Chapter 7: trouble at the softball game
The six loud siblings made it back home but not before dropping lynn off to her to her middle school to practice with her team after school for the big softball game. Lori, disguised as her mother rita thanks to her alpha symbiote, she was able to convince lynn's teachers to excuse lynn from her classes to let her play on her softball team. They accepted, in exchange for double the homework assignments lynn missed during her absence today and one week of detention. Surprisingly, lynn was okay with the detentions but the huge stack of homework was going to come back and bite her, luckily she had lisa to help her with it. While back home, lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa were greeted by their parents.
Rita: hey kids, how was school?
Lori: oh it was fine mom but lynn stayed after school for softball practice. (Hands lynn sr the keys to vanzilla) here you go dad.
Lynn Sr: thanks lori. Well I better go get leni and lily from their grandfather's, see ya. (Walks out the door)
Lori: hey what about luan and lola?
Lynn Sr: oh they called earlier saying their friends are giving them a ride home. (Takes his leave) bye guys!
Lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa: bye dad! See ya pops! Have a safe trip father unit. See you later!
Rita: well I'm going to my room to write my next chapter in my novel. (Leaves to her and lynn sr's room)
As rita left, lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa had smirks on their faces.
Lincoln: they completely bought it.
Lana: they don't know we actually skipped school today.
Lisa: or suspects that the seven of us each have the symbiotic life forms within us.
Luna: made a clean get away dudes.
Lori: (smirks confidently) I told you I had everything under control. No one knows about us skipping school or our symbiotes and no one got in trouble, it was a perfect sneak out.
Lucy: sigh... it was wicked.
Lori: now that this is done, I'm going to go have a video chat with bobby. (Walks upstairs but looks at lincoln, luna, lucy, lana, and lisa) and don't forget no one, not our friends, not our parents, not leni, luan, lily, and especially not lola is to find out about our secret, got it?
The four sisters and brother nodded in agreement. Lori then took her leave upstairs to her room.
Lisa: I shall head upstairs as well. I plan to take notes on what I've recorded during our sparring session while having assistance with our symbiotes.
Lucy: I'll head upstairs too, I need to work on my new poem.
Lisa and lucy head upstairs to their room, leaving lincoln, lana, and luna alone in the living room. Lincoln then heard his stomach growl.
Lincoln: guess I'm getting hungry.
Lana: me too.
Luna: let's make some grub dudes.
Lincoln, lana, and luna headed for to get some lunch. Lincoln made a peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwich, lana was having some leftover pizzas, and luna was having some chocolate pudding. As they were eating their food, lincoln sighed sadly, which was heard by lana and luna.
Luna: something troubling you bro?
Lincoln: sorry... I was just thinking that since we got these symbiote suits, maybe we could use them to help out people who might be in trouble, like heroes would.
Luna: sorry dude but lori made it clear that we're only going to get better control of these powers our symbiotes have, not play hero.
Lincoln: (upset) what do you mean play hero? I'm saying that we use these powers for good use and not just for ourselves.
Luna: (putting her hands up in defense) easy dude, I'm just saying that we don't want to risk putting ourselves or others in danger if we loss control of our symbiotes, and plus, I got my music career to worry about.
Lana: I kinda agree with luna on this one. I mean it would be cool to bash some villains face in if they were any around but sadly our hands are tied.
Lincoln: (groans in frustration) ugh! Nevermind, of course you two wouldn't understand like lori does. You don't always have to hate on my ideas, l know some of them don't work out right but at least back me up on this one. Just forget it, I'm gonna go wait outside for dad so he could take us to lynn's softball game.
Before luna or lana could say anything, lincoln already left the kitchen. Outside sitting on the front porch, lincoln waits with a bored yet upset look on his face. He then hears omega speak in his mind.
Omega: I see your sisters didn't agree with the whole hero idea.
Lincoln: (in his mind; annoyed) yeah. I just wish they would just hear me out on this one. I mean we can put these powers you gave us to good use and not just for ourselves, but they see it as another one of my "lame" plans that will backfire. I know some of my plans that helped out and some that didn't work out the way I hoped but as the only boy in the family of ten sisters, they think my plans or opinions don't matter. Heck, even my closest sisters don't back me up on it. Heck, they couldn't come up with a good plan without arguing their heads off.
Omega: I'm sure they mean well. I mean don't get me wrong it's not a horrible idea but they don't want you, themselves, or anyone to be put in danger. This takes more than just a day for a host to master a symbiote.
Lincoln: (sighs) I guess you're right about that. I don't want to put others in danger but I just want my sisters to understand that being a hero isn't so lame.
Omega: I'm afraid we can't force them to just do this task, it's their choice. You know if they're not up to the task, you and I could do it.
Lincoln smiled at his symbiote's idea as she continued.
Omega: it will be difficult but you and I are one. I will provide you with the strength, speed, agility, and durability needed to defend yourself and defeat any foe that would prey upon the weak.
Lincoln: (excited) you might be right. If my sisters don't want to do it, then I will! It'll be a solo act, why didn't I think of that.
Omega: (chuckles) looks like I'm the symbiote with the plan.
Lincoln: (chuckles) hey! That's my title, I'm the man with the plan here. (Spoke dramatically) there can only be one!
Lincoln and omega started to laugh together until lincoln saw his dad parked vanzilla in the driveway. He could see leni, luan, lola, and lily in the back seats of the van.
Lynn Sr: (smiles) hey son, what are you laughing about?
Lincoln: (lied) oh just a joke you told us a few weeks ago, I thought about it and it was so hilarious that it made me laugh.
Lynn Sr: (spoke confidently) well son, your old man has mastered the art of comedy but that's a story for another time. Anyway, go get your mother, lori, luna, lucy, lana, and lisa, we're going to your sister lynn's softball game.
Lincoln: alright dad.
Lincoln went back inside. A few seconds later, he came out with lori, luna, lucy, lana, lisa, and rita.
Lynn Sr: alright guys let's get a move on, we don't want to be late for junior's game.
They wasted no time in getting in the van, lynn sr backed up out of the driveway and drove off to lynn's game.
Narrator: later at royal woods softball park.
Things were getting hyped up as the softball game had begun. It was the squirrels (lynn's team) vs the badgers. Everyone, including the loud family was on the bleachers, cheering for lynn's team to win. The scoreboard was tied 16-16, two more points and the team wins but which team will prevail? The loud family was cheering loudly for lynn.
Lincoln: (cheering loudly) c'mon lynn, you got this sis!
Voice: hey lincoln!
Lincoln turns to his left see the source of the voice that called his name. He smiled as he saw the boy was none other than his best friend, clyde mcbride. The african american boy made his way up the bleachers to sit next to lincoln. They both did their special handshake.
Lincoln: hey clyde, it's good to see you.
Clyde: (smiles) good to see you too buddy. So did you like those marvel comics I told you about?
Lincoln: they were awesome! I love them, especially the spiderman and avengers comics, thanks for getting me into the marvel spirit clyde.
Clyde: no problem lincoln. So I was wondering why you weren't at school today?
Lincoln: (lied) oh right, something came up and I had to stay home today.
Clyde: okay I understand. So anyway how is lynn's team holding up?
Lincoln: (turns his attention to the game) well so far her team, the squirrels and the rival team, the badgers are tied. they both scored again 18-18 but one more point will decide who wins, I hope lynn's team wins.
Clyde: you have my support and so does lynn.
Lincoln: look clyde, lynn is stepping up to the home plate!
They both see lynn walking up the home plate with her metal bat in both hands and a determined look on her face as she got into position. The rival team's pitcher walked up the pitcher's mound, the girl had short black hair, skin almost as pale as lucy's, wore a black softball uniform and had an intimidating look in her eyes. The girl gripped the ball in her baseball glove and getting into her throwing stance as she delivered a quick throw to lynn who swung the bat to hit the ball but missed as the catcher behind her caught it.
Umpire: strike one!
The black haired girl gave lynn a smug grin. Lynn growled under her breath as she readies her bat again while the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher girl. Said pitcher girl got into her throwing stance before delivering another quick throw, lynn swung the bat but the fast ball moved right past her and the catcher behind her caught it again.
Umpire: strike two!
Pitcher girl: (spoke mockingly) aww what's the matter lynnie, luck not on your side anymore?
Lynn growled as she grew frustrated but she kept her cool, not wanting for start a fight to cost her team the win, no matter how much she wanted to punch this girl's lights out. Out on the bleachers, the loud family were feeling worried about lynn, they know how she gets when she loses, especially when lynn lost the softball game last time and blamed lincoln for it, labeling him as bad luck. Not wanting repeat the accident, the loud family kept cheering more loudly than the rest of the fans, giving lynn their support, as was clyde, and lincoln. The white haired boy has his fingers crossed and bit his lower lip as he hoped lynn could win this. Lynn was getting more frustrated, how could she miss two hits? She never misses, lynn begins to calm herself down as she readies her bat again while the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher girl.
Lynn: (thinking) how could this happen? I practiced really hard for this game and so far this pitcher girl's got two strikes out of me and that smug grin of hers isn't helping me right now! If I miss this last shot, we lose, I lose! Maybe it's lincoln and his bad luck- NO! I can't think that and I made a promise to not blame him if we lost, not after what happened last time when (gulps nervously) when...
Power: (finished her sentence) when you almost let him die.
Lynn hears her symbiote talking to her.
Lynn: (in her mind; horrified) what... h-how did you...
Power: (annoyed) you're forgetting I'm bonded with you thick headed moron. Everything and everyone you know and loved, everything you've done, I know about it since I learned about you through your memories. I can feel your anger and frustration rising to the point where it's about to get loose. But you don't want to repeat the accident from last time, do you?
Lynn: (in her mind) no, no I don't want that... (starts to feel guilty) I don't want to repeat...
Power: the accident with your only brother lincoln. (She heard lynn gasp as she continued) it started with you threatening him to come to your game, losing the game, blamed the lost on your brother, labeling him as bad luck, getting the whole family to believe that the bad luck rumor, spreading the rumor, banning him from you and your sisters activities, kicking him out of the house, failed to be convinced that he lied about being bad luck, finally letting him back in the house only if he wore that squirrel suit as a good luck charm to conceal his so called bad luck, you and your family putting him through complete stress and torture, not letting him take off the suit, afraid that his bad luck would ruin your lives, taking advantage of him when you couldn't see the pain he was in and let's not forget THAT DAY when you and your family heard that he nearly suffered a heat stroke and was sent to the hospital for two weeks. You've been thinking if they didn't call the ambulance and if your brother stayed in that squirrel suit for just a little longer, he would of died.
Lynn: (in her mind; screaming) NO!! STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!!! I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE!!!
Lynn could hear her symbiote laughing at her.
Power: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And I thought I was a monster but that's just cruel! HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Lynn: (in her mind; angry) what's so funny?! Is this a sick joke to you?!?!
Power: oh lighten up will ya, I'm going to help you win this game.
Lynn: no, I'm winning this game myself. I hate cheaters and I'm not gonna cheat myself, it'll ruin me and the sport I love. I'm a better athlete than the superstitious, luck obsessed athlete I was back then. I'm doing this on my own and if you try anything funny I'm forcing you out of my body, got it!?
Power: (snickers) heheheh... you couldn't even if you tried. Now show them who's number one.
Back to reality, lynn stayed focused as she grips her metal bat in her hands as the pitcher girl got ready to throw the ball. Lynn could hear her family cheering for her, could hear her only brother lincoln cheering for her. Raw determination fuelled lynn as she remained focused on the pitcher.
Pitcher girl: (mocking) what's with that look, waiting for some kind of miracle to help you win? Hahaha... fat chance, you squirrel chumps are done for.
Lynn: (spoke in a calm yet menacing tone) just throw the ball...
Pitcher girl: (flinched at lynn's tone and got irritated) fine! You asked for this loser!
The badgers pitcher girl started to spin her right arm like a tornado for a moment until finally delivering a furious quick throw toward lynn. Lynn sees the ball coming and kept her eyes focus on it and kept her grip on the bat. As the ball quickly got closer, lynn delivered a mighty swing, finally hitting the ball and knocking it out of the park. Everyone including the loud family, clyde, and even the rival team's pitcher girl was surprised as her jaw dropped while lynn made a run for first base, then second base, then third base, and before the rival team's third baseman caught the ball and threw it to the catcher, lynn made a quick dash for home base, reaching it before the ball was caught by the catcher.
Umpire: (blows his whistle) lynn loud is safe! The squirrel team wins!!
The scoreboard was now 20-18 as lynn's team hurried over to lynn, lifting her up over their shoulders, celebrating their victory. Lynn never felt so happy as she had a big smile on her face. She won the game and this time her whole family, including lincoln was there to support her and didn't have to worry or be obsessed about such a thing as dumb luck, good or bad. Speaking of her family, they came in running toward her, seeing lincoln running toward her with a proud smile on his face. Her team mates let her down as she ran toward lincoln and her family and gave her brother a big hug as she was surrounded by her sisters and parents, hearing how proud they were of her.
Lincoln: (breaks the hug and looks at lynn with a proud smile) lynn you did it! You won the game, I knew you could do it.
Lynn: (smiles) thanks linc, it means a lot to me that you've come to my game to support and cheer me on. And best of all, I didn't rely on some dumb luck to win.
Lincoln: I'm glad you finally realized that luck had nothing to do with you winning or losing. You're a true, hard working athlete and a great sister that I love.
Lynn: (touched) aww... come here you dork. (Puts her left arm around lincoln's shoulder and starts nooging his hair)
Lincoln: hahaha...! Hey, hey stop lynn, you're messing up my hair!
Lynn: (let's go of lincoln) what? It's my way of saying I love you too linc.
Lincoln: (fixes his ruffled hair) yeah. But if you keep nooging my head so hard like that, I'm gonna go bald at age 11.
Lynn: (laughs) hahahaha! That's just funny, you bald at age 11, I'm already picturing it right now, hahahaha!
Lincoln: (rolls his eyes and laughs) hahahaha!
Clyde: great job lynn.
Lynn Sr: way to go junior, you brought home the gold once again.
Rita: I'm so proud of you, sweetie.
Sisters: us too!
The loud family and clyde got together with lincoln and lynn in a group hug. Then after they broke the hug, lynn noticed the rival team's pitcher girl walking up to her with a determined glare in her eyes. As she was up in lynn's face, lynn had a glare of her own as the pitcher girl spoke.
Pitcher girl: great game loud, you have my respect but know this, next time we meet on the field, I will be the one to win.
Lynn: (smirks) heh, I'm looking forward to the challenge next time.
Pitcher girl: the name's ava jones, remember it. I'm looking forward to our rematch next time.
Lynn: me too, see ya ava.
Ava: yeah, later lynn loud.
Ava took her leave with her team mates.
Lynn Sr: now that you won your game, let's go celebrate with a trip to burpin' burgers!
The sisters and lincoln cheered at the wonderful news.
Lincoln: hey dad is it okay if clyde could come too?
Lynn Sr: hmm... this is your sister lynn's celebration so you can ask her.
Lynn: (shrugged) eh, I don't mind at all. He can come to burpin' burgers with us.
Lincoln and clyde: yes!
Lynn Sr: alright everyone let's go.
Just as the family and clyde were about leave, lincoln suddenly sensed something, looking around the fields, then he noticed something in the sky, it was coming in hot for a landing and coming in close.
Lincoln: (yells) WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!
This caused the loud parents, sisters, and clyde to turn around with worried and confused expressions on their faces, looking at lincoln and then the object that's quickly landing toward the field. They tried to call lincoln to get out of there but their calls went on deaf ears as lincoln stayed there, frozen in shock and slight fear. The object crashed in the center of the softball park, causing the ground to shake. Everybody started running away in panic, so did the loud family and clyde but lori, luna, and lynn stayed as they ran toward their brother, worrying for his safety. They soon stopped in their tracks to see the smoke cleared, revealing the object that made the crater but by seeing it clearly this was no object. Coming out the crater was a man, he was six foot one, had spiky black hair, pale skin and red eyes but that wasn't the intimidating part about him. The man wore a black mask over his eyes, had on white mechanized helmet with two sharp horns and a black gem on the center of the helmet's forehead area. He wore a black body suit which was seemingly covered under his white exoskeleton armor on his slight muscular body with sharp spiked coming out of his back, shoulder pads, elbow pads, armored knuckles and knees pads. Lincoln, lori, luna, and lynn couldn't believe what they were seeing. The moment man in the spike armored suit saw the three sisters and brother, a dark smirk appeared on his face.
???: (spoke in a calm, deep voice) it seems I've found what I was looking for. My tracker brought me to this field where the seven power sources are at. Three of them have run off but not that far and the other four are in front me. (Looking at lincoln, lori, luna, and lynn)
Lincoln: (trying to hide his fear) who are you?
???: (smirks) I am known as dread spike, the most ultimate and deadly hitman. Now that we're acquainted, you children have something I want and if you value your lives you'll hand them over.
Lori: what do you want?
Dread spike: you know actually what I want. Now hand over the symbiotes or nobody leaves here alive and I will rip them from your corpses.
Lincoln: (glares) no.
Dread spike: so you made your choice, very well then.
Dread spike aims his right armored shoulder at the four loud siblings. Then the six spikes on the armored shoulder shot out like missiles toward the four loud siblings. Lincoln dodged them as did lori, luna, and lynn but dread spike wasn't done as the six holes in his shoulder armor reloaded six more spikes, aiming them at the four loud siblings. Lori, luna, and lynn ran away while dodging the spike missiles toward where the rest of the family ran to. Lori looked behind her to see lincoln running in the direction toward the bleachers.
Lori: (yells) lynn! luna! Lincoln's in trouble!
Luna and lynn stopped in their tracks to see dread spike firing spike missiles at the bleachers where lincoln ran off to.
Lynn: (screams) LINCOLN!!
Luna: (screams) BRO!!
Lori, luna, and lynn turn around and run toward the bleachers. Behind the bleachers, lincoln was trying to have dread spike focus only on him so he can buy enough time for lori, luna, and lynn to escape. How did he know that he and her sisters had symbiotes? Lincoln didn't know what dread spike wanted with the symbiotes but if the white haired boy doesn't do or think of something quick, everyone he knows and loves is going to be killed.
Lincoln: I have to do something!
Lori: Lincoln!
Lincoln turns to see lori, luna, and lynn running toward him.
Lori: (grabs lincoln's arm) come on, we gotta go!
Lincoln: (yanks his arm away from lori's grasp) no! I have to stop him!
Lori: (getting frustrated) are you still on this hero nonsense! Listen to me, this isn't a comic book fantasy world, let the police handle this!
Lincoln: (getting irritated) you think the police can handle that! He's a bad guy and a heavily armored hitman, he'll kill them in an instant with those spikes. Not to mention he knows about the seven of us having symbiotes within us and is willing to kill anyone in his way to get them, we have stop him!
Lori didn't get to finish her sentence as she suffered a quick right hit to her face by lincoln. Lynn and luna gasped as lori fell back to the ground, holding her right face cheek in pain. Lori then turned to look at lincoln, who had an angry scowl on his face.
Lori, luna, and lynn all flinched at lincoln's aggressive tone.
Lori, luna, and lynn started to look down in shame.
Lincoln: (calms down but keeps his cold glare) does it bother you that I try to help you guys? Does it bother you that I care so much? Of course it does, all you see in me is a talentless, white haired, and immature screw up, thinking my opinions don't matter but I proved to be more mature than all ten of you put together, I try to keep the peace and I may not be the perfect brother you wanted but you ten sisters aren't perfect either.
Luna: (spoke in a shaky tone) l-lincoln we didn't mean-
Lincoln: save it... if you wanna run like spineless, selfish cowards then go ahead. I'm done being a scared little preteen, I can make my own choices. That dread spike guy wants our symbiotes so bad, he's gonna have fight me until I can't fight anymore, I'm not losing my friends and family to this hitman. I'll stop him with or without you.
The omega symbiote then burst out of lincoln's clothes, covering his head and body into his symbiote suit.
Lincoln: (spoke in a cold distorted voice) now if you'll excuse me, I have to deal out some justice.
Lincoln then leaves the bleachers to face dread spike who stopped firing his spike missiles to gaze at lincoln and the orange and black symbiote suit covering his whole body.
Dread spike: so you finally revealed yourself and you've donned the symbiote. Where you the other six hiding?
Lincoln: you're not finding them and you're not fighting them either. You're only facing... omega.
Dread spike: (smirks) omega hmm? Quite a name you made for yourself, I'll be sure to remember that once I take the symbiote off you.
Omega lincoln got into his fighting stance.
Omega lincoln: let's go...
Dread spike got into his fighting stance as well.
Dread spike: very well, you'll be the first one I destroy. After I take your symbiote, I'm going after the other six.
Omega lincoln: then try to get through me!
Omega lincoln ran toward dread spike who ran toward omega lincoln as the two clash. Back behind the bleachers, luna and lynn were helping lori up as the first eldest touched her the right side of her face and winced in pain. Lincoln really hit her hard, never in lori's life have lincoln ever snapped at her like that or hit her like that. Normally, lori would teach him a lesson for doing that to her but her mind was going through the things lincoln said about her and the rest of his sisters. After thinking for a bit, she realized that lincoln was right, she and her sisters do fight over stupid petty reasons, and whenever things get out of hand or when they get in trouble with mom and dad, they either blame him or take out their anger and frustration out on him. Lincoln does screw up sometimes but he does his best to make up for it and all she and the others do is take advantage of him. Lori felt guilty for her part in this. She was supposed to be the oldest and protect my siblings but ends up only caring about her phone, her boyfriend, and thinking her age is special so she can do whatever she wants, as well as taking advantage of her siblings, including lincoln. Lori wasn't the only one feeling guilty about this as she looks at luna and lynn who had guilt in their eyes for their parts in making lincoln miserable. Lori then turned to her right see lucy, lana, and lisa just standing there.
Lori: h-how much of that did you see and hear?
Lucy: all of it... I've never seen lincoln this angry before... it hurts me that after everything nice he's done for us, we let him fall into the abyss of despair.
Lana: (saddened) I can't believe we were complete jerks to him.
Lisa: I agree but we'll worry that later. Right now my brother unit needs our assistance in battling this armored homosapien.
Lisa walks towards lori, luna, and lynn, looking at the battle between lincoln and dread spike. The armored hitman was shooting more spikes at lincoln, who was dodging and avading them while trying to match dread spike blow for blow but the armored hitman was far more skilled and an expert at fighting than lincoln. Lisa could tell that dread spike is luring lincoln into his trap.
Lisa: we have to even the odds and assist our brother unit or this armored homosapien is going to impale his body full of sharp spikes.
Lynn: yeah let's go, that spike jerk already ruined my celebration but I not gonna lose my brother.
Luna: same here dudes, I don't want lincoln to get hurt or worse. I have to protect my lil bro.
Lana: I'm ain't letting lincoln fight that creep alone, I'm going in!
Lucy: I'm in as well... I could never forgive myself if my brother meets his untimely demise.
Lisa: then we all agree (look at lori) whether or not you want to assist our brother unit is up to you. This is your opportunity to prove yourself as the first eldest sibling or hide like how would lincoln say it, "a spineless, selfish, and childish coward."
Lori thought about it for a moment or two before sighing and had a look of determination on her face.
Lori: (spoke calmly) alpha...
The alpha symbiote burst out of lori's clothes, covering her head and body into her symbiote suit.
Lisa: (smirks) wise choice.
Luna: let's go dudes, echo!
Lynn: power!
Lucy: shadow...
Lana: risk!
Lisa: sync.
The five symbiotes burst out of luna's, lynn's, lucy's, lana's and lisa's clothes, covering their heads and bodies into their symbiote suits as they ran toward the field to help their only brother. Back to the fight with dread spike and omega lincoln, the armored hitman held lincoln down to the ground with a one hand around his neck. Lincoln tried to break the hold on his neck but dread spike's grip was too strong.
Dread spike: I admit you put up quite a fight but still it was pointless. Your symbiote is quite unique compared to the ones I've encountered before but you're still an amateur, unable to fully unlock it's true capabilities. However, I didn't expect the symbiotes to be in the possession of children.
Three spikes grew out of the armored hitman's knuckles on his left hand, ready to aim it at lincoln's chest.
Dread spike: I'll make this quick so you won't feel the pain.
Omega lincoln: d-dang it!
Dread spike was about to ram the spiked fist into lincoln's chest when suddenly he knocked away from lincoln by a spinning kick. Dread spike was a few away from lincoln as he glared at the one who attacked him and spots six girls, the first three were teens, the other three were children and all were wearing symbiotes of different colors.
Dread spike: so you've all come out of hiding huh?
Lincoln groaned as he was being helped up by luna and lucy.
Shadow lucy: lincoln...
Echo luna: are you okay bro?
Omega lincoln: yeah... I'm fine. Thanks for saving me.
Echo luna: it's nothing really, just looking after my lil bro.
Omega lincoln: lucy, lana, and lisa, you're here too. I thought you've left with the others.
Shadow lucy: we sensed you were in trouble so we came to help you.
Risk lana: I couldn't let my big brother fight this spike creep by himself. If he messes with one loud, he messes with all of us.
Power lynn: (cracking her knuckles) that's right and we're about to teach this jerk a lesson he'll never forget!
Sync lisa: affirmative.
Alpha lori: normally I would literally turn you into a human pretzel for that punch you gave me but you made a point about us and we'll talk about it later. Right now we gotta focus on dread spike.
Omega lincoln: right.
Dread spike: so it's seven against one hmm? No matter... I'll still kill you and take your symbiotes.
The armored hitman jumps up in the air, equipping his spikes on his armor as he spun around like a tornado, unleashing a wave of spike missiles toward the seven loud siblings.
Dread spike: spike tornado!
The seven loud siblings began to dodge, block, or evade the tornado wave of spike missiles heading for them. Lucy then quickly formed her black bat wings and shot up in the air, dodging the spike missiles as she got close to dread spike, delivering a slash to his right shoulder armor with her long black claws, damaging it. Dread spike grunted as he knocked lucy away and continued his attack on the symbiote clad goth. As dread spike got lucy right in his grasp, lynn came in and delivered a strong punch to the armored hitman's face, causing him to let go of lucy and stumble back. Dread spike went on the defensive as lynn charged at him, unleashing a fury of kickboxing punches and kicks. Lynn then backs up as dread spike fired more spike missile at the symbiote clad sports sister, who delivered swift kicks to the incoming missiles, knocking them away in several directions. Lana, sneaking behind him, forms a giant spiked lizard tail from behind and swung it hard in the back of dread spike's back. Dread spike shot his spike missiles out of his back at lana, who knocks them away with her tail. Luna then get close to the armored hitman, her mask opening up to reveal a mouth with black sharp fangs, letting out a huge sonic shriek, effectively stunning dread spike. Lisa and lucy summoned four tendril tentacles from their backs and launched them at the stunned dread spike, whip lashing him across the chest armor. Dread spike let out a furious growl, driving his spiked fists deep into the ground, unleashing large rows of spikes out from the earth toward lisa, lucy, and luna, who backed away from them. Lincoln and lori took this as an opening to attack dread spike. Lincoln and lori formed two blades in their hands, slashing dread spike across his back and chest armor, damaging it completely. The seven symbiote clad loud siblings regrouped as dread spike was down on one knee, half of his spike armor damaged, and breathing heavily as he glared furiously at the louds. Lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa got into fighting stance, daring dread spike to make a move. Then all of sudden, dread spike's expression changed from furious to calm with a dark smirk on his face as he started to laugh darkly.
Omega lincoln: what's so funny dread spike?
Power lynn: yeah, did the seven of us drive you crazy by kicking the crap out of you too much?
Dread spike: (smirked darkly) I hate to admit but I must say I'm impressed, for of bunch of kids and teens to work as a team with the symbiotes is very impressive but still you're nowhere near the full potential you wield in those symbiotes. Though I have slightly underestimated you seven, next time you won't be so lucky.
Sync lisa: what is your knowledge about the symbiotic life forms that we possess, what do you wish to acquire them for, you armored homosapien?
Dread spike: heh... I'm feeling unusually generous today so I'll give you something for almost defeating me. I will not reveal his identity but my employer is looking for strong symbiotes. I don't care what he wants with them, all I want is my cut of the deal. I'm a serious hitman, if the price is high enough to acquire my services then I'll won't stop until the mission is done and my target dead. With that said, I'll take my leave now and fair warning let's just say I won't be the only one coming after you but know this, next time we meet I will be the one to end your lives and rip the symbiotes from your lifeless corpses, remember that.
Dread spike then pressed a button on his utility belt and in an instance he teleported away right before the seven loud siblings very eyes.
Omega lincoln: he... disappeared.
Sync lisa: correction brother unit, he used his utility belt to instill the art of teleportation to make his escape.
Risk lana: I gotta say that was pretty cool that we put the smackdown on that guy.
Echo luna: it was bloody wicked dudes, that'll teach him not to mess with us.
Power lynn: yeah guys, we came, we saw, and we kicked his ass!
Alpha lori: (scolded lynn) lynn, no cursing in front of your younger sisters!
Power lynn: (laughs nervously) sorry about that.
Omega lincoln: dread spike mentioned that he's not the only one that's gonna come after us.
Shadow lucy: beings with powers far deadlier than his.
Sync lisa: and will do anything, not caring about the catastrophic events that can cause major destruction to everything and everyone to insure our symbiotes are captured and used for their nefarious purposes.
Omega lincoln: (spoke in a serious tone) I won't let that happen, I'll make sure of it. Now let's go, the rest of our family is worried sick.
Lincoln turns around to walk away out of the wrecked softball field. Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa looked at each other before following their only brother back home.
Narrator: back at the loud house.
Back at the loud house, everyone got home safely from the softball park, avoiding getting hurt by the armored hitman, well not everyone. Lynn Sr and rita was worried that lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa were not present when they left the park in vanzilla and could still be there with a dangerous armored man on the loose. They called the cops to help find their seven children, and could only hope that they are safe. Clyde called his dads to come pick him up, he hoped that his best friend got out of there unharmed. Leni, luan, lola, and lily were sitting on the couch, worried for lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa.
Leni: (worried) like, I hope they'll be okay.
Lola: (tears up) w-what if they got hurt or worse, they-they died!
Luan: don't speak like that, I'm sure they managed get out of the danger zone.
Lily: (sadly) poo poo.
A knock at the door was heard, lynn sr walked up to the front door and opens it to see lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa.
Lynn Sr: (relieved) kids, thank goodness you're home!
Rita: oh my babies! (Runs to the seven loud siblings and pulls them into a tight embrace)
Lynn Sr joins in on the group hug as well as leni, lola, luan, and lily. The whole family breaks the hug and asking lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa questions all at once.
Lincoln: okay easy guys, we're okay.
Rita: are you sure? That spiked madman didn't hurt you guys, did he?
Luna: naw mom we took off the moment we saw him, though the van wasn't here so we ran home.
Lynn Sr: (nervous) sorry about that kids, I thought you were in vanzilla when we took off to safety.
Lincoln: that's okay dad, you were just afraid, we all were but it's over now.
Leni: (gasps) lori, like, what happened to your face?! (Pointing to the bruise on lori's right cheek)
Lynn Sr: (gasps) what?! (Angry) did that man do that to you?!
Lori: (lied) no I hit a telephone pole while I was running for my life. I guess I didn't see where I was going.
Rita: okay I'll get a ice pack for you.
Lori: thanks mom. (Looks at lincoln and winks at him, surprising the white haired boy that she didn't tell mom and dad he caused that bruise)
Luan: I'm glad you're all safe.
Lola: me too.
Leni: like, me four.
Lola: ugh! You mean me three, leni.
Leni: oh
Lily: (happy) poo poo!
Lynn Sr: I'm so glad you're all home, safe and sound. Sorry we had to cancel the burpin' burgers trip for your celebration junior.
Lynn: meh, we could go next time.
Rita: the cops are still searching for you, I'll give them a call to let them know that you made it home safe. But until they catch that armored madman, you guys won't be going off to school throughout the next four days.
Lynn Sr: sadly, that still doesn't excuse your mother and I from work in the morning. Lori you're going to be in charge of your siblings while we're out.
Lori: yes dad.
Lana: (excited) woohoo! No school!
Lincoln: (worried) wait what happened to clyde, is he okay?
Lynn Sr: he's fine son, he got in the van with us and his dads came by to pick him up earlier. They were so worried about him so they're not letting clyde go to school either, and I don't anyone is letting their kids go either until the cops hunt down and catch that spiked armored maniac.
Lincoln: (sighs in relief) thank god he's okay. And on the bright side, no school for the next four days. Well I'm gonna go to my room now, today has just been crazy.
Lincoln walks up the stairs and heads to his room.
Lynn Sr: alright kids, I'm gonna get dinner started. Who want my special lynn-sagna?
The loud sisters nodded in agreement.
Lynn Sr then heads for the kitchen to prepare dinner, rita took lily to her room to be changed, and the rest of the loud sisters sat down on the couch, watching their favorite show, dream boat to get their minds off today's predicament.
Narrator: 9:55 pm.
Nightfall came as the loud family got ready for bed. Dinner was good for the loud siblings but lincoln was not present at the dinner table. Some of the sisters wanted to check on him but lynn Sr told them that he wasn't hungry when he went upstairs to let him know dinner was done and just wanted to get some rest to get his mind off today, they understood as they went back to eating. When dinner was done, everyone went to bed but one person wasn't asleep. In lincoln's room, the white haired boy in his pjs remained awake, staring at the ceiling as he was deep in his thoughts. Today got crazy, the arrival of the hitman, dread spike, the sheer destruction he caused, his battle with the hitman, him wanting to take his and his sisters symbiotes, his sisters helping him take down dread spike, and dread spike's warning that more people like him with different and deadlier powers are coming for him, his sisters and their symbiotes. Then he thought about what happened between him and lori, the way he hit lori and snapped at her, luna, and lynn like that. He wasn't that angry before, true he gets angry or annoyed sometimes with his sisters taking advantage of him or never backing him up in some situations and blame it on him but he never felt his pure aggression run loose there. Why did he act like that? He didn't mean to, it just happened. Omega then explained that the reason he felt like that because of her. She also explains that symbiotes can affect their hosts personally based on their moods, anger being a dangerous one at that. She apologized but lincoln told her it was okay because half of it was his fault too. Lincoln sighs as he still felt unspecial, compared to his sisters. He then decided to train himself to unlock his symbiote's powers so he can be special, a hero that can protect everything and everyone, even if his sisters don't want to. He then hears a knock at his door, lincoln quickly covers himself up in his blankets as he pretends to go to sleep. The knock came again but lincoln didn't answer as he tried to get to sleep. The door opens quietly and in comes lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa in their pjs. They all look at their "sleeping" brother as lori gently shakes him awake.
Lori: (quietly) lincoln.
Lincoln tried to remain asleep. Lori then shook him again with a little force.
Lori: lincoln I know you're not really asleep.
Lincoln sighs as he gets up, seeing his sisters (sans leni, luan, lola, and lily) in his room.
Lincoln: what do you guys want?
Lori: we came here to talk.
Lincoln: about what?
Luna: about what happened before we fought dread spike bro.
Lincoln: (saddened) oh that... (looks down in shame) you guys wanna teach me a lesson, then go ahead and make it quick.
Lori: no lincoln I'm not here to hurt you for what you said, neither of us are. (Looks at lincoln with saddened eyes as she sat next to him) I wanted to say I'm sorry.
Lincoln: (confused) sorry for what?
Lisa: what the first eldest sibling is trying to say is that she apologizes for the disastrous, selfish, and miserable events she had you endure. Like you said, you may not be a perfect brother unit but we are not perfect sister units either.
Lincoln: (eyes widened) you heard and saw what I...
Lucy: yes... we saw everything and I too am sorry for my part in taking advantage of you and possibly putting you through endless depression.
Lana: (saddened) I'm sorry too. You done nice things for me and play with me and I-I acted like a jerk to you.
Lincoln: (assured) guys it's okay, I'm not really hurting, I just-
Luna: (interrupts him) you're a terrible liar bro, just tell us what's on your mind. (Voice breaking) D-Do you really hate u-us?
Lincoln: (eyes widened) what? No I don't hate you, what gave you that idea?
Lori: (Voice breaking) because we haven't been fair to you, we just take advantage of y-you and blame our faults and problems on you without a-any proof or letting you e-explain your side of the s-story. When you hit me like t-that, when you snapped at me, luna, and lynn l-like that, it made me think of all of the horrible things I did to you. I-I know I don't show it but I do care about you. I'm supposed to be the oldest and protect my siblings but I ended c-caring about myself. (Hugs lincoln; in tears) I'm so sorry, I must be the worst sister ever!
Luna: (saddened) me too, I mean you were the closest sibling to me. I was happy when mom and dad appointed me as your guardian, I was supposed to protect you and care for you but even I helped in all the insults, threats, beatings and making your life miserable and... and (Hugs lincoln; in tears) I'm sorry, I'm so sorry bro, please don't hate me!
Lincoln was about to say something but lynn interrupted him.
Lynn: (in tears) I'm sorry for being rough with you, all the dutch ovens, biting off your head to get the sweet spot, the money accident, the sister fight protocol, and... and the bad luck accident where I threatened you to come to my game, blamed you for my loss, kicked you out of the house, and making you wear that stupid squirrel suit. I mean, what the heck was I thinking, you almost suffered a heat stroke and got put in the hospital for two weeks all because I was obsessed with good and bad luck. It haunted me that day when I thought that I just k-k-k... (Hugs lincoln; sobs) I'm sorry lincoln... I'm sorry....
Lana: (Hugs lincoln as well; sobbing) I'm sorry for all the horrible stuff I did to you lincoln!
Lisa: normally I don't express human emotions but... (sobs as she hugs lincoln) brother unit, I apologize for caring more about science than our family and for all the horrible events we put you through.
Lucy: guys... I have a confession to make, lincoln wasn't the one who clogged the toilet, it was me.
The five loud sisters gasped.
Lori, luna, lynn, lana, and lisa: you?!
Lucy: yes... The princess pony book belongs to me, I read it because even I need a break from the darkness now and then. Lincoln only covered for me because he could handle the teasing, I couldn't... (monotone voice breaking as black tears came down lucy's face) I-I wouldn't be able handle you guys laughing and making fun of m-me for the rest of my life. Lincoln, you're the only one who understands me, you helps me with my poems and are always there for me. You're like my dark guardian angel but how do I repay you? With endless depression and suffering to the point where you would either try to kill yourself or run away and n-never come back. I-I can't handle that... I-I (sobs as she hugs lincoln) l don't wanna lose you... I'm sorry lincoln, please don't hate me. I couldn't bare with my big brother hating me forever, please I beg for your forgiveness.
The six loud sisters sobbed while holding lincoln in their embrace, apologizing over and over. Lincoln had a sympathetic look on his face as he tried to get their attention.
Lincoln: guys... guys... guys!
The six sisters stopped sobbing and looked at lincoln with tears in their eyes.
Lincoln: look, I get that all of you are sorry for the bad things you did to me but I already forgave you and I could never hate you guys.
Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa: really?
Lincoln: of course, no matter how much you make my life miserable, I could never hate you. (Sighs sadly) If everything you should hate me, there were times where I was selfish too, most of my plans do mess up and end up interfering in your lives, my selfishness plan to win a trophy by posting embarrassing videos of you guys, trying to claim the sweet spot, and lying about being bad luck to get some time to myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm inferior to all of you, you all have special talents and worked hard to earn those trophies but me, I have nothing. There's nothing special about me, a white haired, comic book geek of an outcast who doesn't feel like he's apart of this family, a mistake that shouldn't have happened. (Closes his eyes and lowers his head in sadness)
The six loud sisters hearts felt like breaking after hearing that.
Lori: don't say that, you're not a mistake and you never will be.
Luna: yeah, you're our lil bro, one of the greatest things that ever happened to us. Our lives would be horrible without you.
Lucy: you always help us no matter how many times we push you away. It really shows that you care so much.
Lana: we need you big brother.
Lisa: I agree, you are indeed our brother unit and despite your plans having some errors in them, most of them helped us out in our hour of need.
Lynn: you may screw up sometimes but you'll always to be my brother and my sports buddy. I love you linc and nothing will ever change that.
Lincoln: (looks at lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa with teary eyes) really?
Lori: yes, again we're sorry we made you feel that way and we'll do everything we can to made it up to you because you're our only brother and will always be a part of the family.
Lincoln: (Hugs his six sisters; sobs) thank you guys... thank you so much.
Luna: (smiles) glad we could help you bro.
Lynn: (smiles) it's nothing linc, just looking out for ya.
Lana: (smiles) it's what siblings do.
Lisa and lucy nod in agreement.
Lincoln: (smiles) I'm glad to have sisters like you, you may not be perfect and I may not be perfect but we always care for one another and have each other's backs.
Lynn: so true. We are a team afterall.
Lincoln: anyway there's one thing I have to ask you, if what dread spike said is true and more people like him will be coming to royal woods to cause harm and destruction and some will be coming after our symbiotes then we need to prepare for them. But if you guys don't want to take this heroic task, then you don't have to. I could train myself and try to protect royal woods myself if I have to. All I want to know is... are you okay with this?
The six loud sisters looked at each other for a moment and looked at lincoln as lori spoke.
Lori: you're not doing this lincoln... because you're not doing it alone.
Luna: (smirks) yeah, we're not gonna sit back and watch you lay down your life for us. We'll help you and will handle anything dread spike or anyone throws at us cause we're family bro.
Lynn: (smirks) if dread spike or any bad guys wanna come into our town and take our symbiotes, let 'em try because we'll beat 'em down and beat 'em hard, loud style!
Lucy: we will prepare for the horrors that await us but it's the horrors that should prepare for us.
Lana: (smirks) yeah! We're make those jerks learn a lesson where if you mess with one loud, you mess with us all!
Lisa: affirmative, our next training session with our symbiotes begins tomorrow, however, since our parental units won't be back from work until 5:30 pm, we'll have to wait until they return.
Lori: yeah because we can't tell leni, luan, lola, and lily about this let alone leaving them at home alone.
Lincoln: you're right we should wait and no offense to leni, I don't think she's the right person in charge of three siblings while we're away.
The six loud sisters agreed with that logic.
Lincoln: (yawns) now I'm getting very sleepy.
Luna: ya know since the seven of us are in here, we could have a sleepover downstairs.
Lincoln: (smiles) that's not a bad idea, let's go.
Lincoln grabs his blanket and pillows and follows his six of ten sisters out of his room. The six loud sisters got their blankets and pillows as they went downstairs. Lori, luna, and lisa took the big couch, lynn and lana layed down the floor, and lincoln shared the recliner with lucy.
Lincoln: goodnight lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa.
Lori: goodnight lincoln.
Luna: sweet dreams bro.
Lynn: goodnight linc.
Lucy: have a dark night lincoln...
Lana: night lincoln.
Lisa: goodnight eldest brother.
The seven loud siblings then close their eyes as they drifted off to sleep.
To be continued...
(And chapter 7 is done! Clyde made his first appearance, lincoln stands up for himself, and they battled my first oc villain, dread spike. speaking of whom, here's a sketch of my oc.)
(I hope you like the sketch. Sorry this chapter took so long, I had to put a lot into this chapter. Like where lincoln hits lori and snaps at her, luna, and lynn about the times they acted like his opinions don't matter and gang up on him ever chance they got. In the show, the loud sisters can sometimes be inconsiderate, selfish, and unfair to lincoln and lincoln isn't perfect either. Despite their arguments and fights, they do love and care about one another and have each other's back like siblings do. I've seen a lot of fanfics that included brawl in the family, making the case, and no such luck, my least favorite loud house episodes, where the loud sisters were unbelievably cruel and uncaring to lincoln to the point where he either snaps at his sisters, runs away, gets kidnapped or killed, kills himself, and tries to get revenge on his sisters through different ways. In the last parts of my chapter, the scene happens where lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa have a sibling bonding moment with lincoln as they apologize for their past actions towards him and lincoln felt like he was nothing special compared to his sisters. So while agreeing to help lincoln in the heroic task to protect royal woods, the six loud sisters agreed that lincoln will always be a part of the family and special to them so the seven loud siblings will have more bonding moments in future chapters. Dread spike will be in more chapters in the near future as well as more villain ocs I'll come up with for the seven loud siblings and symbiotes to fight in the near future chapters. Next chapter talks about the louds day off and next symbiote training session... until we meet again, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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