"Ari, do you have everything you need this year?" Mum asked, looking at me as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I have everything," I say.

"ADRIAN, ADEL, HURRY UP! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!" Mum yelled in my ear.

"Geez, no need to yell in my ear, and Adel is making sure she has everything, Adrian is looking for his Quidditch gloves."

"I'm sorry, honey, it's just that everyone's going to be gone, and your father has been so busy with work. I feel bad he didn't get to see you and your brother this summer, and when he did, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. It's fine. I'm going to check to see if Adel needs any help." I walked up the stairs slowly as I felt the tears in my eyes start to form.

The whole summer, Adrian and I saw our dad for a week, and the week was going great. I was out of school. It was the week of my birthday, and the best part was I didn't have to see Riddle's stupid face for three months. It was the day of my birthday, and all my friends were there: Theo, Draco, Daphne, Lorenzo, Blaise, and Miles—he was only really there because he's Adrian's best friend. We were friends, but we weren't that close.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ariana, happy birthday to you!" Everyone was around me as they sang. I had a big smile on my face; I was happy. Everything was going great at school; I had Os in all my classes. I was on the Quidditch team with Draco, Theo, Adrian, and Miles. It was around 8 PM when everybody was about to leave and go home, and then there was yelling inside the house. All the parents wanted to know what was happening, so they went inside. 

"WE ARE NOT GOING TO TELL HER. SHE IS FAR TOO YOUNG TO KNOW, AND SHE'S LIVED 14 YEARS WITHOUT KNOWING. SHE CAN GO ANOTHER 4." My mother was yelling at my father; they were in his office.

"WE HAVE TO TELL HER. IT'S NOT GOING TO DO HER ANY GOOD IF WE DON'T TELL HER." My dad yelled back at her. I've never heard him yell at anybody. I knew they were talking about me; they had to be. I could feel everybody's eyes on me; they knew it was about me.


"Everybody go home; there's nothing to see here," Miles says, sending them away, but it's too late.



"WHAT?" Adrian yells, storming into the office. I walk right behind him, and Adel is behind me.

"Go home," I heard Miles say, and then I listened to the front door open and close.

"Ari, it's not what you think," my dad says, walking to me.

"I'm not your daughter, am I?" I say. No one said anything; now that I think about it, I didn't look like them. I didn't have Mum's brown eyes that Adrian and Adel had. I didn't have Dad's green eyes. No, I have black eyes. I didn't have Mum and Dad's dark brown hair. I had black raven hair. They have straight hair, and mine is wavy.

"ANSWER ME! AM I YOUR DAUGHTER OR NOT?" I yelled. Mum was crying, and Dad looked like he wanted to cry as well, but didn't. Adel started to cry as well and ran towards her mum. Adrian looked down at the floor, not knowing what to do, not that I blamed him.

"Ari, please calm down. Of course, you are our daughter, not by blood, but you are our daughter. We raised you, and we love you." The man I called my dad stepped toward me, but I stepped back.

"No, don't touch me. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" I yelled again and ran to my room, locking it so no one could get in. That was two months ago.

"Ari, you okay?" Adrian says, putting his hand on my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, just thinking," I say, lying. Adrian knew I was lying but didn't say anything.

"Did you find your gloves?" I asked him. He nodded and walked down the stairs. I walked into and leaned on the door frame of Adel's room to see if she needed any help packing up extra stuff or something, but I only saw her sitting on her bed, looking down at her stuffed bunny that she's had for the longest time that she named Mr. Bun.

"Hey, what are you doing with Mr. Bun? Do you not have any more room in your trunk? I can put him in mine for now if you want," I say to her.

"I'm not going to take him to school," She says, looking at me. I frown, knowing she doesn't go anywhere without him.

"What? Why?" I say, walking toward her to sit down next to her.

"What if other kids make fun of me for having him?" I put my arm over her shoulder and think for a second.

"Well, don't worry about what other kids think," I say, trying to convince her to take Mr. Bun with her.

"I'm not going to change my mind. I'm not taking him." She got off the bed and dragged her trunk down the stairs with her. I got up from the bed, walked out, but just as I was going to close the door, I saw she had left Mr. Bun. I walked back into her room and put Mr. Bun in the inside pocket of my jacket.

"Girls, come on, you don't want to be late," Mum says from down the stairs. I closed Adel's door and walked down. I couldn't wait to go back to school; I missed Theo, Draco, Daphne, Lorenzo, and Blaise. I missed Quidditch. I missed Hogwarts.

"Does everyone have everything? Books? Wands? Robes?" Mum says, listing off some stuff.

"Yes, Yes, Mum, we all have everything. Can we go now?" Adrian says. He does not want to be late and wants to see Miles as soon as he gets on the train. "And if we did forget anything, we'll owl you."

We arrived at King's Cross in no time. Adel was nervous about 9 3/4, but she made it. We said our goodbyes to Mum, and she told Adrian and me to look out for Adel and to send her a letter when we got there. Blah, blah, blah. I wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying.

"Bye, my loves. I'm going to miss you all," Mum hugged all three of us. I let go first.

 "Bye Mum, I'll send you a letter when we get there," I say, walking away with my trunk. I didn't even wait for Adrian or Adel.

I walked a little faster, feeling all the tears prickling as my vision blurred. I kept walking, but to my luck, I bumped into someone, and of course, it had to be Riddle. Of all the people that go to Hogwarts, it had to be him. I fell onto the floor, making me drop my trunk and for Mr. Bun to fall out of my pocket.

"Don't tell me you still sleep with stuffed animals, Pucey," Riddle says as he grabbed Mr. Bun from the floor. I got up and tried to get Mr. Bun from his hand, but Riddle moved his arm, making it hard to get Mr. Bun. Riddle grew six inches more this summer; he was much taller than the last time I saw him.

"Riddle, I'm not in the mood for your stupid games," I say. Stupid Riddle and his stupid games; he's always playing with me.

"I see someone is in a bad mood. Did someone spit in your food?" Riddle says, making a fake sad face and pouting. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, Riddle, and give me the bunny. And he's not mine," I say, glaring at his stupid face. He was about to say something, but someone beat him to it.

"Give her the bunny, Riddle, and leave her alone," Miles says, coming from behind Riddle, grabbing Mr. Bun from his hand and handing him to me—Miles, who also grew a good eight inches.

"Thanks, Miles," I say, smiling up at him. Miles was always nice to me, never made fun of me, and was always there to give me a thumbs-up whenever something good happened. Last year I had a little crush on him, but it faded when I realized I couldn't like my brother's best friend because that would be wrong.

"Whatever, Bletchley," Riddle rolled his eyes and walked away. Miles grabbed my trunk and started to walk to an empty compartment that had Athena, Miles's owl, and his trunk. I sat down next to the window, and Miles sat in front of me.

"I don't want to bug, but are you okay, you know, after your birthday and all?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm fine, Miles, thank you," I say. I didn't want to sound rude, but I was in no mood to talk to anyone that wasn't Theo.

"Is the bunny yours or?" Miles says, looking at the bunny that was on my lap.

"No, he's not mine; he's Adel's. She, uh, she didn't want to bring him because she thought the other first years would make fun of her, so I brought him with me to give to her later," I say, playing with Mr. Bun's little arms.

"Does the bunny have a name?" Why was he asking all these questions?

"Mr. Bun," I say in a very plain tone. Man, I miss Theo. Theo was at the next stop, so I won't see him for about an hour.

"Ariana, I know I'm your brother's best friend, but I really—" Miles got cut off by the devil himself who came in carrying his and Adel's trunk.

"There you are, Miles; I was looking for you," He says, flopping down next to Miles before Adel comes in. I put Mr. Bun in my pocket so she won't see him when she came in; she sat next to me."Hey, Ady. Hi, Adel," Miles says to them, laughing a little at the nickname.

"Really, Bletchley?" Adrian says, hitting Miles's arm, which only makes him laugh harder. Adel also laughed.

"I'm going to go find Draco and Blaise," I say, getting up from the seat and walking out. I was so annoyed with everyone. I lied; I wasn't going to find Draco and Blaise; they would only annoy me more.

I walked out of the compartment, and some first years ran past me, probably looking for the lady with the sweets.

"Ari." Lorenzo was in front of me. Enzo and I were good friends, closer than Draco and Blaise but not as close as Theo.

1842 words

So I finally finished this one chapter yay!!
Also, do you guys want long chapters or not too long?

Love ya!! don't forget to vote

Your favorite Mexican Latina Victoria. C ♥︎

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