18 | The Family Tree
Insight into the chapter
"Yu Jun has been taken to the hospital! What happened to her and was it and enemy attack?"
You perfunctorily locked the phone, jammed it into your pocket and turned to me, your hand was balled into fists.
"We need to go. Now. Yu Jun is in the hospital!"
"Oh my god! What happened? Is she okay?"
"John could not talk long, so I don't know."
Oh god... did those shooters retaliate and target someone close to Jungkook?
"Come on, let's go."
Hastily, we left the pier and headed for the hospital.
When we arrived, we found John sitting in the waiting room, his foot was bouncing nervously. He immediately stood up the moment he saw us.
"What happened? Where is Yu Jun?"
"She had a severe allergic reaction. One of the new kitchen staff wasn't made aware of what can't be put in her meals."
"Oh, Yu Jun. Good thing she had you to look after her, John," I said.
"I was merely performing my duties, Miss Park."
"At least someone is reliable in that damn household," you said.
"Please don't be upset with them, sir. Everyone is being stretched rather thin."
"That is no excuse! And where the hell is my father?"
"I tried reaching him a couple of time, but he was at a business meeting when the incident took place."
"Of course, he was." Your bitter anger was palpable, so I took a gentle hold of your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
The sweet touch grounded you and you let out a soft exhale. "Where is the doctor?"
"He is with Yu Jun. Her room is right over there. I was... told the family could go see her."
I couldn't help but notice the twinge of sadness in John's voice no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
John really cares about Jungkook and Yu Jun, doesn't he? He is much more of a dad than Chan Yeol Jeon really is.
"I won't be gone too long, Eun Jeong."
"Just don't be mad in front of Yu Jun, okay?"
"I will behave, I promise."
You pressed a warm kiss to my forehead, lingering and sweet, and you reluctantly let go of my hand. You walked off to Yu Jun's room as I and John took a seat on the uncomfortable plastic chairs.
John wringed his hand, a mess of emotions etched into his face, and I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, John?"
He cleared his throat, and pulled away gently from my touch, trying his best to be his usual composed self. "It's just the shock I suppose... But I will be fine. All that matter is that Yu Jun is fine."
"And she is fine because of you who got her to the hospital in time."
"Like I said... I was just performing my duties." He sighed with his gaze fixed on the floor as he idly tapped his fingertips on his knee. "But I should have paid better attention today... If I had, this might not have happened."
He is not even thinking about how this might impact his job or infuriate Chan Yeol Jeon. His only concern is Yu Jun's wellbeing.
"John, it wasn't your fault. You can't be everywhere all at once and I am pretty sure no one expects that of you. What is most important is that you acted in time."
"And what if I had not? It could have cost Yu Jun her life!" He let out another heavy sigh and finally met my gaze. "I just don't know what I would have done if something had happened to her."
His words were heavy, filled with the weight of responsibility and my heart sank at the sight.
This is so much more than a job to him. He genuinely cares. Is it because he saw what kind of household Jungkook and Yu Jun were growing up in? He could have turned a blind eye and just focused on his job... but he didn't. He is one of the rare, good people in Jungkook's life. And now he is racked with guilt over something he had no control over. Poor guy doesn't deserve to feel like that.
I placed a gentle hand over his shoulder, and he turned to me. "John, you have been taking care of Jungkook and Yu Jun all your life, right?"
"Pretty much, yes."
"And how many times did they fall and get hurt? Or ate something they should not have?"
"More than I can count, probably."
"And you could not be there to stop it."
"I know... but it is my responsibility to look after them."
"But you can't be everywhere at once! You run an entire household, you have so many obligations. No one is expecting you to be able to solve every problem."
"You have met Mr. Chan Yeol Jeon, haven't you?"
"Okay, you have a point there but..." I sighed and edged a little closer. The vulnerability in John's eyes remined me of my own father and a tight fist squeezed around my heart. "No one is perfect, John. All of us are just trying to do our best. So, you should not be so hard on yourself. It's only going to be harder for you if you do. The Jeons are lucky to have you! I mean, come on, be honest with me. What could they possibly do without you?"
"Well, I do manage a lot for them."
"Exactly! You are the rock of the family! You are a kind, sweet ad heart-working man, John. And on top of all that... You gave Jungkook and Yu Jun the support they needed. That makes you a hero in my eyes!"
John's eyes filled with happy tears, and he chuckled as he patted my knee. "Thank you, Miss Park. Your words mean a lot to me. And you are right. There is no sense in wallowing in feelings of guilt. But I still wish I had kept an eye on the servant. Especially since I need to watch what I eat too."
"What do you mean?"
"Yu Jun and I have the same allergy."
That's interesting.
You came walking out the room with Yu Jun by your side. I and John immediately rose to our feet.
"Yu Jun! Are you okay!" asked the concerned John.
"Yeah... that was a close one. Still, you did not have to drag out poor Eun Jeong here, Jungkook."
"What? Of course, I was going to come. I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"You were worried about me?"
"Of course, she was, Jun. We both were," you answered.
"Aww, you guys..."
"Do you need anything? A chocolate bar?" I asked.
"Yes, please, just make sure there is no walnut in it," you cringed slightly at the mention, and my suspicion got confirmed.
Now I am kind of embarrassed that I suggested it.
"Of course! Would much rather you come back home with us than staying on the ward."
You smiled softly at my exchange, and as I ignored the burning in my cheeks, I rushed over to the vending machine to get you a chocolate bar.
What the hell am I doing? I mean, I am not trying to pretend like I care... I think I actually care.
The thought dispersed from my head when the chocolate bar dropped into the bottom drawer of the machine.
I grabbed it and handed it to Yu Jun.
"Thank you, Eun Jeong."
"So, what did the doctor say?" asked John.
"He said Jun is alright to head home but suggested that she get some rest."
"Best we get you home then."
Together, the four of us exited the hospital.
As I stopped outside, John went to fetch his car while I stood waiting with Yu Jun. As she checked her phone, you fixated your gaze on a car parked across the street.
It was hard to see the men inside, but there were two of them, that much I was sure of.
You subtly motioned for me to come closer, and I did, until you could whisper in my ear, "Do you recognize that car, Piccola?"
I squinted my eyes as I parsed through my memories. It was dark that night, but the longer I looked at the car, it came back to me.
It's... it's the same car the shooters were in!
"Holy... We need to get John and Yu Jun out of here, Jungkook."
"They will be safest back at the house. But we need to make sure they don't follow us."
"There is bound to be a lot of traffic this time of the day. We can use it to lose them if they follow us!"
"What are you two whispering about?" asked Yu Jun and I flinched at the sound of her voice, and you idly wrapped an arm around my waist, putting on the most charming smile you could.
"It's really not something for your ear, Jun."
"Oh my god, get a room, you two."
I laughed nervously, "Yeah. Sorry about that."
"Ready to go?" asked John as he brought the car in front of us.
"I'll drive, John," you said.
"What?! There is no need for that."
"You have done enough for today, John. Let me drive."
John met your eyes and seemed to understand the silent look you have given. He grew serious and handed you the car keys. "As you wish, sir."
"Ride up front with me."
Yu Jun raised her eyebrow as John, and you got in the car, and I nudged her gently toward the vehicle. "Come on, let's get you home, Yu Jun!" I got in the backseat with Yu Jun, subtly looking over to the parked car.
You started up the car and slowly drove away from the hospital. Your eyes scanned the rearview mirror, and I glanced over my shoulder to see if someone was following us.
And there it was, the same car we saw at the hospital driving a few feet behind us and I swallowed. "Jungkook, maybe you should turn left here? We can avoid the traffic if we do."
"Would we not end up on Main Street then?" asked the clueless Yu Jun.
"Oh, it should be quite empty at this time of day," said John.
"Yeah, right. That is what I was thinking," I said.
Confused Yu Jun silently mulled over my words as you made a left turn.
"How about I put on some music?" you asked but didn't wait for an answer and turned on the radio.
I noticed the car was still driving behind us and my heart started to pound rapidly.
Shot! If Jungkook tries to outmaneuver them, Yu Jun could get suspicious. He has to drive as casually as possible and keep his cool. At least they are not going to try and shoot in the middle of the day. At least I hope they won't!
My stomach dropped as the tension rose. Up until now, it has just been about me and Jungkook, but while the two of us can take care of yourselves, Yu Jun and John are defenseless.
We need to keep them safe, Jungkook.
In the awkward silence, Yu Jun sighed and straightened up. "Look, I understand you guys were worried about me, but I am fine. So, can you guys stop acting weird?"
"W-what do you mean?" asked John was acting to act normal.
"I am not stupid. I can sense some sort of vibe going on right now."
Out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted the car edging closer.
Crap! Yu Jun is getting suspicious! I need to distract her! If she realizes anything is wrong, she might figure out what is happening and that will just put her into more danger!
Acting nonchalantly. I placed my hand on Yu Jun's knee, drawing her attention to myself. "I am sorry, Yu Jun. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We are all just a little shocked by what went down."
"I know, but I am fine, guys. Really! I don't want you walking on eggshells around me or acting like I am made of porcelain."
The car drove up to the side, but I kept calm, taking a hold of Yu Jun's hand and making sure she was looking at me. You subtly followed it with a sideway glance. John stiffened in his sear, but Yu Jun did not take notice.
"No one things you are fragile, Yu Jun."
"Dad would certainly beg to differ."
"It's because he still sees you as his little kid. But you are not anymore. You are smart, independent young woman with a bright future ahead of her! And he should accept that."
The suspicious car drove past us, and flood of relief went over me. You glanced at me through the rearview mirror giving me a small knowing smile.
Yu Jun smiled in gratitude, completely unaware of what had just transpired and hugged me tightly. "You are really sweet, Eun Jeong. Thank you."
"Anytime, Yu Jun."
With the car gone, you breezed through the street and reached the Jeon Home.
As I entered the hallway, you subtly pulled me back and let John and Yu Jun walk in front of me. Your words came out in a low whisper, "Nice job keeping your cool there, Babe."
"We can't have Yu Jun knowing about anything. We got to keep her safe, right?"
"Right. Thank you."
"Yu Jun!" exclaimed Chan Yeol Jeon.
I stiffened as he came down the stairs and you stared him down with a venomous gaze.
He hugged Yu Jun and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I just got back and went over John's voicemails! Are you alright?"
"As if you care," you said, and he immediately looked over at you.
"She is alright, Mr. Jeon. The doctor said she just needs to get some rest," I said.
"Yeah, dad. I am fine. So, is it okay if I head up to my room?"
Tension simmered in the air as a moment passed in silence, his eyes locked into yours. Then he sighed and offered Yu Jun a smile. "Of course, my daughter. You have had a hectic day."
Yu Jun nodded and turned to me. "We are having a dinner party tonight. Could the two of you come by?"
"Yeah, of course. We will be there, right, Jungkook?"
You nodded but your eyes were still on Chan Yeol Jeon.
Yu Jun smiled widely and hugged me tightly. With equal enthusiasm, she embraced you as well. "See you two then!"
She hurried up the stairs and once she was out of earshot, Chan Yeol Jeon frowned, "John, leave us."
John solemnly nodded and walked away.
"I want to speak with you in my office, Jungkook."
"Whatever you want to say to me, you can say it in front of Eun Jeong."
"Will you quite acting like a baby, Jungkook?"
"Maybe when you start acting like a father."
Even with his stern expression, I could tell the words hit Chan Yeol Jeon.
As if I am going to feel sorry for him after what he has done to my dad... But I need to calm things down and get out of here with Jungkook.
"Jungkook... Please... It's been a long day for everyone." I squeezed your hand reassuringly and you deflated.
"We will talk at dinner." With that, you turned to leave with me, and I swear I could feel Chan Yeol Jeon's eyes boring into the back of my head.
After getting your car from the hospital, the two of us ended up at my apartment.
You took a seat on the couch and sighed as I sat down beside you. "I am... I am sorry about all that, Eun Jeong. But it makes my blood boil to see him acting like he cares when he could not give less of a shit."
"I know... but think of Yu Jun. She clearly wants the two of you to get along. So just try and be civil to him in front of her, okay?"
"That is not going to be an easy thing to do."
"Well, I know you can do it." I sighed and wringed our hands together. "How did those drivers find us, Jungkook?"
"I don't know... There is no way they could have tracked us and the safehouse isn't bugged. And if they tried to run my plates, they would get nothing."
"Maybe they have more eyes on the street than we are aware of."
You wrapped an arm around my shoulder and drew me into a hug. The warmth of your embrace eased my nerves.
"I just want all of this to be over and get my dad back."
"I know, Piccola. And we will get him back." You kissed the top of my head and I relaxed against you.
"So, what do we do now?"
"Well, we have a dinner party to go tonight."
"Right... Sorry I got us into that. I could not say no to Yu Jun."
"I figured as much. But that was very sweet of you. We will make the most of it, don't worry."
"I will trust your word on that."
You kissed my cheek, the warm imprint of your lips lingered on my skin, and I did my best to ignore the flutter of butterflies in my stomach.
I don't get it... How does he always make me feel this way? Why does everything feel so good with him?
I pushed away the thoughts and cleared my throat. "Is it okay if I take a nap? I am kind of worn out."
"Go ahead, Babe. I will be here if you need me." You sweetly kissed me, and I could not help by smile before grabbing a blanket and laid down on the couch.
The afternoon passed into the evening, and I went and got ready for the dinner party.
Okay, Eun Jeong. You need to be in Chan Yeol Jeon's good graces. And since he is a snob, that means dressing up to the nines. So, let's put something expensive on. What look should I choose? Glamorous Lady or Sophisticated Woman? I don't think I can choose. I need Jungkook.
I came out of the bedroom with two dresses either of my side. "Jungkook, which one?"
You scanned both the dresses up and down. "You would look amazing in both the dress, Babe."
"But I don't think I can wear both the dress. So, choose one."
You got up from the couch, walked towards me and as you wrapped your hands around my waist, pulling me closer, you whispered, "It's really hard to choose one. How about we just stay here and you... wear nothing."
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