Chapter 28 forging a greater weapon

3rd person POV.

Y/n woke up in his bed same time same way as he always did this time however he had the blood Saber and the Grim Reaper's Scythe in his hands in his pocket was the soul trap.

Y/n: well time to get to work so much to do so little time

Y/n went to go do his morning workout after he finished his morning workout he took a shower after his shower he went back to his dorm to find that Penny had already woken up.

Y/n: morning penny

Penny: good morning Y/n how did you sleep?

Y/n: I slept perfectly fine how about you?

Penny had a slight blush on her face.

Penny: I slept wonderfully~

Y/n: that's good to hear before I head to class I'm going to head to the headmaster's office.

Penny: why is that?

Y/n: I have to conduct some business with the Headmasters.

Penny: understandable

Y/n: meanwhile I want you to go to class as normal I will be there before classes start.

Penny: understood I will do this!

Y/n: excellent.

Y/n got dressed in his Goku uniform and then headed off to the headmaster's office once he arrived at the headmaster's office he knocked on the door three times as per usual to adhere to common courtesy.

Ozpin: please come in

Y/n entered the headmaster's office the door closed behind him and he looked at the three Headmasters.

Ozpin: ah Y/n L/n to what do I owe the pleasure of this early morning visit?

Y/n: I need access to the vault.

Ozpin: interesting do you have another weapon idea?

Y/n: I have something for the Tempest and I wish to upgrade it.

The director: well you'll be happy to know that you no longer need us to get into the vault.

Y/n: what do you mean I don't have the access codes?

Lord Gremory: well now you do follow me please.

Lord Gremory got up from his seat and made his way over to the bookcase.

Lord Gremory: do you know which book to open the secret passageway?

Y/n: yes I believe it is this one.

Y/n pull out the right book and the secret passageway opened to reveal the elevator above the keypad enter the code if there was a strange hole.

Y/n: what's that?

Y/n pointed to the strange hole.

Lord Gremory: that will be a plug-in for your terminal strip all you have to do is plug in give it a clockwise turn and the system will read your bio signature and you'll have full access to the vault.

Y/n: how interesting!

Y/n pulled out his terminal strip plugged-in gave it a clockwise turn the system read his bio signature and soon enough the elevator opened.

Computer: access granted welcome Y/n L/n.

Y/n: wow

Both Y/n and Lord Gremory entered the elevator the elevator went down and eventually they made it to the bottom of the Elevator Shaft the two of them made their way to the end of the hallway once again above keypad was another hole for him to plug in his terminal strip he plugged in his terminal strip gave it a clockwise turn and the system read his bio signature.

Computer: access approved welcome Y/n L/n

The vault door unlocked and swung open the two of them entered the vault.

Lord Gremory: now that you have full access to the Vault you can come and go as you please just remember to never bring anyone down here without our permission and never tell anyone about what you do what is down here or this places existence.

Y/n: understood Headmaster but before you go I wish to talk to you.

Lord Gremory: and what would you want to talk about?

Y/n: so did you hear about it from your son?

Lord Gremory: what do you mean?

Y/n: the fact that the underworld and Hell Is Under New Management.

Lord Gremory: yes I heard my son already told me your highness but we must keep up appearances here I am still your Headmaster but in private and in Social affairs in the Underworld you are my rightful King and master.

Y/n: I just wanted to know if you knew that I wish to show you something.

Y/n reached into his bag and pulled out both the soul trap and the Grim Reaper's scythe Lord Gremory gasped in shock knowing exactly what the items were.

Lord Gremory: where did you get those items?

Y/n: well to tell the story right I must take you back to last night so far for the last few days every night when I fall asleep my astral projection is forced to hell to train with Abaddon to master my forbidden gear last night I proved myself Worthy of ruling hell so Abaddon took me to Lucifer's Palace or should I say my new Palace?

Lord Gremory was totally flabbergasted at what he just heard.

Lord Gremory: you found Lucifer's lost Palace?

Y/n: I didn't exactly find it I was led to it by Abaddon there I was given The Grand Tour of the palace by the Grand Master devil Leonard.

Lord Gremory: Leonard is alive?!

Y/n: he most certainly is he has been waiting for his new master to claim the throne last night I discovered that these two items in the palace, I have a feeling you know what these two items are?

Lord Gremory: yes the Grim Reaper's scythe a weapon of Legendary Power it belonged to the original Grim Reaper himself The Horseman of death himself and that Jim is an item crafted by Lucifer himself with unspeakable power the power to trap souls inside of itself allowing the user to harness the power of the trapped souls and make himself more powerful with every foe he vanquishes.

Y/n: good eye you are absolutely right!

Lord Gremory: what are you going to do with these items of terrible power my Lord?

Y/n summoned The Tempest and placed it on an empty table.

Y/n: simple

Y/n went over and grabbed the forge.

Y/n: I'm going to merge these items with the Tempest using the power of the forge to make my Tempest blade even more powerful than ever!

Lord Gremory looked extremely shocked to hear this two items of such significant power and importance and they were about to become more powerful than he could ever imagine.

Lord Gremory: my Lord I don't mean to talk out of turn or overstep my bounds but are you sure this is such a wise idea a weapon of such terrible power in anyone's hands that kind of power will be sought after by all those who consider themselves more worthy than yourself and besides in Siri The Tempest is more powerful than anything ever created before no other sacred gear or semblance could ever rival that of the power of the Tempest and now you're telling me you want to make it even more powerful my Lord that that scares me.

Y/n: good I want it to scare people I want people to know that when they see my blade there death is inevitable I want to protect this world and protect it from ruin I do not want the same fate that befell my world to happen to this world as well I care about this world I have grown very fond of it and I have a great adoration board from its nature to its Birds to the creatures that inherit it's oceans to its people to the creatures that fly high above the clouds I do not wish for them to suffer the Fate I had suffered I want this world to be free and happy with the power I am about to possess no one will ever dare disturb that peace ever again.

Lord Gremory was kind of shocked to hear the gentle and kind words he had just heard from he is King normally the king of hell is supposed to want more power inherently for his own selfish and Petty desires but this person in front of him only wanted peace there was no ulterior motive or malice behind his actions there was only selflessness.

Y/n: now let us begin

Y/n arranged the three items in a certain formation so that they were touching each other in just the right way he then lifted the forge into the air and with a single swing he pounded the items with significant Force the items were infused with energy causing them to mold and reshape themselves to the user's desire Y/n lifted the hammer again and swing it with even more Force the items continued to reshape themselves a few more swings and finally the deed was done the Tempest had now gained new power the problem was it didn't look any different.

Y/n put the Ford Back Where it belongs he lifted The Tempest with one hand and immediately she could feel like it was different the weight was exactly the same it looked the same but he could feel that it was most certainly different it felt way more powerful than ever he gave the blade a few experimental swings but it didn't feel any different he just knew it was different and suddenly an idea popped into his head it wasn't his own it was as if the Tempest was telling him something Y/n grabbed the handle with both of his hands and held on tight.

Y/n: blade shift Reaper's requiem!

The Tempest glowed bright and it transformed the handle extended itself and got a small curved into itself the blade lengthened and curved the eye of the Tempest moved into the center and now it had become the Grim Reaper's scythe.

Y/n: whoa shit!

Lord gremory:  oh my!

Y/n was never trained in the art of Scythe combat but he still gave the blade a few experimental swings he twirled the blade in his hands.

Y/n: alright I can get used to this I like it!

Y/n remembered a few of Ruby Rose's techniques and he applied them in his own form but soon enough he grew bored with this.

Y/n: all right I think I'm done for right now blade revert!

With that said the Tempest returned back to its normal sword configuration.

Y/n look at the time to see that he only had 25 minutes to get to class.

Y/n: it was good seeing you again Headmaster but I must head off to class before I am late.

With that said Y/n ran off to the elevator with Lord Gremory in tow the two of them headed up back to the headmaster's office Y/n immediately bolted out of the elevator and headed off to his class with his enhanced speed he was able to make it to class with plenty of time to spare he arrived at his class to find Penny having a lovely conversation with team RWBY.

Y/n: hello everyone what are you guys talking about?

Ruby: oh nothing just some Girl Talk.

Yang: yeah nothing that concerns a guy like you.

Y/n: say no more I understand even though I might have been in a war for the survival of humanity there were still some things that don't change and girl talk is one of them.

Y/n sat down in his seat and waited for class to begin eventually Professor Port entered the class and began his lesson.

(Time skip later that day)

School day had finally ended Y/n and Penny were now in the robotics Club performing their own separate projects since the success of the REV-9 each and every one of them had had plenty of experience so everyone is working on their own projects Y/n right now is working on a mini pocket robot four things such as spying on others quick and easy assassinations getting him things he needed and just companionship when Penny is not around.

Y/n: and done

Y/n activated the pocket robot it had a very simple Ai and he could control it remotely so he could both do things subconsciously or he could just give it simple commands the pocket robot had two purple eyes for spider-like legs and a rounded rectangular body it even had a multitude of miniature weapons inside of it its legs could be used for both slashing and stabbing weapons it even had a small speaker system hidden inside itself so he could play music whenever he wanted.

Y/n: I wonder what I should call you?

Y/n: begin contemplating the ideas but it was a lot harder than it looks but he looked at the little Droid and noticed that it was so fast that it practically moved in a blur suddenly the name came to mind it was perfect for the little Speedy guy.

Y/n: I think I called you blur yes that's the perfect name for a Speedy little guy like yourself

The little Droid hopped with excitement at his new name.

Y/n: blur it is.

The little pocket bot jumps onto his shoulder.

Y/n sits there in his chair marveling at his little success until his scroll starts ringing Y/n picks up his scroll and answers the call to hear the voice of Headmaster the director over his scroll.

The director: Y/n we need you at the headmaster's office immediately.

Y/n: shall I bring my partner with me?

The director: I know this is a very private matter and it might disturb her.

Y/n: understood I'll be there ASAP!

The director: good I'll see you there.

What's that said the director terminated the communication Y/n put his scroll in his pocket and headed to the door.

Y/n: I must head off duty calls Josh you're in charge Penny you stay here this is a serious Private Matter if I'm not back by the time Club is over go back to our dorm I don't know when I'll be back but don't worry I'll be fine.

Penny: understood see you later Y/n.

Y/n: see you later Penny

Y/n headed off to the headmaster's office as quick as a flash with the little pocket robot on his shoulder eventually he arrived at the headmaster's office once he arrived there the doors instantly opened to allow him entrance there he could see the Headmasters sitting behind their desk along with General Ironwood.

Y/n: hello Headmasters hello General how may I help you?

Ironwood: it's about the prisoner you brought in yesterday?

Y/n: Roman torchwick?

Ozpin: correct

Ironwood: we have interrogated him and use multiple interrogation techniques on him but he refuses to cooperate we believe that you might have a slight Edge to get him to talk.

Y/n: so you want me to torture him for information?

The director: we don't want you to torture him exactly we wants you to convince him to give us the information we seek.

Y/n: I understand exactly what you're saying.

Y/n gave a wink signaling that he knew exactly what he was talking about.

Ironwood noticed the little robot on Y/n's shoulder.

Ironwood: what is that little robot on your shoulder?

Y/n: that would be my new pocket bot an Android of my own design he is built to have multiple purposes mostly to assist me in any way I see fit.

Ironwood: what can it do?

Y/n: oh you know perform quick assassinations act as a Spy Bot packing two items and get control of them play music act as a battle robot get me things I want things of that nature.

Ironwood: what kind of weapons does it have?

Y/n: oh you know the usual a subsonic repeater a heavy laser cutter its legs can be used for both slashing and stabbing weapons a small drill a saw for cutting just in case the laser is ineffective or non-functional.

Ironwood: looked extremely impressed by the little piece of technology.

Ironwood: and what is keeping him from becoming a homicidal killer and disobeying your orders seek his own ends.

Y/n: don't worry I hardwired the three laws of robotics into him.

Ozpin: what are the three laws of robotics?

Y/n: rule 1 a robot may not injure or harm a human directly or indirectly rule 2 a robot must follow all orders given by a human unless it conflicts with the first law and Rule 3 a robot must protect its own existence unless it conflicts with the first or second law but I did give it an override code so that he can perform his assassination duties but after that is finished it will automatically revert back to it's harmless state.

Ironwood: how interesting and ingenious.

Y/n: I call him blur because he can move extremely fast but we must hurry to the dungeon we must get the information before it is too late.

With that said everyone quickly got up from their seats and made their way to the dungeon once they arrived there they stood outside of Roman torchwick's cell.

Y/n: all right I'll go in there get the info and get out whatever you do do not interrupt when I'm about to do because trust me you're going to hear some freaky shit!

Ozpin: understood

Y/n entered the cell to see Roman torchwick sitting in a chair handcuffed to a table.

Roman: who the hell are you?

Y/n: my name is not important what is important is that you have information that I want so let's make this simple and easy tell me what I want to know and I'll make sure that you leave here completely unscathed how's that sound buddy?

Roman: you see I'd like that a lot but I can't you know what my boss would do to me if she knew I told you?

Y/n: listen buddy there is two ways we can do this and easy way and a hard way I want to do it the easy way but if you don't tell me what I want to know then I'm going to have to do it the hard way~

Roman: well I'm not going to tell you anything.

Y/n sighed in exasperation and left the room.

Y/n: he's not talking

Ironwood: I know that we saw that.

Y/n: well I guess I'm going to have to do the hard way I'll be right back.

Ozpin: where are you going?

Y/n: TRUST ME!!!

Y/n ran to his locker to grab a few things chemistry class to grab a few chemicals the nurse's office to grab a syringe he quickly mixed the chemicals he grabbed together in the right order and the right amounts soon enough he had created a very powerful chemical cocktail and then he quickly headed back to the dungeon.

Ozpin: what are you doing with all that stuff?

Y/n: he didn't want to talk so I'm going to have to do it the hard way and trust me when I say the hard way this is where it gets hard core so no matter how much screaming you here no matter how much you hear someone begging to die or the sounds of Machinery do not go in there because trust me you're not going to like what you're going to see don't worry I'm not going to kill him I'm just going to make him wish he were dead.

Y/n quickly went into the cell

Y/n put his bag on the table and pulled out the items he needed.

Roman: what's all that stuff for?

Y/n: you didn't want to cooperate so I'm going to make you tell me what I want to know and trust me when I say this what your boss could do to you is nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you~

Y/n dunked the syringe into the chemical cocktail and pumped the chemicals into the syringe.

Roman: what is that stuff?

Y/n: this is a highly powerful chemical cocktail it will not kill you but it will cause extreme pain it will not do any physical damage to any of your vital components and the best part of it is it will force you to stay awake until it has exited your system or until I have administered to cure.

Y/n made his way over to Roman with the syringe Roman tugged on his shackles as hard as he could trying to escape Y/n grab a chunk full of his hair and forced him to hold still he then injected the chemicals into Roman's system he then pulled out the syringe and waited a few seconds Roman's pupils dilated and his skin broke out into a horrible rash Roman began to scream in horrible agony

Roman: please make it stop!

Y/n: it's not going to stop until you tell me what I want!

Roman: I can't!

Y/n: can't or won't!

Y/n closed his eyes and focused he summoned his familiar Osore what's in a few seconds the embodiment of fear arrived.

Osore: you summoned me master?

Y/n: yes I have a very Disobedience prisoner who will not give me what I want so I was wondering if maybe you can do some hallucination based on what he fears the most and make him suffer even more than he already is!

Osore looked like he was about to explode with joy.

Osore: Master you have come to the right man I do enjoy inflicting Terror on others~

Osore swiftly made his way over to Roman he put his hand on the crown of Romans head starting to read his mind eventually he found what most scared Roman he then used his terrible fear Magic to torture Roman Roman quickly opened his eyes wide and screamed even more he screams like a little girl in fact for he was seeing what he fears the most he was kicking and screaming like a little child while he was begging for it to end.


Roman started crying as both the physical and mental torture was too much.


Y/n grabbed the syringe and quickly filled it with the antidote.

Y/n: that's enough your job here is done thank you for your assistance.

Osore: oh no thank you master for allowing me to assist you with such a fun endeavor~

Osore quickly vanished Into Thin Air probably going back to his part of the familiar Forest Y/n injected the antidote into Roman's neck soon enough Romans screams died down the rash on his skin faded away Roman breathed heavily as if he had run a hundred marathons.

Y/n: now are you ready to talk? or do you want me to do that again but this time I will leave you down here to suffer for 72 hours~

Roman: no no no please have mercy not again I'll tell you everything?

Y/n: good what's with all the Dust?

Roman: I swear I really don't know my boss never told me she just told me to steal as much dust as possible I swear!

Y/n looked at Roman he was definitely afraid his deep tissue scanner showed him that he was not lying.

Y/n: I believe you next question what's the next phase of your bosses plans?

Roman: she's planning a full-scale Grimm and covers invasion of vale?

Y/n: how? when? and where?

Roman: there is a massive White Fang base in the tunnels under mount Glenn there's an old train system that leads directly to downtown rail she's going to blow the tunnels bring as many White Fang covers and Grimm with her as possible she's been going to ram the train into the blocked off exit which leads directly into Vale it's going to be a bloodbath!

Y/n: when is this attack?

Roman: tomorrow at sunset they're probably getting ready now the train will start moving at Sunset Sharp!

Y/n: final question and this is for all the marbles what's the name of your boss?

Roman: please I can't tell you she'll kill me worse still torment me worse than you could ever do and then feed me to either the Grimm or the covers so please just kill me but I can't tell you her name.

Roman's heart was beating out of control it looked like he was on the verge of a total mental breakdown or a heart attack whichever came first.

Y/n: you know what I'm a nice guy

Y/n started to gently run his hands through Roman's hair in a creepy fashion.

Y/n: I'll take what I can get and in exchange you could live the rest of your life in a comfortable cell and you'll never hear or see me ever again would you like that?

Roman: please just lock me away and throw away the key feed me nothing but bread and water for the rest of my life I don't care as long as I'm away from you you crazy psycho!

Y/n: oh I know I'm crazy but I'm sane enough to admit it~

Y/n reeled back his fist and quickly punched Roman in the face knocking him out Y/n exited the cell and looked at the Headmasters and the general the four of them looked completely horrified at what they just heard.

Y/n: I have the information we need.

Everyone recomposed themselves and stood up straight.

Ozpin: um good work Y/n good work indeed.

Ironwood: what did you learn?

Y/n: he doesn't know what they're using the Dust for but I have pieced it all together they're launching a massive Invasion into Vale tomorrow they have a base in the tunnels under mount Glenn they're going to use the train to Ram into downtown Vail unleashing a massive horde of White Fang covers and Grimm their plan starts tomorrow at sunset I will leave tomorrow at noon I will do this alone I do not wish Penny to get hurt or find out where I got the information from that girl is a little too smart for her own good sometimes.

Ironwood: her Creator did program her to learn at a geometric rate.

Y/n: well he succeeded General you may take him away I'm done with him.

Y/n went back to the robotics Club there he retrieved Penny and after that they went back to their dorm to go to bed for it was late at night and they were both tired Penny instantly fell asleep as soon as she hit her bed Y/n got dressed into his pajamas hung up his Goku uniform and allowed himself to fall into the hellscape that was his dreams.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 4587)

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