19: Comfort In The Lies
*spends 10 minutes researching the state of AFO's ears after his fight with OFA (you have no idea how many mixed sources I found)*
This was going to hurt.
You couldn't see anything, but thanks to that little bit of metal poking through your tummy, you knew where it was. You leaned forward, strain put on the chains around your chest and shoulders as you stretched your neck out. Your entire body moved with it, curling as tightly as possible. It took about a minute, but eventually your teeth bit down on the blade's handle. You tugged it out of your own flesh and readjusted the blade in your mouth. It hurt your soul to think about, so you tried to think about what came next as little as possible. You clamped your eyes shut tightly.
All for the sake of freedom.
There! One arm was free.
Your blood warmed the water around you a little. You prayed that no sharks would smell it. Readjusting the knife again with the help of the exposed flesh in your nub arm, you set to cutting off the other. Same excruciating process. Somehow it was even worse this time around. Your healing factor was painfully slow thanks to these quirk suppressors, and part of you feared your limbs wouldn't even grow back; they would instead remain nubs. That seemed to be the case, as your freed arm was simply closing back up to stop the bleeding. Your muffled grunts and sobs traveled far through these waters. Again, you hoped no predators lurked down here.
Last were your legs, which took far longer to cut off and required a lot more kicking and thrusting your weight around. They had to be cut off at the knees since those were the weakest points and the easiest to reach. The pain was excruciating, but it was nothing to the fear of being trapped down here forever! After your legs were free, all that was left was to wiggle out of the chains.
You held the knife in your mouth and activated your wings. They were not meant for water, but they were the only appendages you had to swim with.
You feared it was too late.
Aizawa sat up on the beach, foggy eyes turned to the color rising at the East. Beside him lay the body of All Might, which... Well... Let's just say he wasn't doing good. And wouldn't do any better.
His eyes turned to the frantic noises of something breaking through the surface. Two white limbs. Soggy things. Like wings unfit for the water, flapped wildly as a creature breached to the surface. It flailed around wildly. No pretty sight. Coughing and sputtering in a frenzy for survival. Wait...that was a human!
Eraserhead stood up and clutched his aching head. His weight wavered dangerously as he headed toward the beach. All the remaining trees and ferns had been blown away or snapped. Little remained that was living. "Hey...hey." He spoke weakly. He spotted white hair..and a familiar face. His eyes widened, but he was too weak to step in and help. His own limbs were bloody. His left arm was definitely snapped. And his whole body was doused in bruises and cuts.
Once touching dry land, you stood on all four nubs, spat out the knife, and coughed up the deep ocean's cold waters. Your whole body trembled, leaning to the side until you slumped over into the sand. Aizawa watched curiously as you got up again and crawled toward the bright colors of white, red, and blue. Aizawa hummed nervously as you approached. How did you survive?!? His eyes never left your nubs once he noticed them.
Somehow your nubs weren't bleeding, as if they were completely healed already.
Crawling up beside All Might, you touched his arm with the end of your arm. Nothing happened, even as you tried your hardest. To determined to give up there, you bit his arm, a strong piercing glow leaving you and into his body. Made your whole mouth numb, but without your hands, biting was the only way apparently.
"Hey! What are you-??"
"G'ving him...regeneration..quirk..." You plopped back into the sand, watching the fallen hero for any signs of him getting better. You watched All Might like a pleading puppy. This was the closest thing to healing you got! But...it wasn't doing anything. Come to think of it, he wasn't even breathing anymore. "...All Might..?" You whined. You pawed at his face with your soaked and sandy wing as your eyes filled with tears.
He wasn't...alive.
"NO! YOU CAN'T DIE!" Somehow, your lungs fought up the strength. How could he-!? He wasn't supposed to!! Not All Might! Not the sweetest mentor who loved his students, cracked dad jokes and tried his best to train the next generation!! Not the man who gave it his ALL to save SO MANY lives!!! Not HIM! You cried like a pathetic little baby. More than you really needed to. You didn't really know him personally, after all... But this was about more than one death, because you knew the country would suffer in his absence.
Nothing would be the same.
The world was still so cold. That pressure you felt under the ocean's weight still present! And it didn't help that your heart ached and ached and ached!
You bit his arm again and stole back your mother's quirk. Strange...you didn't feel any other quirks in there. Maybe One For All died with him.
Your wings were too soggy and rag-like to help you any, but again you stumbled and crawled through the sand, this time in search for your dad.
You found him not far away along the other shore just over this dune. You hurried his way at once, still whimpering and crying with grief. His head was utterly destroyed, his blood dirtying the sand. Aizawa couldn't stop you even if he wanted to. He weakly called after you to stop and leave the fallen villain alone.
You fell on your old man's body, a pitiful mess as your head lay on his chest, ear listening for any life left in him. The sound of the waves along the coast were too loud. Too distracting to make out any kind of a heartbeat! Aizawa stopped halfway down the shallow sandy hill, watching with disgust... But that slowly shifted into sadness.
This kid... Sure sounded like she had a pretty f###ed up life. So he couldn't exactly judge her for running to the one person who showed her any genuine care. Even after she turned on him, he still made it clear that he loved her... Guess she recognized that too.
A thin, shallow breath hissed in through the fallen man's teeth. Your eyes shot open, your heart jumping several beats in shock! There was a part of him that was alive!! Did he deserve to die? YES! But would you be able to live with yourself for killing another parent??
No, you would not.
You rolled off of your dad and bit his arm too, passing along your mother's quirk. Typically, stealing quirks from one another was impossible. But maybe with the state he was in, you could snatch it back..? Felt like that was the case, because suddenly you had the impression that you could easily steal these quirks if you wanted. Problem was that would be a LOT of quirks to steal, and you had no idea what any of them did. So, for now you'd just leave it and prioritize keeping the man alive.
With satisfaction, you watched as the flesh on your father's head slowly knit itself back together. Like with your own limbs, it didn't restore his face to how it was before, so your father was a mouth breather from here-on-out. It saddened you to see, even after over a decade of preparing for it. You leaned your top half over to lay partially on your dad's torso. His suit was badly torn up. Other cuts and bruises slowly healing themselves around his body as well. You whined, nuzzling your face against his shirt to soak in as much warmth as possible.
It wasn't fair that he would live and All Might would die. It just wasn't. You wish it'd have been the other way around. Then you could have saved Japan's greatest hero instead, earned the trust of the whole country, and maybe-sorta asked All Might to adopt you. He was a hugger after all, so you would have had plenty of warm hugs to look forward to in the future!
You stared dully at the reality that lay before you. All For One's breaths grew slowly, his chest rising and falling. His skin grew even warmer as the sun rose, your back to its light and eyes on his chin. Another small whine and more tears slid out as the weight of everything that had happened only last night pressed down on you. Like the ocean that tried so hard to crush you. You clung to your dad best you could with what remained of your arms, sniffing the tears aside.
Aizawa watched from afar, watching the sight while sitting on the small dune of sand. His eyes lazily glanced back to his knife left on the other shore. An easy plan to kill AFO before he woke up formulated in his head...but...
He sighed at the sight.
This girl needed her dad. Killing him in front of her would just be cruel. No.. instead, he would simply have the villain arrested and taken to Tartarus. There was very little chance he would be able to escape with those injuries.
Aizawa laid back in wait, folding his hands behind his head. He watched the sunset casually, daring not to fall asleep. He had his own regrets to mull over in the meantime.
After the sun had reached its halfway point on the horizon, AFO shifted under you. You flinched, eyes opening again to peer at him. He groaned, lifting a terribly sore arm of his to rub his head. He froze, both hands now rising to feel around his head. Everything from the lack of hair to the lack of eyes. Only the shapes of such facial features such as his eyes and ears remained, otherwise completely functionless. "Oh my." His first words. You couldn't recall whether or not he had a quirk that would help him see and hear yet, so for now you assumed his only functioning sense was touch.
And finally, he noticed you half laying on him. He didn't seem to know what to do at first. He just laid there waiting for you to move. But, after a little while, he reached out and touched your head. Tracing his hand around your face, he read your features until he knew it was you. "(Y/n).." He smiled. The villain held you in place with one arm and sat up quickly. You deactivated your wings to prevent them from getting hurt too. The villain tugged the rest of you onto his lap and nuzzled his face against your hair. No doubt he put it together that you had saved him. Warmth all around you and hugging you close, you started to relax for a change. It was so strange... What terrified you before now calmed you, as it did when you were a little kid. You hated him, yes..but this was nice.
Part of you also unabashedly loved him. Loved him enough to not be able to bear the thought of losing him for good. Not now, at least. Prison definitely, but certainly not death. You pressed your face into him and hummed happily, accepting the present as it was. This was, after all, far better than that cold, dark, isolating ocean. "How did you esca--?" Your dad whispered, cut short when he himself felt nothing past your knees or elbows. He gasped and grabbed one of your arms. Thoroughly, he inspected the end of the limb, rubbing it raw, as if sure he must be imagining things. All For One's back curled, head lowering until his face met with the end of your departed limb. He kissed it slowly, hugging you all the tighter as realization of what you had done set in. "my perfect angel..." The man whispered. By this point you were already halfway to falling asleep. You didn't really care what cringy things he said, as long as you felt safe.
Your dad checked, confirming that all your limbs were the same. He also took notice of how your body still shook. Even up here on the shore. You got those warm hugs you wanted. Something to take your mind off of the terrors you'd suffered. And you didn't really care any more that it clashed with your oh so precious moral code.
It was nice to feel needed. And even better to fell loved.
You enjoyed this while your mind would allow it. The same comfort that brought you back to the better years of your childhood. To your dad...and your mom...when they were only that. Before you drifted back to sleep, you nipped his hand again and took back your mom's quirk. Nothing immediately changed after that, so he should be fine now. You nuzzled your face into him again and smiled contently...at last falling into a calm sleep.
After he was certain you had fallen into a deep sleep so that he wouldn't have to disturb you, your dad summoned Kurogiri and asked if he had successfully rescued Garaki. Head tap for yes and shoulder tap for no. It was a head tap, though his central research center had been completely destroyed, all of his assistants either killed or arrested. So, the doctor was hiding away for now at All For One's headquarters. Satisfied with that update, AFO instructed Kurogiri to take he and you there at once. Aizawa panicked a little. He didn't exactly want to be trapped here on this island with nothing but a dead body until eventually discovered.
However, it was pointless to even make himself known to the villain. So he turned his attention to Kurogiri and demanded that the misty creature allow him to come along.
Kurogiri, lacking any form of communication, and therefore instruction, froze on what he should do. Aizawa hurried back to grab his knife, but he was in no real position to threaten the Nomu either.
"What is the matter, Kurogiri?" AFO noticed a lack of being nudged in the direction toward a portal. How was the Nomu supposed to communicate anything to him though?! "I see..." The villain got a decent grasp of the situation by reading into the Nomu's intentions/aka a quirk he had. While it didn't help him see the whole picture, he at least knew someone else wanted to come along, and that someone wasn't All Might. "Kurogiri, allow him through only if he will put on handcuffs."
"WHAT!?" No way the hero would agree to that!! Guess he'd just have to stay put.
This little commotion stirred you awake. "...Kuro...kro?"
"Yes, (Y/n)?" The Nomu nodded to you, happy to have someone else here with authority to give him instruction. You tilted your head back enough to spot a worried/grumpy Aizawa. You asked what was going on and Kurogiri gladly explained. After some pondering the tough situation, also realizing your father was currently making an escape, you turned into a cat and leapt from your father's arms. He called blindly for you to return to him..please. You headed toward the man as a small white cat with stubby legs. Once at the man's feet, you sat down and stared up at him with those big blue eyes.
The hero knelt down to pet you, but instead of allowing that, you bit his hand, gently so he wouldn't tug it away. The man's eyes widened as he was offered up your mother's very own quirk, which he could feel the affects of almost immediately. No longer would he have to worry about suffering out here. You mewed one last time, purring as he pet your head and scratched a little behind your ears.
"(Y/n)??" Your father sounded so genuinely worried it was kind of funny. You, as a cat, sprouted two wings to help you along reaching your dad a little faster. Once at his side, you rubbed against his legs, turning back into a normal human girl as he bent down to pick you up. The near-immortal man chuckled as he hoisted you up again into his arms. "I didn't know you could turn into a cat." He smiled. You peeked over the villain's shoulder, waving at the hero.
"I'll come back for that quirk soon, so please take good care of it!" The hero shyly waved back. He was still being left here alone on this island with the dead body of All Might, though your gift to him was a thoughtful one.
To be honest..Aizawa didn't really know what to think of you now.
You were just a kid.
After you entered the portal, you were in a much darker, chilling place again. AFO continued to hold you as he met up with Garaki, the two sharing a long winded conversation discussing what they should do regarding quirks. It was a lot easier for him to read the doctor's mind apparently thanks to their bond as long-time partners in crime. Your dad was able to sit comfortably again, rubbing your back the whole time until you eventually calmed down again and fell asleep in his arms.
Apparently you slept soundly for an entire two days. AFO was even starting to get a little worried by the time you finally woke up. You didn't stick around for long. Garaki wanted you to stay behind until he had made you some new prosthetics. You refused. You tried testing to see if you could steal any more of your dad's quirks now. Failure. He had built up an immunity to that again I guess. And, having nothing better to do here, you fled the moment everyone took their eyes off of you.
The sky was gray and gloomy when you at last approached the Yakuza base you recognized so fondly. Not even caring about the gate, you fluttered right in to the very center. Pops, Kai, and Hari were conveniently standing together in the living room while the door to the courtyard was slid open. You reached them about eye level and used your wings to casually hover there outside.
"Sorry I'm so late. I kinda almost died a couple times." That got their attentions. All three scrammed out of the living room toward you, immediately taking notice of your lack of any limbs beyond the mid joints.
A few minutes later, you were seated casually on the couch, everyone around standing or sitting trying to not come off as super intimidating while also being super pushy about what the h### happened. You told your story very broadly, skimming over super embarrassing details and anything too personal or painful. Once your story was told and the men were satisfied, now came the troubleshooting. Pops had Hari bring you a glass of water. You used a few dislocated feathers to hover the cup to your mouth. It was a..clumsy first attempt.
"I could use my quirk to give you one of your arms back, but that would cost you the rest of one of your legs in return.." Kai offered, albeit defeatedly. "Can't exactly expect you to use rewind on yourself."
"I can still transfer quirks by biting people.. soo, maybe rewind will work too..?" You got a couple weird looks. How the heck did you figure that out so quickly?
Hari was seated, rubbing a hand through his hair. "Maybe we can just train the man who already has the rewind quirk?"
"Na-ah, I don't trust him with something like that!" You put your foot down...metaphorically. Kai sighed loudly.
"Who DO you trust then?"
You stared at each one of them, knowing they wouldn't harbor any hard feelings for you if you didn't include them in your circle. Being honest, it was hard to trust any of them. Hari you hardly knew as anyone other than your tutor and the guy you bothered about the occasional math problem. Kai was Kai. You still remembered the atrocities he would one day not care about committing. But.. guess as an ally, he was pretty reliable. Pops was probably the easiest to trust, however even then, you just weren't sure if he knew what was really at stake. He wasn't exactly known for spending years on honing a quirk to its fullest potential.
You groaned internally, realizing the person probably best suited for this job...was your dad. He had literal centuries of experience when it came to honing and training quirks. He had by far the greatest sense of precaution when it came to trying out a new ability. And He was also the only person you knew for sure would train relentlessly if it meant making sure he didn't accidentally hurt his own little daughter. He was...Hhhh, the only one...
But did you trust him to give back the quirk afterward?
No you didn't.
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