Chapter 43: Summer Break Start

The next morning....

The Loud sisters & Ava were in the line for the bathroom as Leni was here, taking quite a while to get ready.

Lola: C'mon Leni, you've been in there forever!

Leni: (from inside the bathroom) I'm almost done!

Lola: You said that the last few minutes.

Ava: (to Lynn) I see what you mean about waiting this long for the bathroom when ya gotta go.

Lynn: Comes with the perks of being in a large family with one bathroom.

Luan and Luna noticed someone missing from the line; Lucy and Lincoln were absent.

Luan: Hey, where's Lincoln and Lucy?

Lori: They got up early and freshen up before us. Lincoln and Lucy are downstairs having breakfast.

Luna: Oh. Bro & Spooky really planned ahead to get the first serve.

Ava: While it's the last day of school, wish I could stay home like Linc and the younger sisters.

Lynn: I know but their school is closed for repairs due to it nearly being burned down by a crazy kid in a armored suit.

Luan: We all got plans for the summer when school ends.

Lori: True, I'm graduating high school myself and planning on checking out Fairway University. I know the rest of you will be moving up in your class, Luan heading up to high school, Luna and Leni moving up a grade in high school, same with Lynn & Ava in middle school and Lincoln getting his test scores in the mail if he passes the classes to head to middle school and so on with the younger sisters.

Luna: Yeah but worrying about that school/college stuff is AFTER our 3 months of summer, brah.

Lana: I honestly can't wait for the fun we're all gonna have for this vacation.

Lisa: Yes. Indeed.

Lola: Leni! Come out of the bathroom right now!

The door opens as Leni in a robe came out.

Leni: All done, it's all yours now.

Luan was next in line.

Luan: Thanks.

Luan heads into the bathroom, closing the door as the other Loud sisters and Ava still wait their turn.


After moments of freshening up and having breakfast made by Lincoln and Lynn Sr, The five older sisters and Ava head off to school while the younger sisters & Lincoln stayed behind since their school was closed.

Lynn Sr went to work while Rita stayed behind to watch the younger siblings. Speaking of whom, Lola was upstairs doing her makeup, Lana was in the garage working on a go kart with Risk helping her as her partner, Lisa was in her room experimenting with chemicals as usual with Sync assisting her, Lily was being tended to by Rita, who was changing her diaper, And Lincoln was watching his favorite show, ARRGH!, on television.

Lincoln: Ah, I love this show. The paranormal, the ghost hunting-

???: The ghosts especially.

Lincoln was spooked by Lucy, who was sitting next to him. Even with his super senses, Lucy still was invisible to his radar.

Lincoln: Oh hey Lucy. What brings you here?

Lucy: Oh nothing much, just thinking of more rhymes for my latest poem.

Lincoln: Need some assistance?

Lucy: No thanks, I think I got it.

Shadow: Greetings older sister...

Omega: Greetings to you too, Shadow. How have you been sister?

Shadow: I've been fine... aside from the crazy kid with flame suit, the days have been getting crazy by the minute.

Omega: Hehe, I hear ya on that.

Shadow: Sometimes I want a day without villains showing up to either try to take us from our hosts to use for their dark purposes or take over the world starting with royal woods.

Omega: I know sister, I know but you know what they say... Evil never sleeps.

Shadow: You just said a hero reference... didn't you?

Omega: Noooooooo....

Shadow: Sigh...



Lincoln was seen in the kitchen, making a peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwich, he also had some chocolate mixed in there to feed Omega herself.

Lincoln: (takes a bite) Hmmmm... it's not bad adding chocolate to the peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwich combo.

Omega: I know... it's so exquisite.

Lana then came in.

Lana: Hey Lincoln.

Lincoln: Hey Lana.

Omega: Risk, you've got to try this sandwich combo, brother.

Risk: Maybe later, I already ate the chocolate covered pizza combo Lana showed me.

Lincoln: So what brings you here?

Lana: Well I have good news and bad news.

Lincoln: What's the good news?

Lana puts out a piece of paper, showing what looks to be like schematics for an equipped go cart.

Lana: I thought maybe I can have my own go cart since Lola has her princess car, Risk and I have already started on it. Lisa is also gonna help us but not now since she's busy.

Lincoln: Ok, love the designs by the way. And what's the bad news?

Lana frowns.

Lana: It's Lola.

Lincoln: What about her?

Lana: She's getting more and more suspicious of us... I spotted her searching rooms for clues of our secret from Lori & Leni's to Luna and Luan's and even our own room on my side, she tried to search Lynn and Lucy's room but Lucy scared her away & she couldn't find a way into Lisa and Lily’s room without getting through her security system. And the only room she hasn't checked is yours...

Lincoln paused for a moment before letting out a deep sigh.

Lincoln: (deadpan) Of course.

Lana: I know, right? This isn't the first time she's done this.

Lincoln: I'll handle this.

Lincoln leaves the kitchen with Lana following, the two went upstairs upon reaching the halls and spotted Lola just coming out of Lincoln's room.

Lola: Nothing's there, he must have something to hide and I'm gonna-

Lincoln: You're gonna what?

Lola was startled by seeing Lincoln and Lana giving her a very stern glare.

Lola: (playing sweet with a smile) Oh heeeeeey Lincoln and Lana, what are you doing here?

Lincoln: Funny, I was just going to say the same thing about you since you just exited from my room.

Lola: Oh uhh... well, I will just looking for you and here you are!

Lana: Lola, don't lie. You were snooping around the rooms, looking for something.

Lola: (Gasps) Lies! How dare you! I'm deeply offended!

Lincoln: Sigh Lola, whatever you're looking for like a secret of some sort, we don't have anything at all and unless you want the other sisters to know you've been going through their belongings without their permission, you won't do it again.

Lola: Oh please, I'm not doing anything of the sort. I'm so offended by your accusations, good day!

With a 'hmph', Lola marched off to her room, closing the door behind her.

Lana: She's not gonna give this up.

Lincoln: I know, we're gonna keep a close eye on her.

Lincoln and Lana head back downstairs. Things with Lola were far from over as the pageant princess is more determined to find out their secret.


We then see Lisa coming downstairs for a snack, all that science work made her hungry, Sync himself was hungry as well for something sweet. Making sure no one was around, Lisa uses her tendril tentacles to reach for the cabinets & opening the fridge, grabbing a jar of Peanut butter, a jar of jelly, a bag of marshmallows and some chocolate bars she had well hidden.

Lisa: Ah, science is hungry work.

Sync: I concur.

Placing the items on the table, Lisa retracts the tendrils back in her body as the genius sisters prepares her snack of PB & J sandwiches and a marshmallow & chocolate combination special.

Lisa: And that should do it, ahem... LINCOLN!

Lincoln came into the kitchen.

Lincoln: You called Lisa?

Lisa: If you would, please?

Lincoln: I'm way ahead of ya.

Grabbing a knife, Lincoln makes & peels the crust off lisa's PB & J sandwiches. The genius sister really loves her brother's Crustless PB & J's.

Lisa: Thanks brother.

Lincoln: You're welcome and what's the chocolates and marshmallows for?

Lisa: Sync.

Sync: Ah, such an exquisite dish...

Lisa takes her food to the dining room to enjoy while Lincoln heads to the living room towards the front door, opening it and heading out to get the mail from the mailbox before going back inside the house with mail in hand.

Lincoln: Let's see... bill, bill, a letter for mom, mail for Lori, bill, bill, tickets to Mick Swagger's concert for Luna, Subscription to prankster's monthly magazine for Luan... Aha, here's my mine!

Lincoln places the other mail on the table while holding his mail containing his final test score. He breathes in and out calmly as the white haired boy begins to open the envelope and slowly pulls out his test with his eyes closed, fully taking out the test as he opens his eyes to look at what grade he got.

Lincoln: ........ Sweet!

Lincoln smiled as he got a B+ on his test, it may not be an A but it's still a passing grade.

Lincoln: WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! Yes! I did it! I passed!

Lucy: Congratulations.

Lincoln was spooked by Lucy, catching his breath.

Lincoln: Huff... thanks.

Lucy gave a slight smile.

Lucy: You're welcome.

Lincoln: Well I can say it that I won't be spending summer in school which is still being repaired.

Lincoln turns to find Lucy gone.

Lincoln: Hehe, Lucy. Still the master of stealth.

A knock on the door was heard.

Lincoln: Who's that?

Lincoln opens the door to find Clyde, Stella, surprisingly Cristina and Kyle also known only to the symbi-warriors as the anti-hero symbiote, Scorpio.

Lincoln: Hey guys!

Clyde: Hey buddy, guess what? I aced my test with an A!

Stella: Got an A+ on my test as well.

Kyle: I got a B.

Cristina simply showed her test score was an A-.

Lincoln: Great job guys! But Cristina... (gives her a confused look) why are you here? I thought you were avoiding me after... ya know?

Cristina: (sighs) I'm here to talk to you about that but... I'll wait here until you're ready.

Cristina walks from the three and sits on the front porch.

Lincoln: Okay... Where are Zach, Liam and Rusty?

Clyde: They're busy and couldn't come over today but they told me their grades, Liam got a B, Zach got an A and Rusty got B-. We all aced it!

Lincoln: Sweet!

Clyde: Shall we celebrate the start of the summer with video game fun?

Lincoln: You know it!

Stella: (to Kyle) What about you, Kyle? 

Kyle: I don't know... I mean, I dabbled in gaming but...

Stella: (smiles) There's no need to be shy, it'll be fun.

Kyle: I guess so...

Scorpio: (in Kyle's head) C'mon Kyle, you can do this, put on your war face! You can win, you feel great! You. Can. Do. This!

Kyle sighs.

Scorpio: Chocolate and tater tots pizza combo for a reward!

Kyle sighs again with a nod.

Lincoln: Come on in guys, I'll join you as soon as I have a word with Cristina.

Clyde, Stella and Kyle entered the house while Lincoln went outside and joined Cristina on the porch, both were silent for a while until Lincoln broke it.

Lincoln: Look Cristina, about the video. I honestly never to-

Cristina: Stop. I've already heard your attempts to apologize before, words couldn't describe how creeped out and humiliated I was upon that day....

Lincoln looks down in shame and guilt, remembering the events of "Making the case" in humiliating himself to make up for the humiliation he put his sisters through to win an award but ultimately brought Cristina into his video which made her switch classes, seeing him as a weirdo and a creep.

Cristina: But... that humiliation is long passed, my first thought was to get back at you but that wouldn't be right. I know you never intentioned to do that to me... but that was clearly unacceptable.

Lincoln: I understand, I deleted the video but if you want to hit me, humiliate me or even blind me with pepper spray, go ahead... you deserve payback.

Cristina: Nonono, you're not getting what I'm telling you. I'm saying that I want to forgive you but it'll take time and I wish to start over.

Lincoln: ....... Oh ok. I got it.

Cristina got up.

Cristina: I'll see you soon, have a good summer.

Lincoln: Thanks. Same to you.

Cristina then took her leave while Lincoln went back in the house to join Clyde, Stella and Kyle in video games.


A few hours later...

The older sisters and Ava came back, finally finished with school for the start of summer. Lincoln showed his test as Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn were proud of their brother for passing as well as Rita. Lincoln also introduced Stella and Kyle to the family while Stella enjoyed the greeting, Kyle was still a bit shy but took it calmly.

While others head upstairs to plan for the start of their summer activities, Lincoln and Lori heard a loud and fancy horn sound outside.

Lincoln: What was that?

Lori: Not sure, let's check it out.

Lincoln: (to Clyde, Stella and Kyle) I'll be right back.

The three nodded as Lincoln and Lori open the door and went outside, eyes widening upon seeing a white & green RV parked on their street in front of the house.

Lincoln: An RV?

Lori: Why is there an RV parked on our street?

The side door of the RV opens to reveal........ Bobby!

Bobby: (smiles) Babe! Lil bro!

Lincoln: Bobby!

Lori: Boo Boo Bear!

Lori runs and tackles Bobby in a big hug, Lincoln walks up to Bobby, giving him a fist bump which he returned.

Bobby: It's so good to see you guys again.

Lori: Same here. I really missed you, Bobby. Also, what's with the RV?

Bobby: Oh, it's mine.

Lincoln: That's your RV?!

Bobby: Yep! It was a graduation gift from mom, dad and even abeulo out of the money they made combined with my savings... which explains why Carl took some of my money a few weeks ago.

Lori: Wow... gotta say it looks nice.

Lincoln: It really does.

Bobby: Thanks but I got more news, we're spending the whole summer with you guys!

Lori: That's amazing!

Lincoln: So the Casagrandes are coming to royal woods for the summer?

Bobby: Well not all of them, the familia have their own summer plans. The only ones who accompanied me here are-

???: Hey Bobby, are ya gonna let us through or are you gonna stand there, blocking the way out?

Bobby: Oops, sorry.

Bobby moved out of the way of the entrance, revealing his younger sister, Ronnie Anne Santiago.

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: Hello Lame-O.

To be continued...

(Chapter 43 is finished, please let me know what you think of it! The loud's summer has begun, Lola is still suspicious and is determined to find out their secret & Bobby and Ronnie Anne have arrived with others, who else is with them? What adventures will the louds have in the summer, whether it's a normal life or a hero life? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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