Arc 3: Chapter 2: Fox's arrival
A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter for this story, sorry for not updating this for a long while. But Here is the chapter and now let the fun begin!
Fox's pov
I was arriving to the planet's surface after flying through one gold ring to enter the planet's surface, now General Pepper did tell me that I need to find the Queen of the Earthwalker tribe. Once I reached the planet's surface, I see old ruin like walls with what looks to be a sentient living rock creature and some of the planet's residents and flourishing wildlife. I then start to land my arwing in an area wide enough to land it, once it was landed I hopped out and call Gerneral Pepper on my wrist comm.
Gerneral Pepper: {Great flying, Fox. For a moment I thought you weren't going to make it.}
Fox: *smirks* Very funny, sir.
Gerneral: Pepper: {I know. Now on to business. On your wrist computer, you can contact anyone you wish to speak too. Each member of your team will give you different information. So after i finished, give it a try and don't forget, you're looking for the Queen Earthwalker. *motions towards the dinosaurs ahead of Fox* Try talking to those thorntail guys. Slippy is preparing a translator device... But until it's ready he'll translate for you.}
Fox: Okay Gerneral, but what about a weapon? Why couldn't I bring my blaster?
General Pepper: { *sighs* It's always the same with you, Fox. Shoot first, ask questions later. This mission is about saving the planet, not blowing it up! It requires a different tactic. Try using your head. *laughs*}
Fox: Yeah, yeah, Very funny, sir. Fox out.
I then end the call with Gerneral Pepper and turn towards the Throntails, but my attention landed on a staff imbedded into the ground. I walk towards it and once I was close enough to the staff, I grabbed it and pulled it out feeling some sort of energy flow through me. Along with hearing a womans voice in my head.
voice: *dinosaur language* If you are receiving this message, then me and my friend are in great danger. The staff you hold in your hands is a powerful weapon. You must learn to use it wisely. It will give you guidance when its power can be used. My staff's main use is in combat... and in time your skills may grow. Try different actions to unleash its powerful attacks. You can also use it to explore the world around you. Try hitting rocks or knocking items out of the trees. I'm sure that you will find it very useful. Take care of my staff and it will take care of you.
During the entirety of the message, I gave it some practice swings and getting used to the energy the staff was flowing into me. Once I was finished and the message was over, I put the staff away as it shortens itself to make it easier to carry it around. I then walk up to one of the Throntails to talk to it, which Slippy was able to translate and said she was beyond the doors that has some Sharpclaw troops guarding the weaken Queen.
I went to the set of doors, which opens with the Sharpclaw troops coming out to fight me, while I pulled out the staff with it extending back to the size, I found it. I charged at the first Sharpclaw and swung the staff while spinning it around my body, and kicked back the Sharpclaw into a stone wall knocking him out. I then to see another Sharpclaw charging at me with it's mace in that air, I parried the attack and quickly countered attack with the staff and take out the Sharpclaw with a final swing of the staff followed with me kicking the Sharpclaw.
This went on with the last two Sharpclaws, but thankfully they are just the grunts and it doesn't take me long to defeat the last two Sharpclaws. After the Sharpclaws were defeated, a red light shines at the top of the stone wall and the same woman's voice is heard from my head again.
voice: *dinosaur language* This message will only play if my staff feels... that you are ready to become its master. Before the staff becomes your own... You must learn to see and feel its call through your hands. Follow it's call and discover what lies beneath.
I do what the woman's voice said and feel the staff, which then I start to feel a out of body experience and see an ancient looking door open up, that wasn't too far from my position. I make my way to the ancient door and see a unique looking rock in the center of the room, thinking that there was more to this room than meets they eye. I used the staff to move the rook out of the way, to find a hole that leads to somewhere.
Fox: Well, nothing ventured nothing gained.
3rd pov
Fox jumps into the hole, completely unaware that a familiar e/c eye colored male watching from a distance with his hood up, but does have a smile on his face once he saw Fox jump through the hole.
hooded male: Soon, Fox... we will meet again.
-time skip -
After Fox leaves the underground room and obtaining the fire power for the staff, she returns to the stone door with a glowing red light at the top of it. Which Fox shoots a fire ball from the staff and hits the red glowing stone, which then turns green and opens the stone door allowing Fox to proceed further to the Queen Earthwalker.
Fox: Is anybody there?
She turns a corner to see the Queen Earthwalker on the ground alive, but weaken at the moment like her fellow Earthwalkers.
Fox: Are you okay? My name is Fox McCloud. And you must be the Queen Earthwalker.
Queen Earthwalker: *dino language*
As the Queen Earthwalker spoke, Fox stands up and contacts Slippy on her wrist computer to help translate Queen Earthwalker's words.
Fox: Did you get that, Slippy?
Slippy: {You've got to go to the Ice Mountain... and rescue her son, the Prince Tricky.
Fox: Nice name. Ok lady. I'll bring your son back to you. Ah, can you give me some directions?
Queen Earthwalker: *dino language*
Slippy: {You've got to talk to that giant stone guy, she also did mention an ally that could help you. They call him "Guardian" apparently he helps the others clans and keeps the peace around them, well except for the Sharpclaw clan. She called him a WarpStone.}
Fox: That's all I need to know. I'll be back soon, Queen. Don't worry and I'll keep an eye out for this Guardian. *walks away and looks at the hologram of Slippy* Have you finished that translator yet?
Slippy: {Nearly ready Fox. I just need a bit more time. Slippy out.}
With the communication ended, Fox walks to the stone archway behind the Queen Earthwalker and found a Fuel Cell for her ship, to be able to go to other parts of the planet. Fox then explores around the area some more, to find explosive spore called "Bomb Spores" and the planet's currency which is Scarabs. After some more exploring Fox found the ship Y/n used when he was under mind controlled, which Fox quickly searches around to see the flora had started to grow around the ship, but with the pilot seat empty.
Fox: *contacts Peppy and Slippy* Guys, I've found the ship Y/n used!
Peppy/Slippy: {Really?!}
Peppy: {What's the state of the ship? Is my son still in the pilot seat or not?}
Fox: The ship appear to take quite a bit of damage from the crash, but the pilot seat is empty which means Y/n could still be on the planet, alive and well.
Slippy: {That's awesome to hear, if he's still on the planet it should be easy to identify him. Since he's the only Human on the planet, while everything else is a dinosaur.}
Fox: True, but he could be anywhere on the planet. I'll have to keep my eyes open, Fox out.
Once the comms ended, Fox then headed to the stone wall that had a crack on it and placed a Bomb Spore in to the ground, and grow quickly than Fox expected. Fox then used the staff and shot a fire ball from it, and exploded the plant and the crack within the wall and created an opening for her to advance forward. After entering the sanctum of the WarpStone and stands in front of it, which the stone giant turns to Fox.
WarpStone: Nobody ever brings me gifts anymore.
Fox: Well great, I guess I can do more exploring.
Fox leaves the area of the WarpStone, then finds another pathway in the stone wall that leads downwards. Which lead her into a shop of sorts and meets the shopkeeper, who is of the Sharpclaw clan but is more interested in scarabs rather than fighting. Fox finds a rock with a gem in it, which Fox finds an interest in.
Fox: Excuse me, Shopkeeper?
Shopkeeper: Yes?
Fox: How much for this rock? *motions to the rock with a gem*
Shopkeeper: Ah, yes the Rock Candy. You pay this much...
The Shopkeeper shows her the number 10, but Fox was not going to spend that much and offered 8 Scarabs. Which the Shopkeeper was okay with and gave Fox the Rock Candy, once in her possession of the Rock Candy, she goes to back to the WarpStone to offer the Rock Candy to the stone giant. Once Fox made it back to the WarpStone, she offered the Rock Candy to the WarpStone who gladly accepts the offering and begins to speak with Fox.
WarpStone: Aaaaah. A lovely sweetie! Hmmmm... *looks down at Fox* Who dares bother the mighty WarpStone? A thousand years I've been left alone to rest, What do you want?
Fox: erm, well... Can you help us?
WarpStone: *laughs* Help? No!
Fox: But your a WarpStone. You're supposed to Help!
WarpStone: Ah... Right, let's see if I can remember... What I'm supposed to do. Ah, right! My memory serves, that I can send you to my right hand and I can send you to one of those WarpStone thingies, but we'll get back to that in a minute. You can also enter the Maze that lies... *reveals the path to the Maze* Beneath me. Now this one is special, when you have collected a Krazoa Spirit. I can send you to Krazoa Palace by going to my left hand. Now, you know what I do... so hurry and make your choice!
Fox: *walks to the WarpStone's right hand* I would like to go to Ice Mountain.
WarpStone: I see, not too long ago the Guardian also went there as well.
Fox: *smiles with her tail wagging* That's good to know, I'm ready.
With a nod, the WarpStone closes his hand and warps Fox to her destination. For Fox being warped to another location was quite the experience, it was like she was going through different dimensions, which the experience soon ended and she ended up in a cave.
Fox's pov
Fox: Wow! That was something.
I then make my way out of the cave, to see that I was in the land of ice which is part of Ice Mountain, I look up to see a ship descending to the ground and stays hovering over the air. I see what looks like a ground door that opens and reveals to drop a small Earthwalker, once the little Earthwalker was on the ground with two Sharpclaw grunts circling the smaller dinosaur. The ship leaves and one of the Sharpclaw grunts hits the tiny Earthwalker with their mace, and chases through a door that opens allowing them entry, then closes after they went in.
Fox: Oh, that Sharpclaw is going to get it. Time to find my way to that tiny Earthwalker.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, It's good to be able to catch up on my older stories to update when I can. Also do let me know in the comments on what you guys think, also I am going to be putting a female Sharpclaw assassin into future chapters during the Star Fox Adventures arc, and now I will catch you guys in the next one.
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