Arc1: chapter 4: troublesome news Arc finale
Author note: hello my wonderful readers I hope your ready for this chapter now I was wondering on what should the codename for the reader should be when he is under the mind control and also you will have a team with Zack, Miyu and Fay while you are the leader of your squad now let the chapter begin
Y/n's pov
its been a week since the test and for my adopted father Peppy and James went on a mission with the one person that I definitely do not trust especially with the two people that have been like family to me James Mccloud has been like a uncle and a teacher figure to me now after a week I had received an emergency call from the hospital telling me to come quickly and that my adopted father Peppy was hurt in the mission so I rushed to the hospital and to the room he was in
Y/n: father! what happened to you and are you okay?
Peppy: *weakly* yes Y/n I'm okay just a little hurt
Y/n: *relief sigh* that's good but what happen on the mission is james okay?
Peppy: *sighed* that's the thing you should go to Fox she is going to need you
Y/n: what? are you sure dad
Peppy: yes I'm sure I'm just going to rest up a bit
with that I nod to him and he rests up then I start making my way to Fox's house hopping she'll be alright but I was wondering what happened to James the look on Peppy's face seemed sadden by something after a couple minute walk I went to the front door of the house and knocked on the door then the door opened to reveal a very sad looking Fox Mccloud with her eyes all red and puffy
Y/n: Fox what happened?
Fox: *sad tone* Y/n there's something I have to tell you please come inside
I then walked inside as Fox proceeded to go to the couch I then followed suit and sat next to her I looked at her to see tears going down her face which got me curious
Y/n: Fox please tell me what's wrong if there's something wrong you can tell me
Fox: *sniffs* it's my father he's... he's.... dead
as soon as those words came out my eyes widen hearing that one of the people that found me in the cryo pod had died it hit me hard like how it did when I first heard that my parents both died
Y/n: Fox I'm so sorry to hear that I know that he meant a great deal for you it' going to be okay
Fox: *continues to cry* how. how is everything going to be okay when my fa-
I cutted her off by pulling her into a hug and stroke the back of her head in a comforting way cause I know the pain she is going through all to well the pain of losing a parent
Y/n: it's okay everyone needs a shoulder to cry on every now and then cause I know how it feels to lose a parent cause I lost both my birth mother and father when I first woke up from cryo sleep I was sad knowing I was probably the last human left everything that I've known lost but thanks to Peppy and your father helped me moved on you also helped me a lot Fox now I'll do the same for you just let it all out
as those words were said Fox leans into the hug and let out all of her sadness of her father's death into my shoulder while I softly stroke the back of her head giving her comfort that she needed after awhile of crying Fox fell asleep on my shoulder so I picked her up bridal style and took her to her room and gently laid her on her bed I was about to leave until I felt some thing grabbed my wrist I turn to see that it was Fox who grabbed my wrist
Fox: please stay with me Y/n please
I turn to the window to see that it was already night so I nod to her and got into bed with her Fox snuggled onto my chest as I wrapped my arms around her to make her feel at ease as she was about to fall asleep she looked at me and gives me a kiss that I leaned into it and kissed back I notice her tail wagging happily then after that moment we separate and looked at each other
Fox: thanks Y/n for helping me getting through this difficult time I wouldn't know what to do
Y/n: no problem Fox I would do anything for my girl I'm not going to let you stay sad forever I'll always support you and stay by your side
as I said that Fox smiled and laid her head on my chest a drifted off into sleep as I kissed her head and followed suit and drifted into sleep as well
3rd pov timeskip 3 years passed just before Fox's crew fought Andross
it had been three years since the death of James Mccloud for Fox she dropped out of the academy to become a mercenary along with Falco, Slippy and your adoptive father Peppy Fox offered if you wanted to join her but you followed your own path but still supported her decision for Wolf she got in an accident were it costed her eye making her getting removed from the academy so she became a gang leader in space but still sees you as a brother and keeps in touch with you as for you. you became a squadron leader of your own squad with your friend Zack as your second in command with two more teammates named Miyu and Fay right now you and your squad were getting ready to join Fox and her friends to fight Andross but was stopped by a call from General Pepper so they answered
General Pepper: General Pepper here we have a mission for you and your squad
Y/n: hello General what mission is it me and my squad was about to join Fox and her team to fight Andross
General Pepper: true but we have info on Pigma's location
as General Pepper said that it got Y/n's attention as he remembers that it was Pigma's fault that Fox's father is dead
Y/n: where is he?
General Pepper: he's in the south west of sector V and all alone please Y/n when you find him do not let your anger get the best of you I know may have hatred towards him just don't do anything rash
Y/n: ok I won't do any thing rash
General Pepper: alright General Pepper out
as General Pepper turned off his transition I looked at my team and they nod as they are ready for it I then put my necklace and family ring inside my locker
Zack: why put your necklace and ring in there man?
Y/n: so that way I don't lose them or have them at risk of being damaged but Zack if anything were to happen to me make sure the necklace is safely given to Fox and my ring given to my father Peppy
Zack: dude don't say things like that
Miyu: yeah you know you'll make so don't be going and saying stuff like that mister
Fay: and plus your the best leader and friend we ever have so don't go being too dramatic
Y/n: *chuckles* ture but I'm just saying if it happens cause you never know besides you can't get rid of your favorite human!
Zack: the only human that is
Y/n: hey!
then they all shared a laugh as this was there antics even though Y/n is the only human but he managed to get over with and lived on as a living memory for his birth parents after they got their gear all set they went to a cruiser ship to take them to their location as the cruiser ship left the planet and began to make its way to it's destination there was a group in the shadows watching the ship leave as one of them is holding a device that was locked on Y/n
????1: sir we've found the target that Andross had us look for
on radio: good make sure you follow him and his squad to their "target" make sure you separate him from his squad once that happens you know what to do
????1: damage his arwing where it will have no power and him knocked out and take him alive correct sir?
on radio: correct Shadow leader out
timeskip after the crusier made it to it's location
after the cruiser made it to the mission destination Y/n and his squad quickly got in their respected arwings and fly out of the hanger as they start their mission once they were way from the ship they make their way to where Pigma's location was as they get close to their mark they see that there's nothing there
Zack: hey what gives wasn't this the place are target was supposed to be?
Miyu: yeah all I see is just empty space
Fay: maybe someone got the location wrong?
Y/n: maybe I'll contact our cruiser to tell them if someone got our destination wrong or something *contacts the cruiser through via long range radio* cruiser we made it to our destination but there's nothing here did command got the wrong location?
crew member1: you guys got to return quick!
Y/n: what? what's going on?
crew member1: ITS A TRAP!
????: too late
as Y/n and his squad began to turn their arwings around they were attackedby unknown arwings they scattered to fight their own hostile arwing while Y/n too out two of the hostile arwings he sposts one of them chasing Fay as she is trying to shake him off so Y/n flies to her and quickly take out the hostile arwing
Fay: thanks for the save their captain
Y/n: no problem Fay
then Y/n goes to dispatch more hostile arwings as he does one of them gets behind his arwing and shooting him
Y/n: oh you are not shooting that green shit at me
as the hostile arwing as about to take another shot at him the hostile get shot at by Zack taking out the hostile arwing
Zack: don't worry I got your back big daddy
Y/n: thanks for that man I guess I owe you a drink
after awhile of fighting they think they took care of the hostile arwings as Y/n and Zack were together while Miyu and Fay were paired together
Y/n: alright guys lets head back to the cruiser before something else happen
everyone: right
????1: I don't think so
Zack what the-
he gets hit by blaster fire not destroying it but disabling his arwing only leaving him only to watch his friend fight the surprise hostile
Y/n: Zack! you bastard
????2: now, now no need to get all fussy little human
then Y/n starts firing back at the hostile as he was right behind the hostile but just as he had lock on his arwing gets shot by the wing not only disabling his arwing also knocking him out
????1: good work team lets take the target back to base and begin the processes of obtaining a new team member
Fox's pov
after the final fight with Andross we can finally relax the one thing I was wondering is where is Y/n and his squad I thought he was going to help us fight Andross I hope he's alright I was ripped out of my thoughts getting a call from the General
General Pepper: General Pepper here I've got bad news Fox
Fox: what is it is Y/n and his squad okay?
General Pepper: well his two Female team members are okay his friend and second in command is a little banged up but okay as for Y/n... he's
Fox: *gets worried* he's what?
General Pepper: he's been captured by a rouge squad
end of arc 1 continue in arc 2: the caged heart
A/N: and done hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hope for the next arc now just to let you know I'm going to maked a female Sly Cooper x Male reader x Carmelita Fox story but I want to know do you want the readers ancestors be assassins or thieves I'm also going to make a she ra x male reader story but I want to know if the reader should be the son of shadow weaver or brother of Glimmer or brother of Adora for the love interest I've got that covered now please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you in the next chapter
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