3rd person POV.
Y/n woke up early in the morning as he did everyday Y/n headed off to the gym to go do his normal morning exercises unaware of the multiple pairs of eyes watching him after he finished his exercise he took a quick shower after finishing his shower he headed back to his dorm there he noticed Penny was starting to wake up.
Y/n: good morning Penny how did you sleep?
Penny: I slept really great problem is I don't really dream I wasn't designed to be able to do that.
Y/n: interesting maybe me and a friend of mine can fix that.
Penny: really? You think you can give me the ability to dream?
Y/n: well of course the guy I know is a total Tech wizard and with my assistance we can make sure that you have pleasant and wonderful dreams every night.
Penny suddenly tackle hugged Y/n but once again he did not fall.
Penny: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
Eventually Penny released Y/n from what would normally be her bone crushing death bear hug.
Y/n: you're very welcome my friend anything to help a friend I'll contact my friend later on besides he owes me a favor.
Penny: you're the best friend a girl could ever ask for!
Y/n: thank you that means the world to me before I came here I never had a single friend my whole life and now I'm surrounded by friends.
Penny: really? You never had a single friend?
Y/n: not a one I had comrades but that's not exactly the same thing as a true friend.
Penny: well if it makes you feel any better before I came here all I had was my father I didn't have a single friend either until I met you.
Y/n: well then we'll be the best friends this planet has ever known it'll just be the two of us instead of The Three Amigos will be the Dos Compadres!
Penny: that sounds sensational!
Y/n looks at the clock to see that they had plenty of time before classes start.
Y/n: Penny I believe our first order of business is to get you your school schedule.
Penny: I think that would be a good idea
With that said the two of them headed to the student council room and were greeted by the entirety of the student council.
Satsuki: good morning Y/n how can I help you this morning?
Y/n: well we have a new student and she needs her class schedule.
Sona: ah so you must be Miss Polendina am I correct?
Penny: yep yep yep I'm Penny nice to meet you student council president!
Satsuki: she's a very cheery one isn't she?
Y/n: I guess you're right in that department she is a very cheerful soul now may we please have her class schedule?
Satsuki: of course
Sona: Saji get this girl her class schedule.
Sahi did as his master instructed even though he looked terrified to see Y/n again he got Penny her class schedule and cautiously handed it to her as to not make Y/n angry in any way shape and or form as soon as he finished he instantly ran behind the student council president AKA his master like a scared child.
Y/n: it's good to know that your servant hasn't forgotten me and our little encounter.
Sona: you definitely taught him a very painful and long-lasting lesson.
Y/n: what can I say I'm a very effective teacher.
Y/n and Penny looked at the class schedule to see that Penny had all the same classes as Y/n Y/n looked at the clock hanging on the wall and noticed that they only had 15 minutes to get to class
Y/n: we have to get the class immediately!
Penny: right!
Y/n: it was nice seeing you all again have a wonderful day.
The two of them head off to class the first class was taught by the well mustachioed man known as Professor Peter Port.
Port: Ah if it isn't one of my favorite students Y/n L/n and who is this fine young woman with you?
Y/n: this is my new partner Penny Polendina Penny this is Professor Port.
Penny: salutations Professor it's an honor to meet you.
Port: well it's an honor to meet you as well I hope your time at this Academy is full of joy and happiness.
Penny: well I'm with my best friend so it already is!
Port: well I'm glad to hear it why don't you two take your sheets class will begin shortly.
Both Y/n and Penny took their seats as the other students began filing in soon enough class started and fortunately for the students of a class Professor Port started talking about his Glory Days again Professor went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about his Glory Days Y/n was seriously tempted to pimp slap Professor with all his might but he restrained himself using his military discipline eventually class ended it was time for the next class which was computer class taught by the brilliant Professor Alexander dunsworth.
Dunsworth: alright students let's get started shall we?
(Time skip later)
Computer class ended and it was time for theater class Y/n and Penny sat down in their seats Y/n suddenly felt someone tap him on the shoulder as to Garner his attention Y/n turned around to see it was none other than head of the non Athletics committee Nonon Jakuzure herself.
Nonon: what's up?
Y/n: nothing but the ceiling
This made the pink-haired girl giggle.
Nonon: Y/n you're so funny
Nonon noticed Penny and suddenly her happiness turned to contentment.
Nonon: who's your friend?
Y/n: Nonon this is Penny she is my new partner.
Inside of Nonon her contentment turned to jealousy.
Nonon: so you're saying that she's living with you?
Y/n: exactly
Nonon mind: really the stinking bitch gets to live with him she's living the dream at Casa de Y/n well I'm stuck just watching him patience patience she's just living with him and his friend nothing more nothing less eventually I'll have my opportunity to swoop in and steal his heart I just have to be patient.
Nonon: say Y/n what kind of music do you like?
Y/n: well as you probably know where I come from there wasn't a lot of time to listen to music and there wasn't really a big selection of Music thanks to the events known as judgement day but when I arrived here I discovered all kinds of music personally I kind of like them all except country I don't really care for Country there's one or two songs from country that I like but overall I'm not a fan of country.
Nonon: do you like classical music?
Y/n: oh yes very much so Ludwig van Beethoven Tchaikovsky Bach such wonderful pieces of music personally my favorite would have to be to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture finale the moments at the music hit its crescendo I felt my bones just vibrate it was beyond beautiful I felt as if I could weep in joy hearing such beautiful music.
Nomon mind: and I thought he was perfect before he's pure gold I can't lose him I won't lose him his heart will belong to me!
Soon enough class started and the teacher entered the classroom the musically gifted Professor Ryan Parker took her place in the front of the class.
Professor Parker: alright students today I want you all to get into groups of 4 pick a piece of music from your favorite play, movie, or TV show that means something to you and I want you to record yourselves acting out the scene it can be any kind of scene you desire as long as it is not offencive You all take turns recording your video you all have one hour you may begin now!
Before Y/n and Penny could get to work Nonon garnered Y/n's attention once again.
Y/n: do you need something?
Nonon: I was just wondering if I could be in your group? if you don't mind
Y/n: no not at all please join us
Nonon silently cheered in Celebration.
Y/n: now we just need a fourth member Huh let me see who we have available.
Y/n begin to scan around the crowd of students that were available eventually his eyes landed on a certain male student it was none other than Kiba himself.
Y/n: hey Kiba
Kiba: Huh?
Y/n: do you need a group?
Kiba: yeah I do need a group
Y/n: well then come over here we need a fourth
Kiba joined the group
Y/n: so who wants to choose the scene
Nonon: normally I would take charge in this situation but seeing as I'm curious how about you do the honors.
Y/n: well I do have an enormous portfolio of entertainment in my personal data banks I believe that would be appropriate let me just see what I've got.
Y/n started searching through his personal playlist eventually you found something perfect.
Y/n: have you guys ever heard of the play Sweeney Todd the devil Barber of Fleet Street?
Penny: No
Kiba: no
Nonon: Nope
Y/n: well it is a beautiful and Brilliant Musical my personal favorite in fact they actually made into a movie starring Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd otherwise known as Benjamin Barker basically it is about a beautiful Barber who was taken away from his family by an evil judge who wanted to steal his wife away from him he was put in prison for foolishness and eventually he escaped his prison and returned to London to exact his revenge upon the evil judge who wronged him so now the song I have chosen is called pretty women sung by Sweeney Todd and Judge Turpin I will be playing the part of Sweeney Todd and Kiba I want you to play the part of Judge Turpin.
Kiba: cool what do I do?
Y/n: simple you just sing your part and sit in the chair and besides that you do nothing.
Kiba: sounds easy enough.
Nonon: what do you want me and Penny to do?
Y/n: that is simple Nonon you will be orchestrating the music and Penny I want you to assist Nonon with whatever she needs.
Nonon & Penny: got it!
Y/n: excellent now let's get to work!
(Time skip 1 hour later)
The time finally came for everybody to present their final projects.
Professor Parker: alright students it's been an hour who wants to go first.
Y/n raised his hand.
Y/n: I believe me and my group would like to go first.
Professor Parker: all right
Y/n, Penny, Nonon, and Kiba took their place in front of the class they set up a small little scene Y/n got all of the props they needed Nonon and Penny took their places behind the camera Y/n and Kiba took their places.
Nonon: QUIET ON SET!!!
The camera started rolling.
Nonon: And action.
With the word action said both Y/n and Kiba started to do their parts.
(A/n): ( Sweeney Todd/Johnny Depp= Y/n L/n Judge Turpin/ Alan Rickman= Kiba)
Y/n: and scene!
Nonon cut off the camera the crowd of students gave the four students a round of thunderous Applause.
Professor Parker: my my my that was quite brilliant quite brilliant indeed such a beautiful display from some very talented individuals.
Y/n: why thank you professor me and my very talented friend here couldn't have done it without the Beautiful and quite skilled Penny and Nonon.
Both Nonon and Penny blushed fiercely at the compliment they were given by Y/n.
Penny mind: there it is again the strange feeling in my chest what is this odd phenomena?
Professor Parker: all right you four may take your seats you all get an A+ which group of wishes has to go next?
Y/n, Penny, Nonon, and Kiba all sit down at their seats as the next group came forward to present their project.
(Time skip later on)
Eventually class ended and it was lunch time Penny didn't need to eat due to her whole not needing to eat thing Y/n got his food and the two of them sat down Y/n decided to go with a very light lunch Y/n started eating when he was approached by a purple haired individual this one being Mizore Shirayuki.
Mizore: hey Y/n
Y/n: hello Mizore how may I help you this fine day?
Mizore: I just wanted to join you for lunch is that okay?
Y/n: yes that's perfectly fine please join us.
Mizore sat down across from Y/n and started to enjoy her meal.
Mizore: so Y/n what's your favorite season?
Y/n: I would have to say winter.
Mizore: really that's my favorite season too why is winter your favorite? a lot of people don't like winter.
Y/n: well unlike many people I appreciate the cold it serves many purposes such as it gives the World a sort of white rebirth only through winter can the year truly end as one year ends a New year is born that and I always did love to watch the snowfall.
Mizore after hearing that was kind of a blushing mess.
Mizore: wow I never thought someone like you could be so deep.
Y/n: trust me I'm deeper than the abyss I stare into every night right before I go to sleep.
Mizore: the abyss?
Y/n: yes the abyss I've learned in my long life when you stare into the abyss all that looks back at you is your own character and the Darkness in which you Harbor within yourself.
Mizore & Penny: Whoa!
the 2 of them continue to enjoy their meals until eventually Y/n could hear a very familiar voice the voice of none other than Ruby Rose.
Ruby: Y/N!!!
Ruby lunged at Y/n the moment Ruby got within range Y/n call her spun her around like a baton and gently put her down.
Ruby: WHOA THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Do it again!
Yang: Ruby!
The rest of the members of team RWBY approached
Weiss: you dunce do you really have to go tackling people?!
Ruby: sorry but I got excited
Yang: what are you excited about now?
Ruby: a little birdie told me that Y/n once again has a new weapon!
Blake: oh boy this oughta be good.
Ruby: is what Pyrrha said true? Do you really have a new weapon?
Y/n: well I do have two new weapons that you don't know about.
Ruby's eyes lit up with stars in them.
Ruby: show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me show me!
Y/n: alright alright alright calm down you lunatic!
Y/n quickly ran over to his locker and pulled out both the blood saber and the Tempest he then made his way back to the cafeteria once he arrived back at the cafeteria he placed both the blood saber and the Tempest on the table.
Ruby: oooooooooh pretty swords!
Y/n picked up the blood saber
Y/n: this blade is called The Blood saber.
Everyone: Ooooooooh!
Ruby: does it have any special abilities? can you transform? can it shoot fireballs?
Y/n: yes yes and no why tell when you can show Ms. Schnee can I please have your hand for a second?
Weiss: why do you need my hand?
Y/n: so I can demonstrate the power of the blood saber I promise it won't hurt a bit and it'll only take a second.
Weiss: fine!
Weiss gave Y/n her hand before Weiss could do or say anything Y/n quickly cut her Palm and allowed her blood to drip onto the blade.
Weiss: Ouch you said it wouldn't hurt!
Y/n: yeah I kind of lied sorry but you wouldn't do what I asked if you knew the truth.
Soon enough her Aura healed her cut her blood traveled through the veins of the sword into Y/n's body.
Weiss: well what was the point of all that?!
Y/n: simple watch this
Suddenly and without warning Y/n summoned a red glyph the same one that Weiss uses everyone was in total shock everyone's jaw metaphorically hit the ground and their eyes were bugging out of they're skulls.
Weiss: what did you do?!
Y/n: I didn't do anything but the blood saber took your blood extrapolated your powers and abilities and added them to my abilities and Powers so now your semblance is mine to command whenever Wherever and however I desire.
Ruby had massive stars in her eyes she looked like she was so excited that she was ready to burst at any second.
Ruby: That...is...so...AWESOME!!!!!!
Yang: that is pretty awesome.
Blake: a little morbid but that is kind of cool.
Weiss: I will admit that is pretty impressive and extremely dangerous if I might add.
Mizore: I didn't know such a powerful weapon could exist outside of story books and legends.
Y/n: yes I know it's very awesome now let's move on to the Tempest.
Y/n placed the blood saber on his back he then picked up the Tempest.
Y/n: this is called The Tempest this blade was forged and handcrafted by yours truly basically it's completely indestructible even Beyond my standards it's comprised of many different types of elements such as titanium osmium Colton every type of dust known to man and faunus and holy and demonic materials-
Weiss: wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait back up you said every type of dust known to man and faunus you said that right?
Y/n: correct I did.
Weiss: that is impossible some dusts cannot be combined they'd become unstable if they were and even cause it to explode!
Y/n: well let's just say I managed to find a way around that little problem.
Weiss: if that's true then you've made a scientific breakthrough that many scientists have been trying to overcome for hundreds of years that sword could be worth billions!
Y/n: well if that's true then I might just sell it on eBay!
Some people in the group got the joke and started laughing While others just looked at him like he was an idiot.
Weiss: listen to me is there anything else I need to know about this blade?
Y/n: well basically it has the ability to command every element there is it's also a universal kill all you can stop all types of regeneration it has a limited consciousness of its own so we can tell the difference between me and someone trying to take it and finally when I first created it was so powerful that I had to put some seals on its power to keep it from running out of control.
Everyone: WOW!!!
Y/n: yeah wow now is there anything else you want to know?
Y/n placed the Tempest on his back.
Ruby: yeah I got a question who are you?
Ruby pointed to Penny.
Y/n: this girl here is Penny polendina my newest team mate and partner in crime.
Penny: salutations!
Ruby: it's nice to meet you Penny I'm Ruby Rose leader of team RWBY!!!
Yang: I'm Yang
Weiss: Weiss
Blake: Blake
Penny: it's very nice to meet you all are you friends of Y/n?
Ruby: yes we're very great friends of his we've known him since the first day he got here.
Penny: how interesting.
The time for lunch was just about over and the bell was just about to ring.
Ruby: hey we got to go lunch is just about over.
Penny: it was nice meeting you girls.
Ruby: see you later friend.
Team RWBY was leaving when Penny jumped up onto the table and jumped over the team of girls without them noticing.
Yang: she was a bit weird don't you think?
The four of them look forward to see Penny was right in front of them.
Penny: what did you say?
Yang: sorry I didn't mean it I didn't know you could hear me.
Penny: not you you!
Penny pointed to Ruby
Ruby: well I
Penny: you called me friend right?
Ruby look behind Penny to see her team signaling for her not to say yes but she ignored them.
Ruby: yes I called you friend why not.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang look disappointed at their team leader as if she said something stupid.
Penny: sensational! It's so good to have a friend who's a girl no offense Y/n!
Y/n: none taken!
Penny: we can hang out sometime paint our nails talk about cute boys.
Ruby: was I like this when we first met?
Weiss: no you were more coordinated.
Eventually the Bell signaling the end of lunch rang Y/n approached his partner.
Y/n: Penny it's time to go we need to get to class ASAP.
Penny: OK see you guys later!
With that said everyone headed off to class.
(Time skip the end of the day)
Currently it is the end of the school day Y/n dropped Penny off at the robotics Club while he headed off to the student council room to seek out a certain technologically gifted individual once he arrived there he knocked on the door three times and was soon enough given permission to enter.
Y/n: hello I'm back~
Satsuki: Y/n what are you doing back here?
Y/n: I need some help from a certain someone.
Sona: and who would that be?
Y/n: that would be a mister Inumuta.
Satsuki: why would you need him?
Y/n: well I need some help with a little experiment.
Satsuki: interesting...Inumuta!
Houka: yes milady?
Satsuki: Y/n is in need of your services.
Houka: Hello again L/n how may I be of service?
Y/n: well recently I've been working on a little project and I've learned that it cannot dream and I need to give it the capability to dream.
Houka: how fascinating why would you want your project to dream?
Y/n: well when it's inactive I need it to be preoccupied so that it doesn't go awry.
Houka: I guess that makes somewhat sense just give me a moment.
Houka inserted a specially modified SD card into his laptop and she started typing away programming the SD card eventually he finished and the SD card popped out of his laptop.
Houka: alright here you go one Dream Maker.
Y/n: so how does it work?
Houka: simple it's a plug-and-play once it's installed the user will have the ability to have very lucid and life like dreams based on their most inner wants and desires so it won't have any nightmares so to speak.
Y/n: excellent thanks I appreciate it.
Houka: I'm glad I could be of service if there are any problems just let me know.
Y/n: I'll make sure of that see you all later I have to go plug this bad boy in.
Y/n left the student council room to go back to the robotics Club he placed the SD card in his pocket and once he arrived at the robotics Club he started work on his secret project along with the rest of the club.
(Time skip late at night)
Y/n and Penny are currently in their dorm getting ready for bed that's when Y/n remembered the SD card in his pocket Y/n pulled out the SD card and held it in the palm of his hand.
Y/n: hey Penny!
Penny: Yeah Y/n?
Y/n: I have something for you
Penny: really you have something for me?
Y/n: yes consider it a gift
Y/n pleased the SD card into Penny's hand.
Penny: what's this?
Y/n: inside this SD card is a program that will allow you to dream.
Penny: really with this I'll be able to dream?
Y/n: yes all you got to do is plug it in.
Penny: I'll plug it into my systems immediately but first could you please turn around I don't want you to see.
Penny had a slight blush on her face.
Y/n: okay!
Y/n turned around as Penny requested Penny proceeded to install the SD card into her system.
Penny: you can turn around now.
Y/n: that was quick well it's late at night let's give that chip a test drive.
Penny: how does it work
Y/n: simple you just go to sleep and let the program do the work basically your dream about your wants and desires so it's impossible for you to have a nightmare.
Penny: yes let's take this thing out for a test drive!
Penny jumped into her bed and allowed herself to Drift Off to Sleep.
Y/n chuckled a little at his friend's enthusiasm but it was time for him to go to bed as well so he changed into his pajamas and went to sleep unaware that there is someone waiting for him.
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 4382)
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