Chapter 36 the decisive battle

3rd person POV.

Everyone teleported back to the academy alarms were blaring a good majority of students were retreating to the transport docks soon enough Y/n was face-to-face with the Headmasters.

Y/n: what's the situation?

Ozpin: we have three Intruders a commander class Fallen Angel a rogue Exorcist and a stray priest we've already issued an evacuation order so far almost all of the non-combatant students have been evacuated all the combative students are at the ready and waiting for orders what do you think we should do?

Y/n: why are you asking me?

The director: that is simple because you have been to war all of us have experienced battles and War but you are the most highly decorated war hero here so we would like to see if you can handle the commanding the coming battle.

Y/n: and I accept I will lead the students through any oncoming battle I need them to do as I say never question my orders don't ask stupid questions and surrender and failure is not an option.

Lord Gremory: understood everyone is at your command we will watching from the headmaster's office if things get bad we'll come out and help.

Y/n: do not worry I already have a plan how many students are currently here?

Ozpin: so far teams RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY, the entirety of the student council, the members of the newspaper Club decided to stick around, Ryuko, Penny, Ravel, and the members of the occult research Club they are all the ones present and accounted for.

Y/n: excellent where are our enemies?

Ozpin: they're in the courtyard the Stray priest and the Rogue Exorcist they're performing some sort of ritual and the Fallen Angel is sitting on a floating Throne doing nothing.

Y/n: he's waiting for us where is everyone?

The director: they are currently Waiting by the courtyard awaiting orders.

Y/n: excellent that'll be all.

With that said the Headmasters went back to their office and Y/n headed towards the others once he got there he was approached by his girlfriend Nonon.

Nonon: Y/n we were just alerted that you were put in charge of this operation lady Satsuki has decided to let you lead this assault.

Y/n: excellent now all of you shut up and listen I'm calling the shots on this one and you're all going to do what I say if you want to see tomorrow!

Everyone: sir yes sir!!!

Y/n: now here's how it's going to go the members of the student council are going to go to the outskirts of the academy and put up a field and protect this Academy at all cost make sure nothing gets in or out until I give the word.

With that said the members of the student council immediately headed outside towards the outskirts of the academy but not before Nonon gave Y/n a passionate kiss.

Nonon: you better come out of this okay!

Y/n: don't worry it's not me you have to worry about it's the assholes who decided to invade my home!

Nonon: I guess we better start ordering body bags.

Y/n: damn straight now go!

What's that said the members of the student council went to the outskirts of the academy to do their job the members of the Elite Four transformed into their new second phase battle regalia.

Ira: three star Goku uniform shackle regalia Mk II!

Uzu: three star Goku uniform blade regalia Mk III!

Nonon: three star Goku uniform Symphony regalia Mk II!

Houka: three star Goku uniform probe regalia Mk II!

Y/n: damn that is so awesome and my girlfriend is so hot!

The members of Sona's Peerage began just throw up a huge magical barrier protecting the entire academy.

Y/n: Jesus Christ I love Magic! But that is neither here nor there teams RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY you all will take care of the Stray priest.

CVFY, JNPR, & RWBY: sir yes sir!

Y/n: newspaper Club you guys will be the reserves I'll call you guys in when the time is right.

Newspaper Club: sir yes sir!

Y/n: Ryuko, Ravel, Penny, and the Occult research Club you guys will deal with the Rogue Exorcist.

Everyone: sir yes sir!

Y/n: good and I'll take care of the Fallen Angel myself now drop your cocks and grab your socks we're rolling out time to nut up or shut up!!!

Everyone: SIR YES SIR!!!!!!!

With that said everyone exited and made their way towards Courtyard when they got there they noticed a huge magical Circle pouring out golden energy.

Y/n: okay before anyone says anything be the first to ask what in the name of Sanity is that?

Kokabiel: it seems that the four excaliburs have been merged into one that is so Valper do you know?

Rias: Kokabiel!

Kokabiel: so is Big Brother on his way or what?

Y/n: I'm sorry to say this you crazy red-eyed elf eared son of a bitch but he's not coming you're going to have to deal with me and me alone the others are going to stay out of our fight and deal with your little minions.

Kokabiel: oh well I guess I'm going to have to settle for the king of Hell himself.

Kokabiel snapped his fingers creating a huge Spear of light he then threw it towards the supply shed as soon as it touched the supply shed it exploded creating a huge explosion everyone except Y/n was blown back by the force of the explosion but he remained firmly planted in his spot totally unaffected by the blast and completely unimpressed.

Y/n: I'm not impressed I've seen scarier things in my toilet!

Kokabiel: well since you came all the way here to see me I might as well let you play with my favorite pet!

Kokabiel's floating Throne blasted the ground below opening a portal straight to the fiery bowels of the underworld summoning 2 the three-headed dog Cerberus everyone seemed totally terrified by the three-headed fiery dog everyone except Y/n.

Y/n: that's not a pet that's a wild animal!

Akeno: living at the gates of the underworld it's the watch dog of Hades.

Asia: so he's real what are we going to do?

Y/n: you guys are going to do as I told you and fight the spray priest these mangy mutts are mine!

Rias: understood your highness!

Y/n immediately activated his balance breaker shocking everyone that he had attained that level.

Y/n: hey yo crack eyes you want to see something really cool?

Kokabiel: now I know that you're playing me and I do.

Y/n immediately immediately summoned the dark booster and he added a time dilation glyph now combined his dark booster started going into overdrive boosting every second giving him an incredible surge of power


The dark booster continued boosting until eventually the second Gem popped out indicating that it had reached its second Liberation but it did not stop boosting eventually it reached it's Supernova level and a huge orb twice the size of a bowling ball appeared in his hand.

Y/n: let's see if you doggies can play fetch and play dead!!! Seeking Serpent shot!!!

Y/n punched the orb and immediately the orb lurched forward and became a beam of pure dark red energy the beam then split off into 6 separate beams the Watchdogs of Hades attempted to dodge the attack but unfortunately the attack acted like a heat-seeking missile every time they dodged it would change directions eventually it struck them all in the heads piercing each one of their skulls and coming out the other end killing them instantly but it didn't stop there instead they continued piercing the three-headed dogs repeatedly until eventually they were ripped to shreds and eventually the beams detonated causing 6 huge explosions completely vaporizing the three-headed dogs everyone watched in total shock and awe not seeing the devastating attack coming even the enemies were totally shocked to see such a devastating attack wipe out a forbidden Beast.

Kokabiel: okay I did not see that one coming.

Y/n: no one ever does.

Issei: Ddraig can we do that?

Ddraig: I'm going to be totally honest with you I have no idea but I have a feeling that that is a negatory.

Y/n: what are you moron standing around doing nothing?!?!?!?! Attack!!!!!!

With that said everyone except the newspaper Club charged to attack the stray priest and the Rogue Exorcist Y/n spread his fiery wings and immediately charged at the Fallen Angel Kokabiel generated two swords of light and their battle began unfortunately the moment The Tempest touched the sword of light it was instantly corrupted by the dark nature of the Tempest and the sort of like shattered like glass.

Kokabiel: what the hell?!?! How is that possible you corrupted my sword of light?!?!

Y/n:  this sword The Tempest is the most powerful blade in the world this weapon has both light and dark inside of it against light and dark weapons it will always win using the opposite element but since I know you're not following I'm going to put it in a way even you can understand this pretty little sword is the most powerful weapon in the world and there's no way you can win against it!

Kokabiel became agitated at Y/n's arrogance and superiority but eventually a thought crossed his mind.

Kokabiel: such a beautiful blade such an amazing wonderful weapon if it's as powerful as you say it is then I shall kill you and take it from your cold dead hands!!!

Y/n: if you want it so bad then you can have it all you have to do is ask nicely.

Kokabiel was totally surprised at what he just heard as if he had heard the stupidest thing ever he thought he would give it a try.

Kokabiel: may I please have your weapon?

Y/n: sure catch!

Y/n threw his blade Kokabiel caught the sword by the handle and was amazed by the power of the blade but after a split-second the Tempest recognized that it was no longer in the hands of its master.

The Tempest: Get Your Filthy Fallen meat off my handle!!!!

The Tempest immediately hit kokabiel with a massive surge of both holy and demonic energy causing him to scream in agony problem was he couldn't let go so the Tempest continued to hit him with even more energy until eventually his whole left-arm was disintegrated and the Tempest fell out of his grip Y/n caught the Tempest and it immediately calmed down.

Kokabiel: that....that insane power how do you handle it?!?!?!?

Y/n: I'll tell you a little secret this blade has four seals on it restraining is power one seal could render someone like you totally helpless what this blade has power beyond that not even God himself has and it will become even more powerful soon enough and the best part is every time this sword takes a life that person's soul is added to the Tempest giving in a permanent power boost and soon I will add your soul to it, how does that sound sport?

Kokabiel became terrified and tried to fly away but before he could get far Y/n decided to play with him a little bit.

Y/n: release restraint level 1!

The Tempest immediately shattered like glass and reformed into its second phase gaining a huge power boost Y/n disappeared and reappeared ring front of Kokabiel before he could reach the barrier.

Y/n: too slow!

Kokabiel immediately changed directions and once again before he could reach the barrier Y/n appeared before him blocking his path.

Y/n: denied!!!

Kokabiel tried to think of a way out he knew he was going to die if he stayed so you looked down and noticed a bunch of students holding the barrier of so he smiled and he threw a huge Spear of light at them effectively distracting Y/n L/n while he was distracted kokabiel took the opportunity to create another sword of light he then effectively cut off Y/n's left-arm which was holding the Tempest causing it to fall to the ground the only bright side of the situation was the left arm was his T-1000 arm Nonon noticed this.

Nonon: Y/N!!!!!!!

As soon as the spear of light hit the ground it exploded not only destroying the barrier but knocking everyone back Nonon managed to avoid the blast she flew towards Y/n's Tempest blade Y/n notice this and immediately shouted an order towards the Tempest.

Y/n: I consent and gladly give!!!

The Tempest hearing his order immediately granted Nonon total control and the ability to wield The Tempest she grabbed Y/n's Tempest blade and his severed arm which reformed into a metal ingot she then rocketed towards Y/n with his arm and blade in hand.

Nonon: Y/n catch!!!!

Nonon threw the two items at her boyfriend his arm immediately reconnected with his body and once his arm reformed back into an arm he caught the Tempest in his newly reformed silver arm he then attempted to cut down the Fallen Angel but before he could Kokabiel had one last trick up his sleeve if he was going down he was taking someone with him he immediately generated a huge Spear of light triple the size of a normal one and through it at Nonon Y/n saw this and attempted to intercept the spear of light knowing that his body could be destroyed by the weapon of light but he was too late a spear hit the ground right where everyone was out of nowhere a giant blast of gold and energy exploded fourth the blast hit the Elite 4 Dead on disintegrating their Goku uniforms everyone caught in the blast was rendered unconscious thanks to Gamagori who absorbed the majority of the blast but Nonon took a good portion of the shot she was rendered naked and unconscious.

Y/n: oh my God NO!!!!!!

Y/n immediately flew down to the ground and immediately checked on everyone he scanned them they were all alive just barely he checked on his girlfriend she was just barely alive.

Y/n: Nonon are you okay please answer me!!!

Nonon slowly opened her eyes she had third-degree burn marks on certain spots of her body.

Nonon: Y/n...I'm sorry.......I wasn't fast....enough.

Y/n: please hold on I'll go get Asia she can heal you straight up.

Nonon: I hope you're right if I make it through this I have to tell you something very important.

Y/n: you will make it through I promise just please hold on a little longer.

Nonon: I think I will I just hope I can.

Nonon finally slipped into unconsciousness for a second Y/n thought she was dead but his scanners indicated that she was alive just barely.

Kokabiel started laughing his head off at his Triumph.

Kokabiel: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!! Do you see king of hell you took something from me and I'll take something away from you!!!

Y/n did not say a word instead for the first time in a long time he felt unbridled unadulterated unyielding murderous rage he held it back as best he could he immediately teleported away to get Asia he teleported back with Asia in hand she immediately started healing the members of the student council.

Kokabiel: what's the matter king of hell cat got your tongue no more words to fail or are you just sad that I killed your little girlfriend and that I am going to kill all of your friends and destroy this Academy kill you and start another War.

Y/n's anger started to boil over and hit a tipping point his anger started to turn into something worse insanity without saying a word he vanished Into Thin Air kokabiel not knowing where he ended up started looking around out of nowhere he teleported away and reappeared back in the courtyard he was then thrown to the ground so far everything was going well Kiba had finally made peace with his past and created his forbidden technique a holy devil sword he and Xenovia were fighting together everyone else stood back and watched the battle but suddenly everything stopped when they felt the completely unrealistic power coming off of Y/n L/n everyone turned their heads to see Y/n he was just standing there a demonic Aura was flowing off his body this Aura was his rage and insanity he was becoming something Beyond Humanity something Beyond Terminator something that not even God could imagine in his most wildest nightmares something that not even the Devil Himself could imagine in his wildest Daydreams he was becoming pure unadulterated evil everyone noticed that he was crying tears of blood after a few seconds his blood turned blacker than the darkest void his veins started to turn jet black The Tempest reacted feeling the extraordinary really dark power coming off its master the eye of the Tempest started to dilate Kokabiel kept digging his grave ranting on about how God was dead and how everything was pointless and meaningless and all that jazz everyone was shocked by the news everyone except Y/n he was absolutely unfazed.

Y/n: release restraint level 2!

The Tempest once again shattered into pieces the pieces started to a reform and reshape themselves into a new configuration and soon enough the pieces recombined back into a new form.

Everyone could feel the extraordinary power of the Tempest now combining with the insane power of an extremely angry king of hell.

Rias: what is this power it's insane?!?!?

Issei: wow I've never seen him this angry before!!!

Koneko: I think we better run for Our lives.

Ryuko: holyshit I haven't seen anger like that since I went berserk!!!

Senketsu: the anger that incredible power he's about to go berserk!!!!!!

Ravel: this is his power I never thought he could have so much power!!!!!!!

O. Moka: I'm scared beyond all rational thought.

I. Moka: I am too

Mizore: his power just jumped past a triple S Class monster!!!

Akeno: his power has just outshined an ultimate class devil!!!!

Xenovia: I can't believe someone can have this much power it's impossible!!!!!!!

Penny: I can't believe Y/n has this much power I never thought in my wildest dreams he could have this kind of power!!!!!!!

Y/n: Kokabiel you have made the ultimate mistake Crossing me and for that you will pay the ultimate price you and all of your followers!!!!!!!

Y/n immediately reached into his bag and pulled out his chainsaw he immediately revved up the engine and for good measure to make sure that he suffered he engaged The Forbidden protocol the protocol he's been scared to use ever since his days in the War between man and machine.

Y/n mind: engage protocol Rip and Tear.EXE

Y/n's systems: engaging protocol marking hostels.

Y/n's systems immediately marked the three hostiles those being kokabiel, Freed, and Valper his systems highlighted them in a fiery red outline.

Y/n's systems: highlighting friendlies.

Y/n's systems immediately highlighted everyone else in a green outline so that day would not get caught in the crossfire of his blood rage.

Y/n's systems: rip and tear until it is done!

(A/n): Moment music bitches if you do not like extreme violence and Gore do not watch this video and just continue reading!!!

Y/n was completely consumed by his blood rage by his insanity and he immediately vanished Into Thin Air he immediately reappeared behind Valper Galilei before he could turn around and realize what happened he was immediately cut in half by Y/n's chainsaw ripping and tearing through meat and Bone Valper screamed in horrible Agony as his body was completely ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds the body of the Stray priest fell to the ground his blood and organs spilling onto the ground but right before he died Y/n stabbed the Stray priest in the back more specifically right in the heart with his Tempest blade his blade absorbed his soul turning what remained of his body into a substance that is neither sand nor rust everyone was totally shocked by the total savagery of their friend Issei even threw up.

Freed: holy shit that was cold even by my standards!!!

Y/n immediately vanished Into Thin Air once again and reappeared right in front of the Rogue Exorcist the two of them started to battle hacking and slashing at each other trying to kill one another unfortunately the combined excaliburs stood no chance against The Tempest and with a few swings of his blade the combined Excalibur shattered like glass.

Freed: God Fucking dammit my sword broke!!!

Y/n brought down his chainsaw and cut Freed's left arm off he then swung his chainsaw again and cut his legs off Freed screamed in horrible agony as he felt his flesh and Bone being ripped apart his now mutilated body fell to the ground and he passed out from the pain.

Y/n suddenly turned his sights on the Fallen Angel kokabiel was totally terrified that both of his minions could be defeated so fast and in such brutal fashions Y/n deactivated his chainsaw and put it back in his bag he immediately slowly walked over towards the Fallen Angel kokabiel tried to fly away before he could get a few inches off the ground.

Y/n grabbed one of his wings and cut it off with his Tempest blade kokabiel screened in horrible agony as his wing was cut off and the Tempest delivered on to him a horrible agony of the highest degree Y/n immediately jumped onto his back and forced him to the ground kokabiel turned his head to see the insane look upon Y/n's face this was a look that would scare anyone and I do mean anyone it was a look that even the darkness itself would cower in fear at unbeknownst to Y/n the members of the student council were now fine and now watching the horrible Act of brutal murder going on in front of them.

Kokabiel: please have mercy I beg of you!!!!!!


Y/n proceeded to grab each of his remaining nine wings and he proceeded to rip them all off in an extremely brutal fashion kokabiel screamed in horrible Agony as the pain of his wings being ripped off was added on to the pain from The Tempest a huge geyser of blood erupted from his back where his Wings used to be completely staining Y/n's clothes blood red Kokabiel immediately with the last of his strength generated one last Spear of light and threw it at Y/n's face it exploded on contact but when the smoke screen cleared what remained was beyond Kokabiel's wildest nightmares what was revealed to him was a metal skull with blood red eyes looking at him.

(A/n): STOP THE MUSIC!!!!!

Kokabiel finally got out from under Y/n's foot and tried to run away but he didn't get very far his path was blocked and he was totally surrounded.

Kokabiel: please don't let him kill me lock me away forever and throw away the key feed me nothing but bread and water for the rest of my life but please don't let him have me!!!

Y/n: nothing will save you for I am fear I am Darkness I am insanity I am rage I am the monster that every child fears is hiding under their bed or in their closet I am the creature of your destruction!!!!!!!

Kokabiel: Mercy!

Y/n: say it again!

Kokabiel: Mercy!

Y/n: one more fucking time!

Kokabiel: MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n immediately grabbed Kokabiel by the throat and started to choke slam him into the ground repeatedly his windpipe was crushed rendering him mute and unable to speak or scream for help and or Mercy Y/n then straddled the Fallen angel's body raised The Tempest blade and proceeded to stab him in the heart but he wasn't done there he then continued to stab kokabiel in the chest a total of 472 times after a little while Kokabiel's Soul was absorbed into the Tempest turning his body into a substance that was neither sand nor rust once he was finally dead Y/n's blood rage finally went away and he returned to normal but the fear everyone felt what is still there everyone was totally scared of Y/n seeing how brutal and barbaric he could be when pushed past his limits.

Y/n's systems: all hostiles neutralized disengaging rip and tear.EXE

Y/n looked around and saw the horrified faces of everyone around him instead of saying anything immediately vanished Into Thin Air everyone was totally flabbergasted at the Savage barbarity of their friend and loved one while no one was looking Y/n scooped up the pieces of the Excalibur and immediately teleported to his Palace in hell he immediately placed the pieces of the Excalibur in the vault where they would not go anywhere and would be kept for safekeeping Y/n immediately reappeared back in the human world at the new age Academy everyone looked to see him standing behind them his face has finally regenerated thanks to his Phoenix healing Nonon approached the one she loved she stood before him not scared but concerned for his well-being.

Nonon: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: I need a shower some food and a good nap.

Y/n then fell backwards and finally fell unconscious he was totally emotionally drained.

Nonon: he's fine! Hey yo Toad could you carry him back to his dorm I think he needs a good long rest.

Ira immediately stepped forward and immediately picked up Y/n L/n he then carried the Terminator human hybrid back to his dorm where big huge honking male dropped him onto his bed and proceeded to leave Nonon on the other hand decided to stay and watch over her boyfriend after seeing how much he loved her and how he would go totally Savage if he thought she was hurt she knew that he loved her more than anything in the whole world even enough to totally go insane and risk his sanity.

Nonon: I guess it's time to tell you.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 4528)

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