Chapter 36: Chimera Symbiote Rampages- Luan's inner demon fight
Domain Wolfe stares at the Berserk Risk in her Vemonized Chimera form with cold eyes as he wasn't afraid but intrigued by it.
Domain Wolfe: Hmmm... quite intriguing. You've been completely altered into quite the ultimate species.
Berserk Risk growled ferociously as she stomps towards Domain.
The Berserk Risk roared ferociously as she spreads her wings to fly, charging at Domain Wolfe, who quickly moved out of the chimera symbiote's path. Berserk Risk's snake shoulder eyes glowed a couple of symbiote like snakes shot out of the shoulder and surrounded Domain to try to devour him.
Domain Wolfe: Truly intriguing.
Domain pulls something out of his pocket, it looked like a sword grip as he presses a button, a blade of black and white energy shooting out of it as he begins to swiftly and effortlessly slice off the symbiote snakes heads one by one. Berserk Risk roared as she charges at Domain, aiming her right antelope armored shoulder looking to ram him.
Domain then turns to run with Berserk Risk on his tail, he runs faster towards the walls and makes a quick left as Berserk Risk collided with the wall with a large thud, destroying it.
Domain: Her strength... her speed... her drive on instinct... very intriguing.
Berserk Risk appeared out of the rubble of the wall, growling furiously at Domain Wolfe.
Domain Wolfe: (cold tone) Nothing shall stop me from fulfilling my goal, not even you....
The two charged at each other.
Meanwhile in another area of golden hybrid industries, Power Lynn was having her hands full with a symbiote empowered werewolf formerly known as her friend Ava Jones Aka Skull Lasher.
The two were delivering hard hitting offense to one another as Power Lynn was trying reason with her friend to snap her out of it while the transformed Skull Lasher is trying to tear her to shreds.
Power Lynn: Ava! Skull Lasher, listen to me! You have to fight this mutation inside you!
The transformed Skull Lasher uses her metal claws to slice Power Lynn across the chest, making her stumble back against the wall as her mutated friend continuously slashes her across the chest and midsection.
Power Lynn: Gah! Ok, that's it!
Expanding her size and muscle mass, power Lynn pushes the transformed Skull Lasher back while charging at her, landing a couple of strong haymakers to the werewolf before picking her up and throwing her across the room into the wall.
Power Lynn: Skull Lasher, I know you're in there somewhere! You have to snap out of it!
The transformed Skull Lasher got up, shaking her head as she looks at Power Lynn for a moment in silence.
Power Lynn: This isn't you, you're not a monster. You're not Domain Wolfe's puppet, you've got to fight it!
The transformed Skull Lasher was silent for a moment until speaking in a slightly deep, raspy female voice.
Transformed Skull Lasher: Huff... Huff... Lynn... Huff-Huff... H-Help... Me...
Suddenly the collar around her neck beeped as it shocked the transformed Skull Lasher, who howled in pain as she stares at Power Lynn with a furious glare, roaring ferociously.
Power Lynn: Crap, looks like talking isn't gonna work.
Power: The symbiote power inside Ava is very strong but artificial compared to the real thing. Plus, that and the collar is messing up her way of thinking, only acting on wild instinct. Lynn, we need to get that collar off and knock her out so we can find Domain & make him cure your friend!
Power Lynn: You got it, Power! Let's knock that fake symbiote power right out of her!
Transformed Skull Lasher: AWWW-WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
The two clashed with each other.
Meanwhile in another part of the golden hybrid industries building, we see Alpha Lori thrown against the wall.
Alpha Lori: Ugh!
Alpha: Are you alright, Lori?
Lori: Yes, Alpha, I'm fine.
The symbiote clad eldest sibling got up as she got into a defensive stance while the figure that attacked her enters the room. It was Izzy Wyatt but she was wearing a black, green and purple bulky armored suit with an armored helmet, gauntlets, boots and mechanical, spiked tentacles on her back.
Izzy: The process of creating symbiote empowered hybrids shall continue with autopilot interface. While that's taken care of, I'll deal with you so you get in the way of Domain Wolfe's goals.
Alpha Lori: And who are you supposed to be?
Izzy: I am your exterminator but you can call me... Mecha Kraken.
A spiked tentacle shot out like lightning while Alpha Lori barely had time to dodge as the attack struck her greatly.
Alpha Lori: Aaaaggghhhhh!!!!
Mecha Kraken: Everything I've become... What I must live & survive for requires you to perish.
Mecha Kraken unleashed a gatling of spiked tentacle strikes to Alpha Lori, who was grunting in pain.
Alpha Lori: Ugh! Ack! Guaah!
The symbiote clad eldest sister was sent crashing into four walls, landing in a fifth room. Alpha Lori gets up as Mecha Kraken was approaching her with blasters equipped on the armored, spiked tentacles.
Mecha Kraken: (to herself) I won't allow any failures to cost me my freedom.... (to Alpha Lori) You will fall like the others who stand in the way of Domain Wolfe's motives.
Alpha Lori narrowed her eyes as she grew two more arms along with six tendril blades.
Alpha Lori: Ok... you want to play rough, huh? Fine, I accept your challenge!
Alpha Lori enters a sword wielding stance as she runs at Izzy Wyatt aka Mecha Kraken.
Meanwhile at the loud house, we see Luan holding the blueprint of weapons following lisa (S.C.M.R.O. clone) to the backyard where the real lisa's bunker was located.
Luan: Your bunker?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Indeed.
She then inserts the codes as the bunker hatch opens. Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) steps inside and gestures Luan to follow her which she is as the two went down like they were in an elevator as the bunker hatch closed and sealed shut. Heading down further, the two came to an immediate stop as a steel door appeared in front of them.
Luan: Never really seen this in your bunker.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): There's more to it.
Entering the codes and placing her hand on the scanner, the door opens as Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) and Luan walked inside to a large laboratory.
Luan: Whoa... I definitely never saw this in your bunker.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Ah yes, my creator has done well with the underground lab.
Luan: Creator?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Yes. For you see, I'm not Lisa herself, she along with the other symbiote clad siblings are off fighting Domain Wolfe's hybrid forces. I am her creation to fill in while she is off on her missions.
Luan: Well why didn't you say something sooner?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Because you never asked.
Luan had a dumbfounded look.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Now on to your situation...
She grabs the blueprint of weapons from Luan and heads to an analyzing machine, placing the blueprints inside to scan them as extended robotic arms shot out of the ceiling and open crates full of tools and technology as they begin building the gadgets and weapons from luan's blueprint at not too quick but steady pace.
Luan: Whoa... pretty "handy" there, hahaha.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Ignoring that. Now that your equipment is being build, there's still your shoulder and arm to fix.
Luan: How are you gonna do that?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O) pulls out a big, sharp needle with a glowing green yellow liquid within it.
Luan: T-That's a big n-needle.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Indeed, you're not of needles, are you?
Luan: (nervous) No... just that... that needle is almost as big as my head. That'll sting like a beehive full of hot sauce on spicy wing nights, hahaha! But seriously, it's not gonna hurt too much, is it?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Negative.
Luan: Phew, and I thought-
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): It's going to hurt ten times over.
She injects the needle into luan's broken arm and shoulder as we cut to off screen in the backyard, hearing major crack sounds followed by a massive, blood curdling scream from Luan for 18 minutes.
Soon, that came to an end as we cut back to the lab to see Luan holding her arm.
Luan: Owowowowowow! Oh, my arm is ruined, I... I.... I feel better all of a sudden.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) then helps Luan out of her arm cast.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Try moving your arm.
Luan moves her arm around freely and to her surprise, there was no pain at all.
Luan: Wow! The pain is gone in my arm and shoulder! They're healed, but how?!
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): My creator has been working on a treatment to fix broken bones instantly whether it be minor or major. After a few failed attempts with lab rats, she managed to succeed at perfect it but was untested with humans until now as it worked wonders. However, the treatment itself is not ready for humanity just yet so she sealed it away.
Luan: Oh ok, thanks Lisa or Cyborg Lisa. Now there's only one thing to do.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Indeed.
Narrator: One moment later...
Luan was now laying on a table, her hair loose from her ponytail, wearing a black and yellow plaid sports bra and shorts while having a strange helmet on her head that's linked to a black and green highlighted machine.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): You see fourth eldest sibling of my creator, this machine shall sent you straight into your own mind as you deal with the instrument of destruction that plagues your psyche.
Luan: Ok.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) hands her one vial of blue-ish green liquid.
Luan: What's this?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O): Something to help you to become super.
Luan nodded as she opens the vial and drinks it.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): (placing her hand on the lever) Ready? (Luan nods) Now Activate.
She pulls the lever as the machine activated while Luan felt lightheaded with the room spinning, losing her consciousness completely.
Luan slowly awakes as she sits up from the table, she finds herself not in lisa's laboratory but in some sort of carnival.
Luan: So I'm in my own mind?
???: Well look who decided to drop in uninvited! But hey, you're the guest of honor, let me give you a "hand"!
Luan was picked up by a couple of floating cartoon like gloves as they carry her off to a large black and yellow circus tent where she dropped on stage as a spotlight shines on her.
Luan: Owwwww....
Soon, Nightmare Luan appeared in a ringmaster suit and top hat.
Nightmare Luan: Welcome to Circus Luan where we make ya laugh until your funny bones snap and take the joy right out of your soul, hahaha!
Luan: (narrows her eyes) Enough, I've had it with you playing with my brain, it's payback time!
Nightmare Luan: Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. I keep telling you that you could never deny what we are, what you are but it seems that I have to drill the loose screws into your skull!
Nightmare Luan then hits Luan with a spring boxing glove, making her stumble back as the comedian growled, running towards Nightmare Luan with a couple of punches which her nightmare half counters before hitting Luan in the midsection with an electric joybuzzer, shocking her.
Nightmare Luan: Talk about a "shocking" ovation, hahahaha!
She kicks Luan back as Nightmare Luan runs towards a large cage, opening it as three tigers came out of the cage, growling. Luan got up holding her side as she saw the three tigers crawling towards her.
Nightmare Luan: Hehehe, here's a purrrfect surprise for you and oh, you might want to run.
Luan indeed got up and ran off as the three tigers chased while nightmare Luan laughs her head off. As Luan was running from the three tigers, she saw five hoops ahead of her, all ablaze with fire. The comedian (with little choice) ran towards the rings of fire as she jumps through them carefully one by one with the three tigers following.
Luan then saw a whip on the floor and quickly got to it, turning her attention to the tigers.
Luan: Would you like some "Whip" cream with your pie!
Luan then attacks the three tigers with the whip, making them back away.
Luan: Back! I said get back! Back I say!
She whips them away until they were back in their cage while she turns to nightmare luan.
Luan: Now on to you.
Nightmare Luan: Oh no, you whipped my tigers! I think I might go into "hissterics", hehehe! Get it?
Luan heard a hissing sound as she sees her whip turn into a snake, making her yelp as she drops the snake. Nightmare Luan appeared in front of Luan like the Flash and hits a couple of swift punches to her.
Luan: Aaah! Oof! Gah!
Nightmare Luan: What's the matter? These punchlines too quick to you to handle, hahahaha!
She sends Luan flying as she lands on a unicycle. Nightmare Luan then summons flaming corns on a cob sticks and throws at them at Luan, who panicked before managing to catch the flaming corns on a cob and hastily juggling them carefully.
Nightmare Luan: Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, hahaha! Get it?
Luan kept juggling the flaming corns on a cob until she threw them at nightmare luan, who barely had time to react from her laughing as the corn on fire hit her straight on.
Nightmare Luan: Owwwwww! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
Luan gets off the unicycle and runs towards her nightmare half, pushing her into a pool of sharks.
Luan sighs in relief.
Luan: It's over..
Nightmare Luan: Just kidding! (Appeared out of the pool with a pose, being lifted up by one of the shark) Surprised to see me? Wouldn't want the "JAWS" to drop, hahahaha! Get it?
Luan growled.
Nightmare Luan: Come on, cheer up! Smile! Have a laugh, it always keeps me going! Hahahahahahahaha!
Suddenly, the ground suddenly shakes cracks forming around Luan as she fell through the stage.
She lands on a pile of rubber chickens, surrounded by funhouse mirrors. She gets up and looks around for a way out, the mirrors showing Luan in different size, shape or form but what the comedian didn't know is that the reflections were getting monstrous and were following her.
Luan looks around and saw a few mirrors showing her childhood memory and how she started comedy, her passion in wanting to make people laugh as well as the present of the good times and bad times, then... her April Fools day moments.
Luan: No.... I never meant for them to get hurt, I just-
Luan was attacked by monstrous reflections of herself, all taking strong swings at her as Nightmare Luan appeared before Luan.
Nightmare Luan: Don't like the person you see in the mirror, hahaha!
The monstrous reflections of Luan laugh insanely while punching the comedian.
Luan: No... nonono! This can't be real, I'm not a monster, I'm not!
Nightmare Luan: You're still in denial and you're in the middle of the beehive like situation, that's gotta "sting", hahahaha! Get it? But you know it's true that you're a chaotic, prank crazy monster that a danger to your friends and family, you can't protect them if you're the one they're running from, Hahahahahaha!
The monstrous reflections of Luan laugh insanely and loudly as it was echoing across the room. Luan started to shake with her left eye twitching as she let out a low chuckle until she started to laugh maniacally.
Luan: Haha... Hahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) was watching an unconscious Luan laughing uncontrollably as her body was showing glowing blue-ish green veins while the machine was beeping hastily.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Heart rate increasing and mental status going up to an unstable scale. She's losing herself, I better offer my assistance.
She grabs a microphone link to the machine and speaks.
Within luan's mind, the comedian was laughing so hard in madness as the monstrous reflections of her were laughing as well while Nightmare Luan smirked.
Nightmare Luan: So you've finally gone "Coco, Coco!" Hahahaha! Make yourself at home in the crazy house cause while I enjoy living your life and causing chaos, It'll be a killer performance! Hahahaha!
Luan was laughing maniacally until she heard Lisa's (S.C.M.R.O.) voice.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Fourth eldest sibling of my creator, listen. You need to get a grip on your psyche. What use are you to your family unit if you lose your sanity?
Luan stops laughing as she listens.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): This nightmare half of you, this multi personality doesn't define you. This is your mind, not hers, use it to your advantage to remove the bane of your psyche.
Luan: (realizes) You're right....
Nightmare Luan: (mistakenly thought Luan was talking to her; smirks) Of course I'm right, so you realize that you can never deny what you are, Hehehehe.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): I leave the rest to you. (Ends transmission)
Luan: Right.
Luan has a determined look on her face as the ground shook, much to nightmare Luan's and the reflections confusion.
Luan: Get. Off. Of. Me!!!
Luan knocks the monstrous reflections of herself off of her as they hit the ground, shattering like glass.
Nightmare Luan: What the? What is it?
Luan: (smirks) Sorry to burst your bubble but your fun is over and mine... (her hand stretched out like rubber and grabs nightmare Luan, pulling her close to the comedian) ... is just beginning.
Luan punched Nightmare Luan as she was sent flying into an open road. Nightmare Luan groans as she got up, looking up at the sun... with luan's face.
Luan: (smiles) Tell me, Nightmare me... why does the chickens cross the road?
A series of clucking for heard as Nightmare Luan turns around to see a herd of giant chickens running towards her. Nightmare Luan screams as she runs for her life but the chickens gained on her as they ran over her across the road.
Luan: To get to the other side, to get away from the cook & prove he wasn't chicken, hahaha! Get it?
The trample ended as Nightmare Luan slowly got up, eyes spinning with stars spinning while Luan appeared before her.
Nightmare Luan: I see stars... (shakes her head) Ok, time to spice things up!
Nightmare Luan throws fireballs at Luan, who spreads her arms as the fireballs stopped in place.
Nightmare Luan: What?!
Luan: Nice throw but here's something "egg-cellent", hehehe! Get it?
The fireballs morphed into giant eggs as they were thrown at Nightmare Luan.
Nightmare Luan: Ack! Oof! Gaaah! One got in my eye! Stop! Aaagh!
Luan: Don't like the "egg-quisite" breakfast well then it's time someone give you the boot!
Pelted with eggs, Nightmare Luan got hit in the face with a spring boot, sending her through walls of pies before landing on a couple of banana peels, slipping on each one & falling on her butt or face.
Luan: Don't ya just find this prank "a-peel-ing", hahahaha! Get it?
Nightmare Luan growled in frustration as Luan appeared before her.
Luan: (smirks) What's the matter? Going bananas? Hahaha! Get it?
Nightmare Luan: What's going on? Why am I getting weaker? I rule this place, you shouldn't be able to best me!
Luan: Well you had me at a bad spot, exploiting my memories and past April Fools day events to drive me into madness but you're right... some things say about me is true, I may be a chaotic prankster but I will never use my pranks to break or kill someone. I only want to make people laugh, not enjoy them screaming in agony like a monster... like you.
Nightmare Luan: You... You wretch! Of course you're a monster, you and I are the same!!!!
Nightmare Luan lunged at her with fireballs but Luan was unfazed by the threatening version of herself.
Luan: No... we're not.
Nightmare Luan got closer and closer to strike but Luan dodged the fireballs and hits her with an electric joybuzzer/boxing glove, shocking her.
Nightmare Luan fell as she was defeated. She tried to get up but couldn't due to growing weaker and weaker as Luan stood over her.
Luan: And that's the final punchline for you.
Luan then walks away as Nightmare Luan slowly begins to fade away.
Nightmare Luan: This doesn't have to be this way, we can still have all the fun we want and no one can stop us, I'm a part of you!
Luan: True but I don't need you anymore. This is MY mind and I'm the only captain of my own ship so ye be walking the plank, hehehe! But seriously, you're the one that will disappear from my mind, never to bother me or my family again.
Nightmare Luan completely fades away as Luan and the carnival was engulfed by a huge light.
Luan slowly awakes to find herself back at the laboratory as Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.) took off her helmet with luan getting off the table.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): So fourth eldest sibling of my creator, how do you feel?
Luan then flexes her right arm with a smile.
Luan: I feel great! Empowered even!
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O): Well done. I should inform you that the superhuman formula has bonded perfectly with your DNA during your... "trip".
Luan: Great! Thanks for the help cyborg Lis!
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Don't mention it. Your new suit, equipment and weaponry are all ready if you're willing to assist the others?
Luan: (grins) Oh I'm ready. Time to get "Super", hehehe!
Meanwhile in Golden Hybrid Industries, Domain Wolfe was evading Berserk Risk's bizarre and animalistic attacks as he took the stairs to the top with the Chimera Symbiote on his tail.
Domain noticed a couple of symbiote hawks and bats flying after him, he takes out five grenades and threw them at the swarm, blowing them up as he reaches the roof level with Berserk Risk following.
Domain dodged the incoming attack as he was a few feet away from the Berserk Risk, who was getting even more ferocious.
Berserk Risk: Grrrrrr... Nowhere to run... Nowhere to hide... You're mine now prey. I'm going enjoy tearing your sssssoul to piecessss...
Domain Wolfe: (unfazed) Who said anything about running away or hiding...? We are actually where I wanted us to be.
Berserk Risk glares at Domain in confusion as he pulls out a syringe gun with a darker blue and black swirling substance in it.
Domain Wolfe: I've discovered various possibilities with your symbiote that it allowed me to create these perfect hybrids, I plan to save this world and be it's successor. This is all for the greater good and those who stand against me will pay the ultimate price.... (injects himself with the substance)
Berserk Risk: Grrrrr...?!?!
Domain Wolfe eyes darkened as he slowly looks at Berserk Risk with black & dark blue, soulless cold eyes.
Domain Wolfe: Evolution shall... BEGIN...
To be continued...
(Chapter 36 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my sketches. Speaking of which, I drew a sketch of my oc villain Domain Wolfe.)
1. Domain Wolfe (OC).
(What's gonna happen next? What does Domain Wolfe have up his sleeve? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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