Chapter 34 - Gunshot
So this was what Damien told me to get ready? Because when I looked out of this Limousine car's window, there were a lots of flashing camera.
"Baby doll, are you ready?"I snapped my head to the side when Damien squeezed my hand.
I didn't thought of that carefully.
"I thought that this is just a simple dinner party! Why don't you tell me that there will be so many paparazzi?"I whined and looked around us.
He chuckled,"Well if I tell you, you wouldn't want to come."he shrugged his head making me pinched him on the shoulder.
He groaned and rubbed his shoulder. Well we can't be in this car forever. Liked it or not I have to get out. I inhaled deeply and exhaled before nodded my head to him.
"I'm ready."I said.
The door from his side opened by a man and I heard shouted from the outside that was very loud. Suddenly, the door from my side was opened making me gulped.
Okay Zahra just be confident.
I fisted the side of my dress and lifted my right leg and another as I stepped out from the Limousine. A hand shot out to me, I looked up and saw my husband winked his eyes.
I took his hand and I gasped when suddenly he pulled me to his side and wrapped his hand on my waist. Lots of camera turning to us as we walked on the red carpet towards the main entrance.
They were shouting about his name or something but I can't heard everything.I have to squirmed my eyes because of the lighting and flashing from all the cameras.
Oh my Allah.
What was this?
I never thought that this will be liked this. I felt like a celebrity. Well not me actually it's Damien and who was he actually?
"King is she your wife?"
"Who is the woman beside you?"
"King you're looking great tonight."
"King is she your mistress?"
My heart clenched when the reporters asked the question. I can't believed that there will be statement about me being his mistress.
"Don't hear what they say. Just held your head high and smile baby doll."he squeezed my waist lightly making me gave him a weak smiled.
Yeah he was right. I straightened my body and gave all of the reporters a smile as I walked carefully with the high heels.
"That's good baby doll."he said.
We stepped into the big Hall after the door opened by the big man with straight face. I looked around and stunned with the big no, huge Hall.
There were already lots of people wearing red and black dresses. The theme of this party were black and red so all the decoration were in black and red colour.
I could heard the classic music being played. Suddenly I got nervous when I saw many eyes from famous people I guess were looking at both of us.
Some of them greet us and I smiled at them. But I still stunned at all the decoration of this Hall.
"Close your mouth baby doll unless you want me to put something else inside those pretty little mouth of yours."he huskily whispered against my ears making me closed my mouth tightly.
Such a perverted.
I glared him from the corner of my eyes and I caught that he was smirked and not to mention his hand that wrapped around me squeezed my waist.
When I looked around again, some people were already staring at us well most of them were women actually.
Their eyes were piercing towards me as if they wanted to kill me but when their eyes on him they were eye raping my husband.
Well guys can you please stopped staring at my husband and didn't you saw on his ring finger because there were already a wedding ring there.
I huffed and glanced him from the corner of my eyes making him arched his eyebrow at me. I narrowed my eyes at him but he just staring at me.
Why must you have that handsome face?
"Damien! Zahra!"I heard a familiar voice shouted our name until people looking at us.
Well who else other than Jack aka Mr Hulk.
I glared at him and saw a man stood beside him as we walked towards them.
"Sorry guys I left you because you're so late with your cheesy moment."Jack said after hugged Damien.
Yeah Mr Hulk left us so he decided to go first. Damien also hugged the man beside Jack and they were whispered something to each other while looked at me.
Okay what's wrong?
"Aiden, this is Zahra the one and the love of my life."Damien wrapped his hand around me again and I blushed when he said the words.
"And baby doll, this is Aiden one of my best friend."he said.
I smiled to Aiden and bowed a little my head as a honoured to know him. But I gulped when his eyes staring straight into my souls.
"Stop staring at her!"Damien growled and punched his shoulder making him groaned.
"I've told you Aiden he is really possessive."Jack shook his head and patted him on his shoulder.
"Yeah I guess you right."Aiden said and rubbed his shoulder.
"Well nice to meet you Zahra."he said and gave me a smiled making me blinked my eyes.
Well what was happened just now. Damien punched him on the shoulder very hard and Jack said about something then Aiden just talking to me.
Doesn't he mad being hit on the shoulder or what?
Well I guessed we can't thought about men's mind.
"Nice to meet you too."I said and smiled at him but soon it faded when Damien pulled me towards him as we walked towards one of the big round table.
He pulled out a chair for me before I can so I sat down on it and he took a seat from my right side. Soon Jack followed and Aiden took their own seat.
People started to take their own seat before all the lights went off. Then suddenly a light flickered on a man on the big stage that holding a microphone.
"I want to say a huge massive thank you for all the guest across the country to come and enjoy this party."he bowed his head making everyone including me clapping our hands.
"As we know we here to gather and enjoy a little from our busy life, you know when your eyes just looking at words everyday you will become insane..."he joked making me smiled and some of people were giggled.
Well except Damien his face was straight and hard. Doesn't he have sense of humor or what? Well he laughed a lot when he was with me actually but when there's another people around us he will became different.
"Why baby? Like what you see or you want to see something else in the dark?"he whispered against my ears seductively making me cringed.
Once a perverted always a perverted.
"Shut up Damien!"I whispered yelled making him chuckled.
I put back my attention to the host until a little squealed escaped my lips when he pulled my chair closer next to him then put his arms over the the chair on my back.
I shook my head and turned my head to the host but he distracted me again because he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his right hand. His left hand gripped my thigh softly under the table.
Seriously Damien?
I glared him in the dark and pulled off his hand on my thigh but of course he stronger than me so I just gave up.
Suddenly the hall filled with music and women came out from the door wearing white dresses and men wearing black tuxedo. They were pairing with each other then they stopped on the middle of the Hall before started the performance.
I admired all of their dancing steps they doing because all of them were simultaneously with each other.
Suddenly they were separated with each other then the dancers invited some of the guests. My eyes widen when some of the women were walking towards us.
Well now couple dance.
One of the girls pulled Jack from his seats and he gladly accepted it while another invited Aiden but he shook his head as a no.
Well he doesn't wanted to, so the girl invited the other men. I snapped my head towards the woman that stood beside Damien.
She send a seductive looked towards him,"Can I dance with you, King?"she whispered but I heard her purred slightly at him.
He send me a glanced before smirked. My eyes widen when he accepted her hand and he got up and straightened his body.
The woman smirked at me as they walked towards the dance floor. I can't believed he accepted her. Well I'm not jealous but maybe just a little.
But he can't just left me because I didn't knew anyone here. I narrowed my eyes to them because he twirl the woman then pulled her right against his chest as the sway side to side.
I turned away my body from them and scoffed. My hand picked up the glass and I chugged the water roughly then slammed the glass to the table.
Well what am I going to do now?
Sat here for the whole night?
"Jealous huhh?"I snapped my head towards the voice.
Aiden drank his water from the glass while looking at me. Then he put the glass back to it's place without breaking our eyes contact.
Well he actually has that creepy aura.
I have to look up at him when he suddenly stood up then walked to my side. My eyebrow furrowed when he brought his palm towards me.
Okay what's that?
"Will I have an honour to dance with you, Zahra?"he asked and give me a smiled.
Huhh? Dance?
"I don-"
"Well actually let's make him jealous."
My words cut off when he said that. Made him jealous.
"But I don-"
Once again he said first before I can finished my words.
"Don't worry we will not even get to dance together because Damien will not let me touch you even your dress."he winked his eyes making me blinked.
Well I hoped so if not it will be embarrassed.
I hesitated at first,"Alright."I said and stood up from my seat.
"Good."he said and we started to walk towards the dance floor.
I glanced towards Damien and the women and I saw they were still dancing making me ogled them.
I turned my heels from them and looked at Aiden,"Are you sure that this will make him jealous?"I asked.
He looked over my shoulder and nodded. I took a deep breath and took a step forward to him. I hesitated because I didn't wanted to touch non-mahram man.
"Don't worry I will not touch you because he will kill me if I do."he whispered making me smiled.
I brought my right hand towards his shoulder and another to his hand slowly because I'm not going to dance with him though.
My hand already landed right on his shoulder and I looked at Aiden with worried face. He looked over my shoulder then smirked making me frowned.
"1.."he whispered.
My hand almost touch his hand.
He winked his eyes at me as he brought slowly his hand towards my waist.
Before my hand touched his and his arms wrapped on my waist suddenly another hand grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me towards a familiar hard chest.
"Don't you dare Aiden."he growled making Aiden chuckled and took a stepped away from us making my hand fell on my sides.
"I've told you Zahra."he said playfully.
"She's yours Damien and I won't take what friend's woman. So enjoy."he walked away from us after send me a winked and patted Damien's shoulder.
I blinked my eyes at his words then I pushed Damien's arms around me and walked away.
Well I didn't wanted to talk to him or even looked at him right now.
Before I can took three steps suddenly he grabbed my wrist. I turned my head and looked at the the hand then moved up to his eyes.
I pulled my hand but a gasped escaped my lips when he pulled me until I landed right on his chest. I took a step back with a glared but he wrapped his arms around me so I won't escaped.
"Are you angry?"he asked making me snorted.
Not just angry but jealous!
Well you said that your eyes won't looked at another women but just now you're looking at her.
I screamed in my head. Well what's wrong with me already?
He chuckled when I gave him a death glared. I pushed his chest but he tightened more his arms around me.
"Will you dance with me,baby doll?"he whispered against my ears.
Dance with him?
I ogled him and pushed again his chest,"People already looking at us baby doll."he said making me looked around.
And I realised that all the dancers already stopped dancing and just the two of us were right in the middle of the dance floor.
I groaned and glared him again."Fine!"I said making him smirked.
He took my right hand and settled it on his broad shoulder. His fingers gently held mine as he intertwined our hands.
His hands were warm compared to mine that was awfully cold. He gave me a sly smirked before slowly wrapped his hands on my waist.
The song started as soon as we moved. I tried to catch up his steps because he was too fast. He pulled me closer towards him with another sly smirked making me gasped.
"Slowly!"I whispered yelled at him and tried not to fall down because of the high heels.
"You don't know how to dance?"he asked making me glared him.
Well I always dance with my daddy since I'm still 10 years old. So this was just easy for me. But because of this heels I can't moved properly.
His steps moved slow than before making me sighed in relieved. I still looking down at our feet so I won't tripped or stepped onto his shoes.
"Baby doll."he whispered huskily against my ears but I still looking down.
"Look at me."he whispered again but I ignored him.
"Are you angry with me?"he asked but I didn't gave him an answer.
The corner of his lips tugged slightly then he shook his head when I glanced at him. My eyebrow furrowed but soon it faded away when he let go of his hand from my back and twirls me around.
Then he pulled me again against him with my back on his chest. I gasped when he did that out of nowhere.
"You looking gorgeous, baby doll."he whispered making me shivered.
"There's no other women that catch my attention other than you."he tightened his arms on my waist while we swayed side to side.
He wanted to persuade me, let saw how far he will did that.
I tried to hold back a smile that wanted to tug on my lips. I scoffed making him chuckled lightly. He squeezed my stomach first before twirls me around again.
I almost tripped on my own heels but he caught me and pulled me again towards his chest. He leant closer to my face making me glared him.
"Remember. I got you."he said and winked his eyes making me ogled him.
When I did that suddenly he bent my back backwards with one of his hand support my back while another one he put his hand on the back of my knee and hooked my leg to his thigh.
"My eyes will always looking at you, baby doll."
My eyes widen when he suddenly straightened my body and his. Then he twirls me around liked a doll. I panted at the quick moved before I landed nicely right on his chest.
Oh my Allah. That was very fast.
I blinked my eyes when he moved his head until our nose touched to each other.
"Still angry with me?"he asked.
I pushed his chest gently when I heard people around me clapping and shouting. I smiled awkwardly at all of them as Damien wrapped his arms around me from behind and we walked towards our table.
"That's awesome."Jack squealed with an excitement and Aiden send me a winked.
I laughed awkwardly at them and sat down on my seat after I pushed Damien's arms around me.
I tried to avoid his stare and looked at the dance floor that people dancing again because he was looking at me.
He chuckled,"You know what, I like to see this side of yours baby doll."he whispered and cupped my cheek.
He turned my head to him and smiled at me."I Love You."he whispered against the loud music.
My lips unconsciously smiled making him exhaled in relieved. Well I can't mad him for a long time because he always has his ways to make me smile again.
Suddenly someone tapped Damien's shoulder making both of us looked up. Damien stood up and I followed him. He hugged the men as they spoke in another language.
Okay I didn't understand what they were saying.
"This is Zahra Adriana, my wife."Damien said as he wrapped his arms around me with some possessiveness.
I bowed my head and little and smiled at them. They smiled back at me then started began their conversation with another alien language.
I blinked my eyes and trying to understand what they said and I can't. But I loved Damien's accent when he spoke in that language.
Well what should I did right now.
I looked around around saw people chatting with each other until my eyes fell onto something.
My mouth watered at the sight and I really hungry right now. I gulped down my saliva and looked up at Damien.
"Damien!"I whispered yelled at him and he looked down at me.
He bent down so I can talked to him,"I'm hungry."I whined making him smiled.
"You can continue your conversation and I go over there."I said happily, pointed at the buffet.
He looked at where I show him then he nodded,"Don't go too far."he demanded making me scowled.
"Yes, King."I said, smiled at the men that were looking at us then Damien unwrapped his hands around me.
"Excuse me."I said and walked past then towards the food.
My eyes in awe when I saw lots of food. Muffin, cake, chocolate and more. I grabbed a plate and started to choose the food.
I picked muffin, a piece of cake, a little fruits but I wanted more. The girl beside me looked at me weirdly because my plate were filled with heavy food while her were healthy food.
Well when else we got delicious food if not today.
I smiled at her then turned my heels with a full plate of food in my hand and started to walk towards the table.
My eyes caught Damien already looking at me with a smiled on his face. Suddenly his smiled faded as his eyes following something from the bottom of my dress and moved up to the between my eyebrow.
"What wr--"
"Watch out, baby doll!"
He shouted out of nowhere while running very fast towards me. He grabbed my waist until the plate in my hand fell down to the floor and scattered in pieces. I gasped out loud when both of us hit the ground.
My eyes widen when I heard the sound glasses scattered from my side. Then people started to shout around me until I heard a loud gunshot.
My mind can't working for a second as I heard someone calling my name but I ignored it. The only thing that running in my mind was someone trying to kill me and I heard the gunshot.
A gunshot!
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