Chapter 1

Tom's P.O.V

16. The age of which most teens look forward too. In America it's one of the 3 legal ages of sexual consent. In England it's the age of drinking with supervision of a parent. But the age 16 is an age I have been dreading for years now. Ever since I was told what would happen at the age I grew to hate it. Many are confused why I hate the age so much, But there is no way in hell i'm telling. The age is a big impact on me just as it is with other teenagers, but my reasons are reasonable. 'Be happy! It's an exciting age!' People tell me. How can I be happy if i'm not completely human?

"Damn, I remember the day I wrote this..." I sighed to myself, "The day before my 16th birthday. I was so fucking pissed that day. I was not ready to start going through heats that next day." I tossed my old notebook aside and growled, "The hell am I talking about?! I'm still not ready for them! I mean come on! I'm 21 years old now! I have been doing this for 6 years, and I still can't go through one goddamn heat without the urge to shove something up my ass!"

I kicked my bed post in anger. Once every months or so I go through heat. Mine last a bloody week. A week of an intense burning sensation that can only be soothed by sexual actions. When I was in school I was always absent for those torturous weeks. It raised many suspicions but no one knew the truth. No one will ever know the truth. Not even my closes friends know. I would surely be kicked out if they found out I was a monster. An omega monster no less.

Usually I go to my parents house because they have the things I need. It may sound odd, but I have always been open about my sex life with my parents. For multiple reasons really. For my dads research. For the fact they care about me. The fact that there isn't much to share. That's right. I'm a virgin still. Well a virgin to another sexual partner. When my dad found out I was an omega it was clear that i'm gay. So the morning of my birthday, instead of a happy birthday or a car I got a box Stuff that will help my urges during heat. Ever since then, I have done just that. Both my parents and I agreed that it was too dangerous for me to find an actual partner in fear of me getting pregnant at a young age. So I have never had sex with an actual male before.

Now at 21 I still go to my parents house, to my 'play room' as my dad likes to call it. Really it's a sectioned off piece of the basement for me to have space during these times. My mom has urged me to try finding a partner, but I am too scared for that. Why? Because I doubt any guy wants to date a guy that can get pregnant and is a monster. And I fear pregnancy as it is. 

I flopped down on my bed face first and groaned. The worst part is, is that I never know when my heats are. They can be back to back. They can be can be in the beginning or ending of the month. It's always a surprise. 

Growing a bit warm, I pulled off my hoodie. Edd walked into my room, "Hey Tom, you okay? You've been in here all day?"

I frowned and looked at him, "Have I really?"

He sat next me on my bed, "Yeah. You haven't eaten all day."

I felt the heat radiating off him, "Oh well i'm not hungry."

He sighed and touched my forehead with the back of his hand. I gasped at the shock of his touch and pushed his hand away, "Tom?"

Fucking hell...I need to get out of here quick! Getting up quickly I yanked on my hoodie and grabbed my emergency to go bag from under my bed. I ran out of my room and I could start to feel my horns push through my scull and my tail starting to form at the base of my back. I heard multiple people call my name but I couldn't tell the voices apart or what they were saying.

Suddenly I was tackled before I reached the front door. Being lifted up, I started to panic. I looked at my captor only to meet gaze with silver eyes, "Tom?" The accented man asked.

My breathing picked up as I tried to get away from Tord. But he moved me so my back was pressed against his chest and had my elbows in a tight grip so I wouldn't move. A hand touched my cheek and a feel of calmness washed over me. I purred and leaned into the touch. Edd gave me an odd look, "Tom what the hell is going on?!"

Remembering the situation I was In I panicked again, "L-Let me go!!! I have to leave!!!" I thrashed in Tord's grip as I felt the horns pierce their way through my skin. I only have a couple of minutes till I am in full heat.

"Tord let him go..." Edd said cautiously

"And let him run out? Something clearly is wrong." Tord retorted.

Edd rubbed his temples, "You're right....Just....Tom, why do you leave like this? You always leave in a haste and come back a week later as if noting happened. What is going on?"

I felt tears prick at my eyes and I shook my head. They couldn't find out. I felt my tail under my hoodie. Tord stiffened at the feeling and my heart raced. He shifted and muttered under his breath, "What the hell, Tom?"

My horns grew and the little contact I has with Tord made me pant with need. Edd gasped in horror, "Tom, your hands are turning black!"

"Yeah that's not the only thing." Tord pulled up my hoodie and my tail fell and swayed behind me. I cried out and pushed myself away from him. Doing this made my hood fall off my head, showing off my horns and pointed ears. They stared at me in shock and I felt the tears fall down my face.

Edd took a small step towards me. I squeaked in fear, "Tom wait!" I turned and ran out the door. Getting in my car, I sped to my parents house.

Getting to the two story, baby blue house, I got out and ran to the door. Pounding on it, my body burned and craved any touch.

My mom, Bethany, opened the door and gasped, "Thomas!" She pulled me in and slammed the door, "Why didn't you come earlier?! What if you were caught?!"

Instead of answering her, I hugged her and dug my face in her neck. I cried as she ran a hand through my hair, "Oh my baby....what happened?"

"Th-They found out!!" I cried out.

Mom sighed. Her being a little taller than me, she kissed the crown of my head and caressed my cheek, "Your friends found out?" I nodded, "It's okay my little monster. Everything will be okay...Why don't you go downstairs? I'm sure it's hard fighting back those feelings. We'll talk later, okay?" She led me to the basement stairs and kissed my head again. I looked up at her and she gave me a small smile, "Go have your fun, my little monster."

I opened the door and bit my lip. Running down the stairs eagerly I pulled off my hoodie and pants. I heard my mom giggle before she closed the door. Looking at the assortment of toys I had collected over the years I purred. "Lets have some fun~"


Edd's P.O.V

Tom ran out and I was lost for words. Tom is a monster?

"That is fucking hot." Tord drooled beside me.

I glared at him, "You're disgusting...."

Tord chuckled and shrugged, "Just part of my nature."

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Tom is a monster....."

"And a sexy one at that." Tord added.

Pushing him I rolled my eyes, "You hate Tom. Just because he is like your hentai cat hybrid things you like him?"

Crossing his arms Tord looked the other way, "No...I always thought Tom was cute. This is just a plus."

"If you're going to keep talking about him like you want to rape him, just go away."

He held up his arms in defense, "Fine then. And you want answers? Call Mr and Mrs Rockwell. His Parents are your best shot of getting to know more."

I pulled out my phone, "You're right." I found Mrs. Rockwell's contact and pushed call. Walking to the kitchen, I set my phone on the counter and left it on speaker. As it rang I got a can of coal and Tord got a bottle of water. 


I sat and opened the can, "Hey Mrs. Rockwell."

Oh Edd! How many times have I told you to call me Bethany?

Tord snorted, "Too many times."

Hello Tord

"Hey Bethany." Tord leaned back and took a drink from his bottle.

So I suspect you are calling about Tom? He was a mess when he came.

"Yeah, what is with that? He's a monster? Are you a monster too? Or is Andrew? Why is it so important for him to not let us know about this? Why does he have to leave?" I went off.

Honey calm down! Let me explain.

"Yeah Edd, let Bethany explain." Tord smirked at me.

Bethany giggled and I rolled my eyes, "Okay. Sorry. Please do explain."

Letting out a long sigh, She started. 

When Tom was roughly 5 years old, I was called to america for work. Andrew took care of Tom while I was gone. Well you guys know Andrew is a scientist, so one day he took Tom to the lab with him. At that time they were messing with genetics of multiple animals. Mixing them together or rewriting the DNA. Andrew left Tom alone for a minute while he went to go check on his peers. Since he was and still is the lead scientist for this, He had his own lab. The lab he left Tom in. Tom accidentally consumed one of the liquids that held genetics made in his lab. He drank nearly every one. When Andrew came back, There was Tom....a little monster. To say I was upset when I cam home is an understatement. I am still upset with him. He could've killed our little baby....It's a blessing this is what happened though. And that's why Tom is a monster.

"But that doesn't explain why he couldn't tell us sooner." Tord tipped back in his chair. I kicked a leg of the chair from under the table and he fell back with a grunt.

I stifled a laugh as Tord got up with a scowl. Bethany gave an audible sigh.

That is a very different topic....The reason why he panicked so much.

"Are we aloud to know? He is our best friend." I asked ignoring Tord's glare.

I suppose you guys deserve to know.....Just be considerate. Tom is very self-conscious about others knowing this. He is afraid you guys will hate him.

"Aw my Tommy is so sensitive. We would do nothing to harm him or make him think less of himself." Tord assured.

Well that's good to hear. Well when Andrew saw Tom, He too him for testing immediately. Tom is a unknown species. But he did find out that Tom was.....a submissive. An omega to be more clear. Andrew was testing with female genetics so everything Tom consumed were DNA samples and genetics of Females. We knew instantly Tom was going to be gay. And how he has lady like qualities such as-

"His hour glass figure? His nice looking ass?" Tord cut in.

Bethany giggled.

Yes I suppose those are some outcomes of it. But more serious matters, since Tom is an omega he goes through heats. He has been dealing with them since he was 16. He deals with them on his own, Because finding a suitable partner overwhelms him. He fears getting pregnant and the man leaving. So Tom comes here to relieve himself instead of going out and risking a unwanted pregnancy.

"So Tom's a virgin?" I asked.

Tord rolled his eyes, "Jeez Edd, aren't you listening? Tom is a virgin to a male suitor. He goes home to practically fuck himself because Tom doesn't want to get pregnant. Nor does he think that there will be a male who will actually accept him." 

Precisely my point. Tom is currently In the basement giving himself pleasure. But between us Andrew has found a suitor for Tom. He is going to talk over it with Tom when he is out of heat. Try and convince him to breed with the man so Andrew can further his studies with Tom.

Sitting up straight Tord yelled, "You're going to give your son to a random guy so Andrew can get his side work done?! What the fuck?!"

I agreed, "That's not right, Bethany. You can't give Tom a relationship he doesn't want. He is scared of getting pregnant and you guys are going to force him to do just that."

I know it's wrong, But I'm not given a choice either. Andrew is going to give Tom to him in Tom's next heat...Tom will be to driven by instinct to think for himself.

"That's fucked up..." Tord muttered angrily.

I crossed my arms, "If the thought bothers you so much, Why don't you take place as Toms partner?"

He flushed red, "O-Oh no....Tom would hate that."

"Fine, then shut up. There is clearly nothing we can do about it."

Tord, honey, It's sweet that you're concerned for my little monster, But Edd has a point. Unless someone steps up to be Tom's partner, Andrew is going to bring the man to Tom. And Tom will become pregnant...and oh dear lord....Tom will be so upset....

"Hey!" An idea popped into my head, "Can't Tom just do his heats here? It gets him out of your hand for the first time in years and there is no way we are letting some stranger near Tom."

Well that is an option....Oh shoot Andrew is home. We will speak again soon. 

Bethany hung up and I looked at Tord, who was practically fuming with anger, "Tord, just take Tom in."

He shook his head, "To much responsibility. And Tom despises me. We'll just have to sit this out."

"Okay..." I looked at the table. This is a shocker. Tom is practically half female. He is a woman in a mans body. This new information makes me want to care for Tom. I can't help to see him as a little sister now. A sister that I have to protect from men trying to get to him. Well aren't we all in for one hell of a ride.

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