Carpet Race

The sun began to rise from the horizon, as the sunlight began to enter the lighthouse that is Shantae's home. The moment it entered, Shantae instantly awoke, as she then began to sit up from the hammock. She opens one of her eyes, as she then rubbed one of said eyes with her hand. The purple hair goes down her face, as she looks down to see the sleeping form of Hodr present underneath her body.

Shantae looks at Johaar, a blush present on her face, as she stares down at her fellow Half-Genie beloved. She cannot help but blush at the sight of his face, which she is greatly attracted to. Like, how does a single male Half-Genie manage to catch his interest? It should be impossible for so many people, and even Bolo himself, despite being somewhat in the same age as her, is unable to catch her heart. But Johaar, he was able to do it, and wasn't even trying.

Shantae then held his shoulders, as she bends down and kissed him on the lips. This made Johaar stir in his sleep, and he then looks and sees that Shantae is above him. This made Johaar blush, before he shook his head, as Shantae giggled, before she then spoke out.

"Did something catch your eyes, Johaar?"

Johaar rolled his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"Very funny, Shantae."

Shantae giggled, as Shantae got off from the Hammock, and Johaar then began to stand up himself. He then rubbed his own eyes, as he then spoke out.

"'s the day we go to that carpet race and stop a heist, huh?"

Shantae nodded her head, as she then takes Johaar by the hand, and she spoke out.

"Well, there's no time to waste! Come on, let's go!!"

Johaar nodded, and luckily, both Shantae and Johaar are in their normal cloths asleep, so they do not need to bother with changing their clothes and wasting time searching for it. They went down to the lower floor by dropping, while Johaar also took his bow, so he does not leave it back at the lighthouse, and both Johaar and Shantae landed without issue.

They then ran out of the house, and ran as fast as they can to Scuttle Town, as Johaar and Shantae does not want to waste anytime. They ran for 10 minutes, and after they had ran, they went into Sky's Hatchery, hoping that she is awake and is here. And luckily for both of the Half-Genies, they are able to arrive to see that Sky is indeed awake, having been awake just an hour ago. Sky look at the door and she greets them.

"Hey, Shantae! Hey, Johaar!"

Johaar waved back, as Shantae then went forward and spoke out to Sky.

"Sky! Listen! We need to get to CAPE CRUSTACEAN, quickly!"

This made Sky confused, as she spoke out.

"The Magic Carpet Race? What for?"

Shantae then responds back to her friend.

"I'll explain along the way!"

Sky was a little more confused, but wanting to hear an explanation, she agrees, as she goes onto Wrench, and both Shantae and Johaar went on top of it as well. As he did, Shantae grabbed Johaar's arms, and wrapped it around her stomach. This made Johaar blush, but he does not make any comment on it.

Wrench then spreads his wings, as he flies up into the air. Johaar almost feels like he is about to fall of, but he pulls himself up and holds close to Shantae, as they went into the air. Johaar then turned around and saw that there is an arena underneath the clouds. Johaar realizes that it is Cape Crustacean, as Wrench turns around, and then go to Cape Crustacean in order to try and put a stop to the potential heist that is about to happen in the race.


Johaar and Shantae, as well as Sky, Rottytops, and Bolo, who somewhat arrived here (Johaar: Okay, seriously, how does he do that?), all 5 of them are now inside of a room of gears, as Johaar puts his hands in his pocket. After a minute of silence, Sky then spoke out, clearly confused, as well as not happy with something.

"Would somebody please tell me what this is all about? And what she doing here?"

Sky appears to not have that much of a good relationship with Rottytops, as Shantae then goes in to defend her zombie friend.

"Hey, be grateful she shared her tickets with us!"

Johaar puts his hand on his shoulder, as he whispered to himself.

"At least I used my ticket to become a racer."

Johaar then shake his head, as he spoke out.

"Okay, listen up. Yesterday, one of the people that seemingly works at the Cape Crustacean, he arrived at Scuttle Town, and he told me and Shantae something important. He said that there is going to be a big-scale heist in the Carpet Race, and that whatever the heist is all about, it needs to be stopped before it can cause any permanent damage. Me and Shantae, we will be undercover as racers in order to see and stop the Heist that takes place there."

Shantae nodded her head, as she then spoke out to her 2 human friends.

"Sky and Bolo, you two will watch from the stands."

Sky and Bolo nodded, as they both know what she means by that, as Shantae then continues to speak out.

"As for Rottytops..."

Rottytops winks, as she spoke out.

"I'm working with the PIT CREW!"

Pink smoke suddenly erupted for a second, before Rottytops is now shown in a new outfit, having a black and white checkered top with black pants and a red jacket wrapped around her waist, not to mention new earrings. She also has new shoes, as Johaar spoke out.

"Woah, how in the world did she even do something like that?"

Rottytops smiled, as she spoke out.

"Check this out! Im a zombie pit girl!"

She looks at Johaar, and she winks.

"Like what you see, Johaar?"

Johaar blushed, as he smacked himself in the head, as Bolo whispers to Sky.

"I'm sure the fans will eat it up."

Sky responds back.

"Not if she eats them up first..."

Johaar shook his head, as Shantae spoke out to the both of them.

"Shush, you two."

Sky then looks at Shantae, as she then spoke out to her.

"Sounds like you're both on deck."

Shantae nodded, as she took Johaar by the hand and Rottytops then spoke out.

"Let's do this."

Shantae nodded, as she then spoke out.

"Good luck everyone! Come on, Johaar!"

Shantae ran with Johaar dragged, as he also ran to try and catch up with her.


Johaar and Shantae are inside of the arena, as they are both in front of their respective carpets. Johaar takes a deep breath, as he then spoke out.

"Okay, Johaar. You can do this. You can get inside of the race and stop the heist with Shantae. Just follow her lead."

The countdown began, and after 3 seconds, the race began. Johaar and Shantae went onto the magic carpets, as they then moved full spread ahead, the winds blowing against their bodies, as Johaar and Shantae began to move very quickly.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Johaar does not know if he can get used to this, but he knows that he cannot think of this thing for now. He needs to deal with the heist happening inside of the race, among with Shantae. Johaar's magic carpet moved behind Shantae, as Shantae turned around and smiled, as she spoke out.

"Let's go."

Shantae than whipped one of the contestants away, as she goes onto his carpet, as Johaar then decide to follow her, although he does not like the fact that she is whipping them away.

"Hopefully the contestants don't get mad at her for what she is doing to them now. This'll be very bad."

Johaar jumps and leaps after her, as contestant after contestant, she whips them out of the way, and both Shantae and Johaar moved forward more and more faster, as then went and go closer and closer, in order to hopefully see if the proper that is doing the heist will show up. As Shantae whips more out of the way, Johaar is finding trying to catch up with her getting more and more difficult, because of the way that the Carpets will move, forcing him to double jump at times with his Sigil, 

Johaar runs as fast as he can, he jumps into the air, jumps again into his Sigil, and he then dashed in the air, and he is able to catch up to Shantae. He goes on the same carpet as her, and Johaar goes next to her. Shantae smiled, seeing Johaar is next to her, which is what she needed, as Shantae whips another contestant of them out of the way, as she held Johaar by his hand, and leapt with him. Clearly, this is what she needs from him, as Johaar and Shantae continue to move as fast as they can. Shantae then spoke out to him.

"It's nice that you are next to me for this, Johaar. I really thought that you would leave me at the front to do the work."

Johaar does not know if Shantae is joking or not, but he decides not to comment on it, as he and Shantae continue to jump and leap from carpet to carpet. And luckily, Johaar is able to aid Shante with his Sigils, as he and Shantae are able to move out in much more better distances then before. However, the wind did somewhat interfere with his mid-air dashes, slowing Johaar down a little bit, although not that much. So he can still move farther just fine. They even had to get on some platforms that had orange balloons on top of them.

After what must have been a couple of minutes of jumping and dashing, Johaar and Shantae sees that there is no carpet in front of them, meaning that they are now ahead of the others.

"Okay. So now, we must be at the front...but..."

Johaar was about to speak out something else...but then, the sound of an engine roaring appeared in the air, and as Johaar and Shantae looked forward, they see 2 vehicles coming in fast towards them, as Johaar and Shantae look to see what it is that has appeared in the air, and now ready to attack the both of them.

Before Johaar and Shantae, are 2 ships, and there are 2 familiar people present on the ships that they're driving. Johaar clenched his fist, as the one at the top spoke out.

"Here comes another flying carpet, Vinegar!!"

The girl at the bottom ship then spoke out.

"Hey ready to nab it, Twitch!"

Johaar snarled, as he spoke out.

"Twitch, Vinegar!! So it is you 2 that are the one that are committing the heist!!"

Twitch smirked, as she spoke out to Johaar.

"Hey we've got orders from up top!"

Vinegar smiled as well, as she spoke out to Johaar Shantae.

"So surrender the magic carpet to us, Half-Genies!!!"

Johaar looks at the both of them, as Shantae then spoke out.

"Forget it!!!"

Johaar then shouted out.

"Over my dead body!!!"

Vinegar then spoke back.

"Fine, have it your way then!"

Twitch and Vinager: Ariel Assault Squad!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The 2 Jet Fighters began to spin, as Shantae launched 3 pink fireballs at them at the same time, all 3 of them going vertically, as Johaar fired his own fireballs at the both of them. And the thing is, he cannot use his arrows to fire at them. As the arrows are more physical then magical despite being summoned by magic, they will get blown away. So he'll use his Bow, Fireball, Spear, and Sword to hit them.

As they launched fireballs, Twitch got out of the way, as Vinegar began to fire spheres at a very rapid way.

Johaar and Shantae tried to get out of the way as much as they can, as Johaar even had to fire his Spears to try and intercept them. Johaar spoke out.

"Not much of a shot, huh?!"

Vinegar spoke out to Johaar.

"Just wait, I'll get ya!!"

Johaar rolled his eyes, as he launched fireballs at Vinegar, damaging her ship, as he looks and sees that Twitch is about to make her turn. Both Twitch and Vinegar spun around again, as Shantae and Johaar fired their attacks at the both of them, before Vinegar went out of range, and Twitch takes her then.

She than began to launch bombs at Johaar and Shantae, and Shantae, out of nowhere, turned into a bat. But Johaar, he swung his Bow and bats the bombs back at Twitch, blowing up her ship a bunch of times with each hit. Needless to say, Twitch is not happy, but at least, for her, Johaar did not bat back all of them, as a small bit of them fell into the ocean. Johaar and Shantae went next to each other, as Shantae spoke out.

"These 2 must be stopped!!"

As Twitch and Vinegar began to spin around again, Johaar looks and spoke out.

"Wait, what are they both doing?"

Then, Twitch went behind Vinegar, and all of the sudden, the 2 ships of both Twitch and Vinegar merged, with Twitch at the back. And then, Vinegar's part of the ship began to charge something in front of them. An energy beam.

"Uh oh. Shantae, behind me, now!"

Shantae, not knowing why, decides to get behind him, as Johaar then held his hand out, and a Sigil then formed. He takes a deep breath, as Shantae watches to see what will happen. And then, all of a sudden, a blast of energy from Vinegar's shop fired from the front of it, as it hit the Sigil from Johaar's hands.

The blast of energy and Johaar's Sigil pushed against each other, as Johaar tries to push the blast of energy with all of his magic and might, so it does not obliterate him and Shantae. And then, when the beam stopped firing, the blast of energy that Johaar blocked, it somehow reflected back at the combined ship...and then, it struck the both of them. When that happened, the ships began to explode rapidly, as  Twitch spoke out.

"What?! Are you serious?!"

Vinegar also shouted out.

"How is that fair?!"

The shocks went down, and Johaar looked shocked, as he spoke out.

"Okay, I did know that I can do that."

Shantae then holds onto Johaar's hand, and squeezed it, as Shantae spoke out.

"That takes care of those two! Now to find out where they're taking those carpets!"

She then commanded the Magic Carpet to go up, as both she and Johaar are lifted into the air even more then before, and goes through the sky. When they went into the sky, they see a blue ship with a familiar design.

"Wait...that ship..."

Johaar and Shantae jumped off of the carpet and landed, as they then see a soldier worn a familiar animal hat.

Johaar, reacting fast, swung his Bow and struck the solider, sending him off of the map, as he spoke out.

"That's a soldier from Ammo Baron!!! That means..."

Shantae caught on as well.

"That means that Ammo Baron is behind all of this!!"

Johaar spoke out.

"Well, now it is fine to get some payback at him, for chasing me to the ends of the earth the way he did it!!! Time to take down this heist once and for all!!!"

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"Let's go!!!"

Johaar and Shantae ran as fast as they can on the ship, as they then see another ship, and a soldier on there spoke out.

"Johaar!! You will not escape from us!!! Ammo Baron will have you!!!"

Johaar was about to strike, but then, Shantar intervened.

"Get away from him!!!"

She then whips him with her hair, sending him flying away, as Johaar and Shantae continue to run and go as fast as they can to try and go to find Ammo Baron's ship. They encounter a couple more on another ship that rose from the counts, but Johaar made his sword appear, as he then swung his sword, red slashes appeared, as he sliced through the weapons, and send the soldiers flying. Johaar looks around and spoke out.


He then took out a pouch, and held it in the air, and the wind went inside of it, and as he and Shantae jumped, more wind went in, and Johaar quickly sealed the pouch shut, with wind trapped inside of it. He and Shantae then ran into some electrical barriers that appeared for a few seconds before disappearing, as Shantae and Johaar went through them, and they went through the second one, getting through to the other side. But there was a cannon at the other side, and it tried to fire at them, but Johaar and Shantae ducked, as Shantae then whipped her hair onto the cannon, and destroyed it so that they can get to the other side.

But as then went onto another ship, a ship above the one they are on has a hatch open, and soldiers began to fall down. Johaar and Shantae ran to the other side, as Johaar and Shantae then hit and whack the soldiers with their Sigil Bash and Hair Whip, and one of them drops Roast. Johaar picks it up, because why not, as Johaar and Shantae stepped back, and as then went to the other side, Johaar sees another ship coming out behind them. Johaar smiled, as he grabs Shantae, and jumps to the other ship, and doing a dash in mid-air, made it without problem.

Another electric barrier appeare, and this one does not turn off. Johaar looks, annoyed, as then he spoke out to him.

"Ammo Baron's certainly getting better with his toys."

Shantae grabs Johaar and spoke out.

"Down here."

Johaar and Shantae went down, a soldier waits for them. But then, Shantae and Johaar bashed him and beat him down, as then went went back up through the other side, but not before going inside of the ship to see a chest. Shantae does the honors, turned into her crab form, goes through the rapidly appearing lasers using her powerful shell, as Johaar dashed to the other side when it is his then, before they opened a chest, and got a Heart Holder, their health increased. They go up, and then, at the other side, they see another cannon, but Shantee crouched down and whips her hair at it, destroying it. Johaar sighed, as he stood back up, and he and Shantae ran to the other ship.

A soldier was waiting for them at the end part of the ship, and began to throw stuff at them, but Johaar used his Sigil and dashed in the air, along with Shantar, avoiding the attack, before Johaar kicks the soldier off of the ship, sending him out. Then, a weapon appeared from the ship, this one that shoots out fireballs, as Johaar and Shantae ducks, and Shantae whips the weapon. But the weapon goes into the ship before it can be destoryed. But Shantae waits patiently, before it went back up again, and Shantae destroyed it.

"Okay, this is getting very annoying, what has Ammo Baron been cooking up for stealing the Magic Carpets?"

Johaar spoke out, as Shantae spoke out.

"Well, whatever it is, we'll stop it!!"

Johaar nodded, as he and Shantae continue to go through as many of the obstacles as they can, with Johaar and Shantae seeing all of what Ammo Baron's weapons are. They are able to deal with them with as much time as they can, get passed them without trouble, and after what most have been a few minutes of getting through all of Ammo Baron's traps and enemies, they are able to make it to the other side.

" it is time to bring this joint down. Ready Shantae?!"

Shantae nodded, as she pumped her fist, and spoke out.


Johaar and Shantae then go in, as they dropped down into the inside of the ship that Ammo Baron is likely in. After all, he is always at the front.

There are hooks in the air, and the entire place is made of metal with spikes in some parts of the ship. But what catches Johaar and Shantae's attention, is that there are large rolled patches of thread. It didn't take long for Johaar to realize what this is.

"Wait...these rolled silk...their..."

Shantae finished for Johaar.

"Their from the Magic Carpets!!! He's using their magical silk for what we scheme he has!!!"

Shantae clenched her fist, as she spoke out.

"Well, we are not letting him get away with this!!!"

Johaar nodded, and then then see a large block in front of them. Johaar m and Shantae nodded, knowing what to do, especially since there is a platforms up above on the wall in front of them. Shantae dances as Johaar snaps his fingers, and they both shouted out.


Shantae and Johaar turned into their elephant and bear forms, as Johaar and Shantae rammed into the block and pushed it, unknowingly knocking a soldier out come from their powerful bodies, as Johaar and Shantae changed back, and went up at the top, thanks to Johaar carrying Shantae and double jumping. They changed back to their Bear and Elephant forms, as then busted through a crate blocking their path, and they then began to fight off the soldiers that are in the area that they are inside of right now. Shantae stomps and rams into them, while Johaar clawed and swiped them, while also biting them and throwing them away, their firearms and blades unable to pierce through his bear hide.

After defeating the solider, the 2 Half-Genies went down, and encountered lasers, as Johaar spoke out.

"Jeez. Not wanting to play around, huh?"

Shantae nodded, as she grabs Johaar by the hand, and they ran to the lasers when it is down. The lasers began to reactivate, but Johaar and Shantar went through them just in time. But as they go, they saw that there is an entrance above them, but there are spikes in between the center. Shantae than turns into her spider form, hugs Johaar, as she then reels him up, before Johaar and Shantae go up to the entrance, and opened a chest, and took out a red stone. They then began to go down, encountering more and more soldiers, as the soldiers spoke out.

So you have arrived, Johaar!! You will not escape from us!!!"

Johaar narrowed his eyes and fired his arrow at the bullet that are fired by the soldiers, as Shantae whipped them away. Johaar got hit with a bullet, but thanks to his Rune Armor, the damage was reduced. Johaar and Shantae beat them down, as they then descend downwards, and they then see a body of water. Johaar and Shantae looked, before Shantae spoke out.

"How about we go mermaid on this one?"

Johaar blushed, but he does as Shantae wants him to do, as he and Shantae turned into their mermaid form. They swam through the other side, and they then began to continue moving forward. After a little while, they then made it to the other side, as then then moved forward.

"Okay, seriously, how does Ammo Baron have water in his ship?"

Shantae shrugged, as she spoke out.

"Ammo Baron does have a strange taste in ship design."

They continued, and they are now going up, going up against as many of the soldiers as usual. Each of then threatening to take Johaar, but Shantae always beats them away. Then, as they reached upwards, now they are in an area where there is a bunch of lasers, and they need to continue climbing up. Johaar narrowed his eyes, before he then spoke out.

"Let's go, Shantae."

Shantae nodded, as she and Johaar moved and fought against the various soldiers that are present inside of the area. They began to dodge the lawyers, climb on the chains, and beat down the soldiers, as they do all that they can to avoid getting hit. Johaar and Shantae continue this, until they reached a crate. Johaar and Shantae turned into their larger forms, the Bear and Elephant, as then rjan began to go and wreak havoc onto the soldiers, as Johaar spoke out.

"This never gets old."

Shantae nodded, as Johaar and Shantae went their to the other side.

"Well, at least there is the thrill of fighting!!"

Johaar and Shantae then descended down, a few platforms abode spikes, and a soldier. Shantae whips the soldier away. But both Half-Genies, they notice a small opening inside of it. Shantae, decking to go there, goes into the small opening, and Johaar, after seeing her go in, decides to go after her. He crawls through the tight space, which was a little difficult to do, but he goes through the other side, before he then sees a portal. Johaar sighed, as he spoke out.

"Here I go again."

Johaar than goes inside of the portal...and sees that he is in the air...about to fall inside of the colorful dimension.

"OH NO!!!"

Not wanting to fall, Johaar turns into his falcon form. He than flies around the area, avoiding some obstacles along the way, and it is a little bit difficult, due to the fact that they are going very fast. He thinks that they are about to run into him and knocks him out of the air. But Johaar was able to remain focused, and he is then able to go to the other side, which shows a red chest, while also changing back to normal, as ground is now present.

"Okay, what I am I gonna get?"

Johaar said to himself, as he opens the chest, and he took out something.

You got the falcon dash! You can now blitz out of the way of incoming obstacles that are closing in fast, or to dash through some enemies that are in the way.

Johaar sighed, as he went back, and crawled back through the opening, and a minute later, Shantae reappeared.

"Okay, I'm back! And why do you look like you've been winded by something?"

Shantae said, as Johaar spoke out.

"I'll explain later. But now...we need to keep moving."

Shantae nodded, as she and Johaar then went on the move once again. They continued to go downwards, until they reach more chains and platforms, and Johaar spoke out.

"We must be near the end."

Shantae nodded, as Johaar and Shantae then turned into their Bat and Falcon form. Johaar decides to use the Falcon Dash, being down the soldiers, in order to give room for Shantae to move safely, and after a little bit, he is able to do that, and they then go into the next room, which goes up. Johaar and Shantae changed back, as they look to see the magic carpets all over the place, as they both leapt up.

Outside...they see an engine. And Shantae, without hesitating, began to strike and whip it, and Johaar began to bash it with his bow. After a few began to blow. Johaar than grabs Shantae's hand, and jumped, as the entire ship exploded.

Both Shantar and Johaar fell down, and landed o to their feet with Grace, as pieces of the ship fell down as well, and well as a familiar one-eyed general. One that Johaar knows all to well.

"Hello, Ammo Baron. I see you're the one responsive for the heist."

Ammo Baron looks at Johaar, as he spoke out.

"Johaar, my old friend I never thought that in so long you would meet with Shantae, especially after you have escaped from that abandoned temple. And blast it all! That airship cost billions of crowd-funded dollars!"

Shantae smiled, as she spoke out.

"For shame!!! You thought you could win the race by cheating!"

But Ammo Baron scoffed, as he spoke out.

"The race? Haw!! I don't care about some stupid civilian airshow! And I don't care abojt some prize money, neither!!"


Shantae spoke out, a suspicious and very unhappy look on her face, as he spoke out.

"The ships, they had the magical silk of the carpets...that is what you are after, isn't it?"

Ammo Baron smiled, as he spoke out.

"You are as sharp as always, Johaar. That is right, that is what I have been after, using the magical silk of the carpets, I'm after global conquest! Air Supremacy, babe! Armored ships are good n all. But I need airborne troops, too! But being as how the Magical Silkworm is endangered, and is also very cute...I'll just take the Magic Silk I need from these losers' carpets...and use it to manufacture Magic Carpet Uniforms for my men!"

Shantae, now having a disbelieving look on her face, spoke out.

"Magical Silkworms, you can't be serious!"

But Ammo Baron laughs, as he spoke out.

"I'll demonstrate!! Men, deploy the M.C.U!!"

Then, Magical Silkworms began to pop out, and then began to weave and intertwine, as Johaar and Shantae watched, as they see that they are turning into what Ammo Baron is using for them to make. Now they are wearing purple uniforms, with Ammo Baron gaining a red uniform, and cape on the back of his outfit.


The soldiers began to fly in the air, as Ammo Baron flied as well, but only about 10 feet above the ground, as he spoke out, arms crossed.

"Let's show this hot little tamale a nice, tight formation!"

Ammo Baron: Limited Edition Loudmouth!

Johaar and Shantae clenched their fists, but Johaar has a thought in mind, as he thought out, an eager smile on his face.

'You know...I think I just might take those suits'

Shantae looks at Johaar with a look that says 'what are you thinking,' due to seeing the odd look on his eyes. But Johaar does not care, as the solider arrived to surround Ammo Baron.

Johaar smiled, as Shantae began to whom then and tear the outfits apart. But Johaar, staying true to his word, decides to take the outfits, as Johaar would knock them down, and take the upper outfit off of them, discarding the hats, which are not special, as he then uses some magic to prevent them from getting away. Needless to say, this made Shantae a little weirded out, but she does not complain, as she continues to whip and strike at the soldiers, whine Johaar continues to take the flying uniform off of the soldiers, and pinned them to the ground. But then, as Shantae whips and attacks Ammo Baron a bunch of times, Ammo Baron commands the soldiers to target both Johaar and Shantae.

But as Shantae gets out of the way, Johaar actually grabs onto some of the soldiers, takes their upper outfit off, and throws the soldiers away, as he makes the outfit does not fly away. But then, more and more soldiers surround Ammo Baron, and then, it became an endless cycle of hitting, taking, targeting, and protecting. But the more that Ammo Baron sends, the more that Shantae hits the soldiers and destroys the magic uniforms, and the more that Johaar steals and takes the magic uniforms for himself to have. And then, after a very long battle, Johaar finally decides that he has taken enough of the Uniforms, and he than launched a fireball at Ammo Baron. And then moment he did, at the fireball...the silk uniform began to explode. Or rather, Ammo Baron himself began to explode. But Johaar, deciding to take one more, gets onto Ammo Baron, and takes it off of him so that he does not damage it, before he jumps away, and continues to hold onto it.

When it is done, and the explosion is over, Ammo Baron and his soldiers are down, and in their undies, in public, much to their embarrassment.

Johaar smacked himself in the head, as he spoke out.

"Okay, seriously, what is it with soldiers wearing those types under their clothes? Well, at least it's better then nothing."

Shantae nodded, as Ammo Baron spoke out.

"Moan... What went wrong..."

Shantae points at Ammo Baron, as she shouted out.

"You did! You're grounded!!"

Ammo Baron then spoke out.

"All that work. up in smoke!"

Johaar then spoke out.

"Well...too bad for you, your work is no longer yours. Serves you right for trying to force me into your armies!"

Then, Vinegar and Twitch appeared with a medical stretch to put Ammo Baron on, as Rottytops' voice spoke out.

"Hello? Is this thing on? Ladies and gents, it looks like the Ammo Baron has trashed all of today's participants! All but these 2 newcomers, that is!! Judges? We have 2 winners!!!"

A portal appeared, and both Shantae and Johaar went onto the portals, as they are both teleported to different rooms to get some new powers. For Shantae, she sees a chest, and she opens it, and she holds out a new transformation.

"You got the mouse dance! Use this power to enter tiny spaces."

Shantae then transforms into a mouse, and it is very small. But up close, it is very cute.

Shantae jumps up, and she then goes into a place that is similar to a mouse maze, before she went to the other side, and she is free.

For Johaar, she then sees a similar thing, except that it is a little bit more larger. Johaar then goes to the chest, opens it, and he than takes out his own transformation, which is even larger and very longer then the mouse form.

You got the snake form. You can now slither through spaces smaller then you.

Johaar then did a pose, and turned into a snake, being white in color, has orange eyes, and has 2 eye lids, one underneath the top eyelids, as he goes through the spaces, slithered through them, before he reached the other side, and he exits. Johaar changed back, and he goes into a portal.

"Now...time to sell those outfits away."


Johaar, Shantae, and the others are back with Mimic, as he spoke out, a proud expression on his face.

"First place, eh? Sounds exciting!"

Rottytops giggled, and she sounds excited, as she spoke out.

"Let's see what you've won!!"

Sky and the others look and spoke out.

"A lifetime supply of Mermaid Fall's famous..."

Bolo finishes what Sky has to say.

"Canned monster chow!"

Johaar gagged a little, as Shantae looked a little sick, as Johaar some out.

"Umm, no!! No, nah uh!! We are not taking it!"

Shantae nodded, as she spoke out.

"Agreed, especially since we know what is inside of it!"

Rottytops then spoke out.

"Then I'll have it! I always wanted to have those! Gotta enjoy it while it lasts, right?"

Johaar shrugged, as Shantae spoke out to her uncle.

"How is your machine coming along, Uncle?"

Mimic then spoke out to Shantae.

"It's almost done! live got the power supply hooked up, the magnet is charged, and I can already see Dark Magic particles accumulating in the containment sphere! And thanks to Johaar stealing some of Ammo Baron's metals, I'm able to make the machine able to handle the Dynamo's power."

Johaar smiled, as he crossed his arms, and Shantae then spoke out.

"I guess that means it's time to look for a Light Shard. But luckily, I'm not doing this alone."

Shantae smiled, as the others did, before Shantae spoke out.

"By the way...Johaar...what did you do with the magical outfits? The one you took from Ammo Baron and his goons?"

Johaar shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Oh, I simply took them to a shop that makes and sells clothes. Stole about 550 of them, not just from Ammo Baron's goons, but also from the ones he had made previous in the ship in crates that are still intact."

Shantae and the others looked shocked, as Shantae then shouted out in shock.

"You had done...what?!"

Johaar then spoke out.

"Don't worry, I'm not crediting Ammo Baron and giving him money. In fact...I got the money, as well as keeping about 3 of them

Shantae sighed, as she spoke out.

"Thank goodness."

Johaar nodded, as Bolo spoke out.

"Did you manage to keep a few of the Flying Uniforms?"

Johaar nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yep, just in case we need it, especially you guys."

Sky and the others are happy,

and even Rottytops is happy, as she then spoke out.

"Aww, shouldn't have!"

Rottytops then leans in and kissed him on the cheek, and this Johaar blush. And Sky...does the same. This made Johaar embedded, as Shantae hugged him, and clung onto him possessively, as Johaar spoke out.

"Where has my life gone to?"

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