"Don't do this" a woman's soft voice says shaking"Please, I need to" A man knew he sounded scaredThe two figures were blurry and they moved around almost as if they were dancing with each other"Please don't!" The woman cried out, but in a swift motion, the man felt her. She fell to her knees, crying into her hands. The man moved past me his face blurry but he stopped right next to me."Celeste," a soft whisper came from the man. "Happy Birthday, mon étoile." He moved past me, and the women only cried harder.

"Ariana," another whisper came, but not "Happy Birthday." I slowly opened my eyes to see a smiling Miles looking down at me.

"MILES!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down to me. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm here because it's my girlfriend's birthday - well, almost, because it's tomorrow," he said with a gentle smile.

"Ah, I see," I said, my lips finding their way to his exposed neck without thinking, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Two "ews" came from my room door. Miles quickly moved away from me, and I saw Adel and Adrian standing in the doorway, Adel sticking out her tongue and pointing at it.

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes, throwing a pillow at them.

"What? Can't be disgusted by the two of you?" Adrian said, leaving and dragging Adel with him. Adel closed the door behind them.

Miles moved to lay next to me, but I stopped him before he could.

"Take your shoes off," I said. He chuckled and did as told, finally lying down. I moved to put my head on his chest, his hand making its way to my hair.

"I've missed you," he said softly.

"Me too," I replied.

"I thought I could have you for the day before your big day tomorrow," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Thank you, Miles."

"Anything for you, sweetheart," he said. I could feel his heart beating in my ear.

"I could stay like this forever, but I need to get ready," I said, plopping myself up on my elbows before getting up. But Miles pulled me back down.

"No, don't leave - I just got here."

"No, I need to take a shower," I said. His eyes lit up.

"I'll join you," he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me with a smug smile.

"Ha, very funny, but no," I said, getting off him and making my way to my own bathroom.

I heard his growing from behind me.

"I'll be waiting here for you," he called out.

I warmed up the water before stepping in. As I stood there, I couldn't help but think about how I would be fifteen tomorrow, and how it would be exactly one year since I found out I was adopted. By the time I was out of the shower, I realized I hadn't brought any clean clothes with me.

"CRAP!" I told myself, wrapping my body in my towel and leaning my head against the door.

"MILES?" I yelled.

"Yeah," he called back. "Filly come to your senses and going to let me join you." He laughed at his own joke, and I just rolled my eyes.

"No, do me a favor and turn around and don't look back," I yelled. I heard movement and then silence.

"Okay," he yelled back.

I slowly opened the bathroom door, sticking my head out first, and saw him on the bed face down with a pillow over his head. I fully walked out, the colder air hitting my arms. I walked to my drawers, pulling out clean undergarments, and then to my closet, pulling out some straight pants and a Slytherin Quidditch shirt that had Adrian's number - it was his, but he'd grown out of it from his third year.

I moved back to the bathroom, closing the door.

"I'm done," I called out to Miles.

I got dressed and opened the door to let out some of the built-up steam. Miles made his happy way over to the bathroom, sitting on my counter.

"It's really steamy in here," Miles pointed out.

I hummed as I brushed my teeth, going back and forth with the toothbrush. I used my hand to pull my wet hair out of my face so it didn't fall in my face. Miles used a small hand towel to wipe the steam from my mirror. I smiled at him in thanks.

"You should see how pretty you are in the mirror," he said with his smile. I choked out a laugh, spitting the paste into the sink.

"Thanks," I said.

Miles slid off the counter, moving behind me, wrapping his arm over my body. He gently placed small kisses on my cheek to my jaw and down to my neck. I moved my neck to the side, exposing my neck to him.

"Miles," I whispered.

"Yeah," his lips moving ever so slightly.

Before I could answer, my bedroom door opened.


I froze, and Miles moved like the speed of light, stepping away from me.

Mum stood in the doorway, looking between the two of us. "Oh, Miles, how nice to see you here! How are you?"

I turned my head to look at Miles, and his face was beet red.

"Mrs. Pucey, hi," Miles said.

"Well, breakfast is ready. Feel free to join us, Miles," my mom said with a knowing smile before walking out.

The second she was gone, I turned to Miles, smirking. "You're so red right now."

"Well, I mean, I didn't expect her to come in here," he said, letting out a breath he'd been holding.

"Come on," I dragged him by the hand, making our way to the dining room. I looked to see Mum and Dad seated at the heads of the table, Adrian next to Mum on the right, and Adel to Dad's left. Not only would Miles and I be sitting opposite each other, but on completely different sides.

I thought for a moment, considering where to sit. If Miles sat next to Adrian, he would also be sitting next to my dad, so that was ruled out. I made my way to sit between Adrian and Dad, so Miles could sit between Mum and Adel, directly in front of Adrian.

"Miles, nice of you to join us," Dad's voice filled the silence.

"It's nice of you to let me," Miles replied.

"As long as you treat my daughter well," Dad said. I was shocked at his words, not expecting him to say that. Miles looked completely uncomfortable - honestly, even Adrian was stiff next to me.

"Dad," I whispered, but he brushed me off.

"So, Miles, what makes you like Ariana so much that you had to come over a day before her birthday?"

Excuse me? I was flabbergasted.

"Honey," Mum said from across the table, her tone a warning.

"Well, I just want to know why Miles would go from being best friends with Adrian to dating his sister," Dad said, crossing his arms.

"Well, sir, I really like Ariana," Miles spoke up. "She's different - she's smart, funny, talented, and an amazing person."

"Right," Dad said, almost scoffing at Miles's words.

Adrian slammed his fork down, the clatter against his plate echoing through the room. "Are you serious right now, Dad?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Miles is my best friend. You've known him for years, and now, suddenly, he's not good enough?"

Dad didn't even flinch. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, his expression unreadable. "I never said that," he said, voice calm in a way that made my blood boil. "I just want to know why he thinks he's good enough to date my daughter."

"Are you kidding me? Last year you said otherwise!" I nearly yelled, my chair scraping against the floor as I turned to fully face him. "You don't get to sit there and act like you have some say over who I date, especially when you're being outright rude for no reason!"

Adrian gestured wildly, his frustration mounting. "Exactly! What is this, some kind of interrogation? The guy came here to have breakfast, not to be grilled like a suspect! What's next, are you gonna make him pass some stupid test?"

Dad's jaw tightened, his eyes flickering toward Miles, who, to his credit, hadn't backed down. He was sitting up straight, tense but steady, his gaze locked on Dad's.

Mum sighed, rubbing her temples like she was getting a headache. "Enough, both of you," she said, exasperated. "This is supposed to be a nice breakfast, not a shouting match."

But I wasn't done. I whirled on Dad, my anger bubbling over. "You have no right to treat Miles like this! Or Adrian, for that matter! Miles has done nothing but treat me well. He actually cares about me. And Adrian's just defending him because he knows who he is, unlike you, who's suddenly acting like Miles is a complete stranger!"

Adel, still sitting, was watching the entire thing unfold like it was the most entertaining show she'd ever seen. She popped a piece of fruit into her mouth, completely unbothered, her eyes bouncing between me, Adrian, Dad, and Miles like she was waiting for the next explosion.

Miles finally spoke up, his voice steady but firm. "Sir, I would never do anything to hurt Ariana," he said, looking Dad directly in the eye. "She means a lot to me - more than anything. And I respect her more than you realize." He leaned forward slightly, unshaken by Dad's scrutiny. "All I want is to make her happy."

Dad stared at him, unreadable, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife.

Then Adrian scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Dad, if you can't see that Miles is the best person for Ari, then you're blind."

The silence stretched painfully after Adrian's words, the tension thick and suffocating. Mum sighed deeply, shaking her head, but before she could say anything, Miles pushed his chair back, standing up with a forced smile.

"Mrs. Pucey, thank you for breakfast, but I should go," he said, his voice polite but clipped. His honey eyes flicked to mine for a second - just a second - but I saw the flicker of disappointment there. Not in me, but in this whole mess.

I shot up from my seat, my stomach twisting. "Miles—"

"It's okay, really," he said, and then, glancing at Dad, added, "Thanks for your time, Sir."

Dad barely reacted, just giving him a curt nod.

But Mum? Oh, Mum was pissed. She turned on Dad the moment Miles was out of the dining room, slamming her napkin down on the table. "Are you happy now?" she snapped, her dark eyes flashing with fury. "The poor boy just wanted to have breakfast, and you made it impossible for him to stay!"

Dad exhaled, rubbing his temples like he was the one who'd been put through hell. "I was just making sure he understands that Ariana isn't some—"

"Some what?" I cut in, my voice sharp. "Some girl who can't think for herself? Who needs you to approve of the guy she's dating?"

"You scared him off," Mum huffed, standing up, arms crossed over her chest. "Miles - who has practically lived in this house every summer since he and Adrian met. He was comfortable here, and now you've made it so he isn't."

Adel munched on a piece of toast, eyes wide, thoroughly enjoying the chaos.

I didn't even wait for Dad to respond - I couldn't. I spun on my heel and rushed after Miles, shoving open the front door and stepping outside.

He was halfway down the walkway when I called out, "Miles, wait!"

He stopped, turning around. His expression was calm, too calm.

I reached him in a few hurried steps. "I'm so sorry about my dad," I said breathlessly, my fingers twitching with the urge to grab his hand. "He was out of line - he had no right to talk to you like that."

Miles tilted his head, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Ari, it's fine."

"No, it's not!" I insisted, my chest tightening. "That's not fair."

Miles just looked at me for a moment, then let out a quiet chuckle. "I can handle your dad." His voice dropped slightly, teasing, but warm. "You, on the other hand, are a different story."

I rolled my eyes, but before I could say anything, he cupped my face gently, tilting my head up, and pressed a kiss to my lips - warm, lingering, intentional.

By the time he pulled away, my heart was hammering, and he was grinning.

"Leave your window open tonight," he murmured. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Before I could even process what he'd just said, he took a step back, grabbed a handful of Floo powder from his pocket, and vanished in a swirl of green flames, leaving me standing there, breathless and blushing.

I slowly made my way back to the dining room, but Dad was missing from his seat. Probably in his study, making himself busy - that was what we both had in common, we could hide from our problems by distracting ourselves.

I walked the halls to his office, opening the door to find him there with papers in one hand and a quill in the other. He looked up seeing who it was, then looked back down. I sat in the corner, crossing my legs and arms.

"That wasn't fair," I said, looking at the painting that hung over his desk behind him. It was the five of us - Adel was sitting on a chair, Adrian and me to the side of her, and Mum with Dad behind the two of us.

"Your mother already scolded me - I don't need my own daughter doing the same," he said.

"But that's where you're wrong," I said, my voice firm. "I'm not your daughter - I never was and never will be. Remember?"

"Ariana, don't," he said.

"Don't what?" I asked.

"Look, I'm sorry that you had to hear that, but—"

"And you said it anyway," I leaned even more into the charge.

"Do you know where your middle name comes from?" he asked softly. I looked at him, dumbfounded.

"Your dad - he really liked astronomy and named you after his favorite constellation," he said. "He told me that Celeste was the goddess of light and the sky. He would say that he was going to name you after his favorite bundle of stars." Dad's voice cracked slightly, and his eyes began to swell. "And every time you talk to me about astronomy, all I hear is him talking."

"Just tell me who they are," I whispered, not even sure if he could hear me.

"I wish I could," he said. "I really do."

There was no point to this - it was going to be a loophole. I slowly got up, letting out a shaky breath before walking out of his study.

"Thanks," I said, walking up to my room and passing moving pictures of us. One in particular always stuck out to me - it was from my parents' wedding. They looked so young and in love - it was a funny moment, one you could say was a moment picture. Mum was stuffing cake down Dad's throat.

I flopped on my bed, my sheets smelling of hazelnut and honey. I smiled because I knew damn well I didn't smell like hazelnut, but Miles did.

"You wanna go on a ride?" a voice came from behind Adrian.

"Um, yeah," I said, getting up and looking at him. I got up, got my broom from my closet, walked out the back door with Adrian in comfortable silence.

"Do you think my real parents are alive?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said.

We made it to the open field at the back of the house. I hopped on my broom, Adrian following behind me. We did a few laps, taking it slow at first, warming up.

"What did Miles say when he left?" he yelled so I could hear him better.

"That he was going to come back tomorrow," I yelled, leaving out that he was coming back that night.

"No matter what Dad says, I think you guys are good for each other," Adrian said, making me blush. "On the last week of school, Miles said that he was so in love with you."

"Yeah, I uh... I love him too," I said, kind of nervous to say that I was in love with my brother's best friend to my brother.

"I can tell by the way you both look at each other," Adrian said.

this is a two-part chill Mattheo is in the next chapter

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