Chapter 39: New Recruits Pt 1- Scorpio & Ice Queen
After the Events of the Bio Symbiote Hybrids, new reporter Katherine Milligan had the biggest scoop of her life as Newspapers instantly got up.
Spinning newspapers appeared on screen.
The animals who were once hybrids were treated by doctors and sent to the zoo or to the forest where they belong. The citizens of royal woods who were once hybrids were treated as well before being sent home to their families and/or loved ones while parts of the city was being repaired. Most citizens, including the louds friends have some nice comments on the Heroes saving them during the hybrid attack while others, especially Ron Steel say that the Heroes are responsible for the damage & the sudden disappearance of Domain Wolfe after his building was blown up, calling them menaces/vigilantes.
Despite peace returning to royal woods, things will only get crazier sooner or later.
Narrator: Early in the morning...
Meanwhile at the warehouse hideout, Luan was brought in by Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lisa as the Comedian tells them her story of how she became the Atomic Goblin. Ava and Sam were here too but both were resting due to yesterday's event.
Lynn: So you fought your nightmare self, who was plotting to drive you insane in order to take over your body?
Lisa: And you managed to overcome said nightmarish personality... and my S.C.M.R.O. double gave you one of my forbidden serums to fix your broken bones?!
Luan: Yep. And booooy was that painful. But my arm & shoulder are all fixed up and I'm all super soldiered up, hahaha! Get it?
Lisa: I'm surprised that my creation would do such a thing yet it's dangerous. Don't ever try anything like that again, who knows what it would've done to you instead of healing your arm & shoulder.
Luan: Okay, Okay. Geez, don't get your bones in a twist, Hehehehe.
Lana: But where did this nightmare you come from.
Lisa: I have a theory... you must have experienced not just a physical attack from the Chee-hawk hybrid but a traumatic attack which triggered a mental rupture in your mind, possibly when you tried to protect Lincoln and Lana.
Luan: Maybe you're right... it was also linked to my previous April Fools day moments, she kept saying that I was a monster who couldn't protect my family from anything, especially myself.... (she looks down).
Luna: (pats Luan on the back) It's okay Luan, you showed that nightmare you're not what she says you are, your pranks can be harsh yes but you ain't a heartless monster.
Lori: We may put up with your pranks but we literally don't think less of you.
Lincoln: Plus, you saved me from being a bio symbiote hybrid's dinner & helped us saved the city.
They gave Luan a hug, making the comedian smile as she hugs them back.
Luan: Thanks guys, I appreciate it. But I can't take all the credit, lana's the one who stopped that Domain Wolfe guy.
Lana: And I unlocked that new form of Risk as well. Though he got away, we'll be ready if he returns.
Lucy: Sigh... true.
Lana: So Luan... since you have powers and weaponry, you wanna join the symbi-warriors?
Luan: (pirate accent) Arrrgh! Consider the Atomic Goblin apart of thy crew, matey! Hahaha! Get it?
Lori rolls her eyes with a slight smile.
Lori: C'mon guys, we better get to school.
Lisa: Of course. Education is important, you know.
Loud yawns can be heard as Ava and Sam were awake.
Ava: Man, I needed that rest.
Lynn: You guys alright?
Ava: Yeah. After everything that happened yesterday, I'm a bit sore but I'm well rested now.
Luna: What about you, Sam?
Sam: I'm fine. I actually surprised that I'm back to normal, well... kinda.
Luna: Kinda?
Sam: According to Amy Garcia, I still have hulk DNA in me but that bang on the head made me turn back. She told me that the Hulk could turn back to normal from either calming down completely to lower the anger, losing consciousness through certain events like what I went through.
Luna: But what being a permanent hulk?
Sam: I know I said that but I was very excited back then that I wasn't thinking straight.
Luna: It's fine. Hulk or human, you still rock Sam.
Sam: Aww, thanks. Amy Garcia also told me that I can still change into my hulk form by getting angry or focusing the change or both.
Luna: Rockin'!
Lori: Let's go guys! We don't want to be late!
Luna and Sam: Oh right!
Lori, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lisa, Ava and Sam grabbed their bags & left the warehouse.
Lori soon went back to the loud house to pick up Lola and Leni in Vanzilla, who were confused/suspicious from the others being ready so early but shrugged as the oldest loud drops off everyone to elementary, middle and high school.
Moments later, during the school day, Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam and Zach were having a conversation when they were approached by a new student named Stella. The five boys became very smitten with her & would freeze in a love trance when she tries to speak to them which weirded her out as she left. Soon, Stella approached the five boys individually, wanting to hang out but they think Stella has a crush on one of them & would try to impress her, letting rage & jealously consume them to see who should be the one Stella dates as they would fight for her, even broke up the snake formation.
Omega snapped Lincoln out of that rage, the female symbiote explaining to him that he is misunderstanding Stella's intentions. The white haired boy asked how does she know, omega revealed that she can tell by one's expression & body language, saying that there was no romantic emotions with Stella, making Lincoln realize his mistake.
Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam and Zach were approached by Stella again but the boys (except Lincoln) were mad at her, saying that she nearly broke up their friendship by asking them on dates. Stella explained that she wasn't looking for a boyfriend and only wanted to friends with the five boys.
Stella then explained that she asked them individually to get to know them because they were acting... goofy all together. The boys felt bad, especially Lincoln as Stella left, stating that they just can't handle being friends with a girl.
The boys later approach Stella at lunch, apologizing for acting like fools & misunderstanding the situation and wanted hang out with her as a friend but she ignored them while going back to her lunch, assuming it was a definite no, the boys were about to be leave when...
Stella: Hang on... Lincoln, what's in that thermos?
Lincoln: My dad's homemade tomato soup.
Stella: Hmmm... I'll trade you my fruit salad for it.
Lincoln: Deal!
Lincoln walks back to Stella's table, followed by Clyde, Rusty, Liam and Zach.
Liam: Hey uh, how about swapping them there rice cakes for some hush puppies?
Stella: Definitely.
Zach: Any chance you'd trade your juice box for a tuna kit?
Stella: Sorry, dude. That's where I draw the line.
The boys laugh as they sat down with Stella.
Clyde: After lunch, we can work out our new snake formation.
Stella: Just wanna throw it out there, have you guys ever considered a scorpion formation?
She pulls out a diagram of the formation as the boys were in awe.
Lincoln: We're listening.
Stella smiles. This is the beginning of a new friendship.
Meanwhile, another new kid was being showed around royal woods school by Mrs. Agnes Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson: And here's my classroom. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask myself or some fellow students or teachers for assistance. I know you're shy but don't be afraid to make some friends, okay?
???: Yes. Thank you Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson: (smiles) Great. Lunch is still going on so head on to the cafeteria. Have a good day, Kyle.
The boy named Kyle nodded as he walks away to the cafeteria, looking out for a place to sit as he spots an empty table. He walks towards the table which passing the table Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach and Stella were sitting as they noticed him.
Rusty: Hey, another new kid.
Liam: Whoa there, he seems rather... sullen looking.
The six look at the boy named Kyle, who was taking out his lunch which was a large, clear plastic bowl of tater tots, three king size chocolate bars and some chocolate milk. He was about Lincoln, Stella and the others age but was a foot taller than Stella with a slight slender build, slightly pale skin, short black hair with a green-ish outline, red eyes and he was wearing a dark gray dress shirt, dark blue cargo pants and black shoes.
(The OC Kyle is owned by sliverdagger)
Kyle then starts to grab a handful of tater tots and eats them in a slightly wild fashion.
Stella: Wow, he seems to love tater tots... a lot.
Lincoln: Wow is right... and I thought Lynn and Lana had a crazy appetite...
Liam: Yeah. He eats more than a hungry bull.
Stella: Maybe we should introduce ourselves to him, get to know him.
Rusty: I don't know... there's something weird about him.
Clyde: I'm sure it's nothing. Aside from the wild eating, he's just a normal kid like us.
At the other table, Kyle was grabbing a chocolate bar to eat it as he heard a voice within his mind.
???: Kyle, those boys and one girl are staring at us. Should I do something about it?
Kyle: (whispers to the voice) No, they're just normal kids. It's okay if they stare when a new kid comes to school so there's no issue.
???: Very well... but there's something strange with the white haired boy (lincoln) and the black haired girl (stella). The girl I'm not sure what it is but the boy...
Kyle: What about him?
???: I sense something similar to me within him.
Kyle: So he's like us, hmm? We'll figure out if he's a foe or not but for now... back to tater tots and chocolate.
Kyle begins to devour the his lunch.
Meanwhile at royal woods high school, we see Lori and Leni having lunch with Carol, Mandee, Becky and Dana in the cafeteria.
Becky: And so those heroes saved me and Dana from those weird monsters yesterday.
Dana: Yeah. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here now.
Leni: Like, these heroes are amazing and I love their style in their costumes. I need to know who does their outfits!
Mandee: Yeah, I'm not much of a superhero fan but I like their style.
Carol: They're doing a lot for our city, I don't get why some people hate them?
Lori: Some people see the symbi-warriors and DMF as vigilante/menaces despite the good they do to protect royal woods, especially that Ron Steel creep (mocks him) Oh these vigilantes are illegally interfering with the law of fighting criminals & I don't tolerate vigilantes in my city. Ugh, it makes me sick.
Carol: True. At least the other 50 percent of royal woods appreciate the good they've done. So Lori, ready for graduation?
Lori: Yep, we have the exams to get by, then graduation and summer vacation to celebrate.
Leni: Yay! We're graduating from high school!
Lori: Uhhh, Leni you're not a senior, you're a junior. Carol and myself are seniors along with the 12th graders here who are planning to graduating once the exams are finished.
Leni: Ooooooh.
Carol: So what do you plan on doing once you're done with high school?
Lori: I had my eye on this college, Fairway University-
She was interupted by a scream as Lori, Leni, Becky, Dana, Carol and Mandee to see a tall, blonde haired girl lori's age dressed in punk clothes shaking a boy sophomore upside down while two punk girls beside her laugh at the boy's torment.
Blonde haired punk girl: I thought I told you to get me some money for lunch and answers for my test, ya waste of space!
Boy: I'm s-sorry Janet! Please let me go!
Janet: (smirks) Oh I'll let ya go, squirt.
Janet drops the boy in the trash, she and her posse laughing.
Lori: Ugh, Janet and her goons are at it again.
Carol: They act so immature and brutal, how they are in 12th grade when acting like this I'll never know.
Leni: And they're like, scary.
Dana: They once stuffed five 9th graders in one locker.
Mandee: They also spray painted the boy's locker room and even locked a 10th grader boy in the girl's locker room with said girls beating him for being there while they were changing clothes.
Becky: Janet even told a lie to the boy's football team that an 11th grader put ketchup bombs in their lockers, which went off on them as the jocks beat up the guy for what Janet pulled, he transferred to another school after that.
Dana: Uhhh guys?
Lori: What is it?
Dana: There's a new girl here and she's sitting at... Janet's table.
Becky, Mandee, Leni and Carol gasped while Lori sees Janet and her goons walking towards their table which was occupied by a new girl Dana was talking about. She was about Leni's age, tall with fair skin, long black hair with some braids, sunglasses on top of her head, she was wearing a purple off shoulder top, black leggings with jean shorts, silver high heel sandals, gold earrings and wore a diamond necklace around her neck.
She was currently painting a portrait of some kind as she was approached by Janet and her goons.
Janet: Hey, who are you & what are you doing at our table?
The girl said nothing.
Janet: (annoyed) Hey, Idiot Girl I'm talking to you!
The girl turn to Janet, unfazed by her outburst.
???: (elegant female voice; cold tone) My name is Addison Frost. And you're interrupting my painting time.
(The OC Addison Frost is owned by CartoonNetwork90sfan.)
Janet: That's dandy. I'm Janet, the girl who didn't ask for your stupid name. Now get lost, this table is for us 12th graders only, junior.
Addison went back to painting, much to Janet and her goons anger.
Becky: That's not good.
Carol: The last person who sat at Janet's table did not fair so well with her.
Lori decided to get up and go over to them.
Leni: Lori, wait!
Janet: (angry) Hey! Didn't you hear what I said?!
Goon 1: Yeah!
Goon 2: Go take a hike elsewhere, freak!
Addison paid no mind as she was painting an angel with frosted wings.
Lori: Ok, that's enough!
Janet and her goons turn to Lori, who was glaring at them.
Lori: Stop picking on her, it's just a table! Go find another one to sit at & leave her alone!
Janet: Stay out of this, loud! This is none of your business so leave before you get yours! (Gets in Addison's face) and as for you, miss perfect... you better listen to me and start moving from this table or I'll get mad & you won't like me when I'm mad.
Addison's icy glare met Janet's heated glare.
Addison: I don't like you now nor do I care. Now get out of my face.
Addison pushed Janet away from her as she nearly fell if her goons hadn't caught her. Janet was shocked for a moment but it quickly turned to anger.
Addison: Hmph. You punks are so feeble minded. (Goes back to painting while eating a slice of pie.)
Janet: (growled) And you smartass new girls don't listen very well.
Janet stomps towards Addison, taking the frost winged angel painting and throwing to the ground, Leni and the group gasped while Lori growled and Addison's eyes widened as Janet started stomping on the painting, smearing it. Janet then grabs Addison's lunch and drops it on the painting, ruining it.
The two goons laughed as Janet turns to Addison with a smug grin.
Janet: (fake remorse) Oh I'm sorry, I stomped and got your lunch all over your ugly painting. Hahaha!
Addison stares at her ruined painting.
Janet: You're gonna learn to respect me & what I say goes. So get up and leave before you get hurt.
Addison slowly got up, darkness covering her eyes but stood there. One of goons stepped up and grabs Addison's arm.
Goon 1: You heard the boss, you better get to stepping-
Addison grabs the goon's hand which was on her arm and twists it but doesn't let go.
Goon 1: Aaaaggh!!
Addison had the coldest, yet calm glare as she took the girl goon and judo flipped her on the table, shocking Janet and the entire students in the cafeteria.
Dana: Whoa...
Becky: She flipped her into the table.
Janet snapped out of her shock, glaring at Addison.
Janet: You just made a big mistake, girl.
Janet charged at Addison to punch her face in but Addison was blocking the hits with little effort while keeping the calm & icy glare. The second goon was sneaking up behind her to cheap shot her but Lori intervenes to knee her in the midsection, a right swing to the cheek and a straight punch to the face, knocking her out.
Lori: Stay down.
Janet was still trying to connect her fists to get a hit on Addison but she couldn't lay a finger on her, much to her irritation and anger.
Janet: Stay still! And let me mess up that face of yours!! Raaaaaah!!!
Janet kept swinging at Addison, who blocks the hits and grabs Janet's right arm, twisting it.
Janet: Gaaah!
Addison had a good grip on Janet's arm as she throws her into a table with the female bully landing on a couple of students food, letting out a pained groan as Principal Rivers showed up.
Principal Rivers: What is going on here?
The Students (except Leni, Carol, Dana, Becky and Mandee) pointed at Addison, Lori and Janet.
Principal Rivers: You three, my office now!
Narrator: One moment later...
After Lori, Addison and Janet explained their stories, Principal Rivers and her assistant Oliver dealt out the punishment; Since it was Addison's first day & was provoked in a fight, she was let off with a warning. Lori was also off the hook but had to serve two or three days of after school detention as she broke of one of Janet's goons teeth but the oldest loud was surprisingly okay with it. And as for Janet, who is known for her bullying and isn't the first time she's been called to the principal's office, got 2 weeks of detention and suspension, meaning that she'll be taking summer school to take the exam.
The three left the principal's office as Janet, who was covered in food glared at Lori and Addison.
Janet: This isn't over, I'm gonna get you two if it's the last thing I do.
One icy glare from Addison made Janet stop her angry rant as the female bully grew chills down the spine, taking her leave.
Lori: Tch. What a jerk, at least you won't have to worry about her-
Lori turns to find Addison gone.
Lori: Anymore...? Ok, that was literally strange.
Soon, school time was over as Rita picks up the girls, Lincoln and Ava from their schools, Sam also tagged along too as she and Luna had music practice.
We cut to Lincoln and Lori sitting on the couch, having a conversation.
Lincoln: So you have two or three days of after school detention tomorrow?
Lori: Yeah. A literal bore but it's fine, Janet and her goons got the worse though. She picked on a new student and ruined her painting.
Lincoln: That's horrible.
Lori: I know, right? Janet and her goons have been picking on pretty much anyone who even looks at them the wrong way. The new student Addison Frost though... The look in her eyes, they were literally as cold as ice, she wasn't afraid or intimidated by Janet one bit as she humiliated Janet, I also helped in fighting one of her goons.
Lincoln: I see. I met two students today; One was a girl named Stella, at first I thought she wanted to date me or my friends but omega snapped me out of it as I saw my mistake, misunderstanding Stella's motives.
Alpha: My younger sister knows people's motives and intentions through expressions & body language the most.
Omega: Thank you older brother.
Lori: What happened then?
Lincoln: Turns out Stella wanted to be friends, we apologized and quickly made up.
Lori: Ok then. And the other new student?
Lincoln: Well... we tried to talk to him and be friends with him but he turns the other way or walks away. All I know is his name is Kyle.
Lori: He's probably nervous & distancing himself, becoming a new student in a school of people you don't know can literally do that to someone.
Lincoln: Yeah. You're right. Also... Omega told me that she sensed something within Kyle... a symbiote being.
Lori: Really?
Suddenly, Lincoln and Lori's communicators started beeping.
Lori: We had trouble.
We cut to a different neighborhood where a black van was parked by a large house as nine men in green & black armored soldier gear were running towards the house, kicking down the door & entered the house, startling a family of three.
One was a slightly tall, slightly athletic man with slightly fair skin, short black hair and red eyes. He was wearing a business suit. The second was a slightly short woman with slight pale skin, a graceful figure, long flowing black hair and purple eyes. She was wearing a black & purple dress and heel shoes. And the third was a short 5 year old girl with slightly pale skin, purple eyes, neck length black hair and was wearing a white and purple dress and shoes.
The three were surrounded by armed men, guns pointed at them. One took off his helmet, revealing a fair skinned face with short blonde hair, red eyes and a scar on his head.
???: Well, Well, Well, Danny & Abigail... you thought you can hide from us?
Danny (father): Abigail, take Amy and go-
???: Nononono, nobodies going anywhere until you give me what I want.... and what I want is the alien living in your son.
Danny: I don't know what you're talking about!
???: You know what I'm talking about! (Slowly calms down) Let's start over... my name is Bolt and your son has our property, tell us where he is so we can get it back or else... (snaps his fingers as his men points their guns at the family) we'll have to take care of you personally.
Abigail and Amy were scared while Danny tries to shield them from the threat but before a move can be made from Bolt and his men, a web shot out to ensnare one of the men in it as Bolt turns to see Omega Lincoln.
Omega Lincoln: I don't think so, you're not hurting this family!
Bolt: Ah, Omega of the symbi-warriors. I've heard so much about you from Tetherby himself before his demise. You and your team possess rare symbiotic life forms like the one we're hunting. Maybe you would like to volunteer for our... project?
Omega Lincoln: The only project I'm gonna volunteer for is putting you behind bars.
Bolt: Well then... neutralize him boys!
Bolt and his men aim their guns and fired beams at Omega Lincoln, who dodges the lasers which was damaging the house. Omega Lincoln got near two soldiers, firing webs to trap them together & throw them against the wall, sticking to it. Three soldiers shot at Omega Lincoln, who was hit but grunts as he charges at them, hands forming into tendril blades to get near the three soldiers & cut their guns to ribbons.
The three soldiers use their fists to combat Omega Lincoln in a three on one bout & overwhelmed him for a moment, the symbiote clad hero then delivers a low sweep kick to the three soldiers as he leaps up and fired webs to trap the three men.
Omega Lincoln then turns to the two last soldiers and Bolt, who was pointing his gun at Danny, Abigail and Amy.
Omega Lincoln: Release them!
Bolt: Listen and listen good, you will join us and help us hunt down the symbiotic subject known as Scorpio or the family dies.
Omega Lincoln: I'm not joining your twisted group, leave this family out of this!
Bolt: (sinister smile) Wrong answer.
Bolt was about to pull the trigger at the family of three but something swift shot out & knocked the gun out of his hand.
Bolt: Gah! What the?!
Bolt sees Kyle standing at the front door... with a scorpion like tail behind him as the boy had a calm yet menacing stare. Omega Lincoln and the family of three noticed him with them having worried/confused expressions.
Bolt: (smirks) The son has arrived.
Omega Lincoln: Hey kid, you need to get out of here, these people are dangerous-
Omega Lincoln was hit by the scorpion like tail, crashing through the wall.
Kyle: (Dark voice) I hate bad guys... especially those who try to hurt my family. I want Scorpio so bad... (distorted male voice) You'll get Scorpio.
A strange ooze came out of Kyle's body as it started to grow & engulf him, shaping him into a ferocious symbiote creature. It was very tall, a very athletic body in a monster/man combination, white eyes with a black outline, sharp fangs with a long tongue, black & crimson red skin with an armored bodysuit with a lining pattern & spotted shoulder patterns, sharp claws & three clawed feets while three sharp, scorpion like tails.
???: Bad guys... I am poison to you all, your devourer... I. AM. SCORPIO!!
(The symbiote OC Scorpio belongs to sliverdagger.)
Bolt: Aim and fire!
The two soldiers aim and fired beams at Scorpio, who went down on all fours and crawled up the walls to avoid the shots until the symbiote was on the ceiling, tilting his head in a creepy manner. The two soldiers shot at Scorpio again but one of them got pierced through the heart by the scorpion like tail, killing him.
The other soldier grew afraid & ran for the exit but didn't get far as Scorpio wrapped his tail around his neck, bringing the struggling soldier up to him as the symbiote roared in the soldier's face before biting his head off.
Bolt then grabs Amy, who screams as he picks up his gun.
Danny: No!
Abigail: (cries) my daughter!
Scorpio lands on the ground on all fours, dropping the corpse as he sees Amy held hostage by Bolt.
Bolt: I know you Scorpio, your human side especially. You can't bare to see your family hurt, which makes you weak.
Scorpio growled as he secretly intends one of his sharp tails to sneakily go around without bolt knowing.
Bolt: I'm going to give you one last chance... surrender the scorpio symbiote and your family will live to see another day or resist & I start killing your family, starting with the little sister of yours.
The 5 year old girl started to cry as Scorpio growled in anger but kept the slithering tail unseen, still sneaking around to get behind bolt.
Bolt: Clock's ticking Kyle, you want your family will live, right? Well then do the right thing and surrender the scorpio symbiote to me.
The unseen scorpion like tail was now lurking behind bolt with the perfect moment to strike.
Bolt: What's it going to be? The symbiote or your sister's head?
Scorpio: Coward...
The unseen scorpion like tail then struck Bolt through the left shoulder, making him drop Amy & the gun as he screams in pain. Danny quickly got his daughter as Scorpio roared, Bolt went for his gun but Scorpio pounced on him, wrapping his tails around Bolt & squeezing him tight while screeching in his face.
Scorpio: Using a kid as a hostage, especially my sister.... very cowardly and unacceptable!!
Bolt: M-M-Mercy...!
Scorpio: You've hurt me & my host every chance you got, your life ends here!
Bolt: Nooooooo-!
Scorpio bit his head off, killing him as he drops the corpse. Scorpio then heard a groan as Omega Lincoln came out of the hole in the wall, his senses warned him to dodge but it was too late as Scorpio wrapped his tails around the symbiote hero.
Omega Lincoln: Agh!
Scorpio then slams Omega Lincoln against the walls and ceiling until he was brought to the ground with Scorpio towering him like a predator.
Scorpio: You're the symbiote we sensed in that kid and you're working with my enemies!
Omega Lincoln: Ack! You've got it all wrong, we weren't with this people-
Scorpio: Liar! You die!
Before he could land the finishing strike, Danny and Abigail stopped him.
Danny: Son, that's enough!
Abigail: It's okay, It's over.
Scorpio: But... he's the enemy!
Amy: No! Big brother, he wasn't with those bad guys! He was trying to save us from them!
Omega Lincoln: She's... right.
Scorpio then released Omega Lincoln, muttering "sorry" before retreating back into Kyle's body as Kyle hugs his mom, dad and his sister.
Soon, the cops came and took the soldiers that weren't killed by Scorpio away while Danny made up a false story about a creature killing the intruders & bolt while escaping to cover up his son & symbiote. Omega Lincoln also hid since the cops didn't take kindly to vigilantes and would get blamed for the kill.
Once the cops took the soldiers and bagged bodies away, Omega Lincoln came out of his hiding place.
Abigail: I wanted to say thank you for helping out my family.
Omega Lincoln: Thanks but I can't take all the credit. Your son had a hand in the work.
Kyle looks away.
Danny: It's fine. We're grateful to both of you. Those guys have been chasing us for a while.
Omega Lincoln: They want the symbiote in your son, right?
Danny nods.
Scorpio: Yes.... I was held in containment, being weaponized & suffered test after test... so I managed to break free, possessing one of the guards to leave before killing the rogue & scientist, escaping.
Omega Lincoln: I'm sorry that happened to you.
Omega: Yeah, we symbiotes aren't just mindless life forms to be tested dangerously on.
Scorpio: I agree. Through days being on the run, I found my way to Kyle and we begin to bond. We became like siblings through time, a true brotherhood if you will... we care for this family and will beat down anyone who harms or kill them lest we lose control like you saw with bolt, the rogue's brother.
Omega Lincoln: Oh. I see, so you're basically an anti-hero?
Scorpio: Yes.
Omega: Well I understand that you do what you must to keep your family safe.
Omega Lincoln: Well I better get going now.
Amy: Wait! Maybe you and big brother can be a superhero team! It would be cool!
Kyle: I don't know....
Omega Lincoln: Well my team is looking for new recruits. Kyle doesn't have to accept if he doesn't want to.
Kyle: .... I take it under consideration.
Omega Lincoln: Ok, should I give you a location where to meet me or-
Kyle: That... won't be necessary.
Scorpio: I can sense other symbiotes, finding you won't be so hard. We'll let you know when we'll appear.
Omega Lincoln: Ok then, see ya.
Amy: Bye!
Danny: See ya!
Abigail: Thank you and goodbye!
Kyle had a small smile and waved goodbye as Omega Lincoln web slinged away.
Scorpio: Well then... time for more chocolate and tater tots.
Meanwhile in downtown royal woods...
The jewelry store being robbed by a woman with tan skin, long flowing black hair, yellow eyes and was wearing a navy blue suit mech suit & helmet with glowing diamond like orbs.
???: Hahaha! Another pay day of luxurious jewelry for the Gem Grappler! (Aims her glowing, armored fist at the customers & manager) Try calling the cops & this place gets blown away, understand?!
The customer & manager nodded in fear as Gem Grappler then made a run for it but didn't get very far as Alpha Lori jumped in front of her.
Alpha Lori: You're not going anywhere.
Gem Grappler: Who are you?
Alpha Lori: I'm the hero who's going to give you a royal woods style beat down!
Gem Grappler: (smirks) You think that I'm intimidated by you, get real! If it's a fight you want, I'm game!
Placing the bag of jewels to the side, Gem Grappler pumps her fists together as light energy surrounded them, getting into a boxing stance. Alpha Lori got ready as the two ran at each other to trade blows, Gem Grappler deliver a chain of haymakers which Alpha Lori dodged but the haymakers started to pick up speed as the symbiote clad eldest loud hero was switching to defense with Gem Grappler hitting her with great strikes.
Gem Grappler: C'mon, can you be any slower?!
Gem Grappler then nails Alpha Lori with light energy right punch, two left jabs to the stomach and finally a discus punch to the face, sending Alpha Lori through a car window.
Alpha Lori: Uggghhh... She's good. (Gets out of the car) And I thought Lynn had it good with boxing or martial arts.
Gem Grappler was doing some air punches before shooting out beams of light at Alpha Lori, who runs to avoid the light blasts. Forming tendril blades, Alpha Lori runs towards Gem Grappler while dodging the light blasts, getting near as She delivers an assortment of swift swords to the villain.... but the armor showed no signs of damage, much to Alpha Lori's surprise.
Gem Grappler: Swords? Really? That didn't hurt one bit (grins) but this will hurt a lot!
The diamond like orbs on her armor were glowing as Gem Grappler swiftly charged at Alpha Lori before she could react, nailing a fierce light infused punch to the gut.
Alpha Lori: Aaaaagghhhh!!!
Gem Grappler: Brace for impact!
Gem Grappler uses the force of the punch to slam her into the ground, forming a large crater. Alpha Lori groans with Gem Grappler looking down on her with a grin.
Gem Grappler: You're the hero around these parts? Ha! I admit that you're impressive but you've never faced anyone like me. I'm a champion, a true Grappler looking for jewels & more power, I'll crush anyone who seek to challenge me.
???: Oh, perhaps I can give you a challenge you seek.
Gem Grappler then felt the air grow denser and colder as she turns to spot a female flying towards the two, Alpha Lori noticed the figure too. The female figure was a graceful teenage girl with long black hair with braids pulled back with a black bandana, she was wearing a silver leotard, a long silver cape, wristbands, fishnet leggings and knee length boots. She had a calm yet menacing cold stare that shook Gem Grappler to her core but the villain shook it off and yelled.
Gem Grappler: Who are you?!
???: Ice Queen...
(The OC Hero Ice Queen belongs to CartoonNetwork90sfan.)
Gem Grappler: Well Ice Queen, what's with the ballet look? Do you want to fight or dance?
Ice Queen got into a taekwondo fighting stance.
Gem Grappler: Ok... (smirks) Let's dance.
Gem Grappler lunged at Ice Queen as the two started trading blows with each other. Alpha Lori slowly got up as she looks at Gem Grappler delivering strong, light infused punches to Ice Queen, who is elegantly & swiftly dodging the attacks, timing the right moment to strike her opponent.
Alpha Lori: Whoa...
Alpha: Her moves are quite elegant...
Gem Grappler: (attacking) You're not too bad! But you're not gonna beat me!
Ice Queen: (calm) I wouldn't be so sure if I were you...
Ice Queen backflips out of the way of Gem Grappler's next light infused punch, taking a handstand position as she comes back with a handstand spin kick to Gem Grappler's face, the villain grunted as she fires a beam of light at her but Ice Queen flips back to her feet as her body turns into a pure diamond state, taking the hit.
Gem Grappler: What the?!
Ice Queen runs towards Gem Grappler, hitting a couple of strong kicks to the villain, who switches to defense mode as Ice Queen changes positions to exchange fists with the grappling villain. Gem Grappler immediately charges her power to send Ice Queen back with a barrier of light but the female hero managed to land on her feet, Gem Grappler growled & fires more light blasts at Ice Queen, who took the hits with her durable diamond body & flew towards Gem Grappler and nails her with a straight flying kick to the grappling villain, knocking her helmet off as she hits the ground.
Alpha Lori: She knocked her down...!
Gem Grappler slowly got up, having a boot printed bruise on the side of her face, glaring at Ice Queen.
Gem Grappler: Grrrr... I'm really mad now.
Ice Queen: (diamond armor wears off) Time to finish it... you're weakness is exposed now.
Gem Grappler: Whatta you mean? I have no weaknesses!
Gem Grappler runs at Ice Queen to fire a beam of light but the female hero dodged it and levitates around Gem Grappler, duplicating herself into six clones while circling Gem Grappler, much to the villain's confusion.
Gem Grappler: What are you up to?
Ice Queen & her clones: (in unison; calm, cold tone) Your weakness is exposed to me... open your mind.
Gem Grappler started to twitch a bit, looking at the circling Ice Queen clones, repeating the words "Open your mind."
Gem Grappler: What are you doing?! Stop it!!
Ice Queen & her clones: (in unison; repeating) Open your mind.
Gem Grappler places her hands over her head, breathing heavily and breaking out in a cold sweat... hearing voices within her head as those cold eyes were staring down into her mind & soul.
Gem Grappler: Stop! I can't go back, you can't make me! Stop reading my thoughts, get out of my head!!
Gem Grappler started to blast light everywhere but the clones evaded the attack while continuing their telepathic assault on the grappling villain. Alpha Lori noticed the beams headed for a giant billboard, making it fall as it was about to land on a crowd of people but the symbiote clad eldest loud quickly swings in & shot a lot of webs to keep the billboard in place from flattening the crowd.
Alpha Lori: Phew...
Gem Grappler couldn't take it anymore as she let out a loud scream for a moment until she fell to her knees and hit the ground, losing consciousness. The clones vanished as Ice Queen landed on her feet with Alpha Lori lands towards her.
Alpha Lori: What did you do to her?
Ice Queen: I simply put her to sleep, I found some tragic moments in her mind, well two of them...
Alpha Lori: Two of them?
Soon, the cops came to help return the stolen jewels back to the shop as one of them picked up Gem Grappler, placing some special cuffs on her.
Cop: Thanks for apprehending Gem Grappler, I really appreciate it.
Ice Queen: Think nothing of it.
Gem Grappler slowly awakened but had blue eyes & had a confused and fearful expression.
Gem Grappler: W-Where am I? What am I doing in this armor?
Alpha Lori: Ok, what's going on with her? One moment, she's robbing and attacking us & now she's acting scared.
Ice Queen: Multiple Personality.
Cop: Yeah, that's right. This girl is Mariana Gem, born a mutant with light power & in a latino rich family. My name is Roger, I was friends with her mother, who is a CEO & her father, who was a championship professional grappler and boxer.
Alpha Lori: That would explain the boxing background.
Roger: Yeah. One day, an accident involving a drunk driving a truck of explosive chemicals caught her parents in the crossfire when she was 14, putting them in a coma with no update on when they'll wake up.
Alpha Lori: Oh... I can't believe that happened to her.
Cop: She wasn't the same after that, she kept the Gem Family business going & even took up a grappler career at age 18 but... she still wanted her parents to awake & her patience and sanity was at it's limits, especially when one of her friends showed her a very expensive jewelry...
Alpha Lori: What did jewelry have to do with-
Ice Queen: She grew addicted to jewelry, diamonds and gems which made her hunger for more to fuel her power which consumed her, creating a second, greedy & malevolent personality known as the Gem Grappler.
Alpha Lori: So... she's...
Roger: Yeah, with her parents still a coma, I watch over her. I'm trying to get her the help she needs but it's very unpredictable when her second persona will pop up to cause trouble or when Mariana herself will come back.
Mariana: Am... am I going to jail? I-I can't, I need to pay my parents hospital bills and-
Roger: Nono, I'm taking you to some special people who can help you, it'll be okay I promise. (To Ice Queen & Alpha Lori) Thank you. I can't care what Ron Steel says, you're heroes in my book.
He takes Mariana/Gem Grappler away.
Alpha Lori: Well hope she gets the help she needs. Hey, thanks for the-
She turns to find Ice Queen have vanished.
Alpha Lori: And I thought Lucy was a disappearing artist. (Her wrist communicator beeps) Huh? A text from Hawk Spider? Meet up at their home? Ok then.
Alpha Lori web slings away.
Alpha Lori made it to the house, her symbiote retracting back into her body as the eldest loud finds Lincoln, Luna, Lynn, Luan, Lucy, Lana, Lisa, Ava and Sam here.
Lori: You got the call too?
Lynn: Yep.
Lisa: Affirmative.
Lincoln: Let's see what the emergency is.
Lori: Right.
Lori knocks on the door as it opens, revealing Tori.
Tori: Come on in, you guys.
Tori leads the group inside, bringing the group into the living room where Dan, Jadynn, Adam, John, Drake, Amy and Jason were waiting for them. Lori then noticed... Addison Frost sitting near them while painting.
Lori: You...
Dan: Greetings Symbi-warriors. We have some things to discuss.
To be continued...
(Chapter 39 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it as well as my sketches of OCs Kyle/Scorpio & Addison Frost/Ice Queen. Kyle/Scorpio along with his parents & sister belongs to sliverdagger & Addison Frost/Ice Queen belongs to CartoonNetwork90sfan, credit goes to both of them & please give them a follow as well as giving their amazing stories a read. Find out what happens next chapter of the loud symbiotes, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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