Chapter 35: Lana Vemonized- A dangerous transformation & Luan's resolve
We cut to the north side of royal woods where we see Delta Marvel Force members Tech Knight, Sapphire Spider, Ruby Spider, Wildslash and Ms. Mirage fighting off their own share of symbiote empowered hybrids in order to keep them from abducting people.
Wildslash was fighting a couple of symbiote empowered humanoid porcupine hybrids. He was dodging their sharp quills and tail whips as he attempts to attack them with his claws but their wounds close as the creatures clash with him.
Wildslash: These things are really getting on my nerves. (Punches one creature away)
Tech Knight was flying around as he was being chased by a group of humanoid bat symbiote hybrids. He fired his repulsar blasts at 5 of them but more took their place as they continue their pursuit on him.
Tech Knight: My sensors are picking up symbiotic molecular structure within these bio androids, some kind of enhancement and reconstruction of their DNA mixed in with symbiote DNA.
The humanoid bat symbiote hybrids swarmed Tech Knight, who begins fighting them off and nailing them to the ground with solidifying gel from his projectiles.
Tech Knight: Consider the bats grounded.
But then, a group of symbiote empowered eagle hybrids appeared before the armored hero.
Tech Knight: Symbiote Eagle Bio Android Hybrids, huh? Well time to bring the big fight.
As Tech Knight clashes with the flying hybrids, we see Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider dealing with some symbiote empowered chimp/rat hybrids. Ruby Spider was countering each swift strike these short yet hyperactive hybrids were dishing out but they started to gang up on him & attack him, then glowing red light & steam was coming from the swarm as the hybrids were sent flying and burning by Ruby Spider.
Ruby Spider: I'm bringing the heat.
Sapphire Spider was shooting webs to restrain some of the chimp/rat hybrids but more kept coming or breaking loose from his webs, the frozen spider hero slams his hands to the ground which rumbles as a huge flow shot out and incased the hybrids in ice.
Sapphire Spider: Got it.
His spider sense went off as he turns to see a symbiote empowered gorilla/snow leopard hybrid was about to pounce on him but was blasted away by a large fireball, courtesy of Ruby Spider.
Sapphire Spider: Thanks Bro.
Ruby Spider: No problem.
We then see Ms. Mirage surrounded by a group of symbiote empowered humanoid scorpion hybrids.
Ms. Mirage: 20 against 1, commendable but pointless... for 20 × 0 is still 0. (Hands and eyes glowed ghostly white) Come forth, Fog of the Eternal Night!
A supernatural circle appeared under Ms. Mirage and all 20 hybrids as a massive layer of white & eerie dark blue fog engulfed them. The hybrids looked around for their prey but one by one, they were ensnared in dark chains and dragged into the depths of the fog, screeching in agony.
The fog diminishes as Ms. Mirage was left standing.
Ms. Mirage: Sigh... you wanna dance too...?
She turns to a symbiote empowered six armed humanoid spider hybrid, who screeched at Ms. Mirage, who was unfazed by it as they clashed.
Soon, Shadow Lucy and Omega Lincoln arrived to the scene.
Omega Lincoln: We're here!
Shadow Lucy: Sigh...
Wildslah: About time, where are the others?
Omega Lincoln: Echo Luna and Sync Lisa went to help Hawk Spider and the other half of the force in the south while Power Lynn and Alpha Lori tails Risk Lana before she does something reckless & to find Skull Lasher.
Wildslash: Well alright, then let's beat these symbiote crazed hybrids & keep them from abducting more people and animals.
Shadow Lucy: Sigh... got it. Let's put them in coffins.
Wildslash: Ok....
The three ran into the battlefield.
Meanwhile with Skull Lasher....
Her eyes fluttered a bit until she fully opened them to see Domain Wolfe petting the crab spider/jellyfish hybrid which was normal size now as he stares coldly at her. Skull Lasher attempted to speak but noticed that she was wearing an oxygen mask and floating in a tube of a water with long slightly slim tubes attached to her head and back.
Skull Lasher: Mmph?! Mmmph!! (In her mind) Where am I?! Who the heck are you?!
Domain Wolfe: Greetings hero, allow me to properly introduce myself... my name is Domain Wolfe, The CEO of Golden Hybrid Industries and welcome to my laboratory.
Skull Lasher: (in her mind) So this is the guy who made the tigrilla and those hybrid bio android monsters.
Domain Wolfe: You are quite an intriguing case, skull lasher, was it? As my hybrids capture more humans and animals to further development and experimentation, my creature managed to nab you as well. Going through the scans my associate took of you, it must be quite amazing to have all that adamantium within you.
Skull Lasher: Mmmpphh!!
Domain Wolfe: It is very intriguing that one of the strongest metal alloys that created Weapon X, now known as the Wolverine is also within a pre teenage girl.
Skull Lasher bangs on the tube glass with her fists.
Skull Lasher: Mmmphh! Mmphh!! (In her mind) Let me out of here!!
Domain Wolfe: Don't waste your time, it is useless... as I have plans for you. While my associate is dealing with the other subjects captured, I shall see to your transformation experiment myself...
Skull Lasher: (in her mind) Experiment? Transformation... ?! Noooo!!
Skull Lasher tries to slash the tube glass with her claws but they weren't getting through the glass.
Domain Wolfe: (typing on the control panel) I'm always prepared my friends... now dissecting you would be a waste so I'm going to make you into one of my ultimate hybrids, mixed in with the synthesized symbiote vials.
Domain then activated the machine as the tube holding skull lasher was surrounded by electricity, greatly shocking her.
Skull Lasher: Mmmphhh!!!!!
Domain then presses another button as Dark blue and black liquid came out of the long, slim tubes and traveled into the head and back of Skull Lasher, a wave of pain shooting through her body.
Skull Lasher: Mmmpphh?! Mmmph! Mmmmpphhhhh!!!! (In her mind) Aaagghhh!! The p-pain is excruciating, someone h-help meeee!!!!
Domain Wolfe only stared coldly with a dark frown as Skull Lasher started to change. Skull Lasher groans as she looks at her left hand which started to twitch and grow large with canine like sharp claws, ripping the gloves as the same happened to her right hand. She gasped as she felt pressure in her back as it contorted and expanded in abnormal bulk, the same thing happened to her arms pumping up immensely, Skull Lasher gasped and grunted as her upper chest and abdomen enlarged in muscle as well, ripping parts of her suit. Her lower body pumped up in size as well as her feet growing & reforming to become canine like as well, ripping the boots off.
Skull Lasher: (in her mind; sounding guttural with a deep growl) S-someone... grrrr... help m-me... Grrrr...!!
Skull Lasher's grunts turns into growls as dark blue & black fur sprouts all over her body with a long wolf tail, the oxygen mask destroyed as Skull Lasher's face formed into a wolf muzzle with sharp fangs, her ears formed in wolf ears and her eyes turned golden yellow.
Soon, the transformation was finished as Skull Lasher is now a bio symbiote empowered werewolf.
Domain Wolfe: Good....
The tube opens as the transformed Skull Lasher fell on all fours, glaring at Domain Wolfe with fangs bared as she let out a loud howl before lunging at the CEO with her metal claws, who pulls out high tech looking gun and shot Skull Lasher. She let out a pained yelp as she fell to the ground, clutching her neck as a high tech collar was wrapped around her neck.
Transformed Skull Lasher: Grrrr... Hoooowwwl!!!
Domain Wolfe: Good girl, now you are a part of my army...
Izzy: Sir, t-the other people and animals c-captured are in the experimentation p-phase. (Points to people who in pods and screaming in agony due to the transformations as well as the animals infused with bio technology and symbiote vials)
Domain Wolfe: Very Good.
Then the alarm went off.
Domain Wolfe: What's going on?
Izzy checks the cameras on the supercomputer, seeing Risk Lana breaking into the entrance of the building, followed by Alpha Lori & Power Lynn.
Izzy: T-Three of Symbi-warriors?! I must a-activate the maximum s-security d-defense protocol-
Domain Wolfe: No, let them come.
Izzy: But S-Sir-
Domain Wolfe: (Cold tone) I said... let them come, I'll take care of this.
Izzy: Are you Sure?
Domain Wolfe: I'm sure, I'm prepared. Now get back to your work & I will not tolerate failure....
Izzy: Y-Yes Sir....!
Domain Wolfe leaves with the transformed Skull Lasher following him to confront the three symbi-warriors.
We cut to the loud house as we see Luan loud mumbling in her sleep, having another nightmare.
Luan: No... stop... stop... I'm not like you... Stop! Stooooppp!!!
Luan sat up, now awake. The comedian looks around breathing heavily as she was in her room.
Luan: Huff... huff... what another nightmare, it's driving me nuts.
Luan then goes to the light switch & turns the light on as she heads her desk and grabs her camera to see if she got some sleep jokes recorded before the nightmare started when something caught her eye.
Luan: Huh?
Luan puts down the camera and picks up her notebook, looking at the blueprint of weapons, gadgets and armory.
Luan: What are these? Who drew these?
???: Isn't it obvious? You did.
Luan turns around and see a transparent Nightmare Luan standing behind her.
Luan: Not you again and Whatta you mean I drew this?!
Nightmare Luan: No need to flip your lid jokester, you simply made this blueprint in your sleep.
Luan: What?! I don't sleep walk!
Nightmare Luan: Don't believe me, check the cameras.
Luan then checks the recorded videos on her cameras to see if her nightmare half was lying to her but sadly that wasn't the case, Luan's eyes widened in shock as she sees the video of her sleep walking towards the desk and drawing the blueprint of the weapons and gadgets in her notebook.
Nightmare Luan: 'Ice' told you so but you thought I was 'lion' with a cold heart, Hahahaha!
Luan wasn't laughing at the joke as she was still shocked.
Nightmare Luan: Thanks for the blueprints, can't wait to use them for April Fools day destruction. It's gonna be a 'killer' experience for the both of us.
Luan: What?! No, I'm no killer! And I'm never going to be!
Nightmare Luan: We'll see about that, I told you... you can never deny what we are, what you are, you couldn't protect your own two siblings from a hybrid monster let alone your whole family from your dangerous pranks, pretty soon you'll slip up... and I'll be waiting, Hahahahahaha!!
She vanished. Luan sighs in annoyance, her nightmare hallucination was going to drive her mad in seconds but the comedian was not going to give her the satisfaction of doing so, she needs to find a way to resolve this heinous problem.
But how?
Luan then looks the blueprint, thinking for a moment about a solution.............. then a lightbulb mysterious appeared above her head as an idea popped into her mind.
Luan: I have an idea, it's unbelievably crazy but it just might work....
Luan takes her notebook and leaves her room, heading to towards Lisa and Lily's room and knocks on the door.
Lisa's voice: You may enter.
Luan opens the door and enters the room, seeing Lisa... or rather the S.C.M.R.O. (Symbiotic Cyber Metal Reflect Orb) masquerading as Lisa, working on gadgets while watching the news on her computer.
Luan: Lisa?
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O): Greetings Fourth Eldest Siblings, what can I do for you?
Luan: Lisa, I have a major problem and I can't believe I'm going to say this but... I need you to experiment on me.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): I'm listening.
Luan: Ever since I got my shoulder & arm shredded and broken on trying to protect Lincoln and Lana from that monster, I've been having these nightmares about a dark version of me haunting me and showing sadistic images of my family tortured by... me, saying that I'll never protect them, not even from myself as she calls me a monster....
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): I see. Multiple Personality Disorder?
Luan: What? No! Well I guess a little but that's besides the point. What I'm saying is that maybe I can turn this problem into a solution, confront my problem head on and help out the symbi-warriors. So I was wondering if you could whip up something that could quickly heal my broken arm & shoulder and help me be able to help the others.
Lisa (S.C.M.R.O.): Hmmm... you make a very compelling case. I may have a solution, come with me.
Luan: Ok.
Luan follows her.
Back to Golden Hybrid Industries, we see Risk Lana running through the halls, looking for Domain Wolfe.
Risk Lana: DOMAIN WOLFE!!!
Security guards came out with guns, shooting at Risk Lana, who quickly evaded them and wildly attacks the security guards, smashing their heads in and ramming them through the walls, leaving them injured and unconscious.
Risk Lana was growling impatiently as she wanted to get her claws at Domain Wolfe and make him pay for his crimes. She then reached a large, blue lighted room full of space.
???: I'm not hard to find child...
Risk Lana looks ahead to find Domain Wolfe walking through the halls, staring coldly at the angry tomboy symbi-warrior. Soon, Alpha Lori and Power Lynn caught up with Risk Lana.
Alpha Lori: Risk, don't run off on your own like that!
Power Lynn: (Looks at Domain Wolfe) So you're the Hybrid Chief here?
Domain Wolfe: I've been expecting you three to show up here, I've been looking for an extra supply of symbiote DNA for my hybrid army to be everlasting.
Alpha Lori: I can't believe you, you would abduct animals from all over the world to turn them into your own bio android monsters and now you're planning to do the same with the people of royal woods & so on!
Power Lynn: Yeah, you're just like Tetherby but worse!
Domain Wolfe: Do not compare me to that old fool, Lord Tetherby was a powerful rich man but was highly arrogant and hungry for more power and wealth. My motives are a different story... I plan to bring evolution upon this world, everyone and everything shall be changed for the better.
Alpha Lori: For the better?! You're forcing change!!
Domain Wolfe: It's all for the name of cause, I plan to save royal woods and all of the world, with my vast knowledge and your symbiotes, I can assure a peaceful world under my vision. Those who stand by me will know true peace and those who stand against me will perish in the process.
Power Lynn: Well wolfe, it's a shame you won't achieve this insane dream Behind Bars!
Domain Wolfe: So you've made your choice.... (closes his eyes with a cold frown) Very well then, Skull Lasher...
The three symbi-warriors heard a low growl as they saw Skull Lasher, now a symbiote empowered werewolf, stomping into the room.
Alpha Lori: Gasp!
Power Lynn: Skull Lasher!
Domain Wolfe: Destroy them.
Werewolf Skull Lasher let out a loud howl before she runs towards the three and tackles Power Lynn through the walls. Alpha Lori forms six tendril arms with blades and lunged at Domain but a swift blur tackles Alpha Lori to another room, leaving Domain Wolfe with Risk Lana.
Domain Wolfe: And then there was one.
Risk Lana: All those animals you've captured... they had lives, family and freedom in the wild... (growls angrily) You had no right... YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE ALL THAT AWAY FROM THEM OR THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD!!!
Domain Wolfe: (Cold stare) It is all for the greater good of this world, I shall be it's successor and save this world to lead it in a new age.
Risk Lana was growling ferociously as she was twitching and tendrils started coming out of her suit.
Risk Lana: (Menacing voice; slithering tone) You won't get away with thissssss... I WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THISSSSSSS!!!!
Black and Blue ooze erupted from Risk Lana's body as she was engulfed by the symbiote. Domain stood there with a cold stare, unfazed by the venomized creature Lana has become.
Standing at 10 ft tall was a berserk Risk Lana with drastic changes; Her mask morphed into a head of a lion with sinister white eyes, sharp fangs, nose, ears and a long mane. She had a muscular body with an armored face of a toad on the chest, shoulder armor comprised of a snake and an antelope, has a right muscular arm of a lizard and a left muscular arm of an ape, turtle like legs with bear like feet, a scorpion tail & two wings on her back; The left wing of a bat and the right wing of a hawk.
Risk Lana looked like a Vemonized Chimera.
The Berserk Risk let out a primal roar which shook the entire building while Domain Wolfe remains unfazed by the monstrous symbi-warrior.
Domain Wolfe: So this is your true form, huh?
To be continued....
(Chapter 35 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my sketches of Skull Lasher and Risk Lana and let me know what you think of it! Domain Wolfe has mutated Skull Lasher into a symbiote empowered werewolf (Special Thanks to the fellow reader, ElCogedor05 for the werewolf idea for Skull Lasher, credit goes to him.), Luan made have a solution to resolve this heinous problem of hers and Risk Lana has gone BERSERK! What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter! This is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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