The Love Letter
It was her first day. Ayano's first day at school.
Ayano Aishi, a girl with long hair match with her eyes. She was a loner. She was 17 years old. She was transferred to Akademi High. She was still curious where did her parents go. She was alone in her house. Ayano got up from bed and look at the time.
"Huh? It's... 6:50" Said Ayano to herself.
Ayano rub her eyes and got out from bed. She went to the dressing room and wear her school uniform. It was white with a red ribbon on her collar. She was wearing a short blue skirt. She look at the mirror to check herself. She tie her long black hair into a small ponytail. She smile cutely. She went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. She make a toast with strawberry jam on it. She sit down on her chair, eating her tasty toast. While she was eating, she was using her smartphone. She was scrolling down the messages she had. She had 8 messages. After she ate her breakfast, she pack up her schoolbag. She wear her school shoe and went out. She locked the doors and kept her keys in her pocket. She sighed. Her house was a bit far from her school. She took her bicycle to go there. While she was riding her bicycle, she bump into someone. They both fell down.
" head" said Ayano rubbing her head.
"You okay? Are you hurt?"
"Huh?" Ayano said
She looked at him. He look handsome. He was having black hair match with his eyes. He was wearing a long black coat with greyish pants on. He look cute as well. Ayano can tell that he is a upperclassmen. Ayano is looking at him likes she daydreaming.
"Um..are you okay?" Asked the upperclassmen curiously.
Ayano got back her senses. He looks worried.
"Oh yes I'm fine. Thanks" said Ayano as she stood up.
"I'm sorry for worrying you. My name is Ayano Aishi. People calls me Ayano" said Ayano.
"Oh no, don't apologize! By the way, my name is Taro Yamada. Nice to meet you Aish- i mean Ayano-chan" said Taro.
"Nice to meet you too" said Ayano.
Ayano feels weird. Did she just skip a heartbeat?
"Ah yes Osana I'm coming!" Shouted Taro.
"Osana?" Asked Ayano.
"Oh, Ayano-chan, i need to go. My childhood friend, Osana, is calling me. I will see you later" Said Taro.
Ayano looks at Taro running at Osana. Osana was having very long orange hair with two long ponytails. Orange eyes and wearing her school uniform. She can hear their conventions as well.
"It's not like i care or anything Baka!!" Shouted Osana.
"Yeah i know. But anyways, we must go to school" Said Taro.
Ayano looks both of them leaving. Osana is a tsundere. Ayano just stand there looking at them hurtfully. Ayano sighed and get on her bicycle and starts to go to school.
The school was normal. It was painted white. It was huge. Is like a huge square. Students were walking to school. They were all looking at their cellphones. Most likely boys. Ayano saw Taro at his locker. She smiles. Than she saw Osana which make her want to be dead. She was lost, didn't know where to go. She went to the first floor. She saw the teacher office. She knock on the door. Than she entered the door. There were not much teachers. She asks a teacher.
"Oh, i don't know you. You must be a transferred student. My name is Rino Fuka. May i know what's your name?" Asked Rino.
" name is Ayano Aishi. I'm 17 years old" Said Ayano.
"Alright Ayano Aishi, I am your class teacher. Because I'm the teacher for 17 years old students. Now your class would be 2-1. It is on this floor. Now you may go, class will start soon" Said Rino.
Ayano nodded. She bow to Rino and head off to class. Her class was near by to a lunch area where students eat. She knocks on the classroom's door. Seems like no one is here, not even a teacher. Ayano notices that it is just 7:15. It's too early to go to class. Usually classes starts at 7:30. Suddenly, Ayano receive a message. It was an anonymous person.
'Come and meet me at the science lab at lunch time'
With confusion, Ayano notice a girl with green hair goes to Ayano's claasroom. Ayano believe that's her classmate. Than the other students as well. Ayano sighed and went to her desk. The subject is Mathematics. They were learning points with multiplication. Ayano's mathematics teacher how to answer the question on the board.
Ayano didn't know what's the answer. She write
Ayano began to sweat. She was scared if her answer was wrong. Their mathematics teacher is very strict.
"Well, you're correct. You may go back to your seat" said Ayano's mathematics teacher.
Ayano sighed in a relive. She sat back to her desk. Studies went normal. Ayano did well in biology. She went to that lunch area at school. She sat down on a chair at eat her lunch. She was eating sushi. Suddenly she remembered that that anonymous person to come and meet it. Though Ayano didn't know where is the science lab. She ask a girl with long blue hair where is the science lab.
"Oh! You must be new here! I'm Saki Miyu. The science room is near your classroom!" Said Saki.
"Thank you Saki. By the way, my name is Ayano Aishi" said Ayano as she bowed.
Saki gave a cute smile which means she saying 'your welcome'. Ayano smile back. She went near the stairs. The science lab room is just right there, at the corner. Ayano open the door. It was pitch black. She can't see anything. Suddenly, she heard a voice.
"I'm glad you came. I was waiting for you"
Ayano notice that the lights are opening. She feels safe a bit. She saw a girl with red hair match her eyes. The girl is also wearing red glasses. Her favorite color might be red.
"Who are you? How do you get my number?" Asked Ayano.
"I'm the student nicknamed Info-chan at school. And simple, i hack in your phone. My hobby is to disscover others information" said Info-chan.
"Why do you ask me to come here?" Asked Ayano again.
"Well, didn't you knew that's someone is stealing your Senpai?"
"Se-Se-Senpai?! I don't know" replied Ayano.
"Ah, but will you do anything for him?" Asked Info-chan.
With that question asked, Ayano's eyes turn darker. Her eyes looks like a doll's eyes.
"I will do anything for my Senpai" said Ayano.
"Alright, her name is Osana Najimi. She has a crush on him. She believes about a myth behind the school" explained Info-chan.
"The myth where you confess your love on a Friday it's going to accept your confession?" Asked Ayano.
"Correct. She is going to confess to him on this Friday" said Info-chan.
"Why are you telling me this?" Asked Ayano.
"I would be glad if something happen to Osana-chan. You have one week until your Senpai belongs to Osana-chan. I hope you make her suffer" said Info-chan
"If you need help, text me and send me a picture of their face. I will tell all i know about them. If you send me a panty shot, i will give you a special information" said Info-chan again.
No response from Ayano. She bowed Info-chan and leave the room. She close the door. Ayano sighed. She look back at her clock. It was 1:35 at the afternoon. Studies time are over. Now it's time for club activities. Ayano didn't know where to go. She walking around the third floor hallway. Not much clubs are suitable for Ayano. Next she went to the second floor. Not much clubs to join in. Than she went to the first floor. While she was walking to the hallway, she saw a club. "Occult club". It was suitable for Ayano. She went in the club. Five students were sitting reading their books while a girl with dark blue hair is just standing there reading occult words.
"Um..hi" Said the girl.
"May i join the occult club?" Asked Ayano.
"You actually... want to join?" Asked the girl.
"Yes" said Ayano.
"This is wonderful news.. Perhaps the world isn't a dark or a lonely place...oh by the way, you're already a member" said the girl.
Ayano bowed to her. Curious, Ayano wonders who is she. She took out her phone. She put the angle to the girls face. But she was too shy until she covers her face. Than she look back at her than cover again. Ayano sighs than wait until the girl looks at her. Ah, so close! Her hands cover her eyes a bit. Ayano send the picture to Info-chan. Her name is Oka Ruto. She is a loner. Her crush is Taro Yamada. Ayano can't believe it. Her rage became more bigger. She took out a knife and stabbed Oka. The five students saw and scream. They ran to the teacher. Ayano began to run out from the occult club. She didn't know where is the girls bathroom. She went out in a different exit. She saw the school gym, a hill with cherry blossoms and a bathhouse. She ran to there. She took off her clothes and went to wash herself up. She was bloody. Now she is clean. She went to her locker and wear the gym uniform. For Japanese students, when their clothes were wet or bloody, they cannot go to class. So, they must wear a gym uniform or a school swimsuit just like Ayano. She took up her bloody school uniform and want to throw it in the incinerator. She took a walk around the school, trying to find an incinerator. Suddenly, Ayano saw some students standing there. It might be the delinquents. She walk trough them and saw a incinerator nearby a dumpster. She ran to there. She open it and place her bloody clothes and the knife in. Than she activate it. Ayano sigh in a relief. Suddenly, Ayano and the delinquents saw the police walking to school. They saw students lining up. The delinquents and Ayano went to their line.
The police found the corpse of Oka Ruto in the occult club. The police are unable to find any murder weapons. The police question all of the students including Ayano but they don't know what's the cause of it. The police couldn't do anything so the police ends their investigation and students are free to leave. Since their leader is dead, the club must close.
Ayano sighs. She saw Taro walk out from school. Ayano decided to stalk Taro. Taro never notice Ayano was stalking him. He entered to his house. Ayano cannot just go in to his house. So she just go back home. Ayano open her door and straight away go to her bedroom. She had a notification on her computer. She open it and found herself was added in 'Akademi high' group on Facebook. It seems like the person who added her is a girl named Yui Rio. Ayano had no business with them. She went to her desk and started to do her homework. Then she sleeps.
It was her second day at Akademi high. Ayano woke up at 6:30. She rub her eyes and went go the bathroom to wash her face. Than she wear her school uniform. She tied her hair into a ponytail. Ayano pack up her school bag and went to the living room. She make herself a toast. She sat down on the sofa and eat it. After eating, she took up her school bag. She get on her bicycle and ride her was to school. Students were walking at school, frightened? Of course, wouldn't they be frightened since Oka died? They weren't looking at their cellphones.
Ayano saw a girl with purple with two curly ponytails. Ayano took up her cellphone and pose it at her. She was surprise than pose for Ayano. Ayano gladly smile and took a picture and send it to Info-chan. Her name is Kokona Haruka. She is a social butterfly. Her crush is Taro Yamada. Again, Ayano feels angry. But since she's a social butterfly which is friendly with everyone, Ayano ask Kokona to follow her. She agreed. Ayano leads her to the incinerator.
"Um..why are we here?" Asked Kokona.
"You'll see" Ayano said.
Ayano took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed Kokona. Since the delinquents haven't come yet, Ayano carry the corpse and open the incinerator and dump the corpse in it. Since she didn't want the delinquents see the corpse. Ayano never activate it. She dash her way to the bathhouse. She took of her clothes and kept it on the floor. Than she wash her bloody body and were her school swimsuit than quickly carry her clothes and dash her way back to the incinerator. Ayano saw the delinquents arrived. She ignore them and put her clothes and the knife in the incinerator. Than activate it. Ayano quickly ran to the bathhouse and grabbed the mop and ran back to the incinerator and clean the blood up. Than she dip it on the water. The water became bloody. So, Ayano ran back to the bathhouse and throw the blood on the sink.
Ayano sighed. She tried run back to school but she was tired. Ayano look at her watch. It is 7:15. Still had time to go back to school. Ayano walks back to school and went to the courtyard.
The courtyard, is a place where all the students take their rest before going to class. There are girls talking and boys as well. Taro was sitting on the fountain. Ayano hearts beat really fast when she goes near him. She saw Saki having a worried face.
"What's wrong Saki?" Asked Ayano. Since Ayano cared for Saki. She believed her.
"Oh well, did Kokona came to school today?" Saki asked.
Ayano didn't like Kokona. Since she was in love with Taro. Ayano had no choice but lie.
"Oh, yes she didn't came to school today. I never saw her at all!" Ayano lied.
"Oh, i see" said Saki.
"Hey Saki, is there anything that i could help you with?" Asked Ayano.
"Um..there is something you can help me. Actually you see...i bra somewhere at the school. Don't, don't ask me where my bra went missing. It's a long story. The thing is that if you see a bra lying somewhere at the school, it's mine i would be appreciate if you return it back to me. Oh god this is so embarrassing" Explained Saki as she was blushing.
"I think i can help you find your bra" said Ayano.
"You look for it? Thanks, i hope you find it" said Saki cheerfully.
Ayano looked at her watch again. It's 7:25.
"AH! I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!" Shouted Saki and Ayano as they running upstairs.
Saki went to the third floor and Ayano went to the first floor. Ayano opened the classroom door. Luckily, a few students was in the classroom. Some of the others went somewhere. Even their class teacher hasn't arrive yet. Ayano sighed and went to her desk. Studies went normal as usual. Ayano studied languages. Her language was very high.
Now it's lunchtime, 1:50. Ayano went to the courtyard instead of going to the lunch area. The only people are in the courtyard are Taro and a girl standing near the tree. Curious, Ayano seem to know that face but who. Still didn't know what's her name so Ayano took a picture of her. The girl didn't do anything and let Ayano to take a picture. Her name is Osana Najimi. Of course, her biggest rival. Now she remembered Osana. The tsundere that Ayano hates. Ayano would like to kill Osana right now, but she remembered to find Saki's bra. Ayano went all over the school just to find Saki's bra. She found it on top on a hill with a cherry blossom tree. Odd, why would Saki's bra would be in here. Ayano picked up the bra and went back in. Ayano went all of the ground floor hallway to find Saki. Ayano found Saki at the cooking club. Ayano knocks the door.
"What can i help you Ayano-chan?" Asked a girl with red hair similar to Info-chan.
"May i talk to Saki Miyu?" Asked Ayano.
The red hair girl nodded and Ayano went in.
"Yes, Yan-chan?" Asked Saki. Wait, Yan-chan?
"Yan-chan? Alright, i found know" said Ayano. She didn't want to say the word bra in front of the girls. That would embarrass them.
"You found it?! Thanks a lot, i owe you one!" Said Saki cheerfully.
Ayano secretly gave Saki her bra. Saki excused to the red hair girl to go to the bathroom. The red hair girl nodded and let Saki go to the bathroom. Ayano thanked the red hair girl and went off. Ayano went to the courtyard. Taro might have been in the gardening club while Osana is still there. Ayano smirk at her and went to her.
"What.. What are you doing?" Asked Osana.
Ayano gladly smirk and took out a knife and place it on the neck. Osana. She didn't chop her neck yet.
"You! You stole my Senpai!" Shouted Ayano angrily.
Ayano Insanely chop her head slowly. Osana sream for help as much blood dripping on her neck. Her words was unreadable. But for her last word that is readable was
"I....I...didn't stole him...Baka"
Than, her mouth is dripping blood as well and she fall back on the tree. Her head was cut off but it feels like it. She is dead.
Ayano insanely laughs. She finally did it. She killed her biggest rival. She stops laughing since she didn't want anyone to know. Ayano quickly ran to the bathhouse a took a shower. She wore a gym uniform. She quickly ran to the incinerator and dump her clothes and knife. The delinquents and Ayano heard someone scream. The delinquents doesn't care.
Ayano ran back to the courtyard and saw Saki trembling with fear after seeing Osana's corpse.
"What's wrong Saki?" Asked Ayano. She pretend to act like she didn't know what's going on.
"Can...Can't you see? Osa-chan...Is dead" Saki said frightened.
"I can see. How she died?" Asked Ayano.
"I don't know, i just called the police" said Saki. Ayano just nodded.
Saki saw Ayano and looked back at Osana. She's dead. Ayano realize that when Osana said she didn't stole Taro, she meant really. Since Taro said Osana his childhood friend, so he meant it.
"No, it can't be!" Shouted a teacher.
"Ah! Rino sensei" said both of the girls. Rino put her knees down and looked at Osana.
"This is a tragedy, why would anyone do this? I will call the police immediately!" Said Rino.
"Ah, don't Rino sensei! I've already called the police!" Said Saki.
"Alright Saki. Plus, what are you guys doing here?" Asked Rino
"I heard a scream came from the courtyard and i went it there. I saw Osa-chan's corpse. No one else was in there. Than suddenly, Yan-chan came in here. I explained what happened until Rino sensei came in" explained Saki.
"Yan-chan? Is that Ayano?" Asked Rino.
"Yes sensei. Saki gave me this nicknane" said Ayano
Before Rino want to ask, the police arrived at school. Many students went to line their queue.
The police found Osana Najimi on the courtyard. The police unable to locate any murder weapons. But they found it on the incinerator. It was a knife, gloves and bloody school clothes. It seems like the student forgotten to activate. The school uniform doesn't match with other students same as the gloves. The weapon had fingerprints on it. It had Yui Rio fingerprints. Yui Rio was arrested by the police. Why? Because...
1:30 at the afternoon, Ayano didn't knew what club to go. Ayano goes to the cooking club and saw a red haired girl making cupcakes on the counter. She was similar to Info-chan.
"Excuse me, may i join this club?" Asked Ayano as she walked in the cooking club.
"Ah, sure! I haven't see you before. What's your name?" Asked the red haired girl. She puts down a knife.
"I'm Ayano Aishi. People can just call me Ayano" replied Ayano.
"I see. I'm Yui Rio. Nice to meet you Ayano-chan. Anyways, you are a official member now" said Yui.
"Hey, aren't you the girl who added me in the 'Akademi high' group in Facebook?" Asked Ayano.
"Yes i did. Anyways, i should be going to find the other students from this club. I'll be back soon" said Yui as she left the cooking club.
Ayano smirks as she looked at the knife. She quickly open the counter's cabinet a found a pair of gloves. She wore them and grabbed the knife. She kept it in her pocket. She decided to find Saki's bra than kill Osana.
End flashback
"I swear to god, i never killed Osana-chan!" Shouted Yui, trying to get out from the policeman's handcuffs.
"Get in the car!" Said the policeman.
Yui Rio went to prison. Ayano sighed. She saw Taro walking back frightened. Ayano decided not to stalk him this time. Ayano pack up her school bag and went home. Ayano quickly go to bed and sleep. She was stressed out after the framing and all. Luckily she don't have any homework to do.
It was the third day of school, Ayano woke up. She ran to the bathroom and wash her face. She took a small bath and wear her school uniform. She ran downstairs and make herself a cereal. While she's eating, she scroll down the messages she had on her cellphone. Aftet finished eating, she wash the dishes. She wear her school shoes and get on her bicycle. She ride her way to school.
School was normal. Students were kinda scared but they were fine since the murder is arrested. Ayano parked her bicycle near of the school gate. She went to school. It was 7:05. Too early to go to class. Ayano ran to her classroom and took out her pencil case, a piece of paper and a envelope with a heart shape on it.
Ah, Ayano wants to make a love to letter to Taro. Ayano was always fell in love on Taro. If she wasn't, why did she killed Osana, Oka and Kokona? Ayano wright the letter with cursive writing. Ayano gladly smiles. All the sudden, her eyes became normal, black eyes. No more doll eyes. Ayano recheck it just for mistakes or grammars.
Dear Taro Yamada,
You are my clearest friend. You make me smile whenever i look at you. Although i'm nervous, i always love you. I was always in crush on you ever since i met you. You are my sunshine, my everything. Just please, can we be together? Please, can we?
The letter was perfect. Ayano smiles. She kept the letter in her pocket. She quickly ran to the courtyard. She saw Taro sitting on the fountain. Ayano hearts began to beat faster. She went to him.
" me at the....cherry blossom tree behind the school?" Asked Ayano nervously. She cupped her hand.
Taro looks at her and said "Ayano-chan? Um...sure i guess. What time?"
"Um...4:15 is...a good...time" Said Ayano nervously.
"Sure. I will" said Taro. His voice is so wonderful.
After Ayano heard that, she smiled. Ayano bowed to Taro and went of to class. Ayano never felt so happy before. Classes went normal as usually. Ayano studied at language very hard. Her level is very high. Her language is very good.
At lunchtime, 1:45, Ayano went to the lunch area near to her classroom. She was eating a sushi. After she finished eating, Ayano ran downstairs and went to the cooking club. The only students were there was Saki and a green haired girl. Than the rest of the students came in. Ayano sit on a chair in the cooking club. Today, Saki is doing pancakes. Each student from the cooking club have to tell what details that the student put inside of their cooking. The cooking club finishes at 4:00. All of the students went back home expect Ayano and Taro.
Ayano quickly ran to the cherry blossom behind the school. Taro hasn't arrived yet. Ayano just stood there, waiting for Taro. Suddenly, Taro was running up the hill. He saw Ayano standing there.
"So, why are we here?" Asked Taro.
Ayano didn't response but blush. She gave Taro the letter that Ayano wrote. Ayano began to blush so hard. Taro put his hands on the letter. He gladly smiled than nodded.
Ayano smiled and hug Taro. Taro was surprise to see Ayano this happy.
"Ayano-chan, are you happy?" Asked Taro.
"Senpai, of course! I'm very happy!" Said Ayano happily.
They both hug as the petals fall down. They both smiled.
It's already 4:50, it's time for Ayano ans Taro to go home. Ayano packed up her school bag and went off home. Taro watched Ayano walking home than he returns to his own home. The both of them were happy that day. Ayano told everything to her parents about Taro and he did the same thing. Both of Ayano and Taro's parents agree that they should be together. Every weekdays, they'll see each other and waved at them. At the end of school, they waved each other when they were going back home. This is what Ayano wants.
again, i tell you, my friend, Khadijah helped me to do this. Although she doesn't understand English, she teach me how to write. Like what parts she don't understand, i translate for her and make the story better. So thank her, not me. So now on, I'm going to do like this to other stories. But anyways, thank you so much for reading, if you like it, make sure to vote if you want to. If you want more stories from me, follow me. Once again, thank you so much! And have a wonderful day and I'm out!
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