Chapter 33 (Remastered): Luan's Mysterious Dream & An Eerie Discovery
It was night time in royal woods as we cut to the loud house. While Leni, Lola, Lily and the loud parents were asleep in their rooms, we see Lincoln, Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lisa and Ava in pajamas all sitting in the living room as Lincoln and Lana explained the situation with Luan.
Lori: So Luan saw you change into your symbiote forms?
Luna: And you fought a cheetah and a hawk hybrid?
Lynn: And Luan pelted the hybrid with pies to get it away from you two?
Lincoln and Lana nodded.
Lincoln: It was a good thing that Darkpool got to us and fought off the chee-hawk as we got Luan to the ambulance or we would've lost her.
Lana: Yeah. Luan even promised that she would keep our secret too.
Luna: Glad she did and thanks for helping her dudes.
Luna hugs them both.
Lynn: These hybrids popping up randomly outta nowhere.
Ava: It's starting to get troublesome. We need to find where they're coming from.
Lori: Lisa, Have you found out more about this Golden Hybrid Industries?
Lisa: As a matter of fact, I did. Amy and I did some research and found some interesting facts about the company as well as the business man in charge.
Lynn: So whatcha got?
Lisa: The business man in charge is known as Jonas "Domain" Wolfe the 2nd, CEO of Golden Hybrid Industries for Animal Resources, Research and development. A second generation prodigy who has achieved this statue through his bloodline & hard work, a multi-billionaire who's helped kept rare animals & endangered species safe from others who would try to sell them or kill them as well as perform many charity events all over the globe. You could say that he outranks even Lord Tetherby in statue and riches.
Ava: Ok then, so what's he got to do with these Hybrid Androids running wild?
Lisa: I'm getting to that, I noticed that Wolfe was very, very intrigued with animal life throughout his travels like his father before him, who mysteriously "died" when Wolfe was 17 years old. When He turned 18, Wolfe gained control of the company and has been researching various animal species, I noticed that some animals have been missing for a while in various wild life, including forests in royal woods.
Lana: What're you saying, lisa?
Lisa: I'm saying that Wolfe is abducting, experimenting on animals and making them into bio android hybrids.
Lincoln, Lori, Lynn, Luna, Lucy and Ava were shocked while Lana had an enraged look on her face.
Lana: (angry) WHAT?!?!
Lori: Shhhhhhh! Do you want to wake the neighborhood...?
Lana: (whispers; still angry) How can he do this?! Those animals had their own lives, their own family & freedom! What gives that jerk the right to experiment on them?!
Lincoln: If so, how come Wolfe hasn't been arrested?
Lisa: Well for one, Wolfe has major wealth and a team of highly professional lawyers at his disposal, he has been sued various times but he always came on top in court, ruining other companies in the process. The second reason is that no one has been able to prove what Domain was doing with the animals he's researching & some that tried to prove it ended up missing before they could reveal Wolfe's plans.
Lucy: Gasp.
Lisa: It proves that Jonas "Domain" Wolfe is a very dangerous individual, even more so than Tetherby could ever be. Amy and I haven't found out what Mr. Wolfe's true intentions are with these hybrids but I can say that things are about to take the turn for the worse.
Lana: I won't let him get away with this, messing around with animals and their wild life... thisssss... will not sssstand.
The six louds and symbiotes noticed the slithering tone in lana's voice with risk's.
Lana: (shook her head) I-I gotta go to bed, we'll finish this talk tomorrow, good night.
Lynn: Lana?
Lana: (dark glare) I sssssaid... good night...
Lana heads upstairs without a word.
Lynn: You guys notice that, right?
Power: Yeah... I think Lana and Risk are going through that change....
Lori: We better keep an eye on them.
Alpha: Indeed. Risk has always had a soft spot for wild life as Lana showed him the wonders of animals.
Echo: Yeah, if this isn't solved... both Lana and Risk will freak out and go berserk.
Luna: We'll look out for our lil sis. Don't you worry.
Lynn: Yeah. We got this.
Omega: I hope so.
Lincoln: It'll be okay, Omega. We're a family and includes you and your symbiote brothers and sisters, we won't let anything happen to you guys.
The female symbiote sighs in relief.
Omega: Thanks Lincoln.
Lincoln: No problem. Let's head back to bed.
Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lisa and Ava: Yeah.
They all head upstairs to their rooms to get some sleep but were unaware that the hybrid situation was about to get worse.
Meanwhile within the lab of Golden Hybrid Industries, Izzy was knocked against the wall.
Izzy: Eep!
The female scientist slowly turns to Domain Wolfe, who had a soulless glare.
Domain Wolfe: (cold tone) So another hybrid failed to bring down the symbi-warriors, let alone two of them.
Izzy: I-It was a simple m-mistake, it was close to b-bringing the two symbi-warriors down if not for that merc hero from t-that other team-
Domain Wolfe: No. Excuses. I'm about to bring forth a new era of evolution upon this world, I won't have it delayed by the symbi-warriors, the delta marvel force, S.H.I.E.L.D or anything, including your mistakes & excuses. (Cold stare) Don't forget Izzy, you are expendable so give me one, good reason why I shouldn't push the button and end your humanity right now....
Izzy was as a pale as a ghost.
Izzy: (pleads) N-no, please! A-Anything but THAT.
Domain Wolfe: You have 10 seconds.... 10... 9... 8... 7...
Izzy was in full panic mode as she tries to think of something and quickly.
Domain Wolfe: 6... 5... 4...
Izzy: (thinking) What'll I do?! What'll I do?! I don't want to go through THAT! Gotta think! Gotta think! Wait a minute... the DNA sample!
Domain Wolfe: 3... 2... 1-
Izzy: W-Wait! I have s-something!
Domain Wolfe: Go on...
Izzy: W-when the Cheetah/Hawk hybrid came back i-injured, I was tending to it when I-I noticed a substance deep in its claws. I managed to put it in a vial.
Izzy pulls out a vial which had some moving blue slime substance inside but it wasn't just some ordinary slime... it was a piece of the Risk Symbiote.
Domain Wolfe laid eyes upon the substance and knew exactly what it was.
Domain Wolfe: Hmmm... Interesting. I've heard of the symbiote and it's vast powers, this could speed up my hybrid projects. Well done, Dr. Wyatt... start replicating and synthesizing the symbiote sample to add to my hybrids immediately.
Izzy sighs in relief.
Izzy: Y-yes Sir... I'll get to work S-straight away.
At royal woods hospital, we cut to one of the rooms where Luan was sleeping in her bed as she was turning her head and mumbling in her sleep while having some sort of dream.
Inside said dream, we see Luan running through the empty streets of Royal woods at night with a look of fear on her face as she was running from something while hearing strange yowling noises around her.
The comedian turns around and saw a horde of Chee-hawks running after her with hungry, bloodshot eyes and foaming at the mouth as they wanted to rip Luan apart and devour her. Luan screams and runs as she found a parked bike and got on it, quickly peddling away from the horde, who was chasing after her.
Reaching the neighborhood, Luan made it to the loud house as she quickly heads inside and locks the door. Luckily, the Chee-hawk horde went passed the loud house to continue their pursue. Luan breathes heavily as she looks around, seeing the living room dark and strangely quiet.
Luan: Hello...?
Luan then heads upstairs to see if her siblings were here.
Luan: Guys? Anyone here?
Luan then looks in each room upstairs but there was no sign of Lori, Leni, Luna, Lynn, Ava, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa or Lily.
Luan was getting nervous as she heads downstairs to find the loud parents but there was no sign of them in their room either.
Luan: Nononono... Where are they?!
Luan checked the dining room, no luck. She checked the kitchen, nothing. She checked the backyard, nada. The only place she hasn't checked was the basement, Luan gulps as she went downstairs, it was completely dark down there and as much as Luan wanted to do a joke about dark humor, now was not the time.
Luan walks down the steps which creaked as she descended into the dark basement.
Luan: Hello? Is anyone down here? Lori? Luna? Anybody?
Then she heard something in the darkness, it sounded like a creepy chuckle.
Hehehe.... hehehehehehe...
Luan nearly jumped as she heard the chuckle, which started to grow in laughter. Maniacal laughter.
Hehehe... hehehahahaahahaha.... Haaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Luan: I-Is someone there?! Come out!
???: Very well but just remember, you asked for this...
Suddenly, the basement was illuminated in green via candles as Luan screamed in horror at what she saw. The loud parents, loud siblings and Ava were all in chains, their skin sickly pale, emotionless red eyes and looked very ill.
Luan: Guys! What happened to you?! Who did this?! Please talk to me!
None of them answered as if they couldn't hear her.
Luan: G-Guys?
???: Don't bother.... they're merely shells of their former selves after what I did to them.
Luan: Who are you?! Show yourself!
Luan looks around the basement for the source of the voice but she didn't notice her shadow was rising behind her, taking form as it reached out and grabs Luan by the shoulder and forcefully turns her around.
???: Isn't it obvious?
Luan's eyes widened as she saw the figure staring her in the eyes.
???: I'm you, Hahaha!
It was another Luan except she had wilder light brown hair in a ponytail, pale skin with yellow green veins, fangs, claws, crazy yellow green eyes and was wearing a black cloak.
Nightmare Luan: Aww, that's quite a shocker, hahaha! But that's what years of crazy pranks and filled with madness would do to you or me or us.
Luan: Get away from me! You're not me!
Nightmare Luan: Of course I'm you, we both love to get a laugh out of someone & pranks... (grins evilly) especially on April Fools day when our pranking mind is at its peak where we instill fear and pain to everyone who crosses us.
Luan: I don't use my pranks to hurt people, sure they're kinda rough but not lethal!
Nightmare Luan: Still that didn't stop you from causing harm with your pranks to your family. (Points to the parents, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily and Ava who are in chains)
Luan: I didn't do this to them! You are the one who did this to them!
Nightmare Luan: You know you're blaming yourself since I'm you.
Luan: Shut up! I'm not like you, I only want to make people laugh and feel joy, not pain and fear!
Nightmare Luan: You can't deny what we are Luan...
Luan started to back away from her nightmare half, who started to get taller and more menacing.
Nightmare Luan: You can never deny what we are... what YOU are! A prankster of complete carnage! How can you say that you'll protect your siblings when you can't even protect them from a rampaging hybrid or especially yourself?
Luan: (covers her ears) No! Nonono!
Nightmare Luan: To everyone, you're a twisted jester, a diabolical joker, a laughing monster... AN APRIL FOOLS CRAZED GOBLIN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Luan screamed in horror as she drowned in darkness and Nightmare Luan's insane laughter.
Luan woke up with a loud gasp, quickly looking around as she was back in her hospital bedroom. The comedian was breathing heavily as she tries to regain her composure from the nightmare she just had.
Luan: Huff... huff... huff... what kind of dream was that...?
She remembers the words her nightmare half said.
Prankster of complete carnage...
Twisted jester...
Diabolical joker...
Laughing monster...
An April fools crazed Goblin... Goblin... Goblin...........
Luan shook her head.
Luan: No, I'm not who she says I am... I can't let that overwhelm my state of mind, once I'm healed I'll do anything I can to protect my family from harm... even if I'm the cause of harm...
To be continued....
(Chapter 33 is Remastered & Finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. The symbi-warriors learn from Lisa of Domain Wolfe's history and dangerous statue, Lana could be close to going berserk but long will she have? Domain got a hold of a piece of the Risk Symbiote and plans use it to his advantage & Luan has a mysterious yet bizarre nightmare, what shall she do? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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