Chapter 9: Project Security Protection

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Tell me, Author, how long has this story been on-hold?)

(A/N): Months, i've been busy watching Hololive Clips to try keep up with them as much as i can

(I would like to let the readers give you a peace of advice of how you can keep up with this story)

(A/N): Why not? I really need some help here!

Again author, the stage is yours!

(Such a generous author, i thank you for this opportunity...

On the last chapter, Auditor and his men were assigned to upgrade the agency's security system to prevent Tricky or anyone else to try hijacking the building...

While they were working on that, the idols were talking about Auditor's past life since Motoaki Tanigo had peek into his files...

Everyone in the office were saying positive things about him, except for a certain garlic witch who still believes Auditor is a pervert...

It has been a week from their misfortune, let's see what they're up to...)

-Hololive HQ-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(After a whole week from the fight, today was a "normal" day for Hololive Agency...

For the first time, all the girls were there, Akai Haato, aka Haachama, managed to get a plane to be in Japan for a long time...

All the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4thgens, including Holo Gamers, they've been gathered in the cafeteria while a few girls were eating their breakfast for running towards the building...

Yagoo, A-Chan and Auditor were seen standing in the middle of the cafeteria while Auditor was adjusting his red tie)

Yagoo: "I'm sure you girls are wondering why i called you all here"

Sora: "Is it because Auditor-san is going to be an Idol?!"

Auditor: "Sadly no, Tanigo-san and i have talked about my current position, which is Security/Bodyguard"

Subaru: "You're our bodyguard?! That's cool!"

Auditor: "Think of it as a new way to get to know you all individually"

Pekora: "Then what's the news-peko?"

Yagoo: "I, Motoaki Tanigo, will announce the arrival of 5th Generation of Hololive!"

Girls: "EHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!"

Matsuri: "We're having a new group of girls?!"

Fubuki: "When will they arrive?!"

Marine: "Can i grope their boobs when they arrive?!"

Auditor: "SILENCE!"

(Everyone immediately stop talking as soon as he shouted at them...

Some were a bit scared of how serious he is, others were fantasizing about him being dominant on them...

After a couple seconds, Auditor coughs and steps besides A-Chan to leave the stage to his boss)

Yagoo: "Thank you, Auditor-san, now as i was saying, a new generation is coming here in our headquarters, their tour starts at 10 AM, Auditor's agents are currently on their way to collect the girls in question"

A-Chan: "I'll be their tour guidance while Auditor will provide protection and security for them"

Rushia: "Why is he going to protect them?"

Auditor: "There are some moments where some of my men can be clumsy, especially with some grunts of mine"

Coco: "What happened to those who tried to break the rules?"

Auditor: "Fired, Executed or Killed in action"

Girls: "That makes sense since it happened back at Nevada"

Auditor: "Simplicity at its best"

Yagoo: "Are there any questions?"

(Some of the girls raise their hands to ask their questions...

Auditor immediately stands besides Yagoo and calls the girls one by one)

Auditor: "Sakura-san. You're the first one who raised your hand."

Miko: "Do they have a nickname for the group? Like Holofantasy?"

Yagoo: "No they don't, they said they'll come up with one later"

Auditor: "Rosenthal-san. You're next."

Akirose: "What are their names?"

Yagoo: *looks at Y/N* "Auditor-san, if you would"

Auditor: "Their names are: Momksuzu Nene, Omaru Polka, Shishiron Botan, Yukihana Lamy and Mano Aloe."

Akirose: *smiles* "Thank you, Auditor-san"

Auditor: "Quite welcome" *looks at Rushia* "Uruha-san"

Rushia: "Can i use my spell on them if they have big boobs?"

Auditor: "¿Qué coño acabas de decir, necromante de pecho plano? [What the fuck did you just say, you flat-chested necromancer?]"

Yagoo: "Rushia-san, we talked about this, no casting spells on the new arrivals, especially with the big breasted ones"

Rushia: *pouts, crosses her arms* "...fine"

Auditor: "..." *looks at Mio* "Ookami-san"

Mio: "Can they collab with any of us after their debut stream?"

Yagoo: "Yes, but you have to wait for them to be comfortable, you can't pressure them"

Auditor: "Except for Kiryuu-san who can easily trick everyone with English words"

Coco: *english* "Can you not?! I'm trying to make a plan here!?"

Auditor: *english* "For fuck's sake! Are you really plotting on making them swearing like a fucking sailor?!"

Coco: *japanese* "I don't understando engrish"

Auditor: 'You oversized dragon girl...' "Amane-san, you're the last one"

Kanata: "Do we have to cancel our streams?"

Yagoo: "Oh no, you all can still stream, A-Chan and Auditor-san can guide them to your offices, just be sure to make them feel welcomed and all, alright?"

Idols: "Hai, Yagoo-san"

(After the meeting, Yagoo walks out of the cafeteria while A-Chan and Auditor exchange their bye before the receptionist heads back to her desk...

Auditor took a deep breath as he loosens up his tie to breathe easily, he then looks at his watch to note himself to show up at the front desk...

Before he could turn around, he was immediately being hugged by Ayame with her giggle that could cure depression)

Ayame: "Hehehe~ You're mine!"

Auditor: *chuckles slightly* "You couldn't wait any longer, could you?"

Haachama: "So you are our new security and bodyguard?"

(He looks over at Haachama as he gives a good look of what she looks like)

Auditor: "And i presume that you are Akai Haato, alias Haachama, correct?"

Haachama: *nods happily* "Mhm! Nice to meet you! Oh wait! *english* "Ahem, nice to meet you!"

Auditor: "Impressive, your days in Australia paid you off"

Haachama: "You think so?! Yay!"

Ayame: "Neee! Pay attention to me!"

Auditor: *chuckles* "Hai hai"

(He the begins to pat her head, making her smile and giggling...

Haachama was blushing and cooing at the duo, especially how cute Ayame is)

Mio: "Don't spoiled Ayame-chan too much, she often teases everyone on how she gets treated"

Auditor: "Like how Subaru keeps telling me about you choosing Ayame over to her?"

Subaru: "OI!"

Mio: "I don't know what you're talking about"

Auditor: "Of course you would've avoid this conversation" *looks at his grunts* "Hey, you two. We're in the different company, do NOT embarrass A.A.H.W."

Grunts: "Yes sir!"

(The two grunts carefully carries some expensive stuffs, making the girls thinking Auditor is making four extra stream room for the new girls)

Coco: "Are you making the rooms for Gen 5?"

Auditor: "I volunteered to make those rooms, not to mention that i also am the only one who knows how the security system works"

Roboco: "What about me?!"

Auditor: "I've seen you how much of a 'Pon' you are, i entrusted you only to keep the blueprint, which i presume you accidentally gave to Azki as a paint"

Azki: "Ehhhh! Is that what it was?!"

Roboco: "How did you even know that?!?!"

Auditor: *sighs, looks at his agent* "Have you got a backup blueprint?"

Agent: "Yessir, it's in the security room, a Soldat is guarding it"

Auditor: "Let's keep it this way"

Agent: "Understood"

(Miko was laughing at Roboco's mistake while the high spec robot was whining about her supposing to be the smartest one...

Auditor then notices Sora with a faint hint of sadness from her expression, making everyone gasp out of surprise, he made a small figure of Sora infront of her)

Sora: "Woahhhh"

Auditor: "Do you like it?"

Sora: *looks up at Y/N* "This trick is the same one i saw last time!"

Auditor: *sits next to her, chuckling* "The very same trick, i'm glad to see you still remember it"

(Sora then looks back at her small figure of herself as she was cutely waving at her real version of herself...

She then waves back with a smile at the small figure as she started dancing infront of her and Auditor...

The girls was still in shock to see Auditor easily getting close to Sora, since none of them dared to stay close since she's the one who carries the whole company)

Sora: *giggles* "She's so cute"

Auditor: *smiles* "I'm happy to see you enjoying this small moment"

Sora: *nods* "Hn! Thank you, Y/N-san!"

(Auditor was surprised about getting called by his real name...

Soon he genuinely smiled at her and gently caresses her hair, making the idol yelp out of surprise)

Auditor: "...I allow you to call me by my real name, got it?"

Sora: *smiles, nods* "Hn!"

Soldat: *radio* "Sir. We're approaching at the headquarters, is everything alright over there?"

(Auditor snaps his fingers as multiple red screens appear around him)

Auditor: "They're making the stream rooms as we speak. Time of destination?"

Soldat: "Around 10 minutes since we're on the main road, i'll call you out when we're at the parking lot."

Auditor: "Do not let anyone harm those girls, understood?"

Soldat: "Yessir."

(He taps the screen infront of him to end the call...

Then, he begins to look at some different screens as Sora was staring at Y/N while her heart was beating a little faster than usual...

The girls notice Sora's face heating up a bit by every second he stares at Auditor, making some girls realize about her having a crush on him)

Korone: *peeks under the table* "Neee! I want headpat too! Ayameru can't be the only one!"

Auditor: *chuckles, pats her head while still looking at the screens* "Don't fight over this, you can ask anytime you want"

Korone: "Wahhh~ This is so nice~"

Noel: "Awwww, that's so cute!~"

Flare: "Right? I can watch this all day"

(Aqua shyly pokes Auditor's shoulder to get his attention...

He turns his head to his right and notices Aqua fidgeting her fingers out of shyness)

Auditor: "Is there something wrong?"

Aqua: *shakes her head* "...I-i-i just w-want to tell you t-that...if you n-n-need help, i-i'm happy t-to help you"

Auditor: *smiles slightly* "I see you're making progress over your social skills, i really appreciate your offer too, i'll keep that in mind"

(Out of nowhere, Jebus appears behind Aqua, making the girls gasp out of shock...

Aqua immediately runs away and hides behind Mio with Ayame on her left)

Auditor: "Next time, don't you dare scaring the maid like that"

Jebus: "My apologies, i just wanted to check if everything is under control"

Auditor: *stands up, looks at Jebus* "Everything's fine, we're having a new group of girls"

Jebus: "Interesting...May i ask for their names?"

Auditor: "Less people know their names, better chances we don't run into some fat fucking cunts..."

Mio: "Hey! No swearing infront of Ayame-chan and Akutan!"

Auditor: *sighs* "I'm sorry, Mio-san"

Jebus: "That's a new one"

Auditor: "Not a bloody word. How's it going back at the Lab?"

Jebus: "Hank's still unconscious, Sanford's body is under analysis, 2BDamned's beacon went off three days ago."

Auditor: "Doc is still alive...I presume he's under the radar since Nevada became a wasteland..."

Jebus: "What is your call?"

Auditor: "Try contact my Brothers, they know something if Project Nexus goes online and track us all down"

Jebus: "And with Dr. Hoffman?"

Auditor: "Keep him inside his jail, give him all the necessary he needs...but if i hear from my men that he escaped, i will personally punish you all, is that clear?"

Jebus: 'He seems to be more passionate about this job...his intentions about protecting these girls are real...' *outloud* "Understood."

Auditor: *nods* "Go call my brothers...Let them know what i'm doing"

Jebus: "Consider it done."

(With that, The Savior teleported himself back to the Lab somewhere in Japan...

Auditor looks at his watch and notices he has one minute left)

Auditor: "It's time for me to go, A-Chan must be waiting for me"

Sora: "Can i join with you? Please?" (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

Auditor: "Don't you have a scheduled stream going on today?"

Sora: "I usually stream back at home because i feel more comfortable, but i'm so excited to meet our new girls!" (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

Auditor: "..." *chuckles* "Alright, you can tag along"

Sora: "Yatta!" (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Auditor: *looks at the rest of the girls* "If any of you are free or doesn't have a stream, you all are welcome to meet me at the front desk"

(After his final announcement, he teleports Sora and himself at the ground floor, right at the reception desk...

A-Chan, Sora and Auditor were starting talking to each other to wait until the new girls arrive...

After a couple minutes, a black SUV was parking infront of the front door...

2 other SUVs were seen driving to the parking lot, the one infront of the entrance shows an Agent hopping off the SUV and opens the front door...

He then walks back to his car and opens the door for the girls as they started heading inside the building, making them surprised how clean the place is)

Omaru: "This place looks so sick! You can even see yourself on the floor!"

Aloe: "It's alright, i least it's better than my old place"

Nene: "I can't wait to meet our senpais!!!"

Lamy: "Girls, please calm down, we just got here"

Botan: "Ease up Lamy, i'm sure nothing can happen to us"

Auditor: 'It feels like a married couple with their kids visiting their middle child's workplace...' as he thought...

(He then coughs into his hand to get their attention...

The five girls look over and quickly stand side by side as if they don't want to give their first impression)

Auditor: "Gen 5, i welcome you all to the Hololive Headquarters, i hope your trip didn't bore you five until your destinations"

Omaru: "You kidding?! That car seats were SO comfortable! Botan-chan fell asleep on them!"

Botan: "For real, those seats were really comfy, thanks for the ride"

Auditor: "You're very welcome, Shishiron-san, allow me to introduce myself"

(He takes a couple steps and bows infront of the five girls)

Auditor: "My name is The Auditor, the newest Security/Bodyguard of Hololive, it is a pleasure to meet you five in person."

Aloe: *smiles smugly, flips her hair* "Looks like someone knows their place whenever i show up, you may raise your head, mortal"

Auditor: *smirks* "Who said i was a human?~"

(His greyish skin suddenly turns pitch black with faint red lines alongside with his suit and hair...

His shattered halo glows brighter as his eyes are fully red, making his appearance how much of a non-human he is...

His transformation makes Aloe shivering un fear as she may just pissed him off)

Auditor: "Do you still believe that i'm a human? Mano Aloe-sama?~"

Aloe: "N-n-n-no!!!"

Auditor: *transforms back to normal* "In that case, allow me to apologize for frightening you" *bows slightly*

(When he stands back straight up, he gets hugged by Nene as she was hugging him like a Koala on a tree...

That makes Sora pouting cutely for seeing a girl hugging Auditor like that)

Auditor: *looks down at Nene* "Hello there, little one"

Nene: "Hehe, hi!"

Lamy: "Nene-chan! Get off of him!"

Auditor: "It's quite alright, i do tend to be huggable to some of my seniors"

Omaru: "Don't mind if i do!"

(The Fennec girl immediately appears behind him and hops on his shoulders as she was hugging his head)

Aloe: "O-oi! H-he might to get annoyed!"

Auditor: *chuckles slightly* "Fret not, Aloe-san, this kind of things are pretty normal to me"

Botan: "What if i ask you to turn into a small plush?"

Auditor: "I can surely do that, but it does take me quite of power to do so"

Nene: "Can you do it now?!"

Auditor: *gently pats her head* "Maybe next time, my current objective is to give you five a tour around this building"

A-Chan: "Which is why i'm also here, i'm your tour guidance, Auditor-san is providing protection from his agent's works"

Auditor: "What do you say...

Are you ready to become Idols?"


I hate when i make this kind of chapters, but i also like to tease you all!

Anyway, i want to say sorry for keeping this story on-hold

As i mentioned earlier, i'm using Hololive Clips to keep up and see their personalities and try to make them as canon as i can!

And also if any of you have any ideas on how i should make this story more interesting or not, leave a comment here and give me all of your ideas!

I promise i will shout you out for the ideas, as long as i remember to do that

With that said, enjoy this 1st part of Holofive appearance

And i will see you readers in the 2nd part of this chapter, peace and have a good day/night!!!

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