Chapter 8: Tech Issues
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Hello readers, it seems we neglected this story for far too long, i would apologize in advance...
On the previous chapter, Dr. Hoffman aka "Tricky", made his first appearance by targeting Y/N "Auditor" L/N on the parking lot of Hololive HQ...
However, The Auditor wasn't alone, he reluctantly allowed Kiryu Coco to fight with him to "try" defeated the clown...
Unluckily for them, it wasn't enough, Coco couldn't keep up with Tricky's godly powers...But The Saviour Himself, Jebediah Christopher aka "Jebus", has returned to stop his former friend...
With Y/N's help alongside with Coco, Flare, Noel, Rushia, Kanata and Shion, they all managed to defeat Tricky and stop him before he could even have a change to take the whole place down...
Soon after capturing the godly clown, Jebus and Auditor buried the hatchet on their rivalry as they now are allies for their future coalition...
As everything calmed down, The Auditor with his idol friends, they all are celebrating for their victory and chilling after the fight...
Let's see what else are they doing, shall we?...)
-Hololive Office-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After hours from the fight on the parking lot, Y/N and the rest were chilling on the office...
Noel, Flare and Rushia had to go back to Marine and Pekora for their stream collab...
Y/N, for some reason, he encountered the criminal war rabbit...let's just say she got the same treatment as Shion...
With them gone, it was only Sora, A-Chan, Kanata and Coco in the office, talking to each other about the fight, mostly asking Y/N what that was all about...
Yagoo had to go back to his office for paperwork as he gave A-Chan a break for today...)
Auditor: "So you've been busting your ass on this company while being Sora's manager?"
A-Chan: "H-heh, yeah...Sora and i go way back, after the agency changed drastically for the best, i've been officially been hired as their staff management"
Coco: *smirks* "She was also on some of our collab to play games, especially horror games with Sora-senpai"
Auditor: "Does one of the horror games called 'Five Nights at Freddy's'?"
Sora: *nods* "Mhm! It was really fun watching her playing it!" ( ̄︶ ̄)
Kanate: "N-Not for A-Chan though"
(A-Chan was shivering for the thoughts of constant jumpscare she got from that game)
Auditor: "I'm sure you were dealing with it just fine"
A-Chan: "N-Not really, b-but it was fun to long as those animatronics didn't give you jumpscares..."
Auditor: "Does this agency focused on gaming or does it also focusing on Idol Stuffs?"
A-Chan: "The latter, we use gaming platforms to get more attentions from our viewers, once they got interested on them, they will watch some karaoke stream from these girls"
Auditor: *cups his chin* "Interesting..."
(The door slams open, making the girls startled, Y/N just looked over and saw Ayame rushing towards to him as she hugs his arm...
Mio and Fubuki ran into the office, panting slightly out of fatigue for chasing after their oni friend...)
Mio: "Ayame-chan! I told you to not run so suddenly!"
Ayame: *pouts* "But i was worried something might happened to Auditor-papa!"
Fubuki: *confused* "Papa?"
Auditor: *shrugs* "She got attached to me, i don't really mind it"
Mio: *giggles slightly* "Well, i can't get mad at her if she was worried about you"
Fubuki: "Oh yeah! What happened back at the parking lot?"
Auditor: *sighs, gently pats Ayame's head* "Tricky found my location..."
Mio: "The DJ Tricky-"
Auditor: "He used that job as a cover...His actual job was a psychotic killer..."
Fubuki: "Like Sui-chan?"
Coco: "He's not like her..."
(Auditor quickly went straight to the point by explaining backgrounds of his and tricky's...
This caused the trio shivered in fear, now that they know who Tricky really is...)
Mio: "H-H-He's an actual z-z-zombie?!?!"
Fubuki: "H-How did he get t-the license of being a-a DJ?!"
Auditor: "Probably falsified his ID or something...He might be a crazy sonuvabitch, but he's smart...smarter than you all think..."
Ayame: "W-Will you p-protect us from him?"
Auditor: *smiles slightly, caressingly moves her hair behind her ear* "That is exactly what my job is..."
Mio: *gasps* "Y-you're hired?!"
Auditor: "Personal bodyguard for now, i might resign the contract by adding being possible manager"
Coco: "I can totally see you as a manager"
A-Chan: "I agree too"
Kanata: "Uhm, what should we do now?"
Auditor: "...Tricky managed to hack the building's electricity...I guess i'll get my men upgrading the HQ itself and the security system as well"
Coco: "Let us help you then!"
Auditor: "It's fine Kiryu-san, my men and i got this"
(As soon as he finished his sentence, a couple of engineers walk into the office as the rest of them were taking all the floors of the building to upgrade the security systems...)
A-Chan: "W-Woah! That was fast for them to get on their job!"
Auditor: "They do take some breaks, but only on the weekends, they don't work on Saturdays and Sunday"
Ayame/Sora: (☆▽☆) "So cool!!!~"
Fubuki: "Can you also check our WiFi in case that crazy clown hijacked it as well?"
Auditor: "I might need assistance for that"
Engineer: "Sir!" *Y/N looks at him* "Ready to assist, i'm not alone too"
(Roboco was seen walking in the office, smiling and waving at Y/N)
Roboco: "Harobo~ I heard you need help with electricity"
Auditor: "We're upgrading your WiFi connection, especially upgrade security systems"
Roboco: "Leave it to me! I'm ready to help you!"
Engineer: "Same here, sir!"
Auditor: *nods* "Let's go then, lead the way, Roboco-san"
Roboco: "Hai!"
(She then walks out of the office with Y/N and his man as they both follow the high spec android girl...)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(I'm with one of my engineers and Roboco-san heading where the internet router is located...
For that, we had to take the stairs, according to Roboco-san, she said the main router is on the lower floor...
It seems fair and safe, anyway, the three of us were walking down the stairs to get there)
Engineer: "This kinda reminds me of one of the bases back at Nevada..."
"It does give that kind of vibe..."
Roboco: "Are the stairwell that scary for you guys?"
(Once we reached down to the turnaround, we look down the stairs and see this...)
"...If we are going to die, we blame Roboco-san"
Roboco: "E-Ehhhhh?!"
Engineer: "I'll take lead guys, i got heavy support"
(I saw him walking past us as he draws his rifle with the flashlight attachment on the right side of it...
Once he turns it on, we can see the stairwell clearly)
Engineer: "There, we should be good"
"Remind the others to install lights in this place"
Engineer: "Roger that"
(We then proceeded to walk downstairs until we reach for the lower floor of the HQ after 3 turnaround of the stairwell...
As the three of us reached the lower floor, Roboco immediately hug my arm as i feel her shivering)
"Scared of darkness?"
Roboco: "I-I may have night v-vision but i-it still gives me nightmares w-walking in the darkness"
Engineer: *looks around* "It's not that bad, there are only spiders spraying their webs on the corners"
*snaps my finger as multiple screens appear around me* "According to this blueprint, there should be a switch to turn the lights on"
Roboco: "I-It won't work..." *Y/N and Engineer look at her* "I-I forgot to u-uhm...f-fix it..."
Engineer: "Just that? No problem, i can fix it"
"Also make a daily routine to check this floor, just in case if we get hacked again..."
Engineer: "Copy that, let's fix and upgrade the system"
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera shows where the Holo Office is located...
As the screen zooms in, A-Chan and Yagoo were seen talking to each other as Sora was munching on her sandwich bought from the cafeteria...)
A-Chan: "So Auditor-san and Jeb-san are from Nevada...Like the zombie clown..."
Yagoo: *nods* "We actually hit a jackpot, we now have him as our personal security guard"
A-Chan: "That's a good point...but what would happen if he isn't here all the time?"
???: "That shouldn't be a problem, ladies and gentleman"
(The trio look over and they see one of Auditor's agents walking in with a soldat by his side)
Soldat: "Auditor has already planned everything for occasions where he isn't present on his job" *looks down at his board* "We have everything under control"
Agent: "As for us agents, we cover the perimeter from the outside, having multiple houses as small hideouts for gathering intel and stuffs"
Sora: "Woahhh...That's so cool!"
A-Chan: "All of the sudden, i feel more safer"
Yagoo: "..."
Soldat: "Motoaki Tanigo, was it?" *he nods* "We assure you none of you will get harmed in any way possible...Y/N is actually a kind person who makes us saw the real world works..."
Agent: "Sure, we do cause some shenanigans or getting killed from most of the parts, but we do have experience of protecting people..."
A-Chan: "I-I still haven't used t-to hear Auditor-san's real name..."
Agent: *chuckles* "Neither do we, but we got used to it"
Sora: *tilts her head* "How did you do that?"
Soldat: "We only call him by his real name if something bad happens to him"
Yagoo: "Has that ever happened?"
Agent: *shakes his head* "Never, he's always cautious on his surroundings...even with us"
Sora: "What do you mean?"
Soldat: "There were some moments where some of us tried to rebel against him" *flips paper behind the board* "Only a couple of them redeemed their mistakes"
A-Chan: "Why would they betray Auditor-san?"
Agent: "Selling him out, leaking intel, higher paycheck and so on..."
Yagoo: "It sounds like he has trusting issues..."
Agent: "Not to you all whatsoever, he seems Japan has its perks to open his eyes"
Soldat: *looks at the board* "We're getting out of time, we still need to fix the parking lot, fixing the lights and building a dick- WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS?!"
(Everyone got startled by his voice, Shion was the first one to take a peek on the board...
Once she sees what it was written, the witch started laughing really hard as she rolls around the ground)
Shion: "hahahahahahahaha!!!!"
Agent: *peeks on the board* "Pfft" *coughs* "I-I think one of the grunts did that"
Soldat: "God damn it! Where is he?!"
Agent: "Helping a giant knight collecting materials for the parking lot"
Soldat: "I'm gonna have a word with him"
(He hands the board over to the agent and pulls out a shotgun from his back, cocking it as he starts marching towards the parking lot...
Soon after, they hear gunshots followed by some "manly" screams as someone was running away from his life...
Back at the office, everyone was sweatdropping as the agent was fixing the board)
Agent: "According to the board, Auditor and the others should've fixed and upgraded the building by..." *looks up at the ceiling* ""
[System Online...
Loading 0%...
Loading 10%...
Loading 25%...
Loading 44%...
Loading 58%...
Loading 69%...
Loading 76%...
Loading 80%...
Loading 99%...
Loading 100%...
Load Complete...]
[Scanning Area, In Progress...
Area Scanned...]
[Security System, Upgraded.]
[Camera System, Upgraded.]
[Light System, Upgraded.]
[Streaming System, Upgraded.]
[Upgrade Complete.]
[Boosting Up...]
Agent: "There you go, now we have everything under control"
A-Chan: "You guys are no joke for this, huh"
Agent: "Heh, we're always up for protection and security"
(A few moments later, Y/N, Roboco and the engineer walk back into the office as everyone were greeting them)
Sora: "Oh, welcome back guys! Did something happen?"
Auditor: "Besides your high spec idol is actually a clumsy girl, everything was alright"
Engineer: *looks around* "Where's Soldat?"
Agent: "He said he wanted to talk with one of the grunts because they mess up the board"
Auditor: "What exactly did he do?"
(The agent shows the board to his boss and engineer, which the latter started laughing really hard when he saw what it was written)
Auditor: *sighs* "...Is he dead?"
Agent: "Negative, he's running away from the Soldat, which he wanted to talk with the grunt while holding a shotgun"
Engineer: *laughing* "Hahahaha! F-Fuck, that's so funny!"
Auditor: *facepalms* "...Delete the last part and stick to the original list"
Agent: "Roger that"
Auditor: *looks at the engineer* "Go back fixing the parking lot, after that, you all are dismissed"
Engineer: *wipes his tear, chuckling* "Hehehe, copy sir"
(He then starts to walk out towards the parking lot to help the others finishing to fix the area...
Meanwhile, the soldat comes back with some blood on his clothes, making the idols and the CEO worried about that)
Kanata: "U-Uhm...W-What happened t-to him?"
Soldat: "Huh? Oh, you mean the blood? Don't worry, we ended up throwing punches and he broke my jaw"
Coco: "Awww, i wanted to see you guys in actions..."
Agent: "Left or right side?"
Soldat: "Right"
(The agent walks over to his superior and pops his jaw back into its place, the sound makes the others shivering in discomfort)
Coco: "Ooo, that's gotta hurt"
Auditor: "It isn't the first time they get their bones pop out of their sockets"
Kanata: "D-Don't do that i-infront of us again though..."
Auditor: *looks at his men* "You heard the angel, restrict yourselves from doing that"
Agent: "Roger" *turns around and bows slightly at Kanata* "My apologies, Amane-san"
Soldat: *also bows* "Sorry for witnessing this"
Kanata: "I-It's alright! There's no need to bow!"
Auditor: "For the record, all of my men are simping multiple VTubers when they figured out where i was"
Agent: "I can't deny that"
Soldat: "Too focused on my job, didn't get a chance to know what a VTuber is"
Auditor: "You should take a break, at least once in a while, no need overwork yourself"
Soldat: "Hmm...I guess you have a point"
Engineer: *radio* "Sir! We've fixed the parking lot! The undead knight was really helpful!"
Auditor: *snaps his fingers as multiple screens appear infront of him* "Well done, you all are dismissed, stand by for further instructions"
Engineer: "Roger that, Sir" *turns around* "You heard him everyone! We're RTB at 1 Mike!"
(Auditor smiled at their behavior as he dismisses his screens, making them disappear)
Auditor: *looks at Soldat* "The Agents and i can handle the rest, you can head back to base"
Soldat: "Copy sir, stay safe"
(He then walks out to reunite with the others to heading back to Y/N's base...
Soon after, everyone in the building can hear the humvees starting to drive away from the headquarters...)
Sora: "I wish i can meet the rest of your stuff..." (╥﹏╥)
Auditor: *chuckles nervously* "T-They are more than i can count, but i'm sure you'll manage to meet them"
Agent: "I'll go to the hideout so we can secure the perimeter for possible infiltrators"
Auditor: "Got it, report when you see anything suspicious"
(His agent nods his head and goes outside to walk towards one of his hideouts)
Kanata: "I feel more safer now, we have you and your men to protect us!"
Coco: "I wished i could've done more than backing you against that clown..."
Auditor: "My words are nothing but truths, if you wish to train, i'll be happy to help you, same goes to any members of Hololive"
Yagoo: "In that case, can you help me with our new group?!"
A-Chan: "E-Ehhh?!"
Sora: *gasps* "We're having a new group of idols?!"
Yagoo: "Sou desu ne, they passed the auditions and now they have a week to prepare themselves to be official idols!" *comically cries out of joy* "M-My dream is becoming true!"
Auditor: *sighs* "Can i have the intel of these new idols?"
Yagoo: *composes himself* "Oh right" *coughs* "The girls are Momosuzu Nene, Shishiron Botan, Yukihana Lamy, Omaru Polka and Aloe Mano"
Auditor: 'Quite a group right there...interesting' as he thought...
Auditor: "I'll inform my agents about them, they'll get escorted over here safely"
Yagoo: *smiles* "Arigatogozaimasuta, Auditor-san"
Auditor: "No need to thank me, after all...
The Judgement Day has begun..."
(A/N): I need to stop neglecting my stories, this one was more of a shenanigan instead of an actual chapter, i hope y'all don't mind that
Anyway, i really hope you all are enjoying this story, i'm gonna take a rest before my brain gets completely fried
I'll see you guys in the next one, bye bye!!!
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