Chapter 12: Unexpected Turnaround
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Hololive HQ-
(After three long days of Hololive Concert and HoloFest, Auditor was seen sitting on the couch while rewatching the VOD...
It was needless to say, he was impressed by how passionate the girls were and how excited the fans were.)
Auditor: *mind* "The concert went smoothly as Tanigo-shachou and i expected...I really like how Azki was the only girl who wore in black idol uniform comparing with everyone else..."
A-Chan: "Auditor-san? Do you have a minute?"
(He swiped the screen aside and lifted his head up to meet A-Chan's eyes, which she was as tired as usual.)
Auditor: "Is there something i can help you with?"
A-Chan: "I was just wondering if you were fine after multi working between security and bodyguards back at the concert..."
Auditor: *smiles at her concern* "I appreciate your concern about my health, but rest assured this is nothing but mere easy jobs for the Agency..."
A-Chan: "I see...well, if you need any assistance, i'm more willing to help you in any way possible."
(Y/N smiled at her offer by nodding his head before going back watching the VOD of the concert...
After some time, Sora and some of the hololive idols were walking inside the office, which only a few were still tired from the concert.)
Sora: "Good morning, everyone!~" (≧▽≦)
A-Chan: *smiles at them* "Good morning, Sora. Good morning, girls."
Suisei: *stretches her arms up* "Hgnn~ My muscles are still sore from all the dancing..."
Subaru: "Hehe, speak for yourself...i feel perfectly fine."
Auditor: "Good morning, everyone. Congratulations for your first concert, by the way."
Subaru: "Thanks! Also thank you for being our security!"
Pekora: "Yeah! I've never felt that secured before!"
Auditor: "I was just doing my job...nothing more, nothing less."
(Later on, two agents walk in the office to do their usual routine to check the cameras and stuffs...
Surprisingly for everyone, Botan was also with the agents, making The Auditor intrigued by the scene.)
Auditor: "Agents, what's the meaning of that?"
Agent-34: "Shishiro-san offered herself to be part of the security team."
Agent-25: "With due all honesty sir, she's been quite a helpful idol when we trained some Grunts on how to use guns."
Auditor: "...Is that so?"
Botan: *nods in confirmation* "Yup, i was curious about your agency and figured about lending a hand, y'know?"
Agent-34: " was needless to say that one of the grunts ended up dying..."
Auditor: "Number and explanation."
Agent-25: "It was number 138...He got squashed by one of the SUVs."
Agent-34: "It fell sideways due to over lifting it for repairing the oil..."
Auditor: 💢 "And i thought i've told specifically to NOT be a disappointment."
Agent-34: "On our defense...It was the Soldat-68."
Agent-25: "Damn, throwing him under the bus like that?"
Botan: *points her finger up* "I can confirm that cuz i was there when it happened."
Agent-25: "...ok, i ain't going to defend him anymore."
Auditor: *lets out a deep sigh* "...Just don't get the white lioness injured."
Agents: "Yessir."
(And thus, the two agents took Botan out of the office to head back at the firing range...
Y/N was about to go back to his work, but he was stopped by A-Chan by putting her hand on his shoulder.)
A-Chan: "We still have a job to do."
Auditor: "...Moderation within the girls' streams?"
A-Chan: "Yes..." *looks around before leaning closer to him, whispering* "...Coco may lure us thinking she's fine, but she's still being targeted by some harsh viewers..."
Auditor: "...I see..."
A-Chan: "...Protect her however you can...We already disbanded a branch."
(Y/N nodded his head and summons multiple red screens to watch and moderate every streams from Hololive members...
A-Chan then smiled at him before she went back to her desk to work back on the laptop.)
Auditor: "Let's see how the girls are doing in their stream..."
Auditor: "So wholesome...Let's check the other stream..."
Auditor: *impressed* "Well...She really is a high tech one."
Auditor: "Interesting...Besides leaving INNK, she sure does have some geography skills..."
Auditor: "...Interesting...Kiryu sure was going all out in this one..."
(Suddenly, a gunshot was heard...
Everyone in the office jump in shock when they heard it.)
Subaru: "What was that?!"
Auditor: *calls his Agents* "All stations. Report."
Agent-73: "It was one of the grunts, sir..."
Soldat-56: "Did they forget to switch the safety on?"
Agent-71: "No, not in that way. It's one of the grunts who got shot."
Auditor: "...Who killed him?"
Engineer-49: "Uhm...Shishiro-san did it... And she did it with a deagle."
Auditor: "...Do i even bother to ask why she would do that?"
Soldat-44: "Blud fucking asked for, boss! He was doing lots of sexual harassment comments on the White Lion!"
Engineer-49: "To be honest...She dropped him with professions...I may even think she watched John Wick movies or something."
(Auditor sighs deeply and rubs the temple of his nose, he then takes a deep breath and deletes another grunt's name on his screen.)
Auditor: "Next time, use mannequins as targets. I'll accept the execution for once, understood?"
Agents: "Yes sir."
Auditor: "Alright. Now, go back to work, everyone."
(After his command, Auditor ends the call by closing some of his red screens as he returns to focus on monitoring the girls...
The rest of the girls resume what they were doing before getting surprised by the gunshot from earlier, as if nothing happened.)
-Hololive Headquarters-
(It's late noon, it was lunchtime in the headquarters...
The group inside their office gathered together to head their way to the cafeteria, talking with each others...
Before taking the right turn, Coco can be seen running into the group, causing some of them to get pushed or moved aside...
Auditor takes notice of a tear falling down from her cheek before the group and himself watch the dragon girl speeding off.)
Subaru: "Coco!?"
Sora: *concerned* "Is she alright?"
???: "Coco!!!"
(Everyone turn their heads and see the rest of 4th gen, which Luna was literally dying in the background from running for long.)
Subaru: "Kanata! What happened to Coco?!"
Kanata: "It's Coco! Her viewers started to targeting her again!"
A-Chan: *crossing her arms* "What did they do?"
Kanata: "They went too far this time! They've started calling her names and threatened her deathwishes! And the worst part is that she left mid-stream while she's collabing with Flare-senpai!"
Akirose: *frowns slightly* "Coco-san..."
(Auditor's body can be seen slowly turning into its original form, making his halo glowing redder and brighter...
Red lightnings are seen sparkling in-between the gap of his head and the shattered halo...
Upon realizing his anger showing off, he looks at the girls and notices their fear while Towa is literally hiding behind Luna.)
Subaru: *scared* "A-Auditor...san?"
Auditor: *passively angry* "May i ask where Kiryu's streaming room is?"
A-Chan: *shivering in fear* "...W-Why?"
(Auditor closes his eyes, showing more of his red aura glowing around his body...
Shortly after, a twisted sinister smile appears on his face, giving the girls chill from fear.)
Auditor: "Because i would love to give a sample of my moderation on her stream."
(A-Chan shakily points at the hall where 4th gen came from, he then begins to float where she pointed at, leaving everyone behind as he's on his way to Coco's streaming room...
Y/N then "calmly" walks past through the group, heading straight to Coco's room, and out of nowhere, two Engineers appear walking out of the emergency stairs' door...
Before they could notice Y/N, the said main protagonist lets out two greyish black tentacles and phases them into the engineers' heads, causing the two to twitch from the contact before their grey skins turn slightly darker with their eyes turn red stretched wide open...
As soon as the three of them are out of everyone's sights, A-Chan and the rest of the idols let out a huge sigh in relief, some even fall on their knees as their legs suddenly gave up on them.)
A-Chan: "O-Oh my god..."
Subaru: "P-Please tell me...i w-wasn't the only one who felt that pressure..."
(Suisei can be seen and caught cross with them, she was trembling with her thighs rubbing together as Kanata is on the floor in the background, possibly pass out from Y/N's passive menacing aura.)
Akirose: *scared* "...S-Should we...go get Coco?"
(Towa was the first one to act and quickly drags Kanata's body away from the hall to the break office's room...
Shortly after, the rest begin to follow them to head for the office, everyone except for Sora, who was left behind while she was still staring where Auditor left to before he's no longer in sight.)
Sora: "...Y/N." As she thought.
-Scene Change-
-Auditor's P.O.V.-
(All i can sense is nothing but pure anger...madness...and even killing instinct for what i've heard of Kiryu being treated like trash, as they say...
For once, i've dealt worst than this mere cyber bullishness. I've fought, killed, bled and used lots of people back in Nevada, getting adapted and always getting what i wanted. However...this has been going for far too long, especially how this agency has some minor fans...
And the fact these chinese-
I mean, Taiwanese, can't actually take a small joke...
I might take this opportunity to show what i CAN do to them...)
Dark Engineer 1: "Sir. We're at Kiryu Coco's streaming office."
(Kiryu is also a human...Getting treated like that because of her and Haachama's mere joke...)
Dark Engineer 2: "Your orders, sir?"
(Now they'll pay for this. Raiding Time.)
(I didn't give them to respond back once i immediately walk inside Kiryu's streaming room...
They think the moderation is that inefficient?
Time to make them think twice.)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(The camera shows Coco's stream still on-going with the chat spamming messages either worried and concerned from genuine fans or constant hate and calling names from haters...
However, Coco's Avatar was on idle animation since she ran off while crying, which it was understandable...
Auditor decides that enough was enough, so he took measure and immediately execute his superiority as moderator.)
Auditor: "Good evening, all Tatsunoko fans. Due to inconvenience with our Dragon Idol, Kiryu Coco, i deeply apologize for her departure during her stream."
(Once the chat heard a male voice instead of Coco returning, everyone begins to ponder with lots of chats.)
Kaigai-niki: "WHO DIS GUYS?!"
Dragonlover2: "DAMN HIS VOICE IS DEEP!"
Holofan999: "Daddy voice? Hello?"
Auditor: "However, there is something i cannot let it slide by closing an eye...and that is constant calling names, hate comments and cyber bullishness toward a living life like all of us. Please reconsider to restrain your comments to make any idols, including Kiryu Coco, go into a breakdown for their hardworking."
(His message was loud and clear enough to make some of the haters to think for their actions while others kept on commenting negative chats.)
Trollmaker_0: "So professional, sasuga staff member."
Vertigo_CS: "Well said! Say sorry, you haters!"
Hater: "Sorry? Not sorry."
AntiDragon88: "Blame those chinese people! We only hate for jokes!"
(As soon as one of the comments throw a chinese viewer under the bus, multiple chinese messages appear in the chat...
Little thing they know, Auditor just played them right under his hand...
Without a second thought, Auditor immediately uses one of his red screens to count every chinese comments in Coco's streaming chat before he gets ready to intercept all devices to get both stream and his own broadcast live all around Japan...
But that wasn't even the closest thing...
His broadcast was live on all around the world...
Italy, America, Japan, Spain, Russia, every single countries/nations, all the screens from billboards, TVs, PCs, Laptops, Tablets and Phones were transmitting Auditor's broadcast.)
Auditor: "Well, if isn't it quite ironic...A mere guy, such as myself, is trying to maintain peace and rather not making any scenes or turning this whole scenario into a drama..."
(Auditor then pauses before looking serious at the camera.)
Auditor: "...But i believe it is not possible to do. So, allow me to make this clear."
(His eyes slowly starts to turn red, his gray skin gradually fades into pitch black, his halo gets brighter and brighter by the second he gets passively angry...
At that point, he didn't register his thoughts about letting himself exposed like that to his broadcast.
But he didn't care any of that.)
Auditor: "From this day onward, i declare myself, The Auditor, to announce publicly my profession as the staff moderator of Hololive Agency. Any rules being broken will be respond with immediate action. Including the cyber bullishness and illegal bot spams invasion."
(And with his warning, everything turns back to normal as all the devices around the world went back to their original commercials...
Shortly after his declaration...
Breaking News from all around the world begin to report a sudden massive arrest in Taiwan.)
Auditor: "Therefore, thus who have made our idol going on a breakdown that causes her to leave her workplace in the middle of the stream, they shall be responded to the authority. No Exceptions."
(With that, he simply summon one of his red screens and taps a button labeled "INITIATE" on it...
Shortly after, all Taiwanese viewers and bot spams were either blocked, banned or even stopped chatting as if something happened to them...
Auditor wasted no time and begins to summon different red screens, showing multiple live break news about Taiwan having the highest police brutality as some screens show the police breaching inside lots of apartments, houses and condos to arrest multiple people in their own homes...
Soon, multiple international news are seen gossiping about the sudden police raid in Taiwan.)
EN Broadcast: "Breaking News from U.S.; a massive raid has been executed in--"
JP Broadcast: "Good Evening, Japan. Tonight we will discuss about--"
IT Broadcast: "Una grande massa di poliziotti in Taiwan hanno raidato in diverse case in meno di--"
KR Broadcast: "Multiple officers are seen dragging several rebellious people outside their own houses with handcuffs behind their backs, however--"
(All the broadcast from around the world are talking in their own respective native languages before Auditor's voice can be heard above all of his red screens.)
Auditor: "Make no mistakes, ladies and gentlemen. You may throw insults, names, hate and several threatening messages to any idols, but know that you've been warned for your actions..."
(Auditor leans closer to reveal his bright red eyes that turn the whole background into dark blood red.)
Auditor: "Any threatening super chats or messages towards Hololive Agency or even Holostars Agency. You will be punished for your mistake. Remember, i will be watching you...and most importantly..."
(Shortly after, the whole world cause to blackout before the electricity turn back to normal as if nothing happened despite the news that was just live streaming...
Later on that, Auditor simply put Coco's outro on her stream and leaves it for a good minute before he ends the stream...
After sending his message, Auditor was now calm and relaxed from all of his anger being unleashed passively throughout the entire world, he then proceeded to exit of Coco's streaming room with both of his Engineers following behind...)
-Scene Change-
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(After a few years from that event, things have drastically changed for both Hololive's corporation and Auditor's agency:
-The girls have now Auditor's soldats to moderate their chats in case for ANY activities.
-Auditor's agents are being hired as bodyguards whenever the girls are going out for their own businesses. However, they won't be nearby, they'll be disguising within a crowd of people to eye on any suspicious activies.
-A new branch was added in Hololive; HoloMyth EN, 1st Gen. Formed by Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina'nis, Amelia Watson and Gawr Gura. All five of them were being found and confronted by Y/N, aka Auditor.
-First encounter was with Calliope, or Calli; she and Y/N were seen at the rooftop with Shion, which she was so scared that she flew away by riding her broom... After she left, Calli and Y/N had a fight that no one ever expected.
-Second encounter; Kiara was spotted by the locals or some people who happened to be outside, noticing her phoenix form before she landed infront of the Hololive HQ. Auditor and his agents were armed, pointed their guns at her for any threatening movements...which it never happened.
-Third encounter; Calli and Kiara were open with Y/N and told them about this mysterious book that holds a priestess Cthulhu with omnipotent powers. With curiosity at its peak, Y/N called Jebus and let him confront the said priestess instead.
-Fourth Encounter; Due to his ability of teleportation and transportation, Amelia Watson caught Y/N off-guard by freezing the time with her pocket watch. However, she didn't know that Conductor was with him, which he calmly caused a professional, yet dancing combat before the detective was defeated.
-Lastly, Gawr Gura; During a trip on their day off, Y/N, Coco, Kanata, Suisei, and surprisingly Amelia, the group were at the beach to enjoy their day off as mentioned... It was started as normal, such as sunbathing, playing with water, swimming and so on. After some times, they dived deep into the water and discovered Atlantis out of nowhere, where Gura was extremely happy to see visitors.
Moving from there, inside the HQ, things are also changed there:
-Security has been upgraded and it's now 24/7, any suspicious activities will be immediately reported by Auditor's Soldats.
-Grunts have just been the same, slacking people who either finish their jobs or get killed by doing so, their deaths have become a regular thing for Suisei, Coco and other HoloMembers...the majority of them, they just kept being surprised and disturbed from their death's reports.
-Rushia and Y/N have had another talk, only for that to be turned into a heated fight between the Necromancer and the Corrupted Self-proclaimed Black and Red God... Things didn't go well for Rushia as she was now banished from Earth, trapped inside Pandemonium where she gets to survive at her very best...Or Death will stripped her necromancy before taking her soul...
And now...
Let us see how the corporation has been doing...)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
-Hololive HQ-
(The sun is brighting throughout Monday, first day of the week for Auditor and Hololive's Agencies...
Birds can be heard singing in the background, light car noises can be heard driving past the building, the sound of footsteps from people walking infront of the HQ, things have become rather chill for now...
As the camera zooms in, chatters from Hololive Staff members and Auditor's Agents can be heard as they either discuss about their reports or their request of assistance from one another...
A-Chan was now seen walking with Sora and Auditor, the trio were talking about how the agency has changed so much.)
A-Chan: "I've never expected that you crossed THAT line years ago...all it was just for protecting Coco from Antis."
Auditor: "A gamble worth to bet and make it work. My Agency has now spread all over the world as i always wanted in the first place...Fret not, i am now your new proper guardian."
Sora: *smiling happily* "We're so grateful to have you with us! Even with this professionalism, we're having so much fun and freedom after our during and after stream!"
(That statement made Y/N slightly smile, knowing he was a big part of this group as the girls considered themselves as family.)
Y/N: "No need to thank me, Sora...i was just doing my job."
A-Chan: *noticing his change of tone, smiling playfully* "Is that Auditor or Y/N?"
(Auditor simply lets a low breathily chuckle before looking at her with a slight smirk on his face.)
Auditor: "Cheeky girl..."
Sora: "By the way, Y/N-san. How did you convince Mori-san to be part of Hololive?"
A-Chan: "That's right, Sora...i wasn't there when that happened."
Auditor: "Allow me to tell you how it went that day..."
[1 year ago.]
Auditor: (Voice Only) "I was on a call meeting with Dr. Christoff, we were talking about two of our...patients...being relatively unstable, per say..."
(Back a year ago, Auditor was in his own office with his red screen displaying the video call with Jebus...
Throughout that year, the duo have been working about Hank's restoration and Tricky's Improbable Drive.)
Auditor: "Report, Jebus."
Jebus: "Things are going smoothly, for the most part...the rest is usual."
Auditor: "And my sister, Stygian?"
Jebus: "She was quite Hank, if you know what i mean..."
Auditor: "...She wouldn't-"
Jebus: *cut him off* "Yes, she did that."
Auditor: (V.O.) "As i mentioned, things were going fine. My agents were surveyed the HQ, the girls were doing their streams and the staffs were being helpful for my Grunts to be more...professional and less...stupid."
Auditor: "Your scientists are better not be taking notes to test Hank's powers like that."
Jebus: "I have them under control, don't worry about it. As for Tricky, he's still unstable and uncontrollable..."
Auditor: "But?"
Jebus: "But he has been cooperative whenever we needed, especially since we've told him about Project Nexus."
A-Chan: (V.O.) "Project Nexus? What's that?"
Auditor: (V.O.) "A project that has been executed by Director Phobos...The greater evil than Dr. Hoffnar, Dr. Christoff and myself combined..."
Sora: (V.O.) "Is he dangerous?"
Auditor: (V.O.) "You have nothing to fear. The Agency will take care of everything."
Auditor: "Noted...What about the other mercenary?"
Jebus: "Sanford has successfully been resurrected. Tricky sent his corpse to the Other World and he brought him back alive...with electric power."
Auditor: "Lightning powers, huh...Alright. Keep me updated if anything happens over there."
Jebus: "Understood."
A-Chan: (V.O.)"Sounds like you've been multitasking non-stop..."
Auditor: (V.O.)"Not my first, never will be the last...but back to the story, after the call, i've been called by the girls because Noel, Akirose and Lamy were passed out..."
Sora: (V.O.)"Were they sick?"
Auditor: (V.O.)"They were more...drunk...than being sick."
Nene: *shout* "Audi-chi!!!"
Auditor: (V.O.) "Nene was the one who warned me about Lamy's...drunkenness."
Auditor: "How can i help you, Nene?"
Nene: "It's Lamy-chan! She passes out!"
Auditor: "Consciousness?"
Nene: "Worse! It's alcohol, and it doesn't end there!"
Auditor: "Go on..."
Nene: "There's a grim reaper up there! At the rooftop, it's--"
Ayame: (V.O.) "Yahoo, Auditor-papa!"
[End Of Flashback]
[Present Day]
(Back to the present day, Ayame is seen immediately clinging on Auditor's right arm with her incredibly tight grip and her contagious giggles.)
Auditor: "Well hello there, Ayame."
Ayame: (≧▽≦) "Hello, papa"
Mio: *off-screen* "Mou, Ayame-chan!"
(The four look over and see Mio running towards them before she stops to catch her breath...
Shortly after, Subaru and Fubuki also joined with the group.)
Mio: *breathing heavily* M-Mouuu, Ayame! I told you to stop running away out of nowhere!"
Ayame: Ó╭╮Ò "But, Auditor-papa was here, Miosha..."
Fubuki: "Ayame-chan..."
Ayame: "What?"
Subaru: "Nee, why don't you treat me like Ayame?! You always treat her like she's your daughter!"
Mio: "I don't remember giving birth to you."
Subaru: "Neee, Miosha!!!"
(Auditor simply cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.)
Auditor: "As much as i would like to see such shenanigans, i was in the middle of a storytell about--"
(Ayame cuts him off by looking at him with shiny eyes.)
Ayame: (☆▽☆)✨ "Ehhhh! I wanna hear it too!"
Fubuki: "What about our 3D collab?"
Subaru: "That can wait, Fubuki. Ayame won't even bother to come with us, even if we tell her to--"
Mio: "Mou, Auditor-san! Stop spoiling Ayame-chan with your headpats!"
(Fubuki, Subaru, Sora and A-Chan turn their attentions to Mio, Auditor and Ayame with a surprised expressions on their faces...
The group are actually looking at them trio as if they're witnessing a family bickering going on right now.)
Auditor: "I don't see any problems with it, Mio-san."
Mio: *slightly pouting* "But if you keep treating her like that, she'll be more spoiled than she should be!"
Auditor: *chuckling at her* "Worry not, Mio-san...Ayame just wants some attentions, nothing to get so worked up with."
(Meanwhile, Ayame was just smiling cutely with her eyes closed, also having a relaxed expression that shows how much she likes being headpatted...
Back with the group, they still watch the whole scenario with surprised and amused looks before A-Chan was the first one to break the silence.)
A-Chan: "Chotto, Auditor-san. We went way off the topic here, we were talking about how you managed to let us form an English Branch for Yagoo-sachou."
Auditor: *realizes her point* "Oh right, i was about to forget that."
(Auditor then picks Ayame up like a cat and hands her over to Mio, which she was hugging Ayame as the oni was just giggling from being held that way.)
Auditor: "Since we have some guests, i can just explain how the Death's Apprentice is now working as an Idol...besides..."
(The camera slowly fades into pitch black, only for his red glowing eyes been the only thing that can be seen on the screen.)
Auditor: "I've faced worse opponents than her...Death isn't scary for me, because i AM who can closely resemble IT."
(Shortly after, Auditor's eyes begin to fade into the darkness as the background noises from the HQ can be heard before fading away.)
Do i always have edging you lot with this cliffhanger? Yes, because i'm evil!
What else did i do here? Hmm...Maybe a MASSIVE plot twist to "prevent" haters to keep hating on Coco and Haachama, hell-fucking-yeah i did!!!
Now enjoy while i make another chapter from one of my stories, i won't tell which one though!
Bye-bye and have a good day/night y'all!!!
P.S.: Which HoloMembers (Hololive and/or Holostars) do you like the most? Mines are Subaru, Mel, FuwaMoco and Iroha.
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