Chapter 8: another day for training
Morning came on the horizon as the scene cuts to the living room where the seven loud siblings were sleeping in after yesterday's battle at lynn's softball with the armored hitman, dread spike. Lincoln were the first to awaken, letting out a big yawn as he slowly got up out of the recliner, trying carefully not to wake up lucy. He went to the kitchen, opened up the fridge and got out a container of orange juice. He gets a glass cup, pours orange juice into it and drinks it up.
Lincoln: (lets out a tired yawn) what a crazy day yesterday.
Lucy: (spoke out of nowhere) good morning lincoln.
Lincoln: (scared) aaah! (Upset) lucy how many times do you have to scare me like-
Lincoln turns around to find lucy not behind him.
Lincoln: that...?
Lincoln then looks around the kitchen for lucy, he felt that she was in here with him but where?
Lucy: up here...
Lincoln then looks up to find the goth standing on the ceiling, upside down with her symbiote bat wings present, covering her body like an actual bat does when concealing itself or sleeping.
Lincoln: (whispering) lucy what are you doing up there?!
Lucy: testing out my powers... sigh... now I can finally sleep upside down on the ceiling like a vampire until nightfall approaches.
Lincoln: lucy you can't use your symbiote powers out in the open in our house. What if one of our sisters without a symbiote or our parents see you?
Lucy: don't worry lincoln, they won't find out. They can't even sense my presence so it won't be a problem.
Lincoln: okay then.
Lincoln and lucy heard a yawn as luna came into the kitchen.
Luna: (yawns) morning dudes.
Lincoln and lucy: good morning luna.
Luna: so did you guys sleep well.
Lincoln: yeah that sleepover was a good idea last night. I really needed that, thanks luna.
Luna: (smiles) glad you enjoyed it bro.
Lincoln: I'll make you guys some breakfast. How about some eggs and waffles and lucy I know you like your eggs extra well done.
Lucy: (forms a small smile on her face) thanks lincoln.
Luna: thanks bro.
Lincoln: no problem.
Lincoln got the eggs, butter, and oil out of the fridge and gets the waffles out of the freezer as he prepares for breakfast. Lynn and lana come into the kitchen.
Lynn: (smiles) morning you guys, something smells good.
Lincoln: good morning lynn and lana, you're just in time too. I'm making eggs and waffles and if you want, I could make bacon and sausage too.
Lana: (smiles) sweet thanks lincoln.
Lynn: I could go for extras.
Lincoln: okay. Is lori and lisa up yet?
Luna: yeah, lori's in the bathroom getting ready while lisa went to her room. Luan, leni, and lola are awake too but are waiting in the hallway for lori to come out of the bathroom.
Lincoln: oh... okay then.
Luna: you okay bro?
Lincoln: nothing's wrong luna it's just that... I want to thank you for cheering me up last night, I'm glad you helped me there.
Luna walks towards lincoln and places her hands on his shoulders.
Luna: I'm glad that I helped you bro, and again we're sorry we made you feel that way all those times we've been horrible jerks to you and I'll do everything I can to make it up to you as your big sister.
Lincoln: (smiles softly) thank you luna. (Looks at lynn, lucy, and lana) and I want to thank you guys too.
Lynn: (smirks) heh... no problem linc, just looking out for ya.
Lucy: you were dealing with major depression and suffering which was caused by our actions. I hope that we could save you from the abyss of your despair.
Lana: yeah we're sorry lincoln and I will make it up to you, I promise.
Lori walks into the kitchen.
Lori: (assured) and so will I. How about tomorrow the seven of us go on a trip to the mall, lincoln you can buy some comics if you want.
Lincoln: wow really? Thanks lori and again I'm sorry for being harsh with you yesterday. I shouldn't have hit you like that.
Lori: lincoln it's fine I guess I had it coming. I know I can be bossy and short tempered at most times but I do love and care about my siblings and that includes you lincoln.
Lincoln: I'm glad to hear it. (Hugs lori)
Lori: how about I help you with breakfast?
Lincoln: okay.
Leni, luan, and lola came into the kitchen.
Leni: (smiles) like, good morning everyone.
Lincoln: good morning leni, luan, and lola. You're just in time for breakfast that lori's helping me with.
Leni: like what?
Lincoln: eggs, waffles, bacon, and sausage.
Leni: aw thanks linky and thank you lori, it's sweet that you're helping him make breakfast for us.
Lori: what can I say, I'm the oldest and I'm supposed to help my siblings out.
Lola: well no matter, just get breakfast started. A princess needs her proper meal.
Lincoln: okay okay, it'll be done in a few minutes.
Narrator: a few minutes later.
The loud sisters sat at the dining table as lincoln and lori came by with plates of eggs, waffles, bacon, and sausage in their hands, passing plates of food to each sibling as they begun to eat.
Lincoln: here's some extra eggs and sausage for you lynn.
Lynn: aw yeah! Thanks linc! (Starts eating)
Lola: (glares) hey! How come lynn gets extras on her plate?!
Lincoln: because it's still lynn's day. She won the game yesterday but didn't get to go to burpin burgers to celebrate because of that armored hitman that came and demolished the whole softball park so I wanted to do something special for her.
Lola grumbled under breath before returning her attention back to eating her food.
Leni: this is totes good!
Luan: I'll say. It's an 'eggcellent' breakfast hahaha get it?
Everyone groaned.
Lola: (annoyed) do you ever shut up with those stupid puns?
Luan: oh I couldn't do it even if I 'fried', hahahaha!
Lana: (munching her food like an animal) hmmm... this is really good.
Luna: you're a good cook bro.
Lucy: delicious...
Lincoln: oh I didn't make this alone, lori helped me out.
Sisters (sans lori and lisa): thank you lori.
Lori: (smiles) oh it was nothing really? The twerp and I wanted to make sure you guys have a good breakfast. (Winks at lincoln who smiled and gratefully winked in return)
Lisa enters the dining room and sat down in the seat between lincoln and lana.
Lisa: greetings and pleasant mornings my fellow siblings.
Lincoln: morning lisa. I made you some breakfast.
Lisa: you have my thanks brother unit.
Lana: I'm glad we have no school today or tomorrow or the next two days.
Luna: yeah dudes, some real crazy things happened yesterday.
Lincoln: I hope the police can handle that armored madman that's still out there, we barely got away from him yesterday.
Lori: yeah we literally dodged a bullet there.
Leni: well like, I'm so relieved that none of you guys got hurt.
The loud siblings agreed to that as they continued to eat their breakfast. After breakfast was done, the loud siblings got ready as they went upstairs to their own rooms and got dressed into casual clothing as they did their usual activities. Their parents left for work, leaving lori in charge. As the loud siblings were on the couch watching television, the news appeared on the tv. The news reporter woman was talking about the catastrophic events that was caused at royal woods softball park. The loud siblings looked at the sheer destruction dread spike caused yesterday at the softball park on tv but that's not all the news recorded. The news reporter showed a video of the seven symbiote clad loud siblings fighting the armored hitman, this surprised the loud siblings, especially lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa that the news got footage of their fight against dread spike.
News reporter woman: after sending the footage to royal woods police department, the commander and the chief had this to say.
The camera then shows a man in his thirties. he had brown hair, sported some black shades, wearing a black business suit with his police badge on the left side of his suit and had a scar on the right side of his face. He introduced himself to be commander ron steel.
Ron steel: what I has to say to this is that I'll have investigation teams on this and bringing my SWAT team just in case we run into the perpetrator and as for those seven costumed freaks... (removes his shades to reveal his cold blue eyes as he glared at the camera) stay out of our way, we don't appreciate vigilantes interfering with police business.
Lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa glared at the man on the television. The looks on their faces made it clear that they might make an enemy out of him in the near future. The camera then cuts back to the news reporter.
News reporter woman: there you have it everyone, who is the dangerous threat our town is facing? Who are the seven mysterious crusaders? Are they heroes, vigilantes, or menaces? So citizens be careful and steer clear of the danger zone, this is royal woods news signing off.
The news cuts off. Lori gets up off the couch and faces her siblings.
Lori: (glares) lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa, I need to have a word only you guys.
Lincoln knows where lori was going with this so he decided to play along.
Lincoln: (fakes being upset) awww... lori we already apologized for stumbling into your room and spilling your expensive nail polish, do you have to punish us now?
Lori: (fakes being angry) yes! Do you have any idea how hard I worked to buy that nail polish, it was special and not only did you invade my room twerp but you guys were trespassing too! (Pointing at luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa)
The loud sisters (sans leni, luan, lola, and lily) knew lori was acting so they followed lincoln on the act.
Luna: (acting; bummed out) you got us sis.
Lynn: (acting; upset) dang it! I thought she wouldn't find out!
Lucy: sigh....
Lana: (acting; upset) rats! Now we're gonna get in trouble!
Lisa: it seems that we have been caught in the act.
Lori: everyone except for leni, luan, lola and lily upstairs to my room now!
Lola: (mockingly) ooooooh, you're in trouble!
Lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa headed upstairs to lori's room. Before lori could join them, she turns to look at leni, luan, lola and lily.
Lori: I'll be right back and if I catch any of you up here snooping around on our talk, you're gonna be in huge trouble too, got it?
Leni, luan, and lola quickly nodded their heads, not wanting to get in trouble with lori as well. Lily didn't know what was going on.
Lori: (glares at lola) and that goes double for you lola.
Lola: (annoyed) okay, okay I get it!
Leaving leni, luan, lola, and lily downstairs, lori heads upstairs to her room, closing the door behind her as she turns to look at lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa who have been waiting for her.
Lori: alright everyone. We all know why we're here.
Lincoln: yeah the news got footage of us fighting dread spike in our symbiote forms.
Lana: how did they catch us on video?
Luna: some people must have stayed instead of running away from the fight, recording everything dudes.
Lucy: sigh... at least they didn't see who we really are behind the symbiote masks.
Lisa: since this has been placed on the news, royal woods authorities and the swat unit will stop at nothing to insure dread spike is brought in or brought down.
Lynn: (annoyed) don't forget about that scumbag commander. Saying we need to stay out of the way, he and his swat cronies won't last a second against dread spike.
Lana: (upset) yeah! We managed to send him packing!
Lincoln: I know but we shouldn't underestimate him cause next time he'll be more prepared and won't fall for our battle strategy twice.
Luna: not to mention that he's not the only one whose gonna be gunning for us and our symbiotes bro.
Lynn: so basically there's a bounty on our heads?
Lincoln: kinda but I don't think that dread spike is the type that would reveal our identity to his employer despite seeing me, lori, luna, and you without our symbiotes.
Lynn: (smirks) heh, well I say bring it on! I relish the challenge and if any of those super villian freaks wanna come at lynn-sanity, they better not miss because whatever they're going to start I am going to finish! (Slams her fists together)
Lana: (smirks) me too!
Luna: (smirks) I'm with you there sis.
Lori: but still we gotta wait until mom and dad to come back so we can borrow vanzilla. We can't risk going in our symbiotes or the cops will literally be on us.
Lisa: I agree. Until our parental units return, we should resume to our usual activities and wait.
Lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, and lana nod in agreement.
Lori: okay this sibling meeting is officially coming to a close. Now go and fake that you were punished by me so leni, laun, and lola will buy it.
Luna: (does the horn gestures with her fingers) will do sis.
The seven loud siblings exited lori's room as they got ready.
Lori: okay guys let's make this more convincing. And three... two... one... ahem! (puts on her best angry look and yells) AND IF YOU GUYS GO IN MY ROOM AGAIN I WILL PERSONALLY TWIST ALL SIX OF YOU INTO A GIANT HUMAN PRETZEL, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!
The five loud sisters and brother snickered as they followed the act.
Lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa: (in unison) yes ma'am!
Lori: (spoke with general authority) I CAN'T HEAR YOU SOLDIERS!!
Lincoln, Luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa: (yells) yes ma'am!!!
Lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa: (sung in a chorus tone) YEEEESSSSSS MAAA'AAAAMMM!!!!!
The five loud sisters and brother quickly scattered to their rooms, each slamming the door behind them. Lori then sighed as she smiled.
Lori: now let's see how leni, luan, lola, and lily are doing?
Lori heads downstairs to see leni, luan, and lola sitting on the couch with nervous and/or fearful looks on their faces, trying and failing to hide their fear of getting in trouble with lori and lily was just playing with her toys. Lori smirked at this as she went back upstairs to her room.
Lori: I guess they heard and bought our little act. (Chuckles) I literally love being in charge.
Lori sat on her bed and pulled out her phone to text her boyfriend bobby.
Narrator: 5:30 pm.
The parents were finally home from work.
Lori: hey mom and dad. How was work?
Lynn Sr: it was good. So lori how were the rest of your siblings doing, they didn't give you any trouble did they?
Lori: oh no, it was fine. Had a little trouble with lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa but nothing major happened.
Rita: okay then. Thanks for babysitting your siblings sweetie.
Lori: it was nothing really. Hey mom and dad, can I borrow the keys to vanzilla. I need to get some more groceries for the house and I'm bringing lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa with me. This is their punishment chore for not following the rules while you were away.
Lynn Sr: (unsure) well.... I don't know. Are you sure you can keep an eye on them and make sure you don't run into that spiked armored maniac that's on the loose?
Lori: oh don't worry dad I got this and if we see that maniac, I'll turn vanzilla around and bolt straight home. Besides, we literally need to get some more ingredients for your special goulash for dinner.
Lynn Sr and rita then believed lori's lie.
Lynn Sr: of course! How could I have forgotten. (Gives lori the keys to vanzilla and his credit card) alright be sure to be home before sunset.
Rita: and remember be careful and don't let your siblings out of your sight.
Lori: okay mom. (Yells) lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa get down here!
The six loud siblings came downstairs.
Lori: you six are going with going on a little trip with me to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner.
Lincoln: alright.
The seven loud siblings went out the door and into vanzilla as lori started up the van.
Lori: alright guys before we head to the warehouse, we go to the grocery store to pick up dad's ingredients for his goulash for dinner.
Luna: sure sis.
Lynn: I'm up for it.
Lana: aw yeah! More symbiote training and dad's special goulash, this day just keeps getting better!
Lori: let's roll everybody.
Lori then backs vanzilla up out of the driveway and drove away from the loud house. While driving to the grocery store, the seven loud siblings got the meat, macaroni pasta, and spices needed for lynn Sr's special goulash. Once they left the store, lori took her six siblings on a long trip to the abandoned warehouse. Getting out of the van, the seven loud siblings entered the warehouse to begin their training.
Lori: alright guys we're finally here.
Lincoln: let's get started.
The symbiotes burst out of the seven loud siblings clothes, covering their heads and bodies into their symbiote suits.
Omega lincoln: okay I think today I'll have lucy as my sparring partner.
Shadow lucy: sigh... come at me brother.
Lincoln and lucy then clashed. While the two were sparring, the other symbiote clad loud siblings chose their sparring partners. Lori would take on lynn and lisa while luna would spar with lana. The scene cuts back to lincoln and lucy sparring, lincoln was on the offensive as he delivered an assortment of punches to lucy, who was blocked all of them with one hand. The goth then palm striked lincoln in the chest, making him back a few feet away from lucy, who summons her tendril bat wings and lunged herself at lincoln. Lincoln saw this and dodged her then shot an orange web out of his wrist, swiftly wrapping it around lucy and pulling her toward him. Lincoln readies his left hand into a fist to deliver a punch to lucy but the symbiote clad goth broke out of the web with her long claws and delivered a display of slashes to lincoln, who tried barely to dodge or block her clawed attacks. Lincoln then went back on the offensive, matching lucy blow for blow.
Omega lincoln: you're getting faster lucy but I still won't back down!
Shadow lucy: I was about to say the same thing lincoln... but I think I'm done holding back.
Omega lincoln: alright then I'll stop holding back too!
As lincoln and lucy went all out in their sparring session, the scene cuts to luna sparring with lana. The symbiote clad tomboy twin morphed into a giant lizard, pounced on luna and opened up her sharp blue fangs to bite luna but the symbiote clad rocker punched the symbiote lizard tomboy in the jaw, causing her to leap away from luna. Lana then shot her long tendril tongue out, wrapping it around luna's neck, yanked her up and slammed her down into the ground repeatedly. Unwrapping her tongue from luna's neck and retracting it back into her mouth, lana morphed out of her lizard form and morphed into a giant, symbiotic lion. Unleashing a distorted roar, the risk symbiote lion lunged forward at luna with claws ready to tear apart her prey but luna got into crouching position as six long tendril spikes formed out of her back, shooting them at the symbiote lion, stunning it as it morphs back into lana in her human symbiote form.
Risk lana: (grunts) ughhhh....! What the... my right arm... I can't move it! What did you do?!
Echo luna: just a little trick my symbiote taught me. Those needles in your right arm caused it to go numb but don't worry sis, it'll last for a few minutes. We could stop if you want to catch the feeling back in your arm.
Risk lana: heh... you think just because I can't move my right arm I'm gonna stop now? I can fight you with one arm or better yet I'll fight you with five!
As she said that, three extra arms formed out lana's left underarm and two extra arms formed out lana's right underarm while her right arm remained unusable at the moment.
Echo luna: (got into fighting stance) okay lil sis you wanna dance huh? Let's dance.
Risk lana: (got into fighting stance) I'm ready when you are!
Luna and lana then lunged at each other, matching one another blow for blow. Lana uses her extra arms to unleash a fury of punches to luna, who was barely blocking them.
Risk lana: (taunts) what's the matter luna, five hands too much for you?!
Echo luna: (chuckles) heheheheh.... please lana I'm just getting started.
As luna and lana continue their sparring session, the scene cuts to a triple sparring match between lisa, lynn, and lori. Lori formed tendril katana blades out of her hands, slashing away at lisa, who was swiftly dodging them with little effort. Lori then sensed lynn planning to attack her from behind so she stopped attacking lisa and got out of the way of lynn's punch which is now heading towards lisa. The symbiote clad child progidy stood there as she caught lynn's fist as the symbiote clad sports fanatic tried to break the hold but lisa held her fist tight. Tendril tentacles sprouted out lisa's back and shot themselves like missiles at lynn, hitting her square on. Lisa sensed lori planning to attack her from above so she shot her tendril tentacles above at the symbiote clad eldest loud sister, who slashed them away. Lori lands back to the ground on her feet as her slightly jagged white eyes were glaring at lisa, lynn was also glaring at the symbiote clad genius.
Sync lisa: you two have improved I'll give you that but I also have to admit that you're fighting blindly. You seem to be attacking me but at the same time you're attacking yourselves.
Power lynn: (annoyed) what are you getting at lisa?
Sync lisa: what I'm getting at is that you and your symbiote aren't on the same bonding levels as mine.
Power lynn: oh please. My power symbiote and I are more closer than you and your sync symbiote!
Alpha lori: don't forget about my alpha symbiote, I am the oldest and therefore, I have the closest and strongest bond with my symbiote than all of you combine!
Sync lisa: sorry first and fifth eldest sibling unit but what you say is incorrect. For you see, you both lack focus.
Alpha lori: (angry) what?! I don't lack focus!
Sync lisa: then why is it that you or lynn can't lay a finger on me? I am the smartest out of all of you but I am still four years old, heh... don't tell me you homosapiens are letting only using your brawn more than your brain or are you apprehensive of getting your gluteus maximus kicked in by a four year old?
That really ignited the fire in lynn and lori as the two got into fighting stance.
Alpha lori: (angry) lynn I think it's time we teach lisa a little lesson, shall we!?
Power lynn: (cracks her knuckles) I completely agree. Lisa prepare yourself for lynn-sanity!!!
Sync lisa: (gets into fighting stance) by all means, go ahead and show me the extent of your abilities and bonds with your symbiotes because I assure you that I won't be holding back.
Lynn formed out her spiked knuckles, lori formed her tendril blades and lisa had her tendril tentacles. The three let out their battle cries before charging at each other as the eldest, the sports fanatic and the child prodigy clashed in a heated brawl.
Narrator: 5 hours of sparring later.
The warehouse looked like a complete mess as old machines were damaged, huge cracks and body shape holes were formed into the ground and on the walls. The seven loud siblings were flat on their backs, breathing heavily from exhaustion as the symbiotes peeled themselves away from their hosts, revealing them in their usual clothing.
Lincoln: (breathing heavily) wow... that was so... epic.
Lucy: (sighing heavily) huuuuuuh... sigh... huuuuhhh... sigh... huuuuhhh... sigh... I actually felt alive... huuuuuhhh... sigh...
Luna: (breathing heavily) huff-huff... that... was a rockin' brawl we had... huff... huff...
Lana: (breathing heavily) yeah... man do I feel tired right now...
Lori: (breathing heavily) that was literally a rush there... huff... huff...
Lynn: (breathing heavily) this sparring match was... incredible... huff... huff... I've never unleashed this much adrenaline and momentum before. This symbiote is making me stronger and faster by each passing minute... I'm loving it.
Lisa: (breathing heavily) Indeed... I must say that you and lori have finally learn the true bonds of your symbiotes during our sparring session. Our true abilities are revealing themselves each moment... I hope we can... fully master them before the threats approaching royal woods.
The seven loud siblings got up and left the warehouse, getting in vanzilla as lori started up the van's engine.
Lincoln: lisa's right. If the threats dread spike warned us about will be approaching royal woods, we need to be ready.
Lynn: (smirks) and we will. If they wanna come into our town and take our symbiotes then they better get ready for a war because we are bringing the big fight.
Lana: (smirks) oh yeah, we'll send them all packing!
Luna: (smirks) you said it, sis.
Lisa: normally I associate with human emotions but... we will plot their destruction!
Lori: I literally agree.
Lori then drives vanzilla away from the warehouse straight back into downtown royal woods.
Lori: hey guys we're taking a day off from training tomorrow and the seven of us are going to the mall, what do you say?
Luna: I'm down with that sis.
Lynn: sure, I been meaning to buy some new sports gear and jersies.
Lucy: I'm in.
Lana: me too!
Lisa: I'll join as well.
Lori: and lincoln, you can buy some more comics if you want?
Lincoln: (excited) really? Thanks lori.
Lori: (smiles) don't mention it little brother.
The seven loud siblings in vanzilla headed back home.
To be continued...
(Chapter 8 is finished! I apologize for taking so long on this chapter, I been a little lazy and I was working on my second loud house fanfic, loud house: path of the assassin. I hope you like this chapter and I'll be doing chapter 9 sooner or later. Until we meet again... this is omegacrow fading to black....)
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