~Chapter 1~
Three young girls...
One with long red hair and blue eyes
One with long blonde hair and blue eyes
One with meduim black hair and brown eyes
All three kidnapped into slavery...they had no home, no family, they only had each other.
"ALICIA!!! LEAVE HER ALONE!" The little blonde girl said in her British accent. The little red haired girl and little blonde haired girl were shouting. Crying. Begging.
"It was me let her GO!!!" The little red head shouted. She then was punched in the jaw by a guard.
"Shut up!" The guard shouted as he kicked the little red head in the stomach. She toppled over and held her knees to her stomach, trying not to bawl.
"Roxy! Leave her alone!" The little blonde girl shouted.
Once all that all settled down, the guards took the little three girls and threw them back in the cell and slammed the gates shut. The black haired little girl, her body twitched. The red haired little girl, her stomach ached. The blonde haired little girl, her face puffed from the crying.
"Lulu." The little red head said.
"Yes Roxy?" The blonde asked as the both of them turned their bodies over to face the ceiling.
"Is she alive?" The little red head asked. The little blonde turned and nudged the little black haired girl on her back with her foot. The black haired girl hissed in pain.
"S-Shit...Sorry Alicia." The blonde apologized. The little black haired girl turned her little body over to see her two beaten friends. She was....smiling. The two looked at her with confused and tired eyes.
"You...guys....You told me...to stay strong...." The back haired girl gave one painfully brave smile. It made the girls smile before they passed out.
Silence. Before a hit of awakening.
"G-GAH!" The red head woke to reality with a sudden thud on the head.
"Roxy wake the hell up already!" Lulu yelled by hitting her head with a wooden spoon. Roxy rubbed her eyes and saw the comfort of her own bed. No hard stone floor. Her body covered with actual clothes. No torn white dress. Her room decorated how she liked it. No cells and stone walls. She looked at her sister, blonde hair in a ponytail while it still reached her ankles, her G-cup tank top with her pajama pants. Then she remembered, she didn't have a shirt on to hide her G-Cup breasts.
"SHIT!" Roxy said as she covered her breasts with her blanket. "Get out! Ever heard of privacy?!"
"I have, I was willing to give it to you before the first FIVE TIMES I shouted your name!" Lulu said as she walked out of the room while closing the door behind her. "We leave in an hour Roxy!" Roxy glared at the door and scoffed.
"Bitch..." Roxy said under her breath. Roxy grabbed her robe and put it on to hide her naked body. She then walked out of her room and went to the bathroom and turned the cold water on in the shower. She let her red hair out of the bun and let her hair touch the floor. She washed her hair first and then bathed her body. She then stopped some of the water from touching the floor and made it levitate around her with just one finger.
Meanwhile downstairs Lulu was making breakfast for herself. She suddenly heard the phone ring and turned the stove on low. The walked quickly to the house phone and answered it.
"Hello?" Lulu asked in her British accent.
"Hello? Lulu?" A familiar voice asked through the phone.
"Alicia?! Oh goodness I miss you!" Lulu squealed.
"Lulu! Oh gods, I missed you so much!" Alicia said through the phone. She can tell that there was excitement in her voice.
"Haha! What makes you call so early in the morning?" Lulu asked as she brought the phone with her into the kitchen where she was still cooking.
"Well, I'm planning on living in town since I finally found all the resources for all the potions. Plus I need to finish some healing potion orders."
"Please tell me you going to ask if you can move in." Lulu asked in a excited voice.
"Can I? It'll only be a little bit until I can find a place where I can stay!" Alicia asked.
"Alicia Moto, Of course you can! You're always welcome here Ali!" Lulu said.
"Yay! Thank you Lulu! I'll be coming soon. I don't know when, but as soon as I find this last thing I'll come over! I know I can easily track you guys." Alicia said with a giggle.
"Oh really? How?" Lulu said with a smirk.
"I just need to ask someone if they've seen any mischief caused by the Long sisters!" Alicia laughed.
"Oui! We don't-"
"A-ah! S-Sorry I have to go Lulu see you soon!" Alicia said in a panic as she hug up. Lulu smiled and put the phone back in its original place. She smiled and shook her head. "Such a busy girl." She thought to herself. Lulu then heard someone come down the stairs. She finally fried her eggs and put it in between two pieces of bread and ate it like that. She then walked out of the kitchen and saw Roxy. She was wearing a tank top with a jacket that stopped above her belly button, camouflage shorts with black torn looking legging and black boots. She had her hair up in a pony tail but just like Lulu, the length was to her ankles.
"Took you long enough." Lulu said.
"Oh hush. At least I left SOME hot water for you." Roxy said as she went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"I already took a shower. I just need to get dressed." Lulu said as she started walking down the hall. Roxy took out some pancakes she had hid from Lulu. She quickly warmed them up and ate them. She turned on the TV and it was already at the news channel. It showed a young girl saving a little boy with brown hair short hair. The young girl had black hair with brown eyes and a blue ending at her bangs. Roxy smirked and laughed. That girl had a sword that was a light yellow which had little stars emanating from it. That was definitely Alicia's weapon. She held one of the legendary weapons that the Ruler of Stars gave to her. "She's damn lucky" Roxy thought to herself.
Roxy walked into her backyard and breathed in as she saw birds flying. She then remembered that the newspaper was at the front of the house. She didn't want any rats tearing it up. She quickly walked to the door and opened it. Once she did, the newspaper was thrown at her face. Once took it off her face, she looked at who had thrown it. Lika. The Pink headed brat rich girl at an academy that was for rich people.
"Oh well well. If it isn't tomato head." Lika said in her hundred dollar outfit. Roxy just huffed and turned to walk back in the house with the newspaper. But a sudden drop of dirt on her head made her stop. She felt the laughter of the rich girl swelling up along with her eye beginning to twitch. "That's what you get for ignoring me Roxanne." That set her off. She hates, hates, HATES being called Roxanne. She then got ready the splash some water from the vase next to her on Lika but quickly thought of something. She turned her head and cocked a smile.
"Oh dear oh my. I'm sorry. Is someone's G-string way to far up there ass? Or do you just need to try and shit out an insult?" Roxy said in a baby voice. Lika was now pissed and red in the face with anger of not getting her way.
"How dare you talk to me like that-" before Lika could say anything, she was splashed on the face with water with Roxy's water magic.
"Sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart but ass is actually a holy word in the bible. Therefore I have every right to talk to you like that! So hurry up and move that spoiled little rich girl ass along. I don't need it making my house look bad." Roxy said as she dusted off the dirt from her head and shut the door. Before she fully walked back in the house, she heard Lika stomp her foot on the sidewalk with anger and walk away quickly.
Roxy then laughed and walked back to the living room with a smile on her face. She then opened the newspaper and there, in big words "YOUNG HEALER GIRL SAVES CORRUPTED FOREST!" Roxy skimmed through the article and then looked at a girl with black hair reaching the middle of her back with a blue end on her bangs. She was wearing a blue tank top along with a black jacket like Roxy's, short shorts with black leggings and hiking boots. She was holding a little elf child in her arms while healing them at the same time. She gave a smile of trust. Brown eyes full of hope. That put a smile on Roxy's face.
Roxy flipped the page and saw a whole page article on the royal family. It only showed the eldest son and the younger son of the king and queen. Prince Micheal (Pronounced Mich-al) and Little Prince Maxwell. Both of them have amber hair and light green eyes. The eldest Prince is 17 and the little prince is 6. Roxy is only 16 along with Lulu.
"Roxy! Are you ready?" Lulu asked. Roxy looked at Lulu and saw that she was wearing a shirt that said "Bonita" which is Pretty or Beautiful in Spanish along with some stretchy shorts. Under that was some lace leggings and boots. Roxy put down the newspaper and grabbed both there book bags. Roxy through Lulu hers.
"What performance are you doing in that?" Roxy said as she walked by Lulu.
"Oh shut up. We have 15 minutes to get to school." Lulu said as she followed Roxy out the door and to the side walk. "Oh Roxy. Alicia called."
"Yep. She'll be coming to stay with us until she can find her own place to stay and work. I don't know when though." Lulu said as she walked ahead of Roxy, leaving her to stare.
"You didn't think to tell me?!" Roxy asked.
"Well if I told you, you wouldn't want to leave the house only so you could see her. She'll get here when she gets here. Now move buffalo butt!" Lulu said to Roxy.
"HEY GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" Roxy shouted as she ran after Lulu. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.
Flopsy: Hello my little bunnies! Flopsy here! And don't worry! I haven't disappeared! I was just trying to plan something. Anyways! This is a new book as if you couldn't tell! I'll be updating other books too like Enchanted Oasis and Heaven & Hell! So sorry for the long wait! Flopsy is now back again! See you later my little bunnies!
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