Chapter 4: The Awakening-the slime is revealed to be a symbiote

(I hope you like the picture I drew and put for this chapter, enjoy. Now on with chapter 4!)

It was dark. It was nothing but a black void, an endless shroud of darkness filled with echoes as a female voice began to call out to lincoln.

Voice: (quietly) lincoln...

Lincoln: wh-what...?

Voice: lincoln...

Lincoln: (hears the female voice, but couldn't see her through the black void of darkness) hello! Anybody here?! Who's there?!

Voice: lincoln...


Voice: don't leave us lincoln...

Lincoln: (confused) what?

Voice: please don't leave us lincoln...

Lincoln: (frustrated and scared) what are you talking about?!

Voice: with us lincoln...

Lincoln: bond with you?

Voice: please lincoln bond with us. Don't leave us please (voice echoing faintly) lincoln...

Lincoln then slowly wakes up to his older sister lori calling his name trying to wake him up.


Lincoln: (fully awakes, panicking) ah!
Lori I didn't it! I didn't it! Whatever it was I didn't do it, I swear! Please don't turn me into a human pretzel!

Lori: lincoln! Calm down! You're not in trouble!

Lincoln: (calm down) I'm not?

Lori: (rolls her eyes) no.

Lincoln: Okay. So what are you doing in my room?

Lori then had a scared look on her face.

Lori: lincoln...I'm not not in your room and neither are you. In fact, I literally don't think we're in our own home anymore!

Lincoln then looked around to see that lori was right, they weren't in their own home anymore. Instead, it was the inside of an abandoned building. The old broken furniture, the massive cob webs, the broken glass, and the horrible smell of the place.

Lincoln: where are we?

Lori: I literally don't know. The last thing I remember was myself having a texting conversation with bobby and then all of a sudden some slime monster attacks me and I black out.

Lincoln: oh yeah! I remember that. I thought it was a nightmare and...and (screams) Aaaaah!

Lori: what?! What is it?!

Lincoln: (points to lori) lori...I think you''re wearing the slime!

Lori looks down at herself, her eyes widening in shock. Instead of her usual clothing, she has on the light blue slime in the form of a slim, skin tight suit. Lori then let a out a scream.

Lori: (freaking out) AAAAAAAHHHH!!

Lori tries to pull the light blue slime suit off her body but to no avail as she felt pain in her skin trying to pull it off.

Lori: (winces in pain) ouch! It's not coming off! It's almost like its glued to my skin!

Lincoln looks down at himself, seeing that he too had the slime attached to him as well. Instead of his usual clothing, he had on an orange skin tight suit.

Lincoln: (gasps) I have one too!

Lori: how did this happen?!

Lincoln: (thinks) if I remember correctly, before I saw you, luna, lynn, lucy, and lana were getting attacked by those slime creatures, I went to lisa's room to see what was going on with her when I heard her scream for help. When I came into her room, I saw lisa engulfed by one of the slime creatures that came out... (gasps) the meteorite!

Lori: (angry) of freaking course! I knew lisa had something to do with this! If I see her she is literally going to be a lot of trouble!

A few collection of groans was heard as lincoln and lori looked in the exact direction they heard the groans. They saw five of their sisters laying on the ground groaning. Luna was the first of them to get up and was walking drowsy toward lincoln and lori. Seeing luna about to lose her balance, lincoln and lori quickly caught her by her arms before she could fall. Luna looks at lincoln and lori with half lit, tired eyes.

Luna: (tired) hey what hit me last night? Did we have a party last night because my energy tank is on low dudes.

Lincoln: luna are you okay?

Luna: (smiles) I'm fine lil bro. Just a little tired but I'm fine.

Lori: you don't remember anything that happened last night?

Luna: (shook her head) no. At least, I don't think so. It's kind of a blur sis.

Lincoln: try to think luna. What was the last thing you were doing before you passed out.

Lincoln and lori helped luna up as the rocker tries to remember what she did before she passed out.

Luna: (thinks) I remember I was in my room relaxing on my beanbag chair and strumming my guitar while humming a song by fall out boy. Then after that, there was...was (gasps very loudly as the memories begin to come back to her) now I remember! Some purple slime monster attacks me and starts sticking to me like glue as I tried to get it off. When I came out of my room to get help, I saw you (looks at lincoln) and tried to call out to you for help but you were caught by the slime too and fell down the stairs. Are you okay bro?

Lincoln: surprisingly I'm fine. That fall should've broken my bones but I seem to be okay.

Luna: what are you and lori wearing?

Lincoln: oh well you see...don't freak out luna.

Luna: why bro?

Lori: because lincoln and I aren't just wearing these body suits. We are literally wearing the slime creatures that attacked us.

Luna's eyes widen in utter shock.

Lincoln: and lori and I aren't the only ones you know. You're also wearing the slime right now.

Luna: (shrieks) WH-WHAT!!

Luna looks down at herself and her eyes widen in terror as she too was wearing the purple slime in the form of a skin tight suit. Luna began to freak out as she tried to pull it off her body to no avail.

Luna: (struggling to pull the slime off) it's not coming off! Ouch! Dang it! Ow! It's like its a part of my skin!

Lori: don't bother luna I already tried pulling it off and it literally felt like I was pulling off my own skin, it really hurts.

Luna: (gives up) okay how did this happen dudes.

Lori: (in a bitter tone) ask lisa.

Luna: (annoyed) what experiment did she include us in this time?

Lincoln: guys! I found lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa!

Lori and luna hurried over to lincoln as well as the unconscious bodies of lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa. They also noticed that the four unconscious sisters had the slime attached to them in the form of skin tight suits. Lynn had a red suit, lana had a dark blue suit, lisa had on a green suit, and lucy had on a black and white suit and very surprisingly the goth's pure black hair is now a ghostly white. Lincoln, luna, and lori then gently shook the four unconscious sisters awake.

Lynn: (yawns) what-what's going on? How long did I sleep?

Lincoln: I let you know later.

Lori: is everyone okay?

Lynn: (stretching her arms) yep. I'm good.

Lucy: sigh...I'm okay.

Lisa: affirmative.

Lana: I'm fine but what happened and where are we?

Lincoln: you guys don't remember anything that happened last night?

Lynn and lana shook their heads, but lucy and lisa remember.

Lucy: I remember talking to lynn about the dark presence within that meteorite lisa was experimenting with and then lynn and I were attacked and consumed the slime that came out the meteorite.

Lynn: oh yeah! Now I remember!

Lana: me too! That slime monster was trying to eat me.

Lincoln: well it didn't eat you, it fused with you. Look at what you wearing.

Lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa look down at themselves and see that lincoln was right. Instead of their usual clothing, they were wearing the slime in the forms of the skin tight suits.

Lynn: (surprised) what the heck are we wearing?!

Lisa: it seems that the extraterrestrial life forms have somewhat merged with us.

Lana: (amazed) first I was scared of this but now it looks really cool.

Lucy: sigh...I knew the black and white slime would choose me.

Lynn: (gasps) lucy your hair, it's white!

Lucy: what? (Looks at her reflection in the glass window and gasps loudly, seeing that her hair was white instead of black.) Gasp! (Looks at lincoln) oh lincoln we're twins now.

Lincoln: (a little freaked out) okay. This is getting very awkward.

Lori: (angry) I knew I shouldn't have let you keep that freaking meteorite lisa! This is all your fault!

Lisa: (unfazed) I did it all in the name of science. However, I was blindsided by my lack of sleep to properly contain the meteorite before I detected the amorphous life form inside it with my scanner.

Lori: (angry) so how do you plan to remove this slime from us.

Lisa: that part I haven't figured out yet. I still need to run some tests.

Lori: (angry) are you trying to say that you're going to use us as lab rats for another one of your experiments?!

Lisa: (unfazed) do you want the amorphous life form removed from you or not?

Lori: (sighs in annoyance) yes. Yes I do.

Lisa: then I'll need all of your extent cooperation siblings. I will also be joining you in being a subject in my test.

Lori, lincoln, luna, lucy, lynn, and lana thought about this for a minute before nodding in agreement.

Lisa: excellent.

Lana: but how do we get home?

Lucy suddenly started to feel off as she groan in pain. She drops to her knees and groans loudly causing her five sisters and one brother to worry about her. Feeling the pain coming from her back, lucy started to moan and groan in pain as two huge stubs grew out her back. As they got bigger and bigger, lucy let out a loud gasp as the stubs sprouted out into two giant, bat-like wings. The five sisters and one brother's jaw dropped.

Lincoln: (completely shocked) did lucy just grew wings?!

Lana: (surprised) wow...

Lisa: it seems that the amorphic life form attached to lucy gave her ability to grow wings.

Lucy: (Feeling her bat wings) I now have bat wings like a vampire...sigh... the greatest day ever...

Lincoln: wait a minute...lucy you just gave me an idea. Now that the slime gave you wings maybe you fly in the air and spot our home from there  while we follow you along the way there.

Lucy: I'll try. It'll be nice to fly like a vampire bat in the dark night.

Lynn: well lead the way luce.

The seven loud siblings exited the abandoned building and lucy took off into the night sky, with the help of her newly grown bat wings, leading the way back home with her sisters and brother following her. After a long walk, the seven siblings made it back home and up to lisa and lily's room as lisa got out her needles and took some blood samples and slime samples from herself and her six siblings as she begins to get to work on analyzing them. Once she was finished with her analysis, lisa turns to her six siblings with a grim expression.

Lincoln: well lisa?

Lisa: I'm afraid I have some bad news my siblings, due to the amorphous life form attacking and merging with us, it seems to have attached itself far into our bloodstream as well as deep within our bodies and minds while we were in an unconscious state.

Lori: (getting impatient) meaning what lisa?

Lisa: meaning that the amorphous life form has permanently bonded with us and sadly there's nothing I can do to remove it.

Everyone except lucy, lana, and lincoln gasped at lisa's bad news.


Lynn: (angry) me neither! It'll get in the way of my softball game tomorrow and the rest of my sports related activities!

Luna: (angry) I can't perform at my music gigs with an alien slime stuck to me. It'll ruin me dude!

Lana: I don't know guys. I think I wanna keep mine.

Lori: (gives a look of disbelief) lana are you crazy?!

Lana: no, I'm just saying that I don't want to get rid of it. Maybe I can see what kind of powers I have from this slime suit, it worked for lucy.

Lucy: it's true, at first I thought it was a nightmarish presence but as it was speaking to me, the slime told me it was not hostile.

Lori: what do you mean it's not hostile?

Lucy: it was going to die and needed a host to live. It just wanted to bond with us.

Lincoln: (thinks) wait a second! I knew what the slime creatures are!

Lori, luna, lynn, lana, and lisa: you do?

Lincoln: yes! These slime creatures are called symbiotes, I seen them in the spiderman comics I've read. It attached themselves to a host in order to bond with them in body and mind, making a single entity.

Lori: (annoyed) not another one of your lame superhero comic book fantasies.

Lucy: is telling the truth.

Lincoln: really lucy?

Lucy: yes. The slime told me of it's race and where it came from.

Lori: how actually did the slime or symbiote "talk" to you?

Lucy: from inside my mind. Since we are now bonded, I can communicate with it through the link shadow and I now have together.

Lincoln: shadow?

Lucy: yes. That's the symbiote's real name as she just told me.

Lincoln: she?

Lucy: yes. She told me that where she's from, their species are neutral in gender.

Lincoln: so that voice I heard in my dream was my symbiote.

Lucy: you hear your symbiote's voice as well?

Lincoln: yeah. It sounded very female like and it wanted to bond with me.

Lucy: it was calling out to you big brother.

Lisa: elder brother If there's a way to communicate with the amorphous life form known as the symbiote through our minds then I'll test that theory but for now we should some rest seeing as it's already 12 o'clock midnight.

Luna: I guess we should catch us some Z's dudes. After what we've been through I could probably get to know this symbiote in my dreams.

Lana: yeah. I wonder if I'll see it in my  dreams?

Lynn: (shruggs) eh...I guess I can hold on my symbiote as long as it doesn't get in the way of my softball game tomorrow or any of my sports games.

Lori: (annoyed) as I much as it annoys me right now to have this thing stuck to me permanently, I'll try to bear it but I want all six of you to promise to not let leni, luan, lola, lily, mom and dad know about this.

Luna, lynn, lucy, lana, lincoln and lisa: we promise.

Lori: (sighs) good. Now let's turn in. We had a long, horrible night.

Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lincoln exited lisa's room and went to their own rooms to get some shut-eye. As lincoln was getting ready to go to bed, he stared at his orange symbiote and then at the readers.

Lincoln: just as the days and nights was getting stranger. But I wonder if I'll get to know my symbiote so I can reach out to her. I just hope she's not like venom in the spiderman comics. Well goodnight everyone.

Lincoln falls asleep, unaware that a faint female voice answered back.

Voice: goodnight lincoln...

To be continued...

(And chapter 4 is done! Sorry it took so long, it was a long chapter. So the slime creatures were revealed to be symbiotes. How will the seven loud siblings deal with this? Chapter 5 will be coming sooner or later, lucy's symbiote name was revealed to be shadow in this chapter, you'll know other six Oc symbiote names in the next chapter. Until we meet again, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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