Chapter 19 find a Penny pick it up all day you'll have good luck

3rd person POV.

Currently Y/n L/n is heading off to the headmaster's office he currently had both his blades strapped to his back and both of his Auto 9 pistols strapped to his hips Y/n made his way towards the headmaster's office he finally arrived at the huge double doors blocking his way to the headmaster's chambers Y/n knocks on the door three times and waited for an answer.

Ozpin: come in

Y/n entered the headmaster's office and closed the door behind him Y/n looked at the headmasters with a look of determination on his face ready to do whatever Mission they assign him that's when Y/n noticed General Ironwood in the room.

Lord gremory: good evening Young Y/n

The director: greetings Young Y/n

Ozpin: hello Y/n

Ironwood: good evening Mr. L/n

Y/n: why hello oh wise Headmasters and good evening General do you have an assignment for me this evening?

Ozpin: well yes and no actually General Ironwood wishes to show you something or in this case someone.

Y/n looked a touch bit confused he looked at General Ironwood for an explanation.

Ironwood: well it's quite simple actually we want to introduce you to someone who will be coming to this Academy from now on.

Y/n: and pray tell who is this person?

Ironwood: her name is Penny oh Penny you can come out now!

Out from the shadows of the headmaster's chambers emerges a girl with orange hair and green eyes.

Penny: salutations I am Penny Polendina I hope we can be great friends!

Penny offered her hand to Y/n Y/n looked at her and took her hand in the ancient gesture of a handshake the two of them separated hands and looked at each other for a moment

Penny: it's so nice to finally meet you Y/n I've heard so much about you from rumors and from the general of course.

Y/n noticed there was something wrong about this girl something is off she is like Ruby when she sees a new weapon she's super Peppy and something more her movements are perfect sort of mechanical in a way Y/n knew there was something wrong with this girl so he activated his deep tissue scanner which he just had installed with the help of Houka Inumuta the first setting of The Deep Tissue scanner showed him that on top she was basically normal but then activated its second setting which could Pierce through the Flash and show the muscle tissue nothing anomalous there but then he set it to it's third setting which was the deepest setting which showed the bone structure and there he saw it she didn't have bones and organs like a normal human being instead she had a metal endoskeleton just like a T-800 would have and in her chest she had a strange but extremely powerful power source powerful enough to rival even his own When Y/n saw this he started panicking on the inside somehow a Terminator managed to get through and follow him and somehow it's still functioning even without Skynet online there was only one thing to do terminate The Terminator!


Y/n pulled out his Auto 9 pistols and started shooting at Penny everyone ducked Penny dodged every attack that came at her she was definitely cybernetic if she could Dodge attacks the way she was.



Y/n kept shooting at Penny but she kept dodging every attack eventually he ran out of bullets so instead of wasting time reloading so he pulled out both of his blades the blood saber and the Tempest and charged at Penny Penny's back opened and out of her back multiple swords popped out the swords attacked Y/n Y/n blocked and dodged every attack she came at him it looked like Penny was controlling the swords telepathically but Y/n knew better he scanned the swords and saw that they were being controlled by nanowires connected to Penny Y/n attempted to cut the nanowires but the swords are too fast for him he decided that he needed the power of His Goku uniform he was just about to activate it when.

Ozpin, the director, Lord gremory: ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Both Y/n and Penny stopped fighting the two of them looked at the Headmasters and the General.

Ozpin: thank you

Ironwood: now before we all fly off the handle again I need to tell you she is not a Terminator a very brilliant Atlantean scientist created her a few months ago.

Y/n: bad could you please explain in further detail if you don't mind General?

Ironwood: of course now basically she is the first cybernetic organism to be able to generate aura the long and short of it is we've managed to create an artificial soul and we put it into her she is just as alive as you and I well more like you in fact.

Y/n looked at Penny and she smiled at him.

Y/n: well then why didn't you say so?

Y/n sheathed his blades Penny sheathed her blades as well the two of them walked towards each other and gave each other a firm handshake.

Y/n: sorry about the whole thinking your Terminator and trying to kill you thing.

Penny: oh don't worry it's no problem I'm combat-ready and ready for anything!

Y/n: I like you kid you got Moxie and spunk we're going to get along just fine.

Penny: does this mean we're friends?

Y/n: hell yeah!

Penny: sensational! Tell me what do you like to do?

Y/n: I like to build weapons I run a club I live for combat the rush of battle there's nothing like it it's like the strongest drug I'll ever experience!

Penny: Wow that is so cool what kind of Club do you run?

Y/n: well it's called the robotics Club so far we have four members including myself of course we could always use more though not a lot of people interested in the field of robotics.

Penny: can I join your Club?

Y/n: why of course we could always use an extra set of hands the question is can you keep a secret?

Penny: of course! Why?

Y/n leaned over and whispered something into Penny's ear.

Y/n: we're working on a very top secret project and we want to keep it a secret.

Penny: my lips are sealed I will not tell another soul ever!

Y/n: glad to hear it!

Ironwood: well I'm glad that you two are getting along so swimmingly.

Y/n: have you told her about me yet?

Ironwood: I've told her about your exploits but I haven't quite told her about what you are and where you come from.

Y/n: okay thank you very much General.

Ozpin: and since she's attending the new age Academy now we want you to be her personal chaperone.

Y/n: could you put that in English please?

The director: what my associate here is trying to say is simple we want you and Penny to be friends we're placing the two of you on the same team that means that she's going to be living with you going to the same classes as you That Jazz.

Y/n started thinking about it penny is very nice and it never hurts to have an extra set of hands around it's not like he's a hasn't lived with women almost all his life and there's plenty of room in his dorm like seriously there's a huge empty Rift that could use some filling and it does get very lonely being by himself so there's no real downside to it or at least one he couldn't see at the moment.

Y/n: alright I'll do it

The director: that's excellent to hear.

Ironwood: all I ask is that you take good care of her she is very precious and the man who made her treats her like a daughter remember that's someone's little girl.

Y/n: I will protect her with my life but if she can go toe-to-toe with me and survive more than 10 seconds I think she can protect herself just fine but I will make sure to keep an eye on her.

Ironwood: that's all I ask also we like to keep her true nature Secret.

Y/n: I understand and I will make sure to keep that secret well guarded.

Ironwood: excellent! Well that's all I needed Penny if anything happens you know to call me anytime.

Penny: yes of course General but I don't think that will be necessary I trust my new friend with my life and my secret.

Ironwood: well I trust your judgement.

Lord gremory: Y/n before you go I have to ask you something.

Y/n: and what would that be Headmaster?

Lord gremory: what are those blades where did you get them?

Y/n presents both the blood Saber and the Tempest and places them on the headmaster's desk Lord gremory instantly recognizes the blood saber and gasps in shock.

Lord gremory: the blood saber how did you get your hands on that blade I thought it was locked away in the vault.

Ozpin: me and the director allowed him access to the vault he now has free reign to come and go as he pleases.

Lord gremory: I never thought I'd see the day the Forbidden gear has finally chosen its one true master and host but the next question is where did you get the other sword?

Y/n: simple with the aid of the forge I was able to forge this blade.

Ironwood: I've heard tell of the forge it can create anything from raw materials what raw materials did you use?

Y/n: oh you know the usual some titanium for strength osmium for density Colton for heat resistance a few pints of pure-blooded angel and devil blood for both holy and demonic effects and a few pounds of each and every type of dust there is for Elemental effects and Powers.

Everyone was totally silent a blade with such power can exist and it's right in front of them.

Ironwood: how can a blade with such power exist?

Y/n: the forge can create anything from raw materials all you have to do is gather the raw materials think of what you want swing the hammer few times and boom whatever you want is right in front of you.

Ozpin: is there anything you failed to mention earlier?

Y/n: well I did forget to mention that this blade I call it the Tempest does have a limited consciousness of its own so it can identify me against someone else and depending on who is trying to pick up the blade besides myself it will deliver a swift end I shit you not the most devastating brutal and painful punishment and can give for example when your daughter's servant Kiba tried to hold the blade it shocked him with holy lightning causing so much damage that he was on death's door if it wasn't for Asia he would have died against an angelic wielder it can deliver a demonic attack if the wielder is a pure-blooded angel then it would cause them to instantly fall the blade is also completely utterly and without a doubt indestructible it cannot be destroyed through any means whatsoever I made sure that myself it also has the ability to take in what makes a normal blade weaker and it uses it to make itself stronger and finally The Tempest is a universal kill all it has the potential to stop all regenerative abilities of all different types such as Life Fiber regeneration Phoenix regeneration Aura regeneration and finally immortality regeneration so if I cut off a limb with this sword it will stay off forever.

Everyone except Y/n: Oh Shit!

Ironwood: with a Blade like that you could end any war with just a few swings of that blade.

Y/n: yes when it was first created it displayed so much power that through certain things which I will not go into detail about I put multiple restraints on it.

Penny: such a sensational blade I could never imagine anyone could create such a thing I bet with this blade you're virtually invincible.

Y/n: that's what I've been told is that all that you all need I believe a tour of the academy would be appropriate for my new friend.

Ozpin: yes that is all you may go now oh Penny we only ask one thing of you.

Penny: and what would that be Headmaster?

Ozpin: we asked you that what you've heard in this office never is to be repeated ever.

Penny: understood Headmaster I shall never tell another Soul what we discussed in this office.

Ozpin: excellent you both may go.

With that said both Y/n and Penny left the headmaster's chamber and went off to go have a tour of the new age Academy.

Ozpin POV.

Ironwood: Ozpin are you sure allowing him to roam around free with all that power is such a wise idea?

Ozpin: if I didn't trust him with all that power I wouldn't have allowed him to Forge such a blade and I wouldn't have allowed him to even know about the vault's existence but I do trust him and that's all that matters.

The director: I trust Young L/n as well he has been through countless battles and done things we don't even know about yet.

Lord gremory: yes I would love to hear some of his War Stories but that's beside the point I also Trust Y/n he helped my daughter and her servants multiple times and if my daughter trusts him then I trust him and if Ozpin and the director trusts him then that just furthers my trust in him.

Ironwood: well if you all trust him then I guess I see no reason not to trust him besides that he did trust us enough to share his Greatest Secret with us and if he trust us enough to share something like that then I guess I should repay the favor in kind.

Ozpin: that's all I ask from you James.

Ironwood: I believe I should take my leave now it was nice seeing you all again.

Ozpin: it was nice seeing you too General.

With that said General Ironwood left to go do whatever he does as a general and a Headmaster of his own Academy.

3rd person POV.

Y/n is currently guiding Penny through the Halls of the new age Academy so far he has showed her the classrooms, the cafeteria, the library, the arena, the different Club rooms and now they are heading off to the robotics Club eventually the two of them finally made it to the robotics Club the two of them enter robotics Club and are greeted by a curtain with a keep out sign on it.

Y/n: hey guys take a break for a man I want you to meet our newest member.

The three members of the robotics Club came out from behind the curtain.

Y/n: everyone I'd like you to meet Penny Polendina the newest member of the robotics club and a new friend of mine.

Peyton: Y/n can I talk to you in private for a moment?

Y/n: yeah of course why not

Peyton: would you excuse us for just a moment?

Penny: yes of course

Peyton comes forward and pulls Y/n behind the curtain.

Peyton: Y/n are you sure we can trust this girl if we let her in the club then we're going to have to tell her about the secret project and we don't want our project to go public just yet.

Y/n: trust me I know what I'm doing she came here from Atlas she was recommended and checked out by General Ironwood himself also I checked her out myself and I am a very good judge of character.

Peyton: yeah I know but-

Y/n: trust me I'm an extremely good judge of character I can spot Bad Blood a mile away also you know no one can lie to me.

Peyton: good point all right if you trust her I trust her but if she betrays us I'm going to chuck her out a window.

Y/n: understood don't worry I know what I'm doing.

The two of them exit from behind the curtain and they join up with the rest of the group.

Y/n: sorry about that Penney me and my friend here just had to have a little discussion but now let me introduce everyone my silver-haired four eyed friend Master designer Josh Kingman.

Josh: what up?

Penny: the ceiling!

Y/n: over here we have the master programer herself Peyton albern.

Peyton: nice to meet you Penny

Y/n: and last but not least we have the Mistress of welding and wiring Tina O'Neill.

Tina: sup

Y/n: everyone I want you to treat her with the same amount of respect and kindness as you've treated me.

The members of the robotics Club of nod their heads in confirmation.

Y/n: alright everybody since our newest member is currently unaware of what we've been working on I say we in Enlighten her she's already promised that she wouldn't tell anyone and I made sure to give her a full check and I can assure all of you and that she is very trustworthy.

Josh: if you say she's trustworthy than I trust her

Tina: that goes double for me

Y/n: alright Penny prepare to have your mind blown everyone passes through the curtain Penny was the last to pass through the moment she saw the project her eyes grew big as if she were Ruby when she sees a new weapon penny had stars in her eyes for she had never seen such a technological Marvel in her life.

Penny: WOW!!!

Y/n: yeah wow all right everybody drop your cocks and grab your socks let's get to work!

With that said everyone started to get to work.

Penny: what do you want me to do?

Y/n: simple you're with me today I want you to shadow what I do and try not to blow yourself up or get yourself killed.

Penny: understood!

(Time skip later that day)

It was late at night so far the members of the robotics Club managed to get a lot done but their project was still not ready everyone left the robotics Club room and locked it down now no one can get in without special authorization from the club president Y/n L/n both Y/n and Penny are making your way back to their dorm Y/n unlocked the dorm once they arrived and the two of them entered the dorm was now definitely different instead of one desk there was now 2 and instead of one bed there were now two of them.

Y/n: alright Penney why don't you hit the hay the left one is mine the right one is yours I'm going to take a shower I'm starting to smell French.

Penny: Rodger Dodger!

Penny started looking around the room while her new partner went to the shower she noticed all kinds of things such as mounts on the wall two of them had a pair of wings one looks like a pair of demonic bat wings marked devil another one had a pair of black bird wings marked Fallen Angel and the final amount was empty and it was marked angel on the desk were random weapon parts blueprints and a skull mug.

Penny: Wow he designs his own weapons that is quite amazing!

Eventually the sound of the shower stopped Y/n exited the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and his Goku uniform over his shoulder Penny saw this and she blushed Penny looked away as Y/n hung up his Goku uniform and started getting dressed for bed.

Penny mind: what is going on my core temperature is rising my neural net is running wild my systems check out fine but something can't be right I'll have I'll have to run system Diagnostics before I go to bed.

Y/n: hey Penny I'm going to bed don't stay up too late your first day of school is tomorrow.

Penny: you got it!

Y/n now dressed in his pajamas crawled under the covers and went to sleep Penny also crawled under her covers and started running system Diagnostics wondering what is going on with her.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3525)

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