The children are rescued and just Who is this balloon man?
Female snatcher POV
"That's right kids come on." I motion for the children to come off the bus counting their heads as they get off. I frown the number on the sheet had said 30 but I distinctly remember counting 33 before we had left the station. Now as I recount the children and the number can't to 29. I had counted twice already.
"That's odd. According to our sheets we seem to be missing one." My partner said.
"Actually, we are missing four."
"Four? But the sheet only mentioned 30 children."
"Yes, but when we left I counted 33 heads. Maybe they are still on the bus." With that I turned and walked back to the bus to double check it. I heard the children whimper as my partner closed the shipping crate.
"Shhh." He said to them.
"Humm. Nope. Weird..."
"Must have been a miscount somewhere. Never mind. We have more then enough."
"We did good."
"In deed we did." My partner replied giving me a high five.
"The doll maker will be so pleased with us.
"Yeah ok. Nothing. You?" Harvey shakes his head no. "Apparently there are no companies in Gotham with trucks with a plate and fork as their logo."
"Selling children for food. Is such a thing even possible?"
I sighed I was dreading discovering the answer to that. If anything happened to Jayden, Sabrina and Bella I'd never forgive myself. "We have officers searching every truck on every bridge and tunnel. But they had a three hour window. We can only pray they stayed in the city if not they could be anywhere by nightfall." Essens informed us.
As she talked I stared at the logo. "Those scum sucking toads where are they?" Harvey in irritation. Then it hits me and I tap my hand on the desk to get Harvey's attention.
"It's not a blue plate. It's not a fork either it's a trident."
"I'll inform Maroni and Falcone." Harvey replies.
Snatchers POV
"When you store this on the ship make sure there is plenty of room for the doors to open. The ships crew hast too."
I stopped mid sentence as I glared at the container. The cargo was being far too noisy and that was something that we simply couldn't tolerate."
My parter banged on the door "be quiet!"
Suddenly the silence was pierced by a cry of agony. "Shhh."
"They scratched my eyes." The man wailed.
"Let me see." As he looked up I tried hard not to gasp. He had been completely blinded. "It's nothing. It's just a scratch." I try to assure him. "We will get you a doctor. You will be right as rain in no time." I reply.
"Your sure?" The man asked uncertainly. I didn't reply but instead cocked my gun but it wasn't working. "What was that?"
"Hang on." I reply frustratedly. After a few seconds, I had fixed the problem and then proceeded to shoot the man in the head causing the children to scream in terror.
Once that was done I began to explore the building. I was about to give up until a necklace dropped to the ground and I looked up to see the girl who had tried to escape earlier. Along with three other children. Two young girls and a boy. "Well. You are a very naughty little girl."
Bella POV
Jayden and Sabrina say in unison "no she's not. Your a very bad lady."
"And you is gonna wegwet kidnapping us." I reply with a frown.
"Oh and why is that?" The lady asked with a scoff.
"Cause me is Mista Mawoni and Mista Falcone's little pwincess."
"You know the heads of Gotham's mafia?" Kat asks in surprise.
"Yup. Mista Mawoni weacued me fwom bad men. And then when some other bad men twied huwting me, a fweind of Mista Falcone named Mawio weacued me and became me adopted daddy. Plus, me is also a Wayne."
"Not to mention, our daddy is a detective." Sabrina replies proudly.
Just as the mean lady is about to shoot Kat, she finds herself being tackled. "Daddy!" Sabrina yells jumping into his arms. "We told you our daddy was a detective." Sabrina said smugly.
I looked for Mista Mawoni and Gwampa Falcone owa some of their men but none were to be seen. I turned my head away from the Gowden family trying hard to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. They hadn't come to rescue me. They didn't care. No one did.
"Bella are you alright?" Jayden asked glancing up in my direction in concern.
I wipe the tears away from my face and place a fake smile on my face. "Yes. Me is fine."
"Why are you crying?" Sabrina asks and I frown.
"Me don't know what you is talking about. Me isn't cwying." I reply.
Jayden and Sabrina share a look of concern but don't push the matter any further.
"Hello, what's your name?" Jim asks as he spots Kat.
"Why is that your business?" Kat replies.
"Jim." Harvey calls shoving another man forward.
"Where are the kids? Where are they?" I demand angrily. When he doesn't respond I sigh. "Alright have it your way. You don't want to talk to us, then you can talk to Falcone, Maroni and their men. Trust me when I say, they won't be as sympathetic to you as my partner or I."
The man glances towards a few shipping crates. Back at the precinct, rather then lock the man up, Harvey brings him to the park where Falcone and Maroni were waiting. "As promised one scumbag." Harvey said shoving the man forward.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this." I say shuffling nervously.
"This creep was going to lock your children in a shipping crate and send them God knows where and you want me to show him mercy and lock him up? You've got to be kidding me."
Falcone lifts the head of the man so he's looking him directly in the eyes. "One way or another you will tell us what we want to know. Now, for the last time, where were you going to send my granddaughter and the other children? Who do you work for?" When the man doesn't reply he hits him in the chest and smacks him across the face. Wiping the man's blood from his knuckles with an expansive handkerchief. "I could do this all night. But I wouldn't dream of denying my good friend Sal Maroni or my loyal employee Victor Zazz the privilege of torturing you." Falcone replies with a sinister chuckle. The man glances at me pleadingly but I have no pity for him.
As we enter the precinct Bella sits there her eyes full of tears. "Bella, what's the matter?"
"No one lobes owa cawes about me." She replies sniffling.
"What would make you think that?"
"You came to weacue Jayden and Sabwina but No one came to weacue me fowm the bad people. No one cawes bout me."
"That's not true. Both Falcone and Maroni were livid when they learned that you had been kidnapped by the snatchers as was your guardian Alfred Pennyworth."
"But they no twy to weacued me cause they no cawe. Only you did."
"Bella, that's not true. If it were Falcone and Maroni wouldn't be...."
"Be what?"
"Never mind. The truth is, Falcone and Maroni didn't send any men to help find you because they knew that I wouldn't stop until I had found you. They wanted the people responsible to be brought back alive. They knew if they sent their men to help find you that wouldn't happen."
"Why would they want that?"
"Because Princess, in this case, we wanted the bad guys brought back to us so that we could administer our own version of justice. Arresting them and placing them in a jail cell or making them go bye bye well, that's far too merciful a punishment. We wanted them to suffer for hurting you." Gwampa Falcone replies with a smile.
"When Me didn't see you when Jim weacued is me thought that you nu lobe me nu mowa. Me was so scawed that me would nu see you owa Mista Mawoni eba again."
"Shhh. Hush now. Your safe now. Grandpa is here. Grampa is here." Falcone whispers to Bella as he rubs circles on her back. Soon her sobs become quiet whimpers and eventually stop altogether as she lets out a yawn. "Jim,
please see to it that Bella is returned safely to Wayne manor."
"Oh no. Absolutely not. My little angel isn't leaving my sight." Maroni replies as he walks into the precinct.
"Sal we've been over this and you agreed that our world is no place for a sweet innocent child like Bella. If you truly love her, then do what's best for her. Let her go."
"That's good advice. A lot like my old Man's. Except for one small detail, He use to say: if you love something then set it free. However, if it doesn't return to you, hunt it down and kill it."
"Me nu wanna go back to the Wayne home. Me miss daddy Mawio and me miss being his pwincess. Me want to stay wifth him." Bella replies.
"No. Your returning to Wayne manor. It's where you belong."
Salena POV
"After all this your sending us up state?"
"Kat." I reply irritatedly.
"Kat, even if you didn't have outstanding warrants your 13 no parents or guardians."
"That's not true. I have a mom."
"Says here that she's deceased."
"That's NOT true." I reply. "She's alive, someplace."
"Be that as it may, we are not allowed to put you back on the street. It's for your own well being."
At this I scoff. "Have you been there? Upstate?"
"Then you know! You know." I reply and he gives me a somewhat sympathetic look. "Go get Detective James Gorden. He works here." I reply sitting on a nearby bench in the precinct.
"Kat. The police are very busy people."
"Go get him." I pause then give him the ultimatum "or, I'll say you touched me."
"Excuse me?"
"James Gorden. I'm going to scream in about three seconds."
"Ok. Hello again young lady."
"We need to talk."
"So now you want to talk?" I reply. "It's ok." I say to the child service worker. "Thanks. Selena is it?"
"Kat? You Macky's friend?"
"Yeah, I know Mackey."
"Those B******* nearly got you twice Huh? Your quite a survivor."
"You have no idea. Suppose I have something that you really really wanted if I gave it to
You could you get me out of here?"
"What have you got?"
"I've been watching you. Your a friend of the boy and girl. Your not like the rest of these crooks."
At this I sit down next to her. "The boy and girl? Bruce and Bella? You've been watched me?"
"The Mario Pepper guy was a patsy huh."
"What makes you say that?"
"Could you? Could you get me out?"
"It's possible."
"I saw who really killed the Waynes. I saw him clear as day."
Report POV
"Lets go live for a breaking report."
"Thank you Jason. I'm coming to you live from the latest wrinkle in a story that sent shock waves through the financial world of Gotham. I'm standing before the home of Ronald Danzer. The man who billed investors out of more then a half million dollars in vast patsi schemes. Danzer is currently out on bail awaiting trial."
Danzer POV
"All of them. The judge, the DA, the jury, pay them whatever it takes. I'm not going to jail because some dumb bus driver and stupid old
ladies lost their pensions." I sigh. "I've got to sneak out. Damn villagers are out there with pitchforks. Your my Lawyer fix this!" I hiss into the phone before hanging up.
Mysterious man with balloon stroller POV
"Balloons. Balloons. Want a balloon?"'
"What? No, no."
"Ronald Danzer?" With that I snap a handcuff on him.
"Who are you?" I ignore him and finish my trap sending this crooked man into the stratosphere.
"Ahh. Help me. Help me." He screams as he is lifted into the air by my balloons.
"That's Ronald Danzer. Follow me." A reporter tells her tv crew. As they do I walk off removing my pig mask.
"In a bizarre turn of events a man appearing to be Ronald Danzer is rising into the air attached to a weather balloon."
"The cart was loaded with bricks for ballest. So Ronald Danzer cheats half of Gotham out of their savings but before he can stand trial an unknown man clips him to a balloon. No body. We calling this a murder?"
"We call this a public service. Danzer was a bum he got what he deserved. I'm going to go get a danish it's what I deserve." Harvey replies.
Back at the precinct: "damn it! Someone find me O'brain and get me some ice. Who the hell are you?"
"Jim Gorden."
"Harvey's new partner. Lieutenant Bill Cranston. Yeah, Bullock tells me that your a real Boy Scout. Don't think that we should be roughing up the skels."
"Well they do have their rights."
"Huh. I'll have to remember that. Have it tattooed on my butt. Let me show you something. This was a gift from the Gotham chamber of Commerce for years of service. I call him O'brian. He just happens to be the best interrogator on the force. Nice meeting you. Oh Luke, say hello to Sargent O'brian."
"No. No." The man named Luke screams. I can't stand to hear him crying out in pain so I head to my desk. "Well I just met Lieutenant Cranston."
"The man, the myth, the legend." Harvey replies .
"He's a thug. So there were no fingerprints those carts are to easy to buy or steal or trade. How are you coming on those death treats?"
"I thought that we talked about this."
"Ronald Danzer was murdered it's our job to catch murderers."
"The guy was a crook."
"Who had not been convicted of any crime."
"Tell that to the two guys who killed themselves because he lost their live savings. This guy was living high for thirty years while the city gave him awards and kissed his butt for being such a wonderful philanthropist."
"So we are just going to let his killer walk?"
"Some guy walks in here and holds out his hands I'll arrest him. Otherwise I'm content that justice was served." Harvey replies.
"Like with the Waynes is that what you mean?"
"Mario Pepper killed the Waynes. We killed Pepper. That case is closed." Harvey replies.
"Detective Gorden? Davis Lamond from juvenile services. You asked to see Selena Kyle? Could you sign for custody? When your finished you can send her to our newest facility on waters street She's scheduled to be transferred upstate tomorrow."
"Yeah that will have to be delayed. She has information on an investigation."
"Would you mind stepping back a minute please?" Harvey asked Selena who obliges. "Wait a minute. Is that one of the kids that was snatched? Another closed case. What is it about the word closed that you don't understand?"
"This is something else. Just read the letters track down the balloons. I'll be back in an hour."
"Yeah boss, I'll get right on it." Harvey replies sarcastically. "Where's my pen?"
"So why do you want to know who really killed the Waynes?"
"Because I want to see the person who killed them brought to justice."
"Did you read that in a book or something?" Kat says with a scoff.
"And I made a promise to the boy and girl.
"The killer came from there. They took the man's wallet and the woman's necklace then shot them both. I was up there." Cat said pointing to a fire escape staircase.
"Everybody knows that much. Plus the killer's face was covered."
"Not at first. He pulled up his scarf when he walked towards them. I saw him for a second."
"You saw him, here in the dark."
"I can see in the dark. You don't believe me."
"There's a question about if your lying about what you saw. Then there's the question of if you were even here. You're not giving me proof."
"I just told you, I stole some chumps wallet just before it happened. That was like two blocks from here. Didn't he report it?"
Yes, a man did report his wallet stolen by a thief that matches your description and yes, the timing does work out to just before the Waynes were murdered. But that does not place you here."
"I dumped the wallet there." Cat says pointing towards a sewer drain.
"Great. It's not that I don't trust you not to run away but, I don't trust you." I reply handcuffing her.
"You find the wallet you let me go right? That's the deal?"
"No. I find the wallet that places you here. We still have to find the guy."
"That's bull."
"That's the deal." I reply as I handcuff her to an old staircase. "Oh great." I mutter as I step down into the drain. It doesn't take me long to find the discarded wallet. Son of a B****. She was telling the truth."
"Oh detective, your going to need this." I look up to see Cat dropping my handcuffs down to me.
"Hay. Hay wait!"
Fish POV
A few minutes later, Detectives Montoya and Allen of major crimes walked into my establishment. "Well, well, well, Detectives Montoya and Allen. To what do I owe this honor?"
"Thought we'd pay our respects. Maybe ask if you've seen your friend Cobblepot around." Detective Allen replies.
"Humm. Oswald. Hummm. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him. Isn't that funny? Almost as funny as detectives from major crimes looking for a Nobody like Oswald."
"Can we stop the dance? He's dead isn't he? He was killed because he told us about Pepper being framed for the Wayne murders." Montoya replies somewhat angrily.
"He's dead." I reply confirming her suspicions. "But I didn't kill the little snitch. Word is Jim Gorden pilled the trigger."
"You have proof?" Montoya asks somewhat surprised by my response.
"What do I look like? A cop? I only heard that James Gorden splattered poor Oswald's brains all over Gotham river."
"Why would Gorden want to murder Cobblepot? Just to keep him quiet about the frame?" Detective Allen asks and I turn my attention to him.
"Wrong question gorgeous." I reply wiggling my finger at him. "Jim Gorden pulled the trigger, but who gave the order? Who could make a cop commit cold blooded murder?"
Montoya winced before replying "Falcone."
I turn to her with a smile "your deductive powers astonish me. Honestly, I just got a chill." I reply sarcastically but sounding as sincere as I can.
"You know there's a rumor going around that Falcone gave your latest boy toy a nasty beating. You wouldn't be looking for a little revenge now would you?" Detective Allen asks and I smile at him turning my attention back to him.
"I just want justice for little Oswald." I reply.
"Yeah, Detective James Gorden. One of your councilors brought me a girl this morning I signed for custody. That's what I'm saying I can't bring her back she got away. Yeah well, I'm not happy about it either."
"On edge Gorden?"
"Fine. How can I help you?"
"Oh we were just wondering when you shot Cobblepot in the head and dumped his body in the river did Falcone pay you? Or was it a favor to the Don type thing?"' Montoya asks.
"Whatever you heard it's not true."
"Oh so you didn't kill Cobblepot? Or you didn't do it for Falcone?" Montoya demands.
"We just thought we'd give you a chance to tell the truth. Cop to cop." Her partner Allen replies.
"Your not listening. I didn't kill him."
"Ok so where were you on the night of September the 17th?"
"Are you really asking me this? Since when did major crimes become IA?"
"Since cops started doing hits for the mob."
"Yeah? Come back to me when you have actual proof. Until then, don't waste my time."
"Hay Gorden, a piece of advice take a shower because you stink like a sewer." Allen called after me.
"There you are. I've got the owner of a weather balloon factory downstairs he says he's got something for us."
"Montoya and Allen came by, accused me of killing Cobblepot."
"Someone must have talked."
"It doesn't matter. The fact that they are here means they've got nothing and they are going to get nothing. Because at the end of the day no one cares about Cobblepot."
"Because he deserved it like Robbert Danzer?"
"Don't make this into something bigger. You did what you had to do. And yes, he probably did deserve it he worked for Fish. She doesn't hire alter boys."
"What about Mario Pepper he deserved what he got?"
"Hell yes. He was a dirtbag who tried to shoot you remember? And I thought that we were done talking about this."
"We are done talking about this when the person who actually murdered Thomas and Martha Wayne is in jail. Not the person we killed for it."
"For the last time let it go."
"Or what? Am I going to be the next person taken out to the pier to get a bullet in the head?"
"The interview is waiting."
"When I saw that balloon go up on tv I knew that it was one of mine and I said to myself Jim boy, you'd better call the cops right away. Or they are going to find someway to pin this on me." The man was telling us.
"So it was You who called is? And here I thought my partner had gone through the trouble of tracking you down." I reply glancing over at Harvey.
"How exactly was your balloon used to kill Ronald Danzer?"
"It was stole by my bum of an ex-employee about a month ago. Carl Smikers. That's what I get for hiring a kid. Did he ever mention Danzer?"
"Hell, no. I'm surprised he even knew who Danzer was. We ain't taking one of those intellectually superior types here."
"You got an address?" Harvey demands.
"Yeah, you find him see if you can get back the others."
"The other what?" I demand.
"The other Balloons. A grand a pop those thing are. He stole four." The man replies.
Cranston POV
"$47.00? Frankie I'm coming back next week. Try to show some initiative."
"Ok. Bill."
"Your a disgrace to drug dealers."
As I'm walking down the street my path is blocked by a hot dog vender. "Hot dog?"
"Get out if my way."
"Hot dog? Lieutenant Cranston?" Within seconds we are struggling with each other. I deck the guy and then proceeded to go through his pockets.
"Alright. Let's see what you've got here." I glance down at a yellow paper which looks like a custody form. "What the hell? Who are you?" I demand as I stuff the form into my pocket. Before I have a chance to respond I find my leg handcuffed and the man pushes a button. I look up to see a ballon beginning to fill with air. "Oh no. No! NO! NO! NO!" I scream as I'm lifted high into the air.
Alfred POV
I walk in and see Master Bruce reading a newspaper. He's barely touched his breakfast.
I'm also beginning to get concerned about Miss Bella. I haven't heard or seen her since she had been returned from being kidnapped by the snatchers. Which is and isn't unusual. Ever since the death of her parents, she's been acting weird. Sometimes she can be super clingy while other days she just wants to be left completely alone. After learning that she was adopted Bella ran away from home and wound up involved with both the Maroni and Flacone family. I was quite relieved when they both agreed that for her own safety Bella should be returned to my care. I certainly hope that she doesn't run away again but I wouldn't put it past her. "Right so no breakfast then?" I ask as I watch Master Bruce continue to read the paper. "And no dinner last night. What's the new program? You wanna see how long we can go without eating anything?" Bruce glances up at me. "Well, if that's the case I should save myself the trouble of making it." I reply.
"Have you seen this?" Bruce replies holding up the newspaper which headline reads Balloon Man Kills Dirty Cop in bold letters.
"Oh yeah nuts are going around offing people with balloons. I can think of an easier way to kill someone." I reply as Bruce returns to reading it. "Master Bruce forgive me for uttering the tired old words in times like these but in times like these you really need to keep your strength up."
Master Bruce looks up at me and replied "I'm just not hungry." With that he gets up and walks away.
"Bella, it's breakfast time. Bella?" Upon opening the door I swore under my breath. The room was once again empty.
"Good morning."
"Hi." I reply kissing Barbara. "Thank you. I tried not to wake you".
"It's ok. I have a meeting. You ok? You hardly slept last night."
"It's just work." I reply with a sigh.
"This Balloon man thing? That's what the papers are calling him. And it says that he killed a cop. Your not in danger are you?"
"You don't have to worry about me." I reply.
"Well, what is it then? I can see something is bothering you." Barbara replies.
"Yesterday our first victim Ronald Danzer was a con man nobody cared. Now that a cops been targeted the investigation will get all the support it needs. It's not right. Everyone has to matter or nobody matters. Otherwise people loose faith and that's when you get vigilantes." I reply with a sigh.
"But that isn't your fault. I mean if anything your giving people faith."Barbara replies.
"Am I? How?" I reply not convinced.
"Your first case you caught the Wayne killer. Do you have any idea what that meant for the city? Your a hero." Barbara replies. I fake a smile at her.
"I've got to go."
"Don't matter if your a cop if your dirty the Balloon man is gonna get you." A man on the tv was saying.
"It's time the people of Gotham realize that they have to stand up for themselves." Another man replies.
"Hay, balloon man aight to get to my landlord next. He's a crook and his name is Harold Len." An elderly lady replies the commissioner clicks off the Tv before she can finish her sentence.
"This is wonderful. This is like my dream of how today was going to go. Besides the black eye to the department now we have a vigilante who kills bad cops."
"Cranston wasn't that bad." Harvey replies defending the jerk.
"But whatever he was or wasn't guilty of Cranston was a Lieutenant in the GCPD. You don't get to go around killing cops. So where are you on this and the Danzer murder?" The commissioner demands.
"We are looking for a man named Carl Smikers. He was an employee at the factory where the balloons were stolen. We have uniforms taking his apartment but he hasn't been back there since last night."
"And you like him for this?" The Commisioner asks.
"Oh he's guilty. Leave me in a room with him he'll be guilty." Harvey replies.
"He's definitely connected but I'm not sure that he's the one." I reply.
"He had weather balloons. Cranston and Danzer were killed with Weather Balloons. He's our man." Harvey replies.
"Smikers never graduated high school he hasn't been able to keep down a job for more than a year. He's got bust for soliciting for possession.."
"Tell her about the other balloons." Harvey replies not wanting to argue.
"What other balloons?" The Commisoner replies worriedly.
"Smiker's boss mentioned that a total of four balloons were stolen. There are two of them still out there." I reply.
"So two more targets? We have any sense who they might be?"
"Danzer and Cranston were both known figures and known to be dirty. Killer didn't need any special knowledge to target them. So it's likely the next target is public and known to be corrupt." I reply.
"Basically every elected official in Gotham should stay in doors." Harvey replies.
"Fine him! Now!" The boss demands.
"We will." Harvey replies.
"We will?" I reply as we exit the boss's office. "What happened to the killer doing the city a favor? You're gonna make me think that you actually care."
"Listen smart ass, you kill a crooked financier be my guest. Kill a cop it's a job safety issue." Harvey replies.
"We need a plan." I reply.
"Relax. One thing I do know how to do is find someone. Harvey replies. I follow with him as he uses some rather unsavory tactics to locate our mystery man.
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