_*New Nakama*_

I woke up on the train. I looked around and the train was slowly stoping. I looked up and saw a sign saying 'Mongolia Train Station' I grabbed my bag and wiped my small dress that had nothing on it and it was clean. Just the way I like it. I walked out of the train and stopped dead in my tracks to see a flying cat come at me. It made me remember something...

-Flash back-

"Mommy Mommy look I found a dragon egg!"

The dragon looked at the egg and chuckled a little.

"That's not a dragon egg my hatchling. That's a exceed and it looks like it's going to hatch soon."

I set the egg down and made a Lunar fire to around the egg to keep it warm. I waddled to the dragon sat next to her laying figure.

I fell asleep to shortly be awaken by  cracking noises. I zoomed to the egg and put out my Lunar like fire.

More cracking was heard and I looked at the white and yellow egg. The egg exploded and went into pieces, waking up Mommy. I was in shock. I looked at the Exceed and it was all white with a star on its forehead. It yawn and it showed wings bit that didn't make me good wow it was when she shoot a star put of her mouth. I walked up to the Exceed and picked it up. It smiled at me and yawned again this time the star went at me leaving my face brunt.

"Well...there goes my eyebrows..."

I was mad but when i looked at the Exceed it looked so inoccent I couldn't be mad so I hugged the Exceed and the hugged back. I looked at mommy and she smiled pointing at the exceed. I nodded and faced the exceed.

"My Names Luna and your Star. Would you like to be my partner?"

The Exceed jiggled and hugged me with its baby paws. (Any one else dieing of cutness?) I smiled and jiggled with the baby Exceed taking that as a yes.

-Flash back-

The blue Exceed flew into my face snapping me back to reality. I fell on my bum with the Exceed  on my lap. The Exceed looked at me and smiled.

"AYE I'm sorry..."

He had a fish in his hands and a smile on his face I smiled and pat his head.

"It's ok it's not you fault...but why were you flying so fast?"

I look up to see people running towards me, but the one person that made me smile was lucy.


I jumped off the floor making the Exceed fall but I caught him and sat him down. I ran towards Lucy and tackled her.


See looked confuse then when she saw my face she lit up and hugged me.


I saw her crying a little but she wiped away. Soon enough I was pulled away from Lucy and was being hold by the collar. If you were a 7 year old and someone did this to ya wouldn't you scream as loud as you can too? Well I did.


Some one covered me by the mouth and I started crying as I remembered when I was 4 and the 'ACCIDENT' happened. I looked and it was a man with pink hair and behind him was a girl that had armor with scarlet hair and a Man with no shirt and blackish blueish hair.

I cryed more until I was pulled away from them and lucy hugged me trying to clam me down i slowly stopped crying and stuffed my face in her shirt not wanting to look at the people. Lucy pet my head and I calmed down hiding behind Lucy.

"Lucy you know her?"

Lucy looked at them and grinned. I was confused then it hit me. She probley didn't say anything about me so people would catch on. I smiled but I didn't show it to the people.

"Yes I know her she's my little sister after all."

I saw as they all went pale and there ghost coming out of them before I caught there ghost and pulled it back into them. I then ran back behind lucy. The Exceed from earlier came to me and pulled my dress a little. He look so adorable.

"What's going on?"

I picked him up and hold him while looking at Lucy as she explains to them I'm her sister.

"Well I'm Luna and your..."


I nodded and kept my eye on the little talk. Why not tell someone.

"Well you see Lucy is explaining to the people that made me cry how I'm jer sister."

He nodded but then he jumped and yelled.



I sweat drop as they fight that I didn't see the three people walking up behind me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and like I did before I screamed and ran to Lucy and started to cry. The woman in the groupe yelled at pinky to stop scaring me then punched him to the ground. I giggled a little and I got a smirk form the other guy and it reminded me of something and I cryed again then the girl yelled at him and punched him to the ground to. I giggled some more and wiped my 'fake' tears. What can't I be evil sometimes.

I walked up to the girl while stepping on the boys heads. And giggled I grabbed her hand and gave a closed eye smile.

"I like you I think we'll be best friends!"

I giggled a little more while letting go of her hand and chasing a butterfly I saw. Happy started to give chase we started laughing while the butterfly flew but I swore I heard a tiny laugh from the butter fly.


As Natsu and Gray got up I can tell they were mad but ERZA she was overwhelmed with cuteness. What can I say my sister is adorable.
The boys were starting to walk up to Luna but I pulled then back and pushed them away.

"Don't go near her yet... she doesn't trust men unless she sees you worthy of trust."

When I said that my voice broke a little and I felt a tear go down my face... the boys look lost.

"Why luce?"

"Ya why lucy?"

I looked back at Luna playing with happy and did a small smile.

"There's 2 reasons and she'll tell when she's ready... even know she's younger then me by alot. She's be through more then me..."

I walked away from them after that and started to play with Luna and happy.

(Time skipped brought to you by Donald Trump's so called 'fabulous' hair cut. I think he do sent have eyes... Oh and it's back to luna's Pov and there walking into the guild with Luna on Ersa's back and Lucy talking to the boys.)

ERZA IS AWESOME! She let me have a piggyback ride while I can hold one of her swords and yell onward stallion! I LOVE IT. Lulu said were going to a place where there's a lot of nice people. I looked back at Lulu and waved with my hand that's holding the sword. She waved back and when I turned around Erza put me down and said were here. When we walked in a table came at me and one of my friends came out feom the keyes i have and stopped the chair. When I looked it was Arial the mermaid. She broke the chair with her tail and looked at everyone before looking at me and picking me up.

"You should watch out before you throw tables you were about to hurt Luna."

I hugged Arial and she went back to the Celestia world.i fell on my bum and stood up. When I look I saw all eyes on me and they were mostly men so Lucy ran up to me and hugged me trying to clam me down.

"Luna-chan it's ok there friends they won't hurt you..."

I pushed back from Lucy and I was mad I felt my Slayer magic go out of control and a Lunar Flame came around me.


I started to cry and I fell on my knees and curled into a ball and cryed I felt some one pick me up and I look and it was a girl with white hair and she was gorgeous. My Lunar flames were gone and everything was silent. I cryed in her shoulder until she set me down and I made a little hiccup and almost all the girls died of cutness. I tried to walk but I fell on my bum and did another hiccup.

Lucy sat next to me and pulled me close. I heard footsteps steps then a man stood on a railing but he was short.

"What's going on? Why aren't you guys loud like your normally are."

Everyone looked at me and the man did too. In stead of crying again a Lunar Flame came around me and lucy and I gave off a killer aroma.

"You know it's not nice to stare at someone"

Everyone turned away and my Flame died down. The small man came up to me and he remind me of someone but I can't put a finger on it.

"Who are you?"

I looked at him and I shook my head and hide behind lucy.

"Gramps she's my little sister Luna Heartfilia and I'll talk to you later about her situation."

I started to slowly walk to the guild doors while no body was looking but when i was about to open them I was whacked on the head with the door. I looked up to see a bulky blonde man with a lightning sign on one of his eyes. For some reason I wasn't scared but I felt comfortable and he reminded me of someone but I can't put a finger on it... then a name came up in my head...
Yuri Dreyar... I looked at the man and he looked like him I stood up and pulled on his cloak he looked at me with dull eye and I only smiled.

"You remind me of some one but I don't remenber when I met them... do you know someone name Yuri Dreyar?"

I saw the old man go play and so does the man I'm talking to. For some reason I felt a connection with these two people.

"How do you know Yuri Dreyar he did ed a very long time ago... he was around when FairyTail frist started by the founder..."

I stopped him with a hand.

"Mavis... her name was Mavis... I don't know why but I felt like I've been here before and I met those people but... I can't place it..."

I saw a butterfly and chased it with happy hot on my tail.

I walked back in and the old man came up to me and ask if I wanted to join FairyTail and being me I said.

"Why not."

I got it stamped on the side of my neck. I didn't say a color and told them to just stamp and when that happened the color of my mark became a Lunar color with white and yellow transparent lines and stars.

I looked at everybody well the girls and smiled... I'm still scared of the boys except Makarov, laxsus, and happy oh ya I found out there names before I left and went after that butterfly. They feisty thing just flew right past me like I was some kind of statue.

I grabbed my sisters hand and we walked out when we walked out I saw something in the shadows but couldn't place a finger on it so I just left it be and walked with my sister to her apartment. Before we got far from the guild I spun around and yelled.


I heard byes but I skipped towards my sister and we went home...

Yep I did it I'm made a long chapter with no worries like my hurt and busted up knees or the scrap on my arm. Everything is fine and if you can't note the sarcasm you can shut the door oh and I heard a yo momma joke that made me laugh so hard so it was like this. Yo Momma Was So Fat She Crushed Your Dreams.

GET IT! Anyways I'll try to keep this up if I can.... well BYE.

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