Chapter 10: 5th Generation

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(A new chapter, and this time it's about the new generation named: Holofive...

This is getting interesting...

Let's see here...On the previous chapter, Motoaki Tanigo made the announcement of the arrival of Gen 5th...

Auditor gave order and kept the girls quiet as he selected those who have questions related to the new group of girls...

After the meeting, The A.A.H.W. immediately operate by making new rooms for Gen 5th as Auditor went to the ground floor to wait the girls with Sora and A-Chan...

Minutes passed by, A Black SUV stopped infront of the entrance while an agent hops off the car and open the doors for Aloe, Lamy, Nene, Polka and Botan...

It is time for Gen 5th to meet Hololive...)

-Hololive HQ-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, it was shown A-Chan giving the tour to Gen 5th...

Sora and Auditor were at the end of the line as the latter was observing everything with his screens floating around him...

Botan was the first one to notice some agents carrying their sidearms on their hips or rifles on their backs)

Botan: "Are those real guns?"

Auditor: "The A.A.H.W. assures you five that we provide security and protection to thus who dares to harm the agency"

Aloe: "Ehhhh, are they your servants?"

Auditor: "Not servants, Agents." *looks at two grunts from cafeteria* "You two are needed to clean up the basement"

Grunt-1: "They have a basement?"

Auditor: "It's the one named: Horny Jail"

Grunt-2: "Got it sir, let's go dude"

(The two of then started heading to the basement, leaving the door open behind them...

Soon after, a Soldat with an Engineer were seen walking out of the door while carrying a metal pipe)

Auditor: "That pipe goes on the parking lot, an Agent reported me about having a rusted pipe over there"

Engineer: "Yessir."

Soldat: "Follow me"

(He then guides the engineer straight to the parking lot to fix the pipe...

The girls were surprised to see the A.A.H.W. being so organized and well-mannered)

Polka: "That's so cool! Can they serve us some foods and stuffs?!"

Auditor: "They're not servants, Omaru-san. They are well-trained agents and soldiers to prevent any kind of harness that could happen to you all."

Lamy: *giggles embarrassingly* "I-I'm really sorry about their behavior..."

A-Chan: "It's alright, we got used to this kind of manners"

Auditor: "Especially with a certain nymphomaniac pirate"

Aloe: "Eh?"

A-Chan: "Now we arrived at the cafeteria"

(She opens the door and the Gen 5th gasps at their sights while Auditor notices Aqua cleaning some tables)

Auditor: 'The files were right, she does her work as a maid whenever she wants to' as he thought...

Aloe: "Is this agency hiring maids too?"

Auditor: "Incorrect. That maid is Minato Aqua, 2nd Generation of Hololive, her genmates are Nakiri Ayame, Ōzora Subaru, Murasaki Shion and Yuzuki Choco."

Lamy: "She looks cute!"

(Aqua yelps out of surprise and quickly rushes towards Auditor to hide behind him...

Sora was gently patting Aqua's head with a gentle smile on her face)

Auditor: "I apologize for her behavior...She's lacking of social skills, please be easy and gently with her"

Botan: "No worries, we like giving everyone their time to open up with us"

Aloe: "Except one of us will think about selling sweats filled in a plastic bottle"

Nene: "Oooo, I like that idea!"

Polka: "She'll definitely gonna do that"

Aqua: *shyly peeks out of Auditor's back* "...h-h-hi..."

Nene: *squeals* "She's so cute!!!"

Auditor: "Behave yourself"

A-Chan: "How about i show you where the office is?"

Botan: "You're our tour guidance, lead the way"

(A-Chan then starts taking the girls out of the cafeteria while Auditor ordered his agents to do their jobs both inside and outside of the HQ...

On their way, the group encountered an Engineer carrying an injured Agent as he walks past them with his colleague on his arms)

Nene: "Is he alright?"

Auditor: "Sometimes, my men tend to get hurt on their jobs, it seems he got hurt while fixing the room for you five"

Lamy: *worried* "That's worrisome...Should be aware of that?"

Auditor: "Fret not, my main priority is security, protection and civilization. I'll make sure no one gets hurt, my agents will take care of everything."

Botan: "That's sick, would it happen to have a shooting range?"

Auditor: "I believe we were planning to make one, however...Tanigo-san was against the idea due to how expensive and illegal these weapons are"

A-Chan: "And also there's a huge risk where the girls accidentally end up killing each other"

Botan: "I can help you with that, i know a few stuffs about weapons"

Auditor: *slightly surprised* "Well, that's a new one..."

Sora: "Ne, Auditor-san" *he looks at her* "Can you teach me how to use those weapons?" (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

Auditor: "...I don't think that is a good idea..."

Sora: "Ehhh? Why not?" Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò

Auditor: "I'm not that comfortable to teach you girls some deadly weapons, Shishiron-san did mention she knows some stuffs about our weapons-"

Agent: "Sir. You got a minute?"

(One of his agents approaches to the group, Nene and Polka were admiring his suit and his red glasses while Lamy was a bit nervous as she was holding Botan's arm)

Auditor: "You may talk"

Agent: *looks at his tablet* "We've prepared the room for the 5th generation, however...we miscalculated Omaru-san's room"

Auditor: *looks over his shoulder to look at the Agent* "Care to elaborate?"

Agent: "The room in general has become a size of a small studio where she can literally place some boxes, we didn't calculate the size of Mano-san's room"

Auditor: "Can you restore both of their streaming room?"

Agent: "Sadly no, we already planting their set-ups...One of them has a rather old PC that can still run despise being old"

Polka: "Hey! That's my PC!"

Agent: "S-sorry Omaru-san"

Auditor: *sighs* "Since you can't restore the rooms...make sure to improvise for making the room as representable as possible"

Polka: "Oh! I can do that! I can turn my room into a small circus!"

Agent: "Makes sense since you're the jester of hololive"

Auditor: "Permission granted. Agent, inform the staffs"

Agent: "Yessir"

(He then slightly bows at the group and walks away to report his team for the room...

Auditor looks at the floating screens and types something on them to get some memos done by the end of the day...

All in all, A-Chan was giving the 5th gen a proper tour so they won't get lost, meanwhile, Y/N's Agents, Engineers, Soldats and Grunts were working on the background...)

Lamy: "I have a question for Auditor-san"

Auditor: "Ask away"

Lamy: "What's the name of your agency? I mean, from what we learned from the auditions, they said an agency provide security, is that right?"

Auditor: *nods* "That is correct, we were once called A.A.H.W.; Agency Against Hank Wimblenton, however...the two of us are in 'truce' situation at the moment."

A-Chan: "That means you're not against this Hank guy anymore?"

Auditor: "Yes."

Nene: "Oh! Oh! How about Agency Against Hololive Haters?!"

Auditor: *cups his chin* "...It's not a bad name, but alas, i have to wait until another suggestion can be either better or worse."

Polka: "Have you ever considered having a clown in the group?"

Auditor: 'Not going to deal another crazy clown with godly power that could wipe whole Japan...' as he thought...

Botan: "How long have you been working here?"

Auditor: "My job has started last week, there was a...big of a situation that happened here, but alas, i've managed to deal with it alongside with some of your senpais."

Lamy: "Hehhhhh, really?"

Auditor: *nods in confirmation* "Yes, Yukihana-san. Thanks with their help, no casualties was made. We are completely upgrading the whole security to prevent such event happening again here."

Omaru: "That's so cool!!! Ever thought of making a shooting range?!"

Auditor: "We already talked about it. We already established a facility where we practice our aim, testing some builds to control the recoil and so on."

(As the whole group were walking down the hallway, a loud shattered noise was heard infront of them, Auditor instinctively raises his arm up as a flying shattered glass was caught in mid-air infront of Lamy's face...

The snow elf was shocked by his "ultra instinct" as the said man simply lowers his arm, letting the glass of his hand as it drops on the ground...

Two agents were seen running towards the group, one of them was bowing infront of the group while the other agent was cleaning the mess with a grunt helping him)

Agent-1: "We're deeply sorry for almost hurting you, Yukihana-san. We got an injured grunt from falling through the window for your room."

Auditor: "Report."

Agent-2: "We were carrying a soundproof one sided window for replace the old one at the recording room, that grunt fell from the ceiling, hitting his back through the glass."

Lamy: *worried* "Is he ok?! Is he dead?!"

Grunt: *coughs blood* "N-Nah...I-I'm good here..."

Auditor: "You two, get him to the medical room. Call a Soldat and an Engineer to clean up the mess properly."

Agents: "Yessir."

(Both agents went back to pick the injured grunt up and took him to the medical room...

A-Chan looks at Auditor, who was simply looking at his red screens as he types some things on those screens)

A-Chan: "Should i warn the CEO about this?"

Auditor: "No needed, our concern are not your problem. I have my men covered, my contract was about being your security."

Botan: "You sure you can cover those injuries?"

Auditor: "...We tend to not rely too much on the nurse of Hololive, Yuzuki Choco."

Nene: "Ooo!~ What would happen if you have to go to her nurse's office for getting injured?"

Auditor: *quickly replies* "My chastity and will are not ready to face her physically."

Omaru: *smug face* "Are you sure about that?~"

(The fennec clown immediately shrieks in fear when she felt Auditor's menacing aura coming out of his black flaming body)

Auditor: "My apologies, Omaru-san. My hearings wasn't working back there, did you perhaps say something?"

Omaru: *shakes her head rapidly* "N-n-no!!! Y-y-y-you d-didn't hear a-a-anything!!!"

Auditor: "It seems i wasn't hallucinating. It must've been the wind."

(As if nothing happened, Y/N instantly turns back to normal as his shattered halo was still floating about his head...

After scaring the fennec, A-Chan resumes the tour while Botan was carrying Polka over her shoulder, Nene was starting asking questions on Y/N for the whole tour.)

-Hololive HQ-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-

(The tour was still going, it has passed proximately 3 hours since they got here.

Momosuzu, Yukihana, Omaru, Shishiron and Mano, the newest group of Hololive, 5th gen, to be precise.

As we reached the training room, i noticed Noel fighting against one of my agents in the old-fashioned fist fight.

I must admit, Noel-san sure knows how to fight with dignity. She sure is the knight guided by God's will.)

A-Chan: "And this is the training room, it's like a personal gym, but we all use this room for many purposes."

Botan: "That's really sick, i wonder who's the strongest in this company."

"Kiryu-san is the strongest one, alongside with Shirogane-san. I follow them as the 3rd strongest one, but i'm more of a tactical kind of fighter."

(We then heard a pained groaning sound coming from the arena, we turn our heads and notice my agent being knocked out by Noel.

Flare, Marine and Rushia were cheering for their genmate, the dark elf was the first one to run over to her knight and hugs her out of excitement)

Flare: "You did good, Noel! That was really cool!"

Noel: *blushes, smiles* "T-Thanks, Flare."

Marine: "Booooo! Get a room, you two!"

"I appreciate you four to not give a first impression to your juniors."

(The girls immediately look at me when they heard my voice, i was standing still with Sora poking my halo.

I wonder what makes her keep poking it...)

Noel: "Auditor-san! Sorry if we interrupted your tour!"

"Fret not, Shirogane-san. We were just arrived to let these girls looking at the training room." *gestures at 5th gen*

Marine: "Oh my~ I didn't know you were into those type of girls~"

(I immediately hold my hand up and summoned a Glock-17, pointing at the horny pirate.

Now i can see why they made a prison on the basement, i should try finding some anti-horny ropes to tie her up)

"Restrain your horniness, Houshou-san."

Marine: *scared* "H-Hai, s-sorry dad- i mean, sir!"

(Was she about to call me "daddy"? Really???

Alright, new list, Choco-sensei and Marine are on "save my virginity" list.)

*sighs, makes the glock disappear* "My apologies for her behavior. She is the nymphomaniac pirate idol we mentioned earlier."

Lamy: "I-Is she going to lewd us?"

"As long as you keep a certain distance, she won't try to do anything sexual."

Marine: "You're making sound like i would grope their boobs!"

"And yet, you decided to bring that idea without me telling a soul about your horniness."

Rushia: "Neeee!!! What's wrong with you, Marine-chan!!!"

(For being a small idol, your voice range sure is impressive.

I've heard and seen some rumors, clips and conversation about Uruha-san having a metal scream, but i guess her "full" scream can cause us being temporarily deaf.)

"Uruha-san, please restrain your vocal cords for your future original songs or cover songs. My men are still searching for a personal doctor who would keep an eye on our well-being."

Rushia: *flustered* "H-Hai, g-gomenasai. Auditor-san..."

(Uruha Rushia...3rd gen...Where did i hear that name before...


Purgatory...That's where i've heard of...)

*looks at 5th gen* "If there are any questions, now it's the time to ask them."

Nene: "Can we see you in action?!"

Omaru: "I bet whoever will gonna be Auditor-san's opponent!"

Lamy: "G-Girls?! W-What are you--"

Botan: "Oi, Auditor. Can we watch your sparring match?"

"I would rather not going hard on those girls, i was told they will be practicing for an incoming live concert."

Omaru: "Are we going to be there too?!"

*chuckles slightly* "Not yet, you five are being assigned for making a few streams, playing suggested games either from your managers or your fans."

Nene: "Ooooo!~ That sounds even better!"

"But, of course, you have to make your debut stream before playing videogames with your senpais. Fret not, the staffs can help you with any kind of problems you'll be having in the future."

Lamy: *smiles* "That's so reassuring coming from you, Auditor-san. Thank you so much!"

"Do not thank me, Yukihana-san. Tanigo-san is the one who needed to be thanked for hiring you five."

(To be honest, even if i've been here more than a week, i couldn't help but feel grateful that my redemption arc is making progress...

All the girls in this agency welcomed me with open arms, except for that little witch, i still remember she called me a pervert.

Like, what the fuck?

But that aside, these girls still welcomed me, especially Ōzora-san after i've learned her past...

She got this job so she could get a new house for her parents...and also the fact she keeps her optimism so high, no wonder why she's been called as The Sun of Hololive.)

-Switch Scene-
-Training Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As Auditor was smiling at the girls, he notices his men walking through while the beaten up agent was seen being taken to the medical room...

Later on, the 3rd gen bid farewell to the group as they all went to the locker room, shortly after, Subaru, Korone and Okayu were seen walking inside the room.)

Subaru: "Chiwasu! Hi everyone!"

Sora: "Hi, Subaru-chan!"

Korone: *immediately hugs Y/N* "Yayyyy! You're here!"

Auditor: *chuckles, gently pats her head* "I did say you are welcome to join before or after stream."

Okayu: "Koro-san couldn't stop thinking about you, so we decided to postpone our collab stream for tomorrow."

Subaru: "No wonder you two dragged me into this!"

Auditor: "I would like you three to not raise your voice on the 5th gen, we're currently under tourism."

Subaru: "Ehhhhhh, so professional."

Okayu: *nods* "Even the way you speak sound so professional."

Auditor: 'Does this agency have no professionalism except for the staffs?' "It is my job to maintain security towards you idols."

Aloe: *smirks smugly* "Does that mean we can annoy you as much as we want?~"

Auditor: "You do that to me, and i will restrain you inside horny jail with Houshou-san."

Marine: "Oi! Yer makin' sound like i'm horny!"

Auditor: "Which you are and always will be horny."

Subaru: "Scary..."

(Shortly after, two agents were seen walking past her to approach towards their boss...

Alongside with them, a grunt wearing red boxing training set was seen standing behind them)

Agent-1: "Sir. We recruited one grunt whose willing to join in the A.A.H.W."

Agent-2: "Go easy on him, he's from the backline unit."

(Auditor's eyes were tracing up and down at the said grunt, who was showing a determinated expression about ranking up his position...

After a solid minute of thought, Y/N unties his tie and gently hands it over to Subaru, who was holding it confusingly...

He then snaps his fingers to make his jacket disappear, revealing his white shirt with a black vest, he also begins to rolls up his sleeves before unbuttoning the top of his shirt.)

Auditor: "We have some time to give these idols a demonstration of what we're capable of. Do not disappoint us, grunt."

Grunt: *nods* "Yessir!"

(The leader of A.A.H.W. nods his head and motions A-Chan to move the girls away from them, which she was already moving them away to safety...

One agent was standing in-between them as their referee while the other one helps A-Chan to keep the girls distant from the sparring match...

Auditor and his grunt were having a stare-off, the former has his hands behind his back as he motions the grunt to attack first...

The said grunt rushes towards and throws a right punch, Auditor swiftly dodges it by moving his head sideways, making the audience surprising about his reflexes.)

Grunt: "What the--"

Auditor: *cuts him off* "Focus."

(He gives him a left uppercut on his midsection, making the grunt cough his air out of his lungs...

He then kicks him on the chest, making him standing back up from the impact, with his final move to knock his new agent down, he pushes him away with another kick and then did this to knock him out.)

Subaru: *amazed* "EHHHHH!! SUGOIII!!!!"

Agent-2: (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠>⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■ "I just said to go easy on him, not neutralizing his career."

Agent-1: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ "That's our boss for you."

(Auditor then buttons up his upper shirt and his sleeves before heading towards Subaru, who was still holding his tie.)

Subaru: "That was an amazing kick! Where did you learn that?!" *hands his tie back to him*

Auditor: "I may not look like a professional fighter, but i do know how to defend myself."

(Two agents walk over and pick the knocked out grunt up to take him at the medical room, avoiding the nurse's office running by Choco Yuzuki...

Y/N fixes his sleeves, then snaps his fingers to redo his tie, and then summons his jacket on him before buttoning up.)

Okayu: "So that what would've happened if you rely with violence back at the alleyway."

Korone: *cheerful* "Let's spar sometimes!"

Subaru: *shocked* "Are you serious, Koro-san?!"

Auditor: "Maybe some other time." *calls one of his agents* "Summon Uruha-san. I wish to speak with her."

Agent: "Copy that, Sir."

Auditor: *looks at A-chan* "I apologise for my sudden change of plan, i will redeem my act by assisting your work tomorrow morning. In the mean time, one of my agents will take my place."

A-Chan: "Oh alright. You don't have to actually help me tomorrow."

Auditor: "No words or acts will change my mind. I wish you luck for the tour." *looks at 5th Gen* "I hope you five will behave with my absence."

Lamy: "Botan and i will take care of the girls, it was nice meeting you!"

(Y/N gives a nod before heading out of the room to meet with the necromancer...

Soon after, he turns around the corner and sees his agent with Rushia nervously fidgeting her fingers...

Little thibg she knows, she was about to meet someone close to death itself..)

Agent: "Sir. I brought Rushia Uruha as you requested."

Rushia: "G-Good afternoon, Auditor-san!"

Auditor: "..." *holds his hand up* "Leave."

Agent: *his eyes glow red* "Yes...My Lord."

(He then turns around and walks away from the duo, leaving the green haired girl surprised by his security's change of attitude...

Once she looks up at him, she notices his halo was getting brighter as half of his body was turning pitch black with some red lines and "outlines")

Auditor: "Necromancer... Have we met before?"

(The camera slowly fades into pitch black as a pair of red glowing eyes was seen on the screen, leaving the silence filling the darkness)

A/N: I'll explain my absence later.

I'm literally using one of my old ass phone to update this chapter...

Sorry for leaving you guys

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