Chapter Twenty-Seven

Marinette paced around the room thinking about what she knows and what she's learned. There were so many possibilities she didn't know which one was most logical, until suddenly something clicked. Stopping in her tracks, her eyebrows lifted and her brain cleared.

"I've figured it out." She whispered to nobody. She looked at Master Fu. "I know what's happened."


"What do you mean Nathalie's a sentimonster?" Adrien had turned as far as possible to look at the mirror image green eyes of his mother. How could Nathalie be a sentimonster? He'd spend all these years with her and she always seemed so normal.

"There's different Miraculous', Adrien. All around the world. Each come from a different box and a different guardian."

"And how does this relate to Nathalie?"

"The powers of the Miraculous are quite similar wherever you go. There's another kwami out there with the power of Amokization." Adrien looked at his mother trying to piece together the information he was being given. If she was, then there must be something somewhere that controls her.

"Sentimonsters can become dormant for centuries, and only a Peacock Miraculous owner has the power to revive or finally destroy a dormant Sentimonster." Emilie continues.

Luckily they had the Peacock broach back, therefore it could be worn again and hopefully release the amok, or at least control it.

"So you didn't Amokatize her?" Adrien quizzed his mother.

"No, but I think I know who did?"

Before Emilie could explain any further the door opened again. Both Adrien and his mother were shocked. They were expecting Lila, but that is not who had arrived.

"Well hello sister!" The words were spat as venom, there was little to no love here and Adrien was beginning to understand the depth of their issues.


"So everything is linked to the Graham de Vanily family twin rings." Nino asked.

"I believe so, and I believe the only way we're going to have a chance of defeating Set is with the power of them both, but also with Adrien. We can't win this battle without Chat Noir." Marinette began to explain.

"Can't someone else just stand in for him?" Kagami asked.

"No. The Ladybug and Cat Miraculous' only work as two halves of a whole. Marinette can't be Ladybug without her cat. It doesn't work like that, she'll be too weak." Fu explained. Marinette was still curious to how her old master had managed to regain his memories after his mind was wiped, however with Adrien gone she was grateful to have him there to help guide her.

"That's not the only reason. Adrien is a very specific part of this story." Marinette continued.

"Set's wife, Nephthys, disguised herself to sleep with Osiris therefore carrying his child instead of Set's. Isis on the other hand, Osiris' wife, was fully devoted to her husband. Piecing him back together after Set destroyed him. Nephthys gave birth to a son, Anubis, where Isis gave birth to Osiris most powerful offspring, Horus." Marinette began to explain to everyone.

"Thanks for the history lesson, Mari, but how is this going to help us?" Chloé spoke up as all the others looked just as uneasy.

"I think Amelie and Emilie are reincarnations of Nephthys and Isis. Both Adrien and Felix have very close DNA, as proved from the paternity tests on Lila and Kagami's babies. I asked Max to do a closer look for me. Max, please can you tell everyone your findings."

"It is eighty-nine percent possible that Adrien and Felix have the same paternal father." Max stood as he made his announcement. He had been wondering the extent of what he was looking at, all Marinette had said was it could be a case of life or death.

"Gabriel is Osiris? No way!" Nino exclaimed as Marinette nodded her head.

"So who's who? Obviously one of the boys is Horus and one Anubis?" Kim was next to ask his question. Marinette knew the answer to this already, it was easy, it was understandable and she never knew why it took her so long to place it together.

"Horus is said to be the embodiment of the sky. As the cat miraculous, Adrien is part of the yin and yang. He is part of the moon and the sun, just as I am. Felix, however, is Anubis. The God of Death. We all know what happened when he last wore one of the twin rings." Marinette looked around the circle, looking at the sad and uncomfortable faces of her friends, especially Kagami.

"Listen it happened, I'm back and now I'm going to go and kick ass to make sure my boyfriend is ok and alive."

"We're with you, Mari. There's nothing that would stop us from helping you and Adrien. Ladybug and Chat Noir have done so much for all of us." Nino came and hugged Marinette. He owed the two heroes so much, there was no way he was going to back down from the fight.

"So what's the plan, LB?" Luka spoke up.

"Kagami I need you to be by Felix's side. Set is going to want to take out both his threats, he may even go for Felix first as he is the weaker of the two. Longg with go with you." Kagami nodded and placed her hands over her stomach. The action didn't go unnoticed by Marinette. She walked over to Kagami and held the heavily pregnant girl in her arms.

"The Miraculous will keep you safe as long as you're transformed. Keep Longg well fed, and you'll be protected at all costs." Kagami nodded before standing and leaving the rest to head back to the hospital.

"The rest of us, well we're going in on the front line. Nino you'll be in charge of getting the ring to Adrien. You will have the best chance while the rest of us can cause a distraction and take on Set, Nathalie and Lila." Marinette held onto Nino's hands and sighed. "Adrien is the only one that can defeat him, with the help of Plagg and Hugo. No matter what happens to the rest of us you keep moving and you get to him. Do you understand?"

He nodded, the tears rolling down his cheeks. If he lost any of his friends he wouldn't cope. If he lost Alya, he'd lose himself.

"Luka and Max, both of you go with Nino. He may need teleportation and a second chance." The guys nodded and started to feed their kwami's. They were going to need all the strength they could get.

"Chloé, you will be with Alya. Alya, I need you to stay focused and remember Lila is a liar! She will do whatever she needs to for you to believe her. Chloé make sure she doesn't fall for any of Lila's shit." Chloé nodded and took Pollen to talk to Trixx so she and Alya could plan.

"That means I'm with the bug then." Kim stood up making his way over to Marinette and engulfed her in his arms.

"You two have been through so much crap. You really are amazing, and I'm not just talking about as heroes. We're going to get him back Mari and we're going to make them pay." 

"Thanks Kim. I'm going to need you to make a lot of distractions so I can get where I need to be. Are you up for it?" She gave him a small smile.

"I'm the second goofiest person around, after your dork of a boyfriend. I'll be creating like never before." He patted Marinette on the shoulder walking over to the other guys.

"I always knew you'd be the best Ladybug, Marinette." Marinette had turned and made her way to Master Fu. Sighing she dropped into a seat, quickly engulfed in the calming presence of Tikki and Plagg.

"Thank you Master. Do you think Adrien can do it? Will he be strong enough? He left me in a pretty broken state, I'd caused him so much hurt."

Master Fu looked down at his prodigy and smiled.

"You have no idea what strength that boy can muster up when it comes down to protecting you."

Marinette smiled, overwhelmed by the love for her kitty. Fu was right, he may be sweet and kind but he was also fiercely protective of what is right, and her.

"Take the peacock Miraculous with you Marinette. Although Emilie wasn't chosen for the miraculous, she knows how to use it. Also I think it's time you and Adrien put on the rings." Fu placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder and smiled weakly at the young women in front of him.

"What if I can't control it?" Marinette looked at the ex-Guardian.

"You can and you will."

Hugo had been quiet in the corner. He hadn't spoke since they'd all entered Master Fu's house. Tikki flew over to the little kwami and sat with him.

"What's up newbie?" Tikki nudged the little kwami and he let out a small laugh.

"I'm not going to make it out of this Tikki. My Papa is going to need me. All this time we've spent together I now know it wasn't to do with me getting to know my Maman, I know it was to understand how to support Papa." Hugo sighed and looked around at Marinette. She was in conversation with Chloé and Alya, and tears filled his eyes.

"I'm going to get them back together. I'm going to make sure I do what I was put on this Earth to do." Tikki sprung forward and took the tiny kwami in her arms as he spoke. Neither noticed the tiny black presence beside them.

"And we'll be with you all the way." Plagg joined the others in a group hug before the battle began. They all knew this was the biggest thing they had yet to face, however not a single worry was shared between the kwami's ... they knew for a fact that with Ladybug and Chat Noir's love they were pretty much invincible.

As long as their wielders were together and their hearts were connected as one their powers were strong, now all they needed to do was get Plagg back to Adrien and the battle could commence.

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