Chapter 34 (Remastered): Luan's Return, A sudden Blueprint & A Kidnapping

It was a partly cloudy day over the loud house as Rita and Lynn Sr went to go pick up Luan from the hospital, meaning that Lori was in charge for the day.

Everyone was doing their own thing. Lori was talking to Bobby via video chat, Leni was designing her newest dress, Luna was talking to Sam on the phone while she was writing a song, Lynn was playing Soccer with Ava, Lucy was writing a new poem, Lola was getting ready for her next pageant, Lana was in the garage fixing something, Lisa was focusing on her experiment in her secret lab in the basement while Lily was fast asleep and Lincoln was in his room, studying for the upcoming exams. While the white haired loud was busy with his work, the door was kicked open as Lola came in.

Lola: Lincoln! I need you to help me out with my training for the annual supreme princess pageant!

Lincoln: I can't right now, Lola. I'm busy at the moment.

Lola: (annoyed) Busy? Tch! All you're doing is reading comics-

Lincoln: I'm not reading comics, I'm busy with my work & studying for the upcoming exams in school. If I don't study and pass the exam, mom and dad will send me to summer school-

Lola: Not my problem, now let's go! I need to know which dress I'm gonna wear or which routine I'm gonna use to best Lindsey Sweetwater & the others!

Lincoln: (annoyed) Lola! I'm busy with my studies, ask someone else!

Lola: (angry) You better assist me with my pageant training right now or else! I will not lose this pageant to Lindsey Sweetwater! 'Cause if I do, you're gonna pay-

Lori: (enters the room) What is going on?!

Lola: Lincoln won't help me out with my training for the annual supreme princess pageant!

Lincoln: I told Lola that I can't right now, I'm busy with my studies but she's too stubborn to take No for an answer!

Lola: (glares angrily) Whatta you say?! How dare you-


Lincoln and Lola instantly kept quiet.

Lori: Lola, obviously, Lincoln is trying to study. If he's busy with his work, he can't help you right now.

Lola: That's not fair!

Lori: Life's literally not fair, Lola. Lincoln was already on thin ice before with Mom and Dad after the Chandler fiasco and suspension to keep up on his work, he doesn't need you in his case. Everyone is getting ready to the last two weeks of school so they can have time for summer but all you're doing is driving them away from their own work to help you with yours!

Lola: But he-

Lori: I don't want to hear it, let Lincoln study or you won't be going to your pageant at all. Am I clear?

Lola sighs in annoyance.

Lola: (through gritted teeth) Fine...

Lola gives Lincoln one final glare that spelled "This isn't over!" before stomping out of the room. Lincoln rolls his eyes as he slightly smiles at Lori.

Lincoln: Thanks Lori.

Lori: No problem little brother. I understand you have that exam coming up but don't overwork yourself, okay?

Lincoln: Okay. How's your high school thing coming along?

Lori: Literally great, I'm almost up to graduation week. Living a double life as a superhero/soon to be in a college girl.

Lincoln: Yeah. If I ace this test, I'll be in middle school.

Lori ruffles Lincoln's hair.

Lori: I know you can do it. We all get nervous during these times, I should know, I've been in your shoes on trying to ace a test. You'll be okay.

Lincoln: Thanks.

Lori: No problem.


A few hours later, Vanzilla arrived at the loud house as Lynn Sr parked it in the driveway. He and Rita exited the van along with Luan loud, who was wearing a black and yellow shoulder & arm brace cast.

Lynn Sr: Alright Luan, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask us.

Luan: Sure dad but don't worry about it, I'm pretty "handy" (waves her free hand) hahaha! Get it?

Lynn Sr chuckles while Rita rolls her eyes with a smile.

Rita: Alright you two, let's head on inside. I bet the others will be very glad to see you.

Luan: Okay.

The three head up to the front porch and open the door, seeing Lori in the couch, Luna & Leni coming down the stairs and Lana appearing from the garage as they saw Rita, Lynn Sr and Luan at the front door.

Luna, Leni, Lori & Lana: Luan!

The four siblings ran towards Luan to hug her but were stopped by Rita.

Rita: Hold on there kids. Don't charge in head on, you'll accidentally re-injure luan's arm and shoulder.

Leni: Oh. Sorry.

The four siblings gave Luan a soft hug.

Leni: It's great to have you back, Luan. It's been like, for 5 weeks.

Luan: Uhhh, Leni I was only gone for 1 day.

Leni: Oooooh, right. Sorry.

Luna: Still, it's great see ya lu. If you need anything, we'll be there in a heartbeat.

Luan: I appreciate the "handy" assist but I'm not helpless or anything. It's only one shoulder and one arm broken. But I'll still need a hand or four, six or ten if I ask, Okay?

Luna: Okay.

Lynn Sr: I'll go prepare lunch for you all. (Leaves to the kitchen)

Rita: Any trouble while we were gone?

Lori: Nothing too serious, had a little trouble with Lola but things were sorted out.

Rita: Ok, glad you sorted things out. Well I'm going to go check on Lily.

Rita heads upstairs, Luna and Luan head upstairs to their room but bumped into Lynn, Ava and Lucy.

Lynn: Hey Luan, welcome back.

Lucy: Sigh... it is wonderful that you are not in a cycle of pain and blood loss. I'd hate to plan a funeral for my sibling.

Ava looks at Lucy.

Ava: That's... a bit overdoing it there, spooky.

Luan: Ok.... Well it's good to see you guys too!

Luna: Want us to sign your cast, dude?

Luan: Hehehe. I'd be insulted if you didn't.

Lucy heads back to her room and comes back with some markers as she, Lynn, Luna and Ava signed Luan's cast.

Luan: Thanks you guys.

Luna: No problem lu.

Lynn: Don't mention it.

Lynn and Ava head back to their room while lucy... pretty much disappeared.

Luna: So Lu, wanna hear my new song?

Luan: Sure.

The comedian and the rocker head into their room.


Meanwhile in the underground lab of Golden Hybrid Industries, we see Izzy working double time as the sample of the Risk Symbiote was synthesized and replicated while she injected it into the hybrids, empowering them with the symbiote serum as they were changing, developing into carnivorous, risk-like hybrids.

Domain Wolfe was watching this with a cold glance as he was pleased by the results.

Domain Wolfe: Excellent work, Ms. Wyatt. The hybrid project is reaching maximum progress thanks to the sample from one of the Symbi-warriors, now my army is going stronger than ever.

Izzy: N-no problem, sir.

Domain Wolfe: I believe a test is in order... send some of the Symbiote Hybrids out to show off their capabilities, bring some human or animal subjects in and if the symbi-warriors and delta marvel force get in the way... bring them to their knees.

Izzy: U-Understood Sir.


Back to the loud house, Luan was practicing her juggling which was hard to do with one arm but what the hey, she thought as the comedian decided to try it.

Luan: C'mon, c'mon.... (starting to get the hang of it) Almost got it, haha... hahaha... hahaha! Nice, I got it! Talk about the one armed girl in the juggling contest, hahaha! Get it-

But her groove was thrown off as the tennis balls bounced on her head.

Luan: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oof! Ack! (Eyes rolling around like crazy with stars spinning over her head) Oooo, juggling stars, hehehe... get it?

Then she saw her nightmare self in the mirror. Luan shook her head and groans, hoping that this was another dream.

Nightmare Luan: You can't escape from the ghost of April fools day... or deny what you really are inside, Hahahahahaha!

Luan: Shut up.... SHUT UP!!!

Luna got shocked as Luan busted the mirror with a bowling pin while comedian collapsed to her knees, sobbing. Luna puts down her guitar and jumped from her top bunk to go comfort the comedian.

Luna: Luan, what's wrong?

Luan: (sniffs; in tears) L-Luna... am I a monster....?

Luna: What? No, dude. What made you say something like that?

Luan then explained the nightmare she had in the hospital, not leaving out any details as the comedian started sobbing loudly with Luna hugging her.

Luna: Sssshhhh... it's okay lu.

Luan: Sniff... sob.. I-I know that my pranks can be... overboard... but I want to make people l-laugh, not hurt, especially you guys... I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry... (sobs)

Luna: Look luan, we all know how chaotic your pranks are on April Fools day, we all know how crazy you get when you go all out but you're our sis luan, not a heartless monster dude. We all love you and wouldn't think less of ya.

Luan looks up at Luna with a teary eyed smiled.

Luan: Sniff... Thanks Luna.

Luna: No problem. C'mon, I'll help ya clean up the mirror.

Luan: Right.

The two clean up the broken mirror shards from the ground.


This afternoon, The louds all gathered in Vanzilla as they went to watch Lola and her performance in the annual supreme princess pageant. Ava asked the loud parents that could she be excused from attending the pageant on account that she had a "school project" to do with her friends, the loud parents allowed her to be excused.

But what Ava was really doing was meeting up with Delta Marvel Force members Hawk Spider, Colossa and Darkpool as they noticed hybrid attacks report in the north & south of royal woods. Ava dawned her skull lasher suit as she got to work.

Skull Lasher: So you spotted another hybrid attack?

Hawk Spider: Yeah, we picked up a hybrid attack sighting in the north and south parts of royal woods. I sent Tech Knight, Ruby Spider, Sapphire Spider, Wildslash and Ms. Mirage to the north while we check out the situation in the south.

Skull Lasher: Alright, let's go.

Darkpool: Wait! There's one more person coming.

Skull Lasher: Who?

On que, something was seen jumping through the air and landed near Skull Lasher and the three delta marvel force members. It was Sam Sharp aka Bombshell.

Colossa: (stern) You're late, Hulk trainee.

Bombshell: (rubs the back of her head; smiles sheepishly) Hehe, sorry about that. I was helping Simon with his homework.

Skull Lasher: Well now that you're here, let's hunt down these hybrids.

Darkpool: Yeah! Let's chop some heads! Hahahahahaha!

The five heroes head further into the south of royal woods to investigate the hybrid threat. Upon arriving, they heard screams and roars followed by loud crashes as the five heroes saw people running for their lives as bio animal hybrids were wrecking the city and abducting some citizens but something looked off about the hybrids.

The hybrids indeed look menacing, some look repulsive and hideous while others looked armored up and empowered but all of them were coated in something, like living parasitic organisms. Almost like a... symbiote.

Darkpool: Oh boy, looks those hybrids went on a symbiote diet.

Skull Lasher: (sniffs) I smell lana's & risk's scent all over these creatures, like the risk symbiote is bonded to them.

Darkpool: But that's not possible, these abnormal symbiotes are permanently bonded with the seven louds as they told us, not even the weaknesses of the symbiotes themselves can break them up, especially soundwaves.

Hawk Spider: True but it doesn't mean that one can't get a sample out of them.

Darkpool: What are you-Ooooh... the fight with the Chee-hawk.

Colassa: The hybrid you were fighting must've tore a piece of lana's risk symbiote and allowed Domain Wolfe to synthesize more and create those (Points to the hybrids).

Bombshell: Guys... they spotted us!

The symbiote empowered animal hybrids were running towards the five heroes. Hawk Spider readies his bow and gadget arrows, Darkpool pulls out her swords, Skull Lasher's metal claws came out, Colossa and Bombshell got into fighting stance.

Darkpool: Let's dance!

The five heroes charged at the hybrids, engaging in battle. Hawk Spider was taking on 7 symbiote falcon/lizard hybrids, who was firing sharp bladed talons at the spider agent. He was dodging the projectiles as he fired his electrocution arrows at each of the hybrids, shocking them. However to Hawk Spider's surprise, the electrocution arrows weren't doing much damage to the 7 flying hybrids, it only stunned them for a bit and made them angrier as they let out a blood curdling roar.

Hawk Spider narrowed his eyes as he presses a button on his bow, causing it to contort and reform into a high tech Dao sword.

Hawk Spider: This will take a while, not that I'm complaining. I like a challenge.

He lunged at the 7 flying symbiote animal hybrids. Meanwhile, Darkpool was fighting her own share of symbiote empowered hybrids; each were hammerhead shark/praying mantis beasts. The merc with a mouth's apprentice was clashing blades with said hybrids, slicing some of them away.

Darkpool: Ngh! Now that's something ya don't see everyday, a freaky hammerhead shark and praying mantis combo platter! Hya!

She dodges the bladed arms, jumping over the hybrids heads to get some distance. The hybrids roared as they charged at Darkpool with arm blades ready to slice away at the hero, who counters with her own blades.

Darkpool: Dang it! These things won't quit but that's okay, neither do I!

As she was fighting them off, we cut to Colossa and Bombshell, who was fighting their own hybrids; Symbiote empowered Ape combined with a Bear.

Colossa: Get ready for your first lesson as a hulk, Sam. When we're up against opponents like these, we hulks always....

Bombshell: Smash 'em!

Colossa: Right!

The two she hulks then charged at the goliath looking hybrids, taking the fight to them. Colossa hits a couple of strong hits to a few hybrids, grabs one by the legs and spins it around, hitting other hybrid and throwing the one she's holding into a truck. Bombshell then hits some heavy fists to some hybrids, delivers a knee strike to one of them & does a handstand and spins around, using her steel strong legs to nail the hybrids with a handstand spinning kick, knocking them down.

Bombshell: Rockin'!

Bombshell backflipped, landing on her feet next to Colossa. The two she hulks turns to the destroyed hybrids which were slowly getting up, their bodies pulling themselves together, the damage received from Colossa and Bombshell disappearing due to the symbiotes healing as the Ape/Bear hybrids beat their chests with their fists as they let out a primal roar.

Bombshell: Dang it.

Colossa: Looks like we have to smash 'em double time til they can't reconstruct themselves.

Bombshell: Got it.

The two she hulks charged at the ape/bear hybrids, heating up a massive battle. Meanwhile, Skull Lasher was busy some hybrids of her own as she was sinking her metal claws into them and shredding the beasts apart.

Skull Lasher: Ha! I'm loving these metal claws! What else you monsters got?!

The destroyed hybrids started reforming and regenerating their lost limbs, becoming good as new.

Skull Lasher: Apparently.... a lot.

Then the hybrids suddenly moved aside as a bigger one appeared; It was a symbiote crossed hybrid between a crab spider and a jellyfish, almost bigger than a mall, sharp fangs and claws, blue & black symbiote empowered exoskeleton with glowing edges of a jellyfish, multiple spider like eyes and long jellyfish tendril  stingers on its underside.

The giant hybrid let out a loud screech as it launched its stingers at Skull Lasher.

Skull Lasher: Whoa!

She dodges the stingers as more were coming, she uses her metal claws to slash some of the stingers in half. The crab spider/jellyfish hybrid let out a pained yet highly angry screech as it launched more stingers at Skull Lasher, who continues to slice and dice them but was grabbed by the incoming stingers.

Skull Lasher: Ngh! Let me go!

The stingers glowed as the hybrid delivers a electrical wave to Skull Lasher, shocking her.

Skull Lasher: Aaaaagggghhh!!!!

The crab spider/jellyfish hybrid then uses its stingers to squeeze Skull Lasher and slam her into the road, various cars and stores.

Skull Lasher: Agh! Gaah! Ooof! Ack!

After that, the hybrid brought Skull up to its face, staring her in the eyes with a horrifying gaze.

Skull Lasher: (injuries healing) Two words ugly: breath mint. And I'm gonna personally gut the living daylights out of ya, eight legged, fish beast!

Skull Lasher's claws came out but before she could free herself, the crab spider/jellyfish hybrid shot her with purple smoke from it's mouth.

Skull Lasher: Cough, Cough, Cough!! What was that?! What the... heck... getting sleeeeepy....

Skull Lasher then fell unconscious as the crab spider/jellyfish hybrid turned to leave with Skull Lasher in its grasp. Hawk Spider knocks the flying hybrids back and saw Skull Lasher being abducted by one of the hybrids.

Hawk Spider: Skull Lasher!

He tries to run after them but more hybrids got in his way as he fought them off while the crab spider/jellyfish hybrid escaped with Skull Lasher.

Hawk Spider: Grrr...

Darkpool: I'm not liking this!

Hawk Spider: I'll alert the Symbi-warriors of the situation.


Meanwhile, night falls back at the loud house, the family came back home with Lola running upstairs with an enraged scream. Why? She came in second place of the annual supreme princess pageant & lost to a newcomer named Gabrielle. At least she didn't lose to Lindsey Sweetwater but still Lola wasn't the first place winner and that angered me.

Rita: I'll go try to cheer her up with some ice cream.

Lynn Sr: I'll take Lily upstairs to sleep and then I'll make dinner.

The two parents with Lily went upstairs.

Leni: I better give Chaz a call, our date is coming up tomorrow, EEEE!!

Luan: That's great leni, yaawwwnnn... man I'm beat. Well better hit the hay, Hehehehe.

As Leni and Luan went upstairs, Lisa got a message on her communicator.

Lisa: Lisa Loud speaking.

Hawk Spider: We require your assistance from north and south of royal woods, Symbi-warriors. Hybrids have appeared and are running amok, they also possessed symbiote capabilities due to a fragment of the Risk Symbiote being synthesized into their bodies.

Lana: WHAT?!

Hawk Spider: Skull Lasher was abducted by one of the hybrids, we'll need some back-up.

Lynn: Oh no! Ava!

Lisa: On it.

Hawk Spider ended transmission.

Lana: It's bad enough that Domain guy is abducting animals and turning them into bio hybrid monsters, he took a piece of MY symbiote to make more?! Grrrrrrrr... I'm going to hunt him down and make him pay!

Lana runs out of the house.

Lori: Lana wait!

Lana was already gone, transforming into her alter ego Risk Lana and web slinging towards the city.

Lincoln: We better go after her.

Luna: Yeah.

Lynn: Right. We have to put an end to this hybrid madness.

Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn and Lucy head out of the house, Lisa activated the S.C.M.R.O. (Symbiotic Cyber Metal reflect orb) to transform into exact copies of the seven louds, including herself as Lisa joins the group to head into town.


Meanwhile in Luna and Luan's room, we see the comedian asleep in her bed after feeling very tired from watching Lola's pageant, wanting to skip dinner and head straight to bed.

However, Luan was tossing and turning in her sleep, groaning and whimpering as if she was having another nightmare.

Luan: No... no... please... noooo....

Luan was hyperventilating in her sleep, showing utter terror on her face as she suddenly sat up, eyes widened and the look of terror instantly vanished into a near emotionless expression as if she was in a trans followed by light snoring as she got out of bed.

Luan was walking in her sleep.

She walks towards her desk as Luan pulled a notebook out from under her desk and set it up, getting out a pencil. The sleep walking comedian uses her unbroken hand to open the notebook and turns the pages to find an empty page. Using her free hand, the sleep walking Luan begins writing and drawing something in the notebook.

It took a few minutes but the sleep walking Luan finished what she was jolting down in the notebook. She puts down the pencil and walks back to her bed, collapsing on her back as she was fully asleep.

The camera zoomed in on luan's notebook.... as the drawing itself looked some sort of blueprint for unusual looking weapons & gadgets.

To be continued.....

(Chapter 34 is remastered and finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my sketches. Luan's out of the hospital, She reveals her nightmare to Luna, the new Risk Symbiote empowered hybrids were unleashed and Lana is out for blood. Also, Skull Lasher getting kidnapped is part 1 of an idea given to me as a suggestion by a reader named ElCogedor05 so credit goes to him for it, Part 2 of the idea will be revealed next chapter. As for Luan and the unusual blueprint of gadgets she drew in her sleep, what could this mean?! Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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