
"Enzo, wake the hell up!" I shook him by the arm. Enzo was a deep sleeper, so every morning for the rest of the school year, Theo and I had to find different ways to wake him up. I looked around the dorm for something to wake him with, but there was nothing.

"Enzo, come on. We're going to be late for breakfast," I said, ripping away his blanket and exposing him to the cold air in the dorm. Enzo groaned, not wanting to get up.

"Theo's already downstairs waiting for us in the common room," I added, walking over to my side of the room and grabbing the glass of water on my nightstand. I walked back to Enzo and threw the water at him, grinning, knowing that it would wake him up. But the water never touched him; it stopped mid-air.

"What the—" I started, looking towards the door.

"You know, Riddle, the best way to wake someone up is by using something cold," Ariana Pucey said, her wand out, pointing at the water. She muttered something, turning the water into small ice cubes, which she let fall on Enzo. She and Theo, who had just entered, started laughing like maniacs. I laughed too, seeing Enzo gasp and quickly get up from his bed.

"WHAT THE HELL, MATTHEO!" Enzo yelled at me. I scoffed at the fact that he was blaming me."I didn't do anything. That was Pucey," I said, pointing at the door where she had been."How are you gonna blame someone who isn't even here?" Theo said, walking in. I looked at the door, but no one was there. Stupid Pucey had run off.

"Yeah, Mattheo, you were the one trying to wake me up, and you have a glass of water in your hand," Enzo said, getting ready for the day. I rolled my eyes, put down the glass, and walked out of the dorm.

---**Ariana**I ran the second I saw Enzo getting up, hearing him yell at Riddle. Running down the boys' dormitory stairs, I almost tripped over my robe, dashing through the halls trying not to bump into anyone on the first day of the school year. As I reached the Great Hall, everyone looked at me weirdly. I ran my hands through my hair and walked to the Slytherin table, seeing Adel and Adrian sitting next to each other, with Miles in front of Adrian. I walked over to them, smiling.

"Good morning, homo sapiens," I said, sitting next to Miles. I served myself some bacon and a bowl of cream of wheat.

"Good morning, Ari. Well, don't you seem happy this morning," Adrian said, looking at me and then back at his food.

"You know, I think this is going to be my year," I said, stuffing my face with bacon.

"You say that every year, and every year is your year. You get Os in all your classes and stuff," Adrian said, drinking his pumpkin juice and eyeing me weirdly. I ignored him and looked at the big doors to see if Theo and Enzo were coming, then at my watch. It read 8:40.

"What did you do?" he asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face to get my attention."Huh?" I asked, whatever he said went in one ear and out the other. Miles snorted and hid his face behind his glass.

"Ari, what's gotten into you?" Adrian asked, looking very concerned. I just looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Adrian, but I'll talk to you later, okay? I need to get to class," I said, getting up from my seat. Adrian looked pissed and just shook his head in disappointment. Adel just looked at me, not knowing what to say. I gave her a warm smile.

"I'll see you later, Adel, and good luck on your first day." I waved at her, walking out of the Great Hall. I can sleep in tomorrow because September 1st was on a Thursday this year, and today is Friday. I walked to the Transfiguration Courtyard since Transfiguration was first. I pulled out my schedule to see what I had for today:

9:00-10:00 AM: Transfiguration 

 10:15-11:00 AM: DADA

 11:15-12:00 AM: Charms

 12:15-1:00 PM: Lunch 

 1:15-2:00 PM: Potions

 2:30-3:00 PM: Free


 6:00-8:00 PM: Dinner and Free time

I looked up from my schedule, making sure I was going the right way.

"Ari," I heard someone call my name. I saw Miles running towards me.

"Miles, are you okay?" I asked as he reached me. He nodded and put his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"Man, Ari, you walk fast," he paused to get some air, "I wanted to ask if you still wanted to go on a date with me."

"Of course, I still want to go on a date with you," I said. Did he think I would change my mind?

"Well, you looked kind of upset at Adrian, and considering I'm his best friend, I thought you would change your mind."

"Well, I didn't change my mind, but I have to go. I don't want to be late for class." Liar, since when do you care if you're late? You just want to get out of this. Shut up.

"Bye, Miles," I waved him off, walking to class. I walked into McGonagall's class, looking to see if I shared this class with someone I knew, but sadly, I didn't.

"Sit down in the back, dear," McGonagall said calmly. I nodded and walked to the back row of seats. To the left were four seats with books and stuff on them, and to the right were only open seats. I walked towards the right, slipping into a seat.

I pulled out my paper and a quill, setting them on the desk. McGonagall was talking about what we would be learning this year. I took notes to make it easier to read the books on the subject before we learned them in class.

"SHIT," someone yelled from the hall. Everyone moved their gaze towards the door to see who it was. They barged into class, their back to the students, tripping over their untied shoelaces. Some of the students began to giggle.

"Mr. Riddle, you are," McGonagall paused, looking at her watch, "five minutes late on the first day." All of the giggling students stopped the second the professor said his name. I smirked, knowing exactly why he was late.

"Yeah, I know I'm late, Professor," he said, annoyance in his voice.

"Well then, if you would please leave the attitude and foul language back where you found it, that would be very much appreciated. Now sit in the back with Miss Pucey so I can continue teaching," she scolded him.

My smirk fell when she told him to sit next to me. Riddle's eyes locked with mine, glaring daggers. I looked away as he walked to the shared desk. I felt him next to me, shuffling as he grabbed his paper, quill, and inkpot. An hour into the class, I looked at my watch to see how much time was left. I looked at the chalkboard, reading the names of books McGonagall recommended we read this year.

"Fuck," Riddle mumbled. I looked over to see what happened and saw the inkpot had tipped over, spilling all over his notes and even dripping onto his black trousers. I moved away so none got on my brown slacks or my white dress shirt. I could use a simple charm to get rid of the ink if any got on me. The ink went through his paper, but it was his fault the pot tipped over. I ignored him for the rest of class, but he didn't let that happen.

"Pucey," he whispered. I ignored him, hoping he would leave me alone.

"Pssst, Puceyyy," Stop.

"Ow," I said, jumping when he pinched my thigh. The audacity he had to PINCH MY THIGH.

"What, Riddle? What do you want? With what could I help you?" I whisper-yelled at him.

"No need to get mad, Pucey," he said, clearly happy he got my attention.

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Can I borrow some paper?" he asked.

"How the hell are you going to borrow paper? Are you going to give it back with all your notes?" I said. I knew what he meant, but I wanted to make it hard for him.

"Fine, can I have some paper?" he asked again.

"No," I said plainly.

"Why not? You have plenty. I only need one sheet," he moved closer to me.

"You didn't say the magic word," I said. I knew the game we had been playing since last year. The game was to get really close to each other and see who pulled away first. So I leaned even closer to him, probably only a few inches away.

"Oh? And what's the magic word?" he moved even closer, knowing we were only two inches away.

"It's please," I said. Shit, don't do it, Ariana. Pull away, don't you dare move closer. Don't fucking do it. Fuck it. I moved so close I could feel his breath hitting me.

"Can I please have a sheet of paper?" I sighed and grabbed a sheet of paper from my bag, not moving away from him. I put it on the desk and slipped it to his side.

"I'm not moving away from you. This is our first time playing this school year, and I'm not going to lose," he moved even closer to me.

"I know, but I'm going to win this time," I said, kissing him on the corner of his lip. He moved so fast.

"You—you—" he stuttered, making me want to laugh in his face.

"I win," I said proudly.

"Class dismissed," McGonagall's voice boomed throughout the class. I got up, packed my things, and walked out with the rest of the class. Before I was completely out the door, I looked over my shoulder to see him still sitting down. I winked at him.


"Ari, my love," a girl said, jumping into my arms and making me drop my bag. Daphne got off me to pick up my bag and handed it to me.

"Hello, love. What brings you to this side of Hogwarts?" I asked, linking my arm with hers as we walked to DADA class, the only class we shared this year.

"What? Can I not walk you to class? I mean, you and Miles will start to date, and then you'll be so in love that you will no longer hang out with me," she said, almost yelling. Some people even looked our way.

"Shhh, no one needs to know that. And you, of all people, know that word gets out quick," I told her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. OH, look, it's Enzo and Theo," she pointed to the two boys standing to the side talking.

"You like him, don't you?" I said to her. I knew she liked Enzo because of the way she looked at him, or when he talked to her. It was how she would listen to him as if he were the most interesting thing in the world to her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes at me.

"Yeah, keep acting like you don't know." Being the good friend I was, I pushed her to Enzo hard so he would have to catch her. I knew Enzo had good reflexes, and I also knew he would catch her before she fell and hit the floor. It was like it was in slow motion: Daph was trying to move her arms in front of her face, and Enzo stretched his arms out for her to fall right into them. It kind of reminded me of those romantic romcom muggle movies that Enzo showed us last summer at his house.

"You okay, Daph?" Enzo, being the gentleman he was, looked at her from head to toe to make sure she was alright.

"Uh—yeah, I—I'm fine, just, you know, tripped on, you know, something," she stammered, blushing madly.

"Thank you, Enzo, for saving our dear Daphne from eating the floor and a visit to the hospital wing on the first day. Anyway, what are you two doing here? I thought you guys had Charms," I asked, as Theo told me in the morning that he and Enzo had Potions first and then Charms.

"We do have Charms, but so does Mattheo, so we were going to walk with him," Theo explained.

"Speak of the devil," Daph said, nodding her head to the boy coming out of the class. We all turned to look at him as he made his way to us. Our eyes met, and I rolled my eyes at him, looking away.

"We should go, Daph. We don't want to be late like some people here," I said to her, side-eyeing Riddle at the same time.

"Yeah, and I wonder who got me late," he said, defending himself.

"How would I make you late? I was already in class by the time you came in," I said. I did know I was one of the reasons he was late, but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Why won't you just admit that you made me late? It's not that hard, you know," he pointed his finger at me.

"First of all, I won't admit to something I didn't do. Second of all, don't you dare point your finger at me, Riddle," I said, upset. I also pointed my finger at him.

"You can't tell me what to do, Pucey," he started to raise his voice at me, getting upset. Who did he think he was to raise his voice at me?

"You know what? I'm not going to argue with you because you are a big baby and can't get to class on time," I said, raising my voice. Before he could say anything else, I turned on my heels and walked away. Daph soon followed, and we started to walk to our next class.

"You never told me why you hate Riddle so much," Daph said, wondering.

"Because he's an asshole, and he thinks he can go around Hogwarts acting like he's in command. But newsflash, he's not," I said, walking faster.

"But he's, you know, who's son," she said, trying to keep up.

"So? He might be his son, but that doesn't mean he's his dad," I told her. I slowed down so she no longer had to keep up with me.

"Come on, let's go in," she said, walking into class. I hadn't even noticed we had already arrived.

Words 2387

I hope you all enjoyed it. I will post again soon, and please feel free to leave a comment (I will try to respond). - Love, your favorite Mexican Latina, Victoria. C


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