Chapter 4: Meeting the Idols Pt.2
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(On the previous chapter, we saw Motoaki Tanigo and Auditor talking about business and for his new job as an idol...
A-Chan and Sora, mostly Sora, were the first to welcoming him, soon after, the 4th generation of Hololive introduced themselves and welcomed Auditor...
During the break, a certain cat- i mean, kitsune from 1st Generation and two other idols from Generation 0, which were Fubuki, Roboco and Miko, also introduced and welcomed our main protagonist...
But that was just the beginning...
He's still have some other idols to meet...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
(It was Monday, which means it's been 2 days since Auditor met A-Chan, Sora and the others, right now, Auditor decided to teleport instead of walking on his way to Hololive HQ, he then proceeded to do so, surprising the receptionist but making the goddess happy)
Sora: *waves at him* "Hello, Auditor-san!"
Auditor: "Good morning to both of you"
A-Chan: *grabs all the papers* "Next time, warn us whenever you're coming"
Auditor: "I would say "Phrasing", but i believe you're correct, so i'll warn you next time"
A-Chan: *blushes* "Idiot..."
(Sora didn't get the joke, she was confused of what they said)
Sora: "Eh?"
Auditor: "Worry not, it isn't a big problem, it was just a poor attempt to make a joke"
Sora: "Ohhhhh, i see!" ^_^
Auditor: *looks at A-Chan* "I still required assistance for the tour, in case i get lost and etcetera"
A-Chan: "What about using your power to make a map?"
Auditor: "I would need a computer with the blueprint of this building to make a map for my own"
A-Chan: "Oh"
Sora: "I wish i could join but today i have to stream, gomenne Auditor-san" (╥﹏╥)
Auditor: 'So pure and innocent...' as he thought
Auditor: "It's quite alright, you could always join with us afterwards"
A-Chan: "He's right" *stands up and walks away* "Later, Sora"
(Auditor bowed at Sora and went after A-Chan as Sora waved at them saying "See you two around!")
A-Chan: "You already know about their stream offices, so i'll take you where the girls go to eat if they didn't bring their lunch boxes"
Auditor: "This building has its own cafeteria?"
A-Chan: "Yagoo-san wanted the girls to get along to each other, it worked perfectly as everyone is like a big family group"
Auditor: "How thoughtful of him, i honestly didn't expect that"
A-Chan: *giggles* "You'll get surprised of these girls' attics"
Auditor: 'Tricky's craziness would say otherwise' as he thought
(The duo then started using the elevator to head to the first floor)
[A few minutes later]
(After A-Chan giving Auditor a second tour of the headquarters, the duo decided to take a break and heading to the cafeteria)
A-Chan: "And this is the cafeteria we were taking about"
Auditor: "Quite fancy here, i give credits to your boss"
A-Chan: "You mean "our" boss?"
Auditor: "Until i get the green light to debut myself, i'm no idol nor am i an agent, i'm a recruit staff member"
A-Chan: "Hmm, i guess that makes sense"
(The two of them ordered their foods, especially Auditor ordering his favorite drink inside a paper cup with a straw, then they went to an empty table and took their seats)
Auditor: "Is it your first time taking a break with someone or...?"
A-Chan: "I rarely take some break from work, with lack of staff members, i'll do most of the work"
Auditor: "It must've been hard to do all the papers by yourself" *drinks his cup*
A-Chan: "It is, but i got used to it"
???: "Hey A-Chan, who is this guy?"
(She looked over and smiled at the group...
...meanwhile Auditor is analyzing them)
Auditor: 'Let's see here...Shironare Noel, Shiranui Flare, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia and Houshou Marine...3rd generation of Hololive...' as he thought
Auditor: "I'm the newest official member of Hololive, it's nice to meet you girls"
Pekora: "Is this the pervert that Shion-senpai was talking about?"
A-Chan: "Ah-"
(A tick mark appears on his head, however his expression was serious)
Auditor: "...I hope that witch didn't say anything bad..."
A-Chan: "Auditor-san, your voice"
Auditor: *drinks his cup* " apologies, everyone"
Flare: "It's alright sir, I'm Shiranui Flare and these are my genmates"
Noel: "Kon-muscle! I'm the knight Shironare Noel"
Rushia: "Hello! My name's Uruha Rushia, the necromancer!"
Marine: "Ahoy!~ I'm the Pirate, Hoshou Marine desu!~"
Pekora: "Kon-peko, Kon-peko, Kon-peko! And i'm the rabbit girl, Usada Pekora-peko!"
Auditor: *bows his head slightly* "Good morning to you all, i go by as "The Auditor", it is a pleasure to make acquaintances with you five" *looks back up and eats his food*
Marine: "Ooo~ Such a gentleman, you are~"
Rushia: "Your horniness is showing up, Marine..."
Pekora: *nods her head* "Humu humu humu"
Marine: "I-i'm not horny!"
Auditor: *looks at Noel and Flare with a question mark appearing on his head*
Noel: *giggles embarrassingly* "Don't mind them, especially Marine, they're always like that"
Flare: "Yeah...sorry about her"
Auditor: "Worry not, i've dealt with crazy stuffs before, it wouldn't be the first time"
Marine: *smirks seductively* "What kind of crazy stuffs you did?~"
Auditor: *lifts his hand and summons his gun, holding it* "Anything that weren't perverted stuffs..."
(Pekora and Rushia hid behind Noel and Flare meanwhile Marine was shaking, not because of fear, but because of lots of her lewd, dirty and horny thoughts)
Marine: "O-oh really?~ C-can you prove it?~"
Auditor: *looks at A-Chan* " this pirate serious?..."
A-Chan: *rubs her neck nervously* "H-Heh...Y-yeah...she's uhm...THAT kind of know what i mean?"
Auditor: 'So this pirate is an M...noted' as he thought
(He then lifted his hand back down as his gun disappeared into thin air)
Auditor: *looks at Pekora and Rushia* "You two are clear, i'm no longer armed"
(The said duo peeked over and sighed in relief)
Auditor: "Please keep her away from me"
Noel: "Leave that to me"
Flare: "She's strong, so she can hold Marine like nothing"
Auditor: "Interesting..." *drinks his cup*
Rushia: 'Hmm, Auditor...where did i hear that name before?' as she thought
Pekora: "Are you here as an idol like us-peko?"
Auditor: "Not quite, i haven't debuted yet, so as long as my status stays like this, i'm more like of a recruit staff member"
Noel: "That's actually cool, we're still be able to hang out!"
Auditor: "Indeed, we will"
(As he went back to eat his food, the 3rd gen forgot to get their own foods, so they excused the duo to go to the lunch lady)
Auditor: "Quite an interesting group"
A-Chan: "You'll be surprised about the other branches too, besides HoloJP"
Auditor: "HoloID and HoloEN, correct?"
A-Chan: "You really did your researches about us, huh"
Auditor: "What can i say...i do find this agency really fascinating"
???: "Hello A-Chan~"
(She turned around to see who greeted her...
...and it was the ban- vampire, Yozora Mel, and the nurse of Hololive, Yuzuki Choco)
A-Chan: "Oh, hi there, Mel, good morning Choco-sensei"
Choco: "Hello to you too, A-Chan~"
Auditor: 'My chastity and will are in danger...must be the woman with big titties- why the fuck am i thinking that?' as he thought
Auditor: "Greetings, Vampire and Devil"
Mel: "Oh hello! You must be the newcomer, right?"
Auditor: "Correct, your boss and i talked about it and he hired me"
Choco: "Ara~ Aren't you quite an handsome gentleman~"
Auditor: 'Two can play at the same game, Nurse~' as he thought
Auditor: *smirks* "It takes more than that to seduce me~"
(Mel and A-Chan were surprised to see him flirting back at Choco, which the said nurse were impressed he didn't fall that easily)
Choco: "Fufufu~ I guess the two of us will get along just fine~"
Auditor: "As long as you don't plan to get under my pants like that pirate over there" *points at Marine behind his shoulder without looking*
Marine: *on the background* "I wasn't planning to!"
Auditor: "Denial is the first step of acceptance of your plan."
Marine: 'Damn, he's good...but i wouldn't mind if he has his way with me~' as she thought
Auditor: *finishes his food* "I guess it's time for me to go"
A-Chan: "Alright, let me just finish-"
Auditor: "Your assistance is no longer required, i already analyzed all the floors and rooms in this building, i thank you for the help"
(He then bowed at her, snapped his fingers as a small screen appears infront of him and transferred a small amount of Yen in A-Chan's bank account)
Auditor: "Consider it as a reward for completing a small task of mine, i'll see you around, A-Chan"
(He turned around, nodded at Mel and Choco as a "See you later" sign and walked out of the cafeteria)
A-Chan: *checks her bank account on her phone, surprised* "Oh wow, he really gave me 50k Yen"
Mel: "Heeeeh? Is he a rich person?"
Flare: "Watame told us that he has more than one million Yen, is it true, A-Chan?"
A-Chan: *nods* "Y-Yeah, he also gave money to Miko-san for Horse Racing"
Choco: "Oh my~ Quite a keeper, i would say~"
-Change Scene-
-Auditor's P.O.V.-
(So far, all the girls i've met, they're all nice and really interesting about their trails, species and even their own accents...for the shenanigans, i must say that Tricky would've suit well if he wasn't dead...)
? *checks my phone*
[Code Red: Tricky went missing last week]
(What?! How?! Did my men get terminated?! They better give me a report or a reason why he went missing out of nowhere!)
(No...He WAS dead, but he was on Phase 5, i believe...which only means-)
???: "Hey! You're the one who saved us days ago!"
(I turned around and saw the cat girl and dog girl from the alleyway, seems like they work here as well)
"We meet once again, i hope you two are doing well after that event"
Cat girl: "Oh yeah, we're fine now, Koro-san managed to defend me and herself against some perverts"
"Koro-san": "Hehehe"
"I also believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we?"
"Koro-san": "Oh right! We totally forgot about that! I'm Inugami Korone!"
Cat girl: "And i'm Nekomata Okayu"
"I take a wild guess and say that you two are from Hololive Gamers"
Korone: *gasps* "That's right! How did you know that?!"
*smiles* "I did say i would've taken a wild guess"
Okayu: "You guessed right, what about you?"
"The name's Auditor, i'm the newest member of Hololive"
Okayu: "Really? Are you an idol like us?"
"Not quite, i haven't debuted yet, so you would say that i'm a staff member for the time being"
Korone: "Ooo! That means you can also watch our streams in person whenever we're here!"
"That's correct, Tanigo-san said i should watch your streams to learn a thing or two, but any more intel of that are classified for personal matters"
Okayu: "So professional, i barely understand what you said"
"I tend to take this job quite seriously, my apologies"
Korone: "Don't worry! You were so cool anyways!"
(She flashed me a really cute smile as her dog tail were swaying left and right like an excited and happy dog would sway its tail)
*chuckles slightly* "Thanks for the compliment, Korone"
Korone: "Nee, do you like playing videogames? retro ones too?"
"Hmm...last time i've got time to play videogames would've been 2 or 3 years ago"
Okayu: "That long? What stopped you from playing?"
"My former project kept me really busy... unfortunately it was a failure, causing to lose many employees of mine during the job..."
Okayu: "O-oh...i-i'm sorry for your loss"
*smiles reassuringly* "It's quite fine, Nekomata-senpai, i already redeemed myself from such sin, fret not"
(I proceeded to pat her head, she started leaning towards my hand, getting used to get patted while purring)
Korone: "Neee! It's not fair! I want headpat too!"
*chuckles* "Alright, Alright, Here you go, Inugami-san"
(I then started patting her head as well, she quickly melted into it as her tail swayed back and forth, seems like she really likes headpat as much as Nekomata does)
*puts my hands off their heads* "There, you got enough headpats?"
Okayu: *nods* "Hn, it felt really nice"
Korone: "Can we get more headpats?!"
*holds my pointer finger up* "Only if you promise to behave whenever i'm around, does it sound fair?"
(Both of them nodded, guess they already got addicted of getting headpats from me)
"Then you got yourself a deal"
Okayu/Korone: "Yay~/Yatta!~"
(I then see them double high-fiving, making me chuckles at their childish attitude)
"As much as i would admire the adorableness, this is where we part ways, i still need to get used to this building"
Okayu: "That's fine, we were about to go find Fubu-chan and Mio-sha"
Korone: "Oh right! Our collab should start anytime soon! Make sure to check our stream when you have time!"
(She then grabbed Nekomata's arm and dragged her whenever their studios are, i simply waved at them with a smile)
"Heh...That dog sure is a ball of energy"
(I put my arm down, frowning as i realized about the news from my agents)
"Dr. Hofnarr...What are you plotting after your Improbability Drive got destroyed?..."
-Somewhere Else-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Somewhere in Japan, we see a guy with his skin being as green as a zombie, some parts of his skins are missing, mostly on his face, however, his face is covered with a medal/steel mask...he's also carrying a warning sign over his shoulder...there's only one meaning of this...
...Tricky has been joined in the game)
(A/N): HOLY SHIT!!! TRICKY HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN JAPAN ALREADY?!! You know that means, we might going to see how Tricky finds out that The Auditor is also in Japan! For now, enjoy this cliffhanger, hope you liked this chapter and i see y'all in the next one!!!
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