Chapter Twenty-One: Let the Games Begin Part III

After arriving to the Wizard Games Colosseum, the pegai flew back to Sami's aunt's ranch and the gang registered for the Wizard Games. It was a very long wait at the registration stand, but it was worth it (except for Troy who was carrying Jesse on his back now because he was still asleep and he lost Rock Paper Scissors). When it was their turn to register, they had to pick a team name and list all of the members of the team. The gang decide to name their team "The Magical Elements II" or just "Magical Elements". After filling out the registrations, they each received a hotel room pass card, a Wizard Games rule book, a pamphlet that showed areas such as the infirmary, the hotel and the colosseum. The gang was supposed to stay in the colosseum until registration hours were over so they can hear the rules of the games from the Game masters like every year, so they decided to mingle with the other teams.

"Y'know despite the incident from last year, a lot of wizards turned up here," said Ellen, "I didn't expect to see a lot of wizards here."

"We just to keep looking sharp," said Lily, "if it turns out like last year, we need to be prepared."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey Barry, over here!" Said a familiar voice.

Barry and the rest of the gang turned and were surprised to see who the owner of the voice was. The three boys that are friends with Barry and whose butts that were kicked by the girls in the magic duel they had when they met Barry waved their arms in the air and came over to them. Barry's friends were Brady, Ryder and Sawyer. Brady has blonde hair, brown eyes and fair skin. He wore robe with a dark blue torso and hood, gray long sleeves and it was dark blue below the waistline with a gray trim and he wore gray boots. Ryder had red hair, blue eyes and olive skin. He wore a robe that had a black torso and sleeves with a yellow trim and yellow below the waistline with a black trim. He also wore black boots. Sawyer had black hair in a short ponytail, dark skin and dark brown eyes. He wore a red robe with black trims, a red hood and black boots. The girls groaned when they walked over to them.

"Not these losers again!" Said Lily.

"Hey!" Complained the boys, "we are not losers, right Barry?"

"Actually guys, no offense but you guys do act like losers sometimes," said Barry, "sorry."

The three boys crossed their arms.

"Some friend you are," said Brady.

"Oh c'mon, don't take it like that," said Barry, "believe me, Jesse has called us way worse things and we're still friends"

"You two are roommates, it's different," said Ryder, "besides, Jesse is a jerk."

"Just be glad that he's asleep or else you'd be on your knees begging for mercy right now," said Sami.

"Wait a minute, aren't you that girl who threw our clothes in the lake?" Asked Sawyer.

Ryder snapped his fingers. "Yeah, she's that girl who threw our clothes in the lake and ran off saying 'Serves you right, suckers!'"

"What was your name?" Asked Brady, "was it Tami? Mami? Bambi?

Sami's eyes flashed orange with anger.

"My name is Sami!" Yelled Sami.

They cringed in fear.

"Okay, chill. We forgot," said Brady.

"Geez, she's more of a hothead then Jesse," whispered Ryder.

Sami threw a fireball at him and set the bottom of his robe on fire.

"I heard that...." she growled.

Ryder quickly patted down the fire to put it out. Sami felt pain while Ryder tried to put out the fire but she endured it.

"So, are you three competing in the Wizard Games?" Asked Angela.

Ryder, Sawyer and Brady looked at as if she just asked the stupidest question in existence.

"Duh, why else do you think we're here?" Mocked Sawyer.

"Idiot....." Muttered Ryder.

Hiro grabbed Ryder by his robe.


"Geez dude, why do yo-......wait, is she the new girlfriend Barry told us you had?" Asked Ryder.

"Yes," said Hiro.

Ryder, Sawyer and Brady started snickering.

"What's so funny?!" Growled Hiro.

"Sorry, we just all know you can do SO much better than her," snickered Ryder.

Hiro grabbed Ryder's neck and conjured a magic rainbow ball in his hand.


Before Hiro could do anything, they heard a loud whistle blow. A woman who looked about twenty-three with fair skin, long silver hair and amber eyes rushed over to them. She wore a strapless white top that revealed her waistline, very short black damaged shorts and black high heel shoes with straps. She had a long white dragon tail, she had a silver whistle around her neck and her ears were pointy.

"Excuse me young man, but you're not allowed to engage in unauthorized magic fights," said the woman.

"Just who are you?" Asked Hiro.

"Other than hot," muttered Brady.

"I happen to be a referee and page five of the rule book clearly states "no using magic in unofficial fights." Unauthorized magic fights will either lead to deduction of points or immediate disqualification for your whole team," said the woman, "so if you're team wants to stay in the games, then I suggest you put away that rainbow ball immediately or else I will have to report this to the Game Masters and your whole team will be disqualified."

"Hiro, please don't! He's not worth it!" Pleaded Angela.

"You heard her Hiro, let me go," mocked Ryder.

Hiro sighed heavily, dropped the rainbow magic ball onto the ground and threw Ryder to the ground. The rainbow ball disappeared.

"Wait a minute, you said no magical attacks," said Hiro, "but what about physical attacks?"

"Physical attacks are not against the rules so pound away," said the woman.

"Wait...WHAT?!" Exclaimed Ryder.

Before he could get up, Hiro kicked Ryder hard in the face.

"Well, I'll leave you two to settle your disputes, just don't use magic," reminded the referee as she walked away.

Ryder stood up while covering his nose, which was dripping blood.

"That was a good one Hiro, a loophole to the rules," said Ryder, "do you know what else is a good one?"

Ryder wiped the blood dripping from his nose onto his fingers and flicked the blood at Hiro's face. Hiro's skin turned pale, his body began to shake and his right eye twitched slightly. Ryder, Sawyer and Brady laughed.

"Look at yourself Hiro," mocked Brady, "you're as pale as a ghost from a little blood! That's just weak, dude!"

"Brady, that's not funny," said Barry.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Said Maya, "did you come over here for a reason or did you come over just to insult and annoy us?"

"We're just scoping out the competition," said Sawyer, "and speaking of scoping, check out the hotties."

Sawyer pointed to two wizard girls talking to each other. The gang couldn't believe it, it was Jeanette and Sammy. Jeanette wore a robe that was white at the torso and sleeves with a black trim and black below the waistline with white trims. She wore white boots and her long straight blonde hair was in a ponytail. Her friend Sammy wore a dark red robe with black trims and wore a dark red pointed hat with a black trim and black boots. Ryder, Brady, Sawyer and Troy gazed at the girls with infatuation.

"Seriously? Your friends are goggly eyed over Jeanette, too?" Said Ellen.

"Just Ryder. Brady and Sawyer like Sammy and Jeanette," said Barry with a sigh, "c'mon guys, their both twenty-four. Their too old for you."

"Age is just a number," said all four of them.

The rest of the gang sighed.

"I swear, that line has become Troy's catchphrase," said Maya.

"Y'know guys, I heard Jeanette has a boyfriend," said Barry, "in fact, she's had one for years now."

"We know," they said, "she still looks hot though."

Jeanette turned towards the gang and walked over to them. Ryder, Sawyer, Brady and Troy snapped out of their infatuation trance and tried to act like they weren't staring at Jeanette and Sammy.

"Hello Jesse's friends!" Said Jeanette with a smile.

Jeanette's personality seemed different then when she was beating up Jesse a month ago. Her personality seemed kinder and less intimidating.

"Um, hi?" Said the girls.

"I didn't know you guys were competing in the Wizard Games," said Jeanette, "I didn't even know Jesse was competing with you guys."

Jeanette came over to Jesse's side. Jesse was still asleep and still being carried on Troy's back.

"Jesse seems to be pretty worn out," said Jeanette, "did he train with Azalea?"

The gang nodded.

"He trained with Azalea again?!" Said Sawyer, "dang, Jesse's tough."

"Wait again? As in he's done this before?" Said Ellen.

Barry, Hiro and Troy nodded.

"You betcha," said Troy, "he's trained with her twice now."

Ellen turned to Ryder, Sawyer and Brady. "And have you three trained with her too?" She asked.

They nodded.

"We trained there together for one summer," said Ryder.

"Worst summer ever," said Brady, shaking.

"I still have nightmares," said Sawyer.

They all shivered as if the entire frozen tundra ran down their backs.

"You silly boys are overreacting," said Jeanette, "Master Azalea is not as bad as you think. After a few more training sessions, it will get easier for you."

"How many times have you trained with her?" Asked Maya.

"Four times," said Jeanette. She rolled up her right arm sleeve and revealed a very long white dragon tattoo on her right arm. The tattoo extended across her forearm. "During my third time, Azalea taught me one of her signature techniques," she said, "The Light Dragon Summoning Spell. Hopefully if we end up fighting against each other in the fighting portion of the games, you'll get to see me use it."

Jeanette pulled back the hair that was in Jesse's face.

"Whenever Jesse goes to train with Azalea, he always pushes himself harder than Azalea pushes her students," she said, "but that's Jesse for ya, he's so stubborn and always pushes himself far beyond his limits."

Jeanette kissed Jesse's forehead.

"Please make sure he doesn't push himself too hard during the games," said Jeanette.

"Um, sure," said Lily.

Okay, now I'm really confused, thought Angela, first she almost kills Jesse and now she's concerned for his health and kisses him. Is this how sibling relationships are suppose to be like? There's something seriously wrong with this picture. I wonder what Jeanette's game is?

Jeanette walked back to her friend, Sammy. Ryder, Brady and Sawyer were speechless. Ryder pulled Jesse off of Troy's back and started shaking and slapping him.

"Okay dude, wake up and spill it!" Yelled Ryder as he repeatedly slapped Jesse.

"How do you attract gorgeous women like her?!" Yelled Sawyer.

"Tell us all your secrets!" Yelled Brady.

The gang snickered.

"Should we stop them?" Asked Lily.

They shook their heads.

"Yeah I agree," said Lily, "let's just let karma take its course."

After a few more slaps to the face, Jesse sleep punched Ryder to the ground. Sawyer and Brady quickly stepped away.

"Ah, sweet karma," sighed Hiro, "anyway, it's not what you idiots think. Jeanette and Jesse are brother and sister."

All three of them turned red with embarrassment.

"Uh, we knew that," said Ryder.

"Suddenly she's become less hot," whispered Sawyer.

"Well, this is awkward," said Brady, "we're going to go over there now.

The boys began to walk away and then stopped.

"By the way, have you checked out Team Undead?" Asked Brady, "their team's leader is the daughter of Death, the grim reaper and king of the underworld. And get this, she looks just like Angie!"

"It's Angela!" Yelled Lily.

"Whatever Lola!" Yelled Brady.

"IT'S LILY!" Yelled Lily.

Brady rolled his eyes. "Oh whatever," he said, "anyway, you should see for yourself. I swear, it's like their doppelgängers."

After they boys left, the gang decided to see for themselves if Brady was right or not. They searched through the crowds of people until they found the leader of Team Undead. Everyone except Angela stared at the team leader as if they were seeing double. Brady was right, the girl looked almost exactly like Angela. They both had fair skin, they both had blue eyes and their faces looked perfectly alike. The only difference was that instead of having long brown hair, the girl's brown hair was shoulder length. The girl looked the same age as Angela too, and wore a black robe with white trims and skulls on each of her shoulders, wore a skeleton skull brooch on the front of her robe, and wore black boots. She wore her black hood up just like Angela, carried a white long staff with a skull on top with black gem eyes, and had two sheathed scythes carried on her back. One of the scythes had a white grip with a silver star atop the grip and the other one that was black with a silver moon atop the grip. The girl was talking to three other wizards. One was a boy who looked seventeen with ash blonde hair, fair skin, gunmetal gray eyes and pointy ears. He wore a gray robe with black long sleeves and had a black trim and wore black boots. On his back was a sheathed weapon that looked like a giant shuriken. The other wizard she was talking to was a girl who looked thirteen who had pale skin, long pink hair with black streaks that was tied into two long pigtails and gray eyes. She wore a robe that had a pink torso with black sleeves and was black below the waistline. She also wore pink boots and wore black skull earrings. The last wizard she was talking to was a fourteen year old girl with long straight platinum blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and fair skin. She wore a light blue robe with a white fur trim, and light blue long snow boots with a white fur trim. Around her waist was a sheathed sword with a white grip. When the girl who looked like Angela noticed that Angela's friends were staring at her, the girl and her friends walked over to them.

"Hello excuse me, but why are your friends staring at me?" Asked the girl, shyly.

Angela turned to her friends. "Guys, would you knock it off?!" She ordered.

"Dude, aren't you seeing it?! You two look exactly alike!" Said Troy.

Angela turned to the girl, looked at her face and they both shrugged.

"Sorry, I don't see the resemblance," they both said.

"Are you kidding?" Said Sami, "you two could be sisters or doppelgängers."

"That would be impossible because I'd think I'd remember having a twin sister," they both said, "besides, we're different elementals."

"You must admit though, there is a striking resemblance between you two, Alexia," said the blonde girl.

Angela and Alexia shrugged.

"Anyway, sorry if my friends seemed creepy," apologized Angela, "they can be a little weird sometimes."

"Hey!" Said her friends.

"Oh c'mon you guys, you know it's true," said Angela.

They sighed heavily.

"Oh no, it's quite alright, Angela," said Alexia.

Angela was surprised that Alexia knew her name.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Asked Angela, "I never told you my name."

"It's because I'm the daughter of Death," said Alexia, "I'm next in line to inherit the throne and become the next head grim reaper. I learn the names of all of the people who are still alive and the ones who wander the underworld. I know that your name is Angela Dawnstone and that your friends names are Samantha Flameheart, Lily Stormblade, Maya Deathstone, Ellen Iceblade, Jesse Taylor, Hiro Johnson, Troy Davis and Christopher Snyder, aka Barry Snyder."

The girls looked at Barry.

"You're real name is Christopher?" They asked.

"Yeah, Barry is just a nickname my friends came up for me one day," said Barry, "well, at least it's a better name than Jessebell!"

"Speaking of which, where is Jesse?" Asked Maya.

They looked at Troy.

"Um, I'll be right back..." He said before running off.

"Anyway, since I already know you are, it's only fair that you know who I am," said Alexia, "My name is Alexandria Reaper, but you can call me Alexia if you want. A lot of people."

"I'm her younger and prettier sister, Cassandra Reaper," said the girl with pink hair, "second in line for the throne to the underworld. Pleased to meet you."

"I'm Cecil, I'm a demon with a ridiculous amount of magic powers," the ash blonde haired boy said with a warm smile, "it's very nice to meet you."

"And I'm Carolyn from the Ice Kingdom," said the girl with platinum blonde hair, "it's very nice to meet you."

"Wait, your name is Carolyn?" Said Ellen, "would you happen to be Princess Carolyn of the Ice Kingdom?"

Carolyn nodded her head.

"Yes, I'm the princess of the Ice Kingdom," said Carolyn.

"Did I hear her correctly?" Asked Troy as he dragged Jesse by his hair, "she's a princess? How many princesses signed up for this tournament?"

"Well so far, counting Sami, four," said Lily.

"You're a princess too?" Asked Cassandra.

"Kind of, I mean by title yes, but I don't really live the life of a princess," said Sami, "but I'm still next in line for the throne in the Fire Empire."

Cecil, Cassandra and Alexia looked tense and worried.

"Don't worry, you three. I don't hold any ill will against the Fire Empire," said Carolyn.

"What do you mean?" Asked Sami confused.

"Your father killed my mother during the Great Fire and Ice Wars that took place over a decade ago," said Carolyn, "but I do not hold any grudges against the Fire Empire, to you or your father. My half brother however, holds an everlasting grudge against the entirety of the Fire Empire."

"Oh, um....sorry," said Sami nervously.

"Oh no, it's alright," said Carolyn, "as long as I'm still alive, my older brother won't dare lay a hand on your kingdom."

"And you have quite a long life, so your kingdoms will be at peace for quite a long time," said Alexia while looking through a black bingo book, "hey Sami, Angela, Lily, Ellen and Maya, do you wanna know the exact time and date of your deaths?"

"Um no," the girls said nervously.

"Good, because I don't know either!" Said Alexia, "check this out."

Alexia showed them the inside of the bingo book. She showed them pages with the girls' pictures but the rest of the pages were blank.

"This was a very interesting and shocking surprise to the royal family of the underworld," said Alexia, "according to the bingo book, you five were suppose to die when the Dark One destroyed your hometown. He was suppose to murder Angela first and then kill everyone at the shelter, including the rest of you. But for some reason, your lives were spared. And then afterwards, the pages suddenly turned blank. It's as if you're taking control of your own destiny."

"We were suppose to die?!" Said the girls in shock.

"Yes, but look at the bright side, your alive for now for who knows how long," said Cassandra, "not even father knows when your going to die."

The girls were about to say more but it was time for the Game Masters to make their announcements.

Everyone in the crowd faced the front of the colosseum where the Game Masters appeared from the top of the balcony. There were six Game Masters in total. The first Game Master to appear on the balcony was Lionheart. A lot of girls in the crowd squealed when they saw Lionheart. Lionheart wore a gold colored sleeveless robe and gold boots. The next Game Master was Diamond. Diamond is a extremely handsome man who is twenty five with silver hair, fair skin and brown eyes. He wore a white sleeveless robe and white boots. After Diamond, the next Game Master, Ruby stepped out to the balcony. Ruby is a twenty three year old woman with long copper red hair, fair skin and brown eyes. She wore a dark red sleeveless robe and dark red high heel shoes. The Game Master that stepped onto the balcony was Emerald. She wore a dark green sleeveless robe and dark green long boots. The Game Master Sapphire was the next to step onto the balcony. Sapphire was a twenty four year old handsome man with dark blue hair, fair skin and blue eyes. He wore a sleeveless blue robe and blue boots. The last Game Master that appeared was the Game Master Amethyst. Amethyst is a twenty five year old woman with long pale purple hair, bronzed skin and ultramarine violet eyes. She wore a purple sleeveless robe and purple high heel shoes. The crowds cheered as the Game Masters appeared one by one.

"Young wizards, welcome to this year's Wizard Games!" Announced Lionheart.

Everyone cheered very loudly.

"Thank you, now let us run through the rules of the Games," said Sapphire, "all teams will participate in a series of challenges to test your physical, mental and magical skills."

"Four teams will battle against each other in each game," said Amethyst, "the number of team members participating for their team will be determined prior to the start of the game. Teams will be given points based on their placing in each event. The team in first place will receive three points, the team in second place will receive two points, the team in third place will receive one point and the team in last place will receive no points."

"Teams must accumulate at least six points in order to be safe to play again," said Ruby, "but if a team loses three rounds in a row, they will be immediately dismissed and removed from the competition."

"After the many series of challenges, then the fighting portion of the competition will take place, but the rules for that will be run through before the start of the fighting portion," said Emerald.

"For more information and rules, please consult your Wizard Games rule book," said Diamond, "now you may retire to your hotel rooms and on behalf of the Game Masters, I wish all of you the best of luck for tomorrow."

"And may the best team win," said Lionheart, "many of you are highly skilled, but in the end, there can only be one winner."

The Game Masters left the balcony. Wizards began to walk to the hotel to check in to their rooms. As she walked to the hotel with her friends, Angela couldn't help but be suspicious of Lionheart's last words.

In the end, there can only be one winner, the words of Lionheart echoed in Angela's mind, what does he mean by that? He means only one team will win, right? Why does that sentence give me an uneasy feeling?

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