Arc 3: chapter 1: The Blue Fox, Armored Wolf and Human

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now this will be the Adventures of Star fox game. So this will be longer than the other arcs of this story, now that's enough out of me let the chapter begin!

3rd pov

in the stormy skies at the dead of night two flying creatures fly through only one had two individuals riding on the back, while the other one had a single person on it's back. The two on the first one was a blue fox girl named Krystal, behind her who was trying to hold on tightly is the armored wolf with his blaster on his back named Theban Woods.

A/n: Woods is the last name I gave to Theban.

The person on the second flying creature wore fur like animal clothes that showed is body a bit, and his hair was h/c. This was Y/n L/n the only Human that Krystal and Theban know.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* I received a garbled distress signal.

Y/n: *in dinosaur language* What does it say?

Theban: Can you two please, speak English!

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* It said something about a mountain hidden in a storm.

Theban: What!?

Y/n: She said something by a mountain being hidden in a storm.

Theban: Oh.

flying creature: *squawk like sounds*

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Whoever they are. They sound in great danger!

Y/n then hears something behind them, so he glances to the direction to see a giant red ball with fire heading in their direction.

Y/n: Look out!

Krystal and Theban ducked down avoiding one of the balls of fire, while Y/n with his flying creature maneuvers around to avoid getting hit by them. Krystal then brings up her staff to use it's magic, but a stray fire ball knocks it out of her hand and falls down to the surface that can't be seen due to altitude.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* My staff!

Y/n: *in dinosaur language* I'll look for it for you later, but we got company!

The three look behind them to see a large flying ship with a moving mechanical head of a dinosaur flies over them, the ship gets in front of them with the rear turrets at the ready to fire at them. Y/n brings out his bladed staff and Theban brings out his multi mode blaster putting it in railgun mode, the rear turrets started to fire at them making the flying creatures the three of them were on to maneuvers to avoid the projectiles.

Once both males got a clear shot at the turrets both Theban and Y/n fired back through their weapons dealing damage to the turrets, the ship then rises up giving the three a clear shot at the propeller acting as the engine. Both Y/n and Theban fired their weapons at the propeller limiting the large ship's speed and movement, once the three were back at the turrets Theban fires a shot at the turrets completely destroying one of them and Y/n destroys the second one with fire magic.

The large ship then goes on ahead to turn around to face the three of them, as Y/n notices that the dinosaur head is shooting flaming projectiles at them.

Y/n: Shoot the head!

Theban nods and takes aim at the mechanical head and fires three powerful shots, completely disabling the head, the two flying creatures then land at the back end of the ship on the main deck. Krystal was first to hop off the creature followed by Theban who hops off, but Y/n stays on his mount.

Krystal: Aren't you coming, Y/n?

Y/n: No, I'll stay out here with our friends here, in case something were to happen.

Theban: So in other words your the back up, right?

Y/n nods as Krystal and Theban turn around as Y/n along the two creatures fly off, but stayed near the ship and out of sight. Krystal and Theban make their way along the main deck and came a cross a small creature like the flying ones they were on not too long ago.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Why are you doing here little one?

small flying creature: *in dinosaur language* I'm a prisoner of General Scales.

Theban: *who translated the words with his helmet* Is there a key some where?

small flying creature: *in dinosaur language* There is a key in the lower deck, but be careful.

the two nod to the small creature and notice a door open on the left side of the stairs they went down, the two went through the door with Theban taking the lead and putting his blaster in burst fire mode. But as luck would have it the room was clear and the two carefully walked ahead to see a key in the center of the room, Krystal picks it up to see it was a key to the Krazoa Palace.

The two then make their way back up to the main deck of the ship to free the small creature with the use of Theban's blaster, but once they reach the stairs just before the small cage the large set of doors open to reveal a large green scale dinosaur wearing armor and with a bladed claw hand stands before the two.

General Scales

A/n: I was going to use the in game model, but I though this would be better to use also not mine the credit goes to the original onwer.

the large armored dinosaur leaps to be right in front of Krystal and Theban making both of them move back and having Theban points his blaster at the large lizard.

General Scales: *in dinosaur language* General Scales, Ruler, tyrant and dictator of Dinosaur Planet. What brings you two to my world?

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* We're not here to fight you.

Theban: *mutters* I beg to differ.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* We're only here because of a distress call.

General Scales: *laughs and speaks in dinosaur language* A distress call? This whole planet is in distress.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* The CloudRunner told me about you. The Evil General.

General Scales: *chuckles and speaks in dinosaur language* My girl, I am not evil. I rule over many dinosaur tribes. You see, I must control this planet with fear. *shakes the cage with the small creature inside* Otherwise , the tribes always try to fight against me with their pesky "Guardian of the Tribes."

Krystal charges at General Scales, but get's grabbed by the neck and lifts her up, as Theban pints his blaster, but can't fire as to not accidently harm his best friend.

General Scales: *in dinosaur language* You dare to challenge me? *moves her to the side of the ship* No one can defeat General Scales!

Theban: Put her down!

General Scales: *chuckles and speaks in dinosaur language* Really poor choice of words.

The large armored lizard then throws Krystal off the ship making Theban yell out "no" Krystal had her eyes closed waiting to feel the rush of wind passed her and gravity to make her fall, but she didn't feel any of that and feels arms wrapped around her.

????: Man, is it me or is it raining beautiful Fox girls for me?

Krystal then opened her eyes to see that she was caught by Y/n and preveanted her from falling to her death, but she blushed due to two things, one was the comment that Y/n said and the second was the way he was holding her, which was a bridal style.

Krystal: *blushes* T... thanks for the save Y/n.

Y/n: No problem, now it's time for me to show a sad lizard his place.

Krystal nods and fixes her self with the help of Y/n to be sitting in front of him, but makes her her butt doesn't press against Y/n's crotch. Once the two were sitting perfectly fine the flying creature rises up to reveal Krystal not dead making Theban smirk knowing General Scales is out numbered.

General Scales: *in dinosaur language* You!

Y/n: *in dinosaur language* Surprise lizard boy!

Y/n then jumps off the flying creature and kicks Scales in the face knocking him down, while Theban puts his blaster away and jumps on the second flying creature. Y/n then sees the small creature in the cage and brings out his bladed staff, he then breaks open the cage and grabs the small creature in his arms.

Y/n then runs back to the large flying creature that Krystal was on and jumps back on and sits behind Krystal, while making sure he has the small creature secured in his arms.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Bad luck, General. Maybe next time!

General Scales: *in dinosaur language* This isn't over!

Y/n: *in dinosaur language* That's what they all say!

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Let's find the source of the distress signal.

The three of them then fly off towards the distress signal that Krystal was sensing, while the said Vixen relaxed herself leaning back into Y/n and let's out a sigh of relief.

Y/n: *teasing tone* Enjoying your seat?

Krystal: *blushes with a cute yelp* Sorry Y/n!

Y/n: *chuckles* It's fine Krystal rest as much as you can.

-timeskip brought to you by a chibi Y/n sleeping on grass with a chibi Krystal sleeping on his chest-

Krystal's pov

As we get to a large palace like building, the CloudRunners takes us close enough to a platform for us to set down on.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* I wonder if this is where the distress signal is coming from?

Y/n: *in dinosaur language* Who knows.

Once the CloudRunners sets down on the platform, which me and Theban to hop off the two CloudRunners, but Y/n does not.

CloudRunner1: *in dinosaur language* This is Krazora Palace. If you two go inside, be very careful. This is the dinosaurs' most sacred place.

Krystal: *turns to Y/n* Aren't you coming with us, Y/n?

Y/n: Wish I could, but have to make sure this little one gets back home safely.

I look at his arms to see the small CloudRunner in them, the same one that was caged on General Scale's ship. I was hoping he would come with us, so I could know a thing or two about him and the home planet of the humans.

Y/n: But don't worry, we will meet again. Until then you two watch your backs, cause I don't know why but I get a bad feeling about this palace.

I nod to him with a smile as he leaves with the two CloudRunners, I turn around to see Theban looking at me, but even with his helmet on he's smirking at me.

Theban: *teasing tone* Does somebody have a crush?

Krystal: *blushes* Shut up!

He chuckles as we then turn around to see two glowing creatures with tentacles, Theban brings out his blaster making me have to rely on him to do most of the fighting. But luckily for us the creatures haven't notice us, I then see a door just passed a down EarthWalker but he wasn't hurt just too weak to move. Once we got to the door which I used the key that we got from General Scales to unlock the door, inside was a metal barrel most likely filled with explosive material.

I went to pick it up which wasn't that heavy, but it wasn't light at the same time but then one of the creatures went to attack us, but Theban killed it with his blaster and followed up with the second one. Once the area was cleared I went to a line of crates blocking our way, but I used the barrel by throwing it causing it to explode and destroy the crates, in the crates were PukPuk eggs which are pretty tasty to eat.

I then see a metal plate generate another explosive barrel for me to pick up, we then went down the path to see another creature ahead of us, but easy for us to sneak passed by going to the left which would be a dead end. But I noticed a large crack along the wall that could be open by using the explosive barrel that I'm carrying, Once I threw the barrel as it explodes creating a way in for us. Once inside to our right was a dead end, but to our left was a way further in the palace but a creature in the way.

Which Theban could kill by shooting his blaster, but we sneaked passed it into a path on the right and a pillar leaning on the other end of the wall prevented to creature from following us, but I saw another EarthWalker with an explosive barrel behind him. Which I was going to pick it up but Theban used his blaster by putting it in shock wave mode and blowing the crates into pieces as it dropped Dinosaur Planet fruit called "Dumbledang pods."

But that's not the only thing I noticed, I saw that Theban killed the glowing creature, which I turned to him with a "really" look.

Theban: Hey, it just makes it easier for us.

I let him have that one and picked up the explosive barrel, but in front of us was another wall with a large crack in it but we have to take our time as the walls have fire traps, but it wasn't too hard to time the fire burst which I was close to the wall and threw the barrel at the wall using the explosion again to break the wall down. As we enter the other side we see another explosive barrel in the room, but I also noticed a odd looking floor plate at the end of the room.

I grabbed the barrel and head towards the odd looking plate, once I got to the plate I stood on top of it making it fall into the floor slightly and the wall at the opposite end of the room opens up. In the other room was another weaken EarthWalker and a creature patrolling the room, but once Theban saw the creature he killed it with his blaster while I approach the weaken EarthWalker.

EarthWalker: *in dinosaur language* The Krazoa... Needs your help... They are dying....

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Was it you that sent the distress signal?

EarthWalker: When we were attacked, I signaled for help. We were massacred.

Theban: Poor guys.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* But what were you doing here?

EarthWalker: *in dinosaur language* The King EarthWalker sent us to protect this sacred place... home of the Krazoa. The Krazoa are peace spirits... powerful beings that bring life to a planet. Without the spirits, our planet is dead.

Krystal: *in dinosaur language* Is there something we can do?

EarthWalker: *in dinosaur language* My girl, only the pure of heart can take the tests. Enter the Krazoa Shrine. Once inside, complete the spirits test and await your reward. If you succeed, then return to me... *coughs* I'm not going anywhere.... *coughs*

I then walked towards the door that opened during the Earthwalker's explanation, while Theban follows behind me I walked to the center of the room, then I felt that I was getting transported to another area. I then was sent to the shrine where the test awaits for me to do.

Krystal: Let's do this.

-timeskip one puzzle later-

A/n: Yeah anything puzzle related I'm skipping cause I'm not good at explaining puzzles.

After obtaining the Krazoa spirit I return to the room where Theban waits for me and where the EarthWalker rests, as I exit the small room Theban looks to me and noticing something different about me.

Krystal: What?

Theban: Nothing, it's just your eyes are purple instead of your aqua color eyes.

Krystal: Really? Must be a way to tell that an individual has obtained the Krazoa spirit.

I then walked up to the downed EarthWalker, who then notices me walking towards him.

EarthWalker: *in dinosaur language* The shrines keep the spirits safe from harm.... but their powers are useless. Only when the spirit has been released... back into the palace... can it be used to stop this war.

He then rest as me and Theban make our way to the lift platform to take us up to where we can release the spirit, once we do so we walk along the tunnel and to see on our right a statue head of a Krazoa spirit letting me know what to do next.

Krystal: Theban cover me.

Theban: You got it.

I then walked up to the statue of a Krazoa spirit to release the one I obtained that I just got from the shrine.

3rd pov

As Krystal begins the process of releasing the Krazoa spirit as Theban guards her, but what they don't know someone or something was watching them from the shadows, Krystal then falls to her knees making Theban glance back to her and see Krystal releasing the spirit from her body. Once the Krazoa spirit left her body and merges with the statue as the mouth moved and unleashed a beam of light heading towards out of the tunnel.

Once both Theban and Krystal look to where the light was going, but the thing that was watching them gets behind them and Krystal quickly turns around with widen eyes.

Krystal: *indinosaur language* It's you! AAAAAaHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Theban turns only to see Krystal getting knocked into the light and gets knocked inside of a crystal, Theban looks towards the thing responsible with his blaster up but the thing knocks the weapon out of his hand and forced him into a wall knocking him out. While the crystal that Krystal resides in floats up to the top of the palace, as the said blue vixen sees her situation and thinks of one person to help her.

Krystal: *using her telepathy* (Y/n! Help!)

-meanwhile in a lost corner of the Lylat System-

In space the ship known as the Great Fox flies aimlessly with three of the main crew, which are Slippy, Peppy and the brown vixen herself Fox who try to find any planet that their friend, son and lover might be on.

A/n: lover for Fox, son for Peppy and friend for Slippy.

They had a forth member in their group named Falco, but she left to follow a lead that involved their human friend Y/n. Inside the Great Fox the first three inside were listening to music, while Slippy was doing maintenance on their robot companion Rob.

Slippy: That should be it, Rob. All fixed.

The said robot then moves to stand up up and move it's limbs and hands to see if anything is working perfectly.

Rob: Affirmative. I'll get back to work.

Rob then moves back to where he is stationed, while Slippy turns back to his controls and Peppy turns to her old friend's daughter and his adopted son's girlfriend.

Peppy: Hey, Fox! Isn't this music getting on your nerves? I'm trying to work on my maps.

The captain of the Great Fox herself turns her chair listening to the music while looking at her monitor, then turns to Peppy.

Fox: Okay, old-timer. Turn it down, Slippy!

Slippy then let's out a slight grunt and tossed his wrench towards the jukebox, which the wrench hits causing the the jukebox causing it to turn off.

Fox Hey!

Then a holo image of General Pepper's head appears making Fox let her friend know who is calling them.

Fox: Slippy! It's General Pepper!

General Pepper: *holo image* General Pepper here. I have a new mission for you, Fox. You are approaching Dinosaur Planet... an ancient world on the edge of the Lylat System. As you can see, *shows them a holo image of Dinosaur planet's state* chunks of the planet... have been torn from its surface. It's your job to get them back! If Dinosaur Planet explodes, it could... affect the entire Lylat System. The only lead we have is that you must locate the Oueen of the EarthWalker dinosaur tribe. Maybe she can help you further and if lucky find clues of Y/n or even find him on the planet. By the way, your fee has been approved. If you are successful, then the money will be send forwarded to you immediately. Pepper out.

The call ends with the holo image of General Pepper fades away as the group of three now know their next move.

Fox: You heard the General. Let's do it!

Peppy and Slippy gave their approval as they handle communications and mapping from the ship, while Fox goes to her arwing heading towards Dinosaur Planet with one thing in mind.

Fox: [Please be one this planet Y/n. I need to know if you alright.

To be continued

A/n: and done! now the stage has been set for Star Fox adventure arc, this is going to be a long, but fun one to do. Also what do you guys think what happen to Theban? Please let me know in the comments and do let me know on how should the reader and Fox reunite and how Fox should react. please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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