Chapter 45: A Haunting in the Woods of Royal part 2
Omega Lincoln groans as he slowly came to, his vision still blurry from the thorn that knocked him out, he remembered two large, hulking figures in masks attacking him, his sisters & his friends. He looks around upon finding himself in a strange looking cage, next to Alpha Lori, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Adelaide, Nikki, Lana, Bobby, Sameer, Laird, Casey, Artemis, Becky, Luna, Luan and Ava who are all in cages. Omega Lincoln finally regained his full vision, looking around upon seeing a bizarre lab of some kind with some sort of dark magic vibe to it.
Omega Lincoln: What the...?
???: (Cold male voice) Ah, you're finally awake...
Omega Lincoln turns to to see someone operating on something, turning around to face him. It was a slightly tall man in his 30s with pale skin, neck length light gray hair slicked back, cold indigo eyes and has a slight athletic figure. He was wearing goggles, a white lab coat, a black shirt, white gloves, pants and white boots. The demeanor of the man sent chills down the symbiote clad boy's spine, his eyes looked like they were staring right through him.
Omega Lincoln broke out of his trance of the man's stare as he heard his sisters and friends waking up too.
Ava: Ughhhh....
Casey: What happened...?
Sid: Where are we? (Sees Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori) Eeep! What are you?!
Lana: They're Omega and Alpha of the Symbi-warriors.
Nikki: Oh, one of the heroes linc was talking about?
Lana nods.
Luna: Oh my head... What is this place?
???: My lab.
Everyone turn to the man, getting chills from his cold and sinister demeanor.
Alpha Lori: Who are you?
???: Well I guess introductions are in order. My name... is Leon Silverdrake.
Everyone's eyes widened while some gasped or screamed.
Sameer: S-S-Silverdrake?
Bobby: You're the guy from Sameer's scary story!
Silverdrake: Oh. The numerous tales of frightening mystery behind my life... I've come across a lot of people who told countless stories about me.
Luan: The story of you, the disappearances, the three sibling's death, your children's vanishing, you being locked in your mansion after your wife's unsolved death is true?
Silverdrake had a slight eerie smile.
Silverdrake: Hehe... guilty as charged...
Everyone gulped nervously but Ronnie Anne asks a question to the man.
Ronnie Anne: Did... Did you kill your wife or was she murdered by unknown causes?
Silverdrake: ......
Bobby: NiNi, I-I don't think it's good to ask that question, e-even if it's a mad scientist who has us in cages...
Silverdrake: That story was entirely true... My wife was murdered. And I made it personal for the one who did it to perish in a slow and painful demise.
Adelaide was scared as she slowly begins to cry while Sid hugged her.
Silverdrake: However, I didn't do it sooner back then but since it's the last thing you're gonna hear, I'll explain the tale. You see, after the police found my wife's body in the plains, there was no sign of physical harm from hands, weapons, drugs, nothing broken, no blood, no rupture or failed organs, no disease and sadly no pulse... She simply died without a means of what took her life...
Omega Lincoln: What do you mean?
Silverdrake: I'm getting to that. You see, after the case remained unsolved... I remained in my home, even my children's words were unfazed to me as I lie in this state, my mind slowly descending into madness as vengeance gripped my heart, ready to explode but I kept it caged for a while. I did some investigating of my own to solve the matter day after day... week after week... month after month... Where I discovered the truth....
Alpha Lori: Truth...?
Laird: W-What truth?
Silverdrake: During my investigation in the plains of my wife's death, I discovered a strange book deep in the grass, I took it home unseen as I looked deep into it's resources, the words, phrases and pictures made no sense in the slightest as there wasn't anything I could find in a scientific explanation... And I slowly realized in my breaking point, there was no scientific means of events that led to my wife's death.
Artemis: So you couldn't prove who or what killed your wife with science facts?
Nikki: And the book was-
Silverdrake: (leers eerily) Magic. Dark magic.
Nikki: Gasp!
Becky: What?! There's no such thing as magic!
Silverdrake: That's what I thought too... (Pulls out a strange black & silver book with skeletal dragon symbol out from his desk) After months of analyzing and decoding the book's strange language, I even discovered the murderer of my wife was a dark mystic... Reading a strange phrase showed a photographic memory of my wife walking through the plains to visit an old friend on the farm but a hooded figure appeared before her, he was actually someone who loved my wife dearly but rejected him for me in high school... He never moved on & became obsessed with her trying to get me to break it off & give her to him.
Ava: Sheesh. Stalker much.
Luna: Weird dude.
Silverdrake: After a fight in high school, he was never seen again for years until that day at the plains... making a cruel deed that if he couldn't have my wife, no one will. Now a dark mystic, he didn't do anything physical to my wife as I said before... He took out her soul, leaving her a lifeless husk as he ate her spirit whole. The Spiritual image played over & over again in my head as I wanted to find him and make him pay but as I was then, I couldn't do it... not with science or the magic I briefly discovered... So I made myself scarce to society as I never left my home, experimenting and learning the book's strange ways of dark magic as the more I learned, the more... inhuman like I became...
Luan: That's just crazy.
Silverdrake glares coldly in Luan's direction, silencing her.
Silverdrake: After learning the full capabilities of dark magic through my scientific knowledge, I was ready for the dark mystic, I found him & engaged in battle with him. I planned every contingency counters for his spells & overpowered him as I struck the final blow to his heart, I wanted him to look me dead in the eyes as he draw his final breath...
Ronnie Anne: So you killed him? You couldn't have gave him to the police?
Silverdrake: (Deadpan) Hmph. The police would never believe a 'magic man' killed my wife. Plus, I wanted him dead. (A grin crept on his face) It felt good but it lasted for awhile as the darkness & madness inside me grew & grew like a cancer... I started to embrace it, the point of no return as I found new ways to... express these new capabilities...
Sameer: The disappearances...
Sid: The Three siblings deaths...
Silverdrake: Merely test subjects... Some were failures but hey, in order to gain success, you must learn from certain failures...
Alpha Lori: You're sick! I understand you lost your wife but you didn't need to go this far!
Silverdrake: Oh don't play that 'You're no better than the man who wronged you' speech with me, the man I used to be died along with my wife years ago. Learning the scientific & magic chains of life and death, I ask why focus on reviving the dead or helping the living when you can evolve them... Break down the barriers and rebuild while the soul remains to host that evolved being...?
Becky: What are you getting at, psycho?!
Silverdrake snaps his fingers as the masked woman and man stepped out the shadows.
Laird: AAAAH!!!
Luan: That's the she monster that kidnapped us and she's not alone!
Adelaide: Eeep! The scary masked man! (Hides behind Sid)
Silverdrake: Ah, No surprise that my children put the amount of fear in you...
Luna: Children?
Luan: What Children?
Omega Lincoln then thought about the story, the part about the 17 year old daughter and 15 year old son of Silverdrake weren't around during his absence, slowly putting two and two together until... He came to a horrifying conclusion.
Omega Lincoln: You said that you had two children.... Are those monsters... them?
Silverdrake was silent with a cold stare.
Everyone was startled by the tone of his voice, except Silverdrake himself.
Silverdrake: (unfazed) Yes. They're beings made between the barriers of life and death, their souls removed & modified, their bodies broken apart and remade, combined with science and magic... They've become my special unit of evolution.
Everyone was shocked, terrified and disgusted by what they just heard.
Ronnie Anne: You're really insane!
Lana: I think I'm gonna hurl...
Bobby: How could you, man?!
Alpha Lori: You sick, demented freak! You seriously made monsters out of your own children?!
Luna: That's horribly sick!
Silverdrake: I couldn't care less about your opinions. They were only the beginning of what's gonna happen to you all.
Laird: Gulp... You mean y-you're gonna t-turn us into t-that?! (Points to the masked woman and man)
Silverdrake: Oh no, there are other ways to make use of you. While all of you were unconscious, I managed to get a sample of each of your blood.
Casey: Ugh, that's why my arm hurts...
Nikki: Mine too.
Bobby: My eye hurts a bit.
Silverdrake: You see I had to learn about who I'm experimenting on through blood before starting my projects, I admit your blood samples are quite promising (looks at Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori)... Merged with alien symbiosis no doubt. Then I noticed the same pattern in you two yet you're not in the same forms as them (looks at Luna and Lana)
Everyone except for Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori look confusingly at Luna and Lana, who were as pale as ghost.
Lana/Luna: (in their minds) Uh oh./He knows!
Silverdrake: But that's not the only thing, I analyzed each blood sample.... seeing some abnormal phenomenons and strange molecular structure within some of you... (Points to Luan, Ava, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Casey, Sameer, Nikki, Becky, Artemis and Laird)
Now it was Omega Lincoln, Alpha Lori, Luna, Luan, Lana and Ava who were confused as the others were pale. Changing the subject, Bobby yelled out to the mad scientist.
Bobby: H-Hey! Where's Lincoln and Lori?!
Sid: Did they get away? Are they going at get help?
Silverdrake: Oh they're not out of reach...
Ronnie Anne: (angry) What did you do to them? Where are they?! Did you hurt them?! If you did, I swear I'll-
Silverdrake: Be. Silent.
Ronnie Anne was shocked via electricity by the cage.
Ronnie Anne: Aaaaagghhhh!!!
Sid, Adelaide, Nikki, Casey, Sameer, Laird, Becky & Artemis: Ronnie Anne!!
Bobby: Sis!
Ronnie Anne fell to the ground, groaning. Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori glared angrily at Silverdrake.
Silverdrake: If you're wondering what happened to the white haired boy and the tall blonde girl, ask them yourselves (points to Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori)
Everyone turns to Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori, who's eyes widened in shock.
Alpha Lori: (whispers) Oh no...
Bobby: What does he mean by that? (Looks at Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori)
Omega Lincoln: I-I don't know what you're t-talking about.
Silverdrake: Hahaha! Do you honestly think I didn't see you two transform through my children's eyes?
Alpha Lori: Shut up! Just shut up!
Silverdrake: (eerie smile grows) You don't want them to found out, do you? Would your friends be safe if they found out the truth? How would they react? Would they fear you? Would they hate you? Would they feel disgusted or heart broken that you couldn't trust in them?
Alpha Lori: (snaps) I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP ALREADY!!!
Silverdrake was unfazed by Alpha Lori's outburst as he only grinned.
Silverdrake: Seems I touched a nerve. Oh but I won't really tell anyone your little secret, I'm no blackmailer however... It's not me who cares about who you are but the people of royal woods should if they knew... Secrets are meant to be kept, to be trusted in and sometimes to be exposed.
Omega Lincoln: What are you after? To expose us? Our Symbiotes? World takeover?
Silverdrake: Please, world domination is so cliche. Money, well it works for projects. To expose you, that'll happen one day even if I don't reveal it, again I'm no blackmailer. I only wish....... to test and experiment scientifically and magically, to see what I can do with these abilities and more, to see what makes everyone or everything tick... and that's exactly what I'm going to do to you all. (Turns to the masked man) Son, bring me the brunette in blue.
The masked man walks towards the cage holding Sid and Adelaide, unlocking the special lock and opens it, Sid and Adelaide cower in terror as the masked man reached in and grabbed Sid, taking her out of the cage and relocking it so Adelaide couldn't escape.
Adelaide: Sid, No!!!
Ronnie Anne: Leave her alone!!
Sid struggled and screamed as the masked man brought her to one of the tables where Silverdrake was waiting, he placed Sid on the table where restraints popped up and trapped her arms, legs and torso. Sid sees Silverdrake looming over her with a mystic looking knife and a syringe full of orange ooze.
Sid: W-What are you gonna do to me?!
Silverdrake: A simple procedure to inject you with a serum made from the DNA of a water dragon & a frost lion.
Sid: T-That sounds cool and all but I'm not sure I wanna be dissected and turned into a monster!!
Silverdrake: Hehe, you made it sound like you have a choice....
Sid: Help! He's gonna slice me and mutate me!! Someone help me!!!
Omega Lincoln and Alpha Lori try to break through the cages but they weren't budging, same with Ronnie Anne and the others.
Ronnie Anne: Let me out of here! Leave Sid alone! If you touch her, you'll pay!!
Sid was about to cry as Silverdrake was about to drive the mystic knife into her heart. But before he could do it, Silverdrake heard a booming sound as he turned around to see his door blasted open.
Silverdrake: Hmm?
Through the entrance appeared Scorpio, Ice Queen, Wondrous Gal, Ms. Mirage, Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider.
Scorpio: We having a party here?!
Artemis: Whoa! Linc wasn't kidding.
Becky: More heroes!
Omega Lincoln: Scorpio, Ice Queen, Wondrous Gal, Ms. Mirage, Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider!
Alpha Lori: How did you find this place?!
Ms. Mirage: I sensed your aura in sheer distress and terror as well as some... (Turns to Silverdrake and his two monsters) twisted and dark auras near...
Ruby Spider: Yeesh, she's not kidding about the twisted part.
Sapphire Spider: I agree, something out of Frankenstein or Resident Evil but way worse.
Wondrous Gal: No one experiments on innocent people on without getting an ionic beat down!
Ice Queen: (to Silverdrake) Your mind is absolutely a bottomless pit of darkness and madness, you've done so many horrific things after your wife's death & the slain of the dark mystic, becoming a true monster who even destroyed your own children & made them horrible monstrosities... (Cold glare) You'll be stopped here & now.
Silverdrake chuckled darkly before turning the heroes with a mad grin, the knife in hand glowing an ominous blue while his monster children stepped forward to back him up.
Silverdrake: Very well then... (Another glowing knife appears) You wanna take me down, come and try it....
Ice Queen: Ms. Mirage and I will deal with Silverdrake. The rest of you deal with the masked beasts and free the others.
The other nodded. Silverdrake ordered his monstrous children to attack, the masked woman and man roared as they charged at Scorpio, Wondrous Gal, Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider while Silverdrake contends with Ice Queen and Ms. Mirage.
The masked woman was shooting black thorns from her knuckles at Scorpio and Ruby Spider, who were dodging the thorns as Scorpio crawls on all fours to the ceiling and struck the masked woman in the shoulders with his sharp tails but the she behemoth grips the tails and pulls Scorpio down to gear up for an electric punch but Scorpio ducks underneath and hits a monstrous dropkick to send the masked woman to the walls. Ruby Spider swoops in to hit a couple of strong kicks in the she behemoth's face before firing heat webs to burn & trap the masked woman.
The masked woman let out a ferocious growl as she broke through the webs and fires black thorn now coated in electricity at Scorpio and Ruby Spider, who avoid the attacks.
Ruby Spider: Something tells me that she's not gonna go down easily!
Scorpio: Well she's alive and dead in all but not immortal. We need to deal out more damage in order for her to stay down!
Meanwhile, Wondrous Gal was avoiding the black electric whips coming from the masked man's wrists. Sapphire Spider was firing ice shards at him but the masked man took the hits and shot the electric whip at him, ensnaring and shocking him.
Sapphire Spider: Aaaaagh!!
Wondrous Gal: Oh no you don't!
The masked man was punched in the face, his mask cracking a bit as he was sent against the wall with a thud.
Wondrous Gal: You okay?
Sapphire Spider: Yeah... I'll live.
The masked man recovers and quickly lashes out at Wondrous Gal & Sapphire Spider with his electric whips as the duo dodged them and waited for the right moment to attack him with a few swift and hard strikes but the masked man continues to get back up after every combo attack, the two flipped & kicked him back a few feet before blasting the masked man with a ray of ice and ionic energy. The masked man roared as he attempted to will himself towards the two heroes despite being blasted.
Wondrous Gal: Give him everything you've got!
Sapphire Spider: One blizzard style blast comin' right up!
The masked man was getting closer to the two heroes, who then added more strength to their beams & send the masked man flying towards the cages containing the others, who backed away from the inside as the masked man connected with them with a large bang, one of his coils electrified the special lock and released a massive shock to the monster, who roared in pain with the shock spreading through the other locks in the cages.
The masked man continues to roar in agony as the special locks on the cages explode from the sheer shock, the masked man fell with a thud as the cages open with Omega Lincoln, Alpha Lori, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Adelaide, Nikki, Casey Sameer, Laird, Becky, Artemis, Ava, Luna, Lana and Luan got out of their cages.
Lana: We're free!
Casey: Uhhh guys, he's getting back up!
The group turn to see the masked man getting back up.
Wondrous Gal: What a resilient creature, it just won't quit no matter how hard we keep him down!
Sapphire Spider: Maybe but I can put him on ice! Get behind me!
Sapphire Spider readied both fists, engulfed by an aura of frost. The masked man roared as he charged at them with electric whips turned into curved hooks for a lethal attack, just as he got closer to claim the target, Sapphire Spider yells out a fires a huge blast of frost at the masked man, who was slowed down with his body completely coated ice until he was incapacitated.
Sapphire Spider was breathing heavily as he fell to his knees.
Sapphire Spider: That... should do it...
Luna: You alright, dude?
Sapphire Spider: I'll be fine... Using a huge attack like that takes a lot of me but I'll live...
Ronnie Anne runs over to Sid, trying to get the restraints off but they were locked in tight.
Ronnie Anne: Agh! These restraints aren't budging!
Wondrous Gal: Here, let me.
Using her strength, Wondrous Gal pries open the restraints, freeing Sid as Ronnie Anne hugs her.
Ronnie Anne: Oh Sid, I'm so glad you're okay.
Sid: Me too. (To Wondrous Gal) Thanks, if it wasn't for you I would've been turned into a monster!
Wondrous Gal: You're welcome, let's get you guys out of here. Follow me!
Wondrous Gal and Sapphire Spider help the group out of the strange hideout.
Scorpio and Ruby Spider we're dealing with the masked woman, who was firing electric thorns at them. Scorpio was crawling around the walls and the ceiling before lunging at the masked woman, who stopped firing and immediately went on the attack, trading blows and hits with each other, the masked woman grabbed Scorpio in a headlock to choke him but the symbiote drove his sharp tails through the midsection while biting her arms, earning a grunt from her.
Scorpio broke free and hit a backflip enzuigiri to the side of her head, Ruby Spider swings in with a flying dropkick to send her stumbling back, Ruby Spider fires a couple of heated webs to subdue and burn the masked woman, who continues to bounce back from the attacks.
Ruby Spider: She is not staying down!
Scorpio: Well then... Here's another idea!
Scorpio then dodged another wave of black thorns as he moves in closer, the masked woman attempts to connect an electric punch but Scorpio leaps up to avoid it and uses his three tails to wrap them around her neck and spins her around a couple times until sickening snap was heard with the masked woman dropped to the ground with a thud, her head turned clean around.
Ruby Spider: Was the neck snap necessary?
Scorpio: Anti-hero, remember? Plus, the woman isn't human or alive before.
Ruby Spider: .......
Scorpio: Oh don't give me that look.
Ms. Mirage and Ice Queen were doing battle against Silverdrake himself, the mad scientist was avoiding the attacks from both heroes and timing each move to strike with his knives. Ms. Mirage fires a couple of dark orbs to surround Silverdrake, circling in a strange formation to charge at him, the mad scientist dodged them like a snake while slicing some of the dark orbs with his glowing knives, Ms. Mirage forms dark energy in her hands and approaches Silverdrake while disappearing and reappearing near him to trade hits with him.
Silverdrake: Hmmm. You're a magic user yourself. Perhaps we could join forces and learn from one another?
Ms. Mirage: I don't work with mad scientists or murderers.
Silverdrake: What a shame... I guess I'll kill you and take your magic.
Both Ms. Mirage and Silverdrake disappeared and reappeared with shockwaves of magic energy, trading fierce strikes while trying to overcome the other. Soon, Silverdrake caught Ms. Mirage with a knife by her neck and placing a right hand glowing ominous blue over her head, earning a pained yell from the sorceress, feeling drained.
Ms. Mirage: Uuuuaaaaggghh!!!
Silverdrake: Syphoning magic power can be quite useful learning more knowledge. Ah, this magic... you were trained by Dr. Strange himself... Perhaps another individual I'll pay a visit to-
Silverdrake was kicked in the jaw, causing him to release Ms. Mirage as he stumbled back. His relocated his jaw in place and turns to Ice Queen and 4 clones while a 5th clone was tending to a weary Ms. Mirage. Silverdrake smirks and gestures her & the clones to bring it on, Ice Queen and her clones circled the inhuman man in a defensive stance and immediately went in for tae kwon do style kicks from all sides against Silverdrake.
The mad scientist countered Ice Queen and her clones, exchanging strikes and knife slashes to take out the 4 clones while the real Ice Queen backflips away, Silverdrake utters a strange chant before firing a blast of wailing souls at the telepathic hero. Ice Queen concentrates and fires a telekinetic blast from her mind to counter the attack of Silverdrake.
Silverdrake: A telepathic mutant. Quite impressive but it won't work against me...
Silverdrake's blast was overwhelming Ice Queen's attack, sending it back where she dodged it... But Silverdrake appeared behind her with his knives ready to pierce her neck only for the knives to break in contact with Ice Queen's diamond form she activated the moment the mad scientist got behind her.
She then caught Silverdrake with a couple of strong chops to the chest, a knee to the gut and a spin kick to the chest, making the mad scientist stumble back. Silverdrake grunts but slowly chuckled darkly, staring at Ice Queen and sees Ruby Spider, Scorpio, Sapphire Spider, Wondrous Gal, Ms. Mirage (who recovered), Alpha Lori and Omega Lincoln appear to join in the fight.
Ice Queen: Surrender, Silverdrake.
Alpha Lori: You're outnumbered.
Silverdrake stood up slowly and just laughed chillingly.
Silverdrake: Hahahaha... Why would I surrender?
Scorpio: Maybe because when we're done with you, I'll take a limb or two.
Silverdrake: That I'd like to see.... Too bad I won't get the chance.
Omega Lincoln: What do you mean?
Silverdrake: While it's a shame you guys interfered in my experimentation.... I got enough from the captors here to be satisfied with the DNA research so I'll be taking my leave.
Wondrous Gal: You think we're gonna let you-
Everyone turned to see the masked man shattered the ice prison Sapphire Spider kept him in, standing up. Then the heroes/anti-hero turn to see the masked woman getting up but grabbing her neck Scorpio snapped and turning it around with sickening crack, facing the group with an eerie stare.
Silverdrake laughs as his children joined his side.
Silverdrake: Farewell. Our paths will cross again...
The group tried to move in to stop Silverdrake but the inhuman scientist unleashed a massive blue light that engulfed the entire place, blinding the group in the process. Soon, the light faded and the group look to see Silverdrake, his monsters and his hideout gone from the woods.
Ruby Spider: He's gone.
Sapphire Spider: And the hideout too.
Ice Queen tries to locate Silverdrake through his mind but sadly she found nothing, he's no longer in the woods.
Omega Lincoln: Dang it!
Alpha Lori: This isn't good... That guy... Knows... about us. Yet he has no interest in exposing our secret but... What did he mean by-
Ms. Mirage: Don't worry about it. We'll get to the bottom of this in time but for now, let get you guys back to camp.
Alpha Lori and Omega Lincoln nodded.
They came back to the campsite where Luna, Luan, Lana, Ava, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Sid, Adelaide, Nikki, Casey, Sameer, Laird, Becky and Artemis were at. Ms. Mirage used her magic to refix the damage done to the group's camping items, tents and the RV during the masked creatures attack as if it never happened.
Alpha Lori and Omega Lincoln quickly went behind a tree and transformed back into Lori and Lincoln, quickly playing an act of relief.
Lori: Bobby!
Bobby: Lori!
The two hugged.
Lincoln: Hey guys!
Nikki: Linc, where were you?!
Sid: We thought those monsters got you two!
Ronnie Anne: What happened?!
Lincoln: Well ummm... We-
Lori: (lied) We split up, hoping the masked creeps would chase us to get them away from you. Guess it didn't work.... so we found some help (points to Ms. Mirage, Wondrous Gal, Ice Queen, Sapphire Spider, Ruby Spider and Scorpio)
Ronnie Anne stares suspiciously at Lincoln and Lori.
Ronnie Anne: Ok.... (Smiles and gives a friendly punch to Lincoln's arm) Just don't worry us like that, alright?
Lincoln: (chuckles while rubbing his arm) Okay, okay.
Adelaide: Thank you for saving us from that mad scientist.
Becky: What happened to him anyway?
Ice Queen: He and his hideout vanished without a trace.
Ms. Mirage: He's no longer in the woods so you're clear.
Laird: Phew... T-Thank goodness for that, not that I-I was scared or anything though.
Scorpio: (Behind Laird) BOO...
Laird screams and jumps into Nikki's arms, causing the tall blonde tomboy and the symbiote to laugh.
Wondrous Gal: Well, we better take our leave.
Ruby Spider: Yep, gotta go night patrolling at it's best.
Sapphire Spider: I hear that.
Artemis: You sure you don't wanna stick around?
Ice Queen: No. We're leaving.
Scorpio: But I'll take these though (takes a plate of s'mores) Such a delicacy....
Luna: See ya around hero dudes.
Everyone else said their goodbyes to the heroes/anti-hero as Wondrous Gal, Ms. Mirage and Ice Queen flew away while Ruby Spider, Sapphire Spider and Scorpio web sling off.
Casey: What a crazy night... (Yawns)
Sameer: (Yawns) I'm feeling a little sleepy.
Ava: Yeah...
Luna: We should all catch some Z's dudes.
Lana: I'm tired too.
Luan: Yep, after a nightmare in the woods and the heroes came in to stop that crazy magic scientist, I could use a good shut-eye.
Bobby: Yeah. (Yawns) Let's head to bed everyone.
Everyone nodded as they went into their tents, wishing one another a goodnight and slowly falling asleep. Lincoln, however, hasn't went to sleep yet, thinking about Silverdrake and what he said....
Lincoln: (in his head) He knows... But even though he said that he's not interested in exposing us, there are other ways our secret could get revealed, what did he mean by that? And what about what he said about Ronnie Anne, Bobby and some of their friends having some abnormal attributes in their DNA? Ugh, I'm thinking too much, I can't get paranoid but myself and my sisters can't turn a blind eye to that crazed scientist, if left unchecked or our guard is down, we might not survive the next time we meet Silverdrake...
But Lincoln wasn't the only one lost in thought about this as Ronnie Anne was awake herself.
Ronnie Anne: (in her head) He almost blew it for us and what did that crazed scientist mean when he said to ask the two symbiote heroes themselves about Lori and Lincoln as if they were here with us in those cages... Could they be? No, maybe he was lying or not but whatever is happening around here, I'm going to found out.
Both Lincoln and Ronnie Anne went to sleep as the winds blows by, a wolf's howl was heard in the distance of the full moon and the city of royal woods was shown as Silverdrake's eerie laughter was heard throughout the cold night, the lightning flashed as the screen faded to black.
To be continued...
(Chapter 45 is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! Another debut is made behind the masked monsters in the form of my old OC from my other story Loud Ops, Silverdrake. However, this one is different from his loud ops counterpart and while world domination or catching the symbiotes isn't his goal, Silverdrake is a dangerous foe & a horrific problem that won't go away so easily for the louds. When he'll return? Only time will tell, what of the things he found about the Symbi-warriors as well as some mysterious DNA attributes about Ronnie Anne and her company? What is going on? It'll be explained in future chapters! Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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