Chapter 41: New Recruits final- The Venomous Patriot

Lincoln ran home as fast as he could despite being tired from the dance battle with Elise Li. He had to let his sisters and Ava know what transpired.

Lincoln: She knows I'm Omega of the symbi-warriors? How did she found out?! What does she plan to do with my secret?! I need to tell the-

Lincoln was cut off when he bumped into someone, both falling on their butts. Lincoln groans as he looks to apologize for bumping into the person but he failed to speak upon seeing someone very familiar in front of him.

It was Maggie, the emo girl he once tried to entertain at her 13th birthday as a clown and nearly ruined it but Luan helped him out with a mime routine to impress her.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Oh man... the situation just went from bad to worse.

Maggie soon laid her eyes on Lincoln, a cold stare & a deep frown upon her face.

Maggie: Oh I remember you... you're the failure of a clown who almost ruined my birthday party.

Lincoln: Look, I get it. You're upset about the whole birthday thing but I never meant to cause trouble at your party but it came out good in the end, right? You probably won't forgive me but I still want to say that I'm sorry.

Maggie: .......

Lincoln: So....

Maggie: Sigh... whatever. I need to leave anyway, see ya around.

Maggie got up and walked off.

Lincoln: Wow... that was unexpected.

Omega: Lincoln...

Lincoln: What's wrong, omega?

Lincoln could feel chills coming from his symbiote within.

Omega: Something's not right about that Maggie girl....

Lincoln: Whatta you mean? Sure, she's gloomy and intimidating but she's Luan friend and not a bad person.

Omega: (her voice in suspicion) That's not it.... I think I sense a member of my kind inside of her...!

Lincoln: Wait? What?

Lincoln turns around to see that Maggie had quickly vanished.

Lincoln: Okay... that was weird. I'll worry about Maggie later, I have to tell the others about Elise!

Lincoln ran off but from a far  alleyway in the shadows, Maggie was watching but... something else was beside her, watching with sharp black & white eyes.

???: (distorted, menacing female voice) So this one is what troubles you so before, should I eat him?

Maggie: No. He was a terrible clown but he doesn't deserve to be eaten alive. Plus, he wouldn't taste very good.

???: Very well, I also sense my kind inside of the white haired kid. Very familiar to me, shall we go after him?

Maggie: No. We have bigger fish to fry. Let's go Reaper.

The two then go deeper into the shadows, disappearing as the voice of the one called Reaper was heard.

Reaper: See you soon, Cousin Omega.....


Meanwhile at the loud house, Lincoln called an emergency meeting in Lisa's room, the symbi-warrior loud sisters and Ava went into lisa's room. Lola and Leni were about to go in there to see what's up but was stopped by Lori.

Lori: Where do you two think you're going?

Lola: What? We wanna see what secret Lincoln has to say.

Lori: Sorry but this is really personal for our brother and you would just use that as blackmail.

Luan: (from inside) She's right, you know.

Lola: What?!

Leni: What about me? I won't blackmail linky.

Lori: I know you don't, leni but.... you would unknowingly blab out his secret.

Leni: (Sad frown) oh ok...

Lori: I'm really sorry but you two need to sit this one out.

Lori heads back into lisa's room, closing the door. Angered, Lola was going to march in there but a metal door slide down with a loud clang, blocking lisa's door.

Lola: (screams in anger) This is ridiculous!! What are they hiding?!

Leni: C'mon Lola, if Lincoln's secret is that bad, we should respect his wishes to not tell us-

Lola: Oh shut it, Leni! I know that's a lie. The new clothes change, the sudden change in personality, especially in Lincoln and Lana, leaving without us knowing and must I keep going?! And now luan's in on this secret the others are keeping from us!

Leni: Luan too?

Lola: Yes Luan too! It's not fair that they're keeping secrets from us! I'm gonna find out what they're hiding if it's the last thing I do! (Evil smile) Oh yes... all it takes is one mistake, one slip up.... and once they slip up, I'll be waiting!

Leni gulps.


Inside Lisa's room, the doors and walls were reinforced with a strong, soundproof metal to avoid anyone outside hearing their conversation as Lincoln tells the others about Elise Li.

Lori: So she knows?

Lincoln nods.

Luna: Oh we're in deep water, bro. If she knows you're omega of the symbi-warriors....

Lisa: Then she must possesses information on the rest of us as well.

Lynn: If she exposes us, every villain will know where to find us!

Lincoln: Guys, Guys, Guys! Calm down, I'm sure Elise has a good explanation for this!

Ava: Are you sure about that, she did try to get you & your friends banned from the arcade & you... (sly grins) as her boyfriend.

Lincoln blushes as some of them had smirks.

Luan: Plus, you have her phone number afterall. Call her in for a second date, hehehe!

Lincoln: (blushes more red) I-It wasn't a date we had today! We were in a contest of dance dance revolution, n-no date there!

Luna: (grins) Suuuuuuure lil bro.

Lincoln: Ugh, first Ronnie Anne & now this....

Lana: You have Elise's number, why not call her & ask what she's trying to do.

Lincoln: Wait, you're right! Good thinking Lana!

Lincoln pulls out his phone and Elise's number, typing it to call her.

Lori: Face time her so we can all see her.

Lincoln: Got it.

He does so as they waited for the phone to ring for a moment before it answered, revealing Elise.

Elise: Hello there, Lincoln? Didn't expect you to call me already.

Lincoln: Elise, How did you know?

Elise: Hmm?

Lincoln: How did you know that I was omega of the symbi-warriors?

Elise: (mischievous grin) Why you told me, silly. After you won against me in dance dance revolution.

Everyone in the room: (sternly) Lincoln.....

Lincoln: (blushes a bit) E-Elise, quit playing games & tell them the truth!

Elise: Ok, ok. Fine. Nick Fury told me.

Lincoln: The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. told you?

Elise: Why yes, I'm also apart of the hero program you guys are in as well. So don't worry, I'm not gonna expose your secret if that's what you're thinking.

Lincoln, The seven loud sisters and Ava sighed in relief.

Lana: So you're a hero too?

Elise: Why yes. (Eyes glowed red) Yes I am.

Elise was engulfed by a purple light as Everyone, especially Lincoln was shocked to see Elise turn into... The Wondrous Gal!

Lincoln: Elise, you're the Wondrous Gal?!

Wondrous Gal: Yep.

Luna: Wow....

Lana: Cool costume!

Lynn: And you're about Lori's age too.

Lori: Wait a minute... (glares) you're 17 and you tried to get my 12 year old brother as a boyfriend, you weirdo?!!

Wondrous Gal: (glares back) Who are you calling a weirdo?! First off Judge Missy, I'm actually 12 years old! My hero transformation just makes me look older, okay?!?!

Lori was taken by surprised from that outburst as were the others but slowly regained her composure.

Lori: Oh right. I-I'm sorry.

Wondrous Gal turns back into her original form.

Elise: It's fine. You're not the first overprotective person I've met & I apologize for the outburst. You're the big sister, right?

Lori: Yeah.

Elise: Yeah. Your brother here is quite the dancer, he took me to the limit in dance dance revolution.

Luna: (sly grin) So... you have eyes for our bro?

Elise: (blushes a little) What makes you say that?! I mean, sure he's kinda cute but-

Lynn: (sly grin) You admitted it! Haha!

Elise: That's not like that!

Lincoln: (blushing too) Lynn! Luna! Stop it!

Lisa: Romantic quarrel aside, your transformation intrigues me. What type of energy was transpired in your change.

Elise: Ionic Energy.

Lisa: I beg your pardon?

Elise: Ionic Energy, I was infused with it by my father. You see, I was born with an unknown disease which surfaced when I was 6, it was threatening my life. My dad, a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent & scientist discovered it was caused by a strange chemical but it was unknown of how it was introduced into my body.

Ava: Yikes... that was unexpected.

Elise: I know, it was painful and it felt like my insides were melting so my father used cunning edge technology & experimental chemicals as well as this strange ray to finally cure me of my disease. However, the side effects went unnoticed by him despite checking further analysis....

Luan: Your powers?

Elise: Yeah. Discovered them at age 8, my eyes were red & my body was glowing purple with bright light and such, targeted by these crazed people working for A.I.M.

Lana: A.I.M?

Lisa: Advanced Idea Mechanics.

Lori: How did you-

Lisa: Do you really wanna know the long answer to that question?

Lori: No.

Lisa: Thought so.

Elise: A.I.M. sought to abduct me and use my powers to their goals but I was saved by Wonder Man, a hero of ionic energy as he was a friend of my father & knew I had the same power he'd possesses so he offered to train me to control my powers & became the hero you saw.

Lincoln: Wow... cool.

Elise: Yep. Consider me a new member of the Delta Marvel Force & an ally of the Symbi-warriors. (winks at them with a smile)

Ava: These villains are coming out like a plague so we need all the help we can get.

Luan: Sweet!

Lana: Cool!

Luna: Welcome to the group, brah!

Elise: No problem, the DMF already know of my arrival from Fury so you don't need to notify them. However.... (frowns) there's some business I need to discuss with you.

Lincoln: What business?

Elise: A very dangerous mastermind of the criminal underworld is dead.

The group had mixed reactions about this.

Lincoln: Who's dead?

Elise: Here. (Shows them her computer of a wanted list of a man with a white business suit & a skeletal dragon mask with ominous purple eyes) The Dragon Lich, wanted in 40 states, an S class crimelord whose caused countless illegal acts, assault, massive damage selling of weapons, drugs, slaves and a cold blooded killer of countless people who crossed his path & anyone who seen his work have never lived to expose him.

Ava: Man... that's one scary dude.

Lynn: I don't like him already.

Elise: No one does, who would? He's a remorseless killing machine & hasn't been caught in years. He was last seen in royal woods according to a cop going uncover in his gang.

Lucy: Gasp...!

Lincoln: So royal woods was next his target...?

Elise: Yeah, royal woods was his next target of becoming his territory but unfortunately someone finally got to him.

Lynn: Who? The cop uncover?

Elise: No. The cop got out alive, sending video evidence of the person who took out the Dragon Lich & his men.

Lori: Who is it?

Elise said nothing and showed them a video on her laptop, a couple of men in skeletal dragon masks fighting something but were wiped out. Another scene appeared as something what looked to be a shield was thrown around & flying... decapitating 30 men's heads off. And one scene revealed the boss himself Dragon Lich, bleeding & heavily wounded was shooting the figure, who was unaffected as he was walking towards him, growing in size.

Dragon Lich: W-what are you....?!

???: (distorted male voice) The cure of the virus... the world shall be cured... of YOU!!!!

The group jumped in shock & horror at the sight of a ghostly white & black menacing face with glowing orange eyes & mouth as the scream of Dragon Lich was heard, the video ending.

Lori: What the heck was that?!?!

Luna: That was like a snarling beast, dude!!!

Luan: I have no puns as I'm scared right now....

Ava and Lynn: .......

Lucy: Gasp... a true nightmare.

Lisa: Normally I don't express such emotions but... (screams in terror)

Lincoln: Who or what was that...?

Elise: The Venomous Patriot.

Lynn: The Venomous Patriot?

Elise: Yes. According to Fury, he was a rookie in S.H.I.E.L.D. with a semi hard past which was unknown, who exceeded great expectations in his prowess to rise to the ranks. He was also trained by Captain America himself.

Lincoln: (Surprised) Captain America?! The First Avenger?!

Elise: Yep, he was quite the protege of Captain America and wanted to be a hero like him but.... something happened, I'm not sure what but it changed him, changed him in a dark way, leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. & no one saw & heard of him ever since...

Ava: Until now?

Elise: Yes. He's gone full anti-hero, out of all the anti-heroes I've heard of... He's quite a lethal case, having a different view of how bad guys should be dealt with, especially with Anti-Venom twisting his mind.

Lincoln: Anti-Venom?

Lana: Who's that? Venom's brother?

Lincoln: A Symbiote made to destroy the original Venom... it also has powers to "cure" or "cleanse" any drug, disease, toxins and impurity in one's body or depower one's superhuman abilities with it's antibodies.

Elise: Yeah. I don't know when, where & how he got Anti-Venom but together... the Venomous Patriot was born & a very deadly adversary. Fury believes that whatever happened in his past linked to Anti-Venom's hold on him is making him unstable, unable to be controlled.

Lincoln: Then what's the plan?

Elise: There is no plan here. Fury already ordered Hawk Spider, Tech Knight and Colossa to go after him to capture and contain him before he does something drastic.

Lynn: And what about us?

Elise: The Symbi-warriors aren't on this case. You need to stay out of the way. Fury made the call, you guys are still in training and the Venomous Patriot isn't someone you can fight head on, he's in a higher league than you all, even I was told not to fight him.

Lincoln: But-

Elise: I'm sorry Lincoln but it's Fury's orders, if you want to live to see tomorrow then don't go after the Venomous Patriot.

Elise ended the called, leaving Lincoln, the seven loud sisters and Ava in silence.


Meanwhile, we see Hawk Spider web slinging, Tech Knight flying and Colosss jumping high in the northeast of royal woods as Fury gave them the orders, capture and contain The Venomous Patriot.

Hawk Spider: According to Fury, our target is hunting another crimelord northeast of here.

Colossa: What crimelord is he gunning for?

Tech Knight: Darious Nightstar, a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent gone rogue, tried to rebel against Fury but failed and went into hiding. Even stole specs of iron man's technology to add to his own to become the Iron Shadowstar, wanted in 45 states for major destruction & stealing of rare artifacts and jewels.

Colossa: And he's in royal woods?

Tech Knight: Yep.

Hawk Spider: No matter, we will find Venomous Patriot and capture him at all cost.

As the three continued on their path, they noticed a huge explosion in the distance and head straight for the area. Upon entering which appears to be an open baseball field which was reduced to a fire induced war zone, some people were down injured while others were running. The three heroes noticed a tall, athletic man wearing a black, silver and glowing indigo robotic suit similar to Iron man but the mask had indigo eyes & no mouth, a black star arch symbol, glowing indigo claws coming out of the knuckles and metallic bat-like wings.

This was the criminal, Iron Shadowstar. He appears to be in a fight as the three heroes noticed someone standing not too far from him.

A Slightly tall teen with slightly pale skin and a strong athletic build. He was wearing a custom bodysuit akin to Captain America (Nomad/Infinity War version), utility belt, gloves and boots. However, the nomad suit has some... alterations with some features of Anti-Venom, the suit being black & white instead of red, white & blue, glowing orange eyes on the cowl mask with a star symbol on the forehead and fragments of the spider symbol mix in with the star symbol on the chest. He's also carrying two shields; one was a sharp, bladed shield (infinity war version) and the other was a circular shield like Captain America's but the color was black & white, the star was white & the part under it was golden yellow.

It was the rogue Anti-hero, The Venomous Patriot.

(The OC, Venomous Patriot is owned by Icewolfking.)

Iron Shadowstar: (deep male voice in an irritated tone) I'm really getting sick of you meddling in my business.

Venomous Patriot: (cold male voice) And I'm getting sick of you existing... time to wipe you out.

Iron Shadowstar: Heh. Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you.

Hawk Spider: Hold It!

The two noticed Hawk Spider, Colossa and Tech Knight land near them.

Iron Shadowstar: More annoying pests.

Venomous Patriot: Ah, the lapdogs of S.H.I.E.L.D. are here.

Hawk Spider: Venomous Patriot, you're coming with us.

Venomous Patriot: ..... I think we all know that's not gonna happen....

Colossa: (cracks her knuckles) Choosing the hard way, eh? I like those odds.

Venomous Patriot: Why exactly are you pursuing me anyway? All I'm doing is getting rid of any criminal scum and villain I can find.

Tech Knight: Yeah but you're putting other people at risk!

Venomous Patriot: There's always casualties in war, either steer clear or perish...

Hawk Spider: While I understand your cause, you're pushing things too far, especially with Anti-Venom changing you for the worse. Come with us & no harm will come to you.

Venomous Patriot: How about you stay out of my way or you'll be next on my hit list.

Iron Shadowstar: Seems like you four have something to settle (turns to walk away) I'll be on my way-

Tech Knight jumps and lands in front of the criminal.

Tech Knight: Hold it! You aren't getting away either, taking Stark's armor specs to replicate the tech & commit various crimes. We're taking you down too.

Iron Shadowstar: Hahaha... don't be so certain.... (got in a fighting stance).

Tech Knight got into a fighting stance as well. The Venomous Patriot turns to Hawk Spider and Colossa.

Venomous Patriot: This is going to be your first and last warning... stand down.

Hawk Spider: I'm afraid we can't do that. We have our orders.

Colossa nods in agreement.

Venomous Patriot: Very well... if you insist on getting in my way, then there's no choice. I won't be responsible for what happens to you.

And so a massive brawl begins to take place.


At the loud house, Lincoln was in his room laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling in silence. Night was approaching as he sighed, the white haired kid & his team are put on lockdown from heading out to fight the Venomous Patriot. He, his sisters and Ava already saw the news of Hawk Spider, Colossa and Tech Knight fighting him & some kind of Iron man ripoff, Katherine Mulligan saying it's the mother of all brutality. Lincoln couldn't take it any more & went to his room.

Lincoln: (in his mind) He can't be that dangerous.... or maybe he is? Who am I kidding? He is, anti-heroes are formed through various means of physical, mental & emotional tragedy and struggles, like heroes but they do things differently.

Lincoln continues to think.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Anti-heroes.... take lives of villains, even show little remorse for it, the cause either to make sure what happened to them don't happened to anyone, is that it? Could he be killing villains because he wants to, no matter who gets in the way? Is it about the weak perishing & the strong surviving? Or is it for revenge, Elise did say he had a tragic experience that changed his beliefs on heroism....

Lincoln knows he's not allowed to go and fight but maybe he can talk to Venomous Patriot & work something out, open his eyes to make him see reason & recruit him.

Omega: You're thinking of going out there, aren't you?

Lincoln: Yeah...

Omega: (her voice filled with worry) You know it's too dangerous, a more experienced assassin with a symbiote. We might end up... not coming back.

Lincoln: I know that but this is my choice. Besides, it's not the first time I disobeyed orders.

Omega: I guess you're right. I'm with you, my friend.

Lincoln: Thanks. Let's go.

The Symbiote burst out of his clothes, engulfing his body as he was now in his symbi-warrior suit. Omega Lincoln opens his window and leaps outside, web slinging away from the Loud house. While he was gone, someone from the vents was watching and no surprise, it was Lucy.

Lucy: Gasp. I have to tell the others.


Northeast of royal woods....

Tech Knight was flying in the air as he was dodging the claw attacks of Iron Shadowstar, who managed to claw him across the chest of his armor.

Tech Knight: Agh!

Iron Shadowstar: What's the matter, kid? (Does a claw strike combo to tech knight) I thought you were going to take me down!

He finished the combo with a claw jab to the armored midsection of Tech Knight, who grunts as he felt the claw pierce his armor & through his skin, drawing blood.

Iron Shadowstar: These claws are more than just for show.

He knocks Tech Knight away as the armored hero stood his ground, his nanotechnology fixing the armor but his wound was deep as he ignores the pain. He brought up his Nanite energy shield to block the repulsar blasts from the armored villain.

Iron Shadowstar: Hahahaha! Your armor is quite impressive, perhaps I should take it once I peel it from your lifeless body!

Tech Knight: Ain't happening, Iron Reject!

The two went to blows again, Iron Shadowstar managed to get a few claw strikes on Tech Knight to pierce parts of his armor to injure him. Tech Knight grunts as he fought through the pain, landing a couple of strong punches and kicks before landing a spinning roundhouse kick to the face of Iron Shadowstar, who stumbles as Tech Knight uses the gathered kinetic energy from his shield to blast the armored villain back further.

Iron Shadowstar stopped his flying, using his bat-like wings as he lunged at Tech Knight, unleashing a formation of gale attacks from all sides.

Iron Shadowstar: You're weak, just like Stark! I'm the only one who will put the legacy of Iron man to better use, once I'm through with you! (Damaged Tech Knight's armor more) What's wrong, afraid of me or afraid of failing your teacher?! Let me spell it out for you! You! (claw strikes his face) Can't! (Fires blasts at his chest) WIN!

He goes for one final claw strike to his arch reactor to pierce through it but... Tech Knight caught the attack with his right hand, he grunts as the claws went through his knuckles, glaring directly at Iron Shadowstar.

Iron Shadowstar: What the-

Tech Knight: (removes the claw from his hand) And let me spell something out for you....

Tech Knight turns him around & uses his energy shield as it spins like a buzzsaw, slicing off Iron Shadowstar's bat-like wings.

Iron Shadowstar: My wings!

Tech Knight then delivers a massive combo attack on Iron Shadowstar, giving it his all.

Tech Knight: Yes! (Delivered a shielded punch to the face) I! (Moves in to hit a point blank range repulsar blast to the chest, sending him high in the air as he followed up to grab him to flip him in a downwards position to hold him) CAN!

Tech Knight then brings Iron Shadowstar down at top speed and piledrivered him into the ground with a giant thud, forming a crater. Iron Shadowstar then fell to the ground, knocked out with his neck broken.

Tech Knight: Huff... huff... and that's how it's done-oh there goes the blood loss...

Tech Knight fell but was caught by Ms. Mirage.

Tech Knight: Ms. Mirage? I thought you were told to-

Ms. Mirage: I know. I'm just here for medical support, I'll take you somewhere to heal you.

Tech Knight nods as Ms. Mirage took him away. Meanwhile, Hawk Spider and Colossa were fighting the Venomous Patriot; Colossa were delivering an assortment of strong punches to the anti-hero, who was blocking the hits with his shield. Seeing an opening, Venomous Patriot hits a vicious knee to Colossa, who grew angered & tried to smash him but he flipped over her & slashes her across the back with his bladed shield, earning a roar of pain from the pale blue she hulk.

She attempts to deliver a massive barrage of strikes to Venomous Patriot, who dodges them.

Venomous Patriot: You are indeed the strongest of the group but even you have your weaknesses.

Venomous Patriot places his shields down and lunged at Colossa, his hands forming into tendrils claws to grasp Colossa's head.

Venomous Patriot: Cleanse....

A major burning sensation erupted in Colossa's head as she was screaming in agony.


Venomous Patriot's senses went off as he released Colossa, avoiding multiple arrows from Hawk Spider. The giant woman loses conscious & fell to the ground with a thud as she slowly turns back into Amy.

Hawk Spider: Colossa!

Venomous Patriot: She's not dead, only depowered. Though gamma radiation treatment of hulks can barely be cured, she won't be changing anytime soon.

Venomous Patriot sees the Iron Shadowstar within a crater, knocked out. Meaning, Tech Knight defeated him but is still alive, the anti-hero will have to fix that after he deals with Hawk Spider.

Hawk Spider: How could you resort to this? You were one of S.H.I.E.L.D's best recruits. What caused you to go down a dark path?

Venomous Patriot: Really? Heh, you sound pathetic right now. This world is full of scum, those even worse than scum. I'm simply doing the world a favor of eliminating these threats, why do you & fury have a problem with it? Fury has no problem with getting rid of those who are too dangerous to be contained, too dangerous... to live.

Hawk Spider growled.

Venomous Patriot: And what about you, Hawk Spider? Surely, you have gotten blood on your hands before... (smirks) You were an assassin once.

Hawk Spider narrowed his eyes in anger.

Venomous Patriot: Does your team know that? Your full time with Doc Oct & his experiments on you? What he molded you into? Is that killer instinct still there?

Hearing enough, Hawk Spider charged at the Venomous Patriot, his bow forming into a Dao blade to strike him but Venomous Patriot blocks it with his bladed shield.

Venomous Patriot: I'm sorry, did I struck a nerve? (Examines Hawk Spider's Dao blade) Vibranium enforced, hmm? Guess I wasn't the only one whose been to Wakanda on my travels.

The two traded fierce blows with one another, blade strike after blade strike as both were evenly matched in weapon combat. Venomous Patriot sought to knock the Dao blade from Hawk Spider's hand with bladed shield before kicking him across the field as Hawk Spider landed on his feet.

He then throws his circular shield at Hawk Spider, who dodged it but the shield bounces around a couple of poles until it came back flying behind Hawk Spider, who was barely able to avoid it as the shield got him in his right side.

Hawk Spider: Agh!

Venomous Patriot caught the shield with his left hand as Hawk Spider was clutching his right side which is bleeding.

Venomous Patriot: Seems you're not the predator in this situation. Ready to give up?

Hawk Spider webs up his wound as he got up, entering a fighting stance.

Hawk Spider: I won't yield.

Venomous Patriot then places his shields into the ground, cracking his neck & knuckles as he got into a fighting stance.

Venomous Patriot: Then our fight will continue until you can't move anymore.

The two then started to exchange fists with each other, nearly matching each other blow for blow, Hawk Spider hits a haymaker combo followed by a spinning elbow to Venomous Patriot, who stumbles back a bit before bouncing back at Hawk Spider with a fierce boxing combo, ending it with a powerful right hook to knock Hawk Spider down.

Hawk Spider soon kips up and delivers 3 roundhouse kicks to Venomous Patriot, grabs him & places him over his shoulder to spin him around a couple of times before dropping him with a knee strike to the face but Venomous Patriot spun around & nails Hawk Spider with a pump kick, quickly grabs him & gives Hawk Spider a knee to the gut followed by a spinning back fist to his face.

Hawk Spider grunts as he slowly got up to strike Venomous Patriot but he caught the punch and delivers 10 punches to his midsection and judo flips him to the ground. Hawk Spider then does a kip up and lands a double stomp to Venomous Patriot's face, adding more kicks to the barrage and finishes it with a corkscrew kick but Venomous Patriot caught the kick & spins him around a couple of times before throwing him into the bleachers.

Venomous Patriot begins to walk towards the destroyed bleachers to finish Hawk Spider but stopped in his tracks when he sensed someone not too far behind him. The Anti-hero slowly turns around to see Omega Lincoln.

Venomous Patriot: Reinforcements?

Omega Lincoln stares at the Anti-hero, then at the two shields in the ground and back at the person in front of him.

Omega Lincoln: So this is the Venomous Patriot....?

Omega: Be careful, Lincoln.

Venomous Patriot: Let me guess, one of the next young generation of heroes, the symbi-warriors, right?

Omega Lincoln: Yeah. I'm omega and I'm here to stop you.

Venomous Patriot: Stop me, you say? (Chuckles darkly) And what's a kid like you going to do to me? You may have a symbiote in your possession but it won't be enough to beat me.

Omega Lincoln: Look, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help you.

Venomous Patriot: Help me? Last I checked, I'm not sick, injured or dying.

Omega Lincoln: I know that but you need to stop what you're doing. I heard you wanted to be a hero like Captain America, the first Avenger, right?!

The Venomous Patriot narrowed his eyes.

Omega Lincoln: You were trained by him, wanting to follow in his footsteps of being one of the greatest heroes, to be looked up to, use your powers for good & save people!

The Venomous Patriot gave a low growl.

Omega Lincoln: I know what Anti-heroes are & what dark motives they stand for, especially when killing someone when they want to or not. What made you throw away your dream of being a hero-ack!

Omega Lincoln was blasted in the gut by a massive punch followed by a gatling of tendril fists until he was sent flying into the ground. Omega Lincoln groans as he slowly turns to see Venomous Patriot walking towards him with a cold, murderous glare.

Venomous Patriot: You really wanna know, kid? (Distorted voice) You really wanna know why I threw away a worthless dream & became who I am today....?

Omega Lincoln stares in horror as the silhouette of Venomous Patriot began to shape shift and grow in size, getting closer and closer to the symbiote clad white haired kid. Standing before Omega Lincoln in Venomous Patriot's place was Anti-Venom himself, who leered down at him with a monstrous glare, even Omega herself was scared of the horrifying symbiote's gaze.

Anti-Venom: My host... was a lot like you when young, thinks that life is like a comic as hero would always prevail, always win in the end and would save everyone...

Anti-Venom grabs Omega Lincoln by the neck, both he and Omega feeling the toxic burning from his touch as he pulls them closer to his face.

Anti-Venom: He sought to learn under the First Avenger, followed in his footsteps to be hero like him. At first, it felt good but time... time passes by and he woke up.

Omega Lincoln: Ngh! W-woke up?

Anti-Venom: (roars) WOKE UP!!! He went through pain, physical, emotional and mental. He opened his eyes to the truth... one of the painful truths of being a hero that they don't always win, they don't always prevail over evil & most importantly... they can't always save EVERYONE.

Omega Lincoln: So... that's why he gave up being a hero...? Did he, you lose someone dear to you guys or you failed to save others as if it was beyond your control? For revenge?

Anti-Venom: It's none of your concern! These villains... are like a plague, a disease that must be cleansed from this world! Fury only sees us as a threat to be eliminated!

Omega Lincoln: That's not true! Maybe if you surrender, we'll work something & fury won't hurt you in anyway, I promise!

Anti-Venom: Don't make promises that are meant to be broken.

Anti-Venom slams Omega Lincoln into the ground.

Anti-Venom: Anyone who gets in the way will be eliminated!!

Anti-Venom was about to attack but was blasted away by a large soundwave. Omega Lincoln turns to see Alpha Lori, Echo Luna, Power Lynn, Shadow Lucy, Risk Lana and Sync Lisa running towards him.

Alpha Lori: Lincoln!

Echo Luna: Are you alright, bro?!

Omega Lincoln: A little banged up but I'll live.

Power Lynn: What were you thinking?! Don't go off like that again, you had us worried!

Risk Lana: Uhhh... guys. He's getting back up.

Everyone turns to see Anti-Venom getting back up and was giving the group a menacing glare. Alpha Lori summoned eight arms with tendril sharp blades, Echo Luna got her weaponized guitar ready, Power Lynn slammed her fists together, Shadow Lucy summoned her tendril bat wings and elongated claws, Risk Lana readied her spear and Sync Lisa sprouted tendril tentacles from her back as the symbi-warrior sisters aim to protect their brother from harm.

Tendrils formed from Anti-Venom as he was going to charge at them but....


He stopped in his tracks at the sudden roaring of thunder in the dark sky, followed by radical lightning and strangely, the lightning was a light green.

Alpha Lori: What's going on?

Sync Lisa: There was no storm report on the forecast tonight.

Power Lynn: Why is the lightning... green?

The lightning within the sky started to flash and surge. Within seconds, a large stream of electricity came down and struck the ground between the symbi-warriors and Anti-Venom. The Symbi-warriors shield their eyes at the blinding light but failed to notice something appearing out of the lightning. The light begins to fade out as the symbi-warriors saw a cloaked figure whose face was concealed in shadow but had mismatched eyes; right eye green & left eye silver and was carrying a strange looking hammer with a scythe blade on the other end of it.

Alpha Lori: What the heck?

Power Lynn: Who or what are you?

The figure spoke in a bold female voice.

???: Warriors of Symbiotes, this battle is over.

Omega Lincoln: W-wait. Who are you and why h-have you come here?

???: Who am I is none of your concern at the moment, I'm here for the Patriot of Venom & to take my leave.

Power Lynn: Hold on there-

???: (turns to Anti-Venom & back to the Symbi-warriors) Farewell, warriors of symbiotes. Until we meet again.

Alpha Lori: Stop! Don't let them get away!

???: (Raised her warhammer) HAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

The light green lightning struck again, engulfing the figure and Anti-Venom/Venomous Patriot as the symbi-warriors braced themselves. Soon, the large beam of lightning retracted back into the dark as it was no longer stormy out.

The Symbi-warriors opened their eyes to find the figure had vanished, Omega Lincoln noticed that Venomous Patriot/Anti-Venom was gone too along with his shields.

Omega Lincoln groans as he fell to the ground, alarming the symbi-warrior sisters as they check on him.

Risk Lana: Linc!

Sync Lisa: Don't touch him, he's feeling the effects of Anti-Venom's toxin.

Echo Luna: Then how do we get him home?!

Ms. Mirage: I'll warp him and you all to our home.

The Symbi-warriors turn to Ms. Mirage, who was levitating the unconscious Hawk Spider and Amy Garcia.

Power Lynn: Whoa... what happened to them? They look like they've been through war.

Ms. Mirage: Sigh... don't mention it. I'm healing them but it takes time, I already healed and put tech knight to sleep, sending him back to our home for more medical treatment.

Alpha Lori: Yikes. Knowing them, they must've put up quite a fight.

Ms. Mirage: The Venomous Patriot is no joke, that's why you were given a warning not to fight him, as well as half of our team.

Omega Lincoln: I'm sorry... I thought I could bring out the good in him... to recruit him...

Ms. Mirage: There is, though he walks a deep, dark path, give him time. The mission has failed, leave him alone for now. I've already warped any injured civilians caught in the crossfire to the hospitals, I'll warp us back home.

Ms. Mirage started to chant her warp spell as the group was surrounded by a dark aura.

Risk Lana: I wonder who was that cloaked figure that got him out of there.  

Ms. Mirage: Sigh... An Asgardian.

The Symbi-warriors eyes widened as she teleported them away from the field.

To be continued...

(Chapter 41 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! That's about it for the new recruit arc... for now. The Anti-hero OC, Venomous Patriot belongs to Icewolfking, credit goes to him for the OC and check out his awesome stories. My OC Elise's true intentions were revealed. For Maggie, instead of giving her blob's power like in the old chapter which was remastered, I gave her a symbiote in the form of my OC Reaper, You'll find out more about the two in due time.)

(Will the Venomous Patriot return? Who was the Asgardian who escaped with him? You'll find out in time. What's next for the heroes, find out next chapter! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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