Chapter 4 ||



“ when it comes to Chutney…I tell you ... .Coconut is the king of all ….” Praised Meghna, licking her fingers one by one making me want to get up and sit somewhere far from her.

“ Just three to four simple ingredients and you’ll get the most soul touching, out of the world chutney “ letting out a burp she  continued devouring her all time favourite and comfort food Medu Vada with coconut chutney at Besant naagr’s Saravana Bhavan.

I was on my way to office memorising my schedule for rest of the day on this morning when i got a call from Meghna asking a emergency help that put me in panic as i cancelled all my appointments of  today and drove to the location she sent me on whatsapp hoping to save her from a emergency she mentioned on call but didn’t elaborate before hanging up.

Being  worried sick for her and I had decided to never bicker with her to irritate her and only express my care and affection for her once I successfully saved her from the emergency. However it slipped from my mind that she is Meghna, not any sane woman.

But the  moment I pulled over near the Ashtalakshmi temple in besant nagar searching for the sight of Meghna, who walked out of the temple a moment later with five disposable paper bowls of puliyodharai  in her both hands. The amount of seriousness and the determination of not dropping any of it down when she walked slowly and looked here and there while carrying the paper bowls filled with puliyodharai made me wonder recalling about her board exam days when she used to roam around carefree having no worry in the world for her exams.

A minute later she was inside the car, seated on the back seat with her legs crossed as she carefully placed the subs one by one on the seat while all I did was to shoot her a murderous glare through the front mirror.

“ Take me to Saravan Bhavan, i’m hungry “ she said after finishing the five subs of puliyodharai in a matter of a few seconds.

I so wanted to punch on her nose and pull her newly botoxed hair, but considering the tough time of Harish who has been trying to mend his married-soon-to-divorce life with her i don’t think adding more pressure on him by making his wife blade wouldn’t make me a good friend of him. So I buried my anger and took her to Sarvan bhavan.

It’s been twenty minutes since we arrived and she ate two Masala dosa, one plate of idli and now Medu vada with coconut chutney. Given her small frame and pea sized brain, she eats a lot. that too without offering me any of it.

Glancing at my wrist watch, I sighed.

“ When did you come and who took you to the temple ?” I took a sip of my tea.

She didn’t look away from her plate while she replied “ yesterday evening…i was too tired to inform you so i slept. And i took myself to temple this morning “

“ Where did you stayed last night ?”

“Why do you keep forgetting that i’ve my own place to stay and live? “ she seemed a bit pissed.

I do know that she has her own flat in cholamalahri yet I'm concerned about her staying alone, I don't think it's a wise decision.

“ Does he know ?”

Shoving  the last piece of Medu vada inside her mouth  she spoke with her mouth full of food “ Order a filter coffee for me “

She ignored my question, which means he doesn’t know about her arrival. 

“ Meghna “ I emphasised her name in a tone that usually alarms her about the seriousness of the situation but she got up slowly and went to wash her hands leaving me irritated.

Dealing with her isn't an easy task, I must later call Harish and appreciate him for putting up with her all these years of their marriage.

“ Where's the coffee ?” she glared at me after sitting across from me looking at the glass of apple milk i ordered for her instead of filter coffee.

Pushing the glass towards her i spoke “ ditch caffeine and drink this ”

“Phss…. who drinks apple juice in the morning ?”

“ Generally people, but especially women like you  who carry a small human potato in their stomach “ I pointed at her four months baby bump and finished the last sip of tea. 

“ That’s not how you address an unborn baby “ now she looked visibly irritated. Finally!

I was about to counter back her but the buzzing of my phone diverted my attention. Replying to the text from Harish, I placed the phone on the table looking at her. She made a face at me before  drinking  the apple juice.

“ how’s Amma ?'' I asked to keep the conversation going so that she won’t get enough free time to examine my body language and find out my cunning plan for her.

“ other than the  fact that you don’t want to marry any soon….everything is fine with her “ her replies are always straight to the point, making me roll my  eyes of course. Well, my marriage topic is quite famous in my friends and family circle.  Everyone just uses that as an excuse to laugh or spoil my mood within 0.1 second.

But i had to keep her busy with my talk  for the sake of my plan so i said “ Not the marriage topic geez, you guys literally have no idea how happy i am being single….and all of you just want to see me suffer in unhappy marriage life ”

She laughed the moment I threw my hand in the air and asked me about my schedule for the rest of the day and I kindly told her that because of her Pooliyoder emergency call I cancelled all my appointments and would need to reschedule them in another ten minutes.

“ Don’t reschedule….. Take me on shopping …..i’ve to buy some clothes in which i can fit in…..the current one’s became small for me “

“ or perhaps you became fat “ I added , earning a smack on my head from her.

As I kept her busy in shopping list and where she would like to go for lunch, I kept glancing at my wrist watch impatiently.

“ He’s coming isn’t he ? you called him right…? '' she asked, catching me glancing at my watch for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. Well, what can I do if she refuses my involvement in her life and asks me to shut up everytime i start talking about how she should reconsider thinking twice about divorce. I had to make these two meet and talk.

And just when I was about to answer my eyes fell on the sight of Harish, who just walked in and waved his hand at me and I waved back at him.

“ you’re right ... .since he’s here ... .he will take you on shopping and lunch ... .enjoy your day “ i stood up and gathered my phone and car keys to leave ignoring the hateful gaze from Meghna, who wasn't pleased with the sight of Harish.

“ You know what ? you’re the worst brother anyone could have“ i heard her grumbling behind my back. Turning back i smiled at her

“ And you’re not the best sister either “

“ Pay the bill before you start pleading to her…..and buy her some sweets from here, she loves it “ I spoke as soon as Harish came and stood in front of me with his million dollar smiling face.

That’s creepy.

“ Thanks MACHAN '' he was rediating with excitement. Of Course he should be, after all he is meeting his wife after a while of three months. Meghna has been staying with amma in Coimbatore since the moment she filed for divorce and left chennai, left Harish. And when he went to coimbatore to convince her and bring her back she locked herself in room and refused to meet him. Since then, he has been trying to see her for once but everytime he goes there he just returns with a dejected face and lost hope.

When this morning i picked her from temple, i knew what i need to do in order to make these two talk, sort out their issue. Thus I informed Harish, who reached here at unimaginable speed.

“ Take care of her, and try to not get on her nerve….otherwise it won’t be too helpful for your already miserable married life “

“ I know how to handle my wife…you should leave. '' He had his eyes on her, while he literally pushed me away and went to her.

“ Do not call me after getting drunk “ i yelled in fact, that he ignored royally.

Really ? Is this what I get after all the things I did for them ?

Cursing him under my breath I walked to my car calling my assistant to reschedule my today’s appointments. 


It was around one PM when I went back home  to get changed and leave for  volunteering in the JE rehabilitation centre that I've been doing for two years now. Every week I volunteer my time , energy and professional skill to help severe mental health patients In rehabilitation centres. It’s satisfying and soul pleasing to be able to help people who have suffered from long term mental illness that affected their ability to live a normal life. Besides it adds professional experiences that will aid my career in psychology.

It’s 50-50. The experience I get from volunteering in rehabilitation provides growth in my profession as well as the act of helping someone by  treating them brings positive energy in my soul. No doubt why I love being a therapist, the amount of relief and satisfaction I get by helping people in need is something I wouldn't get in any field.

I’m doing what someone failed to do for my Appa two decades ago. 

Sighing heavily, I looked out at the jamming traffic, where i’m stuck for the past ten minutes. The constant horn sounds of vehicles was splitting my head into two parts. I’m already half and hour late and now this traffic. Great!


A legend once said that it’s impossible to have a best friend and a peaceful life together, you always have to choose between any one of these two.

It’s me, I’m the legend. And currently I'm quoting my life  experience while Harish is vigorously throwing up in my bathroom in the middle of night. 

Exactly two hours ago I got a call from the bar to pick him up since he was wasted in alcohol and couldn’t even stand sober.

Though I had expected him to be drunk after his meet up with Meghna, nevertheless the state in which I saw him in the bar wasn’t what I had even imagined.

He was crying holding the legs of the bartender who seemed more in need of help than Harish when I reached there. It was an arduous task to separate him from the legs of the bartender. Harish’s face was sweaty, covered with nacho chips that stuck to his face when he banged his head on the plate or table.

After paying the bar bill and the compensation amount for the expensive wine bottles he broke, and the table chair he flipped in state of intoxication i wanted to dump him in his home but the irony of my fate this dork missed his house keys somewhere and i had to bring him along to my place, unwillingly.

It was a tiring day for me, and I had thought of spending the evening cooking and the night by listening to Ilayaraja music to relax before I sleep peacefully. But look at me now, plopped on the couch, holding my head in hands while all I could hear was the disgusting sounds he made while vomiting.

“ what’s the deal with you ?'' I asked as soon as I saw him walking out of the bathroom, wiping his mouth with the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing. Ewww

He shot me a sharp glance before opening the fridge.

“ what’re you doing ?” I questioned looking at what he was doing in utter confusion.

“ Harishhh “

“ what ? can’t you see i’m pouring water in glass to drink “ he yelled back.

“ That’s ketchup  bottle  “

A moment of thick silence passed, he was still standing like a statue with the half emptied ketchup bottle in his hand.

“ What happened ? how did you end up in this state ?'' I asked again, hoping for a sane answer from this insane man.

He was still mum.

“ Tell me now or I'm never listening to you. '' I threw a mini pillow at him that he dodged.

After a few seconds of staring at the glass half filled with ketchup he left the bottle on the kitchen counter and came to me rubbing his face with palms.

“ You know how I always said that you’re the worst twin brother ever ?” he sat on the edge of the couch.

I node recalled all those moments when he used to claim me as the worst twin of Meghna and talked so highly of her. And I being the good friend would let him mindlessly as I thought he said that to impress her.

“ But after witnessing what your sister is capable of doing to me…..i’ve come to a conclusion that…..she is the worst twin…the most evil one “ his eyes welled up already as he finished the sentence.

“ what’s the matter ?'' I grew curious because it was the first time he called her evil even though I had warned him about her evilness years ago when he was fond of her. Poor child didn't listen to me and went ahead to propose to her, and then married her too. At that time i used to praise him for his bravery but now seeing him in a pool of tears i think he should have listened to me years ago itself.

He sniffed “ you know after you left…..i tried to convince her but she was too adamant and stiff towards me yet i didn’t give up and kept trying to make her talk…but then out of blue she asked me to take her on a long drive till Mahabalipuram. I was so happy that I forgot to think logically, and did what she asked. She was silent throughout the drive and I still tried to make small conversations with her.After fifty kilometres of drive she suddenly asked me to halt the car near a tree and told me that she feels like driving from there. At first I refused to let her drive but then she said she was bored sitting ideally and wanted to drive. Once again I gave in and let her take over the driver seat while I got down and was about to open the door to settle on the passenger seat  beside her. But she “ he paused to breathe properly and again continued.

“ But she ... .you know what she did…..she started and disappeared in thin air within a few seconds ... .abandoning me in the middle of the road “ he cried out and passed him more tissues.

“I  thought she was pranking…..  i stood there for one and half hour hoping that she would return…but she didn’t….” he added further.

Being twenty three minutes older than her I've well known of her ways to punish those people who break her trust or heart. It started when she was in high school and her best friend of seven years dated the classmate Meghna once mentioned to her best friend about having a crush on. She broke her friendship and never talked to her, even on the farewell day of school where every student was emotional and crying hugging each other. Later, when she was in college there was a senior guy who approached her as a friend and assured that he will never try to be anything else than being a  friend but he also went around spreading rumours about dating Meghna which broke her trust. She threw punches on his face, which resulted in him with a broken nose in front of the collage. 

She is evil to people, who do evil things to her. And now I wonder what Harish did that poked her evil side.

It was after few minutes of him crying and sobbing under influence of alcohol when he spoke again “ Thank god i had my phone and wallet with me otherwise what would have happened to me “

“ Nothing much, you would have walked fifty kilometres back or would have gotten  a lift from passing strangers on the road . '' I muttered with a long breath and walked inside my room.

“ Shut  up and your sister ...both are heartless ...don't know what i did in my previous life to suffer with both of you “ and he went on crying for the rest of night.


Dropping the duvet on Harish who was sleeping on the couch with his half body laying on the floor , I switched off the lights and went back to my room.

2:05AM, and i couldn’t wait to lay my body on the soft surface of bed and close my red eyes to sleep, but as if nature is against my sleep tonight i opened my eyes feeling the cold breeze coming in through the balcony door which was left open.

Groaning in frustration I got down to lock the door and again settled myself on the bed. Nevertheless I couldn't just sleep right away.  My mind was still awake, thinking about something that  I hated to accept.

As i fought the urge of playing a part of this day inside my head, when this afternoon i came back home to get change before i left for volunteering in JE rehabilitation centre.

Pulling the blanket over me I laid staring into the darkness while my mind went back to the afternoon incident.

Getting changed into fresh formal clothes I locked my apartment and was about to leave when I spotted her.

The sight of her sucked the breath out of my lungs.

I couldn’t move, as if my body froze on the spot watching her say something while glancing back as she tucked the hair standing behind her ear. Wind was blowing through her hair, while she smiled for a millisecond. It was the second time I noticed a sparkling calmness in her eyes, and I found that very unusual of her as I've only seen fury, heroic grief and an abyss of darkness in her eyes.

What caused the  calmness in her eyes ? What changed ?

How could she do something very mundane or ordinary and yet look extraordinary ? She did nothing but walk, talk and look at me like everyone else does.

It was a matter of a few seconds, but that very moment has been  playing in my head for the whole day.

Why is it getting hard for me to not think about  her ?

Is it because she looks so much like her ?


How's the chapter??

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