Chapter 5: A special bond between the symbiotes and the seven louds

It was morning at the loud house as lincoln began to awake at the sound of his alarm clock ringing. He shuts it off and let out a yawn.

Lincoln: morning already?

Lincoln gets up out of bed to start the day but he then notices that he was wearing his usual clothes instead of his symbiote.

Lincoln: it's gone! Did it disappear or was it never there to begin with? Was it all a dream?

Then he heard a familiar quiet, female voice.

Voice: I'm afraid it wasn't a dream lincoln.

Lincoln gasps as he looks around to see who said that but he saw nothing.

Lincoln: (getting scared) okay now I'm hearing voices. Where and who are you?

The female voice giggled.

Voice: very well, I'll gladly answer your questions. As for where I am, I am inside your mind and body. And as for who am I, I am omega and I am an amorphic alien life form also known as a symbiote, (chuckles) as you already know about us since you seen us in these comics of yours.

Lincoln: (surprised) how'd you know that?!

Omega: because I'm the symbiote and your my host. You see, when a symbiote finds a host and bonds with him or her, we learn more about them through their thoughts and memories. I learned a lot about you last night, being the middle child of a family with ten sisters, all of your likes and dislikes, habits of reading comics in your underwear-

Lincoln: (interrupts) okay okay that's enough. I believe you now. So why did you choose me to be your host?

Omega: well I must say I could of chose anywhere but as myself and six of my brothers and sisters came here from our planet and crashed into your backyard, that's when we found you. We were dying and the only way to insure our survival is to find a host and fully bond to them until we're a single entity.

Lincoln: that's why you called out to me in my dream.

Omega: yes. And I hope we could in good terms with each other. I can help you with anything you want, give you powers to protect yourself and your family from harm and there won't be any consequences.

Lincoln: (thinks) hmmm.... ah what the heck, I'll keep you. But I need to know are you (gulps) one of the evil symbiotes?

Omega: (assured) oh nononono I am not. We symbiotes are a neutral race, whether good or bad or both, but I assure you I'm not one of the evil ones.

Lincoln: (sighs in relieve) phew. Well now that it's cleared, shall we start the day?

Omega: (replies happily) absolutely.

Lincoln opens his room door and walks out of his room, only to find lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa standing in the hallway, their eyes staring at him. The white haired boy could tell that by the looks on their faces that they were waiting for him. He also noticed that they had on their usual clothing on instead of their symbiotes. There was silence for a brief moment until lincoln decided to break it.

Lincoln: morning guys. Did you sleep well?

The six sisters remained silent.

Lincoln: Okay.... is there something wrong?

The six sisters still remained silent.

Lincoln: (confused) okay well I'm gonna go to the bathroom now.

Lincoln tries to go pass his sisters to go to the bathroom to get ready for school but his path was blocked by his six sisters. He stares at them very nervously.

Lincoln: (nervous) guys I really need to go and get ready for school now so can I please go to the bathroom?

Lori: (finally spoke) we're going to go somewhere and you're coming with us.

Lincoln: why? We have school today. What if mom and dad find out that we skipped school?

Lucy: (finally spoke; monotone) we know brother...

Lynn: (finally spoke) and right now we don't care.

Luna: (finally spoke) we're just taking a little trip off linc. Besides what mom and dad don't know won't hurt them. This affects all seven of us bro so there's no getting out of it.

Lori: if mom and dad do find out, I will handle it. Now get ready, we'll be waiting for you.

The six sisters walk passed lincoln and head downstairs. Lincoln was very confused right now. What was with them? They don't seem angry or upset but strangely calm. Still thinking about this, lincoln heads to the bathroom to get ready. After freshening up, lincoln leaves and heads downstairs and sees his six of his ten sisters standing there with the same calm expressions.

Lincoln: okay I'm ready now.

Lori: good let's go.

Lori grabs the keys to vanzilla. They were lucky mom and dad are asleep from working last night. Lori opens the front door and heads outside with luna, lynn, lucy, lana, lisa, and finally lincoln following her and getting in vanzilla. Starting up the car and checking the rear view mirror, lori began to back up out of the driveway and drove away from the loud house. Throughout this long drive in the town, nobody has said a word, it was just too quiet, and lincoln was getting very nervous about it. Omega could sense her host's nervousness increasing and the symbiote mentally told him to stay calm and don't panic. He obliged to his symbiote's words and tried to stay calm for the rest of the trip. Lori finally stopped the van, meaning the ride was over, she got out of the van. Luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa got out of the van as well, the only one who haven't gotten out of the van was lincoln. He looked at the wrecked up and wide building his sisters were going in, it was an old, abandoned warehouse. He then saw lucy who gestured him to come on. Lincoln then slowly got out of the van and joined his sisters going inside the warehouse. Lincoln looked around the inside of this place, the space was huge, filled with stacked up steel crates around the room,old machinery most likely for raw materials to be stored in, lots of large cob webs all over the machines, and the broken glass windows. Lincoln was starting to get scared, this looks like a place where psycho killers take their victims and slowly torture them before they kill them. Lincoln looks at his six of ten sisters, lori, lynn, and lisa were standing while luna, lucy, and lana were sitting on the crates, all of their calm eyes on him. Lincoln tried to stay calm but the sheer silence was killing him. He then lets out a loud yell.


The six sisters remained silent.

Lincoln: (getting irritated) okay... when you said where we're going affects the seven of us, I expect you to tell me but seeing as you're not ready to talk, I'll be in the van when you're done being voiceless.

Lincoln turns around to leave but before he could go out the front door, he was caught and held by a huge light blue, clawed hand. Lincoln tried to escape but the grip was too strong. Lincoln then found himself being pulled away from the door and in seconds, he was face to face with lori whose right arm was changed by her symbiote and had an angry look on her face and she held her only brother in her transformed, enlarged hand.

Lori: (spoke in a menacing tone) no one is going anywhere... I brought all of you here to talk about this situation we're in and suddenly you're literally acting like a complete maniac!

Lincoln: (upset) me? What about you guys? You've all been standing around like a bunch of zombies and being eerily quiet the whole trip here. What's up with that, are you even yourself right now or is it your symbiote talking? Are they controlling you right now? (Scared) please don't hurt me I didn't mean to yell.

Lori's angry face softened seeing the scared look in her brother's eyes. She gently puts lincoln down as her right arm returns to normal size. The other five sisters looked at them in worry.

Lori: (sighs) lincoln we're not going to hurt you and no we're not being controlled by these things inside us.

Lincoln: oh.

Lisa: indeed brother unit. We're didn't come to this abandoned warehouse to plot your destruction. We came here for an important meeting.

Lincoln: a meeting? So why didn't we just have the siblings meeting in your room lori?

Lucy: because the walls have ears brother, and what we're about to talk about cannot be heard in our own home or anywhere near it.

Luna: cause you'll never know who'll be listening bro. Secrets can get out one way or another if not careful bro.

Lincoln: okay... so what was with the silent treatment on the ride here, you were as silent as lucy.

Lynn: we wanted to keep a low profile.

Lana: (smiles) like in one of those spy movies.

Lincoln: okay. Since we're all here, this meeting is about our symbiotes right?

Lisa: affirmative. We all came here to discuss the topics on the amorphic life form bonded to us. Throughout our slumber, the symbiote have made a biological complex symbiosis with us, creating a mutually beneficial relationship between us the hosts and the symbiotes.

The six loud siblings stared at lisa in confusion. Lisa mentally facepalms and sighs.

Lisa: when fully bonded with the host, the symbiote can share our thoughts and memories, knowing everything about us.

Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, and lana: ohh... right.

Lincoln: wait that's what omega told me.

Lynn: omega?

Lincoln: omega is my symbiote's name. She told me about her how she came across the galaxy from her planet to ours. And that she learned everything about me while she was fully bonded with me.

Lori: you too?

Lincoln: yes.

Luna: you're not the only one bro, I had the same reaction when I was hearing voices outta nowhere. But it turns out it was my symbiote talking to me in my head.

Lincoln: what's its name?

Luna: her name is echo, she told me everything about her and learned everything about me through my memories bro, it was freaky but we're cool.

Lincoln: okay, I'm glad you in good terms with your symbiote as am I.

Lana: my symbiote's name is risk, he and I have so much in common. Even before learning a lot about me in my head, he wasn't afraid to get down n' dirty like I do. I still wanted see what kind of powers this slime suit has.

Lynn: my symbiote's name is power, like me she's always wanting to be the strongest and fastest there is. At first, I wasn't liking the fact that she was speaking to me in my head but after learning a lot about me, she told me I was the strong athletic host she was looking for. I agreed to keep her but I told her no funny business and no trying to control me. She can be a little aggressive but we're alright.

Lucy: not surprised an aggressive symbiote choose you as her host, seeing it noticed your competitive and aggressive nature.

Lynn: (annoyed) what was that luce?

Lucy: you heard me... did I stutter?

Lori: okay enough! Lucy and lynn we are not here to fight. Anyone who starts fighting will deal with me understood?! (Glares angrily at lynn and lucy)

Lynn and lucy: (in unison) yes ma'am! Right away ma'am! (Shutting their mouths, not wanting to anger lori)

Lori: good. Now that where were we? Oh yeah. Like my brother's symbiote name is omega, mine's literally have the opposite name, alpha. Like me, he also has authority and dominance over his symbiote brothers and sisters, keeping them in line and out of trouble.

Lincoln: (not surprised) so basically he's a bossy, control freak like you.

Lori: (glares angrily at lincoln) don't you start twerp.

Lisa: if we're done with your constant bickering, we have important mangers to discuss.

Lincoln and lori: alright.

Lisa: thank you. Now back on topic, I choose this place as our hideout so we can learn the extent of the symbiote's abilities and learn to control it so there won't be any problems.

Lincoln: based on what I read in my spiderman comics, the venom symbiote gives the host super strength, agility, durability, spider sense, and can shoot webs. But that symbiote was made from spiderman's DNA.

Lisa: it may be possible that these life forms have similar traits to the ones in your fictional comics. However, we can't say for sure what physical abilities they possess and how it will affect us.

Lincoln: I do know some weaknesses about symbiotes in the comics. The most common one to watch out for is loud noise, symbiotes can't stand loud noise cause they'll either go crazy or be forced to separate from their hosts.

Lisa: I've already been informed on that, curiosity of my symbiote sync, short name for synchronization. He informed me that a normal symbiote would suffer physically and mentally through high sounds but we're in luck because the seven symbiotes we're bonded to are special. These seven have evolved beyond their normal limitations and can withstand the highest levels of sound. It'll take breaking the complete sound barrier to destroy them but the odds of the highly advanced technology to do so is a chance at a million but nothing to worry about.

Luna: (sighs in relief) thank goodness for that. Loud rock music is my life dude. I'd hate to give that up if I had to keep my symbiote from going crazy.

Lynn: (getting impatient) come on let's get in gear here, my softball game starts at five and I need to get to my team for practice before the game starts.

Lisa: very well. Shall we begin?

Lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, and lana nod in agreement.

Lisa: good. Sync.

When lisa said her symbiote's name, the green symbiote spread all over lisa, covering her head and body. The six loud siblings stared at lisa in shock, standing in lisa's place was a single being formed from lisa and her symbiote, sync. She had on her slim, green and black layout suit, lisa's hair was still presence but turned green,
her eyes and glasses were replaced by white, oval-shaped patches with sharp edges on the side end of her eyes, the mask was black with no mouth and black diamond spots on her forehead. Aside from her green suit, lisa's arms and legs were black in the design of the suit as well as the double green rectangular shape designs on the side of her arms and lower ankles.

The six loud siblings stared at lisa in her symbiotic form in complete shock. Lincoln then speaks up.

Lincoln: lisa? Are you still in here?

Lisa: (spoke in a distorted voice) on the contrary elder brother, we are here. I am indeed in control and we are also one being, we have merged together, we have been made whole, we are in... sync!

Lincoln: (a little scared) okay lisa, can you show me your face to see you're still in control because the distorted voice is kind of creeping me out.

Lisa: very well... (the symbiote's face peeled back to reveal lisa's face.) (Spoke in her normal voice) as you can see elder brother, there is nothing to fear.

Lincoln: (relieved) phew... thank goodness. Now I'm ready to give my symbiote a try, ready omega?

Omega: (in lincoln's mind) yes lincoln.

Lincoln felt a tingling sensation go through his body and within seconds, the omega symbiote covered his body and head. The upper half of lincoln's bodysuit was black with five orange circles patterns running down his arms, his lower half was orange with double black rectangular shape designs on his ankles, had on a black mask with orange layouts, no mouth, and his eyes were completely white and sharp.

Lincoln looked at himself as he felt the suit, it felt very slimming. He felt power flowing through him and it felt good. If you can see it through his mask, lincoln was smiling in complete excitement.

Lincoln: (spoke in a distorted voice) (amazed) wow... this is awesome! I feel like I'm dreaming this right now, like I'm an actual superhero! I... We are omega!

Omega: (giggles) I see you're enjoying the feeling of power.

Lincoln: (in his mind) yeah, it really feels amazing! I can't wait to see what kind powers you have.

Omega: there are many things I and my brothers and sisters came do. We can tell you but it'll be better for us to show you instead. After all, we are life partners, we are?

Lincoln: (in his mind) you bet! (The symbiote's face peeled back to reveal lincoln's face) (smiles) this is the coolest thing ever!

Luna: (amazed) dude this is sick! (Not in a disgusting way, just so you know) now for me, echo!

Echo: (spoke in a distorted female, british accent) ready to feel the flow mate!

Luna felt the same sensation lincoln got flowing through her as the echo symbiote covered her body and head. Her hair was now black with a purple layout. She had a purple mask with no mouth and four white eyes, the top ones were like spiderman's and the bottom ones were like crescent moon shaped with sharp edges on the side of her eyes. The upper part of luna's body suit was purple with a white skull on the center of her chest, and had black gloves. The lower part of luna's body suit was slim black and she still had her purple rockstar boots.

Luna felt so much energy flowing through her, it was amazing.

Luna: (spoke in a distorted british accent) dudes I have so much energy flowing through me, this is rockin' mates! (Throws her hands in the air and does the horn gestures with her fingers)

Lana: awesome! My turn now, ready risk?

Risk: (spoke in a deep, distorted, and slither-like voice) yesssss.... lana.

The risk symbiote covered lana's body in seconds, forming a dark blue body suit with a black rectangular shape design on her chest and abdomen. She had the same black design on her knuckles, had a black design on her knees and black boots. Her blonde hair was now dark blue, had large, and slightly jagged white eyes and no mouth on her dark blue mask.

Lana: (spoke in a happily, distorted voice) whoa... this feels awesome! I can't wait to see what kind of powers this suit has!

Lucy: sigh... come forth shadow.

The shadow symbiote covered lucy's body in seconds. The goth's black hair became pure ghostly white with five black diamond shaped patterns on the top of her head, has a black mask with no mouth but still can't see the eyes since lucy's bangs are covering them. Lucy's body suit was pure black with the exception of the large white diamond shape on her chest. Lucy looked at her long clawed, hands.

Lucy: (spoke in a distorted, monotone voice) so this is who we are when we are a single being... wicked.

Lynn: (cracks her knuckles and smirks) let's get this training started power!

Power: (spoke in a distorted raspy, female voice) finally I'm been waiting all day to break something! Here we go kid!

The power symbiote covered lynn's body in seconds. Her hair was now black with a red layout, had a red mask with no mouth, and had white, wide, jagged eyes. She had on a red and black layout body suit, the upper half was black with a red number one symbol on her chest, arms were red with four horizontal, rectangular black patterns on her forearms and wrists. The lower half was red with black boots with black number one symbols on the side of her calves.

Lynn: (spoke in a distorted, raspy, and excited voice) whoa... my gosh... this is AMAZING, I... WE FEEL BETTER THAN EVER! WE ARE STRENGTH, WE ARE SPEED, WE ARE AGILITY, WE ARE MOMENTUM, WE... ARE... POWER!!!!!!!! (Does a flexing pose)

Lucy: sigh...

Lori: I guess I'm the last one, come out alpha.

Alpha: (spoke in a calm, male distorted voice) yes lori.

The alpha symbiote covered lori's body in seconds. Her hair was now black, had a light blue mask with no mouth and white slightly jagged eyes. Had on a light blue body suit with a black layout, the upper being light blue with black slim gloves and the lower being black with light blue boots that came up to her knees.

Lori: (spoke in a distorted voice) whoa... that literally felt weird and my voice too, this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Lisa: now that all of us have morphed into our symbiotic forms, shall we begin our training?

Lynn: (cracks her knuckles) I'm ready!

Lucy: sigh... I'm in.

Lana: (excited) I'm hyped up and ready to throw down!

Luna: let's rock dudes!

Lori: I'm ready.

Lincoln: so am I, let's do this!

Lisa: good... now we can begin.

To be continued...

(And chapter 5 is done! I'm really sorry that this chapter took so long, I had to put a lot into it. I hope you like the sketches I made of Lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa in their symbiote forms. The oc symbiotes omega, alpha, echo, power, shadow, risk, and sync will have similar personalities to the seven loud siblings. I'll try to make the next chapter short. Until then, I will see you later, have an awesome 2018. This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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