddenly, rain came down and doused the fire, although it took a little bit of time for the fire to truly be gone from the entire place. Shantae and Johaar kept on moving, with Johaar's face turning red a little bit more then before.

The denizens of the town, they are also doing good on their own, they manage to calm down, and they are trying to rebuild their homes, as Johaar cringed at the fact that they are going to be spending hours trying fix the attack that Risky Boots has done to the entire town. And clearly, it is one of the worst ways to have a home destroyed.

They continued onward, and they came across what seems to be a workshop of some sort, as Shantae grinned.

"He's in here."

She pulls Johaar in, and Johaar looks to see a small place that has what seems to be a machine of some kind, with what seems to have a magnet of some sort m, hanging above and the 2 needs pointing at the bottom. And there is someone inside of the workshop.

Inside of the workshop is an old man with a long white beard, goggles on his eyes, and another pair of goggles on top of his head(Johaar: Does he need double goggles for double eye protection or something?), a green jacket over a brown shirt, jeans, and a pair of brown boots. The old man looks, as Shantae spoke out.


Mimic smiled, as he pulls Shantae into a bear hug and lifts her.

"Shantae, I'm so glad to see you alright! I heard cannon fire, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?!"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"I'm okay, uncle. And I got you something to return back to you!"

She pulls out the Blueprints, and her uncle took it.

"The Blueprints for the Dynamo! Thank goodness you got it back from Risky, I was afraid for the worst."

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"Well, the thing is, I didn't get it back on my own, Uncle. I had someone help me in this."

This made her uncle confused, until Shantae pointed her hand behind her, and he looks to see Johaar, standing behind Shantae, a little bit nervous, but he hides this with an interested expression.

"Oh, and who might you be, young man?"

Johaar then spoke out.

"My name is Johaar. So you're Shantae's uncle, huh?"

Her uncle nodded with a smile, as he then spoke out.

"That I am. My name is Mimic. Thank you for helping my niece take care of the problem."

Johaar then spoke out.

"It's no problem. Besides, we both had a shared enemy there. So I figured she needed some help. Also, nice workshop you got there."

Mimic smiled, seeing that someone such as Johaar is very polite and seems to like it. Shantae then spoke out to her uncle about Johaar.

"Uncle, you're not going to believe this, but, Johaar, he's is also a half-genie, like me!"

This made Johaar flinch, as Mimic looked surprised.

"Really? You are are being serious Shantae?"

Shantae nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"I mean it. Look at his ears!"

This made Mimic look at Johaar's ears, and sure enough, they are elf-like, just like Shantae, with the ears being an inch longer then Shantae's own.

"My goodness, you ARE a Half-Genie! But I thought that they are..."

Johaar then spoke out.

"Usually female. I know. But me, I'm the very first male Half-Genie to ever be born. Makes me somewhat unique amongst the other Half-Genies that may have existed back then."

Mimic nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.

"You speaks truly, for there was never a Male Half-Genie before in the world."

Then, someone entered the workshop, and Johaar looks behind Shantae, who is not near to the door, and both he and Shantae looked to see who it is.

It is a fat man with a single tooth sticking out of his mouth, a blue vest, and white baggy pants with the red part on his far stomach, with him also having white hair. He then simply spoke out.

"Well, you're fired."

Shantae, looking very irritated, spoke back.

"Fired, again, for what?!"

Johaar looks at the conversation, as he spoke out.

'Well, she does say that she guards the town, so obviously she is gonna have a job.

"The Main Street is in shambles and the docks are ruined. Several boats and fishing are destroyed. And now, I'm off to place an ad for a new Guardian Genie! One who can get rid of those pirates for good!"

Shantae looks frustrated, as the fat man looks at Johaar, and he then spoke out.

"And who might you-"


Before the fat human could speak out, Johaar suddenly breathed fire in his face, and after he is done, the face of the fat man is blackened with ash, as Johaar looks nonchalantly, as he stared. The fat man blinked with wide eyes at what happened, before he then spoke out.

"Never mind."

He walked away, as Shantae looks at Johaar, and Johaar simply whisper to himself.


Shantae was surprised at the fact that Johaar blew fire in his face, as she then spoke out.

"Did you really need to do that? Blowing fire into the face of the mayor?"

Johaar then looks at Shantae and spoke out.

"If you mean, burning his face because he blamed you instead of the pirates, yes. And you said he is a Mayor?"

Shantae nodded her head.

"Yep. His name is Mayer Scuttlebutt. He is the one that hired, and fired me, a couple of times, due to blaming the problem on me for letting it happen."

Johaar shook his head, as he and Shantae walked out of the Workshop, before he spoke out.

"Geez, from the way you speak out about him, that makes it seem like he never learns his lesson or something, especially when involving an attack. He should rename his title from Mayer Sucttlebutt to Dummy Scuttlebutt."

This made Shantae silent, before...

"Pfffft, hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Shantae began to laugh, due to what Johaar had said, as she then spoke out.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!!! That's so...hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Johaar smiled, seeing that he is able to make Shantae laugh, after having what must have been such a very bad day for her. He is at least happy to be able to make her smile.

"Hehehehe...thanks, Johaar. I really needed that."

Johaar smiled, as he spoke out.

"For a fellow Half-Genie, anything."

Shantae smiled, a blush formed onto her face, due to the fact that he cared this much just to make her laugh. Johaar sighed, before he looks and sees someone. It is a female with blue hair and appears to be wearing white clothing, with the bottom part looking similar to a towel.

"Hey, I think the lady over there seems upset about something."

This made Shantae look at where Johaar is looking at, and she sees the same female that Johaar is looking at, as Shantae spoke out.

"Oh, she seems to be in some sort of trouble."

Johaar then spoke out.

"Let's go and see what's up."

Johaar and Shantae go to the panicking lady, as the blue-haired woman spoke out.

"Hey, I heard that a GUARDIAN GENIE lived in this town. You must be her!"

Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.

"I am."

Johaar then spoke out.

"What's wrong, miss."

The female spoke out.

"It was terrible!! All the maidens in my village, they have all disappeared!! Will you please help me find them, both of you?!"

Shantae nods her head, as she spoke out.

"Of course I will! I'll help you out. Johaar, mind helping me with this as well?"

Johaar looks at Shantae and nodded his head.

"Of course I'll help."

The female seemed relieved, as she spoke out.

"Thank you. Here's a map to Mermaid Falls!"

The girl hands Shantae the map, as Johaar spoke out.

"Wait, mermaid falls, but that's where the mermaids themselves are at."

Shantae looks at Johaar, and he seemed uneasy.

"What's wrong, Johaar. Are you afraid of the mermaids?"

Johaar shook his head.

"No, more like the water I don't like, mainly because some of my powers are based on fire. So I'll weakened inside of it. Still, I'll come, if it means helping you in the situation that you are in right now. Might be a fan of water, but it ain't stopping me.

Shantae seemed relived, as she spoke out.

"Thank goodness. I thought you were going to be leave me alone in this!"

Johaar shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Hey, miss. Tell me...while these maidens were disappearing...did you notice that there is anything...unusual, while it is happening?"

The blue-haired lady thinks for a little bit, as she then spoken out.

"Yea, I...I did. While I was searching for my Maidens, I...I noticed that there was a factory of some sort in the middle of Mermaid Falls, as well as some construction workers that look like a cross between human and crocodile."

Instantly, Johaar spoke out.

"Wait...hold it. A factory with that is filled with crocodile people?"

The female nodded, as Johaar turned to the side, and snarled.

"Of course...it's him, Techno Baron."

Hearing this makes Shantae look at Johaar, her face serious, as she then spoke out to him.

"Techno Baron? Do you mean..."

Johaar nodded his head.

"I do. Techno is the only one that can make a factory that has crocodile workers with him. If he is connected to this, and is the one kidnapping the maidens...that means that they are in some serious trouble, perhaps in pretty bad danger."

This made Shantae and the lady alarmed. But then, a male voice spoke out.

"Did someone say, danger?!"

This made Shantae and Johaar looked to see who it is.

A young man, possibly at the same age as Shantae and Johaar, with blue hair, a yellow headband, blue vest with white shirt, and blue rolled up jeans appeared, as Johaar thought to himself.

'At least this guy looks the least weird compared to anybody else.'

Shantae then spoke out.

"Bolo? What are you doing here?!"

Bolo looks at Shantae and spoke out.

"Your uncle wanted me to aid you in whatever problems that you are having right now. So, I'm gonna be bringing myself to help you in this!"

Shantae then puts her hands on her hips, as she then spoke out.

"Bolo, I'll be fine! Plus, I'll be taking Johaar with me."

Seeing that an argument is about to happen, Johaar spoke out.

"Okay, look. We can't argue about this now. The more we wait, the more the ladies are gonna be kidnapped, and the more that he will be successful on whatever he is planning. Right now...Shantae, do you know a way to get us to Mermaid Falls?"

Shantae looks at Johaar and nodded her head.

"I do. I have a friend that we can visit and help us. And also...I'll use this chance for you to meet her!"

Johaar was Abington protest, but she than drags Johaar by the arm, and Johaar looks annoyed, as Bolo spoke out.

"How did you get that lucky with Shantae, little guy?"

Johaar looks at Bolo, annoyed at him, as he then spoke out.

"You tell me. And something tells me that she is gonna be a handful for me. Bolo, right? Nice to meet you?"

Bolo nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, Johaar, right? Nice meeting you as well!"

Johaer nodded his head after Bolo greets him, as all 3 companions continue to go to where they are going to come to.

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