Chapter 46: Gamma Chemical Rampage

Five days have passed since the camping trip and the encounter with the mysterious and deadly Leon Silverdrake. The haunting details about him, the horrific things he did, including to his own children... It was inhuman and sick. While everyone on the trip slowly moved on from it, Lori & Lincoln couldn't help but think this won't be the last time they or their sisters cross paths with Silverdrake again, he knows EVERYTHING about them, including them being the symbi-warriors. And while Silverdrake has no intention of exposing their true identities to the world, he did make a haunting claim that certain secrets are meant to be kept hidden, trusted with & in time... exposed in many ways.

Lincoln & Lori hope that won't be the case or every villain will be their doorstep or worse, they'll target everyone they knows & loves, using them against them & his sisters either for their Symbiotes or means of world domination and such.


In the symbi-warriors hideout...

We see Echo Luna and Atomic Goblin sparring with each other. Atomic Goblin was dodging Echo Luna's heavy hits and weaponized guitar swings.

Atomic Goblin: (dodging) Watch my speed! Hahahaha! Too slow! I'm too fast! Think fast! Feel fast! Taste fast! Somebody stop me!

Atomic Goblin back flips out of Echo Luna's weaponized guitar attack swings, landing perfectly on one of the crates.

Echo Luna: Grrrrr...!

Atomic Goblin: Not bad big sis but the power and size advantage won't work on me! At least Lynn puts the 'E' in power and speed, hahaha! Get it? Like there's no 'I' in team but there's 'E' in power and speed, hehehe!

Echo Luna groans under her mask.

Echo Luna: Oh haha... Puns aside, I guess you're right about one thing Luan, I'm not Lynn when it comes to athletic prowess brah, this form has done me right in various battles but... bigger isn't always better.

She smirks under her mask.

Echo Luna: So why don't I show you a trick Echo taught me... (To Echo) Ready Echo?

Echo: Oh yeah, time to slim down!

Before Atomic Goblin's eyes, Echo Luna's form started to change. While Echo Luna's form didn't change much, her height went down to her normal form's current height and her muscle mass decreased while her armor remains unchanged.

Atomic Goblin: Got a slim version of your evolved form, eh? Well I'm game.

Echo Luna: Let's go.

Echo Luna and Atomic Goblin lunged at each other, trading blows for one another. Atomic Goblin was surprised by how faster and more agile Echo Luna got in her slim form but she wasn't gonna be overwhelmed so easily.

Watching them was Lori and Lisa.

Lori: Luan has improved nicely with her new powers and the right training.

Lisa: Indeed. I'm still surprised my S.C.M.R.O. unit double was able to treat Luan's wounds with one of my private, forbidden serums and empower her as well. But yes, she's shown to have quite the potential on the battlefield and even against Luna right now.

Lori: Yeah...

Lisa: Something on the mind?

Lori: Yes, what I told you before about the camping trip...

Lisa: The encounter with Leon Silverdrake, I've heard about him but I never thought he'd turn out so inhuman...

Lori: Yes, he nearly exposed me and Lincoln to Ronnie Anne and the others. Plus, he said something about... finding abnormal phenomenon and change in molecular structure in Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Casey, Sameer, Nikki, Becky (child), Artemis and Laird...

Lisa: Hmm?

Lori: I don't know... I can't tell if that demented scientist was lying or not but his demeanor, his body language, his emotions, the way he speaks... It's hard to understand & figure him out.

Lisa: Ease your mind, First Eldest Sibling. Silverdrake has become a very dangerous individual & judging by what you told me the other day, it won't be the last time his path will cross ours... But rest assured, he will be punished for his actions.

Lori: I know... He nearly hurt our friends, my boyfriend, half of our sisters and our brother, aiming to break & modified them into monsters like he did his own kids!!

Echo Luna and Atomic Goblin stopped fighting, hearing Lori's outburst.

Lori: I just... he's far worse than Tetherby and Domain Wolfe, worse than every villain we've fought. Silverdrake needs to be locked away, not in a normal prison or something, locked away, killed, I-I don't care, I don't want that what was once a man near my family or anyone I know, I had to comfort Lincoln who had a nightmare once about him and the things he did I can't even describe...!

Atomic Goblin: Lori...

Echo Luna: Big Sis, please calm down. Sure, we don't wanna see that crazed scientist again but losing your mind isn't gonna make things better.

Atomic Goblin: Yeah. We admit that we're scared too but we can't go into full on paranoia and crack under pressure. We'll bounce back from this Lori.

Echo Luna: If Silverdrake does appear again, we'll be ready for him.

Lisa: Indeed.

Lori: I'm sorry... I'll go clear my head. Lisa...

Lisa: Yes, first eldest sibling.

Lori places her hands on the genius loud's shoulders.

Lori: I know you're a genius, all the times we've had with your experiments in good and bad moments, I love you Lisa & all of my siblings but... Promise me, promise me you won't cross any lines... any lines that he did, promise me you won't become like Silverdrake.

Lisa was shocked hearing that, Luna and Luan as well.

Lisa: .....

Lori: Lisa? I know it sounds harsh but I don't want that for you, I really don't... please...?

Lisa: I understand. I may have my ups and downs with my scientific mind but even I know when enough is enough, I promise you that I won't succumb to the madness Silverdrake has embraced, you have my word.

Lori: Thank you.

Lori scooped up Lisa into a hug, Lisa returned it as Luna and Luan joined in. Soon, they broke the hug as Lori left the hideout to clear her mind.


At the vacation home of the Santiagos/Casagrandes...

Meanwhile, We see Leni hanging out with Carlota, Dana and Mandee. Dana and Mandee were modeling new wardrobes made by both Leni and Carlota, each taking pictures and selfies of the two posing in different styles of clothing.

Leni: Like, so beautiful and fabulous!

Carlota: I couldn't agree more. I gotta say I like the style and designs of your clothing choices, Leni.

Leni: Thanks Carlota, I try my best and it's fun to get creative especially with friends like you all. Also, I love your style and designs in your clothing choices too!

Carlota: Thank you.

Dana: I really love this dress.

Mandee: You think I could keep this?

Leni: Like, I could made an extra one for you.

Carlota: Sure.

Dana and Mandee: (Squeals happily) Thanks!

Carlota then sees Ronnie Anne walking past their door and called out to her.

Carlota: Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne stops and popped her head through the open entrance.

Ronnie Anne: Yes?

Carlota: Would you like to join us in trying out some-

Ronnie Anne: Uhhh... I'd love to but Sid and I are going out, see ya!

She quickly ran off.

Carlota: Awww, I had a new attire made in her size.

Leni: No worries, Carlota. I'm sure Ronnie Anne will love the attire you made for her later on.

Carlota: Alright. Who's ready for the next fashion wear?!

Leni, Dana and Mandee: We are!!


Lori was taking a walk through town, trying to clear her head and not think about Leon Silverdrake. On her way across the street to head to her father's restaurant, she bumped into Addison Frost.

Lori: Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there.

Addison: It's fine. You have a lot on your mind after the Silverdrake event.

Lori: Wait, how did you know- (then went from shocked to deadpan) Oh right, telepathic mutant.

Addison: I agree with you on that inhuman abomination that was once a man needs to be dealt with but you mustn't let him get inside your head, the moment you let your guard down or snap under pressure when you face him again, it'll be over....

Lori sighed.

Lori: I get it, I need to clear my mind.

Alpha: Don't stray from your right mind, Lori. Silverdrake will answer for his crimes but in due time, giving in into stress and paranoia will only weaken your resolve.

Addison: Hmph. Could've said it better myself.

Lori: Okay... How are you?

Addison: Been... Better. So far in my weeks of being in royal woods, I pretty much rather be nowhere near anyone here but... I've been getting along with the other heroes slowly.

Lori: That's a nice start. You have my word that we're not like the others you encountered who tried to use you. We promise you and your aunt Emma Frost that.

Addison: (her cold expression softens a bit) ..... Good.

Carol's voice: Lori!

Lori and Addison turn to see Carol running towards them, stopping when near the two while breathing heavily.

Lori: Carol? What's going on?

Carol: (catching her breath) Have you seen Becky (teen)?!

Lori: No, I haven't seen her today. Why? What happened?

Carol: You too?! Dang it!

Lori: Carol, please calm down! Tell us what happened.

Carol takes some deep breaths and begins to explain.

Carol: It started yesterday... Myself, Roger, Chaz, Tad and Becky were hanging out at the movies, we were having a great time and enjoying ourselves. When the movie was over, we all went our separate ways home for the night. Later this morning, I got a call from Becky's parents... they asked me if she was at my place, I told them that she was at her house but they said Becky wasn't at home, that she didn't get back last night!

Lori: What?!

Addison narrowed her eyes.

Carol: They haven't seen her, I asked our friends if they've seen Becky or if she was with them but no one's seen her. We all tried calling her phone or sending texts and so far, no answer! Her parents are getting worried and are getting the cops involved to find her!

Lori's eyes widened in shock while Addison was silent. Becky is missing, her friends and Becky's parents haven't seen her and now an investigation is being launched to find her, who knows what could've happened to her?

Lori turns to Addison who nods in agreement as the two ran off, leaving Carol behind.

Carol: (yells) Hey! Where are you going?!

Lori: (yells back) Getting help to solve this matter!


We cut into what looks to be the underground sewers, the area filled with pipes, tunnels and such, it was dark, damp, filled with garbage, very dirty water, and other gross compounds not mentioning. Within in the deepest regions of the sewers, there was a large area comprising of a made shift lab seen through an entrance of a high security door with a strange figure entering the lab and closing the door as it automatically locks.

The lab was messy a little, papers of notes, equations, blueprints and the anatomy of the human body clipped to the walls & beakers and syringe on the floor. There were crates of science equipment, strange high advanced machines were hooked up and some radiating an eerie green glow, tables full of surgical tools, tubes, blueprints and small gadgets were present and in the center of it all was a single table with Becky (teen) herself held in restraints.

She slowly awakens, looking around begins to regret that upon meeting a horrific sight in this lab.

Becky: Where am I?! Help! Someone help me!!

???: (male intellectual voice) Don't bother to waste your breath, we're far out of reach for you to call for anyone.

Becky turns to the source of the voice, seeing someone working with chemicals. It was a slightly tall man with long black hair, green skin with glowing light green veins present, yellow green eyes, had a goatee and has a slight athletic body. He was wearing a lab coat, wears a black & yellow armored hazmat suit with a green orb on the chest, black gloves with green orbs and black boots.

Becky: W-Who are you? Why am I here?! Let me go!!

The strange man then turns to Becky, getting closer to her with a look of pure annoyance and cold murderous intent.

???: I would appreciate it if you'd cease your pitiful screams unless you'd prefer to have your mouth stitched shut...?

Becky quickly shut up but she whimpers, still afraid of this man or whatever he was as his glare pierced her very soul.

???: Good girl.

Becky: Please... Let me go.

???: I'm afraid I can't do that. You'll be a perfect candidate for what I have in store for the city and it's heroes above. I've long since forgotten my real name yet I don't care at the slightest... But you can call me Nucleus-G, the G stands for Gamma.

Becky: G-Gamma? You m-mean the radiation that made the Hulk?

Nucleus-G: (rolls his eyes, sarcastically) Wow, you catch on rather nicely. What a genius you are.

Becky: W-What's that g-got to do with me being here...?

Nucleus-G: Well you're part of my experiment, I'm sure you're dying to hear the story of my origin...?

Becky was about to refuse but the haunting stare he was giving her signals that she doesn't have a choice in the matter.

Nucleus-G: I was once a rising prodigy, a scientist that worked for General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross of the military. But due to false accusations, I was fired for 'working' with Dr. Banner and providing private information back when the hulk was a mindless brute on the run, I was enraged by being framed by that egotistical Ross that I was soon abducted by the Hulk's most greatest enemy, The Leader...

Becky: Mega Intellectual green guy with a literal giant brain that tries to capture or kill the hulk a dozen times?

Nucleus-G: .... You seem to know about that...?

Becky: I have seen some things on the world news...

Nucleus-G: Not dignifying that. Anyways, I was forced to create weapons, gamma based projects in machines and monsters needed to take out his greatest nemesis who has a mind now and-

Becky: Has a team of four hulk, including Ross who's a red hulk and formed the Agents of S.M.A.S.H?

Nucleus-G: (low menacing tone) If you interrupt me again, I will literally sew your mouth shut...

Becky quickly shut her mouth.

Nucleus-G: Thank you... Now during a battle between the Leader and Hulk with his team within his hideout, I was knocked into one of the gamma liquid pods, an explosion occurs as I was scarred and mutated into what you see now... Everyone shunned me, tried to lock me up or dispose of me like a rabid animal. The Hulk, Ross, The Leader, everyone I resent greatly to this day, hiding in secret & planning as I decided to put my new found power and intellect to get revenge on those who crossed me along with humanity itself.

Nucleus-G then went to a nearby table and picks up a long, silver and black syringe gun filled with a glowing lime green and yellow liquid. He then heads over to Becky, who's struggles to get away but the restraints kept her from going anywhere.

Becky: (begs) P-Please, don't do this! I don't w-wanna be a lab rat or a monster! Please?!?!

Nucleus-G holds Becky's head to keep her still, looking directly into her scared eyes.

Nucleus-G: I don't do requests.

He plunges the syringe in Becky's neck, injecting her with the strange glowing liquid. Becky screams as her body and mind felt excruciating agony with bizarre yellow green spots started bulging out of her skin.

Becky: (screams) W-What's happening to me?!?!?!

Nucleus-G: I simply injected you with my bio gamma virus, the next results shall be a progressive yet painful experience... something that I control.

Nucleus-G watched with a scary grin as the shadowy silhouette of Becky was seen and heard screaming, her body twisting, expanding and contorting into a grotesque monstrosity.


Meanwhile, Alpha Lori and Ice Queen were investigating the matter of the disappearance of Becky. They also brought Wildslash and Risk Lana along to use their enhanced sense of smell to find any leads or clue. They of course, start at the movie theater where Carol mentioned as this was the last time she saw her. Ice Queen and Alpha Lori followed the trackers down from the theater to a few blocks around a few corners until they stopped at mid alleyway, they noticed something near a dumpster.

It was one of Becky's shoes and her phone.

Alpha Lori: One of her shoes and her phone.

Ice Queen: Which explain the missed calls and texts.

Alpha Lori: Anything on who took her?

Risk Lana: (Sniffs the air) Ugh, just a foul smell in the area. It's gross, even for me...!

Wildslash: She's right, the scent definitely reeks of toxic and high levels of it. Whoever took your friend was no ordinary thug or criminal.

Alpha Lori: A villain with toxic waste in it's scent? That's not good, especially with Becky in the culprit's grip. We gotta find Becky and the villain before something bad happens.


Ice Queen: Too late.

Then their communicators went off, the four answer the call.

Alpha Lori: What's going on?

Hawk Spider: We have trouble at downtown Royal woods.

Sync Lisa: Please arrive at once!

The call ended.

Wildslash: Looks like we've got trouble.

Risk Lana: Let's go help the others!

Alpha Lori and Ice Queen: Right!/Of course.


Downtown Royal woods....

People were running for their lives, screaming as Nucleus-G was seen among the chaos erupting in the area, Ron Steel ordered his squad to fire at will and they did just that but the gamma villain caught the bullets instantly with one hand, shocking the police and Ron Steel.

Ron Steel: What the?!

Nucleus-G: How insolent...

He instantly throws the bullets back at top speed, Ron Steel dodges but his squad was gunned down. Ron Steel growls, grabs his gun and shoots at Nucleus-G furiously but the gamma villain caught each bullet while walking towards him calmly. Ron Steel was grabbed by the neck by Nucleus-G, who drops the bullets at his feet.

Nucleus-G: Is this the best you have to offer, I'm more than disappointed. Why don't you call those... heroes in this city?

Ron Steel: (growls) I don't need some vigilante outlaws to deal with people like you, monster.

Nucleus-G: Oh not fond of them? (Chuckles darkly) I've met some egotistical, prideful and foolish individuals in my days but you... You're all the above. And you'll be the first to be a meal for my monster.

Using his free hand, Nucleus-G snapped his finger as heavy and loud stomps echoed throughout the area as a looming shadow appeared in the fires of the explosions. Ron Steel's eyes widened, appearing out of the fires was Becky, who was mutated into a monster. She was about 14 ft tall, dark green skin with light green spots, wild dark red hair, lime green eyes, possesses a very bulky and obese body, claws, jagged sharp & hideous teeth and tattered shirt & pants.

She let out a gurgled roar.

Nucleus-G: Meet Bio-terror. Bio-terror... Here's your meal.

Bio-terror formerly known as Becky stares down at Ron Steel hungrily and menacingly. The Chief struggles to get out of Nucleus-G's grip but it was useless as the gamma villain threw him at Bio-terror, who opens her elongated jaw to eat Ron Steel alive as he screamed at his demise but... It never came as he was caught by a red blur.

Bio-terror roared in rage while Nucleus-G turns to see Ron Steel in the clutches of Power Lynn.

Ron Steel: Let go of me, menace!

Power Lynn: Menace?! I just saved your life from being eaten, be grateful ya stupid cop!

She drops Ron Steel on his back as the symbi-warriors & delta marvel force arrived along with Skull Lasher, Atomic Goblin, Scorpio, Wondrous Gal and Ice Queen. The only ones who haven't shown up yet is Sam (Bombshell) & Amy (Colossa).

Nucleus-G: Ah, there you are...

Omega Lincoln: Who are you and why are attacking royal woods?!

Nucleus-G: I am Nucleus-G, the G is short for Gamma. And what I'm doing is expressing my scientific vision... by unleashing monstrosities upon humanity in vengeful tendencies.

Scorpio: Vengeance?

Shadow Lucy: Sigh... His soul reeks of it.

Nucleus-G: You see... I simply resent humans and certain heroes & villains alike, the main three in this world being General Ross, The Leader and the Hulk for my condition which sparked the downfall of my life. This is merely a start of payback.

Darkpool: A humanity hater? We get those kinds of villains mostly on a daily basis. And it's not even Christmas, hehehe!

Atomic Goblin: Could've said it better myself, hahahaha!

Hawk Spider: Regardless of what happened to you, your actions don't excuse what you're doing now. We're taking you in.

Nucleus-G: I don't think so. Bio-terror, destroy them.

Bio-terror roared and approached the group, who got ready to fight. Then Alpha Lori got a closer look at the figure, seeing some familiar features.

Alpha Lori: Wait... Becky?!

Wondrous Gal: Becky? Who's that?

Ice Queen: One of Lori's friends, she went missing and it looks like we've found her and the culprit behind it.

Echo Luna: So he mutated her into that?!

Skull Lasher: Gross!

Bio-terror roared and fired hot acid breath, the group divided and dodged the shot with the roads and vehicles melting from the attacks. Atomic Goblin and Darkpool throws their bombs while Wondrous Gal fires ionic blasts at Bio-terror, who grunts and backs away with the attacks hitting her. She got angry and started glowing & expanding in size, knocking Atomic Goblin, Darkpool and Wondrous Gal away.

Echo Luna fires a massive sound wave with her weaponized guitar while Risk Lana fires her porcupine quill spikes from her kneepads at Bio-terror who braces herself for impact of the two attacks.

Power Lynn leaps in with a couple of strong bruiser strikes to Bio-terror, who caught the next one, picking up the powerhouse and slamming her down before throwing her into Echo Luna, who caught her. Risk Lana spun her spear and ran at Bio-terror along with Skull Lasher, Shadow Lucy, Scorpio and Wildslash, using their speed to counter her power and size with multiple spear/elongated claws/metal claws/bladed tail combo attacks.

Bio-terror growls furiously while roared, unleashing a field of energy to sent Risk Lana, Skull Lasher, Shadow Lucy, Scorpio and Wildslash flying.

Bio-terror roared and beats her chest with her fists as the team regroup.

Omega Lincoln: No matter what we're throwing at her, she keeps getting stronger!

Alpha Lori: Well we're not trying to hurt my friend! We need to undo this!

Tech Knight: My sensors are picking up viral gamma signatures within your friend at maximum levels and it's still increasing. She's very unstable, if the gamma virus isn't treated, she'll reach critical levels of pure, uncontainable, nuclear component-

Power Lynn: In English!

Tech Knight: Right, Right, Sorry. In short terms, She'll detonate and blow up.

Sync Lisa: .... While taking this whole city and everyone in with her.

Shadow Lucy: Gasp. That's bad.

Omega Lincoln: Then we gotta stop her before that happens!

They all dodged a flurry of hot acid breath from Bio-terror.

Nucleus-G: It's no use in trying to best me or my creature, whatever strategy you have, it won't do you any good.

Ms. Mirage: You fool, you realize your creature is a walking gamma bomb. Once she goes off, everything will be wiped out, including you.

Nucleus-G: (chuckles darkly) I'm afraid that you're the fool... I'm counting on it, once she wipes out the city and everyone in it, except myself via preparations, I'll be sure to remake the city in the start of my own image, once I gather enough power, neither S.H.I.E.L.D, The Leader, Hulk, his agents or anyone hero or villain will stop me.

The team sees Bio-terror glowing and expanding in gamma energy again, getting stronger and more rabid as she tackled Power Lynn and Echo Luna to the ground, the two louds struggled to get the mutated Becky off of them.

Echo Luna: Ugh! She's more crazy than 100 ravenous dogs brah!

Power Lynn: You're telling me! Agh!

Power: She's drooling acid on us!

Echo: It burns like fire!

The two powerhouse symbiote clad louds struggled with Bio-terror as Sync Lisa took the opportunity to pull out a syringe gun and jump on Bio-terror's back, driving the gun into her back & extracting Becky's mutated blood. Bio-terror roared and tried to strike sync Lisa with a back fist but she dodged it and Power Lynn & Echo Luna took this distraction to punch Bio-terror off of them.

Sync Lisa: I got a sample, now I need to make an anti-gamma serum to reserve the mutation.

Alpha Lori: Then head back to base and come back with the cure! We'll hold them off!

Sync Lisa nods and run off.

Nucleus-G: I don't think so.

Nucleus-G attempts to follow and strike Sync Lisa but Hawk Spider, Ice Queen, Tech Knight and Ms. Mirage get in his way.

Hawk Spider: You're not getting through here.

Nucleus-G: Hmph. It won't matter, I created a perfect bio gamma virus. You think a child with a symbiote can find a cure for that? Utterly ridiculous.

Hawk Spider: We'll see about that.

While the others deal with Bio-terror, Hawk Spider readies his bow and arrows, Ice Queen went into her diamond form, Tech Knight readies his repulsar blasts and Ms. Mirage readies her magic.

Nucleus-G: Very well, you wish to stand in my way then you'll die long before my monster takes this city.

The four heroes charged at the gamma villain.


Back at the hideout...

Sync Lisa made it over to their base, getting her science equipment ready and begins to analyze the bio gamma virus residing in the contaminated blood of Bio-terror formerly known as Becky. She then took her time in a quick yet steady pace as she couldn't rush such situations in science.

Carefully arranging and mixing chemicals, Sync Lisa started to jolting down and examining notes, sync himself was also helping Lisa in experimenting with Becky's mutated blood with various components and chemicals. However, with each methods the prodigy tried to take a step forward in making the cure this close, it only made her take a step back... constantly.

Her attempts at trying to synthesize a cure only exploded in her face, the stabilizing compounds in her possession weren't even phasing Becky's mutated blood in the mix, but the symbiote clad genius wouldn't give up so easily.

Sync Lisa: There has to be a proper and right compound to insure the cure doesn't breakdown.

Sync: Don't stress, young loud. These kinds of methods can't be rushed or one raw mistake could cost you.

Sync Lisa: Like what happened a couple of times, I'm aware. There are always setbacks but if I don't synthesize the cure in time, Lori's friend will detonate and royal woods will be nothing but a smothering crater.

Sync: Indeed. The time isn't on our side but we have to make time in order to find the right compounds and research needed to stabilize the anti-gamma serum, it's just missing one key ingredient.

Sync Lisa: Yet that key ingredient escapes my sight, I need to find it in order to complete the cure or we'll be facing severe consequences.

Then the alarm went off. Sync Lisa cursed under her breath.

Sync Lisa: As if I didn't have enough problems...

Sync Lisa left her lab and heads to the main area of the hideout to see The Venomous Patriot and the cloaked Asgardian girl standing in the entrance way.

Sync Lisa: (worried) Y-You two...


Back to the fight...

It was a war zone downtown of royal woods. Omega Lincoln, Darkpool, Echo Luna, Shadow Lucy, Skull Lasher and Risk Lana were getting people to safety while Alpha Lori, Power Lynn, Wondrous Gal, Scorpio, Wildslash, Ruby Spider, Sapphire Spider and Atomic Goblin were dealing with Bio-terror.

The Beast roared and fired hot acid breath at Atomic Goblin, who was avoiding the blast with her glider board which she turns around & lunged straight at Bio-terror, the wings of the glider extending and firing atomic wing bombs at Bio-terror, who blocks the bombs with her arms as the explosion engulfs her.

Atomic Goblin: How's that for a 'banger', hahaha! Get it-

Bio-terror leaps out the explosion and clotheslined Atomic Goblin off her glider board as she fell out of the sky. Luckily, she was able to activate her jet boots to prevent hitting the ground.

Atomic Goblin: Phew, that was close...

Bio-terror roared and aims to hit Atomic Goblin with an energy blast but was cut off with Scorpio wrapping his three tails around her neck & midsection to restrain her while Wildslash and Power Lynn delivers a chain of high and low combo attacks to the mutated gamma monster with Atomic Goblin joining in to incapacitate her. Bio-terror started glowing and expanding again with unstable gamma energy, forming a barrier that sends Power Lynn, Atomic Goblin and Wildslash crashing into walls, vehicles and stores. She grabs Scorpio by the tails, unwraps and spins him around before throwing him into a dessert store.

Scorpio: While I'm in pain... I'll take the chocolate delicacies...

Bio-terror then was attacked by Wondrous Gal, delivering fierce blows to the creature and would dodge the incoming attacks from Bio-terror while blasting her with ionic blasts.

Bio-terror roared in pain but slowly stomps towards Wondrous Gal through the blast and tries to reach for her but Wondrous Gal dodged her grasp and reacted too late upon Bio-terror hitting a massive thunderclap to sent her flying across town.

Bio-terror then spots Alpha Lori running towards her, the gamma monster fired energy blasts at her but Alpha Lori dodges each of them and front flips to avoid Bio-terror's fist and landed behind her and wrapped her arms around the gamma monster's neck very strong like in a sleeper hold.

Alpha Lori: Becky stop and listen! We're not your enemies, I know you're in here somewhere! Try to come to your senses-

She was cut off when Bio-terror grabbed her by the face, lifts her up and slammed her into the ground with tremendous force, Alpha Lori groaning in the large crater. She looks at the gamma monster that was once her friend, glowing and expanding again in gamma energy and muscle, aiming her blast at her.

Alpha Lori: Becky... P-Please...

Before she could fire, Bio-terror was hit by projectiles of ice and a wave of fire. She roared in pain and turns Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider.

Ruby Spider: Sorry to interrupt but fried symbiote ain't on the menu.

Sapphire Spider: Let's cool down your heating rage.

Bio-terror roared and went to smash them but Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider would evade the incoming shots and fire back with double team martial arts attacks mixed with ice & fire webbing to restrain and stun Bio-terror. The Beast roared and caught the next web shots from Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider, spinning then around.

Sapphire Spider: Whoa whoa whoa!!!

Ruby Spider: This feels like a Ferris Wheel gone haywire!!!

She then throws the brothers into a huge truck filled with meats. Bio-terror roared in victory but it was short lived when she was pushed by a soundwave from Echo Luna's weaponized guitar, the symbiote clad rocker going to check on her older sister.

Echo Luna: Are you alright big sis?

Alpha Lori: I've been... better.

The two regrouped with Omega Lincoln, Darkpool, Shadow Lucy, Skull Lasher, Risk Lana along with the recovered Scorpio, Power Lynn, Atomic Goblin, Wondrous Gal, Wildslash, Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider.

Wildslash: Man, she's really rough.

Skull Lasher: And she's getting bigger and stronger by the second.

Scorpio: This is gonna be difficult than we thought...

Shadow Lucy: Sigh... I agree.

Power Lynn: If we don't stop her now, royal woods is toast!

Darkpool and Atomic Goblin: Like burnt toast! Jinx, you owe me a soda!

Alpha Lori: We just need to stall for time until Lisa can finish that cure!

Then revving sound for heard when the group to see Amy coming by on a motorcycle with Sam.

Amy: Sorry for the wait.

Darkpool: Took your time Amy.

Echo Luna: Sam!

Sam: We got the call. Sorry for being late, had some trouble along the way.

Bio-terror reemerges from the rubble with an irate and ferocious glare.

Sam: Who or what is that?!

Alpha Lori: It's one of my friends Becky, who was mutated into a gamma monster by a criminal named Nucleus-G.

Power Lynn: She's an unstable time bomb! Rigged to detonate if Lisa doesn't get the cure here!

Amy: I see....

The two get off the motorcycle.

Amy: The rest of you can stand aside and look for any civilians that are injured or trapped in the chaos, Sam and I will deal with your friend until Lisa comes back.

Wondrous Gal: Are you sure?

Omega Lincoln: No matter what we throw at her, she won't go down so easily.

Echo Luna: Sam...

Sam: Don't worry lunes, I'll be okay. Amy's been helping me in my training.

Amy: Despite your friend running on unstable gamma energy, it won't be easy to put us down either.

Alpha Lori: Alright... Just don't hurt her too much, despite her being mutated, Becky's still one of our friends.

Amy: Of course.

Alpha Lori and the others went off to find other civilians and get them to safety, leaving only Amy and Sam with Bio-terror, who growled menacingly at them.

Amy: Are you ready? You know what Colossa and I taught you, correct?

Sam: Yeah.

Bio-terror roared and ran at the two, Amy and Sam's eyes were closed calmly as Bio-terror continues to charge down the war path. Then... The two girl's eyes opened up with Sam's eyes glowing green and Amy's eyes glowing yellow, transforming as Bio-terror was close to ramming them like a speeding train to a dead end... only to receive a double punch to the face which rattled all of royal woods, stopping Bio-terror in her tracks by Amy & Sam who were now changed into Colossa and Bombshell.

Colossa: Nice shot, Recruit.

Bombshell: Thanks. Let's Rock, Roll n' Smash!

The two hulks deliver a mighty uppercut to Bio-terror, sending her across town into an open construction site. Colossa and Bombshell followed after her for a big fight.


Meanwhile, Hawk Spider, Ice Queen, Tech Knight and Ms. Mirage was dealing with Nucleus-G. Hawk Spider was firing arrows at Nucleus-G, who swiftly caught them near instantly with one hand, throwing them back at Hawk Spider, who evades them and switched his bow to a Dao blade and went on the attack. Nucleus-G would block and counter his blade strikes with his speed and deliver strong offense to Hawk Spider.

Tech Knight forms a nano energy shield and lunged at Nucleus-G, nailing him with the shield, mixing with wrestling style techniques, Hawk Spider followed with martial arts techniques from a spinning back fist to a front dropkick to a palm strike combo to an armored right fist to a running knee from Hawk Spider with Tech Knight finishing the combo with a saito suplex.

Nucleus-G grunts but kips up and grabs Hawk Spider by the neck and slams him against the walls, he then felt a repulsar blast hit his back as Tech Knight flew at him with an armored fist only for a Nucleus-G to catch the fist, grips it and lands a solid knee to the armored gut as the armored hero felt that impact and throws Tech Knight into a nearby car.

Nucleus-G: Next generation to follow in the Avengers' footsteps, pathetic...

He then heard a loud roar and spots Bio-terror sent flying followed by Colossa and Bombshell going after her.

Nucleus-G: Two hulks... Here?

His attention was caught again by Ms. Mirage, who was floating with hands engulfed in darkness as she fires spheres of shadows at Nucleus-G, who would quickly evade the blasts only to be restrained in dark magic chains, Ms. Mirage would fire a wave of darkness at Nucleus-G, who yells out in pain. He growls furiously at the damage and with his gritting teeth, the gamma villain broke the chains with a mighty roar.

Ms. Mirage: ...?!

Nucleus-G runs through the darkness wave and grabs Ms. Mirage by the neck.

Nucleus-G: Impressive abilities indeed but not impressive enough, you're not the only one with tricks.

He then released Ms. Mirage only to nail her with a spin kick to the jaw. Ice Queen, in her durable diamond form, engaged in combat with the gamma villain. She well timed her attacks with Nucleus-G, who would counter to the point where they were at a stalemate of strikes, Ice Queen then dodged a incoming strike from Nucleus-G and does a handstand to do a twirl, nailing a spinning bird style kick to the gamma villain before hitting a corkscrew kick to the side of his neck.

Nucleus-G grunts as he adjusted his neck and glares at Ice Queen, who had her cold stare on her as she was joined by Hawk Spider, Ms. Mirage and Tech Knight.

Nucleus-G: You're all persistent, strong but foolish... You all believe that you can stop what's coming?

Ice Queen: Stalling us for time... to insure your gamma spawn to detonate without no one to stop her.

Nucleus-G: Didn't even need to be a telepath to figure that out. Your other super powered nuisances won't be able to stop her to completing my objective. You, this town and everyone in it is as good as dust.

Tech Knight: Not if we can help it.

Nucleus-G: It's useless.

Sync Lisa's voice: I wouldn't say that.

The gamma villain and the four heroes look up to see Sync Lisa with a syringe gun with a glowing white & silver liquid in it.

Sync Lisa: I perfected the anti-gamma serum!

Hawk Spider: Head over to the construction site across town, that's where the creature is.

Sync Lisa: Of course.

Sync Lisa web slings away. Nucleus-G growled in annoyance and frustration.

Nucleus-G: I won't allow it!

He high jumps after her while the four heroes went after the gamma villain to stop him from reaching sync Lisa and the cure.


At the construction site...

Bio-terror was firing energy blasts at Colossa and Bombshell who evading each blast as explosions occur. Colossa grabs a large metal pole, using it as a weapon and whacks Bio-terror across the face & gut repeatedly, Bio-terror caught the metal pole and threw it aside, grabbing Colossa and slamming her to the ground and hammers away at her. Colossa grunts from the damage but it only enraged as she caught the next punch from the larger gamma monster.

Colossa then got her leg up and kicked Bio-terror into the renovated site, Colossa runs after her followed by Bombshell in trading fierce punches and kicks to the larger gamma monster. Bio-terror grabs them both and rams them through the metal and wooden materials of the construction site, making it collapse. Colossa and Bombshell grunts while using Bio-terror's momentum against her in a double monkey flip to throw Bio-terror off. The two she hulks regroup as Bio-terror got back up, groaning and roaring as she was glowing and expanding in abnormally critical proportions.

Colossa: She's reaching critical gamma!

Bombshell: That's bad, where's Lisa with that cure?!

Bombshell and Colossa dodged a massive acid breath from Bio-terror, Bombshell runs at her.

Bombshell: The Bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Her skin turning titanium silver, bombshell then rolls up into a large steel ball rolling fast at Bio-terror and hitting her square in the face. She then bounced off a nearby metal frame and comes back to hit in the back of the neck, she was ricocheting around like a pinball and hitting Bio-terror from all sides while dodging her attacks. Colossa runs towards the distracted Bio-terror who soon caught wind of her and proceeded to land a giant fist to crush her but Colossa ducks underneath and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind and nails Bio-terror in a monstrous suplex with Bombshell following with a high jump double stomp to the chest of Bio-terror.

Bio-terror roared in pain as she later recovered and fires energy blasts and acid breath frantically and randomly everywhere as Bombshell and Colossa was carefully trying to not get caught in the attacks paths while tackling the gamma monster, Bombshell putting Bio-terror in a sleeper hold while Colossa was hammering her face in with her fist.

Colossa: Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep!

Soon, Sync Lisa arrived at the destroyed construction site and spots Colossa and Bombshell fighting Bio-terror, who was glowing and expanding again and it wasn't good.

Sync Lisa: Colossa! Bombshell! I have the cure!

Colossa: Well hurry up and inject her!

Bombshell: Anytime now Lis, something tells me that she's about to blow any second!

Sync Lisa leaps in and lands next to Colossa and was about to inject the cure into Bio-terror but something hit the cure out of her hand in the form of a dagger!

Sync Lisa, Colossa and Bombshell: No!

The one who threw the dagger was Nucleus-G, who smirks in victory upon seeing the cure splattered on the ground, it's glow faded. Hawk Spider, Ice Queen, Tech Knight and Ms. Mirage arrived but too late as they saw the cure ruined and Bio-terror aiming to detonate.

Nucleus-G: Nice try but you failed miserably, this city, everyone including you will be wiped off the face of the earth and my kingdom will be born from the ashes.

Colossa and Bombshell glared angrily at Nucleus-G but Sync Lisa remained silent for a moment before laughing maniacally.

Nucleus-G: What's so funny? Have you gone crazy with fear?

Sync Lisa: Oh Nonono. What's so humorous is that with your genius level of intelligence... You foolishly thought I'd come back to the field with just one vial of the anti-gamma serum...

Nucleus-G: What...?!

Sync Lisa pulls out a second syringe gun with the anti-gamma serum in it, injecting it into Bio-terror.

Sync Lisa: Checkmate.

Nucleus-G: No!!

Bio-terror roared and started to glow again but this time, it was a white light as she was convulsing and coughing roughly with steam shooting out of her body. Bio-terror started to slowly shrink down, her monster features fading, her muscle mass and height decreasing and her skin color returning to normal. Bio-terror was no more as Becky was back to normal, unconscious.

Colossa: Nice job, bringing in a second cure. Very smart.

Bombshell: I agree dude, good work!

Nucleus-G was growling furiously, his plans and his monster, foiled and outsmarted by a mere child with a symbiote. Before he could lash out at them, he was surrounded by the other symbi-warriors, D.M.F, Atomic Goblin, Skull Lasher, Scorpio and Wondrous Gal.

Hawk Spider: It's over, Nucleus-G.

Scorpio: Nowhere to run...

Nucleus-G glares coldly at the group.

Tech Knight: Surrender now.

Nucleus-G: (snarled with a sneer) Never. You heroes ruined the start of my conquest, I'll remember this. You won a battle but the war is far from finished, don't think you've seen the last of me...

Nucleus-G pulled out & dropped a smoke bomb, the others went to attack but as the smoke cleared, the gamma villain was gone.

Darkpool: Crap, he got away!

Skull Lasher: I really wanted to give him what for.

Power Lynn: Same here.

Shadow Lucy: Sigh... We'll get him next time.

Alpha Lori went over to Becky, who groans as she slowly awakens.

Becky: (groans) What... Happened...? (Then quickly remembers and panics) AAAH! I'm a monster! Don't look at me, I'm hideous! Don't lock me away, please!!!

Alpha Lori: Hey! Calm down, it's okay. You're not a monster, not anymore. You're cured.

Becky: I-I am? (Looks at herself) Phew, thanks goodness! Thank you guys, thank you so much!

Sync Lisa: No problem.

Alpha Lori: It was nothing, I'm glad you're safe. I mean, your family and friends were worried about you, so uh a Lori Loud called us to come help you.

Becky: I see... Well I'm glad she did or else I would've been done for.

Ron Steel's voice: Freeze!

The group and Becky turn to see Ron Steel with a gun at them.

Ron Steel: You vigilantes are under arrest!

Wondrous Gal: (rolls her eyes) Is he for real?

Hawk Spider: We're on the same side, officer. We're trying to protect the town and everyone in it.

Ron Steel: Interfering with police business, taking the law into your own hands and putting people in harm's way. I won't let masked outlaws like you get away with that in my city!

Scorpio: Oh please, like you and your men can handle monsters and metahumans... doing a reeeeal good job, that was sarcasm by the way.

Echo Luna: And do you see any of us hurting innocent people? No!

Omega Lincoln: We're trying to catch the bad guys!

Risk Lana: Yeah!

Ruby Spider: I swear he's on par with J. Jonah Jameson...

Sapphire Spider: Nah, Jameson's still the worst.

Bombshell: We just saved the city!

Colossa: We just stopped royal woods from getting blown to kingdom come, it would've been a crater if it wasn't for us preventing that. The monster was a victim mutated, she's cured now and you're trying to put us in the slammer?! (Growls angrily)

Tech Knight calms Colossa down.

Tech Knight: Easy there Colossa. (To Ron Steel) Ron Steel, we're just doing our job and you guys honestly can't handle these kind of threats, leave them to us.

Ron Steel: (yells) Shut up! Who do you masked cretins think you are?! Telling me how to run my authority of the law! You are coming with me to prison-

Hawk Spider: Ms. Mirage.

Ms. Mirage: Yes brother.

Dark smoke engulfed the group and Becky. Ron Steel fired away but when the smoke cleared, they were gone. Ron Steel let out a low growl of rage and walks away.


At night...

Becky was brought back to her parents as the heroes explained the whole story. While Becky's parents were unsure how to feel about the heroes fighting their daughter who was mutated but they were glad that they cured her and brought her back home safely. Katherine Mulligan was telling the story of what happened today while Lisa's S.C.M.R.O. drones were seen repairing the damages done to the town in the battle with Bio-terror and Nucleus-G, Katherine tried to get answers from Ron Steel on his part in this, he simply glared angrily at the camera and walked off with no comment.

Later, Lisa was in her room, working as her S.C.M.R.O. drones returned from fully repairing the town.

Lisa: Thanks, my creations.

The drones nodded. As Lisa resumes to her work, a thought occurred to her back to the hideout where she was encountered by The Venomous Patriot and the Cloaked Asgardian.


Sync Lisa: (worried) You... What do you doing here...?

Venomous Patriot: Relax Brainiac, I'm not here for a fight. I'm here to give you something that'll help with your gamma monster problem.

Sync Lisa: How did you-

Cloaked Asgardian: Words spread really fast, young one.

Venomous Patriot pulls out a vial of white and silver liquid.

Venomous Patriot: This compound is combined with the healing particles of my & Anti-Venom DNA. With this, it should help you finish the cure to save your friend.

He hands it to Sync Lisa.

Sync Lisa: I don't understand... Why help us?

Venomous Patriot: While we are worlds apart and have... different means of how a villain needs to be dealt with, such disagreements have to be cast aside for a while to focus on what must be done for the greater good. Don't get use to seeing me around constantly, you might not know what I'll do next...

Venomous Patriot turns to leave.

Cloaked Asgardian: In time, we'll meet again, young one.

She too takes her leave with Sync Lisa looking shocked for a moment before she uses the serum to complete the cure.

Flashback end...

Lisa: .....

Lori walks in.

Lori: Hey Lisa.

Lisa: Oh uh, greetings first eldest sister. Do you need some assistance?

Lori: No, I want to say thank you for saving Becky.

Lisa: Think nothing of it, Lori. She is one of your friends, correct? I know how you would feel if something happened to her or any individuals you care about. Plus, the city and everyone in it would've been history if I didn't haven't completely the cure, much less two in time... (Mutters) though I had a little help...

Lori then scoops Lisa up into a hug.

Lori: Literally, thank you.

Lisa: You're welcome.

Lori pulls Lisa down and left the room.

Lori: Dinner will ready soon. I'll let you know when its done.

Lisa: Noted.


We cut to Becky's home where Becky was seen in her room, sleeping peacefully in her bed... when suddenly the snoozing teenager was surrounded by a strange yet beautiful green & white glow...

To be continued...

(Chapter 46 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it. The louds are still recovering their battle with Silverdrake as Lori fears that this won't be the last time they see of him, she also doesn't want Lisa to become like Silverdrake as the genius promised that won't happen, hopefully... Another oc villain made his debut in capturing Becky (the teenage one, not the child one from Casagrandes) & mutating her into a gamma bomb like monster. Venomous Patriot assists Lisa, will we see more of him? While Becky is cured, what was that strange glow? What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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