6: Broken Little Ones

I'm running out of pictures. 💀


     Kurogiri placed his hand on your shoulder to stop you from leaving the portal directly into your room, the intending to change. "Where do you go every time I drop you off?" You turned around, annoyed to have been caught. "Every day I drop you off from school, you always get changed and fly away."

     "Uhhh, yeah. I have a life outside of school." The Nomu's eyes narrowed. You frowned. "I workout for an hour down by the beach if that makes you feel any better. And yes, I know you've been told to look after me." Seems like no matter where you go now, there's always that one person who keeps an eye on you at all times. Hint hint nudge nudge. Seigyo's really been getting on your nerves lately.

     "Do you want me to teleport you there instead?"

     "Nahhh!" Shoving past the misty creature. "I've got it." Something along the lines of an invisibility quirk would be nice, though. You wouldn't have to worry about cloud jumping anymore.


     You arrived at the beach this fine afternoon with some shorts and a T-shirt on. Wings vanishing into the cut vertical lines on the back of the shirt, you looked around for that green haired kid. Strange. He was usually waiting here excitedly for you. And if he had plans, he made sure to tell you about them beforehand. This was a little concerning. You began your walk toward the kid's house, hoping to meet him on the way.

. . .

     Still no kid, even as you reached their apartment. You knocked cautiously on the right door, mind racing to come up with an excuse for how you knew where they lived. (After finding the right apartment building, you peered in through every window until finding the one with all the All Might merch.)

     The door cracked open, Ms. Inko poking her head through. "(Y/n)?"

     "Is everything alright, ma'am? Izuku didn't show up and I got worried."

     "I was just about to head to the hospital. Want to join me?"

     o.o "..O...of course."


     The car ride there was eerily quiet. Reminded you of that one time when you rode alone with your father, now several years ago. You stared out the passenger window, nervous to ask what happened. Halfway there, Inko spoke to answer that question for you without prompting.

     "Izuku got attacked by a dog earlier today, saving the cat it was chasing. Apparently, while being chased, he fell into a drainage ditch and broke his leg." You hissed painfully. The mother mumbled on. "..He's been coming home injured more and more... Never from his time with you, but he's been seeking out danger lately...and I can't convince him to stop."

     You exhaled long and loud through your nose. "...I'll talk to him."

     "Thank you."


     The hum of the air vents overhead filled your ears. The loud, crackling of thin paper shuffled around as Izuku cleaned up what was left from the hospital provided food. The boy's mother scurried up beside the bed and hugged her son, showering him with kisses and words of concern. You sat down in the chair beside him which faced his bed, the foam sinking so much it rendered the cushion useless. You laid your elbows on your knees and clasped your hands together, avoiding making eye contact with the child just yet.

     His green hair was all messy still, some of it pushed aside or shaven to make room for the stitches that needed to be filled. His right forearm was heavily bandaged, and a dark green cast hardened around his left leg. Saddest of all were probably the stitch marks closing up a gash on his face. Starting above the lip and notching down his mouth until finally reaching his chin. A gauze still soaked in his half open mouth. He looked at you and mumbled something, though the gauze in his made it impossible to understand. You had a pretty good guess as to what he would say about now, though. You hushed him politely, then sighed as the silence lingered.


     "I know you want to be a hero.. but not like this." Tears filled the boy's eyes. He wanted to be a hero so bad. You just looked up at him with a strict, sad expression. He wanted to be a hero now. As soon as possible. You reached out and grabbed the boy's little hand, rubbing his delicate skin with your thumb. You stared at the boy with a gentle expression, understanding where he was coming from and wanting to help. "Don't try to force it, okay? Especially now. You still have four whole years before UA, after all... So, take this time to train, okay?"

     "Bu' m h'wrt n'ww.." The kid complained. You chuckled.

     "Yeah.. That might set you back a little bit. But that's alright! You can take this opportunity to train your mind instead." His eyes broadened with hope. "Fighting isn't everything you need to be a hero." You let go of the kid's hand and poked his forehead. "And you just so happen to have a very brilliant mind as well. Train that and you'll be unstoppable." Yeah, you could see him possibly becoming a support hero like Nezu. Even at his age, you've seen hints of his inept studying capabilities and strategic thinking skills. He seemed to have an Autistic level of interest when it came to quirks, able to pick apart their flaws and strengths from a glance almost. So, perhaps a strategist? After all, you never told the boy he would become a combat hero! Izuku smiled big. A precious sight. You got an idea, sitting back suddenly. "Oh! I just remembered something. My dad has an old collection of hero magazines! Maybe I can bring those over while you're healing??" Izuku's eyes lit up like stardust at that. Yes, he would happily read about any hero he could. This excited you, remembering back when you showed the same collection to Tenko so long ago. So, it was decided then. Hero magazines for the next week or two until the boy was mobile again!

     You hung out for half an hour longer getting to know Ms. Inko a little better before finally leaving, back to the skies!


     You landed in the middle of the Yakuza base 🎶like a plastic bag🎶 and stretched your wings one last time before releasing them from their duty.

     "(Y/n)!!" Pops stormed out of the house. Kai and Hari were visible deeper inside. "You promised you'd be here by four!" You shrugged and topsied a step to the right, arms out at your sides.

     "I'm sorry, man." You made an ugly grin. "Someone I know needed a hospital visit. What was I supposed to do?"

     "You were supposed to prioritize his time over your own." A new voice entered the chat. You leaned to the side, spotting a middle aged to elderly woman appear from out of the house. She had a low hanging jaw, strictly tied black hair, and a black and red flowery kimono of sorts. Just from the look of her, you knew exactly who this woman was. ...Your personal tutor.

     Without even thinking about it, you cleaned up your act at once, standing a little straighter. Her face was the kind that demanded perfection out of everything she saw. You smirked a little. You could do this; you were the embodiment of perfection.

     The woman stared up at you with disgust. "What..is wrong with those eyes of yours? They're hideous."

     Your smirk dropped, turning into more of a frown. "They're not always like this. Just happens when I use my quirk a lot." They weren't even that bad either! Most people didn't even notice!

     But her standards were higher than that. The woman walked with stiff posture toward you, hands behind her back as she studied the mess of a human being she had to deal with.

     "(Y/n), this lady is Ms. Yamashi. She is here to teach you the proper manners and skills you will need to fit in better with higher class women." Pops explained. You already guessed that much, but it was nice having a name to label that sour face.

     "..Is your back broken, or are you just stuck like that?" You were already standing straight! What was wrong?? The woman continued to nitpick as she circled you like some preying animal. "Have you never taken proper care of your hair before? Because it's an absolute mess."

     "Hhh, didn't you just see me drop from the sky?"

     "I'm talking about the quality of your hair. You need a healthier diet. That is for sure. You are clearly lacking the necessary vitamins and minerals, your spine could use some major readjusting, and don't even get me started on your lack of hygiene!" You rolled your eyes, earning a swat from the woman's fan, which was kept hidden in her sleeve. "But most of all is that attitude we will need to work on."

     Squeaking, "What did I even do???"

     So this was the woman you were going to have to see for two hours every school day??


     As much of the snobbish type she was, that woman was surprisingly keen. She pointed out a major flaw in your diet simply from looking at you.

     Turns out your stomach wasn't just being dramatic all the time. You really were starving yourself. You'd just gotten used to the feeling of mild hunger all the time. And, well, according to all the average dietary plans, you were supposedly eating just fine.

     Of course, no chart out there could have expected your quirk to be a factor. Turns out your father really did have a reason for bothering you to eat more. You just assumed he was being a little overbearing for the sake of such.

     Not only were you ordered to eat more to make up for all the energy lost to your quirks, but you were also ordered to take a plethora of necessary minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients not commonly found in pill form. A healthier diet was also enforced, especially for breakfast.

     Strange thing was that your mood, physical strength and speed, and even mind were all drastically enhanced after only about a week of these changes. Now, you really only felt famished after a really big fight, and focusing on things like conversation, homework, and combat all came easier. Heh, it was funny actually. To think you had gone so long lacking all these things! That this was how you were supposed to function normally!

. . .

     Life fell into a very strict routine as the days progressed.

     Your mornings started with, of course, waking up. Followed by making sure you were dressed and had everything ready for school, ate breakfast, and.. went to school.

     Six hours were spent at school, which honestly were pretty boring most of the time. Other than the occasional training exercise or funny banter between some of the kids in class, school was mundane as always. Even things like studying your classmates' quirks got old.

     After returning from school, you would change quickly into some casual clothes and portal over to Izuku's house to bring him some new hero magazines in exchange for the ones he'd already read. Having nothing else to do, the boy poured all of his energy into creating even more detailed notebooks about the heroes and their quirks. You were open to answer any questions he had about them as long as it didn't risk hinting what your own quirk truly was.

     About a week into this, your dad made you finally confess you had been borrowing his magazines without permission. After you explained, he was more interested in this Izuku kid than he was angry at you. After that, he allowed you to take whichever magazines you liked; even allowing you to bring along some of his own notes to the kid. It was around here that you realized the man had an entire shelf full of college textbook thick binders absolutely jam-packed with information on quirks and their users. His notes were definitely on the creeper side at times, but you brought one of his older binders along with you once anyways just to show Izuku and let him marvel for an afternoon at your father's note-taking. It was honestly...kinda cute.

     After your "workout time" which turned more into you just hanging out with Izuku and his mom -- helping Inko clean around the house so she could relax -- it was back to your house you went!

     There, you had to sit through two more mostly boring hours. Except these were also somehow intense all the way through. Ms. Yamashi was a very strict lady who feared you as little as she feared death itself. Honestly, she'd probably swat Death too if it ever dared to personify itself before her.

     Yamashi's lessons, on top of being overbearing for two hours straight, also extended into your every day as well. Such as forcing yourself to sleep on your back as much as physically possible, keeping a fixed posture, the diets as mentioned before, and constant, honestly embarrassing training rituals wherein you had to always bow to people before and after speaking to them. Did you practice any of this outside of the Shie Hassaikai? F### NO! Did you avoid talking to people here in this house as much as possible because of this new rule? H### YES! Worst of all's that's probably what she wanted too! Grr, she always won no matter what, didn't she?

     After suffering with her for two hours, you FINALLY got somewhat of a break after dinner. Dinner with her was always treated as part of her lessons. Unfortunately, it wasn't much of a break. More like homework time. So, for another hour at least, you worked on homework. If you hadn't any homework, there was always some kind of chore needing to be done around the house. No one was safe from chores, after all. You even caught your own father unclogging the toilet once--! Wait, now that you remembered back, that wasn't as uncommon of a sight.

     Ironically enough, it was little Underground Masquerade JR that became the only real place for you to take a break. You attended nightly, simply because you could and there were always opponents to fight. Being the big bad everyone wanted to beat brought you endless entertainment. Your mere presence drew in swarms. Swarms of challengers who hoped to one day defeat you. "Punching Bag," funnily enough, became a pretty big name in the underground fight-club world. Everyone wanted to see the immortal who could defeat their opponents blind!

     You had a costume change. Still simple, now strongly featuring the bandages you wore so often for comfort, as well as a gray hoodie with the sleeves cut off. Gray sweatpants accompanied this theme. There was something a little unsettling, after all, about your costume being as unprofessional as it was. A design you leaned into heavily for this one. Your personality changed a smidge to match this, posing as an extraordinarily carefree individual who toyed with the prospect of win and loss rather than actually caring about it. This disturbing whimsical personality made for the perfect outlet. All of that pent-up aggression, hours of building boredom and stacks upon stacks of stress one after another, all finally given a place to be released after such a long and tiring day. What a better way to end the day than with a good fight?

     Your new persona here wasn't referred to by any specific gender. Your breasts remained tied up for both your sake and everyone else's involved -- because watching a women getting beaten up and fighting so aggressively brutal is instinctually a far harsher expeience. . Punching Bag was to remain a blank slate of a person, unidentified by anything other than humanity's desire to keep-on keeping-on. To top all of that off, you didn't wear a proper mask. No, your head was instead tied up in a miniature potato sack. Vision impacted. Nothing about your design made you look anything like the reigning champion of your little corner of the underworld. Just the appearance that you were a hostage here. A hostage in the one place you felt truly free.

     When the fighting was done, you'd bring Machia a meal of leftovers and would sit still for a moment, holding one sided conversations about your day, what you needed to do, and the meaning of life. A time for self reflection, I suppose.

     After a long.. long day, you would return home, shower, get ready, and finally go to bed. Midnight to two AM was your usual time, giving you just enough hours of sleep to be well enough rested to start the next day.

     Rinse...and repeat.

     No wonder you were always so excited for the weekends. There was something exciting about not having to obey any strict schedules. None of that.

     In fact, it was rare that you even knew what you were going to do on those days until they came.


     The small stream trickled beside you. Little Eri waddled around in the little green field, occasionally picking up and eating the grass underneath the shade of the old tree you resided in. This corner of the Shie Hassaikai was a true paradise. As long as you kept your eyes on the toddler, there was nothing to fear out here. Your back leaned against the rough bark of the tree, sighing as you turned the page of the thick book you were reading.

     Eri had been waddling around and exploring for a while now. Finally done, the girl whined as she waddled up to you and belly flopped onto your lap. You chuckled softly and rubbed her back. The girl fell asleep pretty quickly, so you picked her up and held her close. She snuggled against your belly, babbling happily in her half sleep.

     The book you were reading was old. You flipped around the pages, scanning for the little stories here and there.

     Your father moseyed down the path toward you. You watched him through the corner of your eye until finally he came close enough to pry with his eyes at what you were reading. "Is that the Bible..?" He wondered. You flinched, fighting with yourself between standing to bow and answer or staying here and not waking Eri. "Don't worry.." Speaking quietly, your dad smirked. "..I won't tell anyone."

     You sighed and answered him. "Yeh."

     "I didn't know you were religious."

     "M' not." Clarifying. (Unless you are.) "Just...find the story a little interesting." In your past life, you'd grown in a place where Christianity was very popular, so you grew up hearing the stories and messages. Wasn't anything huge, but sometimes you found yourself mulling over some of those stories even in this life, especially when they related to your own struggles.

     "Oh?" Your dad sat down beside you, leaning his back against the tree as well. You struggled focusing on the words now, but you tried. This book was in English. You wondered if he'd notice. He didn't appear to, instead focusing on the contents of the story. "What about the book do you find appealing?"

     This would be a little hard to explain without revealing your previous life to him. You pointed at a line of red text. "The main guy, Jesus, essentially is killed by the very people he's been trying to save the whole story. He lets himself die, though, as a form of self sacrifice."

     "I know that much. It is a fairly common tale... But what do you find appealing about it? It's hard to imagine you enjoying an old book for the book's sake."

     You chuckled. He got that right. "There's.. a part of the story I never really gave much thought to until recently." You tried flipping around to the right page, couldn't find it, and gave up. "Basically, he took the sins and sickness of everyone upon himself before dying. Just... I always glossed over that part...until now." Your free hand rubbed Eri's back. The bandages you would never have to see on her arms were now on your own. That same hand rose a little to itch the dry part of your face. A crust you'd never have to see on Tenko, but now had to look at every day in the mirror. Deep within, the fire ate at your heart over the plight of your father. Bright blue eyes and white hair that occasionally reminded you more of Toya than your own parents. The face of a broken child trapped in your soul. The gloves of Kai, all that blood on your hands instead of his. The many split faces, personalities, and lives of Jin you had to live with every single day. And there were so...so many more.

     It was so sad that it was funny. Way back when you said you wanted to save the villains..you never thought ahead of time what exactly that would entail. The daily sacrifice it would require. And for what, exactly? People still died. They still were flawed creatures, and sometimes they even turned out worse than before... And nobody would even know about your sacrifice. No one would ever know everything you had to give up in order to save them. They would never know what you even saved them from.

     But that was your burden to bear... alone. Without a complaint.

     Scariest thought was that, even after all you've done, the very same people you fought so hard to save may still betray you. Wish you dead and kill you. Stab you in the back and spit on you.

     ...And after all that you'd still go to Hell...

     You broke all the rules. You killed, you stole. Quirks are so personal to oneself that stealing one, by the old definition at least, could technically be considered rape... And you cursed and caused a lot of harm to your neighbors. Not even realizing what you were doing... You didn't just break one. You broke them all.

     ...If you died, you were GOING to Hell...

     So, at the very least, you wanted to die knowing you had made a difference. That the people you saved would go on to live happy, fulfilling lives.


     Then, you could die happy.




     "Guess... I admire the guy's sacrifice." You admitted with a faint smile.

     Your father stared curiously at the side of your face. "That certainly is...one thing to gleam from the man's story."

     "Hu? What did you take from it?"

     "His way with people. How he managed to amass a crowd of followers with his words alone... I've strived to emulate a presence like that ever since reading the book myself. After all, what better way is there to change the world than to learn from those who impacted it before you?"

     "...Hm." You nodded a little. "Solid plan."

     The great villain chuckled, his hand landing on your head and ruffling through your hair. "You're adorable."

     "Psh. Daaad! I'm not a baby anymore."

     "But you'll forever be mine."



     The rest of the morning was spent like that, peacefully enjoying nature and the ones around you.


     "You ready, Mrs. Inko?" You called for the woman, presently carrying the little green haired boy in your arms. His cast was still on, though his other injuries had thankfully healed by now.

     The mother scurried around the house, anxiously picking up random items off of the floor with her quirk and putting them away. This shuffling she was doing was mostly just to kill time. She was nervous again and that much was obvious. After all, she and her boy were to visit Your place for the first time. Izuku was excited about it already, and you had already asked Pops for permission for them to come, which had been granted, so long as they didn't disturb anyone.

     You smiled at the woman and chuckled. "Calm down, Mrs. Inko. It really isn't that big of a deal. If you want Izuku to stay, then just say so."

     "No, no!" The boy panicked. "Mom, I want to see (Y/n)'s castle! She says she lives in a castle!" You sighed. You did say that, didn't you?

     "Ohh, well alright. There isn't really much I can do here right now anyway.." Brushing her hands off onto her skirt, Ms. Inko followed you to the door. She gasped when your full arm -- carrying child -- reached out and opened it, Kurogiri revealed on the other side. "OH!"

     "Kurogiri, this is Ms. Inko. Mrs. Inko, this is Kurogiri. He helps me get places on time. His quirk lets him create portals." You smiled.

     Izuku gasped. "COOL!" He then reached out and grasped at the Nomu's hands, his fingers phasing through the dark fog. "(Y/n), can Kachan come?!" He'd been mentioning the young Bakugo a lot recently. He obviously wanted the two of you to meet.

     Inko thankfully answered for you. "Izuku, (Y/n) doesn't even know Kachan yet. It's impolite to invite people the host doesn't know."

     "Awh.." He'd have to settle for experiencing this with his mom only. Kurogiri formed a portal before the apartment door and you confidently stepped through. Inko slipped in after, hands holding one another close, chin tucked low. The bright sun bore down on her, and the woman questioned for a moment as her sandals landed on dirt. Izuku gasped while his mother still squinted and blinked, eyes adjusting. When you stepped forward and out of the way, her eyes settled on the traditional palace of sorts. This was the courtyard. Ahead, to the right, and to the left of her were entrances into open seating areas or quaint living spaces of varying decor. The open door ahead revealed modern couches and a TV, a simple dining table and kitchen beyond that.

     This section, by the way, was only one branch of the whole structure. The section considered Kai's domain, where he houses his fathers. Pops lives in the larger portion of the structure beyond. The place you used to clean all the time.

     You walked inside, giving Izuku a basic tour. A smile was on your face as he led you around by pointing. He was absolutely brimming with joy. Inko followed, wondering, her mouth agape. The woman would have never guessed you lived in a place like this! Around them, you always acted so, well.. what was the word? Casual?

     "IS THAT A POND?"

     "Yep!" Izuku pointed to the garden and you turned in that way, headed outside. Kai emerged from his room, drawn toward the commotion. He ran into Inko, who was trailing behind, looking at all the finer details of the place.

     "So you guys are (Y/n)'s guests?" Rubbing his hair. The woman's head swished his way, gasping.

     "Oh! Um, yeah." She was still getting over the fact that she had just been in her own house only a few minutes ago.

     Kai leaned around the corner, a hand of his bracing against the wall as he watched the teenager walk around carrying the little Izuku. "...Huh. Makes sense that her only friends would be children."

     "Who are you by the way?.. Her brother?"

     "Fiance, actually."

     "...How old are you?"



     Kai put his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "It's an arranged thing. Her dad and my Pops are very influential figures."

     "Really?.. I didn't even know arranged marriages still happened."

     "It's rare, but yeah." Kai and Inko both watched you from afar as you set the boy down in the grass and flopped onto the ground to complain about carrying him around, then laughed. She watched your smile, now with a deeper understanding for just how special it was. She always questioned why you were so kind to herself and her son, but now she felt she understood.

     You wanted to feel like a kid again. Simple as that.

     Outside, you laid down on your back and stared up at the clouds with the kid, occasionally pointing out recognizable shapes.

     "Is this the hero-crazy boy who keeps reading my magazines?" Your father approached from the shade of the house.

     "Hey, Dad." You waved over casually.

     "Wait, your dad!?" Izuku sat up suddenly with a large smile. The smile dropped when his eyes actually landed on the man. Even in casual clothing, he was tall and imposing. Strong facial structure added even more to his overall powerful presence. "Oh! Hey, mister!" His cowering was overcome by trust that your dad would be as nice as you were. "Do you have a wing quirk like (Y/n)??" You shot your dad a look telling the elder not to answer that. But your dad didn't need to be told to keep a secret.

     "No, she got those from her mother. The only thing she inherited from me was a mighty appetite." You rolled your eyes. AFO sat in the grass to your left, Izuku already on your right. Your hands continued to cup the back of your head as you laid passively, allowing conversation between the two to fly over you. Before long, you were nearly falling asleep. Your dad nudged you awake before you could slip away fully. "Someone falling asleep~?"

     You grunted, sitting up, and rubbed your eyes. "No.. j'ss... Heh, maybe." The man smiled and rubbed your back, then placed weight on his feet to stand again. "Dinner should be ready soon. We're going to eat in the main dining hall today."

     "Really?" You were surprised. That rarely happened. Izuku was excited to hear that, though! He didn't know food would be involved in his visit!

     After the three of you stood up, one of the servants came by and offered Izuku a couple crutches, allowing him to wander free as he pleased. He met up with his mom, who was talking to another servant, on the hunt for some more information about you. That was when you invited her to dine with you all. The mother was surprised. Tried to be polite and decline, but you wouldn't let her shrivel away from some free fine dining. As Izuku and Ms. Inko naturally split off from you and your father, the man leaned a little lower to reach you with his voice.

     "I can sort of see now why you take so kindly to that boy."

     "Hm??" Your face shot his way.

     "He reminds me a lot of you when you were little."

     You stared back at the kid standing next to his mom for a second. So full of life. "...Huh."

     "And you're right. His mind is full of untapped potential. May even be a useful follower someday..if only he weren't so hero obsessed."

     You chuckled, jabbing the man in the side with your elbow. "Or maybe someday he'll become a hero all on his own."

     "Eh. Highly unlikely. Other than a few traits, there is nothing all that remarkable about him, especially without a quirk."

     "Heyyy!" Offended for the boy's sake. AFO smirked. He knew he wasn't lying.

     And...guess he wasn't really wrong. After all, this world was probably full of kids just like Izuku. He just so happened to be the one you recognized.

     Fancy dinner. It was nice finally having people around who were as "uncultured" as you. Not that they were impolite or anything, just... Heehee, Izuku touched the wrong plate at the wrong time. Luckily, the meal itself was surprisingly unproblematic.


     Inko had a few questions for your dad. After dinner, when everyone was dispersing, Ms. Inko excused herself to go to the bathroom. Except..she didn't have to go to the bathroom. After wandering around a little, she found All For One doing the same.

     "Oh, hello?" Startling the man from behind. He turned around and put on a fake smile. "I.. I was wondering where the bathroom was?"

     "If that's the case, then you're out of luck." Chuckling. "I've only been in this section of the house once before."

     "M... Well then." She glanced left and right. May as well jump to the point. "I was just wondering... I know it isn't my place to intrude, but, why did you make (Y/n) get an arranged marriage?"

     "You're right. It isn't your place to intrude... Though, if it calms you any, know that she has signed her agreement and won't be married until she is of age." Even with his reassurance, Inko stared down at her shoes, hands fidgeting with one another. Though the woman may not know you well, she knew you weren't the kind of girl who would agree to such a thing without external pressures. Something had to be at play here. As Inko looked back up, she accepted she may just be staring into the eyes of the villain responsible for this.

     "What does her mother have to say about it? I noticed she didn't make an appearance. Did she disagree with the arrangement and chose to distance herself? Is that what's going on here??"

     "My my~ I wasn't expecting such a fiery spirit from the likes of you.." The villain cooed. He tilted his head slightly, smiling with amusement. A sparkle of candlelight made the blood red in his eyes glow. "..But, no. No, (Y/n)'s mother died three years ago, actually."

     Inko gasped, bowing to the man. "I am so sorry! Please forget I said anything!"

     "Mm, no, it is alright. I take no offense..." He held his eyes on her with a far stricter gaze. "Just be careful around my daughter with words like those. She witnessed her mother's death -- the only one, actually; ever since then, she tells the story a little differently every time." He then gave the woman a look of warning. "The only true evidence we have was that there was a struggle in the kitchen involving knives... Do with that what you will, but.." He stared out the nearest window at the darkness, smiling faintly. "...Let's just say she's been acting a lot more friendly lately. Community service, acts of charity, training a quirkless boy who no one else cared to offer any help... Like there's a guilty conscience weighing on her. I'm not trying to say anything, but.." The smile dropped as he sighed. "I've always been concerned for her mental and emotional wellbeing. Establishing her as someone with purpose is the best I know to do... Beyond that, I can only hope and pray she doesn't snap like that again... What do you think, Midoriya~? Do you have any tips on handling an unstable child like mine? I would be happy to hear it~"

     The woman stared in shock. Finally, she closed her mouth and gulped dry air. "I... No... No, sir."

     "Then how about nosing around in someone else's business?" The man then turned around and started to stride away. "Before you go about ruining mine.."

     Ms. Inko trembled as she turned to leave. Her face was pale, confliction ruling her thoughts.

     You.. a potential murderer?? Spending time almost daily with her little boy?? But wait, wha-what if it was just a mistake? What if it was all in self defense? Or what if the father was straight up lying??

     Whatever the case, she would have to keep a much closer eye on you from now on...just to be safe.

     Or maybe it was better to cut ties now before it was too late to turn back?

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