Chapter 11: The Preparation
-Day Time-
(Let's make a little jump forward for this chapter...
Maybe, a few months, like 3 or 4 months, Auditor and his new named agency, "Agency Against Anti Hololive", were working on establishing a stage for their first ever live concert in Japan...
Luckily for the girls, but unfortunately for Sora, the stadium in question was only popular around by 20k-30k people, it wasn't that much of a deal, but for the girls was more than enough...
As the scene switches inside the said stadium, the agency were still working and testing everything to make the stage as stable and safe as possible from any kind of situations.)
Grunt-3: "Why am i on the stage again?"
Soldat-10: "Same back at Nevada, we're using you guys as testers for security and stuffs like that."
Agent-6: "Some of you will disguise as staff members to snitch up thieves, possible stalkers or anyone suspicious."
(On the background, we see Grunt-4 and 7 playing Uno, the two of them were having an intense game until one of the Agents interrupted their game and called them out to go back to their work.)
Grunt-3: "What do you want me to do? Dance or something?"
Agent-6: "Christ, no. You're horrible dancer."
Soldat-10: "You can either stand still or walk around, if you anything happens, we have a med unit ready for you"
Grunt-3: "Oh boy..."
Agent-6: "It's not like you're gonna die, we're not in Nevada"
(Just as he jinxed himself up, an explosion went off, the three of them turn their heads to see one of the engineers flying towards a wall before splattering his blood on the wall...
Both men turn at the agent with a deadpan expression, as the said agent was sweating.)
Soldat-10: "As you were saying?"
Agent-6: "Fuck you!"
(Grunt-3 just sighed out of exhaustion, knowing he'll either die or get badly injured, so he gave up and started walking around the stage for precaution...
A group of engineers were now seen walking towards the blood tainted wall, letting two men carrying the body away while the rest were cleaning the wall...
Soon after, their boss, Auditor, was seen emerging from the floor, leaving his usual black smoke traits coming out of his black and red suit.)
Auditor: "How's the work progressing?"
Soldat-21: *cleaning the wall* "We lost an Engineer, Number 36."
Auditor: *confused* "How?"
Agent-17: *using the extinguisher to turn the flames off the DJ stand* "Some cheapskate fucker bought this console for only 1.5k¥!"
Grunt-30: "It was on sale, dude!"
Agent-17: *triggered* "You bought it from a fucking black market!"
Auditor: *looks at Soldat-10* "...Can it be replaced?"
Soldat-10: *tapping on his pad* "Already working on it, sir."
Agent-6: "Why was he at the black market in the first place?"
Grunt-28: "Beats me...Out of us grunts, he's the dumbest one so far."
Grunt-30: *on the background* "I heard that!"
Auditor: "Enough." *looks at Soldat-10* "Make sure the stage is stable and well prepared...the deadline is almost over."
Soldat-10: "Yes, sir."
Auditor: *looks up at Grunt-3* "Any issues up there?"
Grunt-3: "Just a few broken planks, rusted nails and broken pipes"
Auditor: *looks at Agent-6* "Send a unit to fix those stuffs."
Agent-6: "Roger that, boss."
(After his time to check the stage, he then teleported away to let his men continuing their work on the stadium...
Unbeknownst to them, another black figure was standing at the front row, at the top of the floor...
The figure in question didn't have red outlines like Auditor, their outline were blue, their neutral expression was staring where Auditor left before they also disappears out of everybody's sights.)
-Scene Change-
-Hololive HQ-
(At the Hololive HQ, the girls were relaxing on the office, a few of them were floating due to their magic powers...
Others were either talking to each other, sitting on a green couch, eating snacks or even lazing around, with an inclusion of a certain busty devil nurse...
A-Chan, on the other hand, was actually working on one of the computers on the desk, making everyone know she's overworking as usual...
However, that didn't last long until she emitted a girly screech despise her tomboyish voice, making everyone startled and look over at her...
The reason of that scream was Auditor for appearing behind A-Chan, making the staff member scared.)
[Japanese Dialogue. Start.]
A-Chan: "Auditor-san! I told you to give me a heads-up when you teleport!"
Auditor: "I don't have any powers that relates to telepathy or whatever it is to warn you mentally..."
Sora: ❓*tilts her head, confused* "Ever thought of sending message to her?"
Auditor: "...Yes, but i gave up on that idea."
Subaru: "What gives?"
Auditor: "For some reason, a certain high-spec robot girl tried to hack into my system, but failing miserably..."
(The said high-spec girl, aka Roboco, was sitting on the couch, her face was fully red as if she saw something that ruined her innocence.)
Pekora: "What did you see, peko?"
Roboco: *blushing intensify* "...n-nothing..."
Subaru: *looks at Auditor* "The hell did you do?!"
Auditor: "My history search will NOT be leaked again..."
Ayame: *confused* "What were you searching?"
(For the safety of her innocence, Auditor ignored her question and went to sit on one of the chairs, proceeding to contact Jebus through his red screen...
Meanwhile, with the girls, they all went back what they were doing, except for Sora who was still curious about Auditor, or Y/N since she was the only one who was allowed to call him by his real name.)
Sora: "Who are you calling, Auditor-san?"
Auditor: "An acquaintance of mine. I just need a small report from him."
[Japanese Dialogue. End.]
(And right on cue, Jebus answered the call, he was still wearing his sunglasses, but he raised his eyebrow when he sees Sora.)
[English Dialogue. Start.]
Jebus: "Am i missing something here?"
Auditor: "It's alright, she was just curious"
Sora: *smiles, waves at him* "Hello, Jebus-san!"
Jebus: "Good day to you too, Miss..."
Sora: "Tokino Sora! That's my name"
Jebus: "Noted, Miss Tokino." *to Y/N* "Auditor."
Auditor: "Is everything alright back there?"
Jebus: "Hoffman is still locked inside his cell, Hank was brought back to life, Sanford is also alive, but still saddened when we told him Deimos was long dead."
Auditor: "And the improbability driver?"
Jebus: "Under repairing as we speak."
Auditor: *a bit surprised* "...Does he finally comply to your command?"
Jebus: "Quite the opposite...he only agreed to let the engineers fixing it because of Project Nexus..."
(The mentioned name from the Savior made our protagonist turning full pitch black with his eyes turning red as his shattered red halo glows brighter.)
Auditor: "...Are they making their next move?"
Jebus: "Can't say for sure...Still having no response from Nevada's old HQ..."
Auditor: "Focus on Tricky and Hank...Try making them putting their personal business aside for facing against Project Nexus..."
Jebus: "Noted..."
Auditor: "Any reports?"
Jebus: "One of the Elite Team soldiers went rogue and we had to hold him down inside a cell."
Auditor: *confused* "...How?"
Jebus: "Bribery."
Auditor: *sighs* "...Use the symbiote to get him tamed."
Jebus: "Which one?"
Auditor: "The porcelain mask."
Jebus: "...Risky move, Y/N...Are you sure?"
Auditor: "Just do it."
Jebus: "...Understood."
[English Dialogue. End.]
(After confirming the risk, Auditor hangs up the call and snaps his finger to make the screen vanishes in thin air...
Soon after, his appearance changes back to his humanoid form with the exception of his halo, which it just stopped glowing brighter.)
[Japanese Dialogue. Start.]
Sora: *worried* "...Are you alright, Y/N-san?"
Auditor: *leans back on the chair* "...I'm fine, Sora...Don't get worried about me..."
A-Chan: *looks away from the computer, staring at Auditor* "What was that all about?"
Auditor: "It was just one of my unfinished businesses came up right when i was assigned for the stage..."
Subaru: "Do you want us to help? If it's about some bad people, we have some strongest girls here!"
Kanata: *chuckles embarrassingly* "I-I'm not that strong..."
Coco: [english]"Bullshit, ya flat-chested gorilla."
Auditor: [english] "Be lucky that most of the girls don't know english, you oversizes drake..." [japanese] "I can guarantee you are strong, Kanata-san...You just don't know it yet..." [english] "Probably."
(Coco then covers her mouth, preventing to laugh infront one of her genmates, which Kanata was confused from their english dialogue...
Back with Auditor, Sora and A-Chan, the blue ribbon glassed girl heard the intercom going off, making the other two confused by the sound of the Headquarters' intercom.)
Sora: "Who could that be?"
A-Chan: "I'll go check it."
(She then looked back at the computer, clicking a few tabs before looking at the entrance's camera, revealing another figure similar to Auditor...
The only difference were the outlines and the eyes...they were both magenta.)
A-Chan: *scared* "U-Uhm...W-Who's there?"
Stygian: "Excuse me, miss. I'm looking for someone named Auditor...Is he here?"
[Japanese Dialogue. End.]
(As soon as everyone in the office heard the voice of the feminine figure, Y/N knew who it was and immediately signals A-Chan to let her in...
The said staff member nodded her head, calming down in the progress since she could trust on Y/N's decisions...
Soon after, the feminine figure went into the floor, leaving a small black puddle with magenta fade before disappearing from the camera's sight...
Later on, the said figure was seen re-emerging from the floor, this time she was reappearing in the middle of the office, making the idols shocked by their appearance.)
[English Dialogue. Start.]
Auditor: "...Stygian."
Stygian: *smirks seductively* "Hello, Auditor~"
(After hearing the iconic deep voice onee-san from Stygian, majority of the idols were blushing at her voice and at their look...
Auditor, on the other hand, he was exchanging stare daggers at Stygian, knowing none of The Employers would make random appearance unless it was an important message.)
Auditor: "Did the Conductor send you here?"
Stygian: "Oh no, darling~..." *licks her lips, smirking sadistically* "I'm just here to warn you about my current deal with a certain mercenary~"
Auditor: *raises his eyebrow* "...Hank, i presume."
(Stygian then started moaning in delight when her colleague guessed right, but the idols were blushing hard enough to notice their faces were bright red...
Auditor wasn't neither surprised nor annoyed about the situation, he just let it slide and getting more serious after guessing Stygian made a deal with Hank.)
Auditor: "When did you make the deal?"
Stygian: "Right when Dr. Chrisftoff warned me and the other Employers about Project Nexus..." *rubs her own breast out lust and sadist* "Back when Hank slaughtered so many of your men~...Ungh, i fell in love for him~"
Auditor: 💢 "Restrain your hormones to everyone. Remember you are not in Nevada anymore, Sister."
(Stygian didn't frown nor get mad about his attitude, in fact, she was still smirking, keeping her lustful and dominant aura up high...
Unfortunately for her, and luckily for Auditor, Kiryu Coco was the only one who could both speak and understand english, meaning she was hearing their conversation from earlier.)
Coco: "Wait a fucking minute! You two are relates?!"
Auditor: *still glaring at Stygian* "We're not. I had my memory running through my mind when i remembered how much of a sister she was to me..."
Stygian: *giggles flirtatiously* "You and Deli were too easy to tease~ Even when i volunteered to take your virginity to my wet, soaked cu-"
(Before she could even finish the sentence, Auditor immediately summon his sword and pointing it straight at her face, with a visible red blush on his face.)
Auditor: "Do NOT finish the sentence..."
Stygian: *smiles mischievously* "Or what?~"
Auditor: "May God holds me back to strike you, sister..."
[English Dialogue. End.]
(After their small confrontation, Stygian chuckled at his embarrassment before stepping back away from his sword...
Soon after, Auditor withdraws his sword and de-summons it, lowering his arm down in the progress.)
Stygian: "Oh my, where are my manners?~" *curtseys, smiling seductively* "My name is Stygian, one of the Employers~"
Ayame: "Ehhh~ You're so beautiful, Onee-san."
Stygian: *giggles lightly* "Why thank you, little Oni~"
(Out of pure instinct, Auditor reappears infront of Ayame, glaring at Stygian as his shattered halo glows brighter out of anger...
As she took notice of his attitude, Stygian was actually surprised the way how Y/N is acting.)
Stygian: *surprised* "You...are defending her?"
Auditor: "And i tend to keep it that way, Stygian..."
Subaru: "Yeah! No one makes Ayame-chan lewd!"
Coco: *cracks her knuckles* "No motherfuckers will lay their perverted fingers on her."
Auditor: "Overstatement, but i have no objections here..."
Marine: *smirks mischievously* "You can lewd me instead, Stygian-san~"
Stygian: *coyly* "Ooo~ Looks like someone's getting turned on~"
Marine: *moans in response* "Oh yeah~ Is this what it feels like to go to Heaven when you get teased like that?~"
Stygian: "Definitely, sugar tits~"
A/N: Imagine Coco wheezing her lungs out
(Instead of crying out of sadness, Marine was trembling out of humiliation and lust running through her body...
Coco, on the other hand, was laughing her ass off from Y/N's statement while the rest were surprised to hear such comeback when Marine mentioned to go to heaven.)
Marine: "H-How rude of you, Auditor-san~"
Auditor: [Italian] 💢(ರ_ರ) "Ma questa pirata é una grande pervertita, peggio di un coniglio in calore..."
Stygian: *giggles out of amusement* "Since when did you learn another language?"
Auditor: [Japanese] "My braincell actually takes damage from their shenanigans...You wouldn't understand."
Stygian: *crosses her arms under her busty breasts* "So Jebediah was ARE changed..."
Auditor: "I was too late to realize my sin when i saw Tricky in his Phase 5 form...After realizing nothing was worth the risk to conquer Nevada, i've decided to redeem myself...That's why i've changed."
Stygian: *gives him a genuine smile* "...The Conductor would be proud of your change of heart, Y/N..."
Auditor: "..."
(Seemingly taken aback by her genuine compliment, Auditor looked away out of embarrassment, but showing a faint of smile on the corner of his lips, showing gratitude to them...
After a few moments of silence, Stygian cleared her throat before making her actual announcement about her sudden appearance.)
Stygian: "Back with serious manners...I've heard about the godly rotten clown is finally contained by your agency, right?"
Auditor: *looks back at her* "...Dr. Hoffman sure is in the laboratory, why?"
Stygian: "I may or may not need him for my own purpose for my cult~"
Auditor: "...Phase 5 is extremely restricted. Even to you."
Stygian: "I see...Then may i borrow Hank?~"
Auditor: "...It depends...what will you do to him?"
(She then summons her giant scythe, twirling it around their hand before licking the side of the blade out of sadism and lust...
Taking a note on what she's going to do to the metallic jawed mercenary, he throws a piece of paper at Stygian, inside the paper was written the location of his laboratory.)
Auditor: "...Don't fuck it up. Director Phobos could be anywhere for all we know."
Stygian: "...Understood."
(After his final warning, Stygian teleports away from the headquarters, possibly out of the building to go finding the laboratory's locations...
Auditor couldn't help but being stuck multitasking between keeping an eye for possible encounters, either from his allies or foes, and taking care of preparing the stage for the idols' first live concert...)
A/N: Might as well putting this story on-hold so i can try to make a proper time flow between Holo-ID and Holo-EN
Sorry for the inconveniences.
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