Chapter 37: A New Hero and A New Monster-Ultimate Brawl
In the south side of royal woods, half of the symbi-warriors and delta marvel force were taking on an army of humanoid or animal symbiote empowered bio hybrids. Hawk Spider, Colossa, Darkpool, Bombshell, Echo Luna and Sync Lisa were keeping more hybrids away from the people of royal woods so they don't get abducted or merged with them.
Darkpool: There's just no end to these things! (Slices another hybrid away)
Echo Luna: You're telling me dude! (Blows away a few hybrids with a thunderclap)
Bombshell: What do we do?! (Knocks away a couple of large hybrids with strong kicks)
Hawk Spider: We keep on fighting to keep the people of royal woods safe, we can't let any more bio symbiote empowered hybrids to take more civilians. (Slices away a few hybrids with his Dao blade)
Sync Lisa: Indeed, we can't afford any more homo sapiens to be taken.
Colossa was hammering away at a couple of humanoid bulky symbiote empowered hybrids left and right.
Colossa: As long as there's more to smash, I'm good!
Hawk Spider noticed three symbiote empowered humanoid/beetle hybrids surrounding Becky and Dana, friends of Lori and Leni.
Becky: HELP!
Dana: Someone help us, please?!?!
Pressing the button on his Dao blade & reconfiguring it back into his bow, hawk spider takes out three arrows to aim.
Hawk Spider: How about a little sound arrows.
He fires the arrows, nailing all three in the back as a high sound frequency was activated which caused the humanoid/beetle hybrids to screech in agony.
Hawk Spider: Colossa, Now!
Colossa: Right!
Colossa charges at the three hybrids, dropkicking two off their feets and uppercuting the third across the city. The pale blue she-hulk and hawk spider tend to Becky and Dana.
Hawk Spider: Are you two okay?
Becky: Y-Yeah, thanks for the save.
Dana: What are those things?
Colossa: No time to explain, just find a place to hide and be safe.
Dana: Ok.
Becky: Thank you.
The two left as Hawk Spider and Colossa return to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Echo Luna and Bombshell were surrounded by symbiote empowered humanoid ape hybrids that were as tall as they were with abnormal muscles.
Echo Luna: This is getting outta hand, brah!
Bombshell: Tell me about it. Every time we knock a hybrid down, more of them show up!
The two starting hammering at each hybrid that was charging at them but the numbers were overwhelming the two rockstar heroes. As Bombshell was trying to get the hulking symbiote empowered humanoid apes off her, she & Echo Luna heard three familiar screams as they turn to the source, seeing their Bandmates Sully and Mazzy along with Sam's brother, Simon (who Sam put in charge of while her parents were out and she was helping the others) being dragged by symbiote empowered rat/jaguar hybrids.
Bombshell: SIMON!
The two broke away from the hulking symbiote empowered humanoid ape hybrids, sending them crashing into the road.
Echo Luna: I'll take Mazzy and Sully, you get your brother!
Bombshell: Got it!
As Echo Luna went for the hybrids that captured Mazzy and Sully, Bombshell immediately charges at the hybrid holding her little brother.
Bombshell: RAAAAAH!!!!
With a monstrous uppercut, Bombshell sent the rat/jaguar hybrid flying as she quickly catches her little brother.
Bombshell: Simon, are you okay?
The pudgy blonde brother of Sam/Bombshell gave a brief nod as he was still a little scared.
Bombshell: Don't worry bro, I'll get you to safe-
Bombshell was caught off guard by a devastating punch from one of the hulking symbiote empowered humanoid ape, causing her to drop Simon as she was send flying through 3 trucks and hit a large metal light pole head first very hard, falling to the ground unconscious. But suddenly, Bombshell began to shrink down, her height & muscles getting smaller and her skin returning to her normal color as well as the super suit shrinking along with her, Bombshell turning back into Sam Sharp!
Darkpool: (kicks a symbiote empowered roach/crab hybrid away) Did that hybrid just knock the she-hulk outta Sam?
Echo Luna got Sully and Mazzy to safety but sees Simon & Bombshell, who was unconscious and turned back into Sam in trouble with bio symbiote hybrids surrounding them.
Echo Luna: Oh no!
She quickly jumps to where Sam and Simon are, landing between them and the approaching group, summoning her symbiote induced, weaponized guitar.
Echo Luna: GET BACK!
She shreds on the guitar, unleashing a severing soundwave to the group of bio symbiote empowered hybrids, causing great damage as they screeched in agony before collapsing. More hybrids were coming but Darkpool pulls out her blasters to shoots them while Sync Lisa swats some away with her tendril tentacles.
Darkpool: Sorry but you guys ain't getting through here!
Sync Lisa: Third eldest sibling, take Sam and her brother unit to a safer place then return immediately!
Echo Luna: Dudes...
Hawk Spider: (shoots another hybrid with his electrocution arrow) We'll cover you, now go.
Echo Luna: Got it!
Echo Luna picks up Simon and the unconscious Sam, running off.
Darkpool: I wonder how the others are doing in the fight up north?
In the north side of royal woods, we see Tech Knight, Wildslash, Ruby Spider, Sapphire Spider, Ms. Mirage, Omega Lincoln and Shadow Lucy were handling their own share of bio symbiote empowered hybrids while keeping people out out of their reach.
Wildslash: Raaaaaggghh!!! (Slices a mole/bat hybrid in half) Who else wants some?! Come on!
More symbiote empowered mole/bat hybrids flew at Wildslash as he gives them a fight. As they were swarming all over him, Tech Knight flies in, firing repulsar blasts to shoot the hybrids off Wildslash.
Wildslash: Thanks man.
Tech Knight: No problem. Watch out!
Tech Knight grabs Wildslash's hand and spins him around as Wildslash delivers a combination spin kick to the approaching mole/bat hybrids, sending them flying. Tech Knight lets Wildslash go while launching himself at the nearest hybrid, driving his claws into the chest, knocking it down.
A 16 ft tall symbiote empowered humanoid crocodile hybrid was coming straight for Wildlash, aiming to tear him to shreds, the protege of wolverine was ready for a fight but tech knight yelled out.
Tech Knight: Wildslash, move out of the way!
Wildslash leaps out of the way as the hybrid was now charging towards Tech Knight, who charges up his unibeam and fires at the hybrid, sending it straight out of the sky.
Tech Knight: Got 'em... (falls to his knees)
Wildslash: You alright?
Tech Knight: I'm fine, the unibeam takes too much out of the suit but don't worry, my suit is switching to emergency power. (Gets up) I can still fight though.
Wildslash: Alright then.
While the two were busy, we cut Sapphire Spider and Ruby Spider, who were saving random civilians from hybrids trying to take them away. One large, humanoid warthog hybrid was running off with Liam, Rusty and Zach.
Liam: Help us!!
Zach: They're kidnapping us, Help!!!
Rusty: Mommy!!
Sapphire Spider: Oh no you don't!
He fires a frozen display of webs at the symbiote empowered humanoid warthog hybrid, making it drop Liam, Zach and Rusty as the webs incased the hybrid in ice.
Sapphire Spider: You guys alright?
Zach: Y-Yeah, I thought we were goners.
Liam: Phew, that was close. Thank you for the save.
Rusty: Y-Yeah.
Sapphire Spider: You're welcome, get to a safe place. I'll cover you three.
The three friends of Lincoln nodded as they run off while Sapphire Spider holds off more incoming hybrids which were burned by the fire induced webs, courtesy of Ruby Spider.
Ruby Spider: These things just keep on bouncing back each time we put one away.
Sapphire Spider: You said it bro, but we can't let these symbiote empowered hybrids abduct anymore people.
More hybrids were coming, ready to surrounded them as Ruby Spider's hands were coated in flames while Sapphire Spider's hands were coated in ice cold swirls of air.
Ruby Spider: You ready for this?
Sapphire Spider: Ready Bro.
They unleashed their frost & fire power upon the approaching hybrids.
Meanwhile in the sky, Ms. Mirage and Shadow Lucy were flying around as symbiote empowered bio humanoid/buzzard hybrids were chasing after them. The two flew down through the city as Ms. Mirage summoned morning stars of darkness as she turns around.
Ms. Mirage: Shadow Lucy, duck.
Shadow Lucy nodded as she did so while Ms. Mirage throws the morning stars of darkness at the humanoid/buzzard horde, catching about 12 of them in the chest and wings, making them screech as they fell to the ground but 11 more was still chasing after them.
Shadow Lucy: Time to show them who really owns the night sky.
Shadow Lucy disappeared before the group of 11 humanoid/buzzards could surround her. Suddenly the horde was surrounded in complete darkness, courtesy of Ms. Mirage. The humanoid/buzzard tried to sense the symbiote goth's presence to track her but when the time came... it was too late. Loud screeches were heard in the dark, followed by swift, glowing white claw marks as the darkness soon was lifted, the symbiote empowered humanoid/buzzards dropping like flies as Shadow Lucy was in the center of the sky, bat wings spread and claws crossed over her chest.
Shadow Lucy: Sigh... they all fall.
Ms. Mirage: Excellent work but our job is far from finished.
Shadow Lucy: I know, let's go.
As they fly off to take out more hybrids, we cut to Omega Lincoln using his tendril blades to slice away some symbiote empowered deer/ant hybrids.
Omega Lincoln: Dang it, how many hybrids did Domain make?!
As he got through destroying the hybrids surrounding him, a giant hand grabs the symbiote clad loud brother.
Omega Lincoln: Agh!
The giant hand lifted Omega Lincoln up to it's face, revealing it to be 20 ft tall, symbiote empowered humanoid hulking hybrid with menacing white eyes, fangs and black flames pattern on its skin.
Omega Lincoln: N-Now I know what you're thinking, should I crush him? And the answer might surprise you-
The symbiote hybrid giant started to crush Omega Lincoln in it's clutches until...
The hulking symbiote hybrid had a confused look as it squeezed him again.
The hybrid giant let out a growl-like laugh while repeatedly squeezing Omega Lincoln in it's hands.
Omega Lincoln: Aaaagh! Seriously, where's that squeaking coming from?!
He hears his symbiote as she spoke.
Omega: Sorry! *SQUEAK* I can't help *SQUEAK* it! I don't like *SQUEAK* being squeezed so *SQUEAK* tightly, *SQUEAK*!
Omega Lincoln: It's fine-AAGGGH! DANG IT!
The hybrid giant continues to crush Omega Lincoln in it's clutches but then it felt something hit it's ears, causing the hybrid look around in confusion as a faint beeping sound was heard in low until the sound grew.
Beep... Beep... Beep, Beep, Beep, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!
The hybrid giant roared in pain as half of its head was blown up, making the beast drop Omega Lincoln as it fell with a thud. But as Omega Lincoln was about to fall, something swiftly caught him before he could hit the ground.
Omega Lincoln's eyes opens as he looks around, seeing that he's on sort of... glider or board? He then turns his attention to the figure piloting the glider. It was a tall teenage girl with an athletic build and long light brown hair. She was wearing a black, yellow and grey bodysuit with a silver, yellow and green armored face mask with orange lense goggles. Her suit was equipped with armor the same colors as the mask, with a menacing pumpkin symbol, utility belt, armored gloves, kneepads and jet boots.
???: All aboard the glider express, hahaha!
Omega Lincoln: Thanks for the save but who are you?
???: Lincoln, don't ya recognize your own sister? Although the mask does gives me an 'air' of mystery, hahaha! Get it?
Omega Lincoln: (eyes widened in shock) Luan?!
???: Bingo but you can call me by my alter ego... Atomic Goblin!
Omega Lincoln: Atomic Goblin?
Atomic Goblin: Had a little inspiration from a 'journey' I had. Hang on, I'mma fire my atomic bombs! Hahaha!
The two fly down to a couple of symbiote empowered hybrids as Atomic Goblin's glider board wings extended while the orbs glowed green, firing atomic bombs at the incoming hybrids, blowing them up.
Omega Lincoln: Whoa... Luan, where'd you get this stuff?
Atomic Goblin: A little cyborg helped me out so I can give you guys a hand or two (waving her fixed right arm), I'm pretty 'handy' right now, hehehe!
Omega Lincoln: Well I must say that it's awesome you have all this gear and you're giving us a hand with the hybrids.
Atomic Goblin: Speaking of which, things have gotten out of 'hand' for these monsters, (takes out some high tech bombs with creepy smiles on them) time to get 'em off the stage!
Omega Lincoln nodded in agreement as they both head into battle.
On the rooftop of the golden hybrid industries building, we see Berserk Risk staring at Domain Wolfe, who was undergoing a transformation.
Domain Wolfe: (voice getting dark & deep) You see... this world has to be saved... this world has fallen and continues to fall until it rots to the core. I am the best chance it has, I am the salvation this world and it's people need... and I shall change it for the greater good and those who join me shall know true peace...
His transformation was now complete as Berserk Risk growled, staring at a different Domain Wolfe. He was now standing at 10 ft with an abnormally muscular physique, sharp hair, sharp fangs, dark blue sinister eyes, black symbiote skin with darker blue tendril veins, a blue orb on his chest, upper body armor with exoskeleton ribs and still retains his pants and shoes.
Domain Wolfe: But if those like you keep getting in my way... shall know true destruction. For I am the way to evolution... I am the way to salvation of a new era where I am the world's successor... I am... ADAPTATION.
The chimera symbiote charged at Domain Wolfe now named Adaptation, aiming her strong ape fist to drive it straight to the chest of the symbiote empowered CEO but Adaptation caught the fist... with one finger.
Adaptation: I told you... nothing will prevent me from reaching my goals, not even you...
Berserk Risk: GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Berserk Risk then begins to brawl with Adaptation, delivering massive, strong hits to him but Adaptation was blocking each hit with just one finger which was frustrating the chimera symbiote as she growled.
Adaptation was taking & observing each move the chimera symbiote was throwing at him. When the time is right, Adaptation stopped countering and hits a straight punch to the face of Berserk Risk.
Berserk Risk: Ugh!
Adaptation didn't stop there as he hits a couple of strong, well balanced strikes to the chimera symbiote before nailing a jaw shattering right hook which send her a few feet backwards from him.
Adaptation: (cold tone) You cannot win... just give up.
Berserk Risk: RRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!
The wings of the chimera symbiote opened up as she flew into the air, glaring at Adaptation as her toad armor opened its mouth & shot out its long tongue at the symbiote giant, wrapping it around his arm and pulling him upwards.
Adaptation: ....!
Berserk Risk then uses the toad armor tongue to spin Adaptation around and around repeatedly at top speed. As Berserk Risk pulls Adaptation in, she was readying her lizard hand for a claw strike but Adaptation struck first with a strong knee in the face, sending her crashing down to the rooftop.
Adaptation: Your capabilities are indeed intriguing but you and I are world's apart.
Berserk Risk growled angrily as she quickly charged at him with the speed of a cheetah, nailing him at dash attacks and strikes.
Adaptation: Ugh..!
Using her cheetah like speed, Berserk Risk kept attacking Adaptation from all sides. Just as she was running in a swift blur to attack him again, Adaptation's eyes flashed a cold glint as he slams his fist into the ground with great force, causing a vibrating shockwave which caught Berserk Risk as she lost her balance and unintentionally ran into a strong uppercut by Adaptation.
Berserk Risk: Graaaagggghhhh!!!
She landed a few feet away from the symbiote empowered CEO. She slowly got up and glares furiously at Adaptation.
Berserk Risk: GRRRRRRRRR!!!
Adaptation: You won't fall just yet... I want to see what else you have before the final curtain of your demise...
To be continued...
(Here's two sketches my oc Izzy Wyatt and her alter ego, Mecha Kraken, let me know what you think of her.)
1. Izzy Wyatt (OC).
2. Izzy Wyatt (OC; Mecha Kraken).
(Chapter 37 is finished! Luan can arrived to help the others as her new alter ego, Atomic Goblin and Domain Wolfe has transformed into his own symbiote known as Adaptation! What's going to happen next? Find out next chapter, please like & comment on the chapter and my sketches of Luan's new hero look & my oc Domain Wolfe aka Adaptation, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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